Single lesson "I am an entrepreneur!". The plan-abstract lesson on the topic "Entity entity and its types

Want to create your own business or expand available? Be sure to explore the "fifteen basic lessons" from the founder and head of the company SUBWAY Fred de Luke. In his book, "Starting with Small", he talks about how small startups turn into the giants of the industry. This experience and lay down the "fifteen commandments" of a businessman.

First lesson. Start with small

Some people think: if a small business does not bring tangible income or does not expand to an international company, then there is no benefit from it. I do not agree. On the one hand, from a small one can always grow big, and on the other hand, until the enterprise is small, you have time to learn the lessons necessary for future success. Therefore, if you want to create a big business as a result, it is best to start with a small one. In this small business, all the foundations of entrepreneurship are presented, and thanks to him you get a lot of experience.

The lesson is the second. Earn a few kopecks

How in childhood did you earn pocket money? Can there be empty bottles from under Lemonade and handed over them for a few kopecks? You got an important lesson that says: no matter how much you earn at the beginning, even if you have a few kopecks, but you learn to earn. Here they are the first lessons of the economy.

The lesson is the third. Start is an idea

Look around. What can I improve? Where is the free niche? Ask the opinion of others. You will definitely come across the standing idea. Now it seems to us that all great ideas are associated with new technologies, the Internet. Some of the creators of Internet projects per night became billionaires, but they often started with a simple idea.

Lesson fourth. Be far-sighted

One idea is not enough. You must imagine what it is worth it. Say, you introduced the idea, and what's next? It is "that" is really very important. What happens after we launch a business? What can he become? What value can have? What emotional and financial benefit I get from it? What exactly in my business will make me act, investing forces and means? Answers to these questions will help you form a common picture of your business. And, creating it, always think about big! Give yourself the opportunity to experience the excitement from the idea and associated with the future.

Fifth lesson. Believe in yourself

Creating a business is a constant problem of problems that will never end. Very often the future of your company seems very dubious. You do not have enough money, you lose customers, suppliers are disappointing, employees use your business in their own interests. Much goes wrong. Then the surrounding will certainly advise you to forget the "crazy venture" and do something else, for example, to find a job! But even at these moments, you should not lose faith in yourself and your business.

Lesson Sixth. Preparing, fire, goal!

Do not be afraid if you have little experience. You can spend your whole life on plans and dreams. It is better to first shoot, sticking to the general direction, and then clarify the goal than not to shoot. Start. Move in the desired side and in the course of the movement adjust the course.

Lesson seventh. Profit or death

You can sell a lot, but at the same time staying a non-profit business. There are only two ways to make money: raise sales and reduce costs. Believe it, it is a lesson to learn as early as possible.

Eighth lesson. Be positive

Before you obstacles that seem insurmountable? A bad mood will not help get out of the situation, so be positive.

The lesson is ninth. Constantly improve your business

Those who achieve success are constantly improving their work. It is required to introduce new products, new ways of service, look for new outputs to the market, new ways to overtake others. You cannot do this once and forever - the process never ends.

Lesson tenth. Trust your people

Perhaps it is not easy. But the experience of successful people shows: you need to trust our people anymore ... or on yourself.

The lesson is the eleventh. Never waste all money

You can make mistakes, you may have a bad day, a week or even a year. You may have little money, but you should never spend everything you have.

The lesson is twelfth. Daily attract new customers

You will not be able to grow if new people will not be constantly going to you. It is important to convey information about your product, invite it to try, and then turn a single visitor in constant. And daily attract new customers - your main task.

The lesson is the thirteenth. Be persistent: never give up

It is persistence - then the quality that allows people to move and achieve success. If you give up, you will never grow up. Stay true to your plan or goals despite the circumstances. In business, you must solve the questions regardless of how difficult it happens. People who surrendered, one way out: start re-and take another attempt.

Fourteenth lesson. Give the brand name

This is a fact: despite the higher price, brand products are sold better.

Fifteenth lesson. Features do not expect anyone.

When you encounter the opportunity, it is very important to be ready to say "yes" before this opportunity go somewhere. This does not mean that you have to grab what I got. But if you want to start and build a business, then on some sentence you must answer "yes."

Why are these lessons so valuable? If you follow them, then increase the likelihood of success of your business. They are learned and used all entrepreneurs. And if you plan to expand your business so that more than two people work in it, then, of course, you will have to know and much more. The book "Starting from the Small" is full of inspirational stories of entrepreneurs and draws attention that you do not need to postpone with the start of your business. It is better to start with small and constantly improve your business than not to start at all and postpone on then.

Topic of the lesson: "You are an entrepreneur"

Objectives lesson:

  1. Awareness of studying their professional intentions, interests, inconsistencies;
  2. study of the qualities of the personality of the entrepreneur;
  3. study of entrepreneurial activity.

Tasks lesson:

  1. To acquaint with the basic concepts: "Profession", "Entrepreneurship", "Entrepreneur";
  2. conduct testing to determine entrepreneurial potential;
  3. contribute to the upbringing of hard work, responsible attitude to the choice of profession;
  4. check and summarize the knowledge of students on economic issues and entrepreneurship;
  5. Develop the ability to actively think, develop elements of shaped memory, bring up feelings of rivalry and collectivism.
  6. continue the formation of communicative and organizational skills of students, skills to work in the team, interact with both the teacher and with peers;
  7. Educating the culture of dialogue and exchange of views, the culture of emotions.

