Working on the script is in a good mood. Good mood (Scenario of the holiday for April Fool's Day). The planet of good mood - the beginning

Material: decorations and costumes for the fairy tale "Chicken", paper, markers, scissors, glue, scotch tape, easels, books such as: "Proverbs, sayings", "In the world of wise thoughts", etc.

Participants: parents and children of the older group.

Cheerful music sounds - children with their parents enter the hall.

Families are located along the walls of the hall.

Moderator (draws attention to the poster: "Club of cheerful mood" or "Firm for tuning the nervous system"):

We have gathered to open a family club for good mood. There will always be music, laughter, fun, and we will be in a good mood when we leave the club.

Musical director (sings):

Here is a smile, no doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes.

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore.


Invites you to start the holiday with a fun warm-up. These are funny jokes, funny stories, anecdotes.


And now the guys will entertain us. They have prepared a funny tale.

Children show the fairy tale "Chicken".


In our club, like any other, there must be certain symbols. This is the coat of arms, flag, anthem, motto and laws by which the club must exist. And since our club has a cheerful mood, it means that they should be appropriate.

So I propose to create four teams and draw lots to determine who will work on what.

Assignments for teams:

1) come up with and draw a flag of the cheerful mood club;

2) come up with and draw the emblem of the cheerful mood club;

3) come up with the text of the anthem for the given melody;

4) come up with a motto and create club laws.

Subgroups come to the tables, which have everything they need to complete the task - paper, paint, glue - and the creative process begins. The subgroup that will come up with the anthem goes down to the gym to the piano and works together with the music director (15 minutes are given for the task).


Time has passed. We start the presentation.

Each subgroup introduces those present with their task. Here is an option for performing creative tasks by parents and children:


Laughing, really, it is not a sin at everything that seems funny.


  • It is better to laugh without being happy than to die without laughing.
  • Don't lose your humor. It is to a person what a scent is to a rose.
  • Be afraid to chatter uncontrollably, say one word better, but wisely.
  • Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
  • The joke, like salt, should be consumed in moderation.
  • Those words, where there is even a drop of poison, do not need to be spoken as a joke.
  • Don't make yourself out of anything. Simplicity is the imprint of genius.


  • Laughter is not a sin.
  • Being angry and lazy is not good!
  • In our club, do not be sad, but have fun and joke!
  • Share your smile, and it will come back to you more than once.


And now they will introduce us to the anthem.

(If the parents cannot come up with the text themselves, then their own version is offered):


To the melody from the program "Alarm"

And if it's gloomy outside the window,

And if it rains or even thunder,

Do not attach importance to this.

Come to our merry club,

Well, make this passage -

And you will be in a good mood.

(The anthem is learned and sung with all the members of the club.)

After that, a timid knock is heard at the door and Laziness and Lazy Men enter, yawn, stretch, sing lazily.

Song of Lazy with Lazy

I get up early in the morning lazy, lazy, lazy.

I could sleep all day, all day.

I would wash, comb my hair, but why.

I don't like dressing up, well, not at all.

And I also love to miss in silence,

Dancing, music, fun is not for me.

I will suddenly bore you now.

Shut up, don't make noise! Quiet hour.

Better we eat cookies

You know, there is no doubt about that.

Tired of even singing and standing

Maybe it's better for us to lie down here?

Well, let's quickly lay down under the flowerpot,

Let's count all the flying crows.

And then we'll lie down for another hour

And quietly we'll all run home.


So that Sloth would appear and take root in our fun club? I will not let it!

Dance "Grass-ant"


What noise, what noise? Go home!


We're at home, but why are you here, Sloth? Go away, don't bother! Laughing girls, walk her out of here.

Laziness and Lazy People leave.


Again we have noise and fun!

Laziness and boredom are not here.

Let's all be in a good mood

Let's start singing and dancing.


Tired of us being bored

Let me dance!


You let us in

And I'm sorry. Well, sorry!


