Operational plan in the management of professional personnel. Coursework Management of professional career of managers in LLC Relax. The main types of personnel career management

Career management presupposes two important factors: on the one hand, it is his personal desire, and on the other, the interest of the company's management. If a person does not make it clear to the management that he is striving for growth, he may simply not be taken into account, and if the company is not interested in moving, then no desire and activity can help. That is why if you are planning career growth, it is important to immediately choose an organization that will provide you with such an opportunity.

Professional career management

In many large organizations, where employees' aspirations for personal management are understood and respected, the maximum favorable conditions for development are created. This allows not only to additionally motivate the team, but also to reduce the "turnover", to help the growth of highly qualified specialists within their own walls.

Unlike hiring ready-made "pros", this approach pays for itself very well, because a person who has gone through a career path from bottom to top, understands more deeply all levels of the company's functioning, gets more extensive experience and is most useful for the effective development of the organization.

Career management mechanism

As a rule, in order to identify the professional level of workers, all kinds of exams and attestations are arranged. For a person who seeks to grow in terms of a career, it is very important to prove himself well at such moments, to show his maximum.

It is important to understand that career management begins from the moment of hiring - already at this moment the employer talks in detail about the prospects, and the newcomer shares his plans and ambitions.

At this stage, the management closely examines the qualities, skills, experience, potential of the employee, determining how much they correspond to a particular position. This is followed by the actual implementation of the planned employee development plan within the organization.

Below are the fighters that will help you in your career.

In recent years, the problem of career has acquired particular relevance, which is caused by the reform of all the main spheres of society, the emergence of a market economy, which entailed a change in attitudes towards many processes and phenomena that have so far remained out of sight due to their negative perception. Career- a constantly changing and evolving process that can be considered both in a narrow and in a broad sense.

In a narrow sense, a career is associated with a person's work activity, his professional life, understanding it as purposeful job and professional growth, progressive advancement in the career ladder, changes in skills, abilities, qualification opportunities and the amount of remuneration associated with the employee's activities. All of this has to do with the organizational aspect of a career.

In a broad sense, the concept of "career" is defined as "the general sequence of stages of human development in the main spheres of life - professional, family, work, leisure. A career is not only about promotion.

Career is the progressive advancement of the career ladder, changes in skills, abilities and qualifications, and the amount of remuneration associated with the employee's activities.

Distinguish between professional and intra-organizational careers.

Professionalcareercharacterized by the fact that a person in the course of his professional activity goes through various stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support of individual professional abilities, retirement. A specific employee can go through these stages sequentially in different organizations.

Intra-organizational careercovers the successive change in the stages of an employee's development within the framework of one organization and is implemented in three main directions:

    vertical - it is with this direction that the very concept of a career is often associated, since in this case the advancement is most visible. The vertical direction of a career is understood as an ascent to a higher level of the structural hierarchy;

    horizontal - moving to another functional area of \u200b\u200bactivity or performing a certain service role at a stage that does not have a rigid formal fixation in organizational structure (for example, the role of the leader of a temporary target group, program, etc.). A horizontal career can also include the expansion or complication of tasks at the previous level (as a rule, with an adequate change in remuneration);

    centripetal - this direction least obvious, although in many cases very attractive to employees. A centripetal career is understood as a movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization. This, for example, inviting an employee to meetings that were previously unavailable to him, both formal and informal, providing him with access to informal sources of information, and fulfilling certain important instructions from management.

Career stages are the different stages of work responsibility and achievement that people go through in the course of their working life.

Career planning and development involves working with managers and / or experts in the field human resources on issues related to quarries. There are five stages of formal career planning: 1) assessing the person 2) analyzing the possibilities 3) choosing career goals 4) choosing and implementing a plan 5) evaluating the results and, if necessary, revising the plan.

The main task of planning and implementing a career is to ensure the interaction of professional and intra-organizational careers. This interaction involves a number of tasks:

1) achieving the relationship between the goals of the organization and the individual employee;

2) planning the career of a specific employee in order to take into account his specific needs and situations;

3) ensuring the openness of the career management process;

4) elimination of "career dead ends" in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development;

5) improving the quality of the career planning process;

6) the formation of visual and perceived criteria for career growth, used in specific career decisions;

7) study of the career potential of employees;

8) providing a reasonable assessment of the career potential of employees in order to reduce unrealistic expectations;

9) determining the ways of career development, the use of which will satisfy the quantitative and qualitative need for personnel at the right time and in the right place.

Practice shows that often employees do not know their prospects in a given team. This indicates a poor organization of work with personnel, a lack of planning and control of a career in the organization.

The planning and control of a business career consists in the fact that from the moment an employee is accepted into the organization, his systematic horizontal and vertical advancement through the system of positions or jobs begins. The employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also the indicators that he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

One form of career planning is the previously mentioned lifelong recruitment system, common in Japan, which provides an employee with the opportunity to change several jobs, change a field of activity, advance in career - all within one company.

The Japanese life-long employment system is a form of job security that builds employee confidence in the future. Providing job security is one of the most difficult HR management problems in organizations. If the leaders of the organization are interested in the quality and efficiency of the work of their subordinates, then they must provide them with certain guarantees of keeping the job.

At different stages of a career, a person satisfies different needs.

