Social partnership in education priorities and opportunities. Social partnership in the field of education - types, tasks. The main areas of work of our school in the framework of social partnership

The concept of Social partnership: is a jointly distributed activity of social elements - representatives of various social groups, the result of which are positive effects that are accepted by all participants in this activity; Is the way to build a civil society.

Participants of social partnership n A social group is a relatively stable set of people who have common interests, values \u200b\u200band norms of behavior that develop within a historically defined society. n Large groups: social classes, social strata, professional groups, ethnic communities (nation, nationality, tribe), age groups (youth, pensioners). n Small groups, a specific feature of which is the direct contacts of its members: family, school class, production team, neighborhood communities, friendly companies.

Partnership for education n partnership within the education system between social groups of a given professional community; n partnership, which employees of the education system enter into, contacting representatives of other spheres of social reproduction; n partnership that initiates the education system as a special area social lifecontributing to the development of civil society.

Social partnership in education is needed so that teachers, students and parents run the school together so that teachers, teachers can unite to fight against the state and the authorities for their rights, to effectively raise funds for the development of the school, so that the territory develops socially and economically, to offer school resources to those interested the parties do not need social partnership at all for educational institutions All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council 2008

1. The state is a partner of a special kind. n acts as a catalyst for changes in social n n economic life, financially and institutionally supports public initiatives on which the partnership is based. creates legislative and regulatory conditions for the implementation of innovations, development local government, non-profit sector, charitable activities; forms target development programs social sphere and combines various resources for their implementation; engages local government, non-profit organizations and business to implement targeted programs using various organizational and financial mechanisms, including social order.

2. Local self-government is a phenomenon of public life, and not state power... n represents the interests of the local community; n within the framework of its powers, ensures the most effective solution to social problems through the implementation of specific projects; n acts in conjunction with public associations and business representatives interested in the development of the local community.

3. Enterprises and universities n easier access to information on the labor market and n n educational servicesoh; taking into account the requirements of employers to the content of training specialists; simplifies the procedure for adjusting old and developing new educational programsthat meet the requirements of universities and employers; more opportunities for professional testing and self-determination of a graduate open up; employment opportunities for graduates are expanding.

4. Non-profit sector Non-profit organizations, professional associations, independent think tanks: n offer new ideas and solutions, social technologies; n provide civil control over the actions of the authorities; n involve volunteers in the work; n express the interests of certain groups of the population (youth, people with disabilities, etc.); n put forward new values \u200b\u200b(environmental movement, restorative justice movement, human rights movement, etc.).

5. Business sector Business and business associations: n Provide charitable donations; n opportunity to use the experience and professionalism of competent managers in solving socially significant problems.

Roles of partners in partnership n Commercial organizations - funding opportunities, n State structures - use of power levers; n Public associations - form and organize social initiatives of citizens. Even if the problem is identified and everyone is aware, this does not mean that social partnership is possible.

Partnership Rules 1. This is really a partnership, not charity, charity for those in need. 2. It is a social action based on a sense of human solidarity and shared responsibility for the problem. Social partnership occurs when representatives of three sectors (or any pair of them) begin to work together, realizing that it is beneficial to each of them and society as a whole.

The basis of social partnership n the interest of each of the interacting n n n parties in finding ways to solve social problems; combining the efforts and capabilities of each of the partners for their implementation; constructive cooperation between the parties in resolving controversial issues; the desire to find realistic solutions to social problems, and not to imitate such a search; decentralization of decisions, absence of state paternalism; mutually acceptable control and consideration of the interests of each partner; the legal validity of "cooperation", which provides favorable conditions for interaction to each party and society as a whole.

Reason for partnership n A social problem arises when there is a non-antagonistic conflict of interests of different groups of the population regarding a certain common resource. n The situation becomes more difficult if these are groups with unequal opportunities. A conflict of interests of the population and the authorities can also be a problem, when the “demand” of some population groups to satisfy their needs that do not contradict public interests is not provided by “supply” from the authorities for some reason, and serious social tension arises ...

Partnership in education Transformation of three means of the management system in the aspect of state and public management of education: n cadres (a means, the change of which is aimed at initiating the activity of professional pedagogical associations); n finance (a means, the change of which is aimed at ensuring the openness and rationality of financial flows); n information (a tool that aims to broadcast positive, constructive and forward-looking ideas about education to the public).

Topical issues n What is the origin of the educational (social) initiative? n What are the different interests, what social groups are realized in this case? n Is it possible to open up the process of realizing interests? n How effective will the implementation of the initiative have on the well-being of its participants, the wider social environment?

Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers
Russian Federation







Moscow 2006

Edited by the Deputy Chairman of the Trade Union

and Secretary of the Central Committee Yudin

, Ponkratov partnership in the field of education. Tutorial... Moscow, MGOU Publishing House, 2006. 60s.

