Who is the freight forwarder and what he does. Who is such a forwarder. Requirements for qualifications

The freight forwarder is a qualified specialist whose main task is to implement the procedure. transport expedition. The scope of its activities includes the provision of comprehensive services on the part of the consignee and the shipper, as well as relevant organizations employed in the field of delivery different types Goods using vehicle.

The professional responsibility includes the route and vehicles established by the client. The specialist determines the most relevant and appropriate delivery options. The task of the forwarder is:

  • acceptance of goods from the warehouse;
  • performing the reconciliation of the configuration and the actual presence along with the current accompanying documentation;
  • assessment of the state and quality of original packaging;
  • technical condition of the car;
  • controlling the process of loading;
  • application technical means and special equipment that perform a comprehensive regime for the implementation of the storage and safety of goods.

When conducting international transport, the freight forwarder carries out regular control over the performance of the optimal storage mode, the quality of delivery of goods. One of the current functions of the freight forwarders is to design customs documents, as well as other special documentation in order to implement international transportation, sales of fees, relevant transport fees.

The freight forwarder is responsible for accurate compliance with the deadlines for the delivery of goods, as well as its surrender at the specified destination. If anyone occurs controversial situationsThe freight forwarder conducts the mandatory design of the necessary acts that officially certify the fact of damage or shortage of the existing cargo.

Responsibilities include the operational and timely notification of the Client's side regarding any potential deviations from the previously stated instructions that were caused by unforeseen situations. The main functions can also include the fulfillment of cargo insurance. The implementation of this operation can be carried out solely if it was provided for in the framework of the Expedition Treaty.

The main functions and role of the forwarder

The main role of the freight forwarder in the process of transportation is not only in classical courier accompaniment, but also features, as well as the subtleties of the WAD. A professional freight forwarder must take into account the features of the legal support of the delivery process, to understand in detail in all subtleties and main features international delivery cargo.

The freight forwarder must take into account the main and accompanying transportation costs, providing potential financial risks Transportation. The forwarder must have a serious practical experience, Consider any potential risks of transportation. It is fully responsible for the transportation of different types of goods, the solution of controversial situations, prevention of potential difficulties in working with foreign freight recipients. The main abstracts of people who occupy the position of the forwarder are a set of measures to organize delivery and planning. The specialist in carrying out activities solves the following problems:

  • determining the best route and method for transporting goods;
  • performing chartering and search for the most optimal for transportation of vehicles;
  • filing equipment to the clause of the loading of different types of goods;
  • carrying out the design of the necessary accompanying documentation;
  • storage and consolidation of selected materials, crushing, loading and unloading;
  • registration and coordination of key issues for transportation of small and dangerous goods, as well as complex support of materials;
  • comprehensive traffic control.

The main requirement of the freight forwarder is strictly compliance with the job description. In practice, specialist this profile In fact acts as an intermediary in the implementation of international transport of different types of goods. Most of the cases involves the presence of certain agreements between customers and carriers. Due to this, the process of transportation can be easily and effectively optimized.

Forwarders completely exclude any downtime of the car, idle mileage, inconsistency or problems in work. The task of the forwarder is the chartering of that transport that is as close as possible to the loading point. Such an approach to activities contributes to a decrease in transportation costs. In practice, forwarders are provided preferences and discounts from transport companiesSince the freight forwarders are the largest regular customers for transportation. That is why customers are provided by lower prices.

Nuances and underwater stones of the profession of the freight forwarder

One of the main features of the activities of the forwarder - the delivery of shipping delivery in such a way that vehicle I got to the end item as quickly as possible with minimal costs. The specialist should take into account when drafting the route the current situation on the roads, to understand the condition of the canvas, comprehensively evaluate all potential risks. An example is the desire to reduce the costs of customs payments. The forwarder accepts a set of measures, analyzes the available methods to reduce the total amount of expenses.

The scope of responsibility of the forwarder includes full documentary support for the transportation process. With the legal support of the cargo, it is important to comply with the delivery regulations, confirmation of high-quality technical status car, full compliance of goods declared technical requirements. The expedition is recommended to independently evaluate the state of goods, consider the documents necessary for the successful fulfillment of the customer's requirements.

How to become a freight forwarder?

For full compliance official duties Forwarder We recommend to have a higher economic or technical education for the vacancy applicants. There may be enough qualifications of secondary special education. The overall regulation of the installed skills and skills depends on the requirements for the employee from the company's representatives.