Won't you interfere?

Lazy and Lazy:

No! We will not!


Today the club meeting was successful!

How many of you have seen that Sloth starts dancing?

Let's be friends with a joke, with a smile -

We will live a long, long time!

(Invites everyone to the group for tea).

Staging a song

Performance duration: 2 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 4.



Nyasha leaves the house and into the street.

Nyasha (to viewers)

I, like the sun, shine
Like a whirligig, I dance, I spin.
I love everyone, I help everyone
And I'll make friends with everyone.
The world will become kinder and more beautiful
If you do everything like Nyasha!

Nyasha walks down the street past gray high-rise buildings.

Nyasha (sings)

Houses identical in the city
I would like to color them myself
The brightest paint
So that, as if in a fairy tale,
Royal palaces and mansions are everywhere.

Nyasha spins and the houses turn into bright fabulous mansions.

Nyasha (sings)

So that everything dances with me
Sang and did not lose heart,

A sad Pedestrian with a sad Dog is walking towards Nyasha.

Nyasha (sings)

A very sad pedestrian is meeting me
Walking with a sad dog down a sad street.
I will warm them with a smile
May it be more fun for them
They will smile back at me and the sadness will pass.

Nyasha is spinning. The pedestrian smiles. The dog also smiles and wags its tail.

Nyasha (sings)

Like a crystal bell, I laugh
Like the sun, I glow with joy,
So that everything dances with me
Sang and did not lose heart,
I'm spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning

The sun is shining, flowers are blooming. Big beautiful butterflies are sitting on the flowers.

Nyasha (sings)

How beautiful and magical the world is around.
In it, anyone I meet is a good friend.
If you circle together
You can make good friends
And then a miracle will happen suddenly.

Nyasha is spinning. Butterflies fly up from flowers and circle around Nyasha.

Nyasha (sings)

Like a crystal bell, I laugh
Like the sun, I glow with joy,
So that everything dances with me
Sang and did not lose heart,
I'm spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning

See also:

Performances of songs. Funny sketches, songs about everything in the world.

Clips about chapiks. Collection of music videos about chapiks.

Chapik Uma

Chapik Puzya. Poem business card for the presentation of the carnival costume.

Chapik Tyopa. Poem business card for the presentation of the carnival costume.


concert and play program for children

"Good mood"

as part of the city holiday "City of Childhood" with the participation of the head of the administration of Nizhny Novgorod

Time spending: 10h 40 min to 11h 20 min

Location: theater square near the Drama Theater in Nizhny Novgorod

Participants: Children of school camps in the city, teachers and creative teams.

Age of participants: 7-15 years old

Purpose and objectives of the event:

Create conditions for organizing leisure activities for children of different school ages, attending school day camps, to join the celebration of socially significant holidays Children's Day, the birthday of Nizhny Novgorod.instilling in the younger generation love and pride for their homeland, for traditions, to contribute to the development festive and gaming culture andcreativity.

Leading events:

Educator-organizer Serebryakova N.N. - clown clapperboard

Active of the Youth Association "Union of the Young" and the A.P. Brinsky - 9 hours

MO "Union of the Young" - 21 people

Art groups MBOU DOD DDC A.P. Brinsky (Choreographic studio "Rossiyanochka", Vocal studio "Rainbow"),

multi-studio "Quatro",choreographic studio MBOU SOSH №22 "ship of childhood.


Costumes of fairy-tale heroes: Doll, tirg, cat, mouse, miracle bird, clowns, pirates


Props: Inflatable balls 6 pcs.,

large colored pyramids,

5 meter blue canvases 3pcs ..


big inflatable fish dolphin.

Cheerful music sounds.

Fairy-tale heroes 3 (Doll, Toffee, Clown Bom) and 6 hours of mummers run out, in a dance composition they depict a game on the playground (they hold large inflatable balls in their hands)

1 Doll : Who looks sad here?
We do not allow you to be sad!
We invite everyone to the holiday.

2 Toffee:

Here, friends, summer has come! Rest, entertainment hour awaits you.
We will conduct a program today, we have prepared it - for you.