The manual reveals the legal and organizational foundations of social partnership in the field of education, including in educational institutions. Role shown trade union organization, its elected trade union bodies during the preparation and conclusion of agreements and collective agreements in an educational institution in accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Particular attention is paid to the practice of social partnership, generalization of the experience of trade union organizations.

The manual is intended to help the trade union committees of educational institutions in the work on the development of social partnership.

Foreword …………………………………………….

1. The role of social dialogue in trade union practice ……………………………………………………… ..

2. The practice of contractual regulation of social labor relations in the field of education.


3.1. The approximate structure of the collective agreement of an educational institution .............................................

In such conditions, the branch Trade Union, since 1991, its main statutory goals and objectives of activities to protect social labor rights and professional interests of educators and students began to realize, first of all, through the mechanisms of social partnership.

Today it can be stated that the industry has developed a system for concluding agreements and collective agreements at the federal (Sectoral Tariff Agreement), regional, territorial and local levels (collective agreements in educational institutions of all types and types), which is increasingly developing.

Since 1997, the Central Committee of the Trade Union, together with the branch ministry, has registered 211 regional agreements, including 75 registered regional agreements (96.0%) in the current year.

The practice of concluding territorial agreements at the municipal level is expanding (89%), and in 26 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, agreements of this level have been concluded in all municipalities. In 2005, on average, 88% of educational institutions have collective agreements in force.

As part of the implementation of regional, territorial agreements and collective agreements in recent years, it was possible to a certain extent to increase wages, mainly due to the formation of a supra-tariff fund, including through extra-budgetary funds, which led to some stabilization of the work of educational institutions; in more than 50 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it was possible to achieve an increase in the level of material support for employees of educational institutions by establishing various types of additional payments and allowances, including for young teachers.

In recent years, issues of social partnership were considered at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Trade Union, the All-Russian meeting of the chairmen of the territorial committees of the Trade Union and the heads of the educational authorities of the subjects Russian Federation, Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union.

The close attention of the Central Committee of the Trade Union to the problem of developing social partnership in the industry is due to the following.

First, in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which entered into force on February 1, 2002, the legislator has seriously increased the role of social partnership. For the first time, a whole section appeared entirely devoted to social partnership, for the first time in the code a definition of social partnership is given as a system that includes all types of interaction between employees (their representatives), employers (their representatives) and public authorities or local governments, including and informal, not of a legal nature.

The goal of social partnership is to harmonize the interests of employees and employers, that is, to make decisions that equally take into account the need to ensure the effective operation of organizations and create a system of guarantees of labor rights of employees at the federal, regional, territorial and local levels.

More than a hundred articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation refer to the collective agreement as a legal act regulating social and labor relations in an institution.

Second, from the outside federal bodies authorities, the tendency to transfer powers to ensure social and labor guarantees and provide benefits from the federal level to the regional and even municipal level (in setting the levels of rates and salaries, allowances for educators, in providing communal benefits educators in rural areas, in determining the procedure for attestation of teaching staff, etc.).

In such conditions, it seems necessary to intensify the work of the territorial organizations of the Trade Union on collective agreement regulation in order to prepare the trade union activist to professionally and competently defend the social and labor rights and professional interests of educators at the regional, territorial and local levels.

It should be noted that state of the art contractual regulation of labor relations in the industry is still largely characterized by declarative nature and insufficient content of agreements and collective agreements, their non-binding nature and the absence of necessary sanctions for non-compliance.

This is due to the fact that often federal and regional government bodies evade responsibility for the implementation of constitutional guarantees of citizens' rights in the field of education, for ensuring stable funding for schools and the obligations assumed under agreements and collective agreements.

In such conditions, the Trade Union has repeatedly had to use such extreme forms of struggle for social and labor rights and professional interests of education workers as all-Russian protests, rallies, pickets and strikes.

In addition, the limiting factors for the development of the process of social partnership in education are also:

The slow formation of representative bodies of employers in the industry (for example, the Federal Law "On Associations of Employers", adopted in 2002, does not fix the specifics of the status of an employer in the public sector, despite the fact that the Central Committee of the Trade Union has repeatedly given its comments and proposals to consolidate this specifics in the law);

Fully unresolved problems of restoring the responsibility of the state in the field of education, delineating the powers and responsibilities of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities in ensuring stable financing of industry institutions;

Extremely low financial security of the provisions of collective agreements and agreements at all levels;

Lack of a systematic approach to the formation personnel policy in branch;

Underdevelopment of the pedagogical labor market, the lack of relationship between the planning of professional training, retraining and advanced training of pedagogical personnel and the requirements of the labor market

In addition, in the protocol, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Trade Union undertook to create a Sectoral Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, which was instructed to prepare and submit for approval by the Parties a draft action plan for 2005 on the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement for years and to start developing a draft new sectoral agreement for years.

