About the profession of a watchmaker. Who is the watchmaker? Features of the profession, description The profession of watch repair

Alyonkina Olga Arnoldovna, Volzhsky, Volgograd region



Tick-tock, tock-tick

Watchmaker at work.

So that the clock does not lag behind

So that they don't run forward

He's ready to fix all day

Many clocks of any kind.

He can make new ones,

He will always help the clock

He used to heal for hours -

Good doctor watchmaker.

The clock is only one sound

It is heard near me ...

A.S. Pushkin


Watchmaker -profession, formerly a handicraft specialization. Master in the manufacture and repair of wall, wrist and other clocks. Also, "watchmakers" are called people who are professionally engaged in watches, working in the watch business (watch manufacturers, watch shop owners, watch designers, etc.)

Clock- a tool for measuring the duration of time intervals, in units less than one day.

« Time - one of the unsolvable mysteries of Eternity. A person in vain seeks to drive him into a frame, somehow measure it out. No, we can neither accelerate nor reverse it. We just have to follow him. For this, the clock was invented. And while they are needed by mankind, the profession of a watchmaker or a watchmaker will not die in the centuries. " .

The main use of the watch

This is orientation during the day. With the help of the clock, it is possible to plan your activities, measure the duration of various events, the intervals between them, determine the duration of the position in the temporal process from any reference point to the moment of measurement, that is, keep track of the number of past reference events.

Characteristics of the profession

A watchmaker is a person who fixes or makes watches. In the old days, watchmakers had to be both artists and jewelers, as watches were very often decorated with precious stones and made of precious metals. Today, a watch is not only a decoration, but a necessary and familiar object to us: after all, we use it to determine time. If there were no hours, we would not know when to go to school, to work, when an interesting film starts on TV. And how could you gather friends on your birthday if no one knew what time it was at the moment ?!

Only all watches break and deteriorate someday, electronic clock the battery needs to be changed from time to time. When this happens, people turn to a watchmaker for help. Only he will be able to correctly and efficiently repair any watch. A watchmaker must have great patience, as well as have good eyesight: after all, some watches are so small that parts and their mechanisms are no more than a few millimeters in size. The watchmaker uses a special device to repair or just see such small details. It looks like ordinary glasses, only instead of two lenses this device has only one, but this is a magnifying glass. Looking into it, the watchmaker will see even the smallest details in close-up.

The training of the profession of a watchmaker takes from two to five years. The program necessarily includes technical disciplines - mathematics, physics, metallurgy, drawing, as well as courses on the history of the development of watchmaking.

Students should be familiar with the principles of all existing watch movements, including electronic and rare mechanical complications.

A prerequisite for obtaining a certificate professional excellence good eyesight - even upon admission to an educational institution, applicants pass compulsory medical checkup.

In addition to theoretical disciplines, students undergo practical training. Often, educational institutions have workshops in which senior students and graduates work. Repair of watches in such "experimental" workshops is usually cheaper, and the quality is not worse.

The most important thing is that in order to become a watchmaker, you need to be well versed in the watch mechanism, have "golden hands" and, of course, love your work: after all, the clock counts down the time like a living with us!

Historical facts

If you follow the shadows of the trees during the day, you will notice that the shadows move, as if running away from the sun. People noticed this a long time ago, so the shadow was the very first time of day indicator. The stick, stuck in the ground, and the lines dividing the drawn circle into sectors were the first sundial. When the sun just rose, the Egyptians believed that it was six o'clock in the morning. When objects cast the shortest shadow, it was believed to be noon. Sunset announced that it was six in the evening. There were similar sundials in many countries of the world.

However, the sun does not shine at night. How to determine the time? It turns out that you can do this at night if you look at the starry sky. All stars move slowly, and one in the Northern Hemisphere remains stationary. This fixed star is called Polaris and shows the direction to the north. Not far from it there are seven bright stars, located as if along the edges of a bucket with a long handle. This is the constellation Ursa Major. In a day, it goes around the Pole Star, makes a full circle, in a night - half a circle. During the day we do not see these stars, but at night the Big Dipper is watch with a star hand .

Then they were invented water clock that could count the time at night. They were called so - "night hours". They were a vessel from which water flowed through a small hole. All the water drained out in one hour. Then the vessel was filled with water again.

In the II century BC. the mechanic Ctesibius, who lived in Egypt, created a water clock with a dial: evenly flowing water rotated a wheel with blades, and it, with the help of a gear transmission, moved an arrow along the dial.

The next hours were sand ... They were made in the form of two vessels connected to each other by a narrow neck. The measure of time was the period of pouring sand from one vessel to another. Such watches are still used today in clinics, hospitals, where people take any procedures.

Worked on a similar principle and "Fire clock" they first appeared in China. In the old days, huts were lit with a burning wooden torch. The time was determined by the number of burnt torches. Sometimes candles were used for the same purpose.

