Public catering technologist. Process engineer or technologist? in public catering Food technologist

19.02.10 Product technology catering

The art of feeding beautifully is no different from
other kinds of fine arts.
It is akin to music, poetry or painting ...
Andreas Rosi

Food service technology - a very interesting, and most importantly, modern specialty. This is despite the fact that the program has been implemented by Russian colleges and technical schools for over 50 years. The food service industry is changing rapidly. Now it is not only cafes, restaurants and grocery stores. Completely new formats of public catering have appeared: fast foods, cafes-pastry shops, mini-factories-cafes, coffee shops, steak houses, national restaurants, pizzerias and sushi bars, auto buffets and home cafes. Various grocery stores: from boutiques to super- and hypermarkets. All this diversity requires appropriate personnel - public catering technologists, so the specialty "Technology of public catering products" does not lose its popularity.

Who is a food service technologist?

Public catering technologist - a highly qualified specialist in the hospitality industry, he is a master of a wide profile. He is equally well versed in table setting and menu drafting, organizing fairs for the sale of branded products and recruiting personnel for public catering, improving their skills. A good technologist can teach colleagues in the shop - chefs and pastry chefs - new ways of processing products, reveal to them the secrets of cooking various dishes (national, exotic, ancient). He comes up with recipes for new confectionery and culinary dishes, including branded ones, monitors the quality of the products and the process of their preparation. The technologist knows everything about restaurant business, about scientific foundations proper nutrition, about the laws and regulations of the culinary arts, about hospitality and culture of service.
From simple ingredients, a technologist can create an excellent taste and aesthetic composition that can please the most demanding gourmet. The technologist develops technical technological maps for meals, prepares a wide range of culinary and confectionery and assesses the quality of the raw materials and products used, organizes the work of production workshops and customer service.

The specialty "Technology of public catering products" can be obtained at the Yalta Economic and Technological College. Experienced teachers give lectures and practical classes here. New educational technologies: simulation firms, business games that will not let students get bored. Students of this specialty gain practical skills through practical training in the best restaurants and cafes of Big Yalta. College graduates work at various catering establishments (bars, restaurants, pizzerias, pancakes, cafes, etc.) as technologists, production managers, shop managers, foremen, and cooks. With the acquisition of experience, the technologist can also work in regulatory bodies, in the departments of the production market in the city administration. Graduates get the opportunity to engage in independent business, start their own business in the hospitality industry (cafes, restaurants, canteens).
General characteristics of a specialist: determines the quality of products, calculates their quantity to get ready meals; makes up the menu; distributes duties between chefs and controls their work; responsible for the serviceability of the equipment and the quality of the finished meals.
Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist: visual, olfactory and gustatory sensitivity; propensity for analysis and forecasting; visual-action thinking; figurative memory; Creative skills; aesthetic taste; accuracy; exactingness; sociability.
Medical contraindications: pronounced diseases of the organs of sight and hearing; infectious diseases; skin and venereal diseases; diseases of the sense organs; violation of the musculoskeletal system, central nervous system; violation of the vestibular apparatus; colds and cardiovascular diseases.
Advantages of the profession: constant demand in the labor market, a relatively high salary level, an authoritative position in public catering.
Cons of the profession: high responsibility for the results of the work of other people (cooks, pastry chefs); responsibility for the results of inspections by supervisory authorities: Rospotrebnadzor, Vetnadzor, certification bodies, State Trade Inspection in terms of technology, etc.
Personal qualities :
high sensitivity to shades of smells and tastes;
correct color discrimination;
good volumetric and linear eye;
tactile sensitivity;
good memory (short-term, long-term, visual);
high level of distribution and switching of attention;
emotional stability;
Creative skills;
aesthetic taste;
organizational skills;
physical endurance;
honesty, decency.

Requirements to vocational training

Must know: the structure of production of EPP, its planning and organization, requirements for production personnel; features, forms, methods of serving consumers on EPP of various types and classes; rules for drawing up menus, price lists, wine lists; basic principles of technology, methods and techniques of culinary processing; requirements for the quality of culinary products and services, types and methods of control, rules for quality control; occupational safety at work, principles of occurrence and prevention of injuries.
Must be able to: keep records material values, equipment, raw materials, finished products; develop recipes for new dishes; draw up technological maps; draw up and conclude contracts for the supply of goods; carry out acceptance of raw materials and semi-finished products in terms of quantity and quality; to plan the work of production, organize the work of shops; enforce technological processes, carry out rejection of finished products; use waste-free and low-waste technologies.
Related professions: Chef; confectioner.