On June 9, 2005, a meeting of the Industry Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, created by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.01.01, took place. At the meeting, the Sectoral Commission approved a draft action plan for 2005 for the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on the institutions of the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for years, decisions were made to organize work on the preparation of a draft sectoral agreement for years, indicating specific stages of work, and working group on the preparation of a draft new sectoral agreement.

2.3. Increasing the efficiency of social partnership in order to strengthen the protection of social and labor rights and professional interests of workers in the industry, including professional growth and increasing the remuneration of educators

Increasing the efficiency of social partnership for federal level is largely related to the implementation of the Industry Agreement. As the analysis has shown, social dialogue at the federal level is currently characterized by instability and inconsistency, primarily due to the unresolved issue of legislative consolidation in the budgetary sphere of the authorized and responsible representative of the employer, as well as the ongoing administrative reform of federal executive bodies.

At the same time, despite the existing difficulties of an objective nature, it should be noted that the implementation of the Industry Agreement on the institutions of the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for 2004-2006 in 2005 continues. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Trade Union of Education have prepared and approved an Action Plan for the implementation of the Industry Agreement, which provides for a set of measures in the following main areas:

Continuation of joint registration and analysis of regional agreements and collective agreements of universities, including through the automated analysis of the Industry Laboratory on the basis of the Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy;

Preparation of recommendations by the parties to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities to clarify the methodology for the formation of subventions to local budgets from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to finance costs for the implementation of basic general educational programs, including additional education, in terms of the costs of wages for employees of educational institutions, costs of teaching aids, technical training aids, etc .;

Development of recommendations by the parties to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities according to the model for calculating the norms of budget financing for the implementation of basic educational programs additional education children;


"Social partnership as a factor successful development state and public administration of an educational organization "

Introduction 3

Chapter 1 The essence of state and public administration

educational organization at the present stage. 5

Chapter 2 Social partnership as an effective resource of state and public management of an educational organization. 8

  1. The essence of the concept of "Social partnership" 8
  2. An approximate model of social partnership. eleven

Conclusion. 15

List of used literature 16


Modernization educational system The Russian Federation has caused a transformation of relations between the state and society in the field of education. First of all, this is due to the introduction of a new economic model for the functioning of the education system: the formation of market relations, involving the competition of educational institutions for the consumer; expansion of the scope of additional educational services.

Under these conditions, society is concerned about guarantees of the availability of high-quality educational services, the growth of corruption in the field of education, and distrust in a number of educational reform areas being implemented in the country is growing. At the same time, the activity of citizens is growing in the formulation of an order for education, the search for optimal forms of obtaining quality education.

At the same time, the state seeks to overcome the traditional departmental closeness of the education system and create conditions for building a relationship of dialogue and partnership with society in matters of the functioning and development of education.

The development of state and public administration and information openness in general education is declared as priorities in the program documents and legislative acts of the Russian Federation: the Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020; Federal target program development of education for 2011-2015; Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2012 No. 761 "On the National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for 2012 - 2017". In the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the democratic nature of education management is enshrined as one of the principles of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

An educational organization like any other social organization, actively interacts with the external environment, which has a complex effect on it. Educational organizations of additional education for children can have a fairly noticeable counter-impact on the situation in their immediate environment. Among social subjects, interaction with which largely determines the life of an educational organization, social partners occupy an important place. Now the moment has come when education (including additional education) is spoken of as a service sector, using concepts such as competitiveness, educational service, market segment, marketing research, social / educational / partnership, franchising. New socio-economic conditions in our country also require new forms of management, coordination and cooperation. All attempts to solve the problems of additional education in modern conditions only at the expense of the state's care cannot be successful. Unregulated mechanism for the transition to normative-per capita financing, transition from 2006. on the regional budget, an increase in the% of paid educational services - all raises the question of finding additional resources for improving management activities. In our opinion, one of the promising areas in the current situation is interaction with social partners. Today, the problem arises of determining the mechanism of the relationship between an educational organization and its environment. It is especially acute in supplementary education, because the financial support of the institution, its viability and competitiveness in the modern market of educational services depends on its decision. The purpose of this work is to develop an approximate model of the relationship between an educational organization and social partners. To achieve this goal, we set the task to consider the theoretical foundations and experience of the issue of social partnership, its role in the state-public management of an educational organization, and also to develop an approximate model of social partnership.



State and public administration of education is one of the types of interaction between the state and society. Its function is to ensure the implementation and satisfaction of the educational needs of society and its subsystems. But this is not just a set of social structures, but whole system, which is based on the voluntary acceptance by the parties of certain obligations in the management of the education process.

Public-public education management develops on the basis of such principles as openness and democracy, consistency and interaction, participation and co-management, and changes in several directions: a decrease in the degree of centralization in education management, interaction based on contractual relations, an increase in the role of innovation, an increase in public initiatives in education, the creation of "horizontal management structures."