Manager career stages and realizable needs

Career stages

Age, years



Moral needs

Physiological and material needs


Study, tests at different jobs

The beginning of self-affirmation

Security of existence


Mastering work, developing skills, forming a qualified specialist or leader

Self-affirmation, the beginning of achieving independence

Safety of existence, health care, normal wages


Career advancement, acquisition of new skills and experience, qualification growth

Growing self-affirmation, achieving greater independence, beginning of self-expression

about health,



Peak improvement of qualifications of a specialist or manager; advanced training; youth education

Stabilization of independence, growth of self-expression and self-esteem


to others




to leave for

preparing yourself

and to a new look



Stabilization of self-expression, growth of self-esteem

Maintaining wages and increasing interest in other sources of income

Occupation new


kind of activity

in new sphere

activities, stabilization of respect for yourself and others

other sources of income, health care

Preliminarystageincludes studying at school, obtaining secondary and higher education and lasts until a person reaches the age of 25. During this period, he can change several jobs in search of a type of activity that meets his needs and meets his capabilities. If he immediately finds such a type of activity, the process of self-assertion of him as a person begins.

Formation stagelasts about five years - until a person reaches the age of 30. During this period, he masters the chosen profession, acquires the necessary skills, his qualifications are formed, self-affirmation occurs, there is a need to establish independence. During this period, the safety of existence, health care continues to be worried. In addition, in connection with the creation of a family, there is a desire to receive wages, the level of which is higher than the subsistence level.

Promotion stageusually lasts for about 15 years, until the age of 45. This period is characterized by the growth of qualifications, career advancement, the accumulation of experience, skills, the need for self-affirmation, achieving a higher status and even greater independence. During this period, much less attention is paid to meeting the need for safety - the employee's efforts are focused on increasing wages and caring for health.

Conservation phasecharacterized by actions to consolidate the results achieved and lasts about 15 years - until the age of 60 years. The peak of qualification improvement comes, its improvement occurs as a result of vigorous activity and special training, the employee is interested in transferring his knowledge to young people. This period is characterized by creativity, there may be an ascent to new service levels. A person reaches the heights of independence and self-expression; there is deserved respect for oneself and others who have achieved their position by honest labor. Although many of the employee's needs during this period are met, he continues to be interested in the level of remuneration, but there is an increasing interest in other sources of income (for example, participation in profits, capital of other organizations, shares, bonds).

Completion stagelasts about five years, until a person reaches the age of 65. During this period, there is an active search for a worthy replacement and training of a candidate for the vacant position. Although this period is characterized by a career crisis and such people receive less and less job satisfaction, experiencing physical fatigue and psychological discomfort, self-expression and self-esteem are at their highest. People are interested in maintaining their wages, but are looking for other sources of income that would be a good addition to their upcoming retirement benefits.

Pension stage.At this stage, the career ends. There is an opportunity for self-expression in other types of activities that were impossible during the period of work in an organization (painting, gardening, work in public organizations, etc.); self-esteem is stabilized.

Many people reach a career plateau - a position after which a further increase in the level of responsibility is unlikely.

In the early 70s. many American companies and consulting firms have developed career management programs, i.e. promotion. The main tasks of such a program were to determine the stages of the employee's career advancement, to help in the disclosure of all his abilities and their best use.

Career regulationsis a document that regulates the process of managing a career in an organization. At present, the structure of this document has not yet been established, but its most characteristic sections can be distinguished:

Actual career models- this is either accumulated, or created today and now for some purpose, "photographs" of the career of specific people in this enterprise. “Photographing” a career provides the necessary information about the transition from one position to another (both horizontally and vertically), working time in each position, changing a person's age, improving qualifications, changes (dynamics) in knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Actual career models can give an idea of \u200b\u200ba real career, its mechanism, which you need to know for further improvement.

Planned career models- this is the development of a possible career for employees: definitions of job transfers, descriptions of requirements for candidates, time intervals, forms and methods of assessing knowledge, skills and abilities, work results, etc.

Planned career models are primarily promises of career opportunities, promises that not every leader can make. This is a rather delicate area, which has neither theoretical nor practical groundwork. Career management, like any type of management, requires a wide variety of information and an associated information system. Finally, the "career ladder" should be strongly reinforced by the staff development system, since a career is not a transition from chair to chair, but continuous proof of one's competence through quality results in any position.

Training provides an opportunity to acquire and improve skills related to work performance.

3. System of service and professional advancement of personnel... The concepts of “service and professional promotion” and “career” are close, but not analogous (the term “service and professional promotion” is most familiar for Russia, where the term “career” was not actually used before).

Service and professional promotion - this is the sequence of various stages (positions, jobs, positions in the team) proposed by the organization that an employee can potentially go through, while a career is understood as the actual sequence of the stages occupied (positions, jobs, positions in the team).

The coincidence of the planned service and professional advancement and the actual career is quite rare.

Consider the system of service and professional promotion that has developed in our country and provides for five main stages.

First step- work with senior students of basic institutes or interns from other universities. Specialists of personnel management departments, together with managers, select students who are most capable, inclined to leadership work, and prepare them for specific activities in the departments of the organization. Students who have successfully completed training and practice are given a recommendation characteristic for referral to work in the relevant departments of this organization. Young specialists who have not had an internship in this organization are tested when hiring and receive consulting assistance.

Second phase- work with young specialists admitted to the organization. A probationary period (from one to two years) is assigned, during which young specialists are required to complete an initial training course (detailed acquaintance with the organization). In addition, an internship is provided in the divisions of the organization during the year.

