A man who deals with plants. Professions related to animals: list, description and features. Melon growing and other positions

1. Biologist. A biologist studies all living organisms on the Earth. You can choose your specialization and study only plants (a botanist does this), only animals (a zoologist), or study single-celled organisms (a microbiologist). You will most likely be working in a laboratory, conducting experiments and research. But sometimes you have to work in the open air - collecting plant samples or studying the organism in its natural habitat.

Specialty at the university: biology, bioengineering, biotechnology.

Salary: 40-60 thousand rubles.

2. Environmentalist.Ecologist - this is the chief inspector of nature. It checks the condition of water, air, plants and soil for compliance with the indicators of the norm. If the number of microorganisms is exceeded in the water, and the air contains an excessive amount of harmful substances, the ecologist will not only fix this in time, but will also develop a plan for how to return the indicators to normal. The ecologist spends most of his time outdoors.

Specialty at the university:ecology and nature management, agronomy, biology.

Salary:25-35 thousand rubles.

3. Vegetable grower.The grower knows how to get a good harvest. He will properly prepare the soil, sow seeds, carefully protect the plants from pests, and then collect the grown and send them to their destination. If planting and harvesting at Farm Frenzy is a real pleasure, then this profession is for you.

Specialty at the university:agronomy.

Salary:25-30 thousand rubles.

4. Gardener.The gardener knows how to make a real work of art out of a garden. He will water plants in time, destroy weeds and form the crown of trees and bushes. A landscape designer can also create a garden "from scratch" by planting plants, creating beautiful compositions with small ponds and " alpine slides"The profession can be called creative, and the work takes place exclusively in the open air.

Specialty at the university:gardening, agronomy, biology, landscape architecture.

Salary:20-30 thousand rubles.

5. The captain of the ship.Working at sea has always been considered dangerous, but exciting and full of adventure. Of course, to become a captain, you need to start your journey as a sailor and perform many difficult duties both in a storm and under the rays of the scorching sun, but there is no doubt that this is a profession for real men.

Specialty at the university:navigation.

Salary:sailor - 20-25 thousand rubles, the captain of the ship - 50-65 thousand rubles.

6. Geographer.A profession for born travelers. Who else can visit the most remote points of the planet, walk through places where almost no human foot has stepped, if not a geographer? If you choose this profession, then your responsibilities will include the study and description of certain phenomena, you also need to be able to navigate the maps and draw them yourself.

Specialty at the university:geography, cartography and geotechnology.

Salary:30-40 thousand rubles.

7. Geologist.The geologist studies the composition of the soil, examines the rocks. The profession is to a certain extent fraught with danger - you have to work both in the mountains and underground. Most of the time geologists spend outdoors on various expeditions, and then study the obtained data in more detail in laboratories.

Specialty at the university:geology, oil and gas business.

Salary:50-70 thousand rubles.

8. Farmer. Hstanding businessman. He owns land or leases it, where he equips and runs his own farm: he grows fruits, vegetables and agricultural crops, is engaged in animal husbandry and poultry farming. Accordingly, the farmer's income depends on the amount of products produced and sold. Any education from related fields will be useful to the owner of the farm, he also needs to know the basics of entrepreneurship.

Specialty at the university:livestock breeder, plant breeder, vegetable grower, agronomist.

9. Agronomist. The main task of an agronomist is to get a rich harvest. To do this, he needs to study many factors affecting the growth of crops, prepare the land for planting, monitor the flow of fertilizers, and after harvesting, properly organize its storage. The work of the agronomist takes place mainly in the open air fields.

Specialty at the university:agroengineering, agronomy, soil science.

Salary:30-50 thousand rubles.

10. Forester.The forester is in charge of control over the arrangement and use of forestry. It is important not to be confused with a forester, who is only concerned with protecting forests from illegal logging, pollution and fires. The forester is engaged in the forest in general, controls the planting of new trees, and if necessary, such a professional can create a whole oak forest or grove in an open field.

University specialty:forestry.

Salary:40-50 thousand rubles.

Salary data are provided by HeadHunter specialists, who remind that in reality the salary level depends on qualifications, experience and a specific position.

Crossing the threshold flower shop, we find ourselves in the world of beauty, celebration and endlessness. The fabulous design of lawns and park areas with flower beds pleases the eye of a city dweller. All this convincingly speaks of the demand forprofessions related to flowers.

There are few specialists dealing with an excellent subject of labor. It:

  • florist-decorator, florist-gardener,
  • landscape designer,
  • florist.

What is their profession, what training needs to be done, and how the work of each is assessed, let's figure it out in order.

Florist, florist-decorator, florist-gardener

What do they do, working conditions

These specialists grow flowers in greenhouses, nurseries, greenhouses. And then they are planted in parks, creating bright compositions in flower beds.


