Chekhov ". Presentation on" Ionych "by A.P. Chekhov "Lesson on storytelling and presentation

Plot Startsev Dmitry Ionych moves to Dyalizh, as he was appointed a zemstvo doctor there. He meets the Turkins family and falls in love with Ekaterina Ivanovna. He proposes to her, but is refused. Disappointed in love and focuses all his attention on money. After 4 years he meets Catherine again, and realizes that it is even good that he did not marry her.

The image of Ionych Dmitry Ionych Startsev is a young doctor assigned to the zemstvo hospital in Dyalizh, not far from the provincial town. He was an ardent young man with lofty ideals and a desire to serve for the benefit of people and the Fatherland. Young Startsev completely devoted himself to his work and even on holidays did not have free time. Energetic, has common sense and a fair amount of skepticism and irony. Laconic and practical, collected and independent

Startsev's "Rebirth" into Ionych At the beginning of the story, Dmitry Ionych Startsev appears before us as a poor, sweet and pleasant young man. Gradually, over time, Ionych begins to degrade in the literal sense of the word. All his interests became related to money. He grew fat, irritable and insensitive. With the advent of money, he ceased to be a specialist at work and his outstanding character disintegrated. He became the same gray inhabitant of city C, like everyone else.

The idea of \u200b\u200bA.P. Chekhov shows the gradual degradation of Ionych and its causes. The author sneers at Startsev, because he really neglected common sense and succumbed to the influence of the environment to the detriment of independence. It is as if Chekhov's voice sounds in the story: do not succumb to the destructive influence of an ugly environment; develop the power of resistance to circumstances; do not betray the bright ideals of youth; take care of the person in yourself.

Genre The story "Ionych" by Chekhov has a share of humor. The funny and the sad, as in life itself, coexist side by side, but the funny takes on a sad philosophical character. The position of the author always remains unchanged, and therefore the genre is not a novel, but a story.

The problems discussed in the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych" are relevant today. More and more often, the spiritless atmosphere in our time kills high noble impulses, determination, perseverance in young people, and develops an inability to fight for their vital abilities. Therefore, Chekhov's story retains its relevance today, helping us to notice Ionych's features in ourselves and those around us and to fight them.

In his story, A.P. Chekhov gives the main character the name Startsev, which contains the prospect of premature aging of the soul. There is a certain symbolic meaning in the surname of Dr. Startsev - she seems to say in advance about what will happen to this hero. "Old man", "old", that is, who has already lived most of his life, and no longer expects anything from her.

Anton Chekhov " IONYCH "

When in the provincial town of S. newcomers complained about the boredom and monotony of life, the locals, as if making excuses, said that, on the contrary, it was very good in S. that there was a library, a theater, a club in S., there were balls, that, Finally, there are smart, interesting, pleasant families with whom to make acquaintances. And they pointed to the Turkins family as the most educated and talented.

This family lived on the main street, near the governor, in their own house. Turkin himself, Ivan Petrovich, a fat, handsome brunette with whiskers, staged amateur performances with a charitable purpose, he himself played old generals and at the same time coughed very funny. He knew many anecdotes, charades, sayings, liked to joke and joke, and he always had such an expression that it was impossible to understand whether he was joking or talking seriously.

His wife, Vera Iosifovna, a thin, pretty lady in pince-nez, wrote stories and novels and read them aloud to her guests. Daughter, Ekaterina Ivanovna, a young girl, played the piano. In short, each family member had some kind of talent. The Turks received their guests cordially and showed them their talents cheerfully, with heartfelt simplicity. Their large stone house was spacious and cool in summer, half of the windows overlooked an old shady garden where nightingales sang in spring; when guests were sitting in the house, knives knocked in the kitchen, the yard smelled of fried onions - and this each time foreshadowed a plentiful and tasty dinner.

And Doctor Startsev, Dmitry Ionych, when he had just been appointed zemstvo doctor and settled in Dyalizh, nine miles from S., was also told that he, as an intelligent person, needed to get to know the Turkins. One winter in the street he was introduced to Ivan Petrovich; talked about the weather, about the theater, about cholera, followed by an invitation. In the spring, on a holiday - this was the Ascension - after receiving the sick, Startsev went to the city to have a little fun and buy himself something by the way. He walked on foot, slowly (he did not have his own horses yet), and all the time humming:

In the city he dined, took a walk in the garden, then somehow by itself Ivan Petrovich's invitation came to his mind, and he decided to go to the Turkins and see what kind of people they were.

Hello, please, - said Ivan Petrovich, meeting him on the porch. - Very, very glad to see such a pleasant guest. Come on, I'll introduce you to my mistress. I tell him, Vera, - he continued, introducing the doctor to his wife, - I tell him that he has no Roman right to sit in his hospital, he must give his leisure time to society. Isn't it, darling?

Sit down here, - Vera Iosifovna said, seating her guest next to her. - You can look after me. My husband is jealous, this is Othello, but we will try to behave in such a way that he does not notice anything.

Oh, you chick, darling ... - Ivan Petrovich muttered gently and kissed her on the forehead. “You are very welcome,” he turned to the guest again. “My lady has written the most novel and will read it aloud today.

Zhanchik, - Vera Iosifovna said to her husband, - ditesquel "onnousdonneduthé 1 .

Startseva was introduced to Ekaterina Ivanovna, an eighteen-year-old girl, very much like her mother, just as thin and pretty. Her expression was still childish and her waist was thin and delicate; and a virgin, already developed breast, beautiful, healthy, spoke of spring, real spring. Then they drank tea with jam, honey, sweets and delicious cookies that melted in their mouths. As evening approached, little by little guests gathered, and Ivan Petrovich turned his laughing eyes to each of them and said:

Hello please.

Then they all sat in the drawing-room, with very serious faces, and Vera Iosifovna read her novel. She began like this: "The frost was growing stronger ..." The windows were wide open, you could hear knives knocking in the kitchen, and the smell of fried onions came ... and now, on a summer evening, when voices came from the street, laughter and lilacs sipped from the courtyard, it was difficult to understand how the frost was growing stronger and how the setting sun illuminated the snowy plain and the traveler walking alone along the road with its cold rays; Vera Iosifovna read about how a young, beautiful countess set up schools, hospitals, libraries in her village and how she fell in love with a wandering artist - she read about things that never happen in life, and yet it was pleasant, comfortable listening. and all such good, calm thoughts went into my head - I didn't want to get up.

Not bad ... 'Ivan Petrovich said quietly.

And one of the guests, listening and carrying his thoughts somewhere very, very far away, said barely audibly:

Yes indeed...

An hour passed, then another. In the city garden next door, an orchestra played and a choir of songwriters sang. When Vera Iosifovna closed her notebook, they were silent for about five minutes and listened to Luchinushka, which the choir sang, and this song conveyed what was not in the novel and what happens in life.

Do you publish your works in magazines? - Startsev asked Vera Iosifovna.

No, she answered, I don't publish anywhere. I'll write and hide in my closet. Why print? - she explained. - We have the means.

And for some reason everyone sighed.

And now you, Kitty, play something, ”Ivan Petrovich said to his daughter.

They lifted the lid of the piano and opened the notes that were already at the ready. Ekaterina Ivanovna sat down and hit the keys with both hands; and then immediately she struck again with all her might, and again, and again; her shoulders and chest shook, she stubbornly struck everything in one place, and it seemed that she would not stop until she pounded the key into the piano. The living room was filled with thunder; everything thundered: the floor, the ceiling, and the furniture ... Ekaterina Ivanovna played a difficult passage, interesting precisely because of its difficulty, long and monotonous, and Startsev, listening, drew to himself how stones were falling from a high mountain, falling and everything falling, and he wanted them to stop pouring as soon as possible, and at the same time Ekaterina Ivanovna, pink with tension, strong, energetic, with a lock of hair falling on her forehead, really liked him. After the winter spent in Dyalizh, among the sick and men, sitting in the living room, looking at this young, graceful and probably pure creature and listening to these noisy, annoying, but still cultural sounds - it was so pleasant, so new .. ...