Based on the analysis of the work of young specialists for the year, their participation in the events, the characteristics given by the head of the internship, the results of the internship are carried out and the first selection of specialists is made to be enrolled in the reserve for promotion to managerial positions. All information about the participation of a specialist in the system of service and professional promotion is recorded in his personal file and entered into the information database about the organization's personnel.

Stage three- work with line managers of the lowest management level. At this stage, employees who graduated from evening and correspondence universities, who successfully work in their teams and who have passed the test, also join the selected line managers of the lowest level (foremen, section managers). In just two to three years, specific purposeful work is being carried out with this group.

Group members replace leaders and attend refresher courses. After the completion of the preparation stage, based on the analysis of the production activities of each manager, secondary selection and testing are carried out. The managers who have successfully passed the second selection are offered for promotion to the positions of heads of shops, their deputies with a preliminary internship in these positions, or they are enrolled in the reserve and, when vacancies appear, are appointed to positions. The rest of the trained workers continue to work in their positions; their horizontal movements are possible.

Stage four- work with line managers of the middle management level. The already formed group of young managers is joined by the current promising shop managers and their deputies. The work is built according to individual plans. For each employee appointed to the position of a middle manager, a mentor is assigned - a senior manager for individual work with him. The supervisor-mentor, together with the specialists of the personnel management departments, based on the analysis of personal qualities and professional knowledge, skills of the applicant, draws up an individual training plan for him. Typically, these are training programs in the basics of business, business relationships, advanced methods of management work, economics and jurisprudence. At this stage, training is provided for line managers of the middle management level with the preparation of programs of measures to improve the activities of the organization (division). The mid-level manager is tested annually, which reveals his professional skills, ability to manage a team, professionally solve complex production problems. Based on the analysis of the test results, proposals are made for further promotion.

Fifth stage- work with line managers of the highest management level. Appointing leaders to senior positions is a complex process. One of the main difficulties is the selection of a candidate who meets many requirements. The top manager of management must know the industry well, as well as the organization, have experience in the main functional subsystems in order to navigate in production, financial, personnel issues and skillfully act in extreme socio-economic and political situations. Rotation, i.e. moving from one division of the organization to another should begin in advance, when managers are in positions of lower and middle management. Selection for the promotion and replacement of vacant top-level positions should be carried out on a competitive basis, it should be carried out by a special commission consisting of senior managers (directors of production, branches, chief specialists, etc.), specialists from the relevant departments of personnel management and, if necessary independent experts.

When evaluating and selecting candidates for nomination for a vacant managerial position, special methods are used that take into account the system of business and personal characteristics covering certain groups of qualities.

In a number developed countries Interesting experience has been accumulated in the management of service and professional advancement of managers, which is successfully used in Russian organizations.

First of all, a probationary period is established (one to three years), then the young specialist undergoes an orientation course in company affairs (from two weeks to six months).

After that, the employee is enrolled in a permanent job, and a systematic rotation and internship are carried out for 8-10 years. Since under the system of systematic rotation the employee knows that he will be promoted after a certain time and therefore it is necessary to find a replacement for himself, the leaders are renewed and the personnel reserve is moved for promotion.

4. Work with the personnel reserve. Planning purpose personnel reserve - forecast of personal promotions, their sequence and related activities. Planning requires the study of the entire chain of promotions, transfers, dismissals of specific employees.

Personnel reserve plans can be drawn up in the form of replacement schemes, which take various forms depending on the characteristics and traditions of organizations. We can say that replacement schemes are a variant of the development scheme of an organizational structure focused on specific individuals with different priorities. The basis of individually oriented equivalent circuits are typical equivalent circuits. They are developed by HR services and represent a variant of the conceptual model of job rotation.

The main stagesthe process of forming a personnel reserve:

    making a forecast of expected changes in the composition of management personnel;

    preliminary selection of candidates for the reserve;

    obtaining information about the business, professional and personal qualities of candidates;

    formation of the personnel reserve.

The main criteriawhen selecting candidates for the reserve:

    appropriate level of education and training;

    experience of practical work with people;

    availability of organizational skills;

    good personal qualities;

    good health and appropriate age.

The personnel reserve is formed from qualified specialists; deputy heads of departments; lower-level leaders; graduates employed in production as workers.

In many organizations, there has already been a certain procedure for selection and admission to the personnel reserve group:

    the selection of candidates should be carried out on a competitive basis among specialists under the age of 35 who have positively proven themselves in practical work and have higher education;

    the decision to include employees in the reserve group is made by a special commission and approved by an order for the organization;

    for each employee (trainee) an internship manager is approved;

    managers of trainees included in the personnel reserve group receive material remuneration for successfully completing the stages of the service and professional promotion system;

    the trainee is given an official salary corresponding to the position held by him, but higher than the previous salary, and all types of material incentives provided for this position apply to him.