A professional freight forwarder must own foreign languages \u200b\u200bto negotiate with foreign suppliers, work with documentation. The knowledge of the English, French, German, Polish language is highly appreciated in the labor market. The more foreign languages \u200b\u200bare at the disposal of the applicant, the higher the specialist in the labor market will be valued. Russian freight forwarders can get education necessary At the universities of the country that are preparing specialists in the field of economics, logistics. Suitable will be qualified in the field of law.

The freight forwarder must have professional negotiation skills, the ability to take the most acceptable solutions in the most difficult situations. The rules and state requirements are played a major role when working with documents, a regulatory framework.

Video on the topic: "Who are such freight forwarders and how they work"

The freight forwarder is a complex and very popular profession. Perhaps some will not agree with this statement, referring to the fact that this specialist does practically nothing. However, this is only a superficial look. In reality, the responsibilities that regulate job description The freight forwarder, very multifaceted, and not everyone can align them.

Especially if we are talking about large companies that are engaged in the carriage of goods not only in the territory Russian Federation, but also beyond. Therefore, let's consider all the features of this profession in order to understand that it may contain the job description of the freight forwarder.

Who is such an expedition?

Despite the universal opinion (they say, in the labor market, the need for such specialists has arisen relatively recently), this profession originated many centuries ago. So, the first freight forwarders appeared in the distant XV century. Like now, their main task was to deliver the cargo to the specified place. And at the same time they had to do everything possible, so that the integrity and quality of the parcel were not injured during the trip.

After many centuries, this profession not only did not lose the relevance, but also strengthened its position. Now the post forwarding position is in many firms and companies. However, their powers and obligations can be very modified depending on the size of the organization and its field of activity.

Key moments of profession

Considering all of the above, it is easy to guess that the main task of the forwarder is the delivery of cargo to its destination. But, despite the fact that it sounds quite simple, in practice everything turns out to be much more difficult.

You should start with the fact that any cargo must be fixed documented. Not to mention the fact that some items or objects are at all require a number of permits. For example, the transportation of dairy products is under tight control of the SanEpidemstation, moreover, its imports in some countries are very difficult.

Another cornerstone of this profession is to compile a route. A person who is arranged for such a position should know that in the course of his work it will be necessary to do everything possible in order to reduce the cost of the road. Simply put, the job description of the freight forwarder for the carriage of goods obliges it to look for the shortest, but at the same time effective ways of delivery.

What you need to know the expedition?

Given this set of duties, it is not surprised that many employers put forward a number of requirements for future employees. Some of them are designated in the official instructions, the rest remain for the scenes, as of granted.

So, what should the forwarder know?

  • Regulatory framework.
  • Russian legislation.
  • International rules and carriage rules.
  • Features of filling transport documents.
  • Logistics bases.

Who can apply for this position?

Small firms engaged in local transportation are not strongly pressed for candidates for the post forwarder. So, they are quite suitable for a person who has an overdue education. And here large companies Not so loyal.

In order to get a prestigious position, the freight forwarder must have a diploma, indicating the end of the university. Specialists with technical and economic education are especially in demand. Also, the job description of the forwarder has an item requiring knowledge from a candidate foreign language. But this is quite justified, because by the nature of the service it will often have to face a linguistic barrier, for example, when shipping abroad.

Experience job instruction: sample

Despite the fact that all job descriptions are drawn up by the company's management, based on their preferences and views, they should not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Labor Code.

Let's look at what is a document as a job description of the freight forwarder


  1. The freight forwarder refers to the category of technical workers.
  2. Specialists with ended education completed preliminary training are appointed to this position.
  3. The freight forwarder is obliged to know: the structure of the company, its regulatory framework, as well as the basics of working with technical documents.
  4. This employee is subordinate directly to the director of the company, as well as his deputy on the transport part.

Official duties. The forwarder must:

  1. Take all applications from customers and process them in the prescribed manner.
  2. Make appropriate requests to the warehouse in order to get the right product.
  3. Plan the routes for transportation of goods, taking into account all costs and time intervals.
  4. Provide documents to the driver or courier, necessary to deliver the goods.
  5. Conduct negotiations with customers, as well as settle all the controversial moments with them.
  6. If necessary, accompany the load to its destination.
  7. To keep records of their activities, according to the established rules.

Rights. Forwarder has the right:

  1. Request from the manual all the information and documentation necessary to fulfill its duties.
  2. Make proposals capable of improving the company's work.
  3. Require compliance with all rules and laws established by Labor Code Russian Federation.