The standard term for mastering the main professional educational program secondary vocational education:

Basic training (graduate qualification - technician-technologist):
* for full-time education:
- based on the main general education - 3 years 10 months;
- on the basis of secondary (complete) general education - 2 years 10 months;
* for extramural education:
- on the basis of secondary (complete) general education - 3 years 10 months;

No matter how the world changes
people will always cook food and trade,
and in GBPOU RK "Yalta
economic and technological
college "you will receive
specialty that will
feed you all your life!


A public catering technologist is a specialist in the development, production, sale and quality control of culinary and confectionery products, customer service and the provision of services as a technologist in public catering enterprises.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession are in high demand on the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this area, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Public catering technologists.

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Description of activities

The activity of a technologist is work in the field of public catering and covers a range of responsibilities in the field of registration of the necessary documentation and accounting for material values, equipment, raw materials, finished products, as well as drawing up recipes for new dishes and technological maps.

The uniqueness of the profession

Very common

Based on the results of the questionnaire, profession Catering technologist at present it is very common, since for a fairly long period there was a high demand for specialists in this field among employers. This area needed and continues to need specialists.

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What education is needed

Secondary vocational education (college, technical school)

In order to work by profession Catering technologist, it is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a diploma of secondary vocational education obtained in a college or technical school, or, for example, it is enough to complete special courses.

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Labor responsibilities

The technologist determines the quality of the products, calculates their quantity to get ready meals. Draws up the menu. Distributes responsibilities between the chefs and controls their work. Responsible for the serviceability of the equipment and the quality of ready meals. Promotes the introduction of progressive technological processes for the production of products and the improvement of the organization of public services. Develops programs to improve the quality of food services. Carries out the development and approval of new recipes for dishes, confectionery and culinary products with the registration of the relevant regulatory documents. Prepares proposals for expanding the range and introducing new types of raw materials. Implements operational control over the quality and compliance with cooking technology. Takes part in the training, retraining and advanced training of production personnel, taking into account the requirements market economy... Examines factors relevant to successful implementation services provided, demand, reasons for its increase and decrease, differentiation from the purchasing power of the population. Promotes the balanced development of the public catering services sector, prepares proposals for the selection and change of directions for the development of the assortment, production, economic and business activities... Studies the market for similar services and trends in its development.

Labor type

Predominantly physical labor

As the results of the survey show, the profession Catering technologist predominantly involves physical labor. Public catering technologist must have good physical fitness, high strength endurance and good health.

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Features of career growth

The profession is not careerist. The career opportunities of a food service technician are limited. Growth to the position of the head of the group of technologists is possible.

Career opportunities

Enough opportunities

The vast majority of the profession Catering technologist believe they have sufficient opportunity to advance in career ladder... If an ordinary specialist has such a goal, then it is quite possible for him to borrow leadership position in this domain.

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At any catering enterprise there is a person who is responsible for absolutely all processes occurring in production. A large burden rests on his shoulders, but he fulfills his duties with honor.

The profession of a technologist implies not only hard work, but also endless opportunities for the introduction of new ideas and beginnings, a flight of creative imagination, as well as huge prospects for career growth.

Professional responsibilities

The description of the duties of a technologist will take many lines, since more and more new ones are added to them every year. In the past, catering establishments were less demanding than today. Therefore, the presence of a technologist at each of them was optional. The recipes have not changed for years, the introduction of new dishes was practically not carried out. The cooks simply cooked according to the established schemes, and the production manager was involved in the paperwork.

IN modern world in conditions of tough competition, one cannot do without a technologist, since it depends on him how popular a cafe, a canteen, a restaurant will become among consumers, and what income they will bring.

The main duties of a food processing technician or engineer include:

  • development of new dishes and drawing up technological cards for them;
  • scheduling of work of all workshops in production;
  • quality control of manufactured products;
  • market research of public catering services;
  • distribution of responsibilities among staff;
  • study and implementation of new technologies;
  • monitoring the health of equipment and the availability of the necessary inventory;
  • organization of supplies of raw materials for production;
  • working with documents;
  • monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygiene standards;
  • organization of banquets and presentations;
  • development of a plan for the reconstruction of production shops.


You can study for a technician-technologist in a college or technical school. The process can take three to five years. At the same time, you initially need to get the specialty of a cook and a pastry chef, and only then you can become a technologist. Without knowledge of recipes, the principle of cooking, training in this profession will be inappropriate. Upon graduation from a special educational institution, the fifth category is assigned. After that you can work as a technologist or head. production in any catering establishment (restaurant, cafe, canteen), as well as in meat processing plants, canning factories, fish processing shops, dairies, shops for the production of semi-finished products.