  • 3. Principles of building a system of organizational behavior.
  • 4. Basic theories of human behavior in the organization: "School of Scientific Management", "Administrative School", "School of Human Relations", behaviorism, behavioral sciences.
  • 5. Criteria for the effectiveness of the organization.
  • 6. The content and functions of the head of the organization.
  • 7. The main qualities of a successful manager.
  • 8. Mental properties of personality: temperament, character, intelligence, memory, imagination, will.
  • 9. The nature of employee attitudes and their impact on work in the organization.
  • 10. Role behavior in the organization.
  • 11. Methods of studying personality.
  • 12. Classification of groups and group behavior in the organization.
  • 13. The main factors of group behavior.
  • 14. Organizational and administrative methods of leadership.
  • 16. The main mechanisms of personnel participation in management.
  • 17. Basic conditions and situations of delegation of authority.
  • 18. The essence of social and psychological methods of leadership.
  • 19. The ratio of encouragement and punishment in stimulating the activities of members of the organization.
  • 20. The essence of the theories "X" and "y" McGregor, their use in the management of the organization.
  • 21. Peculiarities of the Japanese experience of personnel labor motivation.
  • 22. Classification of leadership styles.
  • 23. Types and culture of communication. Receptions of communication with staff.
  • 24. Essence and classification of conflicts in the organization.
  • 25. Ways to resolve and prevent conflicts in the organization.
  • 26. Causes and consequences of conflicts
  • 27. Classification and meaning of conversations with subordinates. Preparation and business part of the conversation
  • 28. The basic principles of building effective relationships with the leader.
  • 29. Stages and rules for the execution of the order of the head
  • 30. The nature and classification of leadership. Leadership and power
  • 31. Ways to form and develop leadership potential.
  • 32. Essence and ways of forming a manager's team
  • Stages of team formation (b. Bass)
  • 33. The effectiveness of the management team. The role of the manager in the team
  • 34. Features of organizational behavior at different stages of the life cycle of the organization
  • 35. Image and business reputation of the organization
  • 36. The essence of organizational culture and its management
  • 37. The essence and significance of organizational change
  • 38. Types and reasons of resistance to organizational change. Resistance to organizational change and its types
  • Reasons for resistance to change by the organization's staff
  • 39. The main content of the preparation and implementation of innovations in the organization
  • 40. Managing the professional career of personnel in the organization
  • 41. The system of service and professional advancement of personnel
  • 42. Work with the personnel reserve in the organization.
  • 43. Marketing culture of personnel. Types of interaction between people in business contacts
  • 44. Cooperation in the management of the organization
  • 45. Managing customer behavior
  • 46. \u200b\u200bConditions for the implementation of international transactions in the business system
  • 47. Management of an international workforce. Taking into account the differences between Western and Eastern cultures
  • 40. Management professional career personnel in the organization

    Career management are purposeful actions to organize the processes of development of knowledge, skills and abilities of an employee, his experience and ambitions to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the company. achieving the following goals:

      formation, development and rational use of the professional potential of each employee and the organization as a whole;

      ensuring the continuity of the professional experience and culture of the organization;

      achieving mutual understanding between the organization and the employee on the issues of its development and promotion;

      creation of favorable conditions for the development and promotion of personnel within the organizational space, etc.

    Career management in this case includes three processes.



    Personel assessment

    Determination of requirements for employees holding positions (personal and professional qualities, knowledge, targets professional efficiency, etc.);

    Determination of compliance of the existing level of professional development of personnel with the requirements

    Determination of optimal career paths at the enterprise

    Determination of the optimal types of careers for various specialties of the enterprise;

    Drawing up career profiles for employees of various specialties;

    Definition of activities that contribute to the systematic development of personal and professional qualities of employees

    Career management process development

    Regulation of the career planning process for employees;

    Creation of a training system for employees: corporate training center, university, etc .;

    Creation of a process for regular assessment of the degree of professional development of employees;

    Creation of a personnel reserve

    Until recently, one of the main career management tools was careerogramIt consisted of the documented obligations of the administration for the horizontal and vertical movement of workers, as well as the obligations of the employee to improve the level of education, qualifications, etc. to achieve career goals.

    There is no universal form of career path, however the most common items in it are the following.

      Personal data of the employee.

      Position held.

      Work experience in the position held.

      Personal career guidelines for the employee.

      Growth opportunities in the current position.

      The history of the employee's work in the company.

      Information about training.

      Results of certification.

      Skills, knowledge and skills required for a higher position.

      The type and methods of training that must be mastered to enter a new position.

      The talent pool level to which the employee is assigned.

    Have careerogram method there are pros and cons. But it is worthy of attention at least for the fact that it is the first of its kind to fuse a bureaucratic approach to planning the career of employees with the results of their activities. The main forms of career movement.The main forms of career movement: job growth and rotation.Positional growth - this is the replacement of a position of a higher level in comparison with the previously held one. Rotation is the movement of an employee through positions located at the same level of hierarchies. Career management stagesCareer management jobs employees consists from the next steps.

      When hiring, an employee is taught the basic rules of career planning.

      The basic tools of career management are transferred to him: qualification requirements for positions, training programs, etc.

      Building an individual career plan for the employee and agreeing it with the manager.

      Implementation of the plan - performance of work, achievement of planned results, systematic development of knowledge and skills, transition from position to position.

    Anyone plans their future based on their needs and socio-economic conditions. It is not surprising that he wants to know the prospects for career growth and the opportunities for further training in this organization, as well as the conditions that he must fulfill for this. Otherwise, the motivation for behavior becomes weak, the person does not work at full capacity, does not seek to improve skills and considers the organization as a place where you can wait out the time before going to a new, more promising job.

    It should be noted that the problems of motivation and anti-motivation in the field of career are very poorly studied.

    In order to somehow identify this issue, let us single out several career fragments.