Mention of mechanical watch are found already in ancient Byzantine manuscripts, but it is reliably known that such a clock appeared in 996 in the German city of Megdeburg. It was a tower clock with weights.

In Russia, the first tower clock was installed in 1404 in the Moscow Kremlin. All tower clocks had approximately the same design and were driven by a weight. A rope was wound onto a horizontal shaft with a weight tied to the end. Kettlebell pulled the rope, rotating the shaft. Through a system of gear wheels, the rotation of the shaft was transmitted to the hands of the clock. The dials had no marks for minutes, so only one hand was enough - the hour. Subsequently, the dials were divided into minutes, and then a second hand was needed - the minute hand.

The inventor of the first mechanical watch is considered the Dutch scientist Christian Huygens, who in 1657 used a pendulum as a regulator of the clock. Later the rope and weight were replaced with a spring, the pendulum - with a balance (a small wheel that rotates in one direction or the other). This made it possible to drastically reduce the size of all parts in the movement. Have appeared pocket watch and then wrist .

In 1764 - 1767. Russian inventor Ivan Petrovich Kulibin made a unique pocket watch, which is now kept in Erimtazh. The clock struck every hour, and several tunes were played to accompany the theatrical performance of small figures. It was a gift to Empress Catherine II.

With the development of navigation, a particularly accurate watch was required, which showed not only hours and minutes, but also seconds. They were used to determine the coordinates of a ship on the high seas. Then the most accurate chronometers appeared (from the Greek "chronos" - "time" and "metron" - "I measure") to determine the geographical longitude.

Mechanical watches were replaced by electronic ones, where a quartz crystal maintains a constant oscillation of electric current. In pursuit of accuracy, atomic (quantum) clocks began to be used. They lag behind by no more than 1 second in 500 thousand years!

City clock

(A little information about the watch, the most-most ...)

The most ancient , the surviving watches without a dial date back to 1386 and still continue to work. They are in the English Cathedral in Salisbury. In 1956 they were restored. By that time, they had served the townspeople for 498 years.

The most accurate mechanical clocks in the world were made for the Copenhagen City Hall in December 1955 and are called "Olsen". Their production took more than 14 thousand parts and 10 years. They work in 570 thousand different modes. This mechanism is the slowest in the world. The error in its course is half a second in 300 years.

The oldest pendulum clock known in the territory the former USSR are located on the building of the Farny Church in Grodno (at first they were located on the tower of the City Hall, then on the Jesuit Collegium, and later on the belfry of the Francis Xavier Church). Presumably, they were made in early XVII centuries and older than those that adorn London's Big Ben. Their movement uses the escapement of London watchmaker Clement and a non-second pendulum. The clock moves under the influence of the gravity of the load - a stone weighing 60 kg. Turning the clockwork shaft, the stone falls from a height of 15 meters for 36 hours. The clock is located at the height of a 10-storey building; in order to wind it, you have to overcome 132 steps.

The biggest in the world, a street clock was recently installed in Tehran. The diameter of their dial is 15 meters, and the length of the minute hand is seven and a half meters. The total weight is 750 kilograms. The movement, created by local experts, is unique and designed for all weather conditions. It took two years to create it. The error of the record-breaking watches does not exceed one hundredth of a second per year.

The most expensive pocket watch (not adorned with precious stones) were manufactured in 1922 by Patek Philippe for the American automobile magnate James Packard. On the enamel dial of his gold watch, the craftsmen engraved the perfect astronomical map showing the position of the celestial bodies above Warren, Packard's hometown in Ohio. Moreover, exactly in such a position in which he could observe them from the window of his bedroom. In 1988, this company bought a unique watch for 750,000 pounds sterling.

Clock on the Spasskaya Tower

In 1625, a clock was installed on the Spasskaya Tower under the guidance of the English master Christopher Golovey by the Russian blacksmiths-watchmakers Zhdan, his son Shumilo Zhdanov and grandson Alexei Shumilov. Thirteen bells were cast for them by the caster Kirill Samoilov. Through special mechanisms they "played music", and also measured the time of day and night, indicated by letters and numbers. There were no hands on the dial. It rotated, bringing the number to a special mark. In 1706-1709. by order of Peter I, this clock was replaced by a Dutch one, which served with some interruption until the middle of the 19th century.

The modern chimes were made by brothers Nikolay and Ivan Butenop in 1851-52. and installed on the 8-10 tiers of the Spasskaya Tower. In October 1917, a shell hit the watch, and they stopped, in August 1918, at the direction of V.I. Lenin, they were restored by the watchmaker Nikolai Berens. The clock began to play at 12 o'clock "Internationale", at 24 o'clock - "You fell a victim ...". However, already in 1938 the chimes fell silent, becoming only the beating of the clock and the quarters.