3 Bohm: We want you not to lose heart, have fun, run, play.
And then they told their friends that they had been in a fairy tale today.

Together: We open the doors to this fairy tale and start our program!

(depict the open gate to the fairy tale and meet the Clapperboard)

A funny screensaver sounds - the clown Clapperboard comes out

(multicolored suit)

Clapperboard. Hello everyone! Hello! Hello!

My question is your answer.

Are you waiting for me? ..

Spectators. No!

Clapperboard Do we know you? ..

Spectators. No!

cracker Let's meet then? ..

Spectators. Yes!

I'm a funny girlfriend

And my name is (children's answers, frog, parsley, cheesecake)

Colorful cracker

And a big laugh

"Who will clap louder"

Who can clap loudly?

Are all boys or girls?

To find out who is right among us

We'll clap now.

Do not spare your fingers

Dear boys!

Boys clap.

And now more friendly, louder

Let the girls clap!

Girls clap.

Well kA all louder all at once let's clap our hands now


But it's a pity to me, friends,

I don't know what your name is.

To continue the game

It's time to get acquainted.

As I tell you "freeze"

You are not moving, be silent.

Just say "wither away" -

Say the name loudly.

The presenter conducts a game-acquaintance on the principle of "freeze-wipe out".

A summer chant is held for the show of the host

Clapperboard: Summer, what a warm and affectionate word. So we are waiting for him and so in a hurry to enjoy the warmth and sunshine.

And who loves summer - raise your right hand and shout loudly - Summer

And who loves the sun - raise your left hand and shout loudly - the sun

Now stretch one hand forward, hold it in a fist and raise your thumb and say - Class

Now tell your other hand Class

Now move your hips together with your hands (hands are right, left and we say loudly 3 times - Cool! _

Clapperboard: And now we will play, who is attentive - will we find out?

Leading: Guys, now we will tell you various statements, and you will answer ussing along with one phrase "You can in the summer!"

What can you do in the summer (they teach you the melody at school)

Do not wear a warm scarf
And walk until dark!


All friends gather in the morning
And rush out of the yard!

Children: It is possible in the summer, it is possible in the summer, it is possible in the summer!

And wander the streets!
Well, don't go to school!


To send the Esemeski,
Play on the computer!

Children: It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer!

Drive east, south
And come back, making a circle!

Children: It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer!

To meet classmates

Great fun to play!

Children: It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer!

Clapperboard: Well done boys! You did great!

On stage vocal ensemble

DDC them. A.P. Brinsky with the song "Vacations"

Clapperboard: Hey boys and girls! Warm summer has come.

We will jump high with joy today!

together with the guys we will make a festive jump into the summer, and for this we need to warm up.

Clapperboard: Do you guys agree?

First, let's stand on our toes. One, two!One, two! Well done! Now let's try to make small high jumps. Jump in place! And now - higher! More higher! And very high! Now we complicate the jumps. We jump to the left - to the right! Left - right! Back and forth! Back and forth! Well done!

Leading: And for the most important jump, you need to join hands together. On the count of "three" we all jump together in height. Sat down - One, two, three! Shouting Wow !!!

Clapperboard: Hurrah! The jump into summer is complete! We can congratulate you on your first summer holiday.

Meet the Team "Chirttime" of the choreographic studio

"The ship of childhood"

Clapperboard : Answer me without error - friendship begins with ...

Spectators. Smiles!

it is the acquaintance that begins with a smile. A smile - it costs nothing, but it is very valuable. It lasts for a moment, and sometimes it remains in memory forever.

Do you want to have a hundred friends? - Smile!

Take a look around, what smiles just don't surround us! Anyway, what kind of smiles are there? ... The last one who picks up an epithet for the word “smile” wins"... But the one who comes up with the most original epithet will also win.