    Stage one.The novice manager, having worked very diligently in the position for two years, was not noticed during the next personnel transfers. This hurt him greatly, as he had a sense of the need for a promotion.

    In a career, the rules of the personnel game are very important, which are known to everyone and are steadily carried out in the presence of positive motivation from the applicant. There are two important issues to keep in mind:

    1. After what period of time should a person be promoted?

    2. What if a person wants to move, but the organization does not have career opportunities?

    Stage two.The head was consistently promoted to the next leadership positions, and then came the situation of the limiting position, which is characterized by a decrease in the number of managerial positions as we move up. In this case, the following questions seem typical:

    1. What are the ways out of the situation when a person strives even higher, and there is nothing higher than the position?

    2. Are there any indicators of speed promotion vertical, the choice of which will allow you to manage the situation?

    3. Can any other promotion methods be used along with vertical ascent?

    Stage three.The head of the department was promptly promoted to the higher position for which he hoped. However, after a while he was disappointed. A more detailed study of this situation showed the following.

    First, the satisfied career motivation after some time turned into anti-motivation for very specific reasons.

    Secondly, moving up or by level does not mean for a specific person that it will be materially more profitable and more interesting than it was in the previous position.

    Stage four.In some organizations, the career test method is practiced - a person is offered to work for some time in a position that is regarded as a career. Practice shows that some career candidates refuse a real promotion to this position, while others enjoy the opportunity to "taste" the upcoming position.

    Thus, a “temporary” career provides a person with an opportunity for some time to feel himself in a career position, his own motivation.

    For example, a person was offered the position of a project manager for a period of 1 year. He did an excellent job with his tasks, and then asked for his previous position. After 2 years, this situation was repeated.

    For this specialist, career motivation had a pronounced short character. By his nature, he could not stand the so-called continuous leadership. Paradoxically, he considered a career in two directions: from bottom to top (specialist - manager) and certainly from top to bottom (manager - specialist).

    This stage shows how different career motivations are among people. Career organization must take this diversity into account.

    Apparently, there is a definite relationship between horizontal and vertical advancement of workers.

    Starting his career, a person with appropriate motivation is quite sensitive to whether he is promoted horizontally or vertically. Further, this sensitivity persists, but a person begins to more selectively consider a particular position, since this selectivity is formed under the influence of a number of factors of internal and external properties. And if this selectivity is not satisfied, then the person begins a corresponding search on the side.

    Of course, this dependence reflects only a certain motivational layer.

    Situation five.The leader was systematically moved vertically, invariably noting the fact that he left all the previous sections of work in perfect order and his former subordinates regretted the loss.

    But not without the help of envious people and podzhivatov someone at the very top did not like this energetic advance. And an obstacle was put across the road of our leader. But the person went into a career rage so much that he was forced to leave for another organization for a higher position. But something in his work didn't turn out as well as before. Over time, he cooled down, apparently realizing that he had reached the ceiling.

    Probably, the person himself should listen to his inner advisor, wisely reminding of the rule of timely stopping. The motivation for “career for the sake of career” can lead to a loss of professionalism and negatively affect the psyche.

    Stage six.In one organization, the manager got too carried away with staff transfers. Nobody worked for a long time in the same position, everyone "jumped over them like grasshoppers."

    This "grasshopper" system has taught people to treat their next job as a temporary one. In essence, the work consisted of waiting for the next move.

    This stage shows how the career has moved into its opposite with the appropriate motivation.

    When applying for a job, a person sets himself specific goals, but since the organization, when hiring him, also pursues certain goals, the employer needs to be able to realistically assess his business qualities. A person must be able to correlate his business qualities with the requirements that the organization, his work, puts before him. The success of his entire career depends on this.

    When applying for a job, a person must know the labor market. Not knowing the labor market, he can go to the first job that is attractive to him. But it may not be what he expected. Then the search for a new job begins.

    Even if a person knows the labor market well, looks for promising areas of application of his labor and learns that it is difficult for his knowledge and skills to find a job, since there are so many people willing to work in this area, as a result, strong competition arises. Having the opportunity for self-assessment and knowing the labor market, he can choose the industry and region where he would like to live and work. The correct self-assessment of skills and business traits involves knowing yourself, your strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings. Only under this condition can you set your career goals correctly.

    Some career goals can be cited as examples:

    Engage in an activity or have a position that corresponds to self-esteem and therefore gives moral satisfaction;

    Have a job or position that is creative;

    Work in a profession or occupy a position that allows you to achieve a certain degree of independence;

    Have a job or position that pays well or allows you to simultaneously generate large side income;

    Have a job or position that at the same time allows you to be involved in raising children or doing housework.

    Career goals change with age, and also as we change, with the growth of our qualifications, etc. Forming career goals is an ongoing process.

    As already mentioned, one of the main conditions for a successful career is the right choice of profession. The choice of a profession is a task, the solution of which is based not only on taking into account the labor market situation and its individual changes. There are a number of factors that depend on each individual. Therefore, when choosing a profession, it is also necessary:

    Correctly define your professional inclinations;

    Correctly assess your real abilities in order not to set overestimated or underestimated career goals;

    Take into account the real opportunities for education, retraining and advanced training.

    It is almost impossible to meet a person who is completely satisfied with his position. If such people exist, they lose interest in life, since they lack any aspirations and desires. In most cases, people always strive to achieve more than they have. Moreover, they really have the necessary potential for this. However, desire alone is not enough. It is necessary to clearly realize that the realization of this desire will require full surrender, abandonment of something familiar and the exertion of all spiritual and physical forces, possibly for a long time. If these factors are not foreseen in advance, all efforts can be wasted.