In addition to the features of cooking, future food technicians and engineers study subjects such as:

  • physiology of nutrition;
  • microbiology;
  • sanitation and hygiene;
  • foreign service;
  • chemistry (organic, inorganic, analytical and physical colloidal);
  • biochemistry;
  • organization of enterprises;
  • processes and apparatus;
  • equipment;
  • commodity science;
  • management;
  • marketing;
  • fundamentals of economics;
  • standardization and metrology;
  • psychology of business relationships.

They become a technological engineer after graduating from higher education educational institution... The volume of knowledge gained in this case will be much larger, but it will take 5-6 years to master the profession. After graduating from the university, process engineers can not only work in their specialty, but also do teaching activities... In addition, they will be glad to see them in laboratories at large factories and factories as researchers.

The curriculum, in addition to the above subjects, includes such disciplines as engineering graphics, heat engineering, electrical engineering, theoretical mechanics. At the end educational process a process engineer receives the title of a sixth grade cook.

Work and career

It will be quite difficult to organize the work of a catering enterprise without experience. Therefore, even having an education, in a small cafe or restaurant, a specialist first has to show his professional skills by working as a cook. Having shown sufficient initiative and zeal in work in a relatively short time, you can become a chef and a technologist in one person. Over time, such a specialist can grow to a manager or director of a company operating in the field of catering.

On large enterprises a novice process engineer will first have to be an assistant to a more experienced colleague. Then after he proceeds to independently perform his immediate duties. Climbing the career ladder, you can become a chief technologist, production manager, deputy director or director of an enterprise.

The main advantage of working as a technologist is the ability to do what you love, while receiving a decent salary. An important fact: learning and improving skills takes a lifetime, discovering new horizons and introducing innovative ideas.

Another positive point There is a high demand for technicians and process engineers in connection with the opening of a large number of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, meat, poultry and fish processing shops.

Personal qualities

To work in any catering enterprise, you must have certain personal qualities... A process engineer must have an excellent memory, pronounced creativity, and excellent aesthetic taste. Communication skills and the ability to find reasonable compromises are needed to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team. Nevertheless, the technologist and engineer must be as demanding as possible on their subordinates. The ability to think quickly and creatively will come in handy in the event of force majeure.

An engineer or technician must have a highly developed sensitivity to the finest nuances of smell and taste. The ability to visually determine how much a product weighs is highly valued. The availability of organizational skills will allow you to easily establish the flawless work of all departments of the catering enterprise.

Another main criterion for the professionalism of a process engineer is excellent physical endurance, since in order to achieve good results he often has to work excessively, is on his feet or in a sitting position for a long time, stay in rooms with high or low temperatures, as well as in places with high humidity. Therefore, people with cardiovascular diseases, digestive system, the musculoskeletal system and respiratory system are recommended to opt for another specialty. Persons who have a source of chronic infection in their bodies are strictly prohibited from working in a catering establishment.

In order to become a real professional in your field, you should completely devote yourself to work. You need to exchange experience with colleagues, read articles, follow the latest developments in the cooking and confectionery industry on the Internet, subscribe to specialized publications, attend exhibitions and professional contests - then the result will not be long in coming!

Today we're going to take a look at a question that many are asking.
Public catering technologist.
Public catering technologist.
How is one job different from another?
What kind job functions assigned to specialists in these professions?
How do they differ from each other?

Let's figure it out!

Firstly, I want to immediately explain to you that an engineer is a technologist or a technologist in food Industry and an engineer - a technologist or a public catering technologist are two different directions.
Today we are considering catering!
And as in the famous cartoon "Vovka in the Farther Kingdom", where his assistants are "two of the same casket from the face", and in our public catering, here is a technologist and another technologist, only with the addition of an engineer.
True, in order to completely confuse you, there is also in public catering and
Technologist - calculator.
So our public catering will be cooler than the cartoon, we have "three from the casket with the same face"
Well jokes aside.

Food Service Technologist
Main functions in operation:

Technological engineer,
Production managers,
Heads of the dining room,
Researchers at enterprises and in control and production laboratories of public catering.

Engineer-technologist specialties are taught by higher educational institutions.

