The most original autumn scenario for kindergarten. Autumn festival in kindergarten: a scenario for junior, senior and preparatory groups. Autumn Festival script in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

Organization: MDOU No. 1 "Caramel"

Locality: Vologodskaya Oblast, Vologda

Leading. Summer flew by quickly

The breeze whispered.

Autumn looks out of our window

Frequent rain knocks.

The doors opened with the wind

She unfolded a fan of leaves,

I gathered the birds for the journey,

She brought us a present.

The soundtrack of the song sounds "Autumn knocked on us" in the hall following the Autumn, children appear and dance. At the end, they stand up in a checkerboard pattern.

Leading. See how much light

And smiles and guests!

This is a good omen

So the holiday is at the door.

Autumn I came today, children,

Every year I come to you,

I always find you funny.

I prepare my outfits for you,

Are you glad to see me?

Children are glad!

1 child Autumn fox step

Creeps through the ravines

Along rivers and streams

And along the forest edges.

2 children Steals and at the same time

We paint everything with a fox color:

The birch turned yellow

The mountain ash became red ...

And the maples turned red

And Autumn, closer, closer ... (comes to the fore)

Autumn Yes! I walk, children, through the woods

With paints and a brush

So that trees and bushes

Give fox coloring.

The song "Autumn is like a red cat" of muses sounds. Kulikova (sat down)

Leading. The brushes of the rowan trees burned brightly,

The dresses of the aspens became gold.

The sun blushes the groves and forests,

Autumn I come to visit as a Sorceress

And I delight with my beauty.

I, like a fairy kind, nature

I give a crimson-gold outfit.

Dance "Golden Autumn"

3 children The leaves swirled again

In a dance of gold

Only the sun is less and less

Comes to our house.

4 children The days are shorter again

There is no more warmth.

And the nights became longer -

Autumn has come to us. (M. Eremeeva)

Autumn shows children a basket.

Autumn I came with a basket,

It brought surprises.

5 children What surprises are in your basket?

Tell us soon!

Autumn Every little surprise -

This is Autumn's whim! (takes out a piece of paper)

I want in this room

Now we have played with you.

Finger game "Leaves" (all)

Autumn Rustled with leaves Shake hands overhead

Autumn is golden.

Spun the Lanterns up in the air

Having fun playing. "Flashlights" down

Here is a leaf of a birch Bend your fingers in turn

Here is a rowan leaf

Here is an oak leaf

Here is an aspen leaf.

And a maple leaf Spread your fingers and put your hand down

He immediately lay down at our feet.

Only the Christmas trees are standing Connect the fingers like the top of the Christmas tree

They don't want to drop needles. Shake their head and shake their finger

Leading. Colored leaves are falling

Autumn has come to visit us again.

Again she makes us happy with colors

This is a wonderful time.

Dance "The most gentle waltz" muses. L. Gortsueva

Autumn I came today, children,

To celebrate the holiday with you.

And follow me through the forest

The rain raced mischievously.

6 children A drop dropped from a cloud

Autumn rain, prickly rain

It's drizzling finely,

In a hurry to get the guys wet!

7 children Teasing the rain: "Hey, guys!"

He plays hide and seek with us.

It will start, then it will calm down,

It will disappear, then it will return.

The rains are knocking more and more

On the branches and along the path.

Autumn takes a bell from the basket and says:

Dili-don, dili-don

This is a dripping ringing.

Take the bells

Tell me about the rain.

Song "Mischievous rain" muses. Vikhareva (children play bells to the music of the introduction)

Autumn The rain has passed and indeed

All the trees shone.

Come out to dance

To meet the Autumn Festival.

Dance "Don't be sad" (Autumn holiday dropped by ...) At the end, the children remain standing in a circle.

Leading. Autumn golden

She came to visit us

And there are many gifts

I brought it to the children.

Autumn Gifts Game

Autumn (goes in a circle towards children)

I walk in autumn paths

I will find a present for each

Pretend on the palms

I will give out a little to everyone.

Who accepts the gift

He presses his palms to himself, (shows)

Who does not take a gift

He will spread his hands! (shows)

Carrot. Tomato ...

