Ready business plan for a beauty salon. Efficiency and Revenue

Starting a business has always been a difficult task, regardless of whether the activity is planned - in the production or provision of services. Unfortunately, up to half of the opened beauty salons turn out to be unprofitable and quickly go bankrupt. The reason for this is incorrect business planning, inability to determine in advance those services that will bring the required profit, inept overall creation of a business plan for opening a beauty salon from scratch in Russia.

There are many problems to solve. This is also the attraction of specialists with work experience and a ready-made reputation as masters of their craft, this is also disbelief in the success of individual workers, which is better to get rid of right away. A well-designed certification system will increase the level of motivation of employees, the formation of an attractive business card salon.

Providing the institution with a flow of customers from the very first days of work is very important for the beginning salon business. And it is desirable that this flow is not subject to seasonal downturns and is not dependent on economic shocks in the state. We must not forget about the promotion of business, about constant advertising. Here, a ready-made sample of a business plan of a beauty salon with calculations, which can be easily found on Internet sites, can be of great help. To get around your strong competitors, you will also need to develop your own business strategy for a beauty salon. Well, if you can develop this strategy without significant budgetary infusions.

A frequent occurrence in the work of new beauty salons - after success at the beginning of work, a profound decline in profitability soon ensues. For stability in the results of the work of the salon, it is necessary to additionally organize a sales system for relevant goods. A successful, well-thought-out marketing plan of a beauty salon is able to quickly increase the customer base of the salon, and turn temporary, one-time customers into regular ones.

Key project indicators:

The project cost is 1,600,000 rubles.

The average monthly revenue is 330,000 rubles.

Profit - 228,000 rubles.

Payback - 7 months

Start-up planning

At first, it is better to use an example of a business plan of a beauty salon, which has already proved its worth by the successful work of the institution for a long time. An outdoor salon provides the population of the town with high-quality skin and body care services. In addition, hairdressing services are an important source of income for the salon. The effectiveness of the project is proved by its long working time and high profit.

The goal of the project is to foresee all sorts of surprises in advance and be a guide to action throughout the entire initial phase of work.

Potential visitors to the beauty salon are the residents of the town, who have an average income. For the most part, these are women from 22 to 40 years old, children and men.

Services provided by a beauty salon:

  • women's, men's and children's haircuts;
  • nail care with their building, correction and creation of designer compositions;
  • cosmetologist services for cleaning the skin of the face, eyebrow and skin care;
  • massage services to restore the condition of the skin of the body;
  • trade in cosmetology products.

Initially, a ready-made business plan for a beauty salon was designed to use funds in the amount of 1,700,000 rubles. in the form of investments at the start of a business. Of this amount, 200,000 rubles. It was supposed to use from the personal funds of the founder.

The project, designed for three years of the salon, was supposed to have the following financial indicators:

  • project profit in net terms - 1,600,000 rubles.
  • the margin of trade in cosmetic products 66%;
  • profitability of the enterprise according to the PI system - 23;
  • payback period of investments - 7 months.

The investment phase is designed for a period of two months from the start of organizational work. This included obtaining permits for activity, repair and reconstruction of the premises, as well as expenses for materials and equipment for the first stage of work. Immediately after the expiration of the two-month organizational period, it was planned to start selling services and goods above their cost by a generally accepted amount. Reaching the maximum volume of services provided was planned after three months of work with a 30% load.

Characteristics of the industry as a whole and a separate unit

The planning was made in order to organize the work of a beauty salon, which would correspond to a high quality level of service for city residents. Services provided to customers are what are related to their appearance and health. Additional services - massage and cosmetology. How to draw up a business plan for a beauty salon, we will begin to consider gradually.

  According to statistics from the last fifteen years in Russia, visits to such establishments by women have increased from 5 to 45%. Now people do not regard salon services as excesses that are characteristic only of rich or well-provided, elected representatives of society. Now the attitude to the beauty salon is the way it should be in a developed society - this is the usual everyday services.

The market for beauty salons services is growing rapidly and it is estimated by marketing specialists as very promising for investment. The highest rates for the number of beauty salons per million inhabitants are cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. The salon is a specially equipped room on the ground floor of a residential building with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 120 square meters. meters. This area with light partitions is divided into halls for the work of hairdressers, massage therapists and pedicure specialists, makeup artists. Must be equipped and the administrator room, staff lounge. For customers to visit the salon should be open daily from 9.00 to 21.00. Such a tight service regime is ensured by a two-shift organization of personnel work.

The administrative department usually consists of two shift administrators, one of them being a senior and the other his assistant. To serve clients, six universal hairdressers and a cosmetologist with a masseur work simultaneously in a shift.

