Spring in nature hometown. Essay on the theme “Spring. Essay on the theme "Spring" with a plan

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On this page we have collected several of our essays. In an essay on the theme of spring, you can use the description of a painting by some artist, you can describe in your own words the nature and beauty of the spring forest, various natural phenomena.

1. Essay about spring

I love spring more than other seasons. This is not surprising. Spring gives me a feeling of joy, coming changes, a special spring mood.

The first rays of the spring sun say that a long and difficult winter has passed, there will be no more bitter frosts, blizzards and snow drifts, a new amazing and joyful time has come. The breath of spring is felt throughout. She awakens the still dormant nature to a new life. The sun is warming, the snow is melting, the drops are ringing, fast streams are running. All around rejoices and sings, rejoicing at the arrival of spring. I especially love listening to the spring drop choir. This is amazing and incomparable music, created by nature, tired of the long winter.

It's cold and frosty at night, winter doesn't go away and doesn't give up without a fight. But in the afternoon, spring more and more comes into its own. There is less and less snow, the birds are singing and chirping loudly, welcoming the spring. The trees are already waking up from their winter sleep. Buds have swollen on their branches, the first leaves are ready to appear. Even the spring wind is not like the winter wind. He, though still cold, but gentle and smells of spring.

For all nature, it is time for renewal in spring. You just need to find yourself in a spring forest to see how nature awakens around. Lightness and joy are felt in everything here. The first gentle rays of the sun illuminate the land freed from snow and ice. Sunbeams happily jump between trees waking up from winter sleep. And the first spring flowers are already appearing on the thawed patches. These are snowdrops. In some places the earth is covered with melted dark snow, and these small and delicate blue flowers are already making their way to the light and warmth, pleasing the eye with bright colors. They stubbornly reach for the sun even through last year's snow.

Snowdrops appear in the glades so amicably that it seems as if a piece of blue spring sky lies on the ground. I don't want to pick such flowers, you can only admire them.

Truly, spring is the most long-awaited time. And it certainly comes after the rainy autumn and cold, frosty, endless winter.

2. The season is spring

Spring came. There will be no more low-hanging clouds and snowfalls. A bright sun shines in the clear blue sky. The days are noticeably longer. Still stands in the morning slight frost, but the higher the sun rises, the warmer it gets and the faster the snow melts. During the day, the spring sun warms more and more, streams flow everywhere. Spring ringing drops and streams are the first messengers of spring and approaching warmth. And with him comes joy and new life.

With the arrival of spring, the whole world is filled with music. It replaces the winter silence and howling of the wind. The ringing of drops, the murmur of streams, the cheerful chirping of birds - everything speaks of the onset of warmth and joyful changes. There is less snow every day. It disappears in warm sunlight. The smell of spring is in the air.

All people rejoice in spring. They are already tired of snowfalls and cold, they want sun and warmth. Now you can remove the heavy winter clotheswithout fear of frost and blizzards. But children are especially happy about spring. How merrily they play under the warm sunlight, run through puddles and launch boats! Here and there it sounds funny children's laughter.

With the onset of spring, the whole world becomes bright and colorful. The white silence ended. Now everything in the world will become bright green, sky blue and shining. The first leaves appear on the trees, the first grass breaks through, and the blue sky is reflected in the river. This is real spring!

3. Description of spring - composition

Many people think that spring is the most amazing time of the year. It comes so rapidly that changes in nature are taking place literally before our eyes. Every spring day brings closer the warmest and favorite season - summer. The onset of spring creates a feeling of the arrival of something new, amazing and joyful, which is why all people are so happy about spring.

Spring is coming, and the world around becomes bright and radiant. The days are getting noticeably longer. The number of cloudy days is decreasing. Almost every spring day is bright and sunny. The snow melts, becoming dark and dirty, settles, streams flow everywhere. Every day the snow melting intensifies and there are more and more streams. On a warm spring day there is a thick fog over the field, where there is still snow. This snow melts and evaporates, rising up.

In spring you can observe a unique natural phenomenon - ice drift. The ice on the rivers gradually melts and loosens, then swells. Finally, it cracks with a deafening sound and crumbles into separate ice floes, which are caught up by the current. Many large and small ice floes float along the river, colliding and breaking, forming jams, carrying branches and logs.

The snow melts, flowing into the river, the water in the river becomes more and more. She can no longer hold onto her shores. The river goes out from their banks and overflows, flooding all the surrounding fields and meadows. Water during a spill covers a huge area. This is truly an amazing and majestic sight. Every year, a large number of wild and domestic animals die from the flooding of rivers, villages and villages suffer. However, this phenomenon also has benefits for nature. The water washes silt from the bottom of the river, throwing it into the surrounding fields. The soil after the spill becomes more fertile. When the water subsides, plants grow wildly on the renewed land, crops turn green.