Another significant change characterizing the transition to state and public administration of education is the creation of non-state structures that expand the capabilities of state educational institutions in the form of boards of trustees and governing boards.

The goal of state-public education management is the optimal combination of state and social principles in the interests of the individual, society and government, i.e. they should be formed in a dialogue between customers and specific consumers of education results.
Thus, the content of state and public administration on the example of a separately taken educational organization constitutes the activities of the parties in the following areas:

1) ensuring the functioning of the educational organization: participation in the preparation, adoption and implementation of the regulatory framework; interaction with state and public associations and organizations contributing to the harmonization of relationships between participants in the educational process; attraction of forces and funds of legal entities and individuals; representing and protecting the interests of students, teachers and parents;

2) development of an educational organization: development and implementation of relevant programs, including those aimed at its modernization; improving the content, forms and methods of educational activities; preparation, development, adoption and implementation of measures to stimulate the work of teachers, educational, research and socially useful activities of students, possible activities parents of students in the interests of education; identifying reserves for improving the quality of education and putting them into action, etc.

At the present stage of development of education, the strengthening of the importance of state and public management of an educational organization can be explained by three factors:

Socio-political, the essence of which is that the established processes of democratization stimulate the need for public participation in education management;

Pedagogical - as practice shows, the education of students' civic qualities (self-awareness, skills of social activity, decision-making, etc.) is impossible without gaining social experience;

Professional and managerial - increasing the efficiency of the development of the education system without involving the public in the management of educational organizations is impossible.

Creation in educational organizations of collegial representative bodies endowed with a set of managerial powers (rights to accept management decisions on a number of significant issues of the functioning and development of a general educational organization), promotes the expansion of opportunities to meet the public order for education, attracting additional resources to educational institutions. Thus, social partnership is becoming an indispensable trend in a modern educational organization.




The term "Social partnership in education", like the activity itself, received full recognition in Russia several years ago. G. P. Zinchenko considers the concept of "social partnership" as a form of interaction between diverse subjects of society (state institutions, corporations, non-profit organizations, social groups, etc.), allowing them to freely express their interests and find civilized ways to implement them. Education is one of the most important values \u200b\u200bin society. However, everyone understands the fact that society is not homogeneous, which means that not all partnerships are possible between education and different sectors of society.

In modern scientific literature and in practice, social partnership is characterized ambiguously, and in recent years the content of social partnership has undergone changes. IN modern science there are different approaches to understanding this problem.

Within the first approach, social partnership is presented as a specific type public relations between professional social groups, strata, classes and power structures.

In the case of the second approach, social partnership is a specific type of social and labor relations between public authorities, the employer and the labor collective.

From the point of view of the third approach, social partnership is considered as the ideological basis for coordinating and protecting the interests of various social groups, strata, public associations business and government.

Thus, in essence, partnership is the interaction of participants in the educational process, on the one hand. On the other hand, social partnership is a relationship between collective actors interested at a certain stage of interaction. Assessment of the experience of interaction today shows that social partnership helps to direct resources to the development of joint activities of any educational institutions, their social self-organization and "self-government" regardless of their type and kind. It attracts the resources of state and non-governmental organizations for the development of the educational sphere of a specific educational organization, and also helps to accumulate and transfer educational experience, both of a specific educational organization and its partners to form the ability of members of the educational community to long-term survival in the educational services market.

Social partnership allows you to act effectively and successfully, keeping in mind the priority perspective common to all partners, to effectively coordinate joint activities with a clear understanding of their responsibilities. These activities provide the most effective and cost-effective way to help needy members of the community who are involved in partnerships, to ensure that while remaining different, they recognize the differences of individuals and organizations.

Briefly, the basic principles of mutually beneficial cooperation can be formulated as follows:

  • First, the real interaction of several partners.
  • Secondly, the partnership must be in writing. Such formality disciplines all participants in cooperation, calls for responsibility
  • Third, the social partnership agreement or agreement must have a clear time frame,
  • Fourth, a document on social partnership is drawn up in order to solve a specific issue (social problem), which is more efficiently solved by pooling resources
  • Fifthly, the social partnership agreement is considered fulfilled if the result planned by both parties has been achieved.

Opportunities for the development of education through partnership are based on the following mechanisms: openness and cooperation; communication and exchange of ideas; elaboration of the ideology of education and general approaches to community development.