Well, Kitty, today you played like never before, 'said Ivan Petrovich with tears in his eyes, when his daughter finished and got up. - Die, Denis, you can't write better.

Everyone surrounded her, congratulated her, marveled, assured her that they had not heard such music for a long time, but she listened in silence, a little smiling, and triumph was written on her whole figure.

Perfectly! excellent!

Excellent! ”Said Startsev, succumbing to the general enthusiasm. - Where did you study music? he asked Ekaterina Ivanovna. - At the conservatory?

No, I'm just going to the conservatory, but for now I studied here, with Madame Zavlovskaya.

Have you finished your course at the local gymnasium?

Oh no! - Vera Iosifovna answered for her. - We invited teachers at home, in the gymnasium or in the institute, you see, there could be bad influences; while the girl is growing, she must be under the influence of her mother alone.

Nevertheless, I will go to the conservatory, - said Ekaterina Ivanovna.

No, Kitty loves his mom. The cat will not upset dad and mom.

No, I'll go! I'll go! - said Ekaterina Ivanovna, joking and capricious, and stamped her foot.

And at dinner, Ivan Petrovich was already showing his talents. He, laughing only with his eyes, told jokes, made jokes, suggested funny problems and solved them himself, and all the time spoke in his extraordinary language, developed by long exercises in wit and, obviously, had long since become a habit with him: the majority, not bad, nagged thank you ...

But that was not all. When the guests, well-fed and satisfied, crowded in the hall, taking apart their coats and walking-sticks, Pavlusha's footman fussed about them, or, as he was called here, Pava, a boy of about fourteen, with a haircut, with full cheeks.

Come on, Pava, portray! Ivan Petrovich told him.

Pava struck a pose, raised his hand and said in a tragic tone:

Die, unfortunate!

And everyone burst out laughing.

“Interesting,” Startsev thought as he walked out into the street.

He went into a restaurant and drank beer, then went on foot to his place in Dyalizh. He walked and sang all the way:

After walking nine miles and then going to bed, he did not feel the slightest fatigue, but on the contrary, it seemed to him that he would gladly walk another twenty miles.

"Not bad ..." - he remembered, falling asleep, and laughed.

Startsev kept getting ready to see the Turkins, but there was a lot of work in the hospital, and he could not choose a free hour. More than a year passed in this way in labor and loneliness; but then they brought a letter from the city in a blue envelope ...

Vera Iosifovna had suffered from migraines for a long time, but lately, when Kitty scared every day that she would go to the conservatory, seizures began to recur more and more often. All city doctors visited the Turkins; it was finally the turn of the Zemsky. Vera Iosifovna wrote him a touching letter in which she asked him to come and relieve her suffering. Startsev came and after that he began to visit the Turkins often, very often ... He really helped Vera Iosifovna a little, and she already told all the guests that this was an extraordinary, amazing doctor. But he did not go to the Turkins for the sake of her migraine ...

Holiday. Ekaterina Ivanovna finished her long, painful exercises on the piano. Then they sat for a long time in the dining room and drank tea, and Ivan Petrovich was telling something funny. But here's the bell; it was necessary to go to the hall to meet some guest; Startsev took advantage of the moment of confusion and said to Ekaterina Ivanovna in a whisper, greatly agitated:

For God's sake, I beg you, don't torture me, let's go to the garden!

She shrugged her shoulders, as if perplexed and not understanding what he wanted from her, but got up and walked away.

You play the piano for three, four hours, - he said, walking after her, - then you sit with your mother, and there is no way to talk to you. Give me at least a quarter of an hour, I beg you.

Autumn was approaching, and in the old garden it was quiet, sad and dark leaves lay in the alleys. It was getting dark early.

I haven't seen you for a whole week, ”Startsev continued,“ but if you only knew what suffering this is! Let's sit down. Listen to me.

Both had a favorite spot in the garden: a bench under an old wide maple tree. And now they sat down on this bench.

What do you want? - asked Ekaterina Ivanovna dryly, in a businesslike tone.

I haven't seen you for a whole week, I haven't heard you for so long. I long for, I long for your voice. Speak.

She delighted him with her freshness, naive expression of her eyes and cheeks. Even in the way the dress sat on her, he saw something unusually sweet, touching with its simplicity and naive grace. And at the same time, despite this naivety, she seemed to him very intelligent and developed beyond her years. With her he could talk about literature, about art, about anything, he could complain to her about life, about people, although during a serious conversation, it happened that she suddenly began to laugh inappropriately or ran into the house. She, like almost all the girls, read a lot (in general, they read very little in S., and they said in the local library that if it weren't for girls and young Jews, then at least close the library); Startsev endlessly liked this, he excitedly asked her every time what she had read in the last days, and, fascinated, listened when she spoke.

What did you read this week before we saw you? he asked now. - Speak, please.

I read Pisemsky.

What exactly?

“A Thousand Souls,” answered the Kitty. - And what a funny name Pisemsky was: Alexey Feofilaktych!

Where are you going? - Startsev was horrified when she suddenly got up and went to the house. - I need to talk to you, I must explain ... Stay with me for at least five minutes! I conjure you!

She stopped, as if wishing to say something, then awkwardly thrust a note into his hand and ran into the house, and there she again sat down at the piano.

"Today, at eleven o'clock in the evening," Startsev read, "be at the cemetery near the Demetti monument."

“Well, that's not smart at all,” he thought, recovering. - What does the cemetery have to do with it? For what?"

It was clear: Kitty was fooling around. Who, in fact, would seriously think of making a date at night, far outside the city, in a cemetery, when it can be easily arranged on the street, in a city garden? And is it to his face, the Zemstvo doctor, an intelligent, respectable person, to sigh, receive notes, drag around cemeteries, do stupid things that even high school students now laugh at? Where will this novel lead? What will the comrades say when they find out? So Startsev thought, wandering around the tables in the club, and at half past ten he suddenly took it and went to the cemetery.

He already had his own pair of horses and the coachman Panteleimon in a velvet vest. The moon was shining. It was quiet, warm, but warm like autumn. In the suburbs, near the slaughterhouse, dogs howled. Startsev left the horses at the edge of the city, in one of the alleys, and went to the cemetery on foot. Everyone has their own oddities, he thought. - The cat is also strange and - who knows? “maybe she’s not joking, she’ll come,” and he gave himself up to this weak, empty hope, and it intoxicated him.

He walked over the field for half a mile. The cemetery was marked in the distance by a dark line, like a forest or a large garden. A fence of white stone appeared, a gate ... In the moonlight on the gate one could read: "The hour is coming at the same ..." Startsev entered the gate, and the first thing he saw were white crosses and monuments on both sides of the wide alleys and black shadows from them and from poplars; and all around far away was seen white and black, and sleepy trees bowed their branches over white. It seemed that it was brighter here than in the field; the paw-like maple leaves stood out sharply on the yellow sand of the alleys and on the slabs, and the inscriptions on the monuments were clear. At first, Startsev was struck by what he now saw for the first time in his life and which, probably, will no longer happen to see: a world unlike anything else - a world where the moonlight is so good and soft, as if his cradle was here where there is no life, no and no, but in every dark poplar, in every grave, one can feel the presence of a mystery that promises a quiet, beautiful, eternal life. The slabs and wilted flowers, along with the autumnal scent of leaves, breathe forgiveness, sadness and peace.

There is silence all around; in deep humility, the stars looked out of the sky, and Startsev's footsteps were heard so sharply and out of place. And only when the clock began to strike in the church and he imagined himself dead, buried here forever, it seemed to him that someone was looking at him, and he thought for a minute that this was not peace and not silence, but a dull melancholy of nothingness, suppressed despair ...

Monument to Demetti in the form of a chapel, with an angel at the top; Once upon a time an Italian opera was passing through S., one of the singers died, she was buried and this monument was erected. No one in the city remembered her, but the lamp above the entrance reflected the moonlight and seemed to be on fire.