Watermelon rind,

Milk mushrooms, mushrooms,

Swamp bumps,

Pine nuts,

Oak acorns

Leaf fall golden,

Heavy autumn rain ...

Sauerkraut tub

Goggle-eyed frog

Apples and pears

Dirty ears

In a jar of jam-

To everyone's surprise

And a pie with potatoes,

And the first white snowball?

Would you like some cucumbers?

You guys are great! (sit down)

Leading. Golden autumn,
Red-haired beauty!
Your holiday to the guys
I really, really like it.

Autumn Ball is in full swing! Songs and laughter!

Music calls us all

Have fun, dance

Just don't imagine.

They boldly gave a hand to a friend,

Became in pairs in a circle!

"Dance" Clap-clap-clap "ln.m. (sat down)
Autumn I am grateful to you guys
You gave me the opportunity to rest.
I'm glad to have fun at the holiday
But soon I'm on my way back.
8 children What are you, Autumn! It's too early to hurry!
We want to have some more fun at the holiday.

Dance "Boom Boom"

9 children Oh what a miracle

Autumn golden forest!

And fly from everywhere

Leaves in a motley crowd.

10 children How many sounds are very different:

The cone will fall from the tree

A branch crunches under your feet,

The bird will fly from the tree.

Autumn I have in my basket

Wonderful surprises.

Delicious surprises -

The main whims.

Who will guess the riddle

That surprise gets mine:

He grew up in a birch forest.

Wears a hat on his leg.

From above the sheet stuck to it.

Did you find out? It...

Children of the Mushroom!

Autumn Yes, there are countless mushrooms in the forest,

There are all kinds of mushrooms.

Get up in a circle,

Yes, play with the mushroom.

Game "Pass the fungus" rn.m. "Oh, you, seni" (parents and children stand in a circle)

Hey guys don't yawn, they sing and pass the fungus around

You pass the fungus.

Who has a fungus in their hands -

Come out to dance in a circle! Who has the fungus at the end

songs, goes into a circle and dances

All other members clap

11 children You are a little more, Autumn,

Play with us.

Happy round dance

Get up quickly.

"Colorful game" muses. Savelyeva (together with parents)

Autumn I have a basket in my hands

It contains autumn gifts

Everything I am rich in

Brought for the kids.

We had a lot of fun

I am very grateful to you!

And for this I am gifts

I will give you the autumn.

It's time to close autumn Autumn holiday
And I was very glad to you, kids.
But time cannot be turned back.
The hour has come when it's time for me to go.

Autumn is leaving.

Leading. So the autumn holiday is over,

I think he cheered everyone up.

I want to sing, always smile

Children, do you agree with me?

Leading. Well, our holiday has come to an end. Until we meet again in this room.

Goals and objectives:

    Expand knowledge of autumn as a season.

    Create a festive mood and emotional uplift in children.

    To consolidate song, dance skills, ideas about vegetables, features of the autumn period.

    Foster a love of nature.

    Continue to develop in children a sense of collectivism and goodwill towards each other and towards adults.

(Children and the "Autumn Leaves" presenter to the music of B. Mokrousov enter the hall, stand in a ruler in the children's hands, two leaves each).

Leading: - Autumn again, birds again

They are in a hurry to fly to a warm land.

And again an autumn holiday

Comes to us in kindergarten.

Autumn is a very beautiful and a bit sad season. But we will not be sad today. We will arrange a real holiday with songs and dances in honor of the golden sorceress of autumn.

Leading: Guys, let's sing a song about autumn, she will hear us and come to visit us. You agree with me.

Children: Yes!

Leading: That's good.

Children sing the song "Autumn." at the end they throw the leaves on the carpet and sit on the chairs.

Fall comes in


Hello my friends!

I am glad to see you all.

I am Golden Autumn.

I came today children
To celebrate the holiday with you,
And follow me through the forest

The rain raced mischievously.
Took me a little

And all the tracks got wet.


Hello, autumn!

Hello, autumn!

It's good that you came

We, Autumn, will ask you

What did you bring as a gift?

