Communication with clients in a travel agency. Course work: Technology of customer service for a travel agency using the example of Wind Rose KMV. Nonverbal means of communication used

The purpose of this paragraph is to emphasize the importance of taking into account when organizing a tour not only the climate of interaction between tourists and service personnel, but also the psychological aspects of the tourist’s perception of services and the technology for their provision.

Hospitality is recognized as an important property of the tourism product. Without this, any most advanced tourism product will look impersonal and the tourist will not receive the expected level of satisfaction of one or another of his needs. Hospitality in the tourism industry is a professional requirement, it is the art of making people feel welcome. The components of hospitality are dignity, respect, and courtesy of the staff. This concept is multifaceted and consists of many constituent factors:

high-quality information from both local and regional markets about opportunities for recreation, knowledge and entertainment, about what tourists are waiting for and preparing to meet them;

creating a positive image of a tourist area, enterprises serving potential consumers (advertising, participation in television programs dedicated to tourism, charitable activities, etc.);

the undisguised desire of the service staff to show attention to tourists (the service policy is based on the principle of “everything for the client”);

attentive attitude of those who provide the tourism product to the requests and wishes of the client (based on the principle “what else can we do for you?”);

concern for facilitating the orientation of tourists in obtaining services (information within the company, about objects in guidebooks and booklets in a language understandable to tourists, etc.);

a favorable attitude towards tourists, which should be elevated to the principle of service.

It is also important to comply with the technological features of the tour related to the place of travel, the specifics of the service, as well as the wishes of the clients. Each specific route has its own specifics. However, there are general recommendations on the technology of serving tourists on tour:

strict compliance of the services provided with the package paid for;

targeted targeting of tours by content;

accurate and timely provision of services;

optimality of the maintenance program;

service animation.

Strategic directions in serving tourists include such as quality and culture of service, awareness and richness of programs, unobtrusiveness of service, and the like.

All these principles must be incorporated into the service technology. In the technology of organizing a tour, both the climate of interaction between tourists and service personnel, and taking into account the psychological aspects of the tourist’s perception of services and services are important. This means that the personal interests of the tourist and their emotional attitude towards him are put in the foreground.

In this regard, it has long been a practice in international tourism to provide tourists with the following signs of attention:

a welcome souvenir for every tourist. Moreover, unlike hotel services, where such a souvenir can even be a candy on the pillow, on tours there is an objectivity of souvenirs depending on the purpose of the trip. For business tours, these could be brochures, souvenir samples of products of interest, pennants, and the like; for folklore - small souvenirs of a national character;

issuing to tourists after completion of tours specially designed diplomas, certificates, badges about the route traveled, etc.;

on one of the first days of vacation (travel), it is necessary to hold a meeting between tourists and a guide to receive information and clarification on planned and additional services. It’s good when such a meeting is accompanied by video information.

All this looks very hospitable, and therefore attractive to tourists.

When organizing service, it is important to take into account the principle of liberation, that is, the client must be freed from all unpleasant things (from burdensome organizational worries, ordering transport tickets and funds, waiting for all kinds of services, and so on).

Optimal service is also an important consumer property that is directly related to hospitality. It means:

compliance of all types of services with the same level (class) of service;

compliance of services with the theme of the tour;

targeting of the tour to a specific target group of consumers;

advance approval of service programs;

flexibility of programs (the ability to replace certain services);

rational content of service according to the number of services provided;

lack of bias in service (unobtrusiveness of services).

It is important to take all these principles into account at the stage of developing a tourism product, remembering that an incorrectly prepared product not only is not in demand, but can also alienate potential subsequent customers from the enterprise. In the conditions of serious competition in the tourism market today, this is an important factor.

Also an important factor is the process of selling a tourism product. The process of servicing and selling a tourism product are interconnected. The better we serve the client and sell him the product, the more likely he is to buy it and come back next time. There are several factors that determine the level of customer service, which are highlighted by V.G. Gulyaev:

1. Availability of a comfortable office and facilities for quality service.

The traditional place of sales of tourism products is the company's office. The effectiveness of tourism activities largely depends on its condition. Cleanliness, neatness, availability of office furniture, office equipment, as well as qualified and friendly staff - all this together attracts potential customers and influences the competitiveness of the goods sold.

In accordance with the above draft standard, the requirements for a travel agency office are regulated:

design of premises for visitors and staff. The office must have equipped workplaces for staff; technical support for operational activities (communications, including fax, computer, copying equipment); equipment for storing securities; seating for visitors;

availability of information for consumers. A copy of the state registration certificate should be placed in a place accessible for viewing; a copy of the license for the right to carry out tourism activities; a copy of the certificate of conformity; advertising brochures, catalogs and other advertising materials, sorted by tour; a sign with information about the work schedule;

maintaining an optimal microclimate (temperature and humidity). Convenient approaches to the company's office.

2. Sales method.

The process of selling a tourism product includes:

receiving the client and establishing contact with him;

establishing the motivation for choosing a tourism product;

offer of tours;

registration of legal relations and settlements with the client;

information support for the buyer.

Customer service is not limited to the selling elements. On the eve of the trip, company employees remind the tourist by phone about the upcoming trip. After the end of the tour, you should find out the tourist’s opinion about the trip, identify negative aspects, and so on. Try to eliminate all the shortcomings that depend on you, and take note of the shortcomings that do not depend on your work and take them into account for the future. Share the joy of the trip with your client.

