Functions of a cook in the dining room. Job description of a cook of a catering enterprise. V. Working conditions

2018 | 09 | 17 22781

From assistant cook to cook

What is the difference between professions and where to start looking for a job.

The cook is one of the oldest professions, which arose everywhere, regardless of the cultural development and traditions of society. As they say: "As long as people eat, the profession will be in demand." Today, cooking is the art of preparing, decorating and serving a meal.

There are grades 1-6 in the culinary world. Depending on the skill of a specialist, he is assigned an appropriate rank. For a junior cook, the proper grade is 1-2. The qualification of a cook is 3-5 grade, where five is practically the pinnacle of skill. The last category - 6, it is the highest, speaks of good preparation, great knowledge and culinary skills.

Where to look for work

Cooks are needed everywhere. This is one of those positions that with the move and travel is only becoming more in demand. For example, in sushi bars in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS countries they prefer to hire Asians or people who have lived in Asian countries and have worked there in similar positions for a year in total. For such people, the salary is correspondingly higher, and the specialization is greater, and the dishes are more colorful.

However, for those who have just come to the profession, there are a lot of potatoes to be peeled, tons of vegetables to be washed, hundreds of carrots to be grated and a bunch more to be made. kitchen work, since the first position on the way to the chef is the assistant cook.

Chef assistant: education, responsibilities and perspectives

Chief on "fetch-fetch." An assistant chef or junior chef is in every kitchen of any establishment catering, boarding house, camp, resort. This person is often still studying or recently graduated from a culinary college and came to receive practical experience, demonstrate cooking skill. Of course, such a specialist will not be entrusted with the key work in cooking, but the secondary tasks will be entirely on him.

The duties of a junior chef may include:

  • preparation of products for subsequent culinary processing, for example: peeling potatoes;
  • simple cutting of products, for example: vegetables and fruits, creating simple dishes from them under the guidance of a chef;
  • tracking the safety of products; here you already need to know the organoleptic methods for determining the quality of food, as well as recommendations for its storage;
  • maintenance of appliances, equipment and utensils in the kitchen, hot and cold shops, for example: be able to use a food processor in all modes, disassemble and clean it;
  • maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in the kitchen, cleaning the workplace (and not only yours).

The job list may differ depending on the kitchen, but the main responsibility everywhere will be: listening to the chef or cook. The qualifications obtained in practice allow you to advance in career ladder... With the acquisition of certain skills, you can count on more serious culinary challenges. Since assistants in elite kitchens are not allowed to the direct cooking process, but only perform minor tasks.

Secondary education in a culinary college or technical school provides an opportunity to find a job as a junior chef in relevant institutions. The salary of such a specialist is often minimal. In order to earn good money, experience and skills, it is recommended to go to work in the Balkan regions during the season. There, during the tourist period, the demand for culinary specialists in local cafes, restaurants, resorts and hotels has increased. This is a great opportunity to gain experience, look at the picturesque nature of the Balkans and relax among tourists from all over the world.

Work as a cook: description of the profession, responsibilities and prospects

Higher requirements are imposed on the cook. He is directly involved in cooking and decorating dishes, serving them. At this level, the classification of specialists begins. For instance, key responsibility saucer is the preparation of sauces. And the foreman of the hot shop is engaged in the processing of products in the oven, on fire.

In the kitchens of large restaurants, in hotels and resorts, such a clear division is in demand, since hundreds of dishes have to be prepared daily for thousands of visitors. But in cafes and restaurants there are less general chefs. When employed in an elite restaurant, in the kitchen of an eminent hotel or resort, a chef who was once named in a cafe may fail the qualifying exam and apply for the position of a junior chef. However, this experience will allow in the future to work in the best cuisines of various countries.

The main responsibility of a chef is to prepare meals. At the same time, he is also responsible for the quality of the products used, sanitary and hygienic standards.

How to find a job as a cook abroad

As already mentioned, during the tourist seasons in the resort cities of the Balkans, all culinary professions: assistants, cooks, chefs, pastry chefs, technologies and others. At the same time, the salary promised to applicants is two to five times higher than that offered for similar duties and conditions in Ukraine, Russia and the CIS countries. Therefore, many specialists begin or continue their career growth Abroad.

To get a job as a cook in the Balkan countries, fill out a high-quality resume. Be sure to indicate how much you want to earn, skills, education, jobs. You can find a sample resume from applicants for a similar position on our website, or choose a suitable template on the Internet. The next step is to post your resume along with the profile on the Promo Choice website.