Fall ... I brought you flour.

Children ... That means there will be pies.

Fall ... Brought you buckwheat.

Children ... The porridge will be in the oven.

Fall ... Brought you vegetables.

Children ... And for soup and cabbage soup.

Fall ... And apples, what honey!

Children ... For jam and compote!

Leading: Autumn is generous and beautiful. Let's say autumn ...

Children. "Thank!".

Fall : And also on an autumn day. I will rain on you!

Leading: No need to water us with the cold autumn rain, we will get wet and sick. Let's better play a game.

Fall: Good. Tell me soon, how much rain do you know?
The game "How much rain do we know?"
How much rain do we know? (we spread the handles to the sides)
Calculate quickly! (counting fingers)
Rain with the wind (we swing our handles over our heads),
Mushroom rain (we make a "house" over our heads),
Rain with a rainbow-arc ("draw" a rainbow over your head)!
Rain with the sun (handles up, palms open),
Rain and hail (stomped with their feet),
A rain with a quiet leaf fall (we slowly squat down, we lower our arms down)!

Fall: Well done what.
Leading: Yes guys, Autumn is a wonderful time of the year! In the forest, a cool sun shines through the branches, and it is so quiet that if you listen, you will hear the leaves falling ...

(A dance with autumn leaves is performed, at the end of which the children leave the leaves on the floor and sit down.)

Fall: Hurry guys, hurry
Remove the carpet from the leaves.

(Children collect leaves in an autumn basket)

Leading : And now, guys,

I will ask you and Autumn riddles,

Tell me in order -

What's growing in the garden?

Leading : Whoa and scared! ... Who are you?

Scarecrow. I am the Scarecrow Ogorodnoe, the watchman in the garden, I know everything about all the vegetables and I myself will ask you riddles!

Fall: Okay, Scarecrow, guess your riddles!

Riddles (the Scarecrow makes).

1. They threw off the golden feathers from Yegorushka,

He made Yegorushka cry without a bit. (onion)

2. Grass above the ground, scarlet head below the ground. (beet)

3. Alena dressed up in her green sarafan,

Curled up the borks thickly, and her name is ... (cabbage)

4. How they grew up in our garden

Well done people grow in the garden -

Green ... (cucumbers)

5. And on this bed - long riddles.

In this garden, Santa Claus hides a red nose in summer. (carrot).

Scarecrow. Well done guys you know well you riddles.

Leading: Thank you scarecrow for your interesting riddles.

Scarecrow. But I have trouble vegetables quarreled among themselves, can you resolve the dispute?

Leading: Will the guys help the scarecrow?

Children: Yes!

(Children read poetry. Children wear hats with images of vegetables on their heads).

Scarecrow: Blue eggplant, red tomato
A long and serious dispute begins.
Which of them, vegetables, is tastier and better?
Who will be most useful for all diseases?
Peas popped out - well, a braggart!
Polka dots (fun). Sema
I'm such a nice little green boy!
If only I want, I will treat everyone with peas.
Scarecrow: Blushing from resentment, the beets grumbled:
Beet (important). Violet.
Let me say a word
Listen first:
Beets are needed for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat yourself and treat -
There is no better beet!
Cabbage (interrupting). Olya
You, beets, shut up!
Cabbage is used for cooking cabbage soup!
And what are delicious
Cabbage pies!
Bunny bunnies
They love stumps.
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stump.