In an effort to expand sales, travel agencies use various forms of contact with consumers.

Personal contact between travel agency employees and clients can be carried out in the office or other locations of buyers, through telephone conversations, appearances on radio and television. At the same time, the effectiveness of sales largely depends on the qualifications and personal interest of the seller and attention to the client.

Indirect contact is possible in various ways. For example, by sending mail (letters, advertising brochures, etc.) to potential clients.

Contact through agents. The tourism business has its own specifics. Many travel agencies, when sending a group of tourists, give a discount to the agent in the form of one free place for 10-15 people, depending on the tour.

3. Personnel qualifications.

In Russia, requirements for the personnel of a travel company must be specified in job descriptions approved by the manager or other documents defining the employee’s responsibilities. Requirements are divided into mandatory and advisory.

Mandatory requirements include:

the employee's knowledge of his job responsibilities;

knowledge of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights";

knowledge of regulatory and legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism;

presence of work experience in tourism or related fields of activity;

knowledge of tourist formalities;

knowledge of a foreign language used in the activities of a travel agency.

availability of special education in the field of economics and tourism management;

regular staff training;

Thus, the staff must be able to give a clear, accurate answer to the question posed by the visitor, possess the information necessary for the consumer and constantly update it.

In order to properly master customer service skills, travel agency employees need to take a good look at the classes of tourist service.

Service classes are used to clarify the quality of services provided. There are no general standards for establishing classes and service programs, but it is generally accepted that a higher class of service is characterized by a higher quality of tourist services provided. The division into service classes is possible due to the fact that the tourism product is complex, consisting of a set of various services that have their own internal gradations. For example, accommodation services - a motel or a five-star hotel, food services - a cafe or a prestigious restaurant with national cuisine, and so on. All this necessitates the introduction of a certain gradation of services provided. Currently, service levels are divided into the following categories:

These are the highest class services. These can be hotels of the highest category, meals in luxurious restaurants with individual service, flights in first class or business aviation, individual transfers in limousine cars, and an individual guide-interpreter.

2) First class.

Quite a high level of service. Provides accommodation in four-five star hotels, business class flights, high-quality cuisine and a wide selection of dishes, individual transfer and guide.

3) Tourist class.

The most diverse service options. Provides accommodation in two- to three-star hotels, economy class flights on regular flights, buffet meals, transfer on a chartered bus as part of a group.

4)Economy class.

This option is considered the cheapest service option. The clients of this class are usually students and low-income people. Accommodation in one- or two-star hotels, hostels, and small private hotels providing self-service services. Meals may not be provided or breakfast may be buffet style. The flight is usually on charter flights; meetings and departures can be organized by public transport.

In any case, when purchasing a tour, you should clarify the level of each service and its specific content.

Work with visitors, like any other activity, must be organized. Very important in organizing the reception and service of visitors are the ethical and psychological aspects of communication between travel agency managers and clients. In the East and Western Europe, since ancient times, great importance has been attached to the need to take into account ethical norms and values ​​in business communication. Their influence on the efficiency of business management was especially emphasized.

R. N. Botavina in her work “Ethics of Business Relations” identifies several ethical rules for customer service.

1. How to make your interlocutor sit down?

The question is not as idle as it might seem at first glance. We humans are rather delicate natures: we experience a great feeling of discomfort, but we cannot explain why this is so. There are at least three options for placing the talkers: opposite, side by side, at an angle of 90 degrees. Each option is used quite often, but which one is preferable? It is believed that communication is effective when approximately a third of the time the interlocutors are in contact, their gazes constantly meet, so the chairs at the conversation table should be placed at right angles.

2. Determination of communication strategy and tactics.

At this stage, the main and secondary goals of communication should be determined (in particular, what can and cannot be sacrificed). It is important to understand what you can give away to get more profit. Communication tactics also include the ability to ask questions. The direction of the conversation can be adjusted by asking questions. Questions can be divided into so-called “open” and “closed”.

An open question is one that cannot be answered in monosyllables (yes, no, I don’t know), but has to be told about something (for example: “Please tell me...”, “What do you know about...?”, “What do you think... ?”, “Why...?”, “Your opinion?”, “Your suggestions?”, “How do you explain this?”). Open questions are indispensable when the purpose of communication is to obtain information.

Closed-ended questions require only “yes” or “no” answers. Such questions should be used effectively to achieve the following goals: to convince the interlocutor, to obtain his consent, to lead him to refuse something, to overcome his resistance - for example, when you need to give instructions to an employee who (you know from experience) will argue and prove that this is not part of his duties and the like. When organizing service, it is important to take into account the principle of liberation, that is, the client must be freed from all unpleasant things (from burdensome organizational worries, ordering transport tickets and means, waiting for all kinds of services, and so on) . Optimal service is also an important consumer property that is directly related to hospitality. It means:

  • - compliance of services with the theme of the tour;
  • - targeting of the tour to a specific target group of consumers;
  • - advance approval of maintenance programs;
  • - flexibility of programs (the ability to replace certain services);
  • - rational content of service according to the number of services provided;
  • - lack of bias in service (unobtrusiveness of services).