Any interaction must be carried out in a specific system, which must include the following components:

  • subjects of social partnership;
  • the goal of social partnership, which can be considered as the formation of a system of voluntary and equal relationships and mutual support of subjects, leading to an increase in their educational potential;
  • tasks that are being solved by partners;
  • principles of social partnership, which are considered as a condition for the existence of partnership;
  • activity content of social partnership:

Co-management of the educational process;

  • exchange of resources and cooperation of resources in the field of education (intellectual, personnel, information, financial, material and technical, etc.);
  • provision of services to a partner - consultative, informational, technical, etc .;
  • development and implementation of joint social, educational, cultural projects, individual cases and actions aimed at solving educational problems;
  • peer education in the field of educational activities;
  • public and state expertise of the educational process);
  • organizational forms of social partnership (councils, commissions, temporary creative teams, project groups, clubs, etc.);
  • the mechanism of social partnership (a set of methods and technologies, in particular, the technology of the negotiation process, the technology of social design, the method of humanitarian expertise, the method of reflexive control, etc., ensuring the development of partnerships).

Social partnerships can be effective or ineffective. Poor partnerships can be caused by the following:

  • Lack of thought out municipal policy in the field of interaction between educational institutions and social partners
  • Insufficient degree of elaboration of the normative base of social partnership in education;
  • Lack of a coordinating center that unites and guides the efforts of the parties, as well as the lack of various forms and means of interaction between social partners.
  • Ineffective interaction of the educational institution's staff with the parents of students, public organizations, other educational institutions, and the local society


Based on the consideration of the theoretical and methodological foundations of social partnership, we will try to create a model of social partnership / The main goal of the model is to determine the stages, priority areas of action at each stage of organizing social educational partnership.

The model can have a number of components, the interaction of which leads to the achievement of the objective function:

Our model will include the following components:

  1. The key element around which social partnership is formed is a social problem, to the solution of which the interaction will be directed. Everyone should feel responsible and solidarity for solving the problem.
  2. Social partnership participants
  • The teaching staff of the educational organization.
  • Administration of the institution.
  • Parents of students.

Social partnership occurs when participants begin to work together, realizing that it is beneficial to each of them.

  1. Partnership member roles
  • Commercial organizations - financing opportunities
  • State structures - using power levers
  • Public associations - form and organize social initiatives of citizens
  1. Solution methods:
  • using the possibilities of network interaction to improve the quality of educational activities of the institution;
  • formation of a package of information and analytical materials, preparation of a package of contractual documents, a databank on possible formats for negotiating with social partners;
  • realization social projects and programs;
  • increasing the degree of openness of an educational institution through the use of public assessment of the activities of an educational organization;
  • the use of self-assessment of the teaching staff for the further improvement of the activities of the educational organization;
  1. Resources:
  • Availability of material and technical base (equipment, equipped premises)
  • Personnel (teachers, administrative staff, students, parents)
  • Informational (official website, children's and youth cinema - photo studio, own correspondents, public page in the social network, interaction with the media, etc.).
  • Financial (off-budget funding source)

The performance criteria for this model will be:

  • increasing the motivation of teachers and parents of students to increase the effectiveness of interaction on the organization and implementation of the educational process (the percentage of parents taking part in the life of the organization, the number of joint events, reducing the number of conflicts, etc.);
  • the number of projects implemented with the participation of social partners;
  • increasing the degree of openness of an educational institution and its competitiveness;
  • the level of development of the system of state and public administration of the educational organization;
  • improving the material and technical base of the organization;
  • the volume of attracting extrabudgetary funds.

Any problem that arises will be solved within the framework of social partnership in several stages:

  1. Acquaintance. At this stage, the common goals, common values \u200b\u200band resource base of the parties are determined. The presence of exactly common goals - important factor to build a partnership, since if parents are more focused, for example, on subject learning, and the educational organization is on the development of children's social skills, then a conflict is inevitable. Parents will have many complaints about the content of training and the forms educational work with kids. It is necessary to monitor parent requests and resources. Public disclosure of your priorities will allow you to attract exactly the contingent to whom these ideas seem very close. The result of this stage should be the desire of parents and other partners to participate in joint activities.
  2. Joint activities The future partners, having determined the areas of interaction and resources, begin to develop specific programs of joint activities. At the same time, it is important to establish a division of responsibility for certain parties to joint activities.
  3. The partnership itself. Solving the problem, implementing specific programs by joint efforts. A prerequisite for partnerships is their voluntariness. The compulsory creation of a board of trustees contradicts the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial partnership in principle.

This model or structure of social partnership includes components that must be taken into account when building interaction. We hope it will allow us to interact consciously and effectively, and will determine the role and responsibility of the parties to the interaction.


Thus, we examined the issues of social partnership and came to the conclusion that it is an irreplaceable factor and driving force development of state and public management of an educational organization at the present stage of education development. Our goal of creating an exemplary model of social partnership has been realized. The aforementioned areas of activity can form the basis for a program of network interaction between educational organizations and society with consistent work planning.

As a result, a properly organized social partnership will provide educational organizations competitiveness in the market of educational services, will help mitigate the social consequences of the ongoing reforms in education, improve the quality of management activities of organizations and will benefit their development.