In the spring, everything around quickly turns green. The first grass breaks out of the ground as soon as the snow melts. It grows rapidly, catching every warm ray of the sun.

4. Composition-miniature - spring (mini, 3rd grade)

The winter has passed. Spring has come. Nature is tired of snow and frost. She changed with the first rays of the sun. Everything around became cheerful and joyful, shone with bright colors. The sun warms up more and more. There is less snow, thawed patches appear on the ground. The sky became bluer and brighter, and the air smelled of spring. Birds also feel the beginning of spring. They fuss and rustle, rejoicing in the long-awaited spring warmth. The trees have thrown off their snow clothes and are basking in the first spring sun. But most of all, children are happy about spring. They poured out into the street, frolic and play, not afraid to freeze. Soon the first leaves will appear on the trees, the grass will turn green and real spring will come.

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Essay about spring No. 1: “The beginning of spring. Folk traditions "

Our people have always greeted spring with joy and new hopes. This is a wonderful time to awaken nature. Represented her in the image beautiful girl in a green wreath on his head. The meeting of spring was combined with the wires of winter. They made a straw effigy and burned it during a symbolic ceremony.

In the spring migratory birds arrive from the south. Every spring, cranes, wild geese, rooks, starlings, and larks return to their homeland. They go to their native forests, groves, gardens. Birds fly to lakes, swamps - to where they were born and raised. There they will build nests and hatch chicks. From ancient times it was believed that migratory birds bring spring on their wings. "The lark blessed the spring," said the old-timers.

Following the folk tradition, housewives baked larks from dough. Children ran with them in the fields and meadows and sang ritual songs. Then the baked birds were crumbled and scattered with crumbs for the arriving birds. This is one of the joyful and cheerful folk rites.

Composition number 2: "The arrival of spring"

The frosty winter lasted long. But then the end came to her. The long-awaited spring has come. The days are fine. The sun pours light and warmth on the earth. The streams are running and murmuring. The leaves turn green on the trees. Ants are crawling on the ground.

Every spring, rooks, starlings, cranes, wild geese, and larks return to their homeland from warm regions. They go to their native forests, groves, gardens. Birds fly to lakes, swamps - to where they were born and raised. There they will build nests, hatch chicks and live until autumn.

It's nice to walk in the yard on warm spring days. There are many puddles everywhere. You can launch boats on them. How wow aboutrovo in our school garden! White and pink flowers blossomed on the cherries and apple trees. Green fragrant leaves appeared on the birch.

A lot of gardening in the spring. The boys cleared all the paths, raked up dry leaves and twigs. They lay under the currant and raspberry bushes. The girls whitewashed the trees. The teacher helped the students to plant flowers on the flower beds. It will be beautiful when they grow up!

Children love their school, so they are always happy to work in the school garden. They were very happy when they saw that feathered guests settled in the birdhouses. These bird houses were made by the students in labor lessons and hung in the garden. And now birds are chirping cheerfully over their heads, as if thanks for their care.

Every day the sun warms the earth more and more affectionately. Good spring!

Essay number 3: "Description of spring"

Spring is my favorite time of the year. This is the time when nature awakens from hibernation. The first succulent grass breaks out of the ground, buds bloom on the trees, the first flowers grow. Fragrant leaves have already appeared on the birches. Gold earrings hang on alder branches. Lilies of the valley bloomed. Everything around is green, opens up towards the warm sun rays, fragrant with delicate aromas. Birds arrive from the south, various insects appear. Life boils around!

And how wonderful it is in the forest! Trees dress in green and stand, flaunting and triumphant. Forest animals rejoice in spring. A resounding, polyphonic chirping of birds is heard from all sides. Animals are swallowed up by pleasant troubles. There the hare jumps over the bumps. But the hedgehog crawled out of the mink. A fox with foxes is playing merrily in the meadow. Beauty and expanse!

The wind walks freely in the spring forest. Nothing prevents him from cheerfully swinging the earrings of the alder, affectionately stroking the young foliage. It picks up pollen, spreading it throughout the forest. The sun illuminates the bright and fluffy flowers. The forest smells of honey, flowers and spring freshness. Breathe easily and freely. Collecting nectar, bees and bumblebees hum. The first multicolored butterflies fly by. How colorful and elegant everything is!