There was no one. Who's going to come here at midnight? But Startsev waited, and, as if the moonlight fueled passion in him, waited passionately and drew kisses and hugs in his imagination. He sat near the monument for half an hour, then walked along the side alleys, hat in hand, waiting and thinking about how many women and girls are buried here in these graves, who were beautiful, adorable, who loved, burned with passion at night, surrendering to the caress. How, in essence, Mother Nature jokes about man, how insulting it is to realize this! Startsev thought so, and at the same time he wanted to shout that he wanted, that he was waiting for love at all costs; before him were no longer pieces of marble, but beautiful bodies, he saw the forms that bashfully hid in the shade of the trees, felt the warmth, and this longing became painful ...

And as if the curtain had dropped, the moon went under the clouds, and suddenly everything went dark all around. Startsev barely found the gate - it was already dark, as on an autumn night - then he wandered for an hour and a half, looking for an alley where he left his horses.

I'm tired, I can barely keep my feet, - he said to Panteleimon.

And, sitting down with pleasure in the carriage, he thought:

"Oh, you don't need to get fat!"

The next day in the evening he went to the Turkins to propose. But this turned out to be inconvenient, since Ekaterina Ivanovna was being combed by a hairdresser in her room. She was going to the club for a dance night.

I had to sit for a long time in the dining room and drink tea again. Ivan Petrovich, seeing that the guest was pensive and bored, took out the notes from his waistcoat pocket, read a funny letter from the German manager about how all denials on the estate had deteriorated and shyness had collapsed.

"And they will give a dowry, probably a lot," thought Startsev, listening absently.

After a sleepless night, he was in a state of daze, as if he had been drugged with something sweet and soporific; my soul was foggy, but joyful, warm, and at the same time in my head some cold, heavy piece was reasoning:

“Stop before it's too late! Is she a match for you? She is spoiled, capricious, sleeps until two o'clock, and you are a deacon's son, a zemstvo doctor ... "

"Well? he thought. - Let it go".

"Besides, if you marry her," continued the piece, "then her relatives will force you to quit the zemstvo service and live in the city."

"Well? he thought. - In the city, so in the city. They will give a dowry, we will create a situation ... "

Finally Ekaterina Ivanovna entered in a ball gown, neckline, pretty, clean, and Startsev admired and was so delighted that he could not utter a word, but only looked at her and laughed.

She began to say goodbye, and he - there was no longer any reason for him to stay here - got up, saying that he had to go home: the sick were waiting.

There is nothing to do, - said Ivan Petrovich, - go, by the way, you will give Kitty a lift to the club.

It was raining in the yard, it was very dark, and only by Panteleimon's hoarse cough one could guess where the horses were. Raised the top of the stroller.

I walk on the carpet, you walk while you're lying, "said Ivan Petrovich, placing his daughter in the carriage," he walks while he is lying ... Touch! Goodbye please!

And I was at the cemetery yesterday, ”Startsev began. - How impolite and unmerciful of you ...

Have you been to the cemetery?

Yes, I was there and waited for you until almost two o'clock. I suffered ...

And suffer if you don't understand the jokes.

Ekaterina Ivanovna, pleased that she had made such a cunning joke on her lover and that she was so much loved, burst out laughing and suddenly screamed out of fright, since at that very moment the horses were turning sharply at the gates of the club and the carriage tilted. Startsev hugged Ekaterina Ivanovna around the waist; She, frightened, clung to him, and he could not resist and passionately kissed her on the lips, on the chin and hugged her tighter.

Enough, ”she said dryly.

And in a moment she was no longer in the carriage, and the policeman near the illuminated entrance of the club shouted in a disgusting voice at Panteleimon:

Startsev went home, but soon returned. Dressed in someone else's tailcoat and a stiff white tie, which somehow kept puffing up and wanted to slip off his collar, he sat at midnight in the club in the living room and spoke to Ekaterina Ivanovna with enthusiasm:

Oh, how little know those who have never loved! It seems to me that no one has yet correctly described love, and it is hardly possible to describe this tender, joyful, painful feeling, and whoever has experienced it at least once will not convey it in words. Why prefaces, descriptions? Why unnecessary eloquence? My love is boundless ... Please, I beg you, "Startsev finally uttered," be my wife!

Dmitry Ionych, - said Ekaterina Ivanovna with a very serious expression, thinking. - Dmitry Ionych, I am very grateful to you for the honor, I respect you, but ... - she got up and continued standing, - but, excuse me, I cannot be your wife. Let's talk seriously. Dmitry Ionych, you know, most of all in my life I love art, I am madly in love, I adore music, I have devoted my whole life to it. I want to be an artist, I want fame, success, freedom, and you want me to continue living in this city, to continue this empty, useless life that has become unbearable for me. To become a wife - oh no, sorry! A person should strive for a higher, brilliant goal, and family life would bind me forever. Dmitry Ionych (she smiled a little, because, having said “Dmitry Ionych”, she remembered “Alexey Feofilaktych”), Dmitry Ionych, you are a kind, noble, intelligent person, you are the best ... - tears welled up in her eyes, - I sympathize with you with all my heart, but ... but you will understand ...

And so as not to cry, she turned away and left the living room.

Startsev's heart stopped beating restlessly. Leaving the club on the street, he first of all tore off his stiff tie and sighed with all his chest. He was a little ashamed and his pride was offended - he did not expect a refusal - and he could not believe that all his dreams, yearning and hopes had led him to such a silly end, as if in a small play at an amateur play. And it was a pity for my feelings, this love of my own, it’s a pity that, it seems, he would have taken and sobbed, or with all his might would have grabbed an umbrella over Panteleimon's wide back.

For three days he was out of control, he did not eat, did not sleep, but when the rumor reached him that Ekaterina Ivanovna had left for Moscow to enter the conservatory, he calmed down and healed as before.

Then, sometimes remembering how he wandered around the cemetery or how he drove around the city and looked for a tailcoat, he lazily stretched and said:

What a hassle, however!

Four years have passed. Startsev already had a lot of practice in the city. Every morning he hastily received the sick at his place in Dyalizh, then he went to the city's patients, left not in a pair, but in a troika with bells, and returned home late at night. He gained weight, grew fat and was reluctant to walk, as he suffered from shortness of breath. And Panteleimon also gained weight, and the more he grew in width, the more sadly he sighed and complained of his bitter fate: the ride prevailed!

Startsev visited different houses and met many people, but did not get close to anyone. The townsfolk irritated him with their conversations, views on life and even their appearance. Experience taught him little by little that while playing cards with an ordinary person or having a snack with him, he is a peaceful, complacent and not even stupid person, but you just have to talk to him about something inedible, for example, about politics or science, as he gets into a dead end or starts such a philosophy, stupid and evil, that all that remains is to wave his hand and move away. When Startsev tried to talk even with a liberal philistine, for example, that humanity, thank God, is moving forward and that over time it will do without passports and without the death penalty, the inhabitant looked at him askance and distrustful and asked: “So, then anyone can cut anyone on the street? " And when Startsev in society, at dinner or tea, talked about the need to work, that one cannot live without labor, everyone took this for a reproach and began to get angry and persistently argue. For all that, the townsfolk did nothing, absolutely nothing, and were not interested in anything, and it was impossible to think of what to talk about with them. And Startsev avoided talking, but only took a bite and played vint, and when he found a family holiday in some house and was invited to have a bite, he would sit down and eat in silence, looking at the plate; and everything that was said at that time was uninteresting, unfair, stupid, he felt irritated, worried, but kept silent, and because he was always sternly silent and looked at a plate, he was nicknamed in the city "inflated Pole", although he never been a Pole.

He avoided such entertainments as theater and concerts, but he played vint every evening, for three hours, with pleasure. He had one more amusement in which he got involved imperceptibly, little by little, this - in the evenings to take out of his pockets the pieces of paper obtained by practice, and, it happened, pieces of paper - yellow and green, which smelled of perfume, and vinegar, and incense, and blubber, - it was stuffed into all the pockets of seventy rubles; and when a few hundred were gathered, he took them to the Mutual Credit Society and deposited there in the checking account.