To increase your chances of getting the desired position in the near future - translate your resume to english language... And also systematically review vacancies from employers, offer them your services. All this completely free allows you to find decent job, move to another country and improve the quality of life.

Sample resume for a cook vacancy


Homestay Family Chef, Moscow


  • Drawing up the main menu.
  • Cooking food for a family of 3, 2 times a day;
  • Cooking dishes from European and Asian cuisine;
  • Cleaning the workplace after yourself;
  • Serving dishes on the table;
  • Purchase of groceries with a driver.


  1. European cuisine is the main specialization, I also have experience in preparing Asian and Mexican dishes.
  2. Drawing up a menu for a specific person or institution;
  3. Cooking baby food.

As you can see, the profession of a cook does not imply many skills. The main thing, and at the same time the most difficult thing, is to be able to cook a variety of food and make a menu for different needs. But you can still expect additional functions - purchasing food or serving the table. In any case, the first step is to write a resume, everything else will be discussed separately with the employer.

PromoChoice Team

Below you will find a hint for filling out the registration form.

1.General Provisions

1.1. The cook belongs to the category of production workers.

1.2. A chef is accepted individualwith an initial or secondary professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years.

1.3. The chef should know:
- the rules for the primary culinary processing of raw materials and products and the requirements for the quality of semi-finished products from them;
- rules for cutting bread;
- terms and conditions of storage of peeled vegetables;
- device, rules of regulation and operation of bread slicing machines of different brands;
- safe working methods for manual and machine slicing of bread;
- operating rules for weighing, measuring and cash registers.

1.4. Appointment to the position of a cook and dismissal from office are made by order general director at the suggestion of the production manager.

1.5. The cook obeys the chef.

1.6. During the absence of the cook (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for improper performance the responsibilities assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. The cook acts in the best interests of the enterprise.

2.2. The cook comes to work strictly on schedule.

2.3. The cook must:
- to ensure the preparation of the workplace for the beginning of the working day;
- prepare the main products included in the menu and prepare meals for the staff, strictly observing technological process and according to established recipes;
- comply with the rules of commodity neighborhood and product rotation, control the timing of product sales;
- to release ready-made meals strictly according to checks;
- in advance (in the evening of the previous day) to make preparations for products from the menu and dinners for the current day;
- maintain cleanliness and order in the kitchen and at your workplace in accordance with the requirements of the SES;
- promptly inform the administration about the lack of products, about malfunctions of inventory, plumbing;
- participate in scheduled general cleanings;
- carry out one-time instructions from the administration related to production processes;
- comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection and labor safety, sanitary requirements and rules of personal hygiene, production and labor discipline, internal labor regulations;
- be able to use production equipment and monitor its safety;
- be extremely polite in dealing with guests and colleagues;
- in the event of emergency situations, promptly notify the administration;
- timely undergo medical examinations, take tests, in accordance with the requirements of the SES.

2.4. The cook is prohibited from:
- leave the workplace without the permission of the immediate supervisor;
- smoke in the wrong places and drink alcohol throughout the entire territory of the enterprise;
- in the workplace: eating, chewing gum, reading, standing with arms crossed on your chest;
use profanity or slang vocabulary, contemptuous intonation, be rude, remain indifferent to the requests of visitors or employees;
- connect any heating devices, boilers or other devices without the consent of the administration.

3. Rights

The cook has the right:

3.1. Request and receive from structural units information, reference and other materials necessary to perform the duties provided for by this Job Description.

3.2. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

3.3. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this Instruction for the management's consideration.

3.4. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

The cook is responsible:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this Job Description, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Handbook of a personnel officer (book + diskM)

This publication contains practical advice on the organization of the work of the personnel service and hR administration... The material is clearly systematized and contains a large number of concrete examples and sample documents.
The book is accompanied by a disk with forms of documents and regulations in the Garant system, regulating various issues labor relations and personnel work.
The book will be useful to a wide range of readers, personnel service workers, managers of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership.

The author explains in detail what the labor inspectorate is and what the limits of its powers are, how inspections of compliance with labor laws are carried out and how they can end, what violations can lead to a fine, and which ones will entail disqualification of the head of the organization. The book provides practical recommendations for employers-organizations and individual entrepreneurs, which will help to avoid the claims of labor inspectors. When preparing the book, all the latest legislative changes were taken into account.
Author: Elena Karsetskaya
The book is addressed to the heads of organizations of all forms of ownership, employees personnel services, accountants, individual entrepreneurs, as well as everyone who is interested in compliance with labor laws.