    When choosing a career, a person usually stands at a crossroads between choosing a career as an entrepreneur or a career as an employee. There are a number of tests to determine suitability for a particular career.

    For those who are afraid of risk, it is better not to embark on the stormy waves of entrepreneurship, but to choose a career as an employee. It does not exclude the possibility of growth and requires diligence in work, although the risk of losing everything is relatively small (there is still some danger - success depends not only on your abilities and diligence, but also on the enterprise, on supply and demand, and on the whims of the conjuncture).

    When an entrepreneur takes a conscious risk, he expects to justify it with a profit. An employee also has every right to take risks in a certain situation in order to achieve significant benefits for himself, but such a risk comes down most often to changing positions.

    In any case, if you want to make a successful career, you need to rely only on yourself and completely trust yourself.

    As already mentioned, each profession requires certain abilities and personal qualities that are necessary and highly desirable for successful work. At the same time, even an absolutely complete coincidence of the qualities you have with those desirable for a given profession does not yet make you ready specialists, since almost every specialty requires a certain level of knowledge and skills, that is, professional qualifications.

    Professional educationis thus necessary condition for skilled work. It should not be forgotten that in modern world professional knowledge and skills become obsolete very quickly. The demand for readiness and ability for retraining and advanced training sounds more and more persistently and louder today. Without professional development, it is impossible not only to advance, but sometimes simply to stay in place.

    Nobody can take away the acquired knowledge from you. People who do not stop learning are much more likely to succeed at work and in general in life than those who are not concerned about replenishing their knowledge. Knowledge, as well as special skills, will help you achieve the best in your business, be ready to change jobs and even profession, become a truly happy, versatile and interesting person.

    American economists K. Muran and F. Welsh in their study “Change professional structure and demand for skilled labor "concluded that Western countries were shifting from less skilled and low-paid labor to highly paid professionsrequiring a lot of education.

    According to the Hudson Institute project, by 2000 in the United States, only 4% of new jobs (up from 9% in the 1990s) were for low-skilled workers. With the development of the economy, accelerated professional growth and a high level of education, language, mathematical scientific training will be required. Moreover, in the United States, professions that require purely physical efforts (loaders, etc.) are already dying out. In Germany, about 10% family budget spent on training and advanced training.

    Of course, in our country today the situation is somewhat different. Among the registered unemployed, the percentage of people with higher education (especially women) is quite high. But it’s not just about finding a job, but about making a career.

    Women of pre-retirement age who find themselves among the unemployed, despite their higher education, are most often an example of an inability to adapt to new attitudes towards life, work, and career.

    In addition, diplomas in the absence of a constant desire to improve their qualifications are significantly depreciated by their owners.

    Another difference in the Russian situation on the labor market is that you can succeed even in the absence of proper professionalism. For example, it is still not uncommon in both public and private trade to have salespeople who do not know how to work with customers, but by Western standards they can be classified as successful people.

    But there are already high-level sellers who meet the most stringent requirements. A refrigerator or TV repair technician has no doubt that there will always be work in his specialty. But if he does not master new models and advanced technology, that is, improve his qualifications, then in such a reliable business, he can be "overboard."

    As a result of the above, we can offer some tips for those who want to make a successful career:

    1. If you are in the mood for a career, you need not just a good, but a prestigious education. A prestigious university is an excellent springboard for a career.

    2. Is it worth getting an education abroad? If you are going to work abroad, it is advisable to get an education there as well. In the course of your studies, you will make useful contacts, get comfortable in the country, etc. If you are going to work in your country, the education received abroad will perfectly complement, but in no case will replace the higher education that you will receive in your homeland because the specifics of our economy, finance, culture are so significant that no foreign educational institution will be able to provide the necessary knowledge.

    3. Is it worth it to rush to a new type of paid universities that promise certificates international standard, a variety of benefits, etc.? It is necessary to check the presence of a state license for the right to conduct educational activities, talk to those who are already studying.

    4. Be attentive and careful about the variety of offers intermediary services for education and work abroad. The presence of the word "university" and "college" in the name of the proposed to you educational institution does not mean that his diplomas have the same validity as diplomas of higher education.

    5. If you work, try to improve your skills through the organization. For example, one of the large firms engaged, in particular, in the development of a network of enterprises catering in Moscow, recruited promising young people on a competitive basis, among which were graduates and senior students of economic universities. An opportunity was created for them in the process of work to study all the subtleties of this business, improve English and learn to drive a car.

    6. If, for one reason or another, you cannot expect your organization to provide you with such training, it would be very wise to invest your own funds to acquire such professional skills, which are certainly useful and necessary for anyone who has decided to create a successful career. These include computer skills, fluency in a foreign language, having a driver's license and driving skills, and acquiring legal knowledge.

    There are two types of careers: professional and intra-organizational.

    A professional career is characterized by the fact that a particular employee, in the course of his professional activity, goes through various stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support of individual professional abilities, retirement. An employee can go through these stages sequentially in different organizations.