In all four years after Ekaterina Ivanovna's departure, he visited the Turkins only twice, at the invitation of Vera Iosifovna, who was still being treated for migraines. Every summer Ekaterina Ivanovna came to visit her parents, but he never saw her; somehow didn't happen.

But now four years have passed. One quiet, warm morning a letter was brought to the hospital. Vera Iosifovna wrote to Dmitry Ionych that she missed him very much, and asked him to certainly come to her and ease her suffering, and by the way, today is her birthday. At the bottom there was a postscript: “I join my mother's request too. TO."

Startsev thought about it and in the evening went to the Turkins.

Hello please! Ivan Petrovich greeted him, smiling with only his eyes. - Bonjourte.

Vera Iosifovna, already very old, with white hair, shook Startsev's hand, sighed with style and said:

You, doctor, do not want to look after me, you never visit us, I am already old for you. But here came a young woman, perhaps she will be happier.

And Kitty? She lost weight, turned pale, became more beautiful and slimmer; but it was already Ekaterina Ivanovna, not Kitty; there was no longer the former freshness and expression of childish naivety. There was something new in both the look and the manners - timid and guilty, as if here, in the Turkins' house, she no longer felt at home.

Long time no see! she said, giving Startsev her hand, and it was evident that her heart was beating anxiously; and intently, looking into his face with curiosity, she continued: - How you have grown fat! You have tanned, matured, but in general you have changed little.

And now he liked her, liked her very much, but something was already lacking in her, or there was something superfluous - he himself could not say what, but something already prevented him from feeling as before. He didn’t like her pallor, her new expression, a weak smile, her voice, and after a while he didn’t like the dress, the chair in which she was sitting, he didn’t like something in the past, when he almost married her. He remembered his love, the dreams and hopes that worried him four years ago, and he felt embarrassed.

We drank tea with a sweet cake. Then Vera Iosifovna read aloud the novel, read about what never happens in life, and Startsev listened, looked at her gray, beautiful head and waited for her to finish.

"Untalented," he thought, "is not the one who does not know how to write stories, but the one who writes them and does not know how to hide it."

Not bad, 'said Ivan Petrovich. Then Ekaterina Ivanovna played the piano noisily and for a long time, and when she finished, they thanked her for a long time and admired her.

“It's good that I didn't marry her,” Startsev thought.

She looked at him and, apparently, expected that he would invite her to go to the garden, but he was silent.

Let's talk, ”she said, walking up to him. - How do you live? What do you have? How? All these days I have been thinking about you, - she continued nervously, - I wanted to send you a letter, I wanted to go to Dyalizh myself, and I already decided to go, but then I changed my mind - God knows how you treat me now. I was expecting you with such excitement today. For God's sake, let's go to the garden. They went into the garden and sat there on a bench under an old maple tree, as they had four years ago. It was dark.

How are you doing? - asked Ekaterina Ivanovna.

Nothing, we live a little, - Startsev answered.

And I couldn't think of anything else. They were silent.

I'm worried, - said Ekaterina Ivanovna and covered her face with her hands, - but don't pay attention. I feel so good at home, I'm so glad to see everyone and I can't get used to it. How many memories! It seemed to me that we would talk with you incessantly, until morning.

Now he could see her face close, shining eyes, and here, in the darkness, she seemed younger than in the room, and even as if her former childlike expression had returned to her. And in fact, she looked at him with naive curiosity, as though she wanted to take a closer look and understand the person who had once loved her so ardently, with such tenderness and so unhappily; her eyes thanked him for this love. And he remembered everything that had happened, all the smallest details, how he wandered through the cemetery, how then in the morning, tired, he returned to his home, and he suddenly felt sad and sorry for the past. There was a light in my soul.

Do you remember how I accompanied you to the club for the evening? - he said. - Then it was raining, it was dark ...

The spark kept flaring up in my soul, and I already wanted to talk, to complain about life ...

Eh! he said with a sigh. “You’re asking how I’m doing. How are we doing here? No way. We grow old, we grow fat, we go down. Day and night - day away, life goes on dimly, without impressions, without thoughts ... Profit during the day, and in the evening a club, a society of gamblers, alcoholics, wheezing, whom I cannot stand. What's good?

But you have a job, a noble purpose in life. You were so fond of talking about your hospital. I was kind of strange then, I imagined myself to be a great pianist. Now all the young ladies play the piano, and I also played like everyone else, and there was nothing special about me; I am as much a pianist as my mother is a writer. And of course, I did not understand you then, but then, in Moscow, I often thought about you. I only thought about you. What a happiness it is to be a zemstvo doctor, to help sufferers, to serve the people. What happiness! Ekaterina Ivanovna repeated with enthusiasm. - When I thought of you in Moscow, you seemed to me so ideal, sublime ...

Startsev remembered the pieces of paper that he took out of his pockets with such pleasure in the evenings, and the light in his soul went out.

He got up to walk towards the house. She took his arm.

You are the best person I have known in my life, ”she continued. - We will see each other, talk, won't we? Promise me. I am not a pianist, on my own account I am no longer mistaken and I will neither play nor talk about music in front of you.

When they entered the house and Startsev saw her face in the evening light and her sad, grateful, searching eyes turned to him, he felt anxiety and thought again:

"It's good that I didn't get married then."

He began to say goodbye.

You have no Roman right to leave without supper, - said Ivan Petrovich, seeing him off. - This is very perpendicular from your side. Come on, portray! he said, addressing Pava in the hall.

Pava, no longer a boy, but a young man with a mustache, took a pose, raised his hand and said in a tragic voice:

Die, unfortunate!

All this irritated Startsev. Sitting in the carriage and looking at the dark house and garden, which had once been so dear and dear to him, he remembered everything at once - and the novels of Vera Iosifovna, and the noisy play of Kotik, and the wit of Ivan Petrovich, and the tragic pose of Pava, and thought, that if the most talented people in the whole city are so mediocre, then what should the city be like?

Three days later, Pava brought a letter from Ekaterina Ivanovna.

“You are not coming to us. Why? - she wrote. - I am afraid that you have changed towards us; I am afraid, and I am scared at the thought of it. Calm me down, come and tell me that everything is fine.

I need to talk to you. Your E. T. "

He read this letter, thought about it and said to Pava:

Tell me, my dear fellow, that today I cannot go, I am very busy. I'll come, tell me, in three days.

But three days passed, a week passed, and he still did not go. Once, driving past the Turkins' house, he remembered that he should have stopped by even for a minute, but he thought and ... did not.

And he never visited the Turkins again.

Several more years passed. Startsev has grown even more stout, obese, breathing heavily and already walking with his head thrown back. When he, plump, red, rides in a troika with bells and Panteleimon, also plump and red, with a fleshy nape, sits on the box, stretching forward straight, like wooden arms, and shouts to the oncoming people, "Hold right!", Then the picture is impressive. and it seems that it is not a man who is traveling, but a pagan god. He has a huge practice in the city, there is no time to breathe, and he already has an estate and two houses in the city, and he chooses for himself a third, more profitable, and when they tell him in the Mutual Credit Society about some house assigned to the auction, he is without ceremony goes to this house and, passing through all the rooms, not paying attention to the undressed women and children who are looking at him with amazement and fear, pokes at all the doors with a stick and says:

Is this an office? Is this a bedroom? And then what?

He breathes heavily and wipes the sweat from his forehead.

He has a lot of trouble, but still he does not give up his zemstvo place; greed prevailed, I want to keep up here and there. In Dyalizh and in the city, his name is already simply Ionych. - "Where is Ionych going?" or: "Should I invite Ionych to the consultation?"

Probably because his throat was swollen with fat, his voice changed, became thin and harsh. His character also changed: he became heavy, irritable. When receiving sick people, he usually gets angry, impatiently knocks on the floor with a stick and shouts in his unpleasant voice:

Please, answer only questions! Don't talk!

He is lonely. He lives bored, nothing interests him.