Cucumber (fervently). Venya
You will be very pleased
Having eaten a lightly salted cucumber!
And already a fresh cucumber
Everyone will love it, of course!
Crunches on teeth, crunches ...
I can treat you!
Radish: (modestly). Anya
I am a ruddy radish.
I bow low to you.
Why praise yourself?
I am already known to everyone!
Carrot (coquettishly). Matvey B.
The story about me is not long.
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice and gnaw on carrots -
Will you be strong then, friend,
strong, dexterous!
Scarecrow: Then a tomato pouted and said sternly:
A tomato: Don't talk, carrot, nonsense.Matvey M.
Shut up a little!
The most delicious and enjoyable
Tomato juice, of course!
Leading: There are many vitamins in it.
We drink it with pleasure!
Potato: I, potato, are so modest.Light and Peace
She didn't say a word.
But everyone needs potatoes:
Both large and small.
Eggplant: Eggplant caviar is so tasty, healthy ...Matvey P.
Scarecrow: It's time to end the dispute, it's useless to argue!
What are you arguing about, friends?
Eggplant: Which of us is made of vegetables. Matvey P.
All the tastiest and most needed?
Who in all diseases
Will it be more useful to everyone?
Scarecrow: To be healthy, strong,
You need to love vegetables
All without exception!
There is no doubt about that.
There is also a taste in each,
And I don't dare decide
Which of you tastes better
Which of you is more needed

Children all say ... All useful all necessary and all important.

Scarecrow: Thank you guys for resolving the dispute, and now I will go to the garden of things I have there a lot more. Goodbye!

(Scarecrow leaves.)

Fall: Guys, I came to you not alone, but with your little friends, meet the five gnomes.

(Dance of the gnomes to the song "The Motley Cap" by Georgy Struve)

Leading: And now the guys and I will go to the forest for mushrooms, take baskets, and pick mushrooms.

Children lead a round dance with baskets and pick mushrooms (younger group).

Leading ... Look guys, what mushrooms are basking in the sun here. You know what they are called.

Children : (not).

Presenter: Well, tell about mushrooms about yourself. Sing it better.


1st mushroom (Venya).

A month in the sky, like a basket,

You play, play, accordion,

I, a fungus, climbed on a stump

And I play all day.

Plays the harmonica.

2nd mushroom (Violet).

Cute grebes

They are dancing in the meadow.

They do not regret heels

They amuse all mushroom pickers!

Plays on spoons.

3rd mushroom (Matvey).

Like ours, honey agarics

A whole kindergarten has grown up.

All sons and daughters

Hiding in the leaves.

Plays a tambourine.

4th mushroom (Olya).

Make way, people!

Fly agaric is coming!

Sings. The apron is new,

Maple leaf

It's time for me guys

I'll pack up and leave

On a visit to Amanita!

Dancing, mushrooms are playing.

5-mushroom ( Matvey P)

Cleverly hide in the woods

I have a habit

And I look like a fox

Red mushroom - chanterelle.

All. The toddlers grew more often,

Wearing bright caps,

Mushroom pickers walked there in a crowd,

And they took them home! All!

Leading ... And now, dear friends,

It's time for us to sing for Autumn!

(Song about autumn. ... children's Words and music: S. Nasaulenko)

Fall : Thank you dancers, thank you singers,

We had fun today from the bottom of our hearts!

Autumn: (takes out a large mushroom)

A big mushroom has grown in my forest,

And he guys are not easy.

Here for all the guys

Gifts from the fall lie.

Autumn treat everyone with apples for children.

Leading: Guys, let's thank Autumn and say goodbye to her.

Fall: Goodbye, goodbye! Wave goodbye.

Well, next year I will come to visit you again!

Autumn is leaving.

"Extracurricular activities and additional education during childhood in a preschool educational institution "

My pedagogical initiativeis that children can easily, skillfully and with pleasure switch to different types playing activities, with the help of an exciting journey, which is closely intertwined with the desire to be real hardworking helpers and at the same time remain connoisseurs of the beauty and all life on earth.

Form of holding: matinee for senior preschool children.

A fascinating journey to the autumn forest and to the village to the vegetable garden captures baby attention both imagination and children are happy to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of autumn colors.


  • Raise a love of nature through a children's matinee dedicated to the season;
  • to consolidate and expand children's ideas about autumnal phenomena of nature through their expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, games;
  • develop musical and creative abilities of children, maintain an emotionally positive attitude;
  • contribute to the disclosure of creative abilities of children, the development of a sense of collectivism, the ability to work in a team.


  • Teach children to expressively sing songs, recite poems, dance on stage;
  • to form communication skills, a sense of mutual assistance, to develop creativity, to cultivate a respect for nature.