When working with a client personally, the travel agency manager from the very beginning needs to understand the principles of modern software services, which fit into the concept of “guest - host”, from which the meaning of hospitality in tourism and the corresponding approach to programming and organization of service follow. According to foreign experts, the promotion of any service program should be based on the following principles:

Hospitality is recognized as an important property of the tourism product. Without this, any most advanced tourism product will look impersonal and the tourist will not receive the expected level of satisfaction of one or another of his needs. Hospitality in the tourism industry is a professional requirement, it is the art of making people feel welcome. The components of hospitality are dignity, respect, and courtesy of the staff. This concept is multifaceted and consists of many constituent factors:

  • - creating a positive image of a tourist area, enterprises serving potential consumers (advertising, participation in television programs dedicated to tourism, charitable activities, etc.);
  • - the undisguised desire of the service staff to show signs of attention to tourists (the service policy is based on the principle of “everything for the client”);
  • - attentive attitude of those who provide the tourism product to the requests and wishes of the client (according to the principle “what else can we do for you?”);
  • - concern for facilitating the orientation of tourists in obtaining services (information within the company, about objects in guidebooks and booklets in a language understandable to tourists, etc.);
  • - a favorable attitude towards tourists, which should be elevated to the principle of service.

Liberation. During the service process, the client should be freed from any unpleasant moments (long waits, transportation, etc.).

Optimal service. The client should feel that all services correspond to the same level, without “falling” into a higher or lower category.

Activity. Initiative in service, to some extent courtesy, as well as the ability to do for the client what he does not expect (a welcome cocktail or souvenir at the expense of the hotel, providing theater tickets, etc.).

Respect for the client. Respectful attitude towards his desires, inclinations, hobbies.

Individual approach. An approach to customer service that does not provide a mandatory set of services, but is built taking into account the tastes and needs of the client.

Freedom from trends. The client must feel that service is not a goal, but a desire to satisfy his needs.

Visibility of service volume. The client must know in advance the list of services selected for him.

Correct service and sales. The client must be sure that by purchasing a tour, he has made the right choice.

Availability of free information (consultations, booklets, etc.) about available tours and services.

All these principles are built taking into account the psychology of modern man. Good service is recognized to satisfy his needs. The main tourist program is the purpose of travel. A tourist does not consider the program and service to be of high quality if the purpose of the trip is not achieved. For example, when purchasing a tour to a prestigious resort, the client assumed that there would be many educational excursions, but during the service process it turned out that at this resort all excursions are provided for an additional fee and subject to the required number of people in the excursion group. As a result, the tourist is not satisfied with the service program. The consumer's positive reaction to the service helps restore his health. Thus, the basis for programming tourist services are the tastes, habits and desires of clients. Along with the above factors, experts have recognized the importance of such a property of a tourism product as hospitality. Without it, the most perfect tourism product will look impersonal and the tourist will not receive the expected level of satisfaction of his needs.

Hospitality in the tourism industry is the art of making people feel welcome. But hospitality itself is multifaceted and consists of such constituent factors as:

  • - high-quality information from both local and regional markets about opportunities for recreation, knowledge and entertainment, about what tourists are waiting for and preparing to meet them;
  • - the presence of a favorable tourist area, events, service to potential consumers (advertising, participation in television programs dedicated to tourism, charitable activities, etc.);
  • - a charitable attitude towards tourists and the desire of service personnel to show signs of attention to tourists, i.e. “everything for the client” service policy;
  • - attentive attitude of all employees of the tourism product to the requests and wishes of the client;
  • - concern for the facilitation and orientation of tourists in receiving services (information on site in companies, information in guidebooks and booklets, as well as poster information in a language understandable to tourists). Ensure information is clear using signs and pictograms.

All these factors should organically enter into service technology. When organizing work, it is important to take into account not only the climate of interaction between tourists and service personnel, but also the psychological aspects of the tourist’s perception of services and technologies for their presentation. This means that the tourist’s personality, his interests and emotional relationships with him are put in the foreground. In the conditions of serious competition in the tourism market today, this is an important factor. It is important to take all these principles into account at the stage of developing a tourism product, remembering that an incorrectly prepared product not only is not in demand, but can also alienate potential subsequent customers from the enterprise.


My work is relevant because among the problems raised by tourism, the most important is the problem of service and hospitality. The range of professions needed in the tourism industry is very large. However, the main characteristic of everyone who works in the tourism industry is constant interaction with people with all its positive and negative aspects. Therefore, anyone who wants to work in the tourism industry must have qualities such as patience, sociability, goodwill, tolerance, and endurance. In many professions related to tourism, knowledge of psychological language is required. There is no doubt that human psychology skills are an integral part of working in tourism. There are many women working in tourism who have gained the necessary experience working as agents for travel companies.

The word “service” has become generally understood; we translate it as “maintenance,” but this is not entirely accurate. “Service” is skillful service that brings pleasure and satisfaction. Only professional training, knowledge of psychology and extensive practice can provide a travel agency employee with a qualified solution to all service issues: calmness and confidence in difficult situations, quick decision-making, the ability to make the client think that he is right, even when he is wrong .

In tourism, the quality side of serving tourists is one of the pressing problems. In the tourism market, service quality and service culture are the most powerful weapons in competition. The goal of a travel agency is to satisfy the needs of the client. Client is a regular buyer or customer who purchases and consumes travel services.