In 1996, during the inauguration of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, the chimes started playing again after 58 years of silence. At 12 and 6 o'clock the chimes began to perform the "Patriotic Song", and at 3 and 9 o'clock - the melody of the chorus "Glory" from the opera "Life for the Tsar" (Ivan Susanin) also by M. I. Glinka. The last major restoration was carried out in 1999. The hands and numbers are gilded again. Restored the historical appearance of the upper tiers. By the end of the year, the last chimes were adjusted. Instead of "Patriotic Song", the chimes began to sing the national anthem Russian Federation, officially approved in 2000.

The dials of the chimes with a diameter of 6.12 m go out on the four sides of the tower. Their rims, numbers and hands were gilded in 1937. The height of the Roman numerals is 0.72 m, the length of the hour hand is 2.97 m, and the length of the minute hand is 3.27 m. The chimes are struck using a mechanism with a system of bells. Initially, the watch was wound manually, since 1937 - with the help of electric motors.

I - one

II - two

III - three

IV - four

V - five

VI - six

Vii - seven

VIII - eight

IX - nine

X - ten

XI - eleven

XII - twelve

Roman numerals

Clock face

Hour, minute, second hands

When did the second hand appear on the watch?

For many centuries, people have evaluated time and distance differently than now.

The travel speed was very low: the traveler traveled from London to Rome in about seven weeks. And time passed slowly: needs to know exact time there was no need: there was no need to know the exact time, and the minute was not perceived as a segment of an hour at all - what can we say about a second!

The day was divided into morning, afternoon, evening and night. For most people, the main time marker was the ringing of church bells, calling the faithful to prayer.

The second hand appeared on watches only when people needed to measure time "with precision to the second." That is, much closer to our days. We can say that the second hand is the youngest. The first appeared - the hour hand, the second - the minute, the third - the second.

Who "keeps" the exact time?

Measuring time proved to be a daunting task. Measuring time only in years - it became inconvenient for large intervals, and the length of the day changes throughout the year. For example, the ancient Greeks and Romans initially divided the daylight hours into twelve parts - hours, and it turned out that in winter and summer these hours had different durations.

Could you choose processes in which time was divided into equal shares? We tried to measure it using dripping water, pouring sand, shadow. But neither the water, nor the hourglass, nor the sundial gave the required accuracy, especially when it came to measurements of small intervals of time.

This continued until man in the 17th century created an artificial, mechanical standard of time - pendulum. A weight suspended on a thread or a wheel fastened to a spring can be adjusted in such a way that their oscillations will occur within a strictly specified, including a short, period of time.

The invention of the pendulum mechanism dramatically advanced the production of precision watches. They began to be installed on city towers, setting the rhythm of life for a large number of people at once, and workers in English textile factories jointly bought inexpensive watches to keep track of the length of their working day.

And in modern electronic watches, we will find repetitions of mechanical watches, only they are made of other materials. The spring factory was replaced by a battery, the rhythm is set not by a metal pendulum, but by a quartz crystal oscillating under the action of a current, moving arrows were replaced by numbers displayed on the board. All the rest of the watch parts serve to transmit electrical impulses in the same way as gear wheels transmitted movement.

It is interesting…

    The flower clock in St. Petersburg is a gift from the city of Geneva for the 300th anniversary of the founding of the city. This happened in May 2003.

    One second is 9 192 631 770 vibrations of the radiation of the cesium-133 atom.

    There are: millennium, century, five-year, year, quarter, month, decade, week, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, picosecond, femtosecond, and so on.

    No one knows exactly why the year is divided into 12 months (this division does not correspond to either the lunar or solar calendar). It is believed that the division of the hour into 60 minutes is associated with the Babylonian number system, which was based not on 10, but on 60.

    Although one minute has 60 seconds, and one second 1000 milliseconds.

    24 hours of sidereal time equals 23 hours 56 minutes 4.091 seconds of mean solar time.

    The creation of a nautical clock to accurately determine longitude was such an acute problem that an award was established for its solution by the English government in 1714. It ranged from 10 to 20 thousand pounds - depending on the accuracy achieved.

    Until the beginning of the 19th century, watch production in Switzerland was done manually, and sometimes more than forty people were engaged in the manufacture of one copy.

    A mechanical watch with a balancer has the ability to maintain uniformity in any position. Therefore, they were used both for sea navigation and for determining the exact time by astronauts in conditions of weightlessness and overloads.

    The world's most accurate atomic clock was recently launched in the American city of Boulder. For the next three million years, they should not go ahead or lag behind for a second! However, this record is ready to break the employees of the Institute of Quantum Optics from Munich - the error of their clocks is one second in a billion years!

    French, Swiss and Chinese firms have designed electronic wristwatches powered by solar battery, the sensitivity of which allows you to set in motion an arrow from the light of a candle standing 30 centimeters away. And if the watch stays in the bright sun for five minutes, then it can work for 100 hours.

Kulibin's watch

The egg-shaped clock was created by Ivan Petrovich Kulibin, a remarkable Russian self-taught inventor. Kulibin owns more than thirty inventions. But now we can see all Kulibin's inventions only in drawings and descriptions, except for watches - the only thing that has come down to us from Kulibin's hands.

