Definition of social partnership in education. Social partnership in education The factor of the advanced development of the education system. Social partnership as a means of improving the quality of education

based on similar principles of interaction between the parties, in a number of aspects it differs significantly from the social partnership carried out in the world of work. Consider why it is remarkable.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsocial partnership in education

Social partnership in any of the spheres of life is based on voluntary and mutually beneficial cooperation aimed at achieving by its participants some common social goals. Its rules for interaction on labor relations are legally sufficiently outlined (Section II of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and relate to the relationship "workers - employer" with the possibility of participation of state bodies.

Social partnership in education, basically having the same idea (voluntary mutually beneficial cooperation to solve common tasks), does not have such a legislative framework and, although it is based on similar principles of interaction between the parties, it uses only those of them that are sufficient to achieve the set goals:

  • equality of participants;
  • mutual respect;
  • interest in results;
  • freedom to discuss issues of interest;
  • voluntary assumption of obligations;
  • responsibility.

The composition of partners in the field of education is formed depending on the level of the educational institution and the tasks to be solved, and therefore cannot be unambiguously regulated. The educational institution and the student himself are always involved in it; at the preschool and school level, this circle usually also includes the student's parents. A higher level of an educational institution is determined by a wider circle of persons interested in social cooperation with it. As the level rises, the focus may shift in determining the initiator of the partnership:

  • in a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution), it usually becomes the institution itself;
  • in relations with a school, which is an intermediate stage between a preschool educational institution and an educational institution that provides vocational education, it can be both a school and both educational institutions bordering on it;
  • state bodies, employers, employment services, schools are interested in partnerships with a vocational education institution, and they can become their initiators.

Tasks of social partnership in education

For any of educational institutions the main task of social partnership will be to improve the quality and efficiency of education, that is, to improve the performance indicators for which they were created. However, at each of the levels of the educational process, a priority will be given to its own range of tasks to be solved social partnership in education:

  • at the preschool educational institution, the main attention is paid to the adaptation of the child in the team, the development of communication skills, the awakening of curiosity, the identification of special abilities;
  • the school provides the student with the basic knowledge necessary for further professional training, helps in career guidance, develops horizons, the ability to communicate, organize, self-organize, leadership, creativity;
  • vocational education institutions prepare future workers who own necessary knowledge and initial experience in relevant professions that will be in demand in the labor market.

There is a fairly close interaction between these levels, thanks to which a less painful and more purposeful transition of students from one level to another is carried out. Educational institutions of vocational education, in addition, are to a certain extent interested in the further employment of their graduates, since the further demand for the professions received and the requirements for the degree of preparedness of specialists depend on this.

On the present stage coordinated partnership relations between the school and vocational education institutions, on the one hand, government bodies, employers and other partners interested in specialists, on the other hand, allow, based on the possession of up-to-date information about the need for professional personnel, to quickly resolve such issues as:

  • reorientation to training people in more demanded professions;
  • changes in the requirements for the level of professional knowledge, allowing to raise the quality of training of specialists and the degree of their competitiveness;
  • development in future employees of certain moral and business qualities that determine their responsible attitude to work and the successful performance of their functions.

Types of social partnership in education

Partnerships in education can take the most various forms... Their circle, obviously, will turn out to be wider than with partnership in the world of work, since not only is it not limited by anything, but also leads to the emergence of new effective forms.

The basis of the types of interaction between partners will be the exchange of information (predictive or relevant) that allows you to manage the education process. At the level of preschool educational institutions and schools, partnership most often takes on the nature of cooperation that is not formalized by contractual relations, while in social interaction with a vocational education institution, an agreement (agreement) becomes the most important form of relationship. Contractual relations can take place in the field:

  • purposeful transition of students from preschool educational institutions to certain schools, from schools to certain vocational education institutions, from an institution vocational training - to a specific employer;
  • preparation necessary specialists with sustainable practical skills acquired by them in the learning process through the supervision of this process by specific employers.

The role of government bodies performing the functions of collecting and systematizing data by region, analyzing and forecasting situations for the development of the economy and the demand for specialists, and adopting the necessary legislative acts to regulate the provision of legislation, is quite significant in partnership in education.

Social partnership at preschool educational institution

The preschool educational institution, along with the child's family, forms in him those basic personality characteristics that subsequently determine for him many life attitudes and, in particular, outlook, choice of profession, the possibility of professional growth, and the comfort of being in a team.

Social partnership in a preschool educational institution can occur:

  • inside the preschool educational institution with the involvement of parents, the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution, pedagogical collectives of schools, specialists in any specific areas;
  • at the regional level with the participation of organizations in other fields of activity (health care, culture, sports, social protection).

Forms of social partnership are:

  • various joint activities (concerts, holidays, performances, competitions) both in the preschool educational institution and outside;
  • lessons, meetings, educational trips;
  • days of open doors;
  • general parent-teacher meetings;
  • individual work with the family;
  • parental consultations, seminars, trainings;
  • individual preparation of children for school.

Social partnership at school

At school, social partnership becomes important in such aspects as:

  • development of communication skills and adaptation in a team;
  • civil and patriotic education;
  • preservation and strengthening of health;
  • obtaining knowledge that complements the school curriculum;
  • acquaintance with the professions and places of work of parents;
  • assistance in finding a job during school holidays;
  • cooperation with preschool educational institutions in preparing children for entering school and with professional educational institutions in terms of career guidance.

At this level, partnerships are never limited to the internal activities of the educational institution and are often taken out of the school, either by holding events outside the school (Olympiads, competitions, trips, hikes, lectures), or by involving third parties and organizations to work on the school grounds (staging performances, enhanced study of a foreign language, special courses of lectures).

Social partnership in vocational education institutions

These institutions, in terms of meeting the needs of students and employers, are most susceptible to changes in the labor market, which forces them to respond quickly to these changes, that is, leads to the need for constant self-improvement.

Information about changes is based on:

  • on predictive data on the demand for certain professions and long-term plans for the development of territories received from government agencies;
  • employers' requests;
  • current data of the employment service;
  • students' requests for certain professions.

The optimal correlation between the state of the labor market and the employment opportunities for newly trained specialists on it determines the timely and thorough analysis of the identified trends. The absence of such an analysis, focusing only on student requests for future professions, can create a situation in which graduated specialists will be unclaimed, and the labor market will have unfilled vacancies in other specialties. Therefore, it is at this level that the role of the state in creating a flexible education system and in managing it acquires particular importance.