Type of lesson: combined

Equipment: electronic presentation, distribution material.

Audience: 7 - 9 Classes

Duration: 40 minutes

During the classes

Epigraph to the lesson:

"Business is a game, the greatest game

In the world - if you know

How to play it. "

James Watson

  1. Organizing time.

Hello guys sit down.

Psychological mood "All in your hands."

Parable. "There was a sage, who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage knows not all. Pulling in the palms of the butterfly, he asked: "Tell me, a sage, what a butterfly in my hands: Dead or Live?" And he thinks: "I will say live - I will kill her, say dead - I will release." Sage, thinking, answered: "Everything is in your hands."

  1. Conversation about the professional intentions of students, about the need to take into account interests and inconsistencies when choosing a profession.

Millions of boys and girls ending school, try to find their life path. Unfortunately, not everyone can achieve the desired success. One of the reasons is that professional, personal and life plans are not always well thought out, made up without taking into account their abilities and possible obstacles. Today we will try to understand these issues. The topic of our classes sounds like this: "You are an entrepreneur."Slide 1.

Pay attention to the epigraph to the lesson.Slide 2. James Watson once said: "Business is a game, the greatest game in the world - if you know how to play it." How do you understand these words? Who are the participants of this game?(Student Answers)

Undoubtedly, the main role here is given to entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurial activity has been and remains attractive to modern youth, because they are associated with economic freedom, the possibility of independently accept business decisions, to achieve personal success and material well-being. However, the entrepreneur cannot be led to the university, and there is no such specialty - "Successful businessman." Do you think any person can achieve success in business activities? Why?(Student Answers). True, in order to become an entrepreneur, a person must have certain qualities, and what do you possess them, we will try to figure out our lesson.

Entrepreneurship is permitted and supported by law.Slide 3. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activities" entered on January 1, 1991, enshrines the main signs of this activity:

the entrepreneur leads his job

In one's own name,

On your risk, under your property responsibility.

According to statistics, people who become entrepreneurs in different countries of the world - from 2.5% to 4.2% of all residents of these countries. Russia is also not an exception to this rule. In our country, there are already 2.7% of people from the number of all residents who are engaged in various types of business. The spirit of entrepreneurship is penetrating our life and makes the increasing number of people think about their fate and their life path.

3. Checking homework.

Guys, name the entrepreneurs of your settlement.(Student Answers) What can you tell about their activities? Do you think they have been successful? What helped them succeed?(Student Answers)

4. Informational and activity stage.

We and I had the opportunity to get acquainted with the entrepreneurs of your settlement. We see that any business begins with ideas. People choose the type of activity that will be needed and only then it will make a profit, and entrepreneurial activities will be successful. But it is quite obvious that one idea is not enough. People must have certain qualities.In order to allocate the main features of the entrepreneur, try to formulate the definition of the entrepreneur.

Who is called an entrepreneur?(Student Answers).

Slide 4. Entrepreneurship- Initiative independent activities of people carried out on their own behalf, on their risk and aimed at receiving income, profits from the use of property, sales of goods, services. This activity related to risk, initiative, enterprise, independence, responsibility, active search.

Slide 5. Entrepreneur- This is the one who organizes the whole process bringing the profits as a result. He cares about the assortment, about the selling price, about relationships with the authorities, about the protection, about accounting, about the selection of personnel, about transport, - not to count ...

His profit can be very big. But in case of collapse, he can lose all its condition and even life.

From this definition, highlight the main features of the personality of the entrepreneur.(Student Answers).

True, the success in business is usually achieved by those who obsessed the idea, confident in themselves, can choose the desired team, Communicable.

Slides 6-7. The modern entrepreneur has the following features:

  • Calestremilla
  • unlimited belief in your product or type of service
  • ingenuity
  • perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal
  • focus on success and profit
  • understanding your strengths and weaknesses
  • readiness to start everything from the very beginning
  • analytic mind
  • full confidence in your business
  • ability to carry other
  • practicality
  • attention to detail and minor nuances in business
  • the desire to constantly develop your business
  • readiness to take risk
  • lack of fear of difficulties

Slide 8. Among personal qualities you can allocate the six most important:

  • independence
  • ambitiousness
  • perseverance
  • goodworking
  • resistance
  • a responsibility


Psychodstastics "Chick" (with elements of respiratory gymnastics) Slide 9.

To enjoy a stable psyche, a strong excerpt, the ability to keep himself in their hands in any situation, not to show your emotions, the entrepreneur must engage in psychodastics.

Imagine that you have a small helpless chick in your hands. Pull hands with palms up. And now he will warm him, slowly fold the palms, hide the chick in them, ride on it, with your smooth calm breath, attach the palm to your chest, give the chickness of the heart and breathing.

And now open the palm and you will see that the chick happily took off, smile him and do not be sad, he will fly to you!

What makes people go to risk and start your own business?(Student Answers) Indeed, there are a lot of motifs. We highlight the main.Slide 10.

  • more earn money to live better
  • realize yourself in any
  • be independent, successful and secured

Obviously, to have their own business is much harder than being a hired employee. The work will absorb all your time, thoughts. It is unlikely that you are waiting for fast and fabulous enrichment: the path to it is a thorny.