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The term "social partnership in education" - like the activity itself, received full recognition in modern Russia several years ago. Few doubt that education is one of the most significant values \u200b\u200bin society. However, everyone knows that society is not homogeneous, which means that partnerships are not always possible between education and different sectors of society. I want to acquaint you with the experience of the center of children's creativity in the city of Serdobsk in solving the problems of social partnership, and today this is perhaps one of the few ways to preserve the system of additional education, and directly to each received UDOD, in their social and historical mission, occupied by a niche in market of educational services, social significance in the entire structure of existing interactions.
An assessment of the experience of interaction showed that social partnership helps direct resources to the development of joint activities of any educational institutions, their social self-organization and self-government, regardless of their type and type. It attracts the resources of society for the development of the educational sphere. It helps to accumulate and transfer the life experience of both the educational community and its partners in order to form the ability of community members to long-term survival in the educational services market. Social partnership allows you to act effectively and successfully, keeping in mind the priority perspective common to all partners, to effectively coordinate joint activities with a clear understanding of their responsibilities. These activities provide the most effective and cost-effective way to help needy members of the community who are involved in partnerships, to ensure that while remaining different, they recognize the differences of individuals and organizations.
Opportunities for the development of education in Russia through partnership are based on the following mechanisms: openness and cooperation, emphasis on development, communication and exchange of ideas; developed philosophy of education and approach to community development; opportunity for local residents, socially active educational institutions of all types and types, local organizations become active partners in solving problems in education and community; providing parents with the opportunity to become a "good fellow traveler" on the educational route of the child; collaborating with volunteers to increase the number of services provided in the community.
MODOD CDT is an open social and pedagogical system that closely interacts with all types of educational institutions of the city, region, public institutions, families of pupils. The market for additional educational services in Serdobsk is quite saturated and the competition between institutions is high. In the city, cultural institutions (children's art and music schools, the City House of Arts, houses of culture), sports (3 children's sports schools), education (a center for additional education for children, a station for young naturalists) are successfully operating in this area. All of them, to one degree or another, carry out variable multilevel education.
At present, the teaching staff of the children's creativity center cooperates with more than 40 different organizations in our city.
Involving the public in managing the development of education is a task outlined in the presidential program "Our New School", one of the goals of which is to create a qualitatively new level of relations, interaction in solving problems of education development by a circle of stakeholders capable of reaching a constructive agreement and developing a unified educational policy.
The changes in social and economic life that have taken place in recent decades have led to significant changes in the education system and the institution of the family. The sphere of additional education has expanded. All this provided the family with real opportunities to choose the type of educational institution and the range of educational services provided to them.
The parental community today proposes to build relations between the family and the educational institution at the level of social partnership. These are educational services that correspond to the social order for the education of children. Throughout the year, we conduct monitoring among parents. We analyze the composition and structure of families of students. It turns out that the overwhelming majority are interested in children receiving high-quality additional education, upbringing and development, and further continuing their studies in educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education.
In this regard, new associations were opened in the center of children's creativity: "School for Young Entrepreneurs", where teenagers receive knowledge in jurisprudence, accounting, economics; "Lawyer", "Young Programmer"; associations of journalists "Trying the pen" and "Light pen".
Cooperation with educational institutions on the basis of the integration of general and additional education allows you to create a unified educational environment at school, to bring additional education services to a student as close as possible. It allows you to optimize the use of the material base of partner institutions, develop it in a targeted manner, maximize the effective implementation of the program-methodological and organizational-methodological potential of the institutions, coordinate the educational process at all levels of interaction, making it more mobile and personality-oriented. The importance of such cooperation in the context of the implementation of a new educational concept with modern tasks of profile, developmental education and socialization in the transition to a competence-based approach in organizing the educational process can hardly be overestimated! In the schools of the district, this cooperation allows not only to organize leisure and employment in the countryside in a meaningful way at a higher level, but also allows organizing pre-profile training and implementing professionally oriented programs. Of the 1,600 students of the MODOD CDT, only on the basis of 9 schools in Serdobsk and Serdobsky district, 700 students are now studying.
In order to provide effective assistance to the family in raising a harmoniously developed personality, capable of adapting to the changing conditions of society, establishing relations of trust and cooperation between the family and the educational institution, the Family World program was created, which is aimed at creating conditions for cooperation between children and adults.