Social partnership here can take place in such forms as:

  • development of training programs and qualification requirements for specialists;
  • conducting production practices at certain enterprises;
  • labor market monitoring;
  • retraining of specialists in accordance with agreed programs;
  • training of teachers at partner enterprises;
  • creation of joint advisory bodies;
  • implementation of joint projects;
  • attracting partners' funds to finance the reform of the learning process;
  • government subsidies or tax incentives for businesses involved in the training process.


Social partnership in education carried out according to its own special rules, allowing to attract a fairly wide range of people to it. As the level at which a partnership rises, the share of outside organizations and government agencies in it increases.

Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers
Russian Federation







Moscow 2006

Edited by the Deputy Chairman of the Trade Union

and Secretary of the Central Committee Yudin

, Ponkratov partnership in the field of education. Tutorial... Moscow, MGOU Publishing House, 2006. 60s.

The manual reveals the legal and organizational foundations of social partnership in the field of education, including in educational institutions. Role shown trade union organization, its elected trade union bodies during the preparation and conclusion of agreements and collective agreements in an educational institution in accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Particular attention is paid to the practice of social partnership, generalization of the experience of trade union organizations.

The manual is intended to help the trade union committees of educational institutions in the work on the development of social partnership.

Foreword …………………………………………….

1. The role of social dialogue in trade union practice ……………………………………………………… ..

2. The practice of contractual regulation of social and labor relations in the field of education.


3.1. The approximate structure of the collective agreement of an educational institution .............................................

In such conditions, the branch Trade Union, since 1991, began to implement its main statutory goals and objectives of protecting the social and labor rights and professional interests of educators and students, primarily through the mechanisms of social partnership.

Today it can be stated that the industry has developed a system for concluding agreements and collective agreements at the federal (Sectoral Tariff Agreement), regional, territorial and local levels (collective agreements in educational institutions of all types and types), which is increasingly developing.

Since 1997, the Central Committee of the Trade Union, together with the branch ministry, has registered 211 regional agreements, including 75 registered regional agreements (96.0%) in the current year.

The practice of concluding territorial agreements at the municipal level is expanding (89%), and in 26 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, agreements of this level have been concluded in all municipalities. In 2005, on average, 88% of educational institutions have collective agreements in force.

As part of the implementation of regional, territorial agreements and collective agreements in recent years, it was possible to increase wages to a certain extent, mainly due to the formation of a supra-tariff fund, including through extra-budgetary funds, which led to some stabilization of the work of educational institutions; in more than 50 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it was possible to achieve an increase in the level of material support for employees of educational institutions by establishing various types of additional payments and allowances, including for young teachers.

In recent years, issues of social partnership were considered at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Trade Union, the All-Russian meeting of the chairmen of the territorial committees of the Trade Union and the heads of the educational authorities of the subjects Russian Federation, Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union.

The close attention of the Central Committee of the Trade Union to the problem of developing social partnership in the industry is due to the following.

First, in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which entered into force on February 1, 2002, the legislator has seriously increased the role of social partnership. For the first time, a whole section appeared entirely devoted to social partnership, for the first time in the code a definition of social partnership is given as a system that includes all types of interaction between employees (their representatives), employers (their representatives) and public authorities or local governments, including and informal, not of a legal nature.

The goal of social partnership is to harmonize the interests of employees and employers, that is, to make decisions that equally take into account the need to ensure the effective operation of organizations and create a system of guarantees of labor rights of employees at the federal, regional, territorial and local levels.

More than a hundred articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation refer to the collective agreement as a legal act regulating social and labor relations in an institution.

Secondly, on the part of the federal authorities, there is a growing tendency to transfer powers to ensure social and labor guarantees and provide benefits from the federal level to the regional and even municipal (in setting the levels of rates and salaries, bonuses for educators, in providing communal benefits to teachers in rural areas). locality, in determining the procedure for attestation of teaching staff, etc.).

In such conditions, it seems necessary to intensify the work of the territorial organizations of the Trade Union on collective agreement regulation in order to prepare the trade union activist to professionally and competently defend the social and labor rights and professional interests of educators at the regional, territorial and local levels.

It should be noted that state of the art contractual regulation of labor relations in the industry is still largely characterized by declarative nature and insufficient content of agreements and collective agreements, their non-binding nature and the absence of necessary sanctions for non-compliance.

This is due to the fact that often federal and regional government bodies evade responsibility for the implementation of constitutional guarantees of citizens' rights in the field of education, for ensuring stable funding for schools and the obligations assumed under agreements and collective agreements.

In such conditions, the Trade Union has repeatedly had to use such extreme forms of struggle for social and labor rights and professional interests of education workers as all-Russian protests, rallies, pickets and strikes.

In addition, the limiting factors for the development of the process of social partnership in education are also:

The slow formation of representative bodies of employers in the industry (as adopted in 2002 the federal law "On associations of employers" does not fix the specifics of the status of an employer in the budgetary sphere, despite the fact that the Central Committee of the Trade Union has repeatedly given its comments and suggestions to consolidate this specifics in the law);

Fully unresolved problems of restoring the responsibility of the state in the field of education, delineating the powers and responsibilities of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities in ensuring stable financing of industry institutions;

Extremely low financial security of the provisions of collective agreements and agreements at all levels;

Lack of a systematic approach to the formation of personnel policy in the industry;

Underdevelopment of the pedagogical labor market, the lack of relationship between the planning of professional training, retraining and advanced training of pedagogical personnel and the requirements of the labor market

In addition, in the protocol, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Trade Union undertook to create a Sectoral Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, which was instructed to prepare and submit for approval by the Parties a draft action plan for 2005 on the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement for years and to start developing a draft new sectoral agreement for years.

On June 9, 2005, a meeting of the Industry Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, created by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 01.01.01, took place. At the meeting, the Sectoral Commission approved a draft action plan for 2005 for the implementation of the Sectoral Agreement on the institutions of the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for years, decisions were made to organize work on the preparation of a draft sectoral agreement for years, indicating specific stages of work, and working group on the preparation of a draft new sectoral agreement.

2.3. Increasing the efficiency of social partnership in order to strengthen the protection of social and labor rights and professional interests of workers in the industry, including professional growth and increase the pay of educators

Increasing the efficiency of social partnership for federal level is largely related to the implementation of the Industry Agreement. As the analysis has shown, social dialogue at the federal level is currently characterized by instability and inconsistency, primarily due to the unresolved issue of legislative consolidation in the budgetary sphere of the authorized and responsible representative of the employer, as well as the ongoing administrative reform of federal executive bodies.