You will have to enter into difficult relationships with competitors, control bodies, and even possible with criminal structures. But if all these difficulties are not frightened, and you see your future in business, then ahead !!!

There is a certain "Code of honor of the Russian entrepreneur"

Modern entrepreneurs are not enjoying great love of love. "Julier", "Thieves" - this is not the biggest characteristics that they are awarded. To some extent, our level of consciousness affects and just envy to the success of others. But largely for such reviews has foundations: some entrepreneurs often behave using dishonest methods. In this regard, it is interesting to appeal to the experience of "old entrepreneurs" - those who built capitalism until 1917.Slide 11.

"Seven principles of doing business in Russia" - a document developed by industrialists in 1912:

  1. Respect Power . Power is a necessary condition for effective business. In everything should be an order.
  2. Be honest and truthful This is the foundation of entrepreneurship, the prerequisite of healthy profits and harmonious relations in the affairs.
  3. Respect the right of private property. Free entrepreneurship is the basis of the well-being of the state. The Russian industrialist is obliged to work for the benefit of fraud.
  4. Love and respect the man - A similar attitude from the entrepreneur gives rise to a response feeling. In such conditions, harmony of interests arises, encouraging people to show themselves in all shine.
  5. Be faithful to his word. Success in the case largely depends on what extent that others trust you.
  6. Live by means, always evaluate your capabilitiesand choose the caseshoulder.
  7. Be purposeful. An entrepreneur as the air needs a clear goal. Do not be distracted by something else and remember: in the desire to achieve a cherished goal, the edge is permitted. No goal will replace moral values.

Check if you can be an entrepreneur, whether you have a set of such qualities that in the amount give entrepreneurial ability.Slides 12-13.

5. Test for the definition of entrepreneurial abilities.

Purpose: Development of personal interest in entrepreneurial activity.

For each positive answer - 1 point

1. Do you know how to bring the work started to the end, despite the difficulties?

2. Can you insist on a decision done, or can you easily persuade?

3. Do you like to take responsibility, lead something?

4. Do you use respect, trust comrades?

5. Are you quite healthy?

6. Are you ready to work from dawn to dawn, not receiving immediate return?

7. Do you love to communicate and work with people?

8. Do you know how to convince others in the correctness of the chosen way?

9. Do you have at least the slightest experience in the area in which you want to start your own business?

10. Are you familiar at least a bit with the existing tax rules, wage calculation, accounting records?

11. Can you talk on the street with an unfamiliar man?

12. Do you consider cunning useful quality?

13. Do you enjoy the success of your acquaintances?

14. Do you have a premises that can be rented?

15. Do you appeal to "you" to your older to the age of relatives?

16. Are you experiencing if you are checked in the store?

17. Do you have the opportunity to attract relatives and acquaintances to finance the enterprise you have created?

18. Do you have, for example, to trust a suitcase at a time to a completely unfamiliar person?

19. Do you have explanatory specialists who have experience and knowledge that you miss?

20. Are you sure that your own business is your home your dream?

Calculate the amount of points. Slide 14.

If the amount of points you entered are equal to 17 or more, You have all the necessary qualities to become an entrepreneur. Your dedication, energy and faith in success will help implement any standing idea - the main thing is that the idea really deserved.

You scored from 13 to 17 points. Your chances of success as an entrepreneur are not so obvious. Nevertheless, you can become a lucky entrepreneur.

If you have less than 13 points, Of you are unlikely to come out a good entrepreneur. Try to gain experience and, before standing on the path of free entrepreneurship, also once again compare your interests, desires and opportunities.

I hope that based on the results of the survey, the example of parents or friends of the parents, one of you will choose this complex, but grateful and profitable work for yourself.

  1. The results of the lesson. Reflection.

Guys, I suggest you remember everything that is said in class and fill in the table "plus-minus-interesting."

You need to fill out a three-graph table. In the Count "P" - "Plus" - write down everything that you liked in the lesson, information and forms of work that caused positive emotions, or you think can be useful to you to achieve some goals. In the Count "M" - "minus" - write down everything that did not like in the classroom seemed boring, caused dislike, remained incomprehensible, or information that was useless for you from the point of view of resolving life situations. In the Count "And" - "interesting" - write down all the curious facts that they learned about the lesson and what else would like to find out on this problem, questions to the teacher.

This table came up with Edward de Bono, doctor of medical sciences, doctor of philosophy of the University of Cambridge, a specialist in the field of practical skills in the field of thinking. This exercise allows the teacher to take a look at the lesson through the eyes of students, analyze it from the point of view of value for each student. For students, the most important graphs will be "P" and "and", as they will contain memo on the information that can ever be useful.

Remember, entrepreneurial activity is the ability to risk, make decisions and make money.

Without faith in success and readiness for the sake of your goal, put everything on the card and go to the end, nothing to think about creating your business. Success is achieved by those who obsessed the idea, confident in themselves, persistent, hardworking, independent.

On this, our lesson came to the end, thank you all.