Ivan Kulibin spent two years creating unique watches ... They consisted of 427 parts and three factories: watch, chime and combat.

Figure: Kulibin's watch

Every hour a door opens in the building and a "tiny theater" made of silver and gold - miniature figures, distinguishable only through a magnifying glass, act out scenes based on gospel stories and give a performance. The clock strikes every quarter and every half hour with a bell ringing, and at noon a melody is heard, which, according to legend, was composed by Kulibin himself.

Tale of Tiktak's clock

This story is about Vovin's friend, the old wizard Yurkin. Do you remember, my friend, that Vova lived on the edge of the city called Tiktak, next to the Forest. And Yurkin lived not on the edge of the city, but in its very center. From time immemorial, there was a house called Tiktaka Clock. Yurkin built a tall, high clock tower right to the wall of this house. And this watch was not simple, but magic. Time was kept in them. It was said in the city that many years ago, forest blacksmiths brought this watch from the forest thicket on a cart. And Yurkin then lifted them to the tower. The old wizard was short, wore round glasses and, as expected, had a long, long gray beard. All the watches that Yurkin invented were able to keep minutes. He made a small watch, and only a few minutes were kept in them. He also made more hours, in which there were more minutes. In addition to the fact that the clock kept minutes and showed the time, there was also some special magic in them. But Yurkin did not tell anyone about this, except for the people for whom this watch was intended. For example, once Vova ran out of time. He comes to Yurkin and says:

- Lend me, grandfather Yurkin, a watch that keeps half an hour. I really miss this half hour to come up with a poem for one girl. And Yurkin gave Vova a watch with the magic parrot Gosha. In the morning, the parrot climbed out of the clock and shouted:

- Wake up! Rise! To charge! Vova opened his eyes, looked at his watch and said: - Don't shout! It's too early to get up! - And it's not too early! - said Gosha. - If you don’t get up now, then I won’t give you a minute!

- Oh, that's what you are, it turns out, - said Vova and completely woke up. - Get on the charge! - ordered Gosh. And Vova began to squat, bend over and wave his arms. This is how he did the exercises. And when Vova finished, a scarlet glowing ball suddenly appeared in Gosha's beak.

- What's that glowing in your mouth? - asked Vova. Gosha opened his beak, the ball fell down, hit the floor, then jumped up and unexpectedly fell into Vova's palm.

- This is your moment, - said Gosha. - Take care of her! And then Gosha ordered: - It's time for breakfast! And then: - Work! And so he commanded all day. The next day, Gosha did not stop commanding. And on the third day, Vova had a lot of glowing minutes, which all together became like a big apple that was lying on Vovin's table and glowing brightly. Then Vova sat down at the table and wrote a poem for the girl. When Vova finished writing, the apple disappeared somewhere, as if it had never existed.

- And now you must carry me back! - said the parrot Gosha. - You don't need me anymore. My minutes are over. And Gosha climbed back into the clock.

- It's a pity, - Vova sighed. - I'm so used to you! But - there is nothing to do. As Vova was not used to the parrot, he still had to carry him back. The old watchmaker put the watch with Gosha in his big chest to recharge. This is so that the parrot again has minutes. Many other watches were kept in that chest - the wizard's crafts. And all of them are, of course, magical.

I will reveal one secret for you. In the big Clock of Tiktak, in the tower of the house where the old wizard lived, it was not kept for a minute. And not even an hour. And not even a day. The Tiktak Clock was kept for a whole year.

Yu Orlov

Happy hours

E. Permyak

Once a great wizard named Trud awarded three brothers with happy hours for good work and said:

- Anyone to whom this watch is given can manage his life, his time by himself. If you want - work, if you want - walk. If you want, play the pipe. This watch allows everything until the factory runs out in it.

Then the elder brother asks:

- And how to get them, the great wizard Trud?

The brothers hooked up the watch and began to think about how to continue living in a new life in which everything is possible and everything is allowed.

- And not to hum, - asked himself the elder brother, - so that the dust is a pillar, so that the sky is hot?

So he did, he went for a walk, dancing, feasting, playing the accordion ...

The second was quieter. He loved to sleep. Eat, drink - and on its side, and before that tells happy hours to show dreams.

And the third brother kept his secret thoughts in his head. He really wanted to be the first in everything. To study all sciences, to speak all languages, to overcome all art.

Time passes, the happy hours are ticking, they do not stop, and each of the brothers disposes of his own life, his time in his own way.

You never know, how many years have passed - no one measured. The day came, the minute came when the clock stopped at the elder brother. The feast ended with a mountain, the dance broke off, the accordion died down. And the second brother, not seeing the sweet dream, woke up. And he also realized that he had nothing to start his happy hours with. I slept through my whole conscience.