A responsibility:

  1. For non-fulfillment of their duties or negligence, the forwarder can be attracted to administrative responsibility.
  2. Cases of injury material damage We understand within current legislation Russia, as well as the Criminal Code.

Improves that may contain a job description of the freight forwarder

It should be reminded that this document It is only a template. It can be complemented and modified, depending on ultimate goal Applications. For example, what changes may include an expedition guideline instruction? The sample of this document is not much different from the aforementioned, but there is still a difference.

In particular, such instructions should have a number of individual items regulating the responsibility of the freight forwarder in relation to the car. For example, there must be indicated, how often it is necessary to carry out inspection, where you can park the car and what loads should be transported on it.

The route of the forwarder is scheduled to be extremely accurately, and deviations from the schedule are fraught with consequences. Competently draw up a cargo movement scheme, deliver it safe - science is akin to transport logistics. Despite the fact that ads with vacancies to the position of the forwarder do not die for special requirements for education, not everyone can cope with this work. Instead of a university diploma, there will be pretty specific skills and abilities. For example, to memorize new routes, to quickly define the shortest path of following, control the unloading-loading, and even - weigh or recalculate the goods. And if for the "internal" freight forwarders (carrying out the movement of goods within the city, area or country) can be quite enough, then an international specialist who mystering beyond state border, not to do without more serious training. At the site of the navigator, if we talk about "internal" freight forwarders, then, according to the directory qualification characteristics professions, such employees are enough to have a basic or incomplete higher education The appropriate direction of training ("Transport" or "Logistics"). To know the foundations of office work, methods and methods of processing correspondence, addresses of constant correspondents, the structure of the enterprise and its divisions. Often employers do not pay attention to the presence of diplomas, interested in the skills of management and maintenance, knowledge of the city and driving experience. By the way, about the driver's "crusts". In principle, the freight forwarder assumes only the "navigable" duties, accompanying the goods and planning optimal movement routes, so it workplace - Right from the driver. But recently there is growing demand for driver freight forwarders with solid driver's experience. It is impossible to work as a freight forwarder without knowledge of the city and the main outlets. In addition, you need to know absolutely the entire range of delivering goods, the timing of its implementation and quality, acting labeling and barcodes. Remember the work schedule of each trading point And the time of receiving products. We do not have time - serious problems may arise, especially if you deal with food. There is a checked rule: perishable sausages, milk, meat and fish products Take the first thing, but, for example, bulk products are strictly in line. And in super- and mega marketes arrive daily about 150 cars from different suppliers, and everyone seeks to pass their goods faster! The forwarder should be able to fill out overhead and other turnover documentation. It's not so difficult to learn this, the main thing is to remember and bring the sequence of the necessary stamps, seals and signatures to automatibus. But the work of the forwarder is not just mechanical: it is not necessary to communicate with people without the ability to communicate with people, to show the flexibility of the nature and nonstandarity of thinking. Often there are situations, exit from which can be found only to real diplomats. Once, the freight forwarder brought to the order of the sausage party, but the merchant completely refused to take it. What to do? Return to the warehouse - Late, and in the car products for the night would definitely deteriorate! No matter how I tried to persuade the commercially "shelter" the goods at least for the night, it did not agree to anyone. Then I decided to smear, saying that otherwise I buy this sausage (as it is very, very tasty!), And right now I will arrange an evening meal. Imagine: The ill-fated load immediately acquired new owners! The destination is destination by international freight forwarders, departing in the international leadership, can not be dispensed only by seamless and diplomatic. First, the knowledge of the main transport routes will be required, secondly, they will have to be tight without knowledge of a foreign language. Thirdly, a solid driver's experience will come in handy, because it is often transporting cargo from one point of the globe to another cargo carrier (Forwarder and driver in one person), which imposes full responsibility for the safety of cargo. International freight transportation is not a lung. To send cargo from one country to another, you need to "calculate" the optimal type of transport (depending on the characteristics and parameters of the cargo), to take into account the rules, laws and traditions of different states, make the most profitable way from an economic point of view. As a result, there is a whole logistic chain, competently compile consistent with only real professionals. All these nuances should not worry the owner of the cargo, as the full responsibility for it falls on the carrier's shoulders. Being a freight forwarder - does not mean immersing the cargo, sit in the car and forget about everything in the world. Remember: From this moment you are responsible for the safety and transport, and the goods transported! For international transport, it is necessary to undergo special training, which includes a short course customs law, insurance and skills to work with all necessary documents. And, of course, not to do without knowledge of the foundations of transport logistics. Of course, logistics specialists are working in the state of each transport enterprise, which make up optimal transport routes. But the knowledge of logistics at the highest level will not interfere with the professional freight forwarder. "Transport" Diploma can be obtained, for example, in the National Transport University, whose students study the foundations of legal entities, transport, civil, labor and criminal law, the rules for the carriage of goods and passengers, state regulation Activities in road transport. In addition, learn to organize transportation and manage them, get acquainted with transport system cities. Effective seminars and trainings on logistic themes, where you can familiarize yourself with the latest innovations of the industry, learn to organize work qualitatively and make the necessary connections. Note that the preparation and formation professional personnel In the field of international transport and forwarding activities, one of the main activities of the Association of International Freight Forwarders of Ukraine (AMEU). Today, this is the only organization engaged in professional training in the field of international transport forwarding with the issuance of a diploma of the International Federation of Forwarding Associations (FIATA). The curriculum is drawn up in accordance with international requirements for this profession and includes minimal standards for requirements for international freight forwarders during the carriage of goods by all possible modes of transport. Students of the courses are familiar with the legal aspects of the activities of the international freight forwarder, the organization of the activities of Ukrainian transport and freight forwarding companies on the world transport market, documents and forms of FIATA standard. Pay attention to financial requirements for freight forwarding activities, the organization of storage and storage of goods. Also study the features of international transport different species Transportation: Sea, Aviation, Automotive, Rail and River. Do not do without the knowledge of customs procedures and tariffs, the duties of the freight forwarder in relation to the customs service, various international conventions and agreements. Separate graph - cargo insurance and responsibility of the parties. Well, how can I master the transport highways of the world without knowing at least general information on geography!? Successfully past preparations and surrendered exams receive a FIATA diploma confirming the freight forwarder in any of the 150 member states of the Federation. As you can see, freight forwarding is one of those areas of activity where, contrary to the problem, there will be a place for professionals only. Business skills, communicability and versatile knowledge - these are the quality, without which it is impossible effective work Modern pro for delivery. The international expedition card must know ... * general by geography; * Legal aspects of activities; * financial requirements to activities; * Features of transportation by different types of transport; * customs procedures and tariffs; * International Conventions and Agreements; * cargo insurance and parties responsibility; * Organization of storage and storage of goods. Tags: Forwarder