Object The study is about the features of tourist services in travel agencies.

Subject research, creation of psychological prerequisites for the sale of a tourist product.

Purpose The work is to study the psychological prerequisites for sales of a tourism product by managers of a travel company.

To achieve this goal, the following were set: tasks:

    To study the technology of customer service by managers of travel agencies.

    Analyze the psychological methods used in working with the client.

    Identify groups of travel company clients and the features of their service.

Theoretical significance research is to substantiate the topic. The presented material and its analysis in the future will help researchers understand the essence of quality service and highlight the features of psychological sales of a tourist product by managers of travel companies.

Practical significance The work consists in the possibility of its use in the process of training future specialists for the tourism sector. The practical part of the study is advisory in nature.

The methods used in writing a thesis are analysis of literature on this topic and the survey method used at the research stage.

1.Psychological foundations of communication.

1.1.Psychological contact.

Is it easy to establish psychological contact with a client? In theory, this may not seem entirely difficult. In practice, things are different. After all, the manager of a travel company very often has to do several things at the same time: send a fax, answer a call, look for information about a tour on the computer, and greet an arriving visitor.

Therefore, in order to choose a method for establishing psychological contact with a client, it is necessary to take into account a whole set of factors. These include: the degree of workload of the manager himself, the psychological type of the client, the presence or absence of other consumers who are waiting in line, the purpose of the client’s visit, his internal state and others. There are several psychological methods that help establish contact with the buyer of a tourism product.

You can generally immediately begin to deal with the problems that the potential tourist is completely absorbed in, if the manager saw and felt that there was a need for this. You can start with some amazing phrase or a bright and memorable compliment. It is best, of course, to accept the client as an individual. Every person needs recognition. This will create a creative, friendly atmosphere. However, this is possible if neither the manager nor, especially, the client experiences time pressure at the time of service. If the buyer is in a hurry, then the best way to establish psychological contact will be to immediately begin discussing the main issue and formulate a proposal that cannot but interest the client. Who will remain indifferent to the offer not only to save time, but also to receive quality service? It is difficult to refuse such an offer. In addition, this formulation of the question allows us to better identify the client’s needs.

Listening skills. An important element of the client needs discovery stage is listening. However, there are three main pitfalls to avoid when listening: bias, selectivity, and distraction.

Prejudicial listening: knowing in advance what a person wants to say. At the same time, we already determine in advance our attitude to what has been said.

Selective listening: hearing only what we want to hear. That is, we hear clients through certain filters.

Distracted listening: This is thinking about something else. Inability to listen is the main reason for ineffective tourist service in the office, as it leads to misunderstandings, mistakes and problems. Why can the client and the manager of a travel company not hear each other at one or another stage of service? What are the main reasons?

The first reason is excessive preoccupation with one’s own speech. As one psychologist notes, conversation is a competition in which the first person to hold his breath is declared the interlocutor. The interlocutor is stubborn and hopeless, who essentially does not listen at all. The second reason is the misconception that listening simply means not speaking. This is far from true; the client may be politely waiting for his turn or pondering his upcoming statement. Listening is an active process that requires attention to what is being said. In my opinion, it requires constant effort and concentration on the subject of the conversation. Even a very talkative person can be a good listener, especially if he is truly interested in what is being said, listens carefully and knows how to process information correctly

Both the client and the manager of the travel company can be absorbed in themselves, their experiences, worries and problems. People often don't listen precisely at critical moments in life when they especially need to.

The next reason is the expectation of hearing negative or unfamiliar information. The client may be afraid to hear what he least wants to know. Most people react harshly to personal criticism, although this is precisely what can be benefited from by listening carefully. Taking criticism to heart, you can sometimes devalue your “I”, but paying attention to it at all will cost more. On the other hand, someone who considers himself an expert on the topic under discussion and has ready-made answers to all questions is unlikely to listen carefully.

The reason for inattention may also be the difference between the speed of speech and mental activity, especially in cases where they speak slowly, monotonously or uninterestingly. Humans typically speak at a rate of 125 words per minute, although we are capable of processing speech at three to four times the normal rate.

An important reason that a client or manager may not hear each other is due to the inherent tendency of people to judge, evaluate, approve and disapprove of the interlocutor. The first reaction is a judgment about phenomena from one’s own personal position. However, very often a reaction based on existing beliefs is a serious obstacle to effective listening.

A simple way to maintain interest and attention during oral communication is through non-reflective listening. Non-reflective listening is essentially the simplest technique and consists of the ability to remain silent without interfering with your interlocutor’s speech with your comments. Sometimes this method is the only option, since the client of the travel agency may be emotional, agitated, or have difficulty formulating his thoughts. Sometimes you can resort to minimizing responses. Neutral and insignificant answers (“Yes!”, “How is that?”, “I understand you...”) allow you to meaningfully continue the conversation. However, there are situations in which the use of unreflective listening may not be sufficient. Firstly, it may be a lack of desire to speak. Secondly, it is the perception of silent listening as agreement with what was said. In addition, the speaker may need to receive more active support or approval. Non-reflective listening tends to be abused by overly talkative people.