  1. Presenter, Autumn - adults
  2. Potatoes, Peas, Onions, Cabbage -children.

Matinee stroke

Sound recording of "Autumn Song" from "The Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky. Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.


Autumn again, birds again
In a hurry to fly to a warm land,
And again an autumn holiday
Comes to us in kindergarten!

The guys have prepared poems for the autumn holiday, please tell us.

1st child:

A rain fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
Maple leaf circling above the ground
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again put on a gold outfit.

2nd child:

A flock of birds flies away, clouds rush, sobbing.
As if a thin blade of grass trembles in the wind an aspen.
I tell her: "Calm down, don't be afraid of the white winter!"

3rd child:

Beautiful asters and rowan brushes,
Chrysanthemum bushes and viburnum clusters.
And leaves from the maple trees fly to us like letters,
Spreading our beloved garden with yourself!

4th child:

In our hall we will arrange
Real leaf fall.
Let the leaves swirl
And they fly, they fly, they fly.

The song "LEAVES FALL" Muses. M.Kraseva.

5th child:

Autumn walks along the path
Soaked my legs in the puddles.
It rains and there is no gap.
The summer was lost somewhere.

6th child:

The birdhouse is empty, the birds flew away,
Leaves do not sit on trees either.
All day today everyone is flying, flying ...
Apparently, they also want to fly to Africa.

Dance "Autumn Leaves".The children bow and sit down.

Leading:Guys, in the morning the postman Pechkin came to our kindergarten and brought 2 incredibly colorfully painted letters, let's open them and read them!

“Hello, little residents of the Kalinka kindergarten! Granny Agafia from the village of Crafts is writing to you. It's already autumn in the yard, and I have a garden full of unharvested vegetables. My dears, help grandmother to harvest! "

Guys, can we help grandmother Agafya? Then let's not hesitate and hit the road!

All children get up in a train and “ride” in a circle to the “Song of Friends” by M. Starokadomsky from the movie “Merry Travelers”. Children come out - Vegetables, behind their backs are holding caps of vegetables. The presenter draws the attention of all children to 4 released "vegetables".

Leading:Hello. Who you are?

Vegetables:We are Vegetables from grandmother Agafia's garden.

Leading:Then take us to the garden.

Vegetables:With pleasure! Just guess riddles about us.

Potato:A bush has grown both green and dense in the garden, n dig in a little: under the bush ...

Children: Potato! (the child puts on a potato hat).

Peas:Dry in the hot sun, and tearing their pods ...

Children: Peas! (the child puts on a pea cap).

Onion:Make everyone cry, x even though I'm not a fighter, but ...

Children: Bow! (the child puts on the bow cap).

Cabbage:I was born to glory, my head is white, curly. Who loves cabbage soup - look for me in them!

Children: Cabbage! (the child puts on a cabbage cap).

Leading:All of you vegetables are important! And we really need everything!

Guys, I propose to invite all the vegetables to our friendly round dance!

SONG-CHURCHER "GIVE HARVEST" Muses. And Filippenko. Dthe children sit down, the "vegetables" take off their hats.

Leading:How you sing merrily and amicably, and now let's work.

Children are divided into 2 teams of 5 people. In the center of the hall, the “first” children lay out hoops-beds to the music, the “second” plant vegetables, the “third” water the vegetables, the “fourth” pick vegetables, the “fifths” remove the hoops-beds. The team that makes it faster wins. The game is repeated 2 times.

Leading:So we helped grandmother Agafya, gathered all the vegetables and cleaned the garden. But we also have one more letter, let's read it.

"Dear Guys! I invite you to my magic forest! Here I painted all the leaves in different colors, red, yellow, orange, brown, water the ground with rain so that a lot of mushrooms and berries grow. The forest is incredibly beautiful! Come, we will admire together! ". (For children) Guys, this is an invitation from the Queen of Autumn herself! Do you accept this invitation? Then let's not hesitate! Let's hurry!

They go in a circle with a "little train" to the "Song of Friends" by M. Starokadomsky from the movie Merry Travelers. " To the sounds of the forest, Autumn enters, dancing, and distributes two twigs to the children .