Public catering technologist

Main functions in operation:

  1. Must know the organization of production, the rules for placing equipment at the enterprise, introduces new equipment and trains workers to work with new equipment
  2. Must know the rules for making the menu. offers a new range of dishes in order to increase demand.
  3. Distributes responsibilities between the cooks and controls their work, and the quality of the finished food, checks the norms for the output of the dish.
    4. Develops new recipes, drawing up the appropriate regulations, makes technological maps of new dishes.
    5. Studying new trends in the public catering market and coordinating work in accordance with them, introducing progressive technologies into production.
    6. Controls compliance with sanitary standards, must know all the basic sanitary documents on public catering.
    7. Carries out timely supply of production with raw materials, tools, inventory and so on.
    8. Takes part in retraining and advanced training of production personnel, taking into account the requirements of the present.

Specialists this profile work:
Production managers,
Heads of the dining room,
Employees in control and production laboratories of public catering.
Catering technologist specialty traincolleges, technical schools.

Catering technologist-calculator

Main functions in operation:

  1. Control over the output of dishes and compliance with the technology of their production.
  2. He takes an active part in the development of new dishes, working on a collection of recipes.
    3. Draws up technological and costing maps.
  3. Controls the receipt and consumption of products at the enterprise to carry out internal analysis their movements.
    5.Pricing on time ready meals taking into account changes in the recipe, make the appropriate amendments to the calculation cards.
    6. Must know and maintain regulatory and service documentation, control logs, draw up product reports, interacting with cFO and the company's accountant.

Specialists of this profile work:
Technologist - calculator
Production managers,

Technologist - calculator public catering specialties are taughtcolleges.

We have reviewed the main functions in the work of three specialties.
It can be concluded that:
1. A public catering technologist is a specialist with a higher vocational education his knowledge is more extensive in terms of physical, chemical, structural-mechanical, microbiological changes in products in the course of cooking, he can check and calculate all this. But it should be noted that almost all of these calculations are carried out in laboratory conditions. In his functional knowledge, he can perform the work of both a technologist and a technologist - calculator.
2. A public catering technologist is a specialist with a secondary vocational education. Functionally, he can perform the work of a technologist - a calculator, he must know the changes in products in terms of physical and structural-mechanical changes in products during the cooking process.
3. Technologist - calculator - a specialist with primary vocational education. Functionally performs only the work stated above.

We have dealt with the main functional responsibilities the three most demanded specialties in public catering on the labor market.
Next, I want to write about LIFE.
In our modern world, life makes its own adjustments.
Not only the head of public catering, will not allow himself to inflate the staff and recruit separately the head of the enterprise, the head of production, the technologist, the calculator. Modern leaders want one person to perform all these functions.
Therefore, on the shoulders of specialists, almost all the most important work in public catering enterprises is entrusted. And if you are a specialist with higher educationand work researcher at enterprises or in control and production laboratories of public catering will receive units, then at best you will go to work as technologists or production managers with all the ensuing consequences.

And finally, a few tips:
1. If you are just choosing your path in this life, and are thinking about public catering, get ready for an exciting, intense work activity. I won't call it easy, but it will always be useful and necessary.
2. If you are a young specialist and have already received a diploma of an engineer - technologist or technologist. When you come to your new place of work, do not forget that you came to the team. You don't have to wave your diploma like the Russian flag. Theoretical knowledge is one thing, but practice is completely different. Prove that you were not hired for this position in vain. You are hired because chefs and kitchens don't have to know what you do. But you still have to prove to them that you can do what they do.
3. If you have worked as a technologist or manager for several years, and it already seems to you that you know everything and know how, then this is not so. Public catering is developing rapidly. New technologies in cooking, new equipment, new trends and tendencies, all this requires new knowledge and skills. Improve your qualifications.
4. If you have worked in public catering all your labor activity - low bow to you. Your knowledge base is so great and valuable that it would be a sin to retire it. Teach, do not skimp on your knowledge, young specialists really lack this. Surely you once had your own mentor.

Well, now that's all.
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02.19.03 Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta

organization and maintenance of technological processes for the production of bread, bakery, confectionery and pasta.

Raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials used for the production of bakery, confectionery and pasta;

Semi-finished products;

Finished products of bakery, confectionery and pasta;

Technological processes for the production of bakery, confectionery
and pasta;

Equipment for the production of bakery, confectionery
and pasta;

Processes of organizing and managing the production of bakery, confectionery and pasta;

1. Acceptance, storage and preparation of raw materials for processing.

2. Production of bread and bakery products.

3. Manufacture of confectionery products.

4. Production of pasta.

5. Organization of work of the structural unit.

6. Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees.