For all the time he lives in Dyalizh, love for Kitty was his only joy and, probably, the last. In the evenings he plays vint in the club and then sits alone at a large table and dines. He is served by a footman Ivan, the oldest and most venerable, they serve him lafite No. 17, and already everyone - the foremen of the club, the cook, and the footman - know what he loves and what he does not like, trying their best to please him, otherwise, what good, he will suddenly get angry and begin to knock on the floor with a stick.

While having dinner, he occasionally turns around and intervenes in some conversation:

What are you talking about? AND? Whom?

And when, it happens, at some table next door, the Turkins are discussed, he asks:

What are you talking about Turkins? Is it about those that your daughter plays the pianoforte?

That's all there is to say about him.

And the Turkins? Ivan Petrovich has not aged, has not changed in the least, and as before he jokes and tells jokes; Vera Iosifovna still reads her novels to guests willingly, with heartfelt simplicity. And Kitty plays the piano every day, for four hours. She has noticeably aged, praises and every autumn leaves with her mother to the Crimea. Seeing them off at the station, Ivan Petrovich, when the train starts to move, wipes away his tears and shouts:

Goodbye please!

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"Chekhov-lesson summary"

MSI "Secondary School No. 42" of the Akimat of Ust-Kamenogorsk city

Bun Inna Viktorovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

the highest qualification level of the highest category.

Methodical development of a lesson on Russian literature in

Grade 10 - natural and mathematical direction.

Explanatory note.

Insufficient methodological support in the context of the introduction of specialized training at the senior level of general education makes the work relevant and promising. The practical significance of the work lies in the development of a lesson plan for the study of literature in a specialized class of natural and mathematical direction, in the creation of innovative pedagogical tools and methods that can be used.

This topic is included in the section "A.P. Chekhov" and is the 3rd lesson on the study of Chekhov's work.

Students are already familiar with the personality and work of the writer. In the previous lesson, they got acquainted with the trilogy about "case" life.

In the course of the previous classes, information about the writer and his work was summarized. This lesson continues to introduce students to the work of the writer. This story is about the moral education of a person. When reading this story, it is important to show the value and negative qualities of a person. This is very relevant and meaningful for students and the formation of their personality. Students should have their own value orientations, their own ideas about the ideals, the meaning of human life.

Studying literature at the general educational level, it is necessary to preserve the fundamental foundations of the course, which plays a crucial role in the formation of the moral sphere: the student's personality, his cultural baggage, in spiritual development in general. Within the framework of a two-hour literature course, it is necessary to focus on textual, and not on an overview study of works included in the mandatory minimum of the content of education, to form reading skills, to develop a culture of oral and written speech.

One hour is allocated for this topic. During the lesson, a problem is posed, knowledge is updated, the story of writing this story is revealed, the text of the story "Ionych" is analyzed using the directed reading method, conclusions are drawn, knowledge is systematized and the results are summed up.

The target setting and objectives of the lesson are formulated in accordance with the model of lessons on the technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing."

Lesson topic:

The story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych".

Form of carrying out: work in the lesson takes place in groups.

The purpose of the lesson: the students will read and analyze the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych".

Lesson objectives:

    Students will be able to identify the specifics of Chekhov's interpretation of the plot, outline the range of problems raised in the story, form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe themes of Chekhov's work.

    Students will form an idea of \u200b\u200bvalue orientations, ideals, the meaning of a person's life on the basis of critical thinking, they will highlight the main thing, think associatively, develop oral and written speech, argue their point of view when drawing up a "Discussion map", when performing tasks according to the method of "Directed reading ”, developing informational, communicative, problem-solving competence.

    Children will listen and hear each other, working in groups, in class; they will respectfully treat the opinions of others, they will have a negative attitude towards the consumer attitude towards life, the need for fruitful work, a value attitude towards human feelings: love, duty, mutual understanding.

Technologies, methods and techniques for solving the assigned tasks: the lesson uses the technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing"; to achieve the set objectives, a three-stage lesson strategy is used: at the stage of motivation, the method of "thick questions", at the stage of implementation - the method of "directed reading", at the stage of reflection - the "reference scheme".

Equipment, decoration: portrait of the writer, illustrations for his works, book exhibition of the writer's works.

Material and technical equipment of the lesson: computer, projector, audiobook, multimedia presentation.

Handout: printed text of the story "Ionych", instruction cards, Whatman paper, felt-tip pens.

Interdisciplinary connections: with history (period of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries).

Lesson type: complex application of knowledge.

Defining the type and structure of the lesson: the entire content of the lesson is the practical application of the skills of analyzing a literary text, the ability to work in groups.

Slide number 1


creates resistance


A.M. Gorky.

During the classes

Organizational stage.

Greetings, checking the availability of students, checking their readiness for the lesson, reporting the topic, writing and explaining the epigraph.

Today's lesson is a lesson in applying knowledge; you already know about the life of A.P. Chekhov, we will continue our acquaintance with the work of the writer and the peculiarities of his artistic world.

Updating the knowledge gained. Heuristic conversation.

Slide number 2

The modern critic I. Gurvich wrote about Chekhov: "For Chekhov ... the dominance of trifles is a synonym for an inhuman life order, which has taken on the form of a social, ubiquitous phenomenon."

How do you understand the critic's words, do you agree with him?

In what stories by Chekhov is such an understanding of life particularly evident? Justify your point of view.

Slide number 3

    Motivation - application of knowledge, skills - challenge "Thick questions".

Purpose: to pose a problem to the students, to lead them to the solution of this problem.

An image of a person is placed on the interactive whiteboard, and a question mark is placed next to the person.

Slide number 4

A conversation is held on the following questions:

What does it mean to take care of a person in yourself?

How do you understand this?

What personal qualities should a person preserve in himself?

What feelings make a person a person?

The task: Name the qualities without which a person cannot be called a person.

(Students name the qualities in turn,

and the teacher writes on the interactive whiteboard).

Slide number 5

Then the teacher turns to Chekhov's work. The students have already formed an idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal qualities that need to be cherished all their lives, and now they need to look at what qualities the writer points to.

The teacher gives a description of the period of writing the story.

Slide number 6

(The story "Ionych" was written in 1898. ... These words express the ageless power of the story).

Slide number 7

        Realization - Comprehension - Directed Reading.



Hero name

Description of the hero

When analyzing each part on the board, a drawing of the hero is drawn up, his transformation. And then, in conclusion, you can see how this hero changes.

(The drawing is drawn by one of their students - it can be caricatured or schematically).

1. The text is distributed to students in parts.

After reading (or listening to an audiobook) each part is asked questions, sometimes for prediction.

2. It is also suggested to title each part of the story.

Slide number 8

Part 1 Questions:

1) What are the talents of the Turkin family?

2) Are they really talented?

3) Did Startsev like the Turkin family?

4) Why did Startsev also praise Katya, although he understood that she could not play?

5) Imagine how the relationship between Startsev and the Turkins will develop.

6) How do you see Startsev?

Slide number 9

Questions for part 2:

    What happened to Startsev?

    Why did he go to the cemetery?

Slide number 10

Questions for part 3:

    Why did Katya refuse him?

Slide number 11

Questions for part 4 of the story:

1) How has Startsev's position changed in a few years?

2) What pleasure did he get from being a doctor?

3) Does he become like other residents of the city?

4) What did Katya understand?

5) Was there a moment when you could change everything again and return love?

Slide number 12

Questions for part 5:

    Who did he look like?

    With what hero of Chekhov's story can he be compared? (from previously studied stories)

Slide number 13

The approximate result of filling the table.

Hero name

Description of the hero

Part 1

Social status, portrait of heroes.

Startsev Dmitry Ionych

Part 2

Ekaterina Ivanovna and Ionych.

Startsev Dmitry Ionych

Part 3

Startsev goes to make an offer.

Startsev Dmitry Ionych

He makes an offer, thinks about the dowry, but gets rejected, gets disappointed, stops believing in love.

Part 4

After 4 years.

Startsev Dmitry Ionych

Doctor after 4 years.