And the third brother, meanwhile, of all scientists became the most scientist. Not only did he study all human languages, but he could easily converse with birds. And at the expense of all kinds of arts, then at least on the harp, at least in the opera - everything can. Sings and paints. He composes poems as the seeds snap. Ah ... And his clock also stopped.

- How so? Why, why, on what occasion, the great wizard Trud? I did not sleep, did not walk like those two. Day and night he worked according to his conscience!

- Is it true? Trud asked him. - For whom did you study science, comprehended the arts? Whom did you benefit from this? Whose heart warmed? Whose eyes did you please? I only consoled myself.

The third brother lowered his head. Is silent. And what could he say, if he had a conscience, he also did not appear to start happy hours with it.

The brothers got together and thought. And there was something.

It was not for nothing that the sage said:

"A man is cognized in work, and in rest he is revealed"

Funny poems

Lives in a carved hut

Merry cuckoo.

She cuckoo every hour

And wakes us up early in the morning:

"Ku-ku! Ku-ku! It's seven in the morning!

Ku-ku! Ku-ku! It's time to get up! "

The cuckoo does not live in the forests

And in our old watch!

They say: the clock is standing

Saying: the clock is rushing

They say the clock is ticking

But they are a little behind.

We watched with Mishka together,

And the clock stands still.

V. Orlov

What time is it now?

The sun was shining in the sky

And the shadow of the old column

Spun in


And she became the first arrow.

Water flowed. And the years went by.

The clock was also invented.

They were called sand.

You just have to turn them over

The grains of sand start to move.

Run in a merry trickle

On the way, minutes are counted.

Where does the clock live?

Both on land and on water,

Manual - clear:

Pocket -

in the pocket.

School hours.

On the rink.

And there is in the airplane.

Again the years passed

Step by step.

Much has passed.

And the day has come:

- Tick tock!

- Tick tock!

It sounded softly.

Chess clock -

Think guys:

Why does one watch

Two dials at once? ...

The dial flashed with a plate,

And on his plate ...

- This way! Look, young and old!

Arrows are running in a circle!

Marvel at miracles, people!

Run their routes!

Leads less -

Big -

counting minutes.

But who turns them around?

Here's the question ...

And here's the answer: a spring!

And with her cogwheels

Cheerful squad.

Though the spring is strong

Sits in a watch, in a dungeon.

And that's all, she is stubborn, she

Strives to unwind.

Her pressure is transmitted

Wheels to each other -

And the arrows are running,

Run, run in circles!

Are needed by an athlete, for example,

Your watch is a stopwatch.

And divers from the depths,

Where did they go

Beep: "We need a watch,

So that the arrows shine! "

Adults and children know

They know everywhere on the planet -

In cities, in the taiga village,

At both poles -

They know for sure:



No watch !!!

Old watchmaker

All mountains, rivers and forests

Woke up from sleep.

The snow melted and finally

spring has come again.

Stands on the river bank

An old town.

An old man lives in that town

He was an expert in watches.

And every day from year to year,

He is in the city tower.

Gives life to the oldest hours,

With a skillful hand.

He lubricates with an oil can,

Clock mechanics.

Seeing not working properly

My grandfather is ready to fix them.

Yu Orlov

Striking clock

Once upon a time there was an old woman

(It's been a long time already at rest)

And the old woman had

Striking carved clock.

"Ding-dong, ding-dong!" -

Fought off every hour

The roar filled the house

And they woke us up at night.

We, of course, were not silent,

We knocked on the old woman's door:
"Spare our ears,

Stop the fight in the clock! "

But the old woman answered us

She answered: "No and no!

The clock speaks to me

I love their gentle fight.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

How beautiful is their chime!

He's a little sad

But transparent and crystal!

Days and weeks passed.

But the clock suddenly wheezed

The arrows shuddered and stood up,

And the clock stopped beating.

It became quiet. Even creepy!

We got used to fighting for a long time

(And this is not a joke!)

There was something alive in him!

We, of course, did not remain silent,

There was a knock on the old woman's door:

"Why can't you hear the fight?

Need a master sentry! "

Here comes the watchmaker -
A wise, experienced old man,
And he said: "Such a thing!
Here the spring has weakened
The mechanism will receive lubrication,
And the watch is love and affection! "
He changed the spring.
And again there was a ringing
Silver chime:
"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!"
Whole house revived!

Question answer

What is Beek Ben?

This is not the name of the tower, but the 13-ton bell that rings inside. This tower is located in England.

What clocks preceded modern ones?

At different stages of the development of civilization, mankind invented and used many different clocks: solar, stellar, water, fire, sand, wheel, mechanical, electrical, electronic, atomic clocks.

Why does the clock go clockwise?

The clock runs clockwise, because it is in this direction that the shadow of a sundial located in the northern hemisphere moves.

When was the first sundial created?

The first sundial was discovered by archaeologists in Ancient Egypt, and they were created in the 15th century BC.