Floriculture is an industry. Agrotechnical universities provide the necessary knowledge of agricultural technology for growing a particular flower crop. Specialized courses will also help to successfully work in this direction... But for professional growth need to study at a university.

How much can you earn

On initial stage career, a young florist earns up to 20,000 rubles a month.In the Moscow region, an average specialist receives 30,125 rubles a month.

Landscape designer

A team of florists led by Katya Liturinskaya decorated the decor of the shooting, made a wreath and a bouquet

What does it do, working conditions

This is a generalist specialist. He performs a large amount of work - from analyzing the landscape of the site to planting plants with his own hand. May be an ordinary employee in a design and architecture studio, work in a cottage construction company or provide private services.


It is obligatory to have specialized education in the areas of "Landscape architecture", "Garden and park and landscape construction". Moreover, such courses only give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe profession and basic knowledge. But for the steep level, more serious training is needed.

How much can you earn

Specialists get from 25,000 to 60,000 rubles a month. It all depends on professionalism. As an intern, you receive training and practical skills, as well as a salary of 12,000 rubles per month.


What does it do, working conditions

Competently makes unique bouquets or compositions, effectively decorates the hall for the celebration, stylishly decorates the interior for important meeting or a photo session. She also solves many organizational issues, actively participates in various exhibitions.

Education and pay level

The path from self-taught amateur to professional is not easy. Here's what she told us from personal experience Katya Liturinskaya, author of the Floristic Boutique project.

“I've always loved beautiful weddings and flowers in the interior. And I decided to devote myself profession related to flowers... I thought about it and bought express courses in floristry. From the first lessons I realized - it's mine!

My family just smiled at this. My uncle supported me. He said that he was not worried about me, that I had found myself. It was his words that gave me confidence in my abilities.

I opened my first floristry boutique two years ago, right after the end of the course. Cherished dream I was helped by my beloved person who supported me morally and financially. I was very afraid! She worked alone. Delivery of flowers, their preparation, calculation of estimates, bouquets and negotiations with potential clients - she did everything herself. Now I have two florists busy. They never worked with flowers. But their hands work miracles - their creativity has been revealed.

It was difficult at first. Our city is small, and the services of a florist are not cheap. I was looking for clients in neighboring cities. Now me and my style are known in the vicinity: Podolsk-Chekhov-Serpukhov.

Another difficult moment, probably more psychologically, is the competition. I have already got used to the fact that they are watching me, copying my works, sometimes passing off my ideas as their own. This is offensive and unpleasant. But you need to be above such situations th. After all, no one will get into my head and write off my ideas. Therefore, for beginners in this profession, I will say this: a florist is the same artist. Canvases of great masters are also copied. Treat it like being recognized as a professional.

Katya decorated the usual split tree herself

I recommend starting with a florist assistant. If you will not feel annoyed and annoyed by the "black" work (trimming spoiled stems and leaves, washing flowerpots), then feel free to go to the courses. There are a lot of them now. And then there should be constant practice... This is how you learn to feel flowers.

The assistant earns 12,000-15,000 rubles a month plus a percentage of sales with a work schedule day after day. Sometimes I practice a one-time hiring of an additional assistant with pay for the exit. For example, on the busy days before March 8, young mothers come to me to earn extra money and test themselves as a florist. Payment - 1,000 rubles for the exit plus a percentage of sales.

Florist receives from 30,000 rubles a month. It all depends on the number of orders. There is room to grow, but opening your own salon and floristry requires a lot of investment. "

This is how they are -

Someone considers the work of a florist to be dirty, routine and not prestigious. Another is afraid of not withstanding the great competition in a popular niche. landscape design and continues to go to unloved work. The third does not consider himself a creative person at all, but he is madly in love with flowers.

Believe in yourself, there is no need to be afraid and hide your talents! Everything will work out. Try it! And let the Earth be more elegant!

... To get free access to the course, enter your name and e-mail in the form below.

Among the professions there are many of those whose name is not heard, but their significance is great. So, not everyone knows who grows vegetables. The professions of these people are diverse, their work is not easy, requires experience, special knowledge and permanent work, because even in winter these workers cannot fully rest - the harvested seeds need to be looked after. And in spring, the preparation of seedlings for planting begins. We invite you to learn more about difficult professions in more detail.

Varieties of vegetable growing

Vegetable growers are engaged in the cultivation of cultivated plants, but their duties are diverse. There are several varieties of vegetable growing. It happens:

  • Open ground (growing vegetables in the fields).
  • Protected ground (work in greenhouses and hotbeds).
  • Melon growing (work on melons, growing watermelons).