Reflective listening helps overcome limitations and difficulties that arise in the communication process. Such difficulties include: the ambiguity of most words, the need for feedback to understand the intent of what was said, as well as the difficulties of open self-expression, since people are constrained by established attitudes, experienced emotions, and acquired experience. The types of reflective listening include: clarification (turning to the speaker for clarification), paraphrasing (formulation of thoughts in a different form) and reflection of feelings.

Empathic listening differs from reflective listening by stopping rather than by techniques. Both types of listening mean the same thing: paying attention and displaying feelings. The difference lies in purpose and intent. The goal of reflective listening is to understand as accurately as possible the speaker's message, that is, the meaning of his idea or experienced feelings. The goal of empathic listening is to grasp the emotional coloring of these ideas and their meaning for a person to penetrate the system and understand what the expressed message truly means and what feelings the interlocutor experiences. Empathic listening is especially valuable in resolving disagreements and resolving conflicts.

In addition to listening and identifying the needs of a client who comes to the office of a travel company, the manager’s knowledge and consideration of the main factors of tourist motivation will also help. M.B. Birzhakov notes that “without studying and understanding the client’s motivation and desires, it is impossible to correctly build a tour and offer it to the consumer market.” Therefore, let's look at this in more detail.

Organization of tourism business: technology for creating tourism products Mishina Larisa Aleksandrovna

6.1. Professionalism of a travel agency employee. Moral and psychological aspects of communication with clients

In the tourism industry, personnel are an important component of the functioning of the system. Today, one of the main tasks of tourism development is precisely achieving a high level of professionalism of service personnel. As in many other areas, the success of the organization as a whole depends on the training of employees. But for the tourism business this issue is of particular relevance, since it is not a product that is sold here, but a service (and inseparable from the source of creation). Purchasing Process in the Travel Industry– this is the promotion of a tourism product to the consumer from the moment when the need for relaxation arises in his mind, until the moment of analyzing the success of the purchase. The specificity of tourism activities is such that psychologically the service is intangible, it cannot be seen when concluding a contract, and only a competent, qualified employee is able to convince the client to purchase this service from this operator. For these reasons, the process of presenting and delivering services becomes of great importance. The quality of customer service will improve along with the improvement of education and training of specialists hired by the tourism organization.

Various Russian universities provide training in the specialty “Sociocultural Service and Tourism”. However, despite the abundance of educational institutions, a shortage of professional workers in the tourism sector remains. The heads of many travel companies agree that the tourism market requires much more than a graduate with no practical skills can offer. Graduates speak very competently about global trends in world tourism, but know nothing about the hotel base of popular resorts. This problem is being solved through the joint efforts of universities and tourism enterprises. Universities must improve their curricula and develop in future managers those professional qualities that are important for working in tourism, as well as increase the amount of practical training. The tourism industry, in turn, should not remain indifferent to the process of training specialists and should provide the opportunity to complete full-fledged internships at their enterprises.

The level of qualifications of already hired personnel can be increased by using training programs developed specifically for the tourism business. Currently, there are effective techniques that allow you to acquire the necessary skills and abilities in communicating with a client. Training programs provide an opportunity, through role-playing games, to acquire skills that are lacking among employees of a tourism organization. Knowledge of effective communication and sales techniques allows you to ensure customer preferences, create a stable system of relationships with them and receive the form of new and preferably regular orders. Such training is useful not only for newcomers to the tourism industry, but also for workers with experience in this industry.

The main requirements for personnel are knowledge of the legal framework in the field of tourism, knowledge of a foreign language, and awareness when providing services to clients. Management should develop standard job descriptions for employees of tourism enterprises and plan the professional growth of employees when sent for advanced training. The purpose of advanced training is the continuous improvement of professional level, training in modern methods of work in the tourism industry, generalization of advanced domestic and foreign experience, bringing the requirements of regulatory documents and preparation for certification. For the first time, the standards provide a list of key skills and knowledge required to perform each job function.

To date travel agency employee– this is not necessarily a person with special education. Former doctors, teachers, social workers and people of other professions work in the tourism business. However valuable employee is an employee who has certain knowledge and experience in competent communication with the client.

The professionalism of a travel agency manager is, first of all, determined by his ability to freely navigate huge amounts of information. A specialist in the field of tourism must have versatile knowledge in various fields: geography, economics, history, law, cultural studies, psychology, etc. To sell a foreign tour, you need to know everything about a given country, its culture and traditions. Knowledge of the geography of tourism will provide free orientation on tours of different countries. Another characteristic that distinguishes a true professional is the ability to manage his working time when communicating with a client. Agree that a situation in which a specialist, when talking with a client on each issue, turns to other employees, will look, at least, strange. Such a situation will certainly undermine the client’s trust not only in this employee, but in the entire company as a whole. As a result, the company will lose this client.

Of course, no one, even a super-qualified specialist, can know absolutely everything, but a true professional always knows where to find the information he needs and how to use it.

Today, the Internet provides great assistance to travel agency workers. A competent employee can glean a huge amount of necessary information from the Internet, so no company is able to stay in the market today without the ability to use such a powerful information medium. Regularly visiting websites about tourism and reading press news allows an employee to constantly be at the proper level of professional development, and this, in turn, contributes to the prosperity of the company and an increase in the number of regular customers. In addition to the above knowledge, the employee must have knowledge directly related to the organization of the tourism business, he must know what types of tourism organizations exist, know the regulatory documents that regulate activities in the tourism sector, and have an idea of ​​how state regulation of tourism activities occurs.