The collection includes job descriptions drawn up in accordance with qualificationscontained in the Qualification handbook of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37, as well as in accordance with other regulations on tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements).
The collection consists of two sections: the first includes industry-wide job descriptions of managers, specialists, technical executors, in the second - job descriptions by industry (editorial and publishing, transport, banking, trade, research, education, healthcare).
For heads of organizations, employees of personnel and legal services.

Job description chefs - this is the document that defines in detail the full list of duties, rights and responsibilities that are assigned to the cook.

This document is optional, however, it is used by many companies. This is due to the fact that the job description is needed not only for employees to clearly understand their service functionality, but also for managers - for competently building a workflow and coordinating work.

As a rule, the document is drawn up by either a specialist of the legal department, or the secretary of the organization, or the immediate supervisor of the employee under whom the instruction is drawn up.


Basic rules for the formation of instructions

There is no unified model of job description, just like such a legislatively enshrined concept. As a rule, instructions are written according to common templates or, if there are special needs, they are compiled on an individual basis.

The standard form always includes four main sections:

  • "General Provisions"
  • "Main functions",
  • "The rights",
  • "Duties",

which, if necessary, can be supplemented by other paragraphs.

The document is printed in a single copy, and if several people work at the enterprise in the same specialty, then the instructions can be slightly adjusted (in order to avoid duplication of labor tasks) and make a personal version for each employee.

The instruction must be certified by the head of the company, as well as the signature of the employee himself, who thus confirms that he agrees with the duties assigned to him and is ready, if necessary, to bear responsibility for them.

Sample of filling out the job description of a cook

To begin with, in the middle of the document, its name is written and a little lower on the right side is given a place for approval by the head of the company: his position fits here, (according to staffing table), the full name of the company, last name, first name, patronymic of the chief, and a line for his personal signature is also left.

General Provisions

  • The first section, which bears the title "General Provisions", data is entered about which category of employees the cook belongs to (employee, specialist, manager, technical staff, worker, etc.).
  • Then it is indicated on the basis of which documents the appointment and dismissal of the employee (order, order, etc.) is made, as well as who is his immediate supervisor.
  • Further, it is necessary to enter information about who and by what right should replace the cook during his absence from the workplace (without specifying specific names), as well as the requirements for the level of qualifications, education, experience and work experience that this employee must meet.
  • After that, a complete list of documents, acts, orders, orders and laws with which the chef must be familiar is listed in detail. Among general requirements those that directly relate to his work fit in (for example, knowledge of culinary technologies and processes, possession of tools and equipment), etc.
  • This also includes the documentation that the chef should be guided by in his activities.

Chef's duties

Second section "Job responsibilities of a cook" directly concerns those specific tasks that are included in its professional competence... The functionality should be planned with the utmost care, while it is important to take into account work time employee, in order to avoid under or overloading. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that his duties do not duplicate those of other employees.

Cook's rights

To section "The rights" includes the powers that the chef possesses for the most fruitful work of his personally and the team as a whole, including the ability to put forward requirements to improve working and production conditions, make constructive and rationalization proposals and take other initiatives.

The responsibility of the cook

Section "Responsibility" always includes a precise list of misconduct and violations that may be followed by internal administrative sanctions and penalties. In order to avoid misunderstandings, in one of the paragraphs you can separately indicate that all requirements, as well as possible punishment are within Labor Code RF.

Chef working conditions

Next section "Working conditions" defines a list of documents that regulate these very conditions.

At the end, the job description of the cook must be approved by the official who is responsible for ensuring that the points prescribed in it are observed: here you should enter his position, full name of the company, last name, first name, patronymic, and also sign with a decryption.

In the next line, information about the cook is indicated in a similar way: his full name, first name, patronymic, again the name of the company, passport data (or information from another identity document), signature and date of familiarization with the instructions.

The profession of a cook is a big responsibility, and this is what determines a number of requirements that apply to candidates for this position.

The applicant must have a secondary specialized specialized education, the advantage will be a higher technological education. It is desirable to have some sort (II-VI). It is also required to have a valid medical record. If labor activity involves the production of products using alcohol, then only an adult will be accepted.