    Along with a professional career, an intra-organizational career should be distinguished. It covers the successive change in the stages of an employee's development within one organization. Intra-organizational career is implemented in three directions:

    vertical- it is with this direction that the very concept of a career is often associated, since in this case the promotion is most visible. The vertical direction of a career is understood as an ascent to a higher level of the structural hierarchy;

    horizontal- I mean either moving to another functional area of \u200b\u200bactivity, or performing a certain service role at a stage that does not have a rigid formal fixation in the organizational structure (for example, performing the role of the leader of a temporary target group, program, etc.); centripetal- this direction is the least obvious, although in many cases it is very attractive for employees. A centripetal career is understood as a movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization. For example, inviting an employee to meetings that were previously unavailable to him, meetings of both formal and informal nature, getting an employee access to informal sources of information, certain important instructions from management.

    Planning and control of a business career consists in the fact that from the moment the employee is accepted into the organization and until the expected dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize the systematic horizontal and vertical advancement of the employee through the system of positions and jobs. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

    For example, one form of career planning is the life-long employment system in Japan. This system came into being after World War II and has proven its viability and effectiveness. The essence of the system is that a person, having received an education, goes to work in a company and works there until retirement. During this time, an employee can change several jobs, change the field of activity, advance in the service, and all this within one company. The advantage of life-long employment is that each employee, in his thoughts, directly connects himself with the company for which he works, understands that personal prosperity depends on the prosperity of his company. The system creates confidence in the future, the employee is almost guaranteed against dismissal. However, life-long employment has serious limitations: this system in Japan applies only to 25-30% of workers in large companies... In the event of a deterioration in the financial situation, companies still carry out layoffs, agreements on employment guarantees are not recorded in official documents.

    Always keep in mind: planning also has limits. As you gaze into the future, do not forget about the present.

    Someone correctly observed: "Life is what happens, but also how you make plans for the future." Do not get carried away with plans for the future and do not miss the opportunities that exist today.

    test questions

    1. Name the professions that are in greatest demand in your city, region, country.

    2. What is meant by changes in the labor market?

    3. What character traits help in finding a job?

    4. What should be guided when choosing a career?

    5. What should be understood by the definition of "career"?

    6. What methods allow you to determine the propensity for a particular profession?

    A sign of a promising organization is the realization that the quality of work is largely determined by the capabilities of the personnel. A developing organization is, first of all, developing personnel, therefore it is necessary to make the process of personnel development purposeful, planned, organized, motivated and controlled. At the present stage, we should talk about the management and self-management of the development of the employee's professional career, based on the coordination of the interests of the organization and the employee. The personnel management tools include a professional individual career management tool, the implementation of which will ensure the purposeful development of personnel within the framework of the organization's development.

    Career - individually conscious changes in attitudes and behavior associated with work-related experiences and activities throughout a person's working life. Thus, a career is a subjectively conscious development, a progressive change in skills, abilities, professional opportunities a person, so you can talk about a career as a kind of occupation, activity.

    The stages of a professional career are distinguished as periods of an employee's working life, during which certain tasks are solved and the foundations for the further development of a professional career are formed. Preliminary stage includes obtaining education as necessary) conditions for a career. The main problem at this stage of a career is the choice of the type, career direction - profession.

    Next comes the stage becoming, when an employee masters the chosen profession, acquires the necessary skills, forms his qualifications, self-affirmation occurs and there is a need to establish independence. The key task that a person faces in the early period of a career is career planning, since at this stage career goals are asserted and value priorities in its development are formed.

    At the stage advancing the process of qualification growth, career advancement continues, a rich practical experience, skills, a growing need for self-affirmation, raising the status in the organization. By recognizing the need for change, employees actively participate in training and development programs, are prepared to change jobs or new positions in the organization, and thereby prevent early termination of their careers. To help employees achieve their goals, many organizations develop career management programs for their employees.

    Stage preservation characterized by actions to consolidate the results achieved. The peak of qualification improvement comes and its improvement occurs as a result of vigorous activity and special training. During this period, employees are interested in passing on their knowledge to successors, so they can be actively involved in training programs as mentors.

    The career of any person is unique, but if you try to generalize approaches to a career, you can distinguish the following types.

    Interorganizational and intra-organizational career - types of careers, meaning that a particular employee, in the course of his professional activity, works in different positions in different or in the same organization.

    Specialized and non-specialized career is the development of a career within one or more areas of activity. Thus, as a result of the development of a non-specialized career, an employee has a significantly smaller amount of specialized knowledge, but at the same time has a holistic view of the organization, supported by personal experience.

    Under vertical a career is understood as an ascent to a higher level of the structural hierarchy, horizontal a career involves either moving to another functional area of \u200b\u200bactivity, or performing a certain job role at a stage that does not have a rigid formal fixation in the organizational structure. A horizontal career can also include the expansion or complication of tasks in one position. Stepped career - a type that combines elements of horizontal and vertical career, when the employee's advancement can be carried out by alternating vertical and horizontal growth. A stepped career is quite common and can take both intra-organizational and inter-organizational forms. Under centripetal career is understood as moving to the core, to the leadership of the organization, for example, inviting an employee to meetings that are inaccessible to other employees, meetings of both formal and informal nature, getting them access to informal sources of information, confidential appeals, certain important instructions from the management.