Excerpts from literary works about clock and time

… This is how things work in the world: a person who wastes time in vain does not notice how old he is. And the evil wizards have found out about this, and let's catch the guys who are wasting time. And so the wizards caught Petya Zubov, and another boy, and two girls and turned them into old men. Poor children grew old and did not notice it themselves - after all, a person who is wasting time in vain does not notice how old he is. And the time lost by the guys was taken by the wizards. And the wizards became little guys, and the guys - old old people.

A tale of wasted time

E. Schwartz

... The ball was very funny, and she completely forgot what the sorceress ordered her. She thought that it was not yet eleven o'clock, when suddenly the clock began to strike midnight. She jumped up and flew away like a bird. The prince rushed after her, but could not catch up with her.


(french tale)


Who, rolling his mustache,

Uncommanded by us:

- You can eat!

- It's time to walk!

- Wash and go to bed!


Two sisters one after another

Run round and round.

Shorty only once

The one higher - every hour.

(Clock hands)

Their mustaches are not for beauty -

They show the time

And are called … (clock)

They go around the clock

Don't stand a minute

And everything is in one place.


He sways all his life

In time he says goodbye.


Without legs and without wings it is,

Flies fast

You will not catch up with him.


I warned him

So that he woke me up.

Until the morning he worried

I walked, walked, walked!

(Alarm clock)

My aunt has a bad dream

And ... a bit,

She slept no less ... (days)

Proverbs and sayings

Business time, fun hour.

Nothing educates a person like time.

Time is the wind: what the wind brings, it blows away with the wind.

Golden time - young summers.

I was going for two hours

I washed my face for two hours

One hour wiped away

I got dressed for a day.

Time and stone polishes.

A minute - an hour saves.

Tongue Twisters

Watchmaker squinting his eye

He fixes the watch for us.

Winged words and expressions

Skillful fingers. A master of his craft, a very skillful person, everything he does turns out very well.

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge. A very long time has passed.

Self-test questions

    Who is a watchmaker or watchmaker?

    Why the work of a watchmaker is considered painstaking and requires perseverance, precision and attention.

    When was the first sundial created?

    What is the main use of a watch?

    Who is I. Kulibin? What is he famous for?


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What. Who is: children's encyclopedia. In 3 volumes. T. 2. З - О / comp. V.S. Shergin, A.I. Yuriev. 5th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: AST, 2007.S - 503.

What. Who is: children's encyclopedia. In 3 volumes. T. 3. P - I / comp. V.S. Shergin, A.I. Yuriev. 5th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: AST, 2007.S - 519

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Drawings: Abutkina N.Yu., Alyonkina O.A., Alyonkina O.M.

In recent years, mechanical watches have significantly replaced electronic gadgets and mobile devices. Therefore, these days a watch is more of a fashion accessory or a status piece of furniture.

Previously, the services of a watchmaker were used to create, repair and maintain watches. Now this profession is less common, but nevertheless it does not lose its relevance.

Features of the profession of a watchmaker

Nowadays it is customary to call watchmakers not only the one who repairs mechanisms, but also designers and sellers of finished products.

However, a watchmaker is, first of all, a professional who creates watches from the smallest mechanisms. Therefore, it would be more correct to represent this particular group of specialists under this name.

It is also worth noting that the work of a watchmaker is a delicate work that requires not only verified movements, but also an excellent knowledge of watch mechanisms. In this regard, it is possible to unofficially distinguish two categories of these specialists - watchmaker for watch repair and watchmaker for manufacturing.

It is assumed, of course, that a watchmaker should be equally capable of both, but the current market conditions and mass production lead to the fact that the masters are forced to divide the specialization.

At the same time, only two specializations are indicated in official documents:

    watchmakers for mechanical watch repair;

    watchmakers for the repair of electronic and quartz watches.

The main niche of watchmakers today is, of course, the manufacture of expensive and unique products, that is, the elite segment of the market. Their circle of clients is always limited, however, they are always wealthy people who value luxury.

The watchmakers' specialization in repair is much wider. They can repair both mass and luxury products. Individual masters specialize in restoration antique clock... In addition, individual members of the profession repair exclusively wrist Watchothers specialize in wall and tower.

Another feature of the watchmaker's work can be considered that repair shops most often prefer to specialize not in the repair of a specific type of watch, but of specific firms. For example, Swiss ones.

At the same time, the watch industry in Russia is in decline. There are not so many companies engaged in mass production of watches, and the consumer as a whole does not have much interest in such products. For this reason, there are also very few good watchmakers.

Duties of a watchmaker

The list of responsibilities of a specialist must include the following:

    holding renovation works varying degrees of difficulty;

    communication, consulting clients.

In order to fulfill these duties, a watchmaker must know:

    principles of the device of watch mechanisms, the difference between mechanical and electronic watches;

    fundamentals of electronics;

    the basics of turning;

    principles of working with documentation.