The teaching staff today is looking for any opportunities and means to help the family, to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance, to teach how to raise a child. To educate without appropriate knowledge, guided only by a blind instinct, is to risk the future of a growing person. Therefore, teachers learn themselves and carry their knowledge to parents. After all, no matter what parents do, whoever they are in their specialty, they are always educators of their children.
It is important for us to achieve an active life position parents, make them want to get to know their child, evaluate their relationship with him. And we use a lot of forms and ways, proven by practice and time. it parenting meetings, but they are held in the form of gatherings-conversations "Let's Think Together", "Central House of Theaters, Family, Society"; parent-pedagogical councils; trainings, discussions, "round tables". Parents discuss in the lessons of the Sodruzhestvo lecture hall, participate together with their children in socially significant matters related to the improvement of the building, the collection of search material, etc.
Parents hope that in the center the child will be taught not only to dance, sing and design. They want their children to develop stable, creative interests, which will help them in the future in choosing a profession.
Joint rest, family holidays are enthusiastically accepted by children and their parents. The partnership nature of the relationship brings adults and children closer together, makes them allies in creative work.
The main result of the interaction of this chain "Child-family-teacher" is the final result. Parents finance and go with their children on trips to regional and All-Russian shows, competitions, exhibitions, competitions. They purchase dance costumes, video equipment, and provide financial assistance in the renovation of classrooms.
The role of the institution of additional education is great in ordering the information that falls on the child from the media: radio, television, the Internet. By organizing work on the formation of the aspirations and interests of children, interacting with the local press, local television, we effectively solve the problems of fostering a common culture of young citizens, their attitude to the world, to themselves, the results of their creative activity.
Our teachers and pupils actively use the thematic pages of the newspapers Serdobskie Novosti, Alliance, and Lyubimaya Gazeta. But the most indefatigable correspondents are the activists of the associations of journalists (based on the secondary school № 10 and the secondary school № 2). Their materials about the life of children's associations are constantly published on the pages of the school publications "Ten" and "Lyceum student". In addition to collecting and disseminating information, publishing materials about events in MODOD CDT, young correspondents participate in socially significant projects. For example, the Firebird project was presented to the regional stage of the All-Russian action “I am a Citizen of Russia” to create a regional newspaper for children and youth. As a positive trend, it can be noted that the teachers themselves began to actively promote their experience of working with children, looking for new forms of cooperation with the media. Thus, an effective system of informing citizens about problems in children and youth is being formed in the city. This allows not only to solve the problems of education and socialization of students, but also to actively promote their "product" on the educational services market, to solve the image problems of UDOD.
Cooperation with educational and public institutions is developing most actively and productively in the period of preparation for mass events: "Let's join hands, family!", "Successful family"; socially significant issues: actions in support of children with disabilities "Kind Heart" and "Stretch out a hand to a friend" (such an action took place during October, where the teaching staff involves social services, the administration of Serdobsky district, individual entrepreneurs); scientific and practical conferences "Economic education of adolescents", held together with the teachers of the Serdobsk multidisciplinary and agricultural technical schools.
The Center for Children's Creativity has been cooperating with the Kirsanov College of Civil Aviation for many years. We understand this educational partnership as cooperation of absolutely equal partner institutions and as a constructive unification of teachers around one big business - creating conditions for a young person to acquire a profession, while making a conscious choice with a sense of conscious responsibility, realistically assessing their potential and prospects for social and professional integration in modern society .. All sides of interaction are stipulated in agreements on joint activities. This gives the right to advantages for our graduates when applying for majoring specialties in this educational institution.
For many years, our teachers have been working with children with disabilities (HH). Develop and implement new programs for social adaptation children through their creative activities. Now 6 teachers of the Center are working with such children at home, in cooperation with a psychologist, social service - the Center social protection, parents.
The result of this big painstaking work is the performance and victory of children with disabilities at regional competitions, festivals "Under the sail of Hope", All-Russian competition children's creativity "Open heart". And most importantly, children develop a desire for life, self-confidence, self-realization, that they are not alone. High results of socialization of such children can be achieved when they, studying in the same group with healthy children (in some cases designating leadership positions), achieve success in festivals and competitions without a "discount" on the level of health.
Undoubtedly, the introduction of new state educational standards (FSES) in a general education school will make significant adjustments to the entire system of interactions in the Russian market of educational services. And in this regard, we hope that the existing experience of social partnership will allow institutions of additional education not only to survive, but also to develop in the modern market of educational services in accordance with the expectations of society and the state.