In recent years, a large variety of innovations is offered to reform the education system both in the traditional system and outside it. Innovative search certainly repels from the requests of modern society. The market system deeply entered our lives, the economy is present in all areas of each of us. Therefore, the task of economic education is to assist the schoolboy to assimilate the basic concepts and provisions of the theory, will learn how to apply the knowledge gained in solving practical tasks in the household, in production, in business, in everyday life. The real life is diverse, it requires a person to make rapid and reasonable decisions in non-standard situations. The topic of entrepreneurship contributes to solving this task.

This occupation I decided to spend in an unconventional form, in the form of a talk show, where the heroes are real entrepreneurs from relatives and familiar students of this class. Participants of the discussion and audience - class students.

The main objective of such types of lessons is to create a model of a new "non-followed" lesson, on which students can reveal all their potentials, both mental and creative. The methods of this lesson are: an interactive conversation between heroes and audience, information technology (presentation).

Economy, grade 11.

Lesson theme: Is it easy to be an entrepreneur?

  • to get acquainted with the participants of entrepreneurial activities, contribute to the formation of knowledge of entrepreneurship and the skills of entrepreneurial activities necessary in life situations;
  • identify the features of legal literacy;
  • promote understanding the need for knowledge of entrepreneurship in modern conditions of the economy.

Know the terms: entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, legal entity, forms of entrepreneurial activity, signs of entrepreneurship, business goals, entities entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial law, rights and obligations of entrepreneurship.

To be able to: distinguish forms and signs of entrepreneurial activity.

Equipment: Tutorial, distribution material, mood maps for reflection.

Forms of training activities: conversation on the prepared issues with entrepreneurs, speeches of students on the main content of the topic, discussion, answers to teacher's questions, record the basic provisions in the notebook.

Type of lesson: repeating-generalizing lesson.

Form of the lesson: Lesson Game (Talk Show).

The structure of the lesson.

1) organizational moment.

3) Repetition of the studied material:

1. The concept of entrepreneurship.
2. Business entities.
3. Forms of entrepreneurial activity
4. Entrepreneurial law
5. How to organize your business (training).

4) the result of the lesson.

5) Reflection.

Epigraph lesson (recorded on the board):

"Wise one who knows the necessary, not much." (Eshil)

During the classes

1) organizational moment.

Preparation of participants of the game (the heroes of the talk show and the audience).

2) the entrance word of the teacher.

From the moment that Russia moved to market relations when they had real opportunities to earn big money, many citizens decided that they could become businessmen and entrepreneurs. The profession of the entrepreneur is still very relevant, it attracts many, and many young people dream of getting an education on entrepreneurship. In fact, it is very difficult to do nor everyone it turns out. Our task is to deal with this problem, find ways to solve it. Answer the question - is it easy to be an entrepreneur?

Speech by the heroes of the program.

(Story of invited guests engaged in entrepreneurial activities. From which they started, with what problems are still found.).

Questions of the participants of the talk show (spectators-students) to the heroes of the program.

(Students ask questions prepared earlier on entrepreneurship).

3) Repetition of the studied material: identification of basic concepts of entrepreneurship:

1. Business activities are one of the forms of participation of citizens in business relations. In accordance with Article 2. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation entrepreneurial activities is an independent, activities carried out to the systematic receipt of profit from the use of property, sales of goods, performance of work or providing services to persons registered in this capacity or in the manner prescribed by law ...

Vladimir Dal in his dictionary gives the following explanation of the concept of an entrepreneur. "The entrepreneur is an enterprising merchant who is capable of enterprises, major turnover, brave, decisive, brave on this kind of man."

2. Business entities:

Legal entities - organizations that are owned, in the economic vision or operational management of separate property and are responsible for their obligations to these property, may acquire and carry out property and personal non-property rights, to carry duties, to be the plaintiff and the defendant in court.

Legal entities are commercial organizations and non-commercial organizations (consumer cooperatives, public and religious organizations, etc.)

A citizen has the right to engage in entrepreneurial without the formation of a legal entity since the state registration as an individual entrepreneur. (Article.23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Separately selected in paragraph 2. Art. 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such a business entity as the head of the peasant (farming), which operates without the formation of a legal entity.

3. Forms of entrepreneurial activity.

The forms of entrepreneurial activity include: economic partnerships and society, full partnership and partnership in faith (commercial partnership), Limited Liability Company, Additional Responsibility Society, Joint Stock Company, Production Cooperatives, State. and municipal unitary enterprises; Business organizations - Associations (Unions), Holdings, Financial and Industrial Groups.

4. Entrepreneurial law.

Entrepreneur rights:

Each entrepreneur has the right to: independently form a production program, choose suppliers and consumers of its products, establishes prices for it within the limits determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and treaties, challenge in court in accordance with the procedure established by law of citizens, legal entities, government bodies.

Responsibilities of the entrepreneur:

Fulfill the obligations arising from the legislation of the RFI and the agreements concluded by them; In a timely manner to provide a declaration of income and pay taxes in the manner and sizes determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. How to organize your business? (training)

The task:

  1. Think what kind of thing you could open?
  2. Choose the legal form of the enterprise (justify your choice).
  3. Prepare a draft employment contract with employees (work hours, payment terms, responsibility).
  4. Make a schematic plan of business.

Generalization (discussion).

  1. Can we answer the question in the subject of our lesson?
  2. Do you have a desire to become an entrepreneur?
  3. What do you miss for business entrepreneurial activities?
  4. What new concepts did you meet?
  5. What issues have expanded knowledge?