Part 5

Several more years passed.

Ionych, inflated Pole

Slide number 14

III . Reflection - Generalization and systematization - "Reference scheme".

Purpose: to summarize the knowledge gained in the form of a diagram, to summarize the lesson, to give marks, to link the topic of the story with today.

Each group sums up, then everything is systematized, qualities are highlighted that the hero could not keep and succumb to the environment.

It is proposed in groups to draw a graph of Startsev's life, where the graph of “material well-being” will go up, and the graph of “moral character” will go down.

Slide number 15

Lesson summary.

1.Conclusion:Dmitry Startsev is failing both socially and personally: he loses ideals, love and even human appearance in just a few years.

2. Exhibiting marks, the most distinguished students for the lesson are noted.

Slide number 16

Knowledge control - testing in the next lesson.

1. The hero of what Chekhov's work was the doctor?

a) "Jumping";

b) "Gooseberry";

c) "Man in a Case";

d) "Chameleon".

2. Who is the main character of the story "Ionych" by A. Chekhov?

a) Worms;

b) Belikov;

c) Startsev;

d) Ochumelov.

3. The problem of human degradation and moral death became the main theme of the story:

a) "Man in a Case";

b) "Death of an official";

c) "Ionych";

d) "Gooseberry".

4. In what Chekhov's story is there a character with the surname Turkin?

a) "Gooseberry";

b) "Chamber No. 6";

c) "Ionych";

d) "Death of an official".

5. Favorite phrase "No matter how it turns out ..." belongs to which hero of Chekhov:

a) Startsev;

b) Belikov;


d) Turkin.

List of used literature:

    Henri Troyat. Anton Chekhov. M., "EKSMO", 2004

    Gromov M.P. Chekhov. - M., 1993

    Izmailov A.A. Chekhov. Biography. Moscow, 2003

    Kataev, V.B. The complexity of simplicity: Stories and plays by Chekhov: To help teachers, high school students and applicants. - M .: Publishing house of Moscow. University, 2002 .-- P. 61.

    Russian classical literature and modernity: A textbook for 10 classes of a general education school of natural and mathematical direction / V.V.Savelyeva, G.G. Lukpanova, G.M. Michnik, I.R.Makhrakova, N.M. Mogilevskaya, E.M Luludova, V. P. Prokhodova, T. I. Sidikhmenova, L. F. Tuniyants. - Almaty: Zhazushy, 2010 .-- 352 p.

    Successes and Challenges of Today RWCT ./ Ed. S. Mirseitova and A. Irgebaeva. Kazakhstan Reading Association. - Almaty, 2005.

    RWCT philosophy and methods in action. / Ed. S. Mirseitova and A. Irgebaeva. Kazakhstan Reading Association. - Almaty, 2004.

    Chekhov and world culture. -

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"AND. Chekhov. Ionych "

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The contemporary critic I. Gurvich wrote about Chekhov: "For Chekhov ... the dominance of trifles is a synonym for an inhuman life order, which has taken on the form of a social, ubiquitous phenomenon."

  • How do you understand the critic's words, do you agree with him?
  • In what stories by Chekhov is such an understanding of life particularly evident? Justify your point of view.

Lesson topic

"Resistance to the environment creates a person."

The story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych".

Artist Y. Gershkovich

"Thick Questions"

- What does it mean to take care of a person in yourself?

- How do you understand that?

- What personal qualities should a person preserve in himself?

  • What feelings make a person a person?
  • Name the qualities without which you cannot call a person a person.

Lesson epigraph


creates resistance


A.M. Gorky.

The story "Ionych", which was written in 1898.

Chekhov worked on the formula "the environment has seized a person."

He did it brilliantly in this work.

This is why it is very relevant these days. One of the readers wrote to Chekhov about Ionych: "It's scary, scary to think how many good people, only weak by will, are ruined by vulgarity, how much it drags on, and then you won't be able to escape" .

These words express the ageless power of the story.

  • Chekhov worked on the formula "the environment has seized a person." He did it brilliantly in this work. This is why it is very relevant these days. One of the readers wrote to Chekhov about Ionych: "It's scary, scary to think how many good people, only weak by will, are ruined by vulgarity, how much it drags on, and then you won't be able to escape"
  • Chekhov worked on the formula "the environment has seized a person." He did it brilliantly in this work. This is why it is very relevant these days. One of the readers wrote to Chekhov about Ionych: "It's scary, scary to think how many good people, only weak by will, are ruined by vulgarity, how much it drags on, and then you won't be able to escape" ... These words express the ageless power of the story.

Directed reading During the text analysis, the table is filled.



Hero name

Description of the hero

Directed reading

Let's read part 1 and head it.

Part 1 Questions:

  • What are the talents of the Turkins family?
  • Are they really talented?
  • Did Startsev like the Turkin family?
  • Why did Startsev also praise Katya, although he understood that she could not play?
  • Imagine how the relationship between Startsev and the Turkins will develop.
  • How do you see Startsev?

Directed reading

Let's read part 2 and head it.

Part 2 Questions:

  • What happened to Startsev?
  • Did he really fall in love with Katya?
  • Imagine how their relationship will develop.
  • Why did he go to the cemetery?
  • Why does Chekhov choose autumn instead of spring to describe the development of relations?
  • How has Startsev's financial situation changed?

Directed reading

Let's read part 3 and head it.

Part 3 questions:

  • What did Startsev start thinking about when he was going to propose?
  • Why did Katya refuse him?
  • Why did Startsev come to the club in someone else's tailcoat?
  • How long did he suffer after rejection?
  • Imagine the fate of the hero further.

Directed reading

Let's read part 4 and head it.

Part 4 Questions:

  • How has Startsev's position changed in a few years?
  • How much pleasure did he get from being a doctor?
  • Does he become like other residents of the city?
  • What did Katya understand?
  • Was there a moment when you could change everything again and return love?

Directed reading

Let's read part 5 and head it.

Questions for part 5:

  • Can Ionych be called a humane doctor?
  • Where does he see the only pleasure in life?
  • Who did he look like?
  • How do you see Startsev now?
  • With what hero of Chekhov's story can he be compared? (from previously studied stories)?

How Startsev becomes Ionych?



Hero name

Part 1

Social status, portrait of heroes.

Description of the hero

Startsev Dmitry Ionych

Part 2

Ekaterina Ivanovna and Ionych.

A young, promising doctor, is interested in everything, to get to know everyone, walks, there is no money.

Startsev Dmitry Ionych

Part 3

Startsev goes to make an offer.

Part 4

After 4 years.

A young doctor in a year. In love, but already thinking about money, has a couple of horses.

Startsev Dmitry Ionych

Makes an offer, thinks about a dowry, but is rejected, is disappointed, stops believing in love

Startsev Dmitry Ionych

Part 5

Several more years passed.

Doctor after 4 years.

Strongly put on weight, great practice, three horses with bells, saving up money, playing cards. He meets the Kitty again, but the feelings are gone.

Ionych, inflated Pole

He was obese, suffers from shortness of breath, shouts at patients, plump, like a pagan god, very greedy and selfish, all dreams are forgotten and bright feelings are forgotten.

  • Startsev to become "Ionych" gradually or was he already like this at the beginning of the story?
  • Would Startsev turn into Ionych if he married Katya?
  • Why, at the last date, Katya can be called "matured" and Startsev "older"?
  • Why is Doctor Startsev becoming Ionych?
  • What is he losing and not saving in his life?




Graduated from university

24-25 years old


"Pagan God"


35-36 years old

Three horses with bells

Pair of horses


1 year

4 years

Some years

"That's all…"

"Spring of life"

Love drama

Met for the last time Kitty

"What will they say?"

Will give a dowry

How much trouble ...

It's good that I didn't get married

"Inflated Pole"

"The fire went out"

  • Write an essay - a prosaic study on the question “Why Startsev became Ionych?”;
  • Read the story "The Lady with the Dog".