At the same time, despite the existing difficulties of an objective nature, it should be noted that the implementation of the Industry Agreement on the institutions of the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for 2004-2006 in 2005 continues. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Trade Union of Education have prepared and approved an Action Plan for the implementation of the Industry Agreement, which provides for a set of measures in the following main areas:

Continuation of joint registration and analysis of regional agreements and collective agreements of universities, including through the automated analysis of the Industry Laboratory on the basis of the Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy;

Preparation by the parties of recommendations to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities to clarify the methodology for the formation of subventions to local budgets from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to finance costs for the implementation of basic general educational programs, including additional education, in terms of the cost of wages of employees of educational institutions, the cost of teaching aids , technical training aids, etc .;

Development of recommendations by the parties to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities according to the model for calculating the norms of budget financing for the implementation of basic educational programs additional education children;

Social partnership in the field of education.

Deputy Director MBOU Secondary School No. 72

named after the Hero of the Russian Federation Ganus F.G. Lipetsk

Olga Nikolaevna Gavrilova

The term "social partnership in education" - like the activity itself, received full recognition only a few years ago. Almost no one doubts that education is one of the most significant values \u200b\u200bin society. However, everyone knows that society is not homogeneous, which means that partnerships are not always possible between education and different sectors of society. MBOU Secondary School No. 72 named after Hero of the Russian Federation Ganus F.G. Lipetsk has sufficient experience in solving problems of social partnership, and today this is perhaps one of the few ways to preserve the system of additional education and upbringing. An assessment of the experience of school interaction with institutions of additional education, prevention institutions, and other educational organizations showed that social partnership helps to direct resources to the development of joint activities of any educational institutions, their social self-organization and self-government, regardless of their type and type. It attracts the resources of society for the development of the educational sphere. It helps to accumulate and transfer the life experience of both the educational community and its partners to form the ability of community members to long-term survival in the market. educational services... Social partnership allows you to act effectively and successfully, keeping in mind the priority perspective common to all partners, to effectively coordinate joint activities with a clear understanding of their responsibilities. Such activities allow to provide the most effective and cost-effective assistance to needy community members participating in the partnership, to achieve that, while remaining different from others, recognize differences. individuals and organizations.
Opportunities for the development of education through partnership are built on the following mechanisms: openness and cooperation, emphasis on development, communication and exchange of ideas; an opportunity for local residents, socially active educational institutions of all types and types, local organizations to become active partners in solving problems in education and the community; providing parents with the opportunity to become a "good fellow traveler" on the educational route of the child; cooperation with the aim of increasing the number of services provided in the community.
MBOU Secondary School No. 72 is an open socio-pedagogical system that closely interacts with all types of educational institutions of the city, region, public, cultural institutions, families of pupils, etc. All institutions to one degree or another carry out variable multi-level education.

Currently, the teaching staff of the school cooperates with more than 15 different organizations in our city. Involving the public in managing the development of education is a task outlined in the presidential program "Our New School", one of the goals of which is to create a qualitatively new level of relations, to interact to solve the problems of education development by a circle of stakeholders capable of reaching a constructive agreement and developing a unified educational policy.

The changes in socio-economic life that have taken place in recent decades have led to significant changes in the education system and the institution of the family. The sphere of additional education has changed. All this provided the family with real opportunities to choose the type of educational institution and the range of educational services provided to them. The parent community today proposes to build relations between the family and the educational institution at the level of social partnership. These are educational services that correspond to the social order for the education of children. Throughout the year, we conduct monitoring among parents. We analyze the composition and structure of families of students. It turns out that the overwhelming majority are interested in children receiving high-quality additional education, upbringing and development, and then continuing their studies in educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education.

In this regard, the school seeks to look for opportunities to meet the needs of parents. Cooperation with educational institutions on the basis of the integration of general and additional education allows you to create a unified educational environment at school, to bring additional education services to a student as close as possible. It allows you to optimize the use of the material base of partner institutions, to develop it in a targeted manner, to maximize the effective implementation of the program-methodological and organizational-methodological potential of institutions, to coordinate the educational process at all levels of interaction, making it more mobile and person-oriented. The importance of such cooperation in the context of the implementation of a new educational concept with modern tasks of profile, developmental education and socialization in the transition to a competence-based approach in organizing the educational process can hardly be overestimated. This cooperation allows not only to organize leisure and employment of students at a higher level, but also allows organizing pre-profile training, implementing professionally oriented programs. In order to provide effective assistance to the family in the upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality capable of adapting to the changing conditions of society, establishing relations of trust and cooperation between the family and the educational institution, a program for the upbringing and socialization of students "Ascent" was created, which is aimed at creating conditions for cooperation between children and adults ...

The teaching staff today is looking for any opportunities and means to help the family, to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance, to teach how to raise a child. To educate without appropriate knowledge, guided only by a blind instinct, is to risk the future of a growing person. Therefore, teachers learn themselves and carry their knowledge to parents. After all, no matter what parents do, whoever they are in their specialty, they are always educators of their children.

It is important for us to achieve an active life position of parents, to make them want to know their child, to evaluate their relationship with him. And we use a lot of forms and ways, proven by practice and time. These are parent meetings, fathers' conferences, parent lectures, round tables, etc. Parents try to participate with their children in socially significant affairs for the improvement of the building, in contests, competitions, extracurricular activities etc. Cooperation with educational and public institutions is developing most actively and productively in the period of preparation for mass events; scientific and practical conferences. This educational partnership is understood as cooperation of absolutely equal partner institutions and as a constructive unification of teachers around one big business - creating conditions for a young person to receive an education focused on acquiring a future profession, while making an informed choice with a sense of responsibility, realistically assessing their potential and prospects for social and professional integration in modern society. The partnership nature of the relationship brings adults and children closer together, makes them allies in creative work. As a positive trend, it can be noted that teachers strive to actively promote their experience of working with children: holding open events, holding seminars, conferences of various levels on the basis of the school and beyond, publications in the media, posting information on the school's website, etc. ... Thus, an effective system of informing citizens about the successes and problems of the educational institution is formed. This allows not only to solve the problems of education and socialization of students, but also to actively promote their "product" on the educational services market, to solve the image problems of the school. Of course, the introduction of new state educational standards (FSES) in a general education school makes significant adjustments to the entire system of interactions in the educational services market. And in this regard, the school staff hopes that the existing experience of social partnership will allow not only to survive, but also to develop in the modern market of educational services in accordance with the expectations of society and the state.