4) Summing up the lesson.


Prepare reports on topics (to choose from):

- "Non-Profit Organizations and Entrepreneurship"

- "Privatization and, its role in business activities in the Russian Federation"

Develop a project of own business activities.


Guys, with the help of mood cards, show your attitude to today's lesson:

  • Red color - I liked the lesson, it was interesting.
  • Green color - I did not like the lesson.
  • Gray - I was still


1. Volkov S.D., Korechuk B.V., Lubarsky A.N. Economics. Collection of tasks. - M.: Airis-Press, 2002

2. Guseva TA Entrepreneurial law. Tutorial. - M.: Rior, 2005

(Lesson in grade 8 in the course "Social Studies", textbook A. I. Kravchenko)

Purpose: To create an idea of \u200b\u200bwho such an entrepreneur, about the role of entrepreneurship in the economy, its function and forms, contribute to the formation of skills to work with a textbook, with a document, analyze, summarize material, use it to develop new ideas, teach the rules of behavior in the economic sphere.

Characteristics of the main activities of the student


1) formulate the definition of the concepts of "entrepreneurship", "entrepreneur";

2) characterize the qualities that the entrepreneur must have;

3) call the functions of the entrepreneur, types of entrepreneurship;

4) indicate the differences in the entrepreneur from the manager and the inventor;

5) To formulate its own definition of the concept of "risk", bring examples of entrepreneurial risks.

Meta-remote results:

1) Using historical facts, as well as information from various sources (media, Internet), provide specific examples of entrepreneurial activities, talk about Russian entrepreneurs.

Personal results:

1) justify your own opinion, can anyone become an entrepreneur;

2) evaluate their entrepreneurial abilities;

3) illustrate specific examples of manifestation of entrepreneurial ethics;

4) participate in group work on the development of entrepreneurial innovation.

Basic concepts:

  • entrepreneurship;
  • entrepreneur;
  • entrepreneur functions;
  • forms of entrepreneurship;
  • entrepreneurial idea, entrepreneurial innovation;
  • principles of entrepreneurship

Lesson plan

a) entrepreneur. Quality of entrepreneur.

b) the functions of the entrepreneur.

c) forms of entrepreneurship.

d) entrepreneurial risk.

e) entrepreneurial innovation.

e) ethic entrepreneur.

Type of lesson - Combined.


  • Tutorial "Social Studies" 8 CL. Ed. A.I. Kravchenko, paragraph 13.
  • Workbook on social science to the textbook A.I. Kravchenko "Social Studies" Grade 8, paragraph 13.
  • Presentation "Entrepreneurship in history".
  • Materials for the game "Earn on life".
  • Message of a student about the runietsy entrepreneur HL. Sugan and his business "Bread Manor".

During the classes

1. The organizational moment.

Greeting students. Check availability to the lesson.

2. Forming a learning task.

Conversation with class.

Teacher: Call the main factors of production. (Answer: Natural Resources, Labor Resources, Capital Resources, Entrepreneurship).

What is a fee for using resources? (Answer: rent, salary, percentage, profit).

Today we will get acquainted with the fourth factor of production - entrepreneurship. Students write the subject of the lesson in the notebook and together with the teacher formulate a learning task: to find out who is such an entrepreneur, what is its quality, in which form there is entrepreneurship, how is the activities of the entrepreneur, can everyone be an entrepreneur?

PRP presentation is offered to students (prepared by students), which tells about the entrepreneurs of Russia and Western countries (B. Franklin, the brothers McDonalda, S. Morozov, S. Mammoths, P.Tretyakov, Eliseev, Ryabushinsky).

Teacher: Who is the entrepreneur? Pupils offer their definitions. For some, this is a person who opens his own business for others is a speculator risking with its own and other people's money. For third, this is a manager coordinating.

Students compare their answers with the textbook and write down the definition of the notebook: "The entrepreneur is a man who has invented a new thing that satisfies some need and profitable"

Question: What qualities does an entrepreneur possesses?

Pupils note such qualities as initiative, the ability to solve standing problems, freedom in choosing goals and methods, independence in decision-making, easy adaptation to the situation, the ability to take responsibility for oneself, the ability to establish business ties, negotiation, planning, organization and personal relationships influence. Entrepreneurs are people living on the principle of "you can - do." Psychologists argue that they have a sense of internal control. They are ready to take responsibility for the mistakes allowed, as well as remuneration for the achieved of progress. They never belong to failure as the final, but only as an experienced experience.

Work in pairs. Students are invited to think about:

1 Question: "How does the concept of" entrepreneur "and" inventor "correlate? Is it possible to say that this is the same? Students should noted that the inventor comes up with, creates something new, but often cannot realize the product, and the entrepreneur promotes the goods and services, brings them to the buyer, the consumer.

2 Question: "How does the concept of" entrepreneur "and" manager "correlate? Students with the help of a textbook (P.86-87) noted that in small business it is almost one person, and on average and large business, as a rule, different, since the entrepreneur is the owner of the company, and the manager is the employee, a specialist on management.

Question: What is entrepreneurship?

Students offer their versions.

Record in notebook. Entrepreneurship is an independent initiative economic activity aimed at making a profit. (Tutorial, p.85)

Question: What is profit? How to get it?