This presentation is an attachment to the lesson of the same name. Its purpose, first of all, is to create the necessary emotional perception of the lesson materials; in a visual, concise form, bring students to the formulation of conclusions and the topic; facilitate the linguistic analysis of the text.


Slide captions:

inertia, narrowness of interests, lack of public outlook
psychology and behavior of a person with small interests and a narrow outlook
Love for satiety and peace
passive acceptance of the existing order, prevailing opinions; opportunism, compromise.
A. P. Chekhov "Ionych".
Lesson topic
"……………………… the person in the story of A.P. Chekhov" Ionych "
Track how the hero changes and under the influence of what this happens.
Construction of the work.
Find matches
LoveSpring LifeFinal CollapseLast Flash
Check yourself!
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V
Spring of LifeLoveCollapseLast FlashFinal
How does the hero appear?
1 gr. - 1-2 chapters. 2 gr. - 3-4 chapter. 3 gr. - Chapter 5.
Chapter 1
pleasant, comfortable, does not feel tired, laughs, sings, "good, calm thoughts", "not bad"
Chapter 2
worries, suffers, suffers, “hope is intoxicated”, admires, waits for love, is horrified, “oh, you shouldn't get fat”
Chapter 3
stunned, experiencing a joyful, painful feeling, “the heart has stopped beating restlessly”, sorry for love, ashamed, calmed down
Chapter 4
hastily accepts the sick, does not get along with anyone, wants to talk, complain, “the light in my soul has gone out,” gets irritated, “we grow old, get fat, we go down”, “but it's good that I didn't get married then”
Chapter 5
"Put on weight, obese", "he lives bored", "nothing interests him", "greed prevailed"
The development of the image of Dr. Startsev is descending. The hero gradually degrades.
Lesson topic
"Spiritual degradation of man in the story of A. Chekhov" Ionych "
Love test
How is the relationship between Startsev and Kitty developing?
"Ekaterina Ivanovna ... he really liked it" "I did not see you for a whole week, but if you only knew what suffering it is!" "She admired him ..." His soul was joyful, warm, and at the same time kind of cold a piece reasoned: "Stop before it's too late!"
“My love is limitless. Please, I beg you, be my wife! ”“… The heart has stopped beating restlessly. ... It was a pity for his feelings, this love of his "" How much trouble, however! "" Something prevented him from feeling as before "" He remembered his love ... and he felt embarrassed "
"And it's good that I didn't marry her" "The light was still burning in my soul ..." "He remembered the pieces of paper that he took out of his pockets in the evenings with such pleasure, and the light went out in his soul."
The passion for enrichment supplanted the feeling for Ekaterina Ivanovna.
Episode analysis
"At the cemetery"
Problematic question
What is the symbol of the cemetery in the story?
"It seemed that it was brighter here ..." "sleepy trees" "the moonlight is so good and soft" "no life" "promising a quiet, beautiful, eternal life" "blows forgiveness, sadness and peace"
"Silence is all around" "this is not peace and quiet, but a dull melancholy of nothingness, suppressed despair" "the lamp ... reflected the moonlight and seemed to burn" "I wanted to scream that he wants, that he is waiting for love" everything went dark "" - I'm tired ... "
"I'm tired ..." to live (?)
So the process of turning an intelligent person into a money-grubber, content with a dull, everyday life, or rather, not life, but existence, was completed.
Problematic question:
What is the cause of this spiritual degradation?
Turkin family
This dead environment captured him, deceived and disfigured him.
attitude to reading the novel by Vera Iosifovna
“Vera Iosifovna read about something that never happens in life, and yet it was pleasant, comfortable to listen to, and all such good, calm thoughts came into my head - I didn't want to get up.”
attitude to the game Kitty
Startsev, listening, drew to himself how stones were falling from a high mountain, falling and everything falling, and he wanted them to stop falling as soon as possible ... and listening to these noisy, annoying, but still cultural sounds - it was so pleasant, so new … Perfectly! - said Startsev, succumbing to the general enthusiasm.
attitude to Ivan Petrovich's jokes
Die, unhappy! And everyone burst out laughing. "Interesting," thought Startsev, going out into the street. "Not bad ..." - he recalled, falling asleep, and laughed.
internal conflict is initially present. Startsov is not able to resist the environment.
Degradation reasons:
The environment in which he finds himself forces him to live according to the laws of the society of the district town S. Startsev himself cannot and does not want to resist this.
“Don't calm down, don't let yourself be put to sleep! While you are young, strong, vigorous, do not get tired of doing good ”. A.P. Chekhov.
Creative work
"Why is Doctor Startsev at the beginning, and Ionych at the end?"
To help!
Ion "The Patient" (Heb.) The surname Startsev originates from the word "old age", which formed the basis of the nickname Old Man - this was the name not only of an elderly person, but also of an old resident, an old settler.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation for the lesson of literature, "A man on fire of the civil war" (based on Tolstoy's story "The Viper"), grade 11.

This presentation for the lesson of literature on the topic "Man in the Fire of the Civil War" (based on Tolstoy's story "The Viper"), grade 11, profile level ....

Presentation. Literature lesson in grade 7 "To be able to love a person" (Based on the story of A.P. Platonov "Yushka")

Lesson topic: "To be able to love a person" (based on the story of A.P. Platonov "Yushka") Lesson objectives: Personal: - to reveal the concept of "moral man"; - to develop the ability to self-study, self-development; -ph ...

This presentation was made by 10th grade pupils as an illustrative material for the defense of an essay on the topic "Little man" in the stories of A.P. Chekhov and in the work of V. Makanin "The man of the suite" ....

A.P. Chekhov's story "Ionych"

  • The writer began working on the story "Ionych" in August 1897, and finished writing it in 1898.
  • And at the same time, a note appears in his notebook, which undoubtedly refers to the future story: "Credit bills smell like blubber."


Startsev Dmitry Ionych moved to Dyalizh, as he was appointed a zemstvo doctor there.

He meets the Turkins family and falls in love with Ekaterina Ivanovna.

He proposes to her, but is refused.

Disappointed in love and focuses all his attention on money.

After 4 years he meets Catherine again, and realizes that it is even good that he did not marry her.

The image of Ionych

  • Dmitry Ionych Startsev is a young doctor assigned to the zemstvo hospital in Dyalizh, not far from the provincial town.
  • He was an ardent young man with lofty ideals and a desire to serve for the benefit of people and the Fatherland.
  • Young Startsev completely devoted himself to his work and even on holidays did not have free time.
  • Energetic, has common sense

and a fair amount of skepticism and irony.

Laconic and practical, collected and independent

Startsev's "rebirth" into Ionych

  • At the beginning of the story, Dmitry Ionych Startsev appears before us as a poor, sweet and pleasant young man.
  • Gradually, over time, Ionych begins to degrade in the literal sense of the word. All his interests became related to money. He grew fat, irritable and insensitive. With the advent of money, he ceased to be a specialist at work and his outstanding character disintegrated. He became the same gray inhabitant of city C, like everyone else.


A.P. Chekhov shows the gradual degradation of Ionych and its causes. The author sneers at Startsev, because he really neglected common sense and succumbed to the influence of the environment to the detriment of independence.

  • do not succumb to the destructive influence of the ugly environment
  • develop the power of resistance to circumstances
  • do not betray the bright ideals of youth
  • take care of the person in yourself.


  • The story "Ionych" by Chekhov has a share of humor. The funny and the sad, as in life itself, coexist side by side, but the funny takes on a sad philosophical character.
  • The position of the author always remains unchanged, and therefore the genre is not a novel, but a story.


  • Why do you think this work remains relevant today? Answer
  • Do you think Chekhov attached importance to the name of the protagonist when writing his story? Answer
  • The problems discussed in the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych" are relevant today. More and more often, the spiritless atmosphere in our time kills high noble impulses, determination, perseverance in young people, and develops an inability to fight for their vital abilities.

Therefore, Chekhov's story retains its relevance today, helping us to notice Ionych's features in ourselves and those around us and to fight them.

Objective: Analyze the stages
moral degradation
(Track how it changes
hero and under the influence of what
it happens.)