(From the experience of the teaching staff MOU "School No. 3 of Dokuchaevsk")

Indisputable is the fact that it was education that at all times was considered an enduring value, because it is the basis of the economic development of society, one of the factors of social stability, a source of growth in the intellectual resource and spiritual and moral potential of the population, the key to the successful development of any state, the absolute embodiment of the well-known proverb "What goes around comes around". Recently, however, more and more persistently sound rational and balanced arguments in favor of the fact that the school is not the only subject of the implementation of the educational mission. In the light of the tasks determined by the doctrine of the development of education, as well as in view of the modernization of modern education, there is a natural need to ensure the openness of the education system to various influences from the family, society, the state and, moreover, to involve them in solving issues of educational tactics and strategy. It is worth recalling that the school has never claimed an absolute monopoly in the provision of educational and upbringing services and the so-called "patronage relations", so popular in the 70-80s of the last century, are an absolute confirmation of this. Along with positive results, namely: the provision of material and other assistance in the implementation of school renovation, the purchase of educational literature and didactic materials, the provision of nutrition and health improvement for children, the patronage relationship was only episodic, unsystematic and was not based on the dialogical attitude of the subjects and, as a result , did not provide permanent unity, harmonization of relationships and the development of a joint strategy for unified actions. In other words, there was a kind of manipulation, when either one of the parties unconsciously performed the actions necessary for the other party, or one of the parties was used only as an element of raising the status of the activity without its conscious inclusion and involvement in the educational process. The so-called level worked slave inclusion, which assumes the voluntary inclusion of one party as a passive performer who accepts the given framework of activity. Such one-sided, and sometimes only symbolic participation in the life of the school, of course, had nothing to do with the subject of our conversation today, but it was this that served as the embryo of what is now commonly called social partnership in the field of education. And it is social partnership, excluding subordinate inclusion partners in the process of education and upbringing, offers other types of inclusions, more constructive, allowing you to feel not just involved, but involved in the educational system, to see the results of your participation, to show a sincere interest in discussing and solving problems of education development.

In pedagogy, the term "social partnership" came from other spheres of society, where it is interpreted as a mechanism for regulating relationships between the state and various social groups. Socio-pedagogical partnership is the unification of joint efforts of individuals or educational institutions to achieve common goals; streamlining the coordination of interaction between education systems and social institutions within the limits of their mutual interest, with the aim of introducing national, nationwide aspects of education and upbringing, on the basis of which representatives of different subjects of ownership, population groups, organizations and institutions reach the desired consensus, organize joint activities, coordinate it in the direction of achieving public consensus in educational policy. And this joint activity is based on:

* agreed inclusionbased on joint discussion of the initiative of one side, with its further development and possible adjustment;

* initiating inclusion, characterized by high activity of one side, with the advisory and coordinating activities of the other side;

* independent mutual inclusionwhere the initiative for joint activities can be put forward by any party with bilateral support of the idea, its development and implementation by joint efforts, as well as mutual responsibility for the success of the achieved result.

Level selection inclusiveness in the implementation of joint activities is determined both by the situation and the results that the parties, called the social partners, seek to achieve.

Individual and collective subjects who share the value attitudes of modern education, are interested in developing a unified educational policy, and who are able to effectively support education in solving real problems of the formation and development of its system, become social partners. Achieving a high quality of education presupposes an organic combination of educational traditions and innovative trends that have received recognition in world and domestic practice, creatively interpreted in relation to the domestic pedagogical reality and the strategic goals of the socio-cultural development of society. However, social partnership should not imply direct copying of foreign experience. It is far from universal, and even with its partial application, a deeper social and historical-comparative analysis is required. Therefore, we must agree that social partnership in our country should proceed from the realities and needs of our life. Partnership relations can be considered as intersubjective interactions, the effectiveness of which is determined by the common value-goal aspirations of all its participants, their mutual enrichment, that is, as a joint development of the system of values \u200b\u200bthat prevail in our society and are a criterion for assessing the level of education and upbringing of a person.

However, everyone knows that society is not homogeneous, which means that partnerships are not always possible between education and different sectors of society. But the term "partnership" is understood very broadly, and the most common is the understanding of partnership as a pooling of efforts of individuals or organizations to address common goals or to achieve a goal that is significant for all. The modern approach to the issue of partnership in education shows that the development of education is a concern not only of the state in general and of the educational institution in particular. The state, represented by the ministry and regional departments of education, is responsible for ensuring a single educational space in and providing the education system with the necessary resources and therefore, for obvious reasons, cannot cover the entire complexity of the tasks, needs and conditions of specific communities. In addition, a school is a living education with continuous dynamics and a tendency to change, and that is why variability of forms of implementation of social partnership is allowed. Education, as one of the social institutions, has always been characterized by close relationships and their interdependence with all the main spheres of society - the economy, social structure, politics and culture. These are the four fundamental stones on which the school can rely in the implementation of its main mission - to educate and educate. And it depends on the interaction of these four subjects of cooperation whether the entire education system as a whole and each educational institution in particular will be able to build new system partnerships to replace the well-known old practice of corporate relations. Now we can say with confidence that the social maturity of society and local communities is a prerequisite and indicator of the possibility and even the need for social partnership in education. The idea of \u200b\u200bsocial partnership in education is that solving problems in this socially significant area requires efforts and concrete actions of the whole society, and not just one of its components. Of course, it is necessary to first monitor the situation in a particular city or settlement in order to find out whether there is a basis for mutually beneficial cooperation, that is, partnership between education, individual public, charitable organizations, specific people, government agencies. It is necessary to thoroughly study and work out the question: what opportunities the partnership presents to education and vice versa, what technologies must be possessed for an effective partnership, what mutually beneficial results can be achieved in case of a successful partnership.

How does partnership in education help to improve the learning process of schoolchildren, what results it helps to achieve, what mistakes it helps to avoid, how it can enrich the routine educational process, does it have a right to life, in general, and what final goal this difficult and very laborious business?

An assessment of the experience of interaction showed that social partnership helps to direct the resources of the school to the development of joint activities of any educational institution, its public self-organization and self-government, regardless of its type and type. It attracts the resources of society for the development of the educational sphere, while not saving the resources of the school itself, but enriching them. It helps to accumulate and transfer the life experience of both the educational community and its partners in order to form the ability of community members to long-term survival in the educational services market. Social partnership allows you to act effectively and successfully, keeping in mind the priority perspective common to all partners, to effectively coordinate joint activities with a clear understanding of their responsibilities. These activities allow the most effective and cost-effective way to help needy community members in partnerships to work differently and recognize the differences of individuals and organizations.