A professional must master specific terminology and understand the peculiarities of the relationship between all participants in the tourism process (tour operator - travel agent - client), including their rights and obligations and documentation that legally defines their relationship. And, of course, the specialist must have knowledge about ensuring the safety of tourists.

However, even the presence of all the specified knowledge in a particular person is not a sufficient condition for a travel agency employee. A customer service specialist must be able to apply this knowledge in practice to meet the needs and requests of the client. On the one hand, the manager must provide the client with appropriate service, show respect and find out his needs, and on the other hand, spend time only on business and move on to serving the next visitor. In order for the company to satisfy the interests of the client, it is necessary to encourage employees who act in the interests of the company. Efficient work is facilitated by employees' awareness of the company's work. You should know well its history in the tourism services market, the current state of affairs, and the direction of the company’s work.

Thus, the client and his desire to entrust the organization of his vacation to a specific travel agency is the main source of its existence. Therefore, a client service specialist, firstly, must have all the information that a particular client may need and, secondly, must have a specific technique for communicating with him.

Knowledge and adherence to business etiquette play an important role in the work of company personnel.

Etiquette is a set of certain rules of behavior.

Under staff business etiquette understand the rules and forms of his behavior that contribute to success in business relationships with partners, employees and clients. Business etiquette is unthinkable without observing the rules of cultural behavior.

Under the culture of behavior refers to such actions and forms of communication between people that are based on morality and compliance with certain rules and norms. The main component of the rules of cultural behavior is respect for the personality of another person. Therefore, the main requirement for company employees when communicating with a client should be, first of all, a respectful attitude towards him. The main etiquette requirements for workers in the tourism sector and, in particular, travel agencies are: politeness, tact, correctness, friendliness, as well as a neat appearance.

Politeness- the primary form of cultural human behavior. The basis of this behavior is respect for other people, the ability to perceive their interests and take them into account.

Tact– a person’s ability to regulate his behavior according to the situation or prevailing circumstances, this is the ability to feel moderation in communicating with other people.

Correctness– a concept close in meaning to tactfulness implies the ability to control oneself, to keep oneself within the framework of generally accepted decency, regardless of situations.

Goodwill- This is an attentive and courteous attitude towards another person.

Careful appearance employee of the company is an integral indicator of his culture. Sloppiness, dirty nails, carelessness in clothes and hairstyle will be a strong barrier in the relationship with the client, since when communicating with such a person, the client may feel uncomfortable.

In addition to professionalism, the tourism industry requires careful attention to customers. Workers at all hierarchical levels of management and areas of activity in tourism do not always understand the importance of the main tasks of interpersonal communication. The ability to build relationships correctly and effectively is important not only in everyday communication, but also in work. Another brilliant scientific publicist and master of words, D. Carnegie, wrote about the only way to influence another person - “to talk about what he wants and teach him how to get what he wants.” Customer service manager is the most sought-after specialty in the tourism industry. The manager’s list of responsibilities includes not only the sale of a tour, but also the preparation of documents necessary for traveling abroad, and ensuring that the client is comfortable during the entire period of his stay abroad. The smaller the company, the more functions the manager has to perform. But the main one is communication with the client, so qualities such as communication skills, self-control, a high level of culture, neatness, accuracy, charm, and good diction are important for a manager. And, of course, knowledge of foreign languages: in case of problems, tourists can call the company, and the manager should provide assistance by contacting a representative of a foreign company, the embassy of another country, etc.

Employees of tourism enterprises should understand the psychology of a person going on vacation. This is, first of all, a person who wants to relax and get new sensations. The task of a tourism enterprise is to identify the client’s needs and help him make a choice. To do this, during communication, it is necessary to find out what type of tourist the client is: perhaps he is a lover of active recreation or, on the contrary, quiet, or maybe he wants to relax for the purpose of knowledge and study.

In the modern Russian market, a new type of consumer of tourism services has emerged, characterized by a high level of awareness, demands for comfort and quality of services, and individualism. This tourist wants:

1) be sure that he is guaranteed personal safety and the safety of his luggage;

2) that he be shown hospitality, that proper service and a friendly welcome are provided;

3) to know what is new, interesting, hitherto unknown to him, he can see and learn;

4) know what tourist goods and souvenirs he can buy in the country he is visiting, so that the visit to this country or region remains in his memory and makes him want to visit again.

The modern client is quite sophisticated and often has a broader understanding of the world than some travel agency employees, because he has traveled a lot or simply read detailed information using Internet resources. In order to interest the visitor, it is advisable for the manager himself to visit the country recommended for travel. If this is not possible, then finding out as much information as possible about the proposed countries from different sources is the professional responsibility of the manager.

A positive factor for a travel agency employee is the understanding and use of the psychological characteristics of communication. We are talking about the ability of a sales specialist to receive clients, taking into account the peculiarities of the psychology of relationships.

From a psychological point of view, placing an order with a travel agency goes through three stages.

First stage– the client’s first visit to the company, related to the need that served as the reason for contacting the travel company. The client usually has either a specific or vague idea of ​​the desired service. For example, “I want to visit a certain country, city” or “I would like to go somewhere where it is warm and there is a sea.” At this moment, the client may not even think about the cost of travel.