We perform 1 verse of the song "smile"

Clapperboard: And wish you as much joy as possible that makes you want to dance.

Choreographic studio "Rossiyanochka" dance "Barynya"

Host: We invite to our stage the head of the Administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod O.A. Kondrashov.

(The host welcomesthe head of the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod O.A. Kondrashova, invites him to the stage, conducts a dialogue about childhood, summer, children's camps, which worked during the childhood of the head of the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

O. A. Kondrashov greets from the stage participants of the holiday and accompanied by the host through the symbolic "Gate to Summer" (an arch of balloons) goes to the creative platforms

and takes part in the work of the "Drafts" site.)

Fun music screensaver sounds

Clown Bom: What do you think, Clapperboard, who does the sun love?

Clapperboard: Of course, redheads, freckles, in general, who have a lot - a lot of freckles. Those like me!

Clapperboard: let's check if the guys have freckles?

You will repeat the movements behind us and you will get a fun dance of freckles

Freckles on the crown, freckles on the cheeks

Freckles on my smile, freckles on my shoulders

Freckles on the back of the head, freckles on the elbows,

Freckles on your ears, freckles on your friends!

(all fairy tale heroes dance)oppa gangnam style

Clapperboard: I realized that the sun loves all the guys, because it gives warm, cheerful days and warms everyone with its rays of sunshine.

Clapperboard: Oh, I'm hot, are you hot? How you want to lie on the hot sand, breathe in the fresh sea air. Sail on a white yachtexperience extraordinary adventures and maybe find treasures. ...

Marine screensaver sounds - Pirates Exit (two pirates in colorful pirate costumes)

Pirate 1 : On boarding, on boarding, we will capture your boat.

Pirates tie the clapperboard with rope

Someone here spoke about treasures, but our treasures.

Pirate 2 : Here's how many witnesses (points to the children), feed them to the sharks

Clapperboard: They are good .... yes we only wanted sea adventures

Pirates 1: There will be adventures for you

You (Clapperboard) and they (pointing to the children) will help us find the treasure.

Pirate 2 : But so that we all find treasures

You need to pass the check.

Pirates ask children: Are you the most

Brave., - the children's answer is YES



Conduct musical exercises (pulling a rope, swimming, climbing stairs, rowing oars)

Pirate: Do you guys know the pirate cry?

Children: give options.

Pirates: Do you want to know our cry?

Children: Yes

Pirate chant

We are glad to see friends here! Hey!
Children: Hey-hey!
After all, it will be more fun together, Hey!
Children: Hey-hey!
Raise your hands quickly! Hey!
Children: Hey-hey!
Hit me loudly! Hey!
Children: Hey-hey!

Distribution for 2 teams on: Black Pearl and

Jolly Roger

Leading: On the ship, everyone obeys the captain and follow his orders, and are not afraid of the sea rolling, so let's check your attention.

AND gra: "Whistle everyone up!"

The pirate shouts out naval commands, the players execute them,

Left hand drive! - step to the left.

Steering right! - step to the right.

Nose! - step forward.

Stern! - step back.

Cannonball! - everyone squats.

Set sail! - everyone stops and raises their hands up.

Scrub the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.

All hands on deck! - clap on the palm.

We inflate the sails (4 assistants from the TO "Union of the Young" go on stage, unfold large blue canvases and inflate the sails - Storm Teams of 10 people.

Game storm (sounds of the sea), who drowned (did not dive under the wave) is eliminated from the game

Leading: But over our sea there was a little rain and a magnificent rainbow arose, and it crumbled into multi-colored rings.

Competition "Collect a rainbow of good mood - pyramids" - teams of 7 people


You guys are in a good mood

Children: Yes

Pirate: Then it's time to arrangehip hop battle

Meet Studio "Quatro"

Children of the youth association in red T-shirts and red bandanas run out: And we also love to travel, take us "

Flash mob for travel lovers (children and pirates participate in the dance)

Pirates: Well done guys, bravo, you danced wonderfully well, we decided not to be mischievous and we won't leave you to be eaten by sharks, but we ask for your forgiveness.