There are also very similar positions, for example, a field grower is engaged in work in the fields, flax grows thanks to the efforts of a flax grower, rice is a rice grower, a cotton grower takes care of cotton, and grain growers take care of grain fields. Each of these specialties is very important.

Crop specialties

The professions of people who grow vegetables are quite diverse. Let's list the main ones:

  • Agronomist. This specialist is engaged in the development and implementation of measures to improve yields, is involved in quality control of planting material, organizes work on sowing crops.
  • Breeder. Without this specialist, people would not have learned new varieties that are resistant to diseases and high yields. Breeding is the most important part of vegetable growing, since it allows you to get more perfect hybrids.
  • Vegetable grower. This person is engaged in difficult physical labor - caring for potatoes and root crops. However, do not think that the work is done entirely by hand, the old fashioned way. No, now agricultural machines are coming to the rescue.
  • The machine operator. A specialist whose duty is to work on agricultural equipment.

These are the main specialties. Let's answer the question: "Who grows vegetables?" There are several professions, but the vegetable grower is most directly involved in working with crops.


To become a vegetable grower, you need to have knowledge:

  • Biology.
  • Chemistry.
  • Typology of cultivated plants;
  • Soil types and their properties.

In addition, a vegetable grower must have good physical fitness, love nature, be able to observe plants, be careful and patient.


Let's continue our consideration of unusual professions. Who grows vegetables, we found out, this is a vegetable grower, his duties include a whole range of different actions:

  • Preparing the soil for sowing seeds, this includes plowing, loosening, harrowing.
  • Preparatory work with seed.
  • Planting crops itself.
  • Care for them during growth: timely watering, weeding, hilling, thinning, removal and destruction of diseased or pest-affected plants.
  • Harvesting and organizing storage and transportation.

A vegetable grower performs a whole range of actions that help grow vegetables from seeds to ready-made fruits. Without these specialists, it would have been impossible to have fresh vegetables on the tables all year round.

Main types of work

We found out what professions people grow vegetables. First of all, these are vegetable growers. The table shows the main types of work that these specialists are engaged in.

What does a vegetable grower do
With cultures With soil With inventory
Seed preparation for planting, work with planting material Mixing substrates and different types of soil for growing crops Checking inventory: its availability and status
Protection of landings from adverse effects external environment Fertilizing the soil Diagnostics and troubleshooting
Seedling picking Sampling of soil for laboratory research Preparation of racks for storing the harvested
Watering and hilling Cleaning inventory
Picking vegetables

In addition, vegetable growers draw up seeding and planting schedules for vegetable crops.

Fruit and vegetable grower: a brief introduction

There are many more Who grows vegetables besides vegetable growers? These are horticultural growers, an even narrower specialty of the agricultural industry, they are engaged not only in vegetables, but also in berries and fruit crops. Their responsibilities include:

  • Preparing the soil for planting.
  • Growing seedlings.
  • Crop care.
  • Pest control, disease prevention and control.
  • Harvesting and transportation of crops.
  • Organization of fruit storage.

The profession of a plant protection agronomist is similar in responsibilities.


Not everyone can become vegetable growers or horticultural growers, even if they have necessary knowledge and qualifications. Persons with the following medical contraindications are not allowed to these works:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Problems with the spine and musculoskeletal system.
  • Pathology of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Muscle problems.

That is why, having decided to connect your life with the work of growing crops, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination before entering college.

Melon growing and other positions

Consider the professions of people who grow vegetables, flax, watermelons. The latter are called melon growers, since their place labor activity is melon, on it and the watermelons loved by many grow. Also, these specialists are engaged in the cultivation of other melons and gourds:

  • Pumpkins.
  • Melons.

These plants are universal, but growing them is fraught with a number of difficulties:

  • They do not tolerate frost, therefore they can grow only in mild climates with long warm summers.
  • For melons, especially watermelons, well-lit, elevated areas are required; in the lowlands, plants will not give a rich harvest.
  • When working with such crops, it is very important to get friendly shoots, therefore it is necessary to pay special attention the quality of seed preparation, warm up and germinate them.

Flax growers are engaged in the preparation of seed, sowing flax and harvesting flax products. They are obliged to understand not only the technology of flax growing, but also the maintenance of specialized equipment: flax threshers, dryers, sorting machines.

Specificity of flax growing in Russia

Flax is one of the most ancient cultures, its use by man has more than one millennium. Let's name the professions of people who grow vegetables and flax. These are vegetable growers and flax growers, they are of particular importance in agricultural activities.

Flax is actively used in the light and textile industries, clothing and products from it are eagerly purchased by foreigners.