Second stage– making a decision to cooperate with this company or not. This decision depends on the compliance of the service offered by the manager with the client’s idea of ​​the desired vacation. The decision is also influenced by the convincingness with which the manager spoke about a potential trip, the atmosphere in the office, attitude towards the client, and the cost of the tour.

Third stage– purchase of a tour or refusal of it. If a client decides to buy a tour, then his first impressions will be based on the same correspondence between the actual and the desired. In the future, the client will evaluate all the positive and negative aspects of the trip as an independent phenomenon. If the trip was successful and met the client’s requirements, a positive impression will be formed about this travel company.

Knowing the procedure for placing an order in a travel agency, an employee can most effectively influence the client at all three stages, choosing the right service tactics. Service tactics at each stage of ordering have their own characteristics. At the first stage it is necessary to interest the client in the service. This can be done with the help of advertising brochures and visual materials. The ability of a tourism manager to establish contact with visitors depends on individual psychological characteristics and professionalism. Making contact the first and most significant stage of communication, on which the entire subsequent relationship process depends. To establish contact, a feeling of comfort and, as a result, a favorable disposition towards the company employee is important. State of comfort– this is the basic state that any visitor to a travel agency should experience. A smile, a friendly and attentive attitude on the part of the staff, comfortable furniture, a cup of tea if necessary, a wait, a general favorable atmosphere of the office - all this is a sign of hospitality and contributes to the formation of a comfortable state of the client, encourages cooperation and helps to increase the company’s reputation in the eyes of the client.

An experienced manager is able to get an idea of ​​the client's needs by his appearance. Indeed, a person's appearance gives an idea of ​​his age, social and economic status. To establish contact with clients, knowledge of non-verbal communication signs is also useful. It is important that the body is turned towards the interlocutor, and the face and eyes are turned towards the speaker. Of all the possible ways to position the client and the tour manager relative to each other, the most rational and favorable is to be located at the table at an angle of 900 relative to each other. Firstly, this arrangement allows the interlocutors to see each other, and secondly, the client will feel protected from intrusion into the intimate area, and therefore this will not disturb his state of comfort. Closed postures should be avoided - crossed arms or legs, lowered head - this can create the feeling that the manager is not interested in communication.

At the second stage A travel agency employee must motivate the client to make an order. To do this, it is advisable to interest the client and involve him in the conversation. Communication should be built on the principle of dialogue, not monologue. Often the client is guided by several motives, some of which may be contradictory. It is necessary to competently help the client determine his needs without imposing services. The sales specialist can ask about the client's wishes regarding the upcoming vacation, about his needs and interests. What needs to be addressed here is the ability to ask the “right” questions. In psychology, questions are divided into several types. These are the so-called open and closed questions. Closed questions are questions that can be answered in one word. An example would be questions to which the answer is a monosyllabic “yes” or “no,” as well as questions like “What is your name?”, “How old are you?” etc. Open questions- These are questions that invite you to talk about something. The purpose of these questions is to collect information about the client and his interests.

It is advisable to start the conversation with an introduction and throughout all further communication, address the client with exactly the name by which he introduced himself. In addition, it must be remembered that regardless of the client’s age, addressing him must be respectful (you).

The main issue or problem in the relationship between the client and the travel agency manager is the choice of tourism product. At this stage of communication, information available and of interest to the client about the tour, about the tour operator who formed it, about the conditions and features of the tour is provided. It would be irrational for a sales professional to talk about all the tours and services available, as this could lead to the client becoming overwhelmed with too much information, which could result in him not purchasing anything at all, at least for now. Often the client’s words “I’ll think about it and come back” most likely end in the loss of this client. Sales experts recommend using the “three plus two” method. The method is as follows: the client is offered three options for a tourism product: one that best meets his requirements and needs, the other two that are unsuccessful. The tour manager should also have two backup tour options that also meet the client’s needs, but are slightly more expensive (these options are used if the client for some reason refuses the first, most profitable tour package). Using this method saves the time of the company employee and makes the selection procedure easier for the client.

The final say in choosing a tour should always belong to the client. It is also extremely important to be a good listener. After the client expresses his wishes, the employee should ask clarifying questions. This will help avoid further misunderstandings.

At this stage of communication, the client needs to make a choice in favor of a product. The tour manager needs to be tactful and correct. You cannot put pressure on the client and infringe on his right to choose.

Third stage– completion of the travel agency client service process. After the client has finally made his choice, it is necessary to emphasize that this is the most suitable product that best suits his desires and interests. The client will be pleased if the employee notes his good choice. The service should be completed with gratitude for using the services of this particular travel agency. On the eve of the trip, you can call the client, ask if there are any problems, and wish them a pleasant trip. This is the individual approach to a person necessary in the work of a tourism manager. Upon the tourist’s return from the trip, it is worth finding out whether everything suited him, in order to prevent troubles in the future.

Sometimes, despite the efforts of employees of a tourism enterprise, complaints or conflicts arise (the weather has changed sharply, a plane flight has been canceled, a terrorist attack has occurred, etc.). In such situations, managers need to adhere to certain rules. First, put yourself in the client's position. It is necessary to understand what happened and what exactly the client is dissatisfied with. Secondly, stay calm and remain polite. Thirdly, if possible, quickly solve the problem without losing the working rhythm.