Writing in the notebook: "Profit - summarizing the indicator of financial results of economic activity, one of the economic categories; It is surplus revenue from the sale of goods on the cost of their production and implementation. "

For a better understanding of the role of an entrepreneur, students are invited to participate in the game "Earn on Life".

1. Class is divided into two groups: representatives of firms (entrepreneurs) and consumers. Representatives of firms receive P10 chips for 1000 rubles and "entrepreneur" icons, and consumer consumer cards, regardless of type (15 cards for natural resources or 10 people and 5 to capital, etc.), it is important only to general The amount of distributed cards of different types was approximately equal.

2. Make up one of the desk list with the inscription "Factory". Here will be exchanged for consumer cards on cards with the inscription "ECONO". These cards will denote produced goods and services. The teacher takes this place during the game.

3. Conduct students that when a third or a quarter of the participants will sell all their cards, after 5 minutes the game will be completed. During the game, consumers sell their resource cards for money and use money to buy Econo, entrepreneurs pay money for resources and gets them for Econo. The transaction is based on free market prices.

4. After the end of the game, the participants calculate the number of cards (consumers - "ECONO", and manufacturers - money). To find out who from entrepreneurs turned out to be bankrupt (accumulated less than 10,000 rubles). Explain that they suffered losses. Mark manufacturers and consumers who have achieved the best results.

The game will help to understand that entrepreneurs combine different types of resources to produce goods useful to consumers, implement it and profit.

2. Functions of the entrepreneur.

Teacher: What role does an entrepreneur play in society?

(Students offer their versions, allocate the main thing and make brief records)

The entrepreneur puts new products or services to the market. It is only worth throwing a quick look at any home to see the fridge and a TV, a vacuum cleaner and a computer, a blender and a mixer in it. For each of these items, there are people who felt the need of a consumer who could not be satisfied and expecting ways to satisfy it. They found all the resources and took the courage to offer these goods to the consumer market.

Entrepreneurs open up new resources or use old on a new way. For example, production waste or updated energy sources. Entrepreneurs contribute to the development of new technologies (for example, high-tech, resource-saving, waste-free technologies).

Entrepreneurs open new markets. New markets appear in the field of health and financial services. Entrepreneurs know how to see new markets where they still do not exist (OSAGO, tourism).

Entrepreneurs reorganize existing enterprises. Any enterprise remaining unchanged will certainly become lagging behind. Entrepreneurs know how to find the best ways of such reorganization by reducing the cost and increased efficiency. RFFOR reorganized the automotive industry, E.Karnegie - steel production.

3. Form of entrepreneurship.

Teacher: Entrepreneurship can be embodied in three forms (depending on the scope of application)

a) risky undertaking. Risky undertaking is the opening of a new business. The teacher offers students to give examples. For example, cosmic tourism.

b) internal entrepreneurship. This is an entrepreneurship within the framework of the existing case. The teacher offers students to bring examples. For example, an entrepreneur can find ways to reorganize management and production or reduce costs, or an increase in efficiency by introducing a new accounting report or information processing system.

c) Social entrepreneurship. Society has hundreds of problems requiring its decision. Many of these decisions can come from the government or the non-profit sector of our economy. Students lead their examples (combating drug addiction, homelessness, crime).

Depending on the number of participants, three forms of entrepreneurs are distinguished:

(Students work with a scheme on a textbook page 87).

Individual (firms, retail enterprises);

Partnership (partnership owned by several owners);

Corporations (Economic Society, Combining Persons and Capital for Production of Goods and Services)

Question: Determine what the advantages and disadvantages of each form are manifested.

Students answer the question using the textbook.

Fizkultminutka. Pupils perform charging:

To become strong and clever,

We proceed to training (walk on the spot),

Honor's circle run (running on site)

Or gravity raise (flexing and extension of hands),

Make a breath and make an exhalation (inhale - exhale),

Make exhale, take a breath (exhalation).

Be athlete is always ready (applause).

4.Inmitting risk.


Distinctive features of the entrepreneur:

a) the desire for independence;

b) increased desire to achieve the goal;

c) Risk tendency.

Message to the student about the flying owner Sugyan H.L. ("Bread Manor).

Question: What risks overcoming an entrepreneur on the way to success?

Students celebrate the following: lack of investment, the need to constantly improve production, rigid competition, fluidity of personnel, the need to improve the qualifications, crisis, risk of ruin.

  1. Entrepreneurial innovation.

Question: How are entrepreneurial innovations arise? (Teacher's story)

The innovation is the process of developing new production, introducing new technologies. The result of innovation is always the same: an increase in possible investment in the economy. Innovations, stimulating investment growth, increase overall demand, thereby raising both the amount of products and the level of employment. The entrepreneur is a carrier of innovation that creates the opportunities for investment in the economy, which increase its growth .. The innovation can be considered as a whole series of steps, as a result of which goods and services that exist, enhanced and thus more comply with buyers' requests.

The innovation process includes three stages:

a) Developing a concept. It comes down to the definition of the new needs of society and the development of ideas in the field of production, services and technologies.

b) Improvement. The developed idea should be developed and tested for feasibility. This is the longest and difficult stage.

c) Commercialization. The idea must be implemented to the product or service, is carried out on the market and efficiently sold.

Students make recordings about the stages of entrepreneurial innovation.

Work in groups.