My bow to you, friends!(bows)
I have long dreamed of meeting you.
Do you love when I come?(children answer)
I bring beauty everywhere.
Look into the golden, crimson forest
A golden ray of sun slid from heaven,
And on the ground the carpet lies golden,
As soon as you see one in the fall.

Leading:We are very glad to visit you, dear Autumn! Our guys have prepared poems for you, listen, please.

7th child:

The leaves flew away after the flock of birds.
I miss the red autumn day after day.
The sky is sad, the sun is discouraged ...
It is a pity that autumn is not warm for a long time.

8th child:

Yellow coins fall from the branch,
There is a treasure underfoot!
This golden autumn gives leaves, not counting
He gives gold leaves to you and us, and to everyone.

10th child:

And winter will come to us
We are not discouraged
Let's start a round dance -
We remember autumn.

Leading:Dear Autumn, we want to present you with a song called "Autumn Round Dance".

SONG "Autumn round dance" Muses. E. Kuryachy.Children sing, and to lose, they perform various movements with twigs.At the end of the song, the children sit on chairs and each put twigs under their own chair.

Fall:Thanks guys for the song. And I have prepared riddles for you. Do you like riddles? Listen carefully!

In the fall, he is often needed -
If the rain pounds through the puddles,
If the sky is in black clouds
He is the best helper for us.
Open it above yourself
And arrange a canopy for yourself!

Children: Leaf fall.


September and October
There are so many of them in the yard!
The rain has passed - left them,
Medium, small, large.

Children: Puddles.


The cold scares them so
They fly away to warm countries
They can't sing, they can't have fun.
Who gathered in flocks? ...

Children: Birds.


Who stands on a strong leg
In brown leaves by the path?
A hat of grass rose,
No head under the cap.

Children: Mushroom.

Fall:Well done, all my riddles have been guessed! Do you want to play in my forest?

Children: We want.


Two drivers are blindfolded. Children-"mushrooms" (4 children) run around the hall to cheerful music. If there is a "fly agaric" (4 children), children-spectators shout: "Don't take it!" The winner is the one who "picks up" more mushrooms in a certain time. We play 2 times with different drivers and mushrooms.

Fall:How friendly and fun you played!

Leading:Dear Autumn, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten, go with us goodbye, dance together our favorite dance "The Invitation".

Fall:With pleasure.


It's fun to play with you
Songs to sing and dance.
Thank you for everything
And I give you gifts.

(Autumn gives a basket of apples, gives it to the educators).

Leading:Guys, thank our dear Autumn for sweet and fragrant gifts.

Children: Thank you, Autumn.


Time flew by quickly
It's time for us to part.
More worries await me
Goodbye kids!

(Autumn waves its hand and leaves to the sounds of the forest, making a circle).

Leading: Well, we guys will hurry back to kindergarten to be in time for dinner!

("They're going" to the music, one circle).

Leading: Did you enjoy our trip?

Leading:So we visited autumn forest near the Queen of Autumn herself, they helped grandmother Agafya to collect vegetables. Our holiday is over.

(Children become a "locomotive" for the host and "leave" with cheerful music.)

List of references:

1. Magazine "Musical Director"

2. Magazine "Musical palette"

3. Kaplunova I., Novoskoltseva I. "Holiday every day" ( senior group). St. Petersburg, 2012.

Attention! The article contains audio files for conducting a lesson in kindergarten.

The script of the Autumn Festival was prepared by the musical director Galina Leonidovna Popova, MBDOU Kurgan "Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 45" DOLPHIN. The Autumn Festival in the kindergarten COLORFUL AUTUMN is intended for senior preschoolers.

Scenario of the Autumn Festival in kindergarten

Children enter the hall to the music, sit on high chairs.


- Good afternoon, dear friends!
This is not the first time in this room
We are holding an autumn holiday
And today is the hour of fun!

Leading: - Autumn can be different: cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. We all love autumn for its generosity, beauty, rare but glorious days. We admire its colors every day.

1st child:

- Who is in our park today
Did you paint the leaves with paints?
And whirls them, blows them off the branches?