Clapperboard: Pirates, but what about the treasure.

Pirates: And treasures, this is friendship, this is laughter, this is joy and success.

Clapperboard: yes you are right -The sky is clear and the sun is red, our mood is wonderful.

You and I here are countless miracles, if there is friendship, then the song eats.

The song "Prosto" is played by the vocal ensemble


Host: Everyone is dancing.

They run out onto the stage of the Moscow Union of Youth in multi-colored (green and red) T-shirts and caps (matching the color of the T-shirts).

Youth Feshmob "Nanotechno"

Young people chant the City of Childhood (3 times) and give balloons to all spectators and participants.

Clapperboard: Fun today, joyfully with us!

Congratulations on the holiday!

Let your cheerful, sonorous laughter ring, ring everywhere!

Enough joy for everyone.

Clapperboard: It was so great ...

My dear friends! After all, only our magic ends, and the holiday of Good mood continues! Shine smiles, warmed by the sun, happiness and peace to you, dear children!

Clapperboard: Therefore, we do not say goodbye to you, but we say:

Together: Until next time!

Script of the concert "Good mood"

Cheerful phonogram

Host 1: So, what's the scenario? (looks into the tablet) What is it !?

(Lead 2 comes out)

Host 2: Hello! Are you preoccupied with something?

Host 1: Hello! It's time to start the concert, but there are no presenters !!!

Host 2: Who are they?

Host 1: Someone from the city was invited!

Host 2: There was nothing to invite strangers! As if yours are worse!

Host 1: Ours, at least, are not late!

Host 2: Listen! Let's start without them. How do you like this idea?

Host 1: Great idea! I agree! Where do we start?

Host 2: First of all, let's welcome our viewers!

(Say hello)

Host 1: Ta-a-ak! Let's see our program! I would personally start the program with a beautiful dance. And its name is unusual - "Northern Lights"!

Host 2: Great! Announce performers!

Lead 1: Dance group "Rhythm"! Friends, your applause!

1. Dance "Northern Lights" - isp. dance. gr. "Rhythm"

Host 2: In the old days they said: if you want a guest to come to you again, create a good mood for him.

Host 1: We have a full hall of guests! And we have a great desire to create a wonderful and good mood for them!

Host 2: On this day, such a cheerful, bright, we wish you well!

Host 1: And let our songs sound like a gift for you!

2. The song "Frog Jazz" - isp. gr. "Dreamers"

3. The song "On the stones" - isp. bunk bed ans. "Contrast"

4. Song "Ring" isp. M. Kobets

5. The song "Your World" - isp. E. Kunyaeva

Phonogram of the sea, waves, seagulls

Host 1 (Calling Host 2): Come here! Listen!

Host 2: Fine! Sea, seagulls!

Host 1: Yes! Go on!

Host 2: Sand and sun! In general, some of us are waiting for a vacation!

Host 1: What are we going to wait for him? Right now and let's go to Greece!

6. Dance "Sirtaki" - isp. dance. gr. "Rhythm"

7. The song "Let Me Go" - isp. S. Kasyanova

8. The song "I'll write a song" - isp. M. Chervyakov, S. Sannikova

Host 1: Well? Are we continuing our program?

Host 2: You forgot to say - fun and entertaining! We give people a good mood!

Host 1: Not just good, but very good! And although it sometimes rains outside the window, our artists simply adore their audience! And they just ask to call them! And how the viburnum blooms!

Host 2: Well done! I laid out the whole program in one sentence!

Host 1: Why pull! Now, it's your turn to ask our viewers to redeem our artists with applause!

Presenter 2: Dear and dear residents of the city and guests of the village! Support our artists with your endless applause!