From contemplation spring nature the soul becomes warm. And thanks to the welcoming sun, which warms the earth with gentle rays, warmth and vital energy fill the body as well. The days are getting longer and brighter. Spring symbolizes the overcoming of the kingdom of darkness, cold and evil, the rebirth of all that is good and the hope for renewal. She instills optimism, vitality and faith in changes for the better. The creative principle wins, which cannot but rejoice, evoking a sense of awe before the wisdom of the Creator.

Spring is youth, triumph of life, continuation of the family, riot of gentle beauty of nature. All this never ceases to amaze with its lively blooming beauty. There is no time of year more touching and sweeter! Long live spring!

Mini-composition number 4: "Spring in the forest"

The river came to life in the spring, freely spread out in wide waters. The earth absorbs and drinks the healing moisture.

The fine blue sky is spread out with bright azure and light white clouds. Last year's grass also revived, turned green, rejuvenated. The first spring flowers appeared: blue, dark purple, yellow and white. All nature has awakened and smiled with the friendly green smile of spring.

How good it is in the forest in May! At the beginning of the month, there is still little greenery, but many bushes and trees are already in bloom. Some plants bloom in April. And what wonderful catkins hang from a branch of an aspen, a hazel! Butterflies flutter around them, bumblebees and bees are buzzing. Warm, even soars. The clouds are gathering in the sky. The first thunder roared. Spring rain poured from the cloud. Grass began to grow faster on the ground. Oats are sown in the field. Nature is fragrant with fresh aromas. Everything blooms, everything turns green.

Spring is the most beautiful time of the year.

The story "Spring in the middle of winter"

It was winter. The branches, covered with an ice crust, broke and fell on the snow. Walking around the yard, I picked up a broken cherry branch. From the side it seemed as if it was glass. I felt sorry for the fragile twig that had suffered from the treachery of the winter blizzard. I took it home and put it in a jar of water. By evening, the twig thawed, but nothing else happened. The next days passed in agonizing anticipation. And soon a miracle happened: in the middle of winter, spring woke up. At first, timid swollen yellow buds appeared on the cherry branch. After a while, they burst, and young green leaves appeared. A pleasant spring scent of awakening nature emanated from them. And I felt so happy in my soul! With trepidation and tenderness, I personally observed how winter meets spring. And this wonderful event takes place at my home!

"Winter is not without reason angry, its time has passed," the lines from a poem by F. I. Tyutchev are spinning in my head. Well, winter doesn't have long to rule. Nature takes its toll, and soon the cold will be replaced by a thaw, and with it the awakening from the hibernation of all living things.

Topic description:for a long, long time, winter did not want to retreat, there was a lot of snow in the city, but now spring came and the warm rays of the spring sun turned snow into babbling streams. It's time to launch the paper boats!

Spring is in my city!

Spring does not come to our city right away. The snow lies for a long time, it can lie all March. And sometimes it seems that winter is not going to go away at all. Along the road, the snow is covered with a dark crust and seems not even going to melt. It is cold all month long, and at times the snowfall adds even more snow.

And so, finally, the sun began to bake stronger, and the first streams of melting snow poured along the road. On these first truly sunny days, I want to stay outside as long as possible and watch the spring come step by step.

There are puddles everywhere on the sidewalks, into which streams of streams run down. The bubbling water noisily flows into the city drains. The sun warms up more and more every day. In just a few days, only rare dark heaps in the shady corners of houses and trees will remain of the snow.

So spring comes to my favorite city. The trees are still wet and without greenery, but very soon young leaves will appear from the swollen buds. The first grass is already appearing in open areas along the park paths. Spring flowers will appear in the alleys very soon.

In the city park appeared migratory birds... They returned from warm countries and now sing joyfully, bringing the sounds of spring to my city. Very soon trees and shrubs will be covered with green foliage and the first thunderstorms with spring showers will pass. After such rains, the streets become bright and friendly in the bright glare of the spring sun. On such days, I especially love my city and enjoy the spring!

A selection of essays about "Spring" for grade 5

Essay on the theme "Spring" with a plan

  1. The arrival of spring.
  2. Spring in the city.
  3. Nature comes to life.
  4. The long-awaited time of the year.

Nature has not yet woken up
But through a thinning dream
She heard spring
And she involuntarily smiled
F. Tyutchev

The snow has not yet melted from the ground, but spring is asking for the soul. A dazzling sun shines in the clear sky. Icicles on the houses began to whimper, cry: they do not want to leave their cozy places. Merry streams began to murmur. They are silvery from the sun's rays. A bustle began in the streets. Small children are looking for a convenient moment when their mother turns away - to get into a puddle.