Effective social partnership in education involves:

    a) the presence of a social need to be included in the realization of the values \u200b\u200bof education;

    b) the readiness for such cooperation of the school;

    c) the need of the school;

    d) school initiative;

    e) initiative of the non-state sector.

The presence of all of the above conditions will contribute to the fact that the partnership will help direct the school's resources to the development of the community, social self-organization and self-government. It will attract community resources to support education at school and will contribute to the cultivation of traditions and practices of civic engagement, charity, and voluntariness in the community. Already today, social partnership creates at the local level real structures civil society, trying to guarantee their stable development.

Opportunities for the development of education through partnership are built on the following mechanisms:

- openness and cooperation;

- emphasis on development, communication and exchange of ideas;

- developed philosophy of education and approach to community development;

- the possibility of implementing rational ideas for local residents;

- the establishment of community schools;

- identifying the desire of local organizations to become active partners in solving problems in education and the community;

- enabling parents to participate in the learning process and school life their children;

- collaborating with volunteers to increase the number of services provided in the community.

A large number of factors act as a guarantee of successful cooperation between educational institutions. But the most important is the development of a culture of charity, the formed strategy of organizations entering into cooperation, proximity to those in need, professionalism in the services provided, the degree of development organizational culture partner, the humanitarian component of the partner's human factor, the control system, the existing financing system and the philosophy of its development, information support, organization regulation, self-development mechanism partner organization.

Models of social partnership in education and organizational forms partnerships that have a "residence permit" in Dokuchaevskaya secondary school No. 3, stages of implementation of the social partnership model give the right to declare the existing specifics of relationships, established technologies and evaluate the components of success in this new business for a developing civil society. Yes, social partnership in education is a sign of a new era. But modern school is in such conditions when it is impossible to survive and develop without establishing a mutually beneficial social partnership. The educational institution should become an open system that expands cooperation with various social institutions... Children need adults to share the responsibility for their education and upbringing.

Today, the school has a social order for the formation of the child's personality, which is characterized not only by awareness in various fields of science, but also sociability , tolerance, modern type of thinking, responsibility for making decisions .

Therefore, in the conditions modern approach to education, upbringing, development and socialization, a school graduate must build harmonious relationships with the world around him, adequately adapt to the conditions of modern society, its social, professional, spiritual and moral values.

Changes in value orientations in accordance with sociocultural changes in society, the emergence of the idea of \u200b\u200blifelong education as education throughout life, puts the individual with its interests and capabilities at the center of the new sociocultural paradigm of education. Based on the understanding that the education system has a significant potential that ensures human socialization, it becomes clear that in modern conditions the education system must prepare a person for the future life. It is no coincidence that the development of education as an open state-public system is named among the priority tasks of modernizing the educational sphere. It is emphasized that strategic goals of education can only be achieved through constant interaction of the school with representatives of science, culture, health care, all interested departments and public organizations, as well as parents.

To date, a certain system of work on social partnership has developed in Dokuchaevskaya school №3, which contributes to the creation of a "social development situation" for students. The school is an open social and pedagogical system that closely interacts with all types of educational institutions of the city, republic, public organizations, families of students. The market for additional educational services in our city is quite saturated and the competition between institutions is high. In the city, there are successfully working circles of the House of Culture, children's music and sports schools, the House of Children's and Youth Creativity, and private forms of additional education for children. All of them, to one degree or another, carry out variable, multi-level education, and with skillful involvement in partnership, they provide invaluable assistance to the school. Currently, the teaching staff of our school cooperates with more than twenty different organizations in our city. Involving the public in partnership in the field of education is a task, the fulfillment of which will help create a qualitatively new level of relations and interaction in solving the problems of education development by a union of interested subjects capable of reaching a constructive agreement and developing a unified educational policy. We are looking for opportunities to attract social partners who have the resources to organize the school's joint activities as a resource center.


Between social groups of the education system:


Other schools in the city;

Additional education institutions:

school of Music,

sport school,

mining and trade technical schools;

Intraschool communication at the level of interdisciplinary integrated relations;

Between social groups outside the education system:


Palace of Culture;


Local Internet resources;


Station fire department;

Medical institutions;

Public organizations;

Many of the above organizations already have long-standing contractual partnerships. To some of them we are just paving the path in the field of mutual cooperation and partnership. And, since the benefit from joint coordinated actions of both the school and all subjects of society is obvious - it is becoming easier and easier to establish contacts with those who are really interested in the versatility of the learning process, in its multi-vector and depth.

Social partnership in Dokuchaevskaya secondary school №3 is carried out in several directions:

1.Social - pedagogical direction:



Institutions of additional education;

2. Civil - patriotic direction:


Veterans Council;

Museum of Local Lore;

Society of Veterans - Afghans;

Union of Liquidators of the Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident;

3.Spiritual direction:


Sunday School;

4. Physical culture and recreation direction:


4. Preventive direction:

Social services for youth work;

Local Internet resources;


5. Career guidance:

Mining and trade technical schools;

City employment center;

Developing the system of continuous education (preschool-school-technical school (HEI)), Dokuchaevskaya secondary school No. 3 cooperates with city kindergartens, technical schools of the city to create a system focused on the individualization and socialization of students. At the third stage of general education, we develop a system of specialized training, taking into account the real needs of the labor market, parents' requests, working out a flexible system of profiles and cooperation with institutions higher education... The opportunities for socialization of students are expanding, continuity between general and vocational education is ensured, and it becomes possible to more effectively prepare school graduates for the development of higher vocational education programs. Social partners should jointly take an active part in mandatory vocational guidance and counseling students in the secondary education system. Work beyond students graduation classes, who for the most part have already decided on their choice, but also among primary school students through organizing and conducting conversations with the best workers, excursions to enterprises, holding open days in educational professional institutions.

Let's consider several areas of modern partnership in the field of education.

Socio-pedagogical direction:

Parents are the main social partners of the school.