The employee must have sufficient knowledge of the valid recipe books and be able to use them in food preparation. Another important quality for a chef is the definition of types, properties and other characteristics of products and semi-finished products. The ability to determine the good quality of products is especially important.

In the process of cooking, the chef must show his skills in the use of aromatic substances and food additives, as well as know the basic combinations of spices and types of products. In other words, it can be called understanding the cooking process. It is necessary so that foods retain the greatest amount of nutrients and do not lose their taste.

Considering that the activity of a chef is not only related to food and food production, but also to those who consume the dishes prepared by him, an important aspect is the following:

  • strict adherence to all sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • compliance with product storage conditions;
  • exclusion of the use of low-quality raw materials or raw materials that contain hazardous substances for human health.

In addition to the main dishes, the chef must have skills in preparing therapeutic and dietary food, as well as food for children and schoolchildren. This knowledge is necessary when working at enterprises of the corresponding profile, for example, in a preschool educational institution.

Working in restaurants may require knowledge of the national cuisines of various nations, knowledge of the ceremonial or ritual features of dishes, the ability to prepare a dish in front of visitors. These requirements are specific and apply depending on the place of work.

Is higher education required

Higher education for a cook is required if he is a manager or production manager. In other cases, it is not required, but will be a priority for the employer.

What documents will have to be presented for employment

Here is a short list of the documents that are usually required when applying for a job.

  1. The passport
  2. Employment history
  3. Pension certificate
  4. Military registration documents
  5. Diplomas and certificates of education
  6. A valid medical book with a set of examinations for tuberculosis, blood tests, urine, feces (helminth eggs), the conclusion of a dermatovenerologist, therapist, examination of an ENT and dentist. Information about the vaccinations made (hepatitis, diphtheria, measles), examination for HIV status, hepatitis, staphylococcus, examination for brucellosis. Information about vaccination is certified by the seal of the medical institution that carried it out.

Working conditions at public catering enterprises Basic sanitary - hygienic documents. which set mandatory hygiene requirements to production processes, equipment, workplaces, labor process, working environment and sanitary - household services are "SP 2.3.6. Catering organizations. Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Public Catering Organizations, Manufacturing and Circulation in them food products and food raw materials. The application must refer to the above regulations and accurately write your job title.

Allowance for harm to cooks

Together with the main (28 calendar days) the duration of rest can be from 35 days. If there are no seniority requirements for the granting of such leave, then the calculation of its duration is made based on the time already worked;

  • Free receipt of personal protective equipment and products provided by law;
  • Additional compensation "for harm" in the amount of at least 4% of tariff rate or salary (h.
    1 and 2 st. 147
  • Shorter working week. In contrast to the generally established norm of 40 hours, other indicators apply for cooks - 36 hours.

It is worth noting that employers can independently set the amount of additional payments for work in harmful or difficult conditions, but their amount cannot be less than that established in Art.

Harmful working conditions for cooks

See also: Harmful production factors: what it is and classification by profession Hazard factors affecting the health of the employee:

  • physical factors;
  • chemical factors;
  • biological factors;
  • labor factors.

All of these factors can significantly affect the health and well-being of an employee. For example, if the temperatures are very low in the workplace, the worker may develop acute respiratory illness.
And if the employee has to work at night, or the working day exceeds the permissible limits, difficulties may arise with concentration of attention and well-being in general. With long-term observance of this work regime, sleep disturbance occurs.


The degree of influence of these factors on the life and health of an employee will directly depend on the strength of their influence. Harmful working conditions by classes List of hazard classes.

Harmful working conditions for cooks: what additional payments are required by law?

These factors include:

  • Physical: exposure to electromagnetic fields, healing, impulses, air humidity and temperature, air velocity, solar and thermal radiation, vibration, pollution, aerosols; laser and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Labor: duration (length of working time), tension, severity, etc .;
  • Chemical: the use of chemicals or mixtures obtained through chemical synthesis;
  • Biological: the effects of biological mixtures and substances (bacteria, microorganisms, cells, etc.).

According to the law, each person must be familiarized with the working conditions before employment, and if he agrees to work in a hazardous environment, he is entitled to appropriate additional payments.

Cook harmful working conditions

These protective equipment are subject to mandatory certification. Benefits for harmful working conditions Employees are entitled to benefits.

Those factors that affect the employees of the enterprise during work often have an adverse effect on the body, disrupting its proper functioning. Sometimes, unfavorable conditions in the workplace can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the worker.