All: - It's autumn!

2nd child:

- Autumn collects paint
Into your treasured chest.
Locks tightly
That chest is on the hook!

Leading: - Autumn, just do not be stingy, your colors and share with us.

Children sing the song "Autumn, one, two, three".

Leading: - She showed us two paints, but you have quite a few of them on your palette. Tell us about others, the colors are different.


- To paint the mushrooms by the path,
Red and white for the fly agaric
I saw a mushroom growing by the fence,
I paint trees and branches with brown,
And white mushrooms are tight berets.
Various paints for russula-
Let the world be joyful, as if in a fairy tale!

7th child:

- We will find a hundred mushrooms in the forest,
Let's go around the clearing.
We will not take in the box

8th child:

- We will search all the oaks,
Christmas trees and aspens,
And good mushrooms
Let's put them in baskets.

Leading: “Guys, we’ll go on the train for mushrooms with you.

Children are dancing the "Mushroom Train" dance.


Hats of mushrooms, vegetables, fruits and animals for the holidays can be purchased at the "Kindergarten" educational toys store ( at low prices and with delivery. Excellent quality from a Russian manufacturer!

9th child: - A hundred honey agarics on the stump.

All: - It's very crowded here!

9th child:

- yell. -
Call a mushroom picker
Collect honey agarics from hemp.

Fall: - Look for mushrooms into the forest, collect everything in a basket.

The game "Mushrooms and mushroom pickers" from the "Musical palette" magazine is being held.

Leading: - What colors do you still have on the palette? Tell us, we are friends.


- I took the palette under my arm,
I spread the cheerful colors in a bottle:
I went out into the street, waved my brush -
The blue sky was cloudy.
Swung it again, and stood around
Grass, river, meadow gray ...
I also paint in orange -
A leaf that flew away with the last greetings,
And yellow - grass and weeping willow,
And a prankster maple lush mane.

10th child:

- Autumn leaves
As if they are spinning in a dance
And a multi-colored carpet
They lie down on the ground.
Colorful autumn
We don't need another
Autumn is wonderful!
And a little bit sad.

Children are performing an autumn round dance.

TEXT: Round dance "Leaves - boats"

Autumn is colorful (They dance in a circle.)
Appeared in the city
Painted the leaves
All crimson gold.


Like a small boat (Swing in pairs.)
A leaf is spinning

Yellow moths.

The sky has become lower, (Slowly, "flashlights" lower their hands through the sides down.)
Colder on the street
The leaves swayed (The palms are raised on different sides, the stompers in a circle.)
In the autumn puddles. (Footmen from the circle.)


Like a small boat (Swing in pairs.)
The leaf is spinning.
In the autumn puddle (They are circling in pairs.)
Yellow moths.

Yellow and red (Whirling.)
The leaves are spinning
Play with the breeze
They are not afraid to fall. (Sit down.)


Like a small boat (Swing in pairs.)
A leaf is spinning
In the autumn puddle (They spin in pairs.)
Yellow moths.

The clouds in the sky are frowning, (They dance in a circle.)
There are puddles on the asphalt
We have nowhere to hide
From the autumn cold.


Like a small boat (They go to the chairs.)
A leaf is spinning
In the autumn puddle
Yellow moths.


- Today I came to us Autumn with a palette,
And she brought a rainbow of colors with her.


- But everyone says that I am very generous,
When the harvest comes, it's time
I want to treat my friends today
And I can give a basket of fruits.

Autumn treats children with fruit to the music.


- And now it's time to say goodbye,
After all, a time comes for everything -
Winter is coming!

Autumn leaves the hall to the music, children go to the group.

1st child:

- Who is in our park today
Did you paint the leaves with paints?
And whirls them, blows them off the branches?

All: - It's autumn!

2nd child:

- Autumn collects paint
Into your treasured chest.
Locks tightly
That chest is on the hook!

3rd child:

- Autumn on the palette
Mixes paints:
Yellow is for linden,
for mountain ash - red.

4th child:

- Ocher of all shades
For alder and willow -
All trees will
To look nice.