Much attention is paid to social partnership with parents, support for the educational potential of the family. To foster a positive attitude towards school among students and parents through the inclusion of parents in the social life of the school (in terms of the educational work of the school - the participation of parents in classroom, school-wide activities, joint trips, competitions, career guidance excursions to the places of work of parents is impossible without the active help of parents. passivity, dependence of some part of parents, their consumer attitude towards school can be overcome by developing social partnership first with a group of parents, voluntary community service, charity. We try to make parents our allies, because only through joint efforts, complementing and supporting each other, parents and the school can achieve the desired results in teaching and raising children. The parent community today proposes to build relations between the family and the educational institution at the level of social partnership. These are educational services that correspond to the social order for the education of children. Throughout the year, we conduct monitoring among parents. We analyze the composition and structure of families of students. It turns out that the overwhelming majority are interested in ensuring that children receive quality education, upbringing and development, and then continue their studies in educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education. The importance of such cooperation in the context of the implementation of a new educational concept with modern tasks of developmental education and socialization in the transition to a competence-based approach in organizing the educational process can hardly be overestimated! And therefore, the teaching staff of our school today is looking for any opportunities and means to help the family, provide psychological and pedagogical assistance, and teach how to raise a child. To educate without appropriate knowledge, guided only by a blind instinct, is to risk the future of a growing person. Therefore, teachers learn themselves and carry their knowledge to parents. After all, no matter what parents do, whoever they are in their specialty, they are always educators of their children.

It is important for us to achieve an active life position of parents, to make them want to know their child, to evaluate their relationship with him. And we use a lot of forms and ways, proven by practice and time. These are parent-teacher meetings, which are held in the form of "Let's Think Together" meetings-talks, and parent-pedagogical councils; trainings, discussions, "round tables". Parents discuss at parent-teacher meetings, participate together with their children in socially significant matters of improving the building, collecting search material, etc.

The main areas of work with parents:

    the formation of an active life position of parents in relation to school;

    organization of parental education;

    interaction of the social and psychological service of the school with parents;

    involvement in school government bodies;

    using the hobbies of individual parents for extracurricular work with children;

    holding joint events, holidays, hikes, excursions, weekend clubs;

In order to activate all of the above areas of work with parents, the school has developed and operates a program "Social partners: school and family", which is implemented through:

* using traditional forms of work with the family, the organization of joint leisure and search activities, the creation of a bank of family holidays and other forms of joint activities: "For health - with the whole family", "Grandma's chest", "My mother's hobby", "Leafing through an old photo album", "Songs my childhood ”,“ Adults for Children ”and others;

* development and supporting the interest of children and adults in the history of the family, the city: "My pedigree", "The holiday of childbirth", "The contribution of my family to the history of the city, country", "Defender of the Fatherland in my family", "School graduate in my family" and others ;

* creature in the school museum of family albums, one-day exhibitions and expositions; compilation of a report on interesting families on the local Internet resource "Typical Dokuchaevsk" and on the website of OSH # 3.

* involvement parents in strengthening the material and technical base of the school: equipment and repair of classrooms, participation of parents in the repair of the school and participation in school-wide subbotniks.

School - preschool institutions.

The system of work "school - kindergarten" has long been established. Primary school teachers know in advance which children will come to them in the first grade, since under the agreement on joint activities, they attend preparatory group classes and parent meetings. Educators kindergarten are invited to the school for pedagogical consultations on readiness for the learning process, as well as adaptation of children to school (to see how their former pupils feel here). Such a system of work allows children to quickly get used to changing their usual environment and activities, new teachers, helps to avoid a difficult period of painful adaptation. Holidays held by our students for kindergarten pupils have become traditional: open lessons for kids to familiarize themselves with the lesson as such, New Year trees, days of getting to know the school and others.

School - House of Children's and Youth Creativity.

For many years, the school has been cooperating with this institution of additional extracurricular education. Especially valuable for us is the fact that for many years on the basis of the school the "Lacemaker" circle has been conducted by the methodologist of the Children's Youth Theater Pyzhova Natalya Andreevna. In her classes, she introduces children to the basics of modeling clothes, crocheting with them, making traditional folk dolls. She has decorated the traveling exhibitions in the corner of the school museum.

Physical culture and health improving direction.

School - "DYUSSH" SC "Dolomit".

The sports school provides its own base for teaching students. Many pupils of the school attend sections led by trainers - teachers of the CYSS. Students show the results of this work by winning at different level competitions. However, the coaches also provide invaluable assistance to the school in the formation of self-discipline in schoolchildren, and sometimes even work on school subjects and improve the quality of knowledge.

Preventive direction.

The school's activities in this area are carried out through interaction with social services for work with youth, public organization "Young Republic", as well as the police. Representatives of the above organizations are frequent guests at our school. Conversations, quizzes, speeches of propaganda teams, joint events help teachers in the difficult process of forming the student's personality. IN this direction there is also a social partnership for the implementation of additional education: representatives of the public movement "Young Republic" offer children to study different kinds social activities on the terms of a volunteer movement, sports, an active lifestyle.

Information direction.

The role of the educational institution is great in ordering the information that falls on the child from the media: radio, television, the Internet. By organizing work to shape the aspirations and interests of children, interacting with local press, local television, we effectively solve the problems of educating a common culture of young citizens, their attitude to the world, to themselves, and the results of their creative activity. Teachers and students of our school actively use thematic pages of the newspaper "Dokuchaevskie Vesti", sites "Typical Dokuchaevsk", "School No. 3". As a positive trend, it can be noted that the teachers themselves began to actively promote their experience of working with children, looking for new forms of cooperation with the media. Thus, an effective system of informing the townspeople about the life of the school, about the problems in the children's and youth environment is being formed in the city. This allows not only to solve the problems of education and socialization of students, but also to actively promote their "product" in the educational services market, to solve the image problems of school No. 3 and to attract new partners to cooperation.

Career guidance direction.

Our school has been cooperating with the Dokuchaevsk mining and trade technical schools for many years. We understand this educational partnership as cooperation of absolutely equal partner institutions and as a constructive unification of teachers around one big business - creating conditions for graduates to acquire a profession, making at the same time a conscious choice with a sense of conscious responsibility, realistically assessing their potential and prospects for social and professional integration in modern society.

One can endlessly talk about the need for social partnership in modern education, its importance can hardly be overestimated. One thing is clear: it allows everyone to look in a new way at the process of education, as an integral part of the entire life of society, each member of which, to one degree or another, can influence its course, direction and effectiveness. Today's practice of social partnership is filled with new content: special attention focuses on the use of search engine technologies in working with students, research activities students, building the social infrastructure of the school, which allows creating conditions for the inclusion of students in the development and implementation of social projects, mutual penetration of school subjects, full-scale integration of all actions carried out by the school educational institution. And, since all of the above partnership schemes are still, rather, one-time and unsystematic (since working with schoolchildren is not the main activity either for the police or for medical professionals, nor for representatives of other services), I would like to demonstrate the implementation of modern partnership in our school just on the example of interdisciplinary connections, on the joint coordinated actions of all school employees, on the implementation of such a partnership through integrated lessons. Based on my pedagogical specialty, my own experience and the available examples of partnership in teaching children, I would like to dwell on the school subject called "English Language". Here are two presentations based on theoretical knowledge and practical experience on the topic "Modern partnership in the field of education (achievements and prospects) and" Modern partnership in teaching children the English language.
Prepared material for participation in the Virtual Exhibition-Presentation "Modern Education in the Donetsk People's Republic 2016" - N. Pisanets, English teacher, School No. 3 in Dokuchaevsk, Higher Education qualification category, senior teacher.