You probably have often met the concept of a transport and expeditioning company. If everything is clear from "transport-", what is "-Expeditional"? Who is such an expedition? Do managers have the right to call themselves forwarders? We will try to answer using the laws of the Russian Federation.

Forwarding activities in the Russian Federation regulated, mainly by three laws: this is the Federal Law No. 87-FZ of 30.06.2003 "On Transport and Expeditionary Activities", Government Decree No. 554 of September 8, 2006 "On Approval of Transport and Expeditionary Rules" And Chapter No. 41 of Part 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (documents are available for download in Microsoft Word format).

The Civil Code establishes mainly only the very concept of transportation expedition, introduces the concept of a transport expedition agreement and indicates the presumption of the guilt of the freight forwarder (that is, not the client proves the guilt of the freight forwarder, and the forwarder is obliged to prove its innocence).

Government Decree No. 554 of September 8, 2006 determines the very concept of the forwarder - this is a person who performs or organizing the implementation of the transport and forwarding services determined by the agreement. In addition, there is a definition of freight forwarding services, they are understood by services for the organization of transportation of goods, the conclusion of cargo transportation contracts, sending and receiving cargo, as well as other services related to shipping. In addition, the main forwarding documents are established: this is an instruction of the forwarder, forwarding receipt and, if storage services are provided, warehouse receipted. According to the resolution, the forwarding documents are an integral part of the transportation expedition agreement and they are compiled in writing. With the full list of forwarding documents and requirements for their design, you can read, reading the order of the Ministry of Transportation of February 11, 2008 No. 23 "On approval of the procedure for designing and forms of forwarding documents" (document in Microsoft Word format).

The Federal Law "On Transport and Expeditionary Activities" establishes the obligations of the freight forwarder and the client. In particular, Article 4, paragraph 4 reads: "When taking the shipment, the freight forwarder is obliged to issue an forwarding document to the client, as well as to submit the originals of the contracts concluded by the forwarder in accordance with the Transport Expedition Agreement on behalf of the Client on the basis of a power of attorney issued by him."