Therefore, each employee who performs his job duties in conditions of harm is entitled to benefits. Accounting is responsible for their calculation. The size and form of benefits are determined depending on the class and the degree of harmfulness of working conditions.

Benefits that rely on working in harmful conditions: timely pension for special conditionsproviding workers with milk and other products, changing working hours, monetary compensation... For example, the usual work week is 40 hours.

Approved list of harmful professions

Necessary terms Production factors are divided into 4 classes, which include - physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological. All of them have certain effects during the implementation labor activity, as a result of which irreparable damage is caused to the human body.


Name Consequences Hazardous Formation of injury of varying severity, causing the onset of disability Harmful Provoking the emergence and further development of various types of occupational diseases Note. Third class production factors is divided into 4 subclasses, which are characterized by certain signs of harmfulness of working conditions.

Harmful working conditions: the concept of 2, 3 and 4 degrees and who belongs to them?

Is the cook harmful profession At this stage, you need to remove cartilage, tendons, small bones, separate large pieces and sort the rest. By the way, most of the fat chefs work in restaurants of Russian, Ukrainian and German cuisines, and least of all in Asian, Italian and Greek. Prone to overweight and all those who work in purely female office teams - accountants, teachers, workers of all kinds of departments, housing offices and other offices. Hello Olga Sergeevna. Not every job with harmful and difficult working conditions gives the right to preferential pension benefits. Preferential pensions are assigned to employees only of certain professions and positions, which are provided for in Lists No. 1 and No. 2 (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 No.

Harmful working conditions class 3.1 and 3.2 in russia in 2018

Assessment of harmful working conditions SAUT replaced certification of workplaces. SOUT - a special assessment of working conditions. This is a set of activities that are carried out in order to assess the conditions under which employees work at a particular enterprise.


See also: Harmful working conditions class 3.1 and 3.2: benefits and compensation for the employee When the assessment of working conditions takes place, members of the special commission check all possible factors that the employee is exposed to. All parameters of the production environment are subject to verification.

After their detailed study, the commission assigns one of the hazard classes to the enterprise. Depending on the assigned hazard class, employees are paid benefits, and special working conditions are created. The hazard level can be reduced if employees use personal protective equipment.
During it, the necessary examinations are carried out, and the commission issues an opinion, according to which the workplace is assigned a hazard classification. Certification is not required only in one case: when a citizen is a self-employed person, or attracts workers for remote activities (at home). In all other cases, even if the state has only one unit and a small office is rented, certification must be made without fail. What working conditions are considered harmful by law? In addition to the above classification linking persistent changes in the body of workers with their direct professional activities, it is worth highlighting physical, chemical, biological and labor factors, according to which working conditions at the workplace can be recognized as harmful based on the results of certification.
For this, an assessment of the workplace is necessary, which will determine the complexity of the functions performed, the presence of harmful and dangerous factors, the level of personal responsibility. A special assessment of working conditions in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2010 should be carried out exclusively by those organizations that have received the appropriate accreditation. When conducting special assessment working conditions of the cook should be taken into account not only the correct location of inventory and equipment, but also the rationality of the organization of the workplace, compliance with safety requirements, sanitary and hygienic standards and equipping with protective equipment.
Special assessment of working conditions: what will Rostrud check Special attention it is necessary to pay to the indicators:
  • microclimate;
  • noise level;
  • thermal radiation;
  • working area air;
  • the level of electromagnetic fields.

The certification of the cook's workplace must also take into account the presence of tools, equipment and tools in the work area that can lead to injury. If, according to the results of the certification, the cook's workplace is recognized as harmful, the employer is obliged to take measures to eliminate the identified harmful factors and create a safe working environment. If it is impossible to create such conditions, the employee should be provided with compensations, additional payments and guarantees provided for by current legislation.
Impossibility of full recovery of the employee's body before the start of the next work shift 3.2 The emergence of an employee and further development of a disease associated with the exercise of professional activities without loss of ability to work, if the duration of his work activity is more than 15 years the category of mild and medium, as a result of which a person's ability to perform professional duties is lost 3.4 Development of severe forms of diseases that contribute to the complete loss due to the irreversibility of the process professional activity Types of benefits Class Name of the class depending on working conditions Types of benefits provided First Second Optimal Permissible Increase in the amount of payment for work performed is not provided in accordance with the norms of article 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


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