Watchmaker requirements

Only people with keen eyesight and developed fine motor skills can work as a watchmaker. It is simply impossible to create and repair watches without these qualities.

In general, the profession does not have any other health restrictions. Therefore, the profession can be suitable for both men and women, regardless of their physical fitness and endurance.

Place of work and working conditions

Probably the most common place of work for a modern watchmaker can be considered large shopping centers, where small spaces are located, offering quick replacement of watch straps or batteries. Most often, a couple of specialists work at such points, who replace each other.

Another possible place of work is in mass or luxury watchmaking companies. True, there the watchmaker most often performs the duties of an inspector. He monitors the quality and serviceability of products, conducts diagnostics.

And, of course, a watchmaker can start his own business, choosing which type of activity attracts him the most.

Where can you learn the profession of a watchmaker?

Due to the general decline in the industry, today in Russia there are very few educational institutions that train watchmakers. The most common option is special courses held by watch factories or foreign watch distributors.

There is also a more difficult option - to become an apprentice to a watchmaker. But now it is extremely difficult to find a highly qualified specialist who is ready to accept a student.

Personal qualities of the profession watchmaker

In order to work as a watchmaker, you must have the following qualities:






    hard work.

How much does a watchmaker earn

On average, a qualified specialist can earn about 50,000 rubles. However, when it comes to the premium segment and the high level of skill, the salary can be much higher.

Pros and cons of being a watchmaker

The positive aspects of the profession include the following:

    the opportunity to start your own business;

    prospects for professional development.

The disadvantages of the profession are:

    heavy loads on vision and back;

    general decline in the industry and low demand.


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See what "Watchmaker" is in other dictionaries:

    Watchmaker, watchmaker, speculator, trader Dictionary of Russian synonyms. watchmaker watchmaker; watchmaker (obsolete) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M .: Russian language. Z.E. Aleksandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

    CLOCKMaker, watchmaker, husband. 1. A craftsman engaged in the manufacture and repair of watches. 2. The owner of the watch shop (outdated). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    TIME Maker, ah, husband. A specialist in watchmaking and also a watch repair technician. | wives watchmaker, s. | adj. watchmaker, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    watchmaker - THE HOURMER, ah, m. A speculator who sells watches ... Dictionary of Russian argo

    watchmaker - CLOCK Maker, a, m A specialist in the manufacture of watches and the operation of clock mechanisms, as well as a master who repairs watches. The watchmaker, squinting his eyes, fixes the watch for us (S. Marshak) ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

    - (Anobium pertinax) beetle of the pretend family (Ptinidae), belonging to the genus of grinders (Anobium); see. Pretenders ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    M. 1. Master in the manufacture and repair of watches [clock I]. 2. Owner of a shop or watch manufacture [clock I]. Efremova's explanatory dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

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    watchmaker - (2 m), R. watchmaker /; pl. watchmakers /, R. watchmaker / in ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language


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At all times, a watchmaker is worth its weight in gold; there are no indifferent or random people in this profession.

At all times, a watchmaker is worth its weight in gold; there are no indifferent or random people in this profession. The watchmaker, who is truly in love with his work, rejoices at the revived mechanism in the same way as a mathematician rejoices when he has solved a cunning problem. A person who carefully bent over the clock - this image still inspires us with some kind of inner awe, because the secret of the clock is revealed only to a select few.

Today in Russia this profession is going through difficult times: according to statistics, once in the USSR over 50 million people a year received the qualifications of a watchmaker, and more than half of them were employed at home. In the 90s, the institution of the Soviet chasprom was destroyed, and in fact it was once the strongest rival of the Swiss. Watchmakers in modern Russia - these are mainly elderly people, specialists of the "old school", young people are attracted to this profession less and less, but, fortunately, the Kulibins have not yet disappeared on our land ...

What qualities should a person possess who decides to make a watch his profession? With a sniper's vision, a firm hand and a phlegmatic temperament, working with complex mechanisms requires perseverance and readiness for long, focused work. For beginners preparing to study watchmaking, a medical examination is held, where eyesight is thoroughly checked. By the way, those who like to drink are eliminated immediately - trembling in hands is unacceptable when working with a watch.

There are several ways to get the profession of a watchmaker in our country; you can go the beaten path, i.e. go to study at a special department of a technical college or PU - the basics are taught even here. According to the latest data, higher education in the specialty of a watchmaker gives the only university in Russia - Penza.

The duration of the specialty training is from 2 to 5 years, the curriculum is overwhelmingly represented by technical disciplines: mathematics, physics, chemistry, drawing, geometry, trigonometry. Future masters are also taught the basics of electrical and radio engineering, processing technology for structural materials and many other complex sciences. A modern watchmaker is engaged in adjusting and repairing wrist and interior, quartz and mechanical watches, reinstalling outdated parts, replacing watch stones, adjusting the stroke - to become a professional, you will have to work hard!