9. The song "Oh, viburnum is blooming" - isp. ans. "Contrast"

10. The song "Rains" - isp. M. Kobets

11. The song "I Love" - \u200b\u200bisp. M. Chervyakov

12. Dance "Change" - isp. gr. "Cool company"

Host 2: If you knew, friends, how your applause makes our artists want to go on stage again and again! There is no more reward for them than your happy eyes and smiles!

13. Song "Omar Khayyam" - isp. S. Kasyanova

14. Song "Call me with you" - isp. E. Kunyaeva

15. "Flashmob" - isp. gr. "Cool company"

Host 1: Our program has come to an end!

Host 2: And may this day bring you a good mood ...

Host 1: And the spring winds, having flown into every house, into every family will bring with them good wonderful changes and hope for a meeting with happiness!

Presenter 2Goodbye!

Host 1: Until next time!

1st presenter;
Good evening! 2nd presenter
: Hello! 1st host:
We are glad to meet you again and welcome all of you to the holiday of humor; So, from April 1! 2nd presenter
: As you know, this is the day of the banner! funny deceptions and practical jokes, light-hearted jokes and laughter. And we tried to prepare our evening so that by the end of the holiday not a single gloomy face would remain in the hall, the amount of laughter and smiles would triple and a good mood would become your natural state. We hope that funny contests, tasks, jokes, practical jokes, surprises will help in solving all problems. 1st host:
In Russia, April Fool's Day was introduced by Peter I.

It seemed to Peter that in the mornings, and not only in the mornings, many of his contemporaries looked kind of gloomy, unable to talk to each other, to joke, not to be offended by jokes. April Fool's Day, decided Peter I, is the most appropriate remedy for this ineptitude. And on this first holiday of humor, everyone began to laugh. 2nd presenter
: By the way, did you know that April Fool's Day is popular not only in Russia, but also in many countries.

To find out how this holiday is celebrated in the world, we gave an assignment to our special correspondents, and they must contact us live. Two young men enter the stage, take out the case from the TV, put it on the table, all the commentators come up and speak from it. 1st presenter
: Every link is established. Live our correspondent from Paris. Correspondent
(From “TV”): Good evening, dear friends! In France, the day of playful deceptions is called "April fish". In 1564, King Charles IV issued a decree to postpone the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1, but many of his subjects, as a sign of disagreement with the imperial command on April 1, sent each other a traditional New Year's gift - fish.

Gradually, they resigned themselves to the king's decree, and the day of the "April fish" remained. On this Day, children secretly hang paper fish on strings for adults on their backs, and on the streets you can see serious adults with paper fish fluttering behind them. (Exit.) 2nd presenter
: Thank you for your report, and we have London in touch. The next reporter enters the scene. Correspondent
(Shouts): Can you hear me? Do you see?

Live streaming is always so unpredictable. Here, in London, they also celebrate All Fools' Day. From midnight to 12 noon on April 1, everyone can play a trick on their friends, acquaintances, deceive them. Anyone who falls for an April Fool's joke is greeted with cheerful laughter and shouts: “April fool!

"(Go away.) 1st presenter
: I have already received a call from the director's room, our correspondent from Germany is in touch. A "correspondent from Germany" appears on the stage. Correspondent: The Germans consider April 1 an unlucky day, since, according to legend, Judas was born on that day. Adults and children deceive each other, send them to shops and pharmacies with impossible assignments (for example, to buy mosquito fat at a pharmacy).

(Exit.) 2nd presenter:
Thanks to our correspondents. The presenters of the School News should also contact us. But the broadcast will be provided to them later. And we begin our humorous evening with a very interesting competition called "What is the question, this is the answer." In life we \u200b\u200bconstantly ask each other questions, sometimes serious, sometimes funny. Here you should learn to answer the last questions, and also with humor.

For example: 1. Where is the end of the world? - On the fourth floor of the school, all the light bulbs there burned out. 2. Is it true that the Japanese lack a sense of humor? - True!