Education at all times was considered an enduring value, because it is the basis of the economic development of society, one of the factors of social stability, a source of growth in the intellectual resource and spiritual and moral potential of the population. The educational needs of the population are growing, the number of applicants for higher, special, professional additional education is increasing. In response to this, the ramification of the network of educational institutions of various types is increasing, the education infrastructure is developing - forms of management, methodological and research services; the personnel base is being strengthened, the content and methods of education are being updated, the focus on individual needs and opportunities of students is being strengthened. Special claims are made to the quality of education as meeting the expectations of society and the individual - this makes it urgent to develop education as an open system, the structural and functional characteristics of which are due to interaction with society.

Openness of education presupposes transparency of goals, the formation in the public consciousness of an understanding of the dependence of the quality of life on the state of education - its quality, accessibility, inclusiveness, unification of various social groups and involving them in the education development process as partners. Individual and collective subjects who share the value attitudes of modern education, are interested in developing a unified educational policy, and who are able to effectively support education in solving real problems of the formation and development of its system, become social partners.

Achieving a high quality of education presupposes an organic combination of educational traditions and innovative trends that have received recognition in world and domestic practice, creatively interpreted in relation to the domestic pedagogical reality and the strategic goals of the socio-cultural development of society.

The legislative basis for the development of a model of social partnership in the field of education as a whole is provided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Non-Profit Organizations", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Public Associations", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1134 of August 31, 1999 "On additional measures to support educational institutions in the Russian Federation". The legal framework for organizing social partnership at the municipal level is created by the federal laws "On local self-government in the Russian Federation", "On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation", as well as the corresponding laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, adopted in the development of these federal laws.

Partnership relations can be considered as intersubjective interactions, the effectiveness of which is determined by the common value-goal aspirations of all its participants, their mutual enrichment, that is, the joint development of the value system.

Such a model was created in the pedagogical collectives of the secondary school №93 and the secondary school of Novochanovskaya secondary school of the Barabinsk district of the Novosibirsk region. On September 1, 2006, an agreement on social partnership in education was concluded, the fundamental idea whom: to develop and introduce new forms of organization of the educational process when working with gifted children in educational institutions of the Barabinsk region.

Purpose of work: development and implementation of conditions that ensure the quality and availability of educational services, preservation and strengthening of the health of students during the restructuring of the network of educational institutions in the Barabinsk region.

  1. Organization of joint activities of pedagogical teams of participants in the experiment on the study and implementation of pedagogical innovations in the educational process in order to improve the quality and accessibility of education.
  2. Creation of favorable conditions for the development of creative abilities of students of the secondary school №93 and the secondary school of Novochanovskaya secondary school.
  3. Dissemination of the results of the experiment among educational institutions of the Barabinsk region.
  4. Implementation of the developmental and educational opportunities of schools in joint activities.

The implementation of these tasks allowed:

  1. Create a model of a unified educational space.
  2. Create a resource and methodological center based on our schools.
  3. To improve the qualification level of teachers in our schools through the implementation of a modernized model of scientific and methodological service.
  4. Improve student learning outcomes through:
    - optimal and effective development of the cognitive abilities of the personality of students;
    - implementation of modern teaching models and technologies.
  5. Effectively use the educational, methodological and material and technical base of our schools in the educational process.

When determining research methods, participants in the experiment are guided by the following principles pedagogical activity:

  • The principle of the maximum variety of presented opportunities for personal development;
  • The principle of increasing the role of extracurricular activities;
  • The principle of individualization and differentiation of training;
  • The principle of creating conditions for joint work of students with minimal teacher participation;
  • The principle of freedom of choice for students of additional educational services, mentoring.

Method for identifying gifted children

To implement this method, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • Acquaintance of teachers with scientific data on psychological characteristics and methodological methods of working with gifted children;
  • Education through methodical study, teachers' councils, self-education, professional development;
  • Accumulation of library material on this issue;
  • Acquaintance of teachers with the methods of purposeful pedagogical observation of diagnostics;
  • Conducting various extracurricular contests of intellectual games of Olympiads that allow students to show their abilities.
  • The basic principles of constructing a scheme for identifying gifted children:
  • Definition of the most capacious and practically applicable concept of giftedness.
  • Development of a plan and program for teaching gifted children.
  • Development of an assessment procedure:
    - defining the functions to be assessed;
    - determination of the information to be collected.
  • Clarification of selection criteria.
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of the search and identification of capable children.

A method of creating conditions for the optimal development of gifted children.

To implement the second method, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • Selection among various training systems of those methods and techniques that contribute to the development of independent thinking, initiative and creativity;
  • Providing an opportunity to improve abilities in joint activities with peers, scientific advisor, through independent work.

The creative potential of a child can be developed in various educational areas, but most naturally, in accordance with the very nature of the activity - in the area of \u200b\u200bartistic development. In this regard, the hours of the variable part in teaching younger schoolchildren are used to organize creative workshops.

Creative workshops based on the Novochanovskaya secondary school:

  • Music workshop (music class);
  • "In the world of beauty" (visual activity);
  • Healthy lifestyle workshop;
  • Explorer club.

Creative workshops on the basis of secondary school №93:

  • Workshop of artistic word;
  • Intellectual club;
  • Crafts workshop (applied arts);
  • Children's newspapers "Shkolyar" and "Shkolny Vestnik".

Lesson and extracurricular activities are structured in such a way that the student can demonstrate their capabilities in a variety of areas of activity. This is important as a source of acquiring new knowledge and new experience, and should serve as a basis for transforming this knowledge into other areas of activity in the second and third grade classes.

An important factor influencing the development of gifted students and the identification of hidden giftedness and abilities is the system of extracurricular educational work. The basis of such a system is "immersion in culture", the functions of the system are training and education, and the organizing principle is play.

High school is a special educational space, within which, on the one hand, the fulfillment by society of its obligatory function of forming a socially adapted personality is completed, on the other hand, a gradual reorientation of the dominant educational paradigm is actually taking place with the predominant translation of the ZUN system towards creating conditions for the formation of a complex subject and personal competencies. Based on this, new principles and methodology for organizing the educational space in high school are being formed:

  • Individualized forms of educational activity (work on individual programs);
  • Development of design and research skills (design methodology);
  • Self-determination of high school students in relation to the mainstreaming of their own activities (profile classes);
  • A clearly defined communication field from an ethical point of view.