It should be remembered that the consumer may not buy this or that tourism product if he does not like the attitude of the company representative. Does it make sense to spend significant amounts of money on attracting new clients if employees cannot convince them to use the services of this particular agency? Much attention should be paid to the selection and training of personnel so that the professionalism of workers is at a high level and generates income, since qualified personnel in the tourism business are one of the key factors for the success of business activity and the competitiveness of the company.

From the book True Professionalism by Meister David the author Huntsman John M.

From the book 50 exercises for developing the ability to live in the present author Levasseur Laurence

From the book I Can Do Anything! Positive thinking using the Louise Hay method author Mogilevskaya Angelina Pavlovna

From the book Queen of Men's Hearts, or From Mice to Cats! author Tasueva Tatyana Gennadievna

From the book Organizing a Tourism Business: Technology for Creating a Tourist Product author Mishina Larisa Alexandrovna

From the book Advertising. Principles and Practice by William Wells

Chapter Twelve NET PROFIT Moral values ​​are a child's game, not space technology It is common in society to remember fondly the “good old days” - we feel so warm at heart when we resurrect the happy days of our youth!


The easiest way to attract customers is word of mouth. When you open it, tell your friends about it. Some of those who come will use your services. If the clients are satisfied, they will recommend them to friends, since people have been using the services of the same travel companies for years. In a few years you will form a group of regular customers.

Create groups on social networks and blogs where interesting and profitable offers will be posted. Attract users who are interested in . This can be seen in their interest lists. It is important that someone constantly, almost 24 hours a day, looks at these groups and blogs, responds to comments, gives advice, invites new clients. Analyze their requests, because this can provide food for thought on new ways to attract clients. Some travel agencies offer big discounts. Is it worth becoming one of these companies? Take a different route: inform that you have new interesting routes for sightseeing tours. Clients think that the offers of travel agencies differ mainly in price, and not in content. Prove that this is not so.

Work on the name of the travel agency. Not everyone attaches great importance to naming, but the name works on your image around the clock. Some travel agencies are named too banally. As a rule, this is something with the prefix -tour. If you create a bright, memorable name, this will already give you an advantage.

The attractiveness of a travel agency to clients sometimes depends on its location. It should be convenient to access - both by personal and public transport. If the tour agency is located in courtyards, draw arrows on the asphalt or hang signs on nearby houses so that you can be easily seen. This also applies to companies that open in residential areas. Don’t be afraid to locate a travel agency where it has competitors: the specifics of people’s choice of tours are such that they usually visit at least 2-3 companies to decide on the choice of trip. It’s good if your company is surrounded by its own kind.


Actively interact with the media: act as an expert or submit your own releases regarding development trends for publication. The published materials will definitely contain a link to your company.

Video on the topic


  • target audience of the travel agency

The number of travel agencies today is so large that a reasonable question arises: do such companies find a sufficient number of clients? Unfortunately, a large number of travel companies close within the first year of operation. After all, attracting customers is becoming increasingly difficult.

You will need

  • - Internet.


Create a unique offer that will distinguish you from your competitors. Despite the oversaturation of the tourism services market, you can always find a narrow niche that has not yet been occupied. Event tourism, eco-tourism, trips to championships and superstar concerts - there are a lot of options to attract attention to your services. Of course, it is extremely difficult to invent something fundamentally new in this area. In this case, try to do what everyone else does, but a little differently.

Develop a corporate culture of communication with clients. In this case, we are not talking about basic politeness and impeccable service, which are undoubtedly also important. Consider the technical organization of work with potential consumers of services. This includes promptness of calls, high-quality telephone consultations, speed of selection of tours. Very often, clients are eliminated at the initial stage only because managers make them wait on the line for a long time or do not call back on time. Eliminate such shortcomings.

Increase trust in your company. As a rule, a potential tourist chooses a company that has been operating on the market for a long time. Of course, a newly created travel agency may look suspicious due to the increasing frequency of scandals with numerous fly-by-night companies. If your company has been around for a short time, actively build a positive reputation for it. Use public relations, charity events, topical online forums and blogs.

Develop a customer loyalty program. Every traveler should be 100% satisfied with your service. Try to anticipate all the client’s needs, warn about possible difficulties, remind about the departure date, and upon return, be sure to ask about their impressions. It is in this case that he will tell his friends about you and recommend you as a reliable company.

Helpful advice

Develop a discount program for regular customers. This is especially true for package tours, in which the price is the same in different agencies.

Beginners and professionals in the travel business are constantly looking for new ways to promote their business. They tend to use the Internet, their contacts, and other creative methods. So, what do you need to do to successfully promote a travel agency?

Be clear about your target audience. Have a clear idea of ​​what class of people your travel agency is targeting. Your success will fundamentally depend on this. If, for example, your company is located in a residential area, then your target audience will be families who want to relax on. Use mainly local marketing mechanism, i.e. work with those people who are nearby.

Study thoroughly the work of your closest competitors. Be sure to scout out the work of companies that are located near your office or in the same area. Ask third parties why clients go to this particular agency, what is their advantage over you. After that, work on the shortcomings in your organization and offer better deals to your customers. Be different from others, bring something new.



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