This is the only thing they don't have. And now the questions:
-What does it take to become a millionaire? - What to do to stay awake during the lesson? - Is there a key to a girl's heart? - What needs to be done in order not to go crazy? - How to get rid of excess weight without restricting yourself in food?

- What to do if some pull rubber, while others - everything that lies badly? The wittiest get souvenirs. 1st presenter
: And girls will participate in the next competition. Now you will all see that girls are great car drivers. So, "auto races" are announced. Two girls are invited to the stage. Threads of the same length are tied to children's toy cars. You need to wind the thread around the pencil. The winner is the one who winds up the whole thread faster, and the car must move strictly along the intended road - the line. The winner is presented with a souvenir. 1st host:
Well, how's your mood? Then let's proceed to the next competition - "Acting Skill".

A young man and a girl are invited to participate in the competition. Imagine this situation: one of you is standing outside the carriage window, and the other is on the platform. The train leaves in a few minutes. And your loved one will leave forever, never knowing about your feelings. The task of the one who remains is to confess love without words, with the help of gestures, facial expressions. The audience decides the winner. He receives a souvenir. Musical pause. 2nd host:
The next wits contest. The competition is called “You Can't Think of It on Purpose”.

Those who wish tell a variety of jokes, but within the limits of what is permitted and within the limits of reason. The winner of the competition will be determined according to the sound level meter principle - who will applaud louder and longer. For example: Deribasovskaya. Old courtyard.

The robbers are knocking on the door of the apartment: - Who is there? - Don't be afraid! Not guests! A boy knocks on the door to the speech therapist and asks: - To you mono?

- Not only mono, but also nuno! - heard from behind the door. The winner receives a prize. Dance break. 1st host:
And now our correspondents from the School News department have contacted us. They have the floor. Two commentators enter the stage, sit down to the "TV" - 1st commentator:
On January 32, student Ivanov made a speech at the pedagogical council. According to him, in the second quarter, 4865 crows flew past the window of the physics office. This is 149 crows more than in the same period last year.

Well done, Ivanov! 2nd Announcer:
In a week, a presentation of the new locker room will take place at our school. It will be equipped with military equipment and a tracking system. The fact is that on December 13, our wardrobe was demolished. 1st Announcer:
And finally, the most important news of the day. From reliable sources it became known that this year our school will work out summer work practice in Cyprus.

Applications are still being accepted in the director's office. Thanks for attention! Until next time! 2nd host:
And now another surprise awaits you. The summer-winter season is approaching. How will the youth of our school meet him? We invite you to a demonstration of new models from the Horror collection by the couturier Kofte Nkin.

1. We bring to your attention a model of an evening suit for teenagers, wiping the walls of the stairwells with their backs in the evenings. The model is particularly durable.

There are no traces of chalk, dust, cigarettes on the fabric. (Model is wearing a raincoat.) 2.

And now here is a light, elegant dress for summer hiking or horse riding. It does not hinder movement, it is convenient to use. Pay attention to the original clasps. The model is inexpensive and accessible to anyone who is able to reach the clothesline of the adjacent balcony. (The girl is wearing a sheet, which is fixed with clothespins on the sides and on the shoulders.) 3. Modern youth have long waited for a new model of a headdress for teenagers to appear.

The versatility and practicality of this model is obvious: it does not get wet, does not pass dust and cigarette smoke, and can also be used in the summer to protect against mosquitoes, rain and the scorching rays of the sun. Inexpensive, dry, comfortable. Those interested can purchase such models with fur or fleece. (The model wears a gas mask.) 1st presenter
: Well, our today's holiday has come to an end.

We say goodbye to you, but do not forget to smile. Laugh, joke every day. 2nd presenter
: ... And a smile, no doubt, Suddenly touches your eyes. And a good mood Will not leave you anymore!

Good mood (Scenario of the holiday for April Fool's Day)

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