The main activities are:

  • master classes by leading teachers of schools participating in the experiment;
  • joint research papers competitions;
  • a system of extracurricular activities;
  • organization of a summer school for gifted children - a scientific research expedition of schoolchildren to Lake Chany.

3. Method of working with teaching staff

Understanding what serious tasks are facing a teacher working with capable and gifted children, it is necessary to send highly qualified teachers to work in pre-profile and specialized classes, i.e. show a special approach to solving personnel issues. At the same time, it is necessary to realize the importance of this work by each member of the team and increase, in this regard, attention to the problem of forming a positive motivation for learning. Creation and continuous improvement of a methodological system for working with gifted children.

The first direction of pedagogical "general education" is the design of educational programs. Teachers should be able to develop copyright programs

  1. Individualization of programs.The program should take into account factors such as experience, special training, worldview and interests of the students, that is, be flexible and respond to individual and group needs.
  2. Participation in the preparation of programs. Leaders work with line teachers to determine what should be part of the hands-on learning program.
  3. Personal responsibility for the development and coordination of the program.Program plans should be carefully designed and implemented, including both long-term and intermediate goals. The program manager is responsible for monitoring its implementation.
  4. Variety of methods in the program. A good program should pay special attention to the use of a variety of methods and techniques to keep the programs interesting and creative.

The second direction of pedagogical "general education" is scientific and methodological work based on a common strategic goal and a unified methodology of pedagogical search.

It is planned to organize theoretical, pedagogical and methodological general training of pedagogical collectives in the form of a permanent scientific and methodological (problem-oriented) seminar. There are three groups of main tasks of organizing the seminar. The first block of tasks: teachers must understand the essence of a number of basic ideas and concepts related to foreign and russian experience the use of new educational technologies; subject them to pedagogical analysis. The second block of tasks is associated with the process of introspection and the formation of educational and vocational guidance. The tasks of the third group are the actualization of the teacher's professional experience and creative potential.

This general education will take place in three organizational stages.

First - "Methodical Kaleidoscope". During the year, the teaching staff of the schools will form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe directions of search and achievements in Russian and foreign pedagogy. Teachers attend presentation seminars, master classes, meetings of district and school methodological associations, where they get acquainted with already approved technologies and methods, try to include certain elements in the practice of the lesson. By the end of this stage, teachers define the sphere of their professional interests, choose an "educational route", and unite into groups of like-minded people.

Second phase- training. The teachers are grouped according to the teaching groups of the chosen technology. Leading experts on this topic. Classes are conducted in the mode of model lessons with their subsequent in-depth analysis. Classes alternate with approbation lessons. Then teachers summarize their experience, participate in conferences and competitions, and publish in educational media. Thus, the ability of teachers to pedagogical interaction is realized.

In the third stage the chosen technology is being introduced into pedagogical practice. Diagnostics of various types is also carried out here. At this stage, an educational and methodological complex is formed in academic subjects and technologies.


P / p No. Activity content
1. Workshop "Methodology and methodology of pedagogical research".
2. Workshop-workshop "Humanistic pedagogy: essence, experience, results".
3. Master class "Organization of profile training and ICT implementation".
4. Speech at a seminar for school principals on the topic of the experiment.
5. Seminar of natural science teachers "Organization of scientific research expeditions of schoolchildren".
6. Seminar "Research and project activities students in the educational process. "
7. Master class "Modernized model of a unified scientific and methodological service of schools".
8. Workshop "The use of information and communication technologies in education."
9. Order on the organization of joint work of LEU:
Research work in areas.
Scientific and practical conference.
10. Joint work on the "Gifted Children" and "Health" programs.
11. A research expedition of schoolchildren to Lake Chany was carried out.
12. Systematic diagnostic work to identify gifted children and organize further work with them
13. Participation in district lectures, seminars, conferences on the topic of the experiment.
14. The work of a single resource center for students and teachers of natural sciences, philology, mathematics and computer science.
15. Work of temporary creative problem groups.
16. Measures to improve the systems of profile and distance learning schoolchildren.
17. Participation in telecommunication projects and competitions.
19. Participation in competitions for socially significant projects.
20. Creation of a databank of gifted children, educational programs, methodological materials, diagnostic techniques in areas, professional development of teachers.
Systematization and generalization of experience in the experiment: films, teaching aids, multimedia presentations, publications in educational media, placement of information on school websites, booklets.
Stages of the experiment program implementation
Phase I - 2006 - 2007 Phase II - 2007 - 2008
tasks results tasks results
1. Creation of a regulatory framework for LPI.

2. Study, development and dissemination of technologies aimed at identifying and teaching gifted children within the framework of the LPI.

Creation of a system of targeted identification, selection and development of gifted children.

3. Generalization and dissemination of work experience through a system of seminars, district and regional scientific and practical conferences.

4. Organization of a visiting summer school for gifted children - a research expedition to Lake Chany.

1. Changes to local acts schools.

2. Creation of a system of permanent pedagogical "general education" - a scientific and practical seminar for teachers in the following areas:
- organization of research activities (MOU Novochanovskaya secondary school);
- organization of specialized training and the introduction of ICT (MOU secondary school №93).

3. Creation of a bank of innovative technologies and publication of materials in educational media.

4. Strengthening the health of students. Improving the research skills of students in the study of ecological systems.

1. Development of research skills, communication skills and increasing the level of self-realization of students.

2. Monitoring of various areas of work in order to determine the effectiveness of the activities carried out and operational correction.

3. Improving the qualifications of teachers through the implementation of a modernized model of scientific and methodological service.

4. Effective use educational-methodical and material-technical base in the educational process.

5. Development of a system of generalization and dissemination of experience through the release of information collections, placement of information on the websites of educational institutions and educational authorities, organization of performances in the media.

Regular joint intellectual and creative events of different directions.

Systematic replenishment of the data bank of educational programs, teaching materials, diagnostic techniques in the direction, professional development of teachers.

Creation of a unified structure of the scientific and methodological service of schools, allowing for the effective development and implementation of innovations.

Creation of a single resource center for use by students and teachers:
- in the field of natural sciences (Novochanovskaya secondary school);
- in the field of philology, mathematics and computer science (school №93).

5. Analysis and correction of the experiment program. Development of an experiment program until 2010.


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