Social partnership in education is a sign of a new era. The modern school is in such conditions when it is impossible to survive and develop without establishing a mutually beneficial social partnership. Educational institution should become an open system that expands cooperation with various social institutions. Children need adults to share the responsibility for their education and upbringing.



Performed: student of the course

"Socio-pedagogical partnership

In solving urgent problems of education "

Month Yulia Vasilievna

Course curator: associate professor of the department


APPO education

City of St. Petersburg

Stepikhova Valentina Anatolievna

St. Petersburg


Social partnership as one of the tools for ensuring the socialization of students

Yulia Vasilievna Mesyats, Deputy Director for BP

GBOU school number 600 with in-depth study of English language Primorsky

district of St. Petersburg


The Federal Law "On Education", the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government decree and the corresponding instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science set the schools to build a social partnership between the state and the local community in supporting and developing general secondary education.
Social partnership in education is a sign of a new era. The modern school is in such conditions when it is impossible to survive and develop without establishing a mutually beneficial social partnership. The educational institution should become an open system that expands cooperation with various social institutions. Children need adults to share the responsibility for their education and upbringing.

The goal of social partnership

Formation of students' worldview, ideas about the world as an integral system of interrelated relationships, actions and deeds.

The main tasks of social partnership:

Improving the relationship between the subjects of the educational space;
- Creation of conditions for attracting investment funds to an educational institution;
- Formation of an active life position of the student;
- Socialization of the individual.

Principles of social partnership:

Voluntary recognition by partners of each other as participants in public relations;
- The trust;
- Mutual responsibility of partners for a common cause;
- Mandatory fulfillment of their obligations in accordance with the agreements reached;
- Mutual interest of the parties;
- Equality of participants in the choice of ways and means to achieve a common goal;
- Maintaining a spirit of equal opportunity, selflessness and solidarity.

The main areas of work of our school in the framework of social partnership:

Implementation of continuous education.
- Joint (collective) activities.
- Cooperation between schools and society on mutually beneficial terms.
- Formation of an active life position and social intelligence.
- Building mechanisms for targeted social assistance, use of resources of charity.

There are three stages in building partnerships for our school:

The first stage is Acquaintance.
- Second stage - Joint activities.
- The third stage is Partnership.

The main types of joint activities of our school and social partners are:



Discussion of the strategy and tactics of social partnership

Drafting and signing contracts

Designing joint activities

Drawing up plans for collaboration

Implementation of joint activities

Joint events

Mutual support

Psychological comfort of partners

In the process of joint activities, the availability of feedback and the openness of communication channels acquire special relevance. This means that it is necessary to regularly study the opinion of potential partners about the quality and results of this activity.
The main result of the second stage should be the ability of potential partners to participate in joint activities, i.e. their certain competence based on trust in each other. Trust, in turn, gives rise to the desire to continue cooperation in the forms that are acceptable for specific partners.

GBOU school number 600 has a fairly extensive experience of interaction and cooperation in the local community in such areas as

Development of guardianship activities;

Development of self-government through the Council of High School Students;

Expansion of social partnership with parents of students, interested adults (institutions of additional education of the Edelweiss Center, children's creative forum "Kitiz Plus", the center for social assistance to families and children "Family", KDN, universities of St. Petersburg.)

In this work, I would like to dwell in a little more detail on the latter direction.

Traditionally, much attention is paid to social partnership with parents, the educational potential of the family. To foster a positive attitude towards school among students and parents through the inclusion of parents in the social life of the school (in terms of the educational work of the school - the participation of parents in classroom, school-wide activities, joint trips, competitions, career guidance excursions) Implementation of the program "Smoking-free classes" together with PPMS by the center of Primorsky district (also by our social partners) is impossible without the active help of parents. For a number of years, students in grades 6-7 of our school have been taking part in this program.

2010-2011 was a very productive year for us. Among 17 schools of the district we took the 2nd place, and the creative work of the pupil of 6 "b" grade Alekseev A. "Family is the territory of health" took the first place in the city !!!

Civil passivity, dependence of some part of parents, their consumer attitude towards school can be overcome by developing social partnership first with a group of parents, developing voluntary social work, charity.

Traditionally, social partnership is carried out with extracurricular educational institutions.

In 2011-2012, we signed an agreement with the Family Center on cooperation in order to implement the Healthy Family - Healthy Future project. Students of grades 10-11 took part in the project.

Project goal: to provide professional assistance to adolescents in the formation of healthy family relationships between spouses.

Professional psychologists worked with students: with boys - a man, with girls - a woman. The guys were able to ask all their personal questions and, according to reviews, the meeting was very productive. The results of testing and questioning showed that 90% of students are interested in the raised topic and want to follow the advice of experts in order to create a full-fledged family in the future.

Cooperation with the Center "Family" is very old, the following joint activities have become traditional: "Adaptation of students primary school when going to basic school ”, counseling by psychologists for parents of problem students, social patrolling of families in difficult life situations.

Developing the system of continuous education (preschool institution-school-university), GBOU school number 600cooperates with kindergartens of the city, secondary schools and universities of the city to create a system focused on the individualization and socialization of students. At the third stage general education, we develop a system of specialized training, taking into account the real needs of the labor market, parental requests, working out a flexible system of profiles and cooperation with higher education institutions.

The opportunities for socialization of students are expanding, continuity between general and vocational education is ensured, and it becomes possible to more effectively prepare school graduates for the development of higher vocational education programs.

Within the framework of pre-university education, social partnership is carried out with a number of universities in St. Petersburg: INZHEKON, Mining University, "finek", LETI.

Involving students in socially active activities, in interaction with the public, creates conditions for adaptation, socialization and development of the student's personality. Joint cooperation between the school and the public allows it to become an open system.


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