5th child:

- blew in the breeze,
Dried the leaves
So that the rain is cold
Beauty is not washed away.

6th child:

- Immediately there comes a sad time.
Sad flock of cranes
It stretches to the south in the morning.

7th child:

- We will find a hundred mushrooms in the forest,
Let's go around the clearing.
We will not take in the box

8th child:

- We will search all the oaks,
Christmas trees and aspen
And good mushrooms
Let's put them in baskets.

9th child: - A hundred honey agarics on the stump.

All: - It's very crowded here!

9th child:

- yell. -
Call a mushroom picker
Collect honey agarics from hemp.

10th child:

- Autumn leaves
As if they are spinning in a dance
And a multi-colored carpet
Lay down on the ground
Colorful autumn
We don't need another
Autumn is wonderful!
And a little bit sad.

* APPENDIX: Dance "Let's go through the raspberries into the garden"

Development - music director the highest qualification category Pushkova E.V., municipal preschool educational institution the second category "Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 4" Sun "
urban district ZATO Svetly Saratov region "

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 9454 human

Dear Guys! Autumn has come. Harvested in the fields and gardens
harvest. These are the last warm days. But we are not sad, sweat-
that in every season there is something unusual, magical.
In the yard, the leaves turned yellow, ...

Autumn Festival in the preschool educational institution "Oseniny"

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 6897 person

1st host:
Maples are already blushing autumn,
And the spruce forest is green and shady.
Yellow aspennik sounds the alarm,
A leaf fell from the birch,
And, like a carpet, paved the road.
2nd host:
The sun is tired
You warm sparingly.
Yellow yes scarlet
Sheets are spinning.
3rd host:

Scenario of the holiday "Harvest friends"

27.08.2013 | We looked at the script 20665 person

To the music of the song "Autumn" children enter the hall in a group and examine it.

Presenter: Guys, look how smartly decorated our hall is. Please tell me what time of year this design is more suitable for? Why?

Children answer: For autumn! ...

Holiday script "In the autumn forest"

21.08.2013 | We looked at the script 20216 person

To a cheerful Russian folk melody, the children of the younger and middle groups go into the hall and sit on chairs in the auditorium.

Here is an artist so an artist!
Gilded all the forests!
Even the heaviest rain
I didn't wash this paint.

Autumn Matinees Scenarios - Meeting Autumn

17.08.2013 | We looked at the script 15659 person

Summer is coming out: Hello children! I am summer, did you recognize me? It's nice. Did you feel good with me for three hot months? I warmed you with my warmth, warmed water for you in the rivers, helped to sing delicious and juicy berries. But now three months have passed and we have to go ...

Script for the autumn ball

05.11.2011 | We looked at the script 17334 human

The holiday autumn ball, dedicated to the beginning of autumn, is accompanied by all kinds of scenes, competitions, theatrical performances. At such an event, you can see a wide variety of scenes and theatrical performances... TO autumn ball usually cooked ...

"Autumn Noisy Ball"

04.11.2011 | We looked at the script 15288 person

Two children enter the hall to the sound of a waltz
A rain fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
Maple leaf circling above the ground
Oh, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again put on a gold outfit.
You bring with you a sad ...

"Extraordinary Adventures of Preschool Children."

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 17146 person

Guys, look: in my opinion, miracles are already beginning for you and me. Spider, let us go to the party. We are in a hurry to visit autumn.
The spider bounces on a string.
What? Don't you want to miss us? Strange ... What about you ...

Autumn holiday scenarios "Autumn gifts"

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 19084 human

Spider webs fly by
With spiders in the middle
And high from the ground
The cranes are flying by.

Everything is flying, it must be
Our summer is flying away.

Summer flies away, and a golden sorceress hurries to meet it ...

"Autumn sisters" script of the autumn holiday

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 14999 person

The hall is decorated with garlands of autumn leaves, bouquets of flowers, branches of mountain ash, aspen, maple.
Children run into the hall and dance to the "Waltz" A. Griboyedov.

1st child.
Summer flew away quickly
A migratory bird into the distance.
Autumn spread wonderfully
Fading ...


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