Spring has come to the city. On the lawns, from under the snow, the earth has already appeared, from which it smells of dampness. The pavement and sidewalk are covered with puddles, the guys start up boats and build dams. The trees are bare, but they already live, breathe. On apple trees, on bushes, on trees, buds will soon swell and small leaves will appear.

Spring, in my opinion, is the liveliest of all seasons. After all, it is with her arrival that animals wake up, birds fly in, everything around comes to life, and life seems to begin anew. Clouds disperse in the sky, and the sky turns blue. You can lie on the first grass and, looking at the sky, dream. And it becomes joyful in the soul, and you seem to be born again. Nature dresses up in bright colors. How wonderful it is to wake up in the morning to the singing of birds! How pleasant it is to go outside and breathe in the smell of the warm breeze! It smells like spring! Even people become kinder and smile more often, because spring has come, long-awaited and loved by all of us!

Essay on the theme "Spring"

Spring is the time of year that everyone is waiting for, tired of winter. Spring is often called long-awaited. The first signs of spring, it happens, appear even in winter, in February: the sun shines a little harder - and the icicles begin to melt, cheerful drops ring, reminding of the approach of spring. After that, frosts may still hit, it may snow, but everyone understands: spring is about to come, it will please with its warmth.

Spring has come. The sun begins to appear in the sky more and more often, the sky becomes brighter, thicker blue, the snow is melting with might and main and streams are running. The ground is still cold, too damp and bare, and the very first flowers, which are called snowdrops, make their way through the remnants of snow.

The composition "Spring has come"

Spring has come. A clear blue sky began to peep through the low-hanging clouds. It can be so transparent blue only in spring. Ringing streams ran along the ground. At first there were few of them, but every day they more and more often cut through the ice with their trickles. Singing early birds and ringing drops from the rooftops fill the world, spring music replaces the long winter silence and howling of the wind. Everything starts to move: birds scurry about on the branches, pearls are merrily dripping from the cornices. The snow is still hiding in dark corners, does not want to understand that with each passing hour the snowdrifts are getting smaller, they cannot hide from the warm, long-awaited sun. The days are getting longer and brighter. People are also happy about the coming spring.

Smiles appear more and more often on faces, now it's not scary to go out: the blizzard will not whirl you, your eyes will not fall asleep with snow. The guys are most happy about spring. You can take off heavy fur coats, put on rubber boots and have fun walking through puddles, launching boats.

Soon the first timid green blades of grass will peep out of the ground, the swollen buds on the trees will burst, and amazing green leaves will appear. White and gray are replaced by green and blue. Spring came!

The composition "Spring in my city"

After a long winter, the long-awaited spring has finally come to our city. The snow had melted, and only in places on the asphalt puddles of melt water glittered. On the thin branches, battered by winter frosts, the tits perched, announcing the surroundings with their sonorous voices, welcoming the spring.

To write a description essay, you need to follow several rules for writing this type of work.

How to write a description essay

Writing is a little creative work. Essays are descriptive, narrative and reasoning essays. In essays, descriptions need:

  • pay as much attention as possible to the description of an object, action or phenomenon;
  • use means of artistic expression: comparative phrases, exclamations, epithets, metaphors, and so on;
  • do not use your own opinion and reasoning, this is required only for essays-reasoning;
  • be able to structure the essay. At the beginning of the essay, it will be appropriate to use two or three introductory sentences, which will simply acquaint the reader with the main part of the essay. The main part is a complete and concise description. In conclusion, you can summarize the essay in one or more sentences.

Composition "Spring in my city"

People are always looking forward to spring. They get tired of the cold long winter, thaws and frosts, ice and heavy warm clothes. In my city, as elsewhere, spring is also long-awaited and welcome.

First, the air in the city begins to smell in a special way: the first breath of spring flies in the air, giving people a feeling of approaching warmth. The snow still lies in drifts, and sometimes a blizzard whirls around, but it is she who is angry with impotence that her time is over.

Then overnight it gets warmer. Drops are ringing off the rooftops, it becomes wet and slippery. Streams flow along the avenues. The sun begins to heat the earth. Birds that have flown in from warm countries are circling over the city in the rapidly blue sky.

The ground is thawing. Old women plant primroses in front gardens and small flower beds near apartment buildings. Very soon they will bloom, and blue snowdrops will spread like bright drops on the black earth.

People start to smile more often, bright raincoats are coming to replace black jackets. Tulips in the city square throw out the first green arrows, and the buds of the trees are filled with light green color to later release carved leaves.

This is such a spring in my city.


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