The class is divided into groups of 3-4 people. Each group offers and justifies 1 entrepreneurial idea for our area, settlement, schools. In the process of discussion, the most interesting ideas are identified.

Students get a home task to develop a business plan for the most promising of ideas. The teacher gives an explanation for making a business plan.

A business plan is a document in which all major aspects of the future commercial enterprise are reflected, the problems with which it may encounter, and determine how to solve these problems.

  1. The main thing in business is to clarify what needs to be done to make a profit.
  2. Due to what you hope to get around competitors, so that your future product attracted buyers, and sales constantly grew.
  3. What financial results do you expect in the future.

Experience shows that students are doing this task that helps them to present themselves as an entrepreneur, take into account their interests and consumer requests. The spread of themer is very wide (car repair shop, veterinary hospital, cosmetic salon, Internet cafe, beerware, etc.)


Students independently evaluate the results of their educational activities, attaching leaves, flowers, fruits on the tree:

Fruits - a lesson was useful, fruitful;

Flower is not bad;

Green leaf - not quite satisfied;

Yellow leafle - "Disposable day", dissatisfaction.


Workbook, p. 13, task 2, formulate the rules of entrepreneurial ethics, evaluate their entrepreneurial opportunities.

Create a business plan of any enterprise (for students who have time for "4" and "5").

Teacher MOU "Runottskaya Sosh" Simonova L.A.

Lesson: Entrepreneurship

Purpose: Creating conditions for studying entrepreneurship as one of the inalienable components of the socio-economic practice of modern Russia.


    Educational: To form students an idea of \u200b\u200b"entrepreneurship", its essence and role in the system of market relations; Determine the qualitative characteristics of the profession entrepreneur.

    Developing: Develop communication skills when working in a group, develop cognitive interest, develop the ability to explain features, patterns, analyze, compare, develop the skills of working with text, help students determine the level of predisposition to business activities

    Educational: Rise a humane attitude towards others, to bring up the attitude towards entrepreneurship not only as a method for producing profit (personal gain), but also a way to meet the needs of society.

Equipment: Presentation "Entrepreneurship", individual working sheets, didactic materials for group work, a questionnaire of personal entrepreneurial abilities, smiles wallpapers for allocating groups and mood reflection.

New words:





During the classes

1.Momental stage.

Hello guys, check if you lie on the desk, get ready, and now close your eyes, think about something good, open your eyes and smile, let this smile will accompany you the whole lesson.

I hope that our communication with you will be not only useful today, but interesting.

Social science

Society of society

What scope is studying

What key spheres combines the economy

What element in the first place


The basis of production is resources or otherwise production factors. Name them

Teacher: Students need to distribute "Vintage" to baskets


Labor land capital entrepreneurship

Vintage: Money, Equipment, Land, Landscreen, Oil, Equipment, Technologists, Technology, Forest, Technological Process Knowledge, Building, Efforts aimed at finding new opportunities, lawyer, risk, ability to organize a case,)

What do you think of which of these factors is the most important thing.


What do you know about this factor?

Initial assessment of students' knowledge on the topic. On the scale board.

- Determine the level of your knowledge on the lesson: low, medium or high.

Students on the scale on scale are evaluated by their own knowledge on this topic and put a certain sign.

How did you rate your knowledge? High or low?

What questions would like to ask to learn about entrepreneur and entrepreneurship?

Formulate the purpose of the lesson:

Who is he entrepreneur?

What does he do

How to do

What is engaged in entrepreneurial activities?

Who is he entrepreneur?

Questions on the screen:




For what?

Let's figure it out: who is such an entrepreneur? And who can be an entrepreneur? Surely each of you already has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe entrepreneur, everyone has its own image of an entrepreneur who, I hope we will add during the lesson.

To do this, we will work in pairs. Each pair will fulfill its task. Read the task, think, consult, come to a single solution, sharing the protruding.


1. Task:

Work on the text of the textbook - Yakovleva and Grigoriev

Paragraph 13.

P. 85 Paragraph "Entrepreneur - ... to them wallet" and page 86 "Entrepreneur ... Computer Empire" and with a social science dictionary

2. Task - the study of regulatory documents - find out who can be an entrepreneur. Yakovlev D. and Isaev V.

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Civil Code

How old are you? If you come to the tax inspection, you will be registered as entrepreneurs?

Responses of children. Story on regulatory documents. Name documents

If an entrepreneur can be any citizen of the Russian Federation, why are there teachers, mechanics, drivers, sellers?

3 Task - Learning the text of the "Quality of the Entrepreneur" and perform tasks - distribution material

After discussion and additions are summarized - called the most important, according to students, quality. Answers are fixed in the working sheets.

Teacher: And now let's check, which of you in the future can choose to choose the profession of the entrepreneur.

Profile assessing personal entrepreneurial abilities

Please answer, "yes" or "no" on the proposed questions.

1. Do you know how to bring the work started to the end, despite the emerging obstacles?

2. Do you know how to insist on a decision or can you easily persuade?

3. Do you like to take responsibility, lead?

4. Are you ready to work from dawn to dawn, not receiving immediate returns, awards?

5. Do you know how to convince and infect your confidence in the correctness of the chosen path of others?

6. Do you understand the ideas and thoughts of other people?

7. Do you have respect and confidence of your colleagues familiar?

8. Do you love to communicate and work with people?

9. Do you think that if you have already decided something, then you will not stop anything?

10. Start something new is always scary. Do you feel about those who do not stop?


Each positive answer gives you one point. Please calculate the amount of points.