Theoretical knowledge is closely linked with practice: students learn to make small parts, handle tools, disassemble and assemble watches, clean, lubricate the mechanism ... at the exit educational institution young craftsmen should be able to independently determine the malfunction and, of course, eliminate it.

After the final certification has been successfully passed, the graduate has a direct path to the plant for invaluable experience. By the way, you can study the profession of a master assembler immediately in training center at the factory. Based on the results of the work, the student can be offered training directly to the watchmaker.

An apprenticeship with a private master is increasingly practiced today; aspiring watchmakers usually work with their teacher as an apprentice and even receive a small scholarship. Those who have chosen this path for themselves try to find the most highly qualified masters in order to make the training most effective and, by the way, to gather their own "client base".

Outstanding masters of their craft claim that for a watchmaker there is no limit in knowledge where he could stop - continuous development and self-education is the main guarantee of success.

Russian watchmakers are not averse to learning from the unsurpassed Swiss. True, it costs a lot of money: a weekly advanced training course in Switzerland costs an average of 6 thousand euros! By the way, it is not recommended to go to these courses for beginners who have barely mastered the workshop - they need a very solid knowledge base and experience. The most prestigious today is the Watchmakers Of Switzerland Training and Educational Program (WOSTEP) - the Institute for training and advanced training of watchmakers in the city of Neuchâtel.

So, knowledge and experience gained ... what next? Anything: industrial training master, private watchmaker, authorized employee service center - choose! Even if over time your passion for watch movements has cooled down, the knowledge gained will not be wasted: today, due to the active promotion of foreign and Russian watch brands on the market, distributor companies welcome people who understand watches - a very complicated product with open arms and prestigious.

But back to the watchmakers: average wage a watchmaker in Moscow today is 36,000 rubles. As we have already said, these are average numbers, and there are no limits to perfection, as well as to self-development. Private practice - the pinnacle of professionalism in watchmaking; Those few who were not afraid of difficulties and did not leave the profession, tempted by another dream, are brought a wristwatch of the transcendental cost of politics, influential businessmen, and the creative elite. Of course, in this case we are talking about a fee of a completely different level ....

But today the most relevant direction is the economy! This direction provides!

Everyone - young and old - knows what a watch is and, accordingly, who is a watchmaker. Once upon a time, back in the days of the Soviet Union, representatives of this profession were highly valued in society, because everyone had a watch. Pocket watches, wall and wrist watches, which periodically required repair, were taken to repair shops, and watchmakers were never left without work.

Sometimes this word means those who own watch companies or those who create watch designs. However, the real sentinels business master only those who work with clockwork with their own hands can be considered. Such specialists can be found both in workshops and in production.

The watchmaker, who produces huge quantities of watches on conveyors, assembles the parts by hand. This painstaking work is gradually being automated, but in some places manual assembly takes place. Especially when it comes to elite models: then the master grinds every detail with his own hands on small machines, so that the result is a masterpiece - an item that the owner will be proud of.

Modern watchmakers also repair watches. Such work certainly cannot be entrusted to a machine gun and mechanized. The master disassembles each copy to find the problem of breakage. Since it works with miniature components, powerful magnifying glasses have to be used.

By the way, you can throw a retrospective look into the past. In past centuries, many cities had tower clocks, which were also repaired by watchmakers. And then the huge mechanisms, including a bunch of gears, always informed the townspeople on time about the exact time.

Today You can even find watchmakers in large supermarkets, where they repair watches for customers who stop by on their way home to buy food. They basically do simple work: Replace straps and batteries. In general, not like the old school watchmakers, for whom watches were not just a craft, but self-realization.

An old master with fifty years of experience told how he was brought a mechanism produced by an unknown company and asked to fix the problems. The watchmaker sat all night to understand the nuances of the product and still figured out what the malfunction was.

What qualities a watchmaker should have

Unfortunately, now there is a decline in interest in this somewhere romantic old. Nevertheless, candidates are required to have certain personal properties, without which the watchmaker's path to the profession is ordered.

A real master, and not just a one-day experience, should have the following qualities:

  1. sharp eyesight and lack of impairments in hand motility. You will have to work with microscopic details, so any wrong step is fraught with damage to someone else's property. Miniature teeth and all kinds of gears require increased attention and caution on the part of the master, which is absolutely impossible with weak eyes and trembling hands;
  2. communication skills. The more a watchmaker has endurance and love for people, the more he can earn with his hard work. Imagine, for example, that you brought a watch for repair and heard rude speech: most likely, your feet will no longer be there, and you will not advise this watchmaker to your acquaintances;
  3. perseverance and patience. Without these qualities, it will be difficult for a watchmaker to perform work, since the process of manufacturing and repairing watches is associated with increased concentration of attention.

If you feel the urge to familiarize yourself with this specialty closer, go to the nearest watch factory: the watchmaker will enlighten you there who it is, and perhaps even be invited to take vacant post.

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