    In the process of realizing a career, it is important to ensure the interaction of all types of careers. This interaction involves the implementation of the following principles of professional career management:

    • achieving the relationship between the goal setting of the organization and the individual employee in the framework of strategic management and planning of the organization;
    • ensuring that career planning is focused on a specific employee in order to take into account his individual goals and motives for developing a professional career;
    • ensuring the openness of the career management process, based on the development of high-quality and visual criteria for career growth, used in specific career decisions;
    • formation of a system for assessing and developing the career potential of employees of the organization;
    • determination of directions for the development of individual careers of employees, providing for both the provision of the organization's high-quality needs for personnel and the elimination of "career dead ends" in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development.

    Business staff appraisal- purposeful process establishing the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel with the requirements of the position or workplace. Based on the degree of this compliance, the following tasks are solved: assessment of the process and the result of the employee's activity in the organization, development of a development program for him; determination of criteria and amount of remuneration. Personnel assessment allows solving a number of additional tasks: establishing feedback with an employee on professional, organizational and other issues; satisfaction of the employee's needs in assessing their own work. Business assessment of personnel can be divided into the following main types:

    • evaluation of candidates for vacancies or jobs;
    • ongoing periodic assessment of the organization's personnel;
    • assessment of the employee's labor potential.

    Main functions business appraisal:

    • evaluative, when personnel, management system and personnel management programs are evaluated;
    • informational;
    • legal and administrative;
    • motivational;
    • "Feedback".

    An organization's business assessment is influenced by current legislature, where the formal requirements for its implementation, the goals of the business assessment, the status of the position and the content of the tasks performed by the employee, the socio-psychological climate in the team, the activities of the trade union, etc.

    A business appraisal procedure will be effective if the following mandatory conditions:

    • establishment of criteria for evaluating the performance and work process for each position and workplace;
    • careful design of an evaluation system that includes evaluation criteria, frequency of evaluation, subjects and methods of evaluation;
    • providing complete and reliable information about the results and quality of the employee's work in the business assessment process;
    • discussion of the assessment results with the employee;
    • making a decision on the results of the assessment and documenting it.

    A large number of criteria can be used to conduct a business assessment. These indicators can be divided into the following groups:

    • indicators of direct labor results;
    • conditions for achieving labor results;
    • professional behavior;
    • characterizing personal qualities.

    For a time indicator, a periodic assessment is distinguished, when the assessment is carried out on some specific dates (for example, on the day a person is hired) or a decision is made to assess all employees at the same time. For individual workers it is advisable to assign an assessment at the date of completion of the work but for each separate task, for example, within the framework of the model "management by goals". Also, a business assessment can be in the nature of constant monitoring of the process and results of work.

    When conducting a business assessment, the evaluators can be colleagues of the evaluated employee, his immediate supervisor, subordinate employees, employees of related departments who know the evaluated employee for the joint work performed. To reduce the subjectivity of appraisal, organizations use a multiplicity of appraisals, which is expressed in the involvement of various appraisers, including independent experts. Self-esteem can also be used. It seems possible to use the combination the listed forms Assessment: External assessment can be supported by self-assessment, and the results of the assessment by the manager can be compared with the assessment of subordinates or colleagues.

    Business Appraisal Methods - ways of establishing specific values \u200b\u200bof indicators of business assessment. Methods can be divided into groups according to various criteria, for example, individual and comparative, with preliminary and without preliminary establishment of assessment indicators. To assess the elements of the labor and career potential of workers, assessment methods such as testing, business and role-playing games.

    A large number of Russian organizations today use the assessment method Assessment Center. This comprehensive method is used to optimize the placement of personnel, the formation of a personnel reserve, career planning, the formation of training programs, a reasonable selection of applicants for positions in the company.

    The main assessment criteria in the Assessment Center are communication and leadership qualities, intelligence, ability and skills in teamwork, planning and organization. The most popular assessment methods are business and role-playing games, professional and psychological tests, self-presentation, discussions, exercises, written works... The standard assessment procedure includes the implementation of management actions, discussion of problems in small group, decision making, report of the developed project, preparation business letter, filling out psychometric tests, evaluating the subject by his colleagues.

    An important step in conducting a business appraisal is to explain the goals and system of business appraisal among staff and train appraisers, which can increase the effectiveness of business appraisal and reduce errors of social perception in the process of this appraisal.

    The main business valuation errors:

    • excessive exactingness - a tendency to underestimate the assessment, assessing all employees below their real level according to the criteria by which the assessment is conducted;
    • excessive indulgence - a tendency to overestimate, assessing all employees above their real level with a good or excellent rating;
    • extreme - a tendency that combines both previous mistakes;
    • averaging - a tendency towards predominant assessment based on the average values \u200b\u200bof indicators. Many evaluators avoid giving high or low marks, holding the view that all workers are about average;
    • halo effect - an assessment based on an overall impression, both positive and negative;
    • priority - an assessment based on the preference given by the evaluator to one or more qualities of the employee and the impact of these preferences on the overall assessment;
    • personal predisposition - an assessment based on the personal preference of the appraiser regarding personal characteristics, relationships, events in the biography, etc., which affects the assessment more than the results of work;
    • freshness of impressions - the tendency to use recent events in assessing an employee, without taking into account the entire time period.

    After the business assessment has been completed and the results have been processed, it should be discussed with the person being assessed. Effective conversation based on the results of the assessment can help increase motivational attitudes for the next period. A critical element of successful assessment systems is the continued use of assessment results. The use of the results should include the development of professional skills among workers; assessing the degree of the employee's use of his potential capabilities and solving the issue of directions for the development of his professional career; regulation of the size and form of employee remuneration.


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