If the amount of points is 8 or more,you have all the necessary qualities to become an entrepreneur. Your dedication, energy and faith in success will help realize any standing idea - the main thing is that the ideas really deserve.

You scored from 5 to7 points.Your chances of success as an entrepreneur are not so obvious, but everything is possible if it hard to work on yourself.

If you have less than 5 points,of you are unlikely to come out a good entrepreneur. Try to gain experience, and before standing on the path of free entrepreneurship, also once again compare your interests, desires and opportunities.

Students respond to questionnaire questions. Then the teacher is interested in the results. The first to raise hands those who can become an entrepreneur, then those who need to work on themselves, the latter those who are better not to start, the teacher convinces the latter not to be discouraged, because there are still many professions where you can implement yourself.

As it turned out, not everyone has this quality.

ABOUT mold on working sheets

What does the entrepreneur do?

What kind of activity do you associate entrepreneurship?

Listen to learning.

Work on the text of the textbook with. 88 to "An example of a successful business"

Enterprise with the number of workers Over 500 - major entrepreneurship

Enterprise with a number of workers from 100 to 500 - Middle Entrepreneurship

Enterprise with a number of workers less than 100 - Small business

Work with the statistical data of the Urmar district

Video films

What business is developed in our area?

Small and secondary

Which sectors of the economy covers small and medium business?

Students are called table

Distribute these sectors of the economy by type of entrepreneurship.

Calculate a share in%.

Why small business?

Why is the scope of services?

Answers teaching

What is the case for? What is the purpose of business activities?

Work on the text of the textbook S.85 "The desire for profits ... 4 years"

So, the main income of the entrepreneur is profit. All you understand that it will differ significantly from the income of the employee.

Using the text, find the main difference in the income of the entrepreneur and the income of the hired employee.

In economic theory, working as a factor of production means any mental and physical efforts attached by people in the process of economic activity to produce a useful result. The price of labor services, the income of hired workers - wages. Salary is defined as a remuneration paid to the employee for the work performed. This is the guaranteed income of the employee of the enterprise.

The entrepreneur is an integral attribute of the market economy. Profit is one of the most important indicators of financial results of economic activities of business entities (organizations and entrepreneurs), for which entrepreneurial activities are carried out. According to Cantilome (18th century), an entrepreneur is a person with uncertain, non-fixed incomes (peasant, artisan, merchant, etc.). He receives other people's products at a famous price, and it will be selling at the price, he is still unknown. A. Smith characterized the entrepreneur as the owner coming on the economic risk for the sake of the implementation of any commercial idea and profit.

Students formulate the main difference of profits from wages - its impermanence. Be sure to fix it in the work sheet.

Exercise "Color pencils".

Children are invited to take color pencils laid on the desk.

Teacher: Suppose you are entrepreneurs. The end of the reporting period has come. Your income in your hands. How do you distribute your income?

All this is the income of the entrepreneur (in the hands of a teacher pencils). After paying wages to workers, taxes, payment of electricity, rental of premises, costs for production, etc. (the teacher puts out pencils), the entrepreneur remains net profit (several pencils).

Teacher: It was for the sake of this small number of pencils - profits, the entrepreneur must show all his abilities, the initiative, risk and be responsible for his risk, and most importantly be an innovator. We congratulate the applause of successful entrepreneurs (children who have pencils remain), think about those who have not had enough or not left after paying all costs.

"Each person must be granted an equal right to chase his benefit, and this wins all society" (Adam Smith)

Why does the state stimulate business development?

Wins the whole society

The importance of entrepreneurship for the state economy:

    The entrepreneur creates jobs.

    The entrepreneur pays taxes and this increases the welfare of the state.

    In an effort to make a profit, the entrepreneur introduces innovations

in the production process (new products, services, technologies, etc.)

So, we have already learned a lot with you a lot, they took something from your life experience, heard about something for the first time. Let's create a finished image of an entrepreneur. Students are performedthe task In an individual work sheet. After the selected time, the chain check.

The entrepreneur is ___________ a citizen, ready to exercise __________, to go to ____ Creating and managing the enterprise, introduce _______________ ideas and technologies, to take on ______________ for economic decisions, invest ___________, forces and means for obtaining ______________ based on a combination of __________ benefits with _______________ .

Let's come back to the scale

We did not remember such a quality, without which the activities of the entrepreneur significantly complicated - this is optimism. We started a lesson with a smile, did your mood changed by the end of the lesson, if it is wonderful lift the smiling image. I am very glad and wish any business, even such a complex, risky and responsible as an entrepreneurship, you started with a smile and optimism, and then success and luck will definitely smile in response.

The teacher thanks and evaluates the work of students.

Entrepreneurship this is not prohibited by law related to risk, independent, initiative economic activities aimed at making a profit.

Entrepreneur - A person who has invented a new business that satisfies some need and profit.

Business is any (not prohibited by law) activities aimed at receiving lee.

Profit - generalizing the indicator of financial results of economic activity, one of the main economic categories; It is surplus revenue from the sale of goods over the cost of their production and implementation.


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