19.02.10 Technology of public catering products

Qualification: technician-technologist

Region professional activity graduates:

organization of the process and preparation of complex culinary products, bakery and flour confectionery products for various categories of consumers and management of food production.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

Various types of products and raw materials, semi-finished products of industrial production, including a high degree of readiness;

Technological processes for preparing complex culinary products, bakery and flour confectionery products from various types of raw materials and semi-finished products of industrial production, including a high degree of readiness;

Management processes for various areas of production of public catering products;

Primary labor collectives of public catering organizations.

Technician-technician prepares for the following activities:

1. Organization of the cooking process and preparation of semi-finished products for complex culinary products.

2. Organization of the cooking process and preparation of complex cold culinary products.

3. Organization of the cooking process and preparation of complex hot culinary products.

4. Organization of the preparation process and preparation of complex bakery, flour confectionery products.

5. Organization of the preparation process and preparation of complex hot and cold desserts.

6. Organization of the work of the structural unit.

02.15.06 Installation and technical operation of refrigeration and compressor machines and installations

(by industry)

Qualification: Technician

The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity of graduates:

organization and performance of installation work, technical operation and maintenance, repair and testing of refrigeration and compressor machines and installations; organization of the activities of primary labor collectives.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

Refrigeration equipment and accessories;

Technical technological and regulatory documentation;

Cold production technological processes;

Primary labor collectives.

The technician prepares for the following activities:

1. Conducting the process of installation, technical operation and maintenance of refrigeration and compressor machines and installations (by industry).

2. Participation in repair and testing of refrigeration equipment.

3. Participation in the organization and planning of the work of the team at the production site.

4. Performing work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees.

43.01.09 Chef, pastry chef

Qualification: Cook, pastry chef

The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity of graduates:

preparation of a wide range of simple and basic culinary dishes,
bakery and confectionery products, taking into account the needs of various categories of citizens.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

The main and additional raw materials for the preparation of culinary dishes, bakery and confectionery flour products;

Technological equipment for food and confectionery production;

Dishes and equipment;

Processes and operations of food preparation.

1. Cooking dishes from vegetables and mushrooms.

2. Cooking dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta, eggs, cottage cheese, dough.

3. Cooking soups and sauces.

4. Cooking fish dishes.

5. Cooking dishes from meat and poultry.

6. Cooking cold meals and snacks.

7. Cooking sweet foods and drinks.

8. Preparation of bakery, flour and confectionery products.

01.19.04 Baker

Qualification: Baker, Confectioner

The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity of graduates:

performance of work on the preparation of bread, rusks, different types cookies, gingerbread cookies, waffles, pastries and cakes without cream, other piece confectionery products.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

Main and additional raw materials and materials, semi-finished products and finished products bakery production;

Technological processes and operations for the preparation of bread, bakery, ram and rusks, various types of cookies, gingerbread, waffles, pastries, cakes, other piece confectionery flour products;

Recipes for bread, bakery, ram and rusks, various types of cookies, gingerbread, waffles, pastries, cakes, other piece confectionery flour products;

Technological equipment for bakery production.

A cook, pastry chef prepares for the following activities:

1. Reproduction and cultivation of yeast.

2. Preparation of the dough.

3. Cutting the dough.

4. Heat treatment of dough and surface finishing of bakery and flour confectionery products.

5. Stacking and packaging of finished products.

01.19.09 Adjuster of equipment in food production

(by industry)

Qualification: Adjuster of equipment in food production

The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity of graduates:

execution of works on installation, repair, adjustment, maintenance of equipment in food production.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

Equipment of food industry organizations, including machines, mechanisms, apparatus, their complexes and systems;


Stationary and mobile equipment maintenance facilities;

Technological processes and operations of installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of equipment of food industry organizations.

Adjuster of equipment in the production of food products
(by industry)
prepares for the following activities:

1. Carrying out repair of parts and mechanisms of equipment of food industry organizations.

2. Implementation of installation, adjustment, commissioning of machines, apparatus and technological lines of food industry organizations.

3. Maintenance, adjustment, adjustment and repair of operating equipment of food industry organizations.

43.02.01 Organization of services in public catering

Qualification: manager

(with full reimbursement of training costs)

The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity of graduates:

organization of services at catering establishments different types and classes.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

Catering services;

Processes ensuring the provision of catering services;

Public catering products;

Primary labor collectives.

The manager prepares for the following activities:

1. Organization of catering in catering organizations.

2. Organization of services in catering organizations.

3. Marketing Activity in catering organizations.

4. Quality control of products and services of public catering.

5. Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees.


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