What follows from this statement? If you split down the items, then:

  • the freight forwarder is obliged to take the cargo;
  • forwarder issues a forwarding document (forwarding receipt);
  • the freight forwarder is obliged to provide the Customer of the Originals of Contracts (for example, the contract for the transport of cargo concluded with the transport company).

Of course, the entire dispatcher, not present on the loading, does not. Therefore, it cannot be called the freight forwarder in accordance with the Federal Law and the Government Decree. But due to the cancellation of licensing in the field freight traffic (Federal Law No. 80-FZ dated July 2, 2005) No one checks the correspondence of the name of the actual activity. However, after acceptance Federal Law №272-ФЗ, dispatchers began to call themselves more often in applications and contracts with "clients" or "customers".

In the field of trucking, there is practically no control of the state, which is why there is a similar confusion in the names and terminology. In fact, those services that dispatchers have are agency or information services, but not forwarding and the more non-shipping services. Remember this.

Summarizing the above: the freight forwarder can be called physical or entitywhich takes place and passing the cargo, controls the loading and unloading operations, the counts of the number of places, carries out visual or other control of the loaded goods, and also produces other actions to fulfill the contract of transportation expedition.

Transportation of cargo It was always one of those tasks that were instructed to solve only the real professionals of their case. After all, how long the raw materials or products are delivered, production in the factory or a variety of assortment in the store will depends, so logistics organizations are always compiled out experienced employeesYou can properly plan each delivery and find optimal conditions for it.

The process of transportation is usually divided two stages. On the first transportation, and the second stage allows you to cover all those various operationswho are related to the process.

The last stage can be significantly changed depending on which functions want to perform cargo owners. But additional services may not enter the carrier's work. How to be? To provide these tasks and the forwarder is used.

The term itself comes from the verb "echpedire", which means to accompany. In a modern sense, the freight forwarder is called a person who provides the transportation of a product or fulfilling additional operations provided for by the Treaty.

Among the latter there may be such works as insurance, forwarding or storage under appropriate conditions, for which the freight forwarder also responds. All such services are provided at the expense of the shipper, and the forwarder itself should get certain remunerationwho is negotiated in advance.

Usually the company that provides freight forwarders services does not have its own fleet. Therefore, in the process of transporting the transportation, the necessary moving capacity is ordered in specialized transport organizations.

The key feature of such a company is that the delivery of the cargo from the initial point to the final depends on it, therefore, the responsibility assigned to the freight forwarder is very high. Carriers, on the contrary, are responsible only for the portion of the route until the cargo is on their rolling stock.

If we talk about logistics chains which are created to ensure efficient transportation, the role of the forwarder in this case will be particularly valuable. It is he who develops a route, and also studying the technology that is best suited for delivery. It depends on it, as far as the rolling stock will be filled with cargo. As a result, the cost of the carriage itself becomes a very flexible indicator, which depends on the effectiveness of the fulfillment of the obligations by the freight forwarder.

The organizer of transportation, as well as a cargo owner client manager, the freight forwarder today is a very popular specialist. In his work, he can receive contract discounts, which ultimately provides more attractive conditions for cooperation between its customers.

According to statistical data, it can be noted that the freight forwarders provide today More than three quarters From the entire volume of traffic carried out between countries. Due to the fact that all important information is in sight of one specialist, it allows you to provide a certain level of tonnage and optimal loading.

Forwarders distribute routes so that raise delivery speed, as well as eliminate the overload of the main highways. Skillful work allows you to apply any kind of transport to achieve high efficiency and reduce shipping costs. They also work with ballast destinations, which eliminates the appearance of seasonal recessions. As a result, drivers are constantly in flights, and warehouses remain in normal download mode, not suffering from excessive goods.

Transport forwarder must carry out the transportation as described in the documents. Any services that it provides must be consequeled in advance and are noted in the document. Forwarder takes on himself Those work that the carmaker does not want or cannot fulfill. In particular, he freres the rolling stock, and is also responsible for loading work.

He has to deal with customs officers, providing coordination of the transportation process of oversized. Dangerous goods and other non-standard goods have to be sent, taking into account additional requirements, which should be known to the Expdizer. Ultimately, it is he who provides control over the entire process.

This is an indispensable person who can perform work quickly and efficiently. Therefore, companies that work on international marketsIn fact, there is no doubt about whether it is necessary to use the services of a professional freight forwarder.


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