Lesson topic

“Human degradation
in the story
A. P. Chekhova
"Ionych" ".
"Degradation". [fr. degeneration] -
gradual deterioration, decline.

The story "Ionych"

“Do not succumb to destructive influence
environment, develop your strength
resistance to circumstances, not
betray the bright ideals of youth,
do not betray love, take care in yourself
man "
A.P. Chekhov.
... how insignificant,
pettiness, nasty things could condescend
person! could have changed so much!
N.V. Gogol

Continue the phrase (word, phrase)

"In life

2 options for a reflection lesson:


Working with a dictionary

Degradation word -
(degradacja - from Latin
degradatio gradual
decrease ") - derived from
degradare "go down",
formed by
prefixes de "down" from gradior
The process is gradual,
continuous development,

Find matches

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V

Check yourself!

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
“When I didn’t drink tears from
the bowls of being ... "
... he wanted to scream that
he wants him to wait for love in
no matter what. "
“And I was sorry for my feelings,
this love of yours ... "
"And the light in my soul went out"
"Where is Ionych going?"

Chapter 1

nice, comfortable, not
feels tired
hums, “good,
dead thoughts ”,
"Not bad"

Chapter 2

worries, suffers,
suffers, “hope is intoxicated”,
admires, waits for love,
terrified, “oh, I shouldn't
gain weight "

Chapter 3

stunned, experiencing
joyful, painful
feeling, “has ceased
heart beat restlessly ”,
sorry for love, ashamed,
calmed down

Chapter 4

hastily accepts the sick, nor
who does not agree with, wants
talk, complain, “light
it went out in my soul ”, gets annoyed,
“Getting old, getting fat,
let's go down ”,“ but it's good that I
did not marry then "

Chapter 5

“Put on weight, got fat”, “lives
he is bored "," nothing is
interested "," greed
overcame "


Development of the image of a doctor
Startseva is descending.
The hero gradually degrades.

How does the hero appear?

convenient, not
"good ones,
thoughts ",
"Not bad".
i, waiting
"Oh, don't
to get fat "
Overwhelmed and
"Has ceased
to beat
heart ", sorry
calmed down.
The last
sick, with no one
does not converge, wants to "got fat,
speak, stinging, "
vatsya, "light in" he lives
it went out to my soul ”,
boring ”,
“Nothing of it
“Getting old,
interests ",
get fat
we go down, "and
it's good that i
overcame "
did not marry then "
The final
The development of the image of Dr. Startsev is descending.

Ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev

Zemsky -
district form
public service
in pre-revolutionary
Of Russia

Ladder of life of Dmitry Ionych Startsev

Purpose to help
is free,
was kind
to the sick,
Ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev
a habitat


Turkin family


This dead environment
captured him, deceived
and disfigured.

attitude to reading the novel by Vera Iosifovna

“Vera Iosifovna read about what
never happens in life, and all the same it was pleasant to listen,
convenient, and all such
good, calm thoughts - not
I wanted to get up. "

attitude to the game Kitty

Startsev, listening, drew to himself, as with
stones are falling on a high mountain, and
everything is pouring in, and he wanted them
quickly stopped pouring, ...
and listen to these noisy, annoying, but
still cultural sounds - it was so
nice, so new ... Great! - said
and Startsev, succumbing to the general

attitude to Ivan Petrovich's jokes

Die, unfortunate!
And everyone burst out laughing.
“Interesting,” Startsev thought,
going outside.
"Not bad ..." - he recalled,
falling asleep, and laughed.


internal conflict
is initially present.
Startsev is incapable
resist the environment.

Ladder of life of Dmitry Ionych Startsev

Purpose to help
is free,
was kind
to the sick,
Ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev
a habitat
deceive him
la and izuro
Not able to
oppose her

"Oh, this love ..."

Ladder of life of Dmitry Ionych Startsev

Ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev
Habitat Target Test
to help
sufferers, This
From D.I.Startsev
scares him, to Ionych
is free,
was kind
to the sick,
deceive him
la and izuro
she is not
capable of
distract him
from practice
Not capable of doing.
oppose her
Was there

From Dmitry Ionych Startsev to Ionych

Ladder of life of Dmitry Ionych Startsev

Ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev
Habitat Target Test
to help
sufferers, This
From D.I.Startsev
to Ionych
deceive him
capable of
la and izuro
is free,
was kind
to the sick,
distract him
from practice
Not capable of doing.
oppose her
Was there
in life,
spiritually and

Degradation -
gradual deterioration
loss of valuable properties and

Degradation reasons:

The environment he finds himself in
forces him to live by the laws
society of the district town of S.
Startsev himself cannot and cannot
wants to resist it.

Ladder of life of Dmitry Ionych Startsev

Ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev
Habitat Target Test
to help
sufferers, This
From D.I.Startsev
scares him, to Ionych
is free,
was kind
to the sick,
deceive him
la and izuro
she is not
capable of
distract him
from practice
Not capable of doing.
oppose her
Was there
in life,
spiritually and
I couldn't
save in

Ladder of life of Dmitry Ionych Startsev

Does not have
gives in
I'm a stranger
Ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev
habitat Test
Has passed
If a
4 years
the most
wow family
in the town
such is
the same
it turned out
broke out,
but power
of money
Turned out
stronger, and
the light went out
Has passed
a few
years old
for the sake

The path from Startsev to Ionych

Refusal from
Interest in
people to
Young Zemsky
doctor Dmitry
After graduation
university \u003d
25 years
In a year
26 years
After 4 years
30 years
After few years
35 years

Let's make a conclusion

Startsev is still young, everything could have changed for him in
life, but he didn't want it. As a personality of the Elders
took place. He was spiritually degraded. Such concepts,
as philistine, philistinism, vulgarity, should
would have already disappeared from our lives. But they are, and,
unfortunately, we are faced with them very
often. Of course writers and poets couldn't get around
Let's take a closer look at ourselves, don't
attention to these sore topics. For example,
Mayakovsky's poem "About rubbish",
created by the influence and we have traces in our souls
twenties, very relevant today.
the presence of those vices that
turned a young, energetic doctor
Dmitry Startsev into the rich, greedy,
heartless inhabitant Ionych.

Love test

How relationships develop
Startseva and Kitty?

"Ekaterina Ivanovna .... Very
he liked it "
“I haven't seen you for a whole week, but if
if you only knew what suffering this is! "
"She delighted him ..."
My heart was joyful, warm, and even then
the same time, some cold piece
reasoned: “Stop until

“My love is limitless. I beg,
I beg you, be my wife! "
"... stopped beating restlessly
a heart. ... I was sorry for my feelings,
this love of yours "
"What a hassle, however!"
“Something prevented him from feeling how
before "
“He remembered his love ... and he
it became embarrassing "

“It's good that I'm not on it
got married "
“The fire kept flaring up in
soul ... "
“He remembered about the papers,
which he in the evenings
took out of his pockets with such
pleasure, and the light in my soul seemed to be burning "
"I wanted to scream what he wants,
that he is waiting for love "
"The moon is gone, and suddenly everything has darkened"
"- I'm tired…"

"I'm tired…"


This is how the process ended
transformation of an intelligent
man into money-grubber,
content with dull,
everyday life, or rather, not
life, but existence.

Creative work

“Why at the beginning -
Doctor Startsev,
and at the end - Ionych? "

To help!

And he
"Patient" (Heb.)
The surname Startsev has its own
origin from the word "old age",
which formed the basis of the nickname
Elder - not only was it called that
a person of advanced age, but also
old-timer, old settler.

Who is responsible for the transformation of Dmitry Ionych Startsev into Ionych?

Dmitry Ionych Startsev

"What a pleasure to respect a person!" written by A.P. Chekhov.
So that pleasure is not
lose -
you need to take care of yourself


Homework: (lesson intrigue !!!)

write a mini-essay
“In life, you can
(What teaches us
A.P. Chekhov in his
- "The man in
case "
- "Jumping"
- "Ionych"
- "Lady with
dog "


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