We learned about who grows vegetables. Which profession is respected? There are many of them: these are vegetable growers and melon growers, agronomists and breeders, horticultural and flax growers, their hard work helps to get a harvest of fresh fruits rich in vitamins and distinguished by excellent taste.

IN modern world any employer selects competent specialists, professionals in their field, who have clear goals and the desire to develop and improve, moving forward along career ladder... You need to be active and courageous, and they pay great attention to this today. This is a responsible step into adulthood and it is very important that he be firm and decisive, and that the profession you choose is enjoyable. This choice is often very difficult, because in many respects it depends on it how your future fate will develop.

If, having sorted out all your hobbies and hobbies, you came to the conclusion that you are most attracted to nature, you are ready to spend a lot of time outdoors, studying the world around us, then I would like to help you a little to make the right decision. I propose to consider some possible options for professions that you may like if you are a nature lover.


As a rule, this kind of work takes place in special laboratories where experiments and scientific research... But it will also be necessary to work in the open air, when it will be necessary, for example, to study the behavior of organisms in natural habitat or to collect samples of a plant for further study. The work is very interesting and entertaining, especially if you love what you do.


For friends!


People began to grow ornamental plants for a very long time. Ancient Greek gardeners grew roses, lilies of the valley, and poppies all year round. The favorite flowers of the Egyptians, judging by the records in the ancient papyri, were lily, myrtle, mignonette and lotus. In Ancient Rus monastic gardens, gardens of princes and boyars were famous for their flower gardens. They were called "ray cities". Peonies, lilies, irises, tulips and daffodils were grown in the garden of the Moscow Kremlin in the 16th-17th centuries. Flowers and seeds to Russia at that time were supplied mainly by foreign companies.

Description of activities

Floriculture is the cultivation of flower crops, a branch of plant growing. Florists are engaged in the breeding and cultivation of flowering and other plants in order to create bouquets, greenhouses, green spaces in open ground and to decorate residential and industrial premises... They try to create plants whose flowers are more attractive appearance and are better preserved after being cut. Florists select decoratively valuable varieties, develop techniques for the reproduction and cultivation of herbaceous floral and decorative deciduous plants.

Flower breeders work mainly in laboratories, while industrial florists spend more time in greenhouses and outdoors.

The grower has to start growing certain crops on a strict schedule because most of the flowers are required by a certain time frame. In this, knowledge in the field of agronomy will be useful to him. He develops ways to prevent and control plant pests, diseases and other disasters. Florists create more and more new types of plants: shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, etc. All ornamental indoor plants were bred on the basis of wild ones thanks to the efforts of flower growers.

The flower grower prepares the soil and planting material for sowing. Moreover, he uses different methods depending on the type of plant. The florist knows different ways of watering and weeding of ornamental plants, the rules for digging and loading flowers. He regularly inspects his flowers and plants for signs of disease.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average in St. Petersburg:

Labor responsibilities

The florist is working on landscaping areas and premises. Its activity begins with the treatment of seeds, tubers, bulbs for planting. He sorts them and prepares the soil for planting. If the plants are planted in a decorative flower bed, then the florist must follow the plan for their planting in order to create the intended pattern.

Once the plants are planted, they need to be watered and fertilized. The flower grower regularly sprays flowers with disinfectants, removes weeds, spuds, weeds and, if necessary, pollinates. As needed, this specialist ties up the plants and forms the crowns of ornamental shrubs.

Depending on the variety of plants, the florist must collect them and dig out the planting material at a certain time. Ripe bulbs and tubers must be sorted and prepared for transplanting or storage.

Features of career growth

The work of flower growers is in demand in greenhouses, greenhouses, botanical gardens. In addition, they are engaged in landscaping parks and squares. If you have sufficient education and work experience in this area, you can teach the subject "Floriculture" in universities or colleges, or rise to the position of the head of a floriculture laboratory.

Commercial floriculture (growing flowers to create bouquets, selling seeds, etc.) is now very profitable industry non-food gardening industry.

Employee characteristics

A florist needs to keep a large amount of information in his memory: the names of numerous plant varieties (including in Latin), ways of caring for them, breeding features, specific diseases and much more. Floral plants are usually very fragile and delicate, so you need to handle them (plant, collect, care) very carefully. Attentiveness and keen eyesight will help the grower to recognize plant diseases in time at an early stage, to discern pests. In addition, these qualities, together with good color perception, will help you see the slightest differences between varieties.

Working in a greenhouse or outdoors will require physical stamina and hard work.

A flower grower with a specialization as a decorator must have good taste and knowledge of landscape design.

A flower grower must love nature. Knowledge in such sciences as botany, chemistry, biology will only help him in his daily activities. But an allergy, for example, to pollen will greatly interfere with this specialist.


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