All costs for the redevelopment of the premises and for its repair amounted to about 1,000,000 rubles. To this was added the costs of registration activities, the selection of staff and marketing activities. In total, the project was estimated at 1,600,000 rubles. Given that it was planned to spend 1,400,000 rubles of bank loans on putting the enterprise into operation, which amounted to more than 80% of the total project cost. The financial plan of the beauty parlor was partially based on external sources of appropriations. The missing funds were taken from the capital stock of the founder of the company, the investment amount of which amounted to 20%. Bank loans were taken at the rate of two years for a refund at an annual rate of 22%. The initial deferral of loan payments was allowed for three months.

The form of ownership of the beauty salon was chosen an individual (individual entrepreneurship). This allowed the use of a simplified form of taxation, which allowed to reduce taxation to 15%, since this form excludes expenses of the enterprise from the revenue side.

Achieving Competitive Advantage, Price Policy

  To achieve an advantage over competitors in the services market, a good welcome is to expand the range of activities and attractive pricing for the average client. If the quality of the work of specialists is high, and the prices are affordable for most residents of the adjacent microdistrict, we can hope for a full workload of the cabin. The price list should be located in a conspicuous place in the reception room and be very visual.

Here are the approximate prices for some services of a beauty salon, which are considered acceptable by most visitors:

  • women's short haircut - 700 rubles;
  • women's long haircut - 800 rubles;
  • bangs cutting - 150 rubles;
  • child haircut - 250 rubles;
  • classic short hair coloring - 1000 rub .;
  • classic medium hair coloring - 1500 rubles;
  • classic long hair coloring - 2000 rubles;
  • hand massage - 300 rubles .;
  • varnish coating of nails - 350 rubles .;
  • classic type pedicure - 600 rubles;
  • correction of nails - 500 rubles.

Based on these beacon prices, the cost of all other services similar in labor costs and in the cost of consumables should be assigned. The salon price list available to customers should include all services provided to visitors, without exception.

If customers find out that there is a price advantage in neighboring stores, then even with a high quality of service, the turn to specialists will begin to thin out every day.

Marketing activities and trade

Salon services should cover a significant part of the town, with an average income. The main services that provide most of the profits of any beauty salon are meeting the constant needs of the population in manicure and pedicure, in cutting and styling hair, in dyeing and curling. An important income component in each salon is massage services and cosmetic procedures.

High professionalism of the salon staff is the most important requirement that attracts customers. An important role is played by the duration of the service, the lack of a queue in the reception room, and the work schedule convenient for most visitors. If these indicators are made fundamental from day one, then the salon will never experience a shortage in clientele.

The target audience of the establishment should be precisely defined. It has long been known that 75 percent of the clientele of the salon are representatives of the city's population aged 18 to 35 years. Only about 20 percent are people from 35 to 45 years old. The rest is the elderly and adolescents.

Undoubtedly, the majority of visitors to the beauty salon are women. If you conduct a smart pricing policy, it will soon turn out that literally half of the town will become visitors to the salon. Of course, the solvency of the population of a large metropolis and a small county town is very different from each other. In planning the development of the salon business, this fact should also be taken into account when determining the number of potential customers.

The main competitors in the work of the beauty salon are those institutions of a similar profile, which are located at a distance of less than 400 meters. The most powerful factor in the struggle for clientele are hairdressers working in the economy and middle class services. On the other hand, those salons that provide services in more directions are also able to select customers from their neighbors. Based on these points, you can do a more accurate analysis of your business neighbors, both their strengths and weaknesses. And the results of the analysis will certainly tell you the way out in a successful struggle for the clientele.

A salon offering a wider range of services, already by virtue of this, has an advantage over competitors. In addition, if he is able to work in the middle price class and at the same time provide high-quality services, his competitive advantages will be undeniable.

A sign of a good organization of work with clients is the ability to enroll in a queue for services using a phone call. If we add to this the conduct of interest groups corresponding to the profile of the salon’s services on social networks Vkontakte, Facebook and Instagram, then you can be interested in much more clients than even high quality services. Actually, this does not require any large expenses, except for the time of a person who can skillfully lead this group. Typically, large establishments spend no more than 6 thousand rubles a month on supporting this activity and filling the pages of groups with advertising content, such activity is directly introduced into the institution’s production plan.

In creating your image, in the competitiveness of the enterprise, along with the above methods, the company signboard of the salon and the preparation of your website with SEO promotion play a significant role. Successful salons also plan to spend about 15 thousand rubles per month on this. Advertising leaflets and handouts printed matter distributed in the neighborhood also by advertising specialists. If even at the entrance to the salon an original sign flaunts, attracting the attention of passers-by at a great distance, then this is a considerable part of success. Such a sign can be made by advertising specialists for about 30 thousand rubles, and advertising in popular glossy magazines will cost even less - about 15 thousand rubles.

Assessment of the effectiveness of the business plan and possible risks

A business plan for the organization and development of a beauty salon for its implementation will require significant costs at the start. This is determined by the breadth of the range of services provided to customers. This level of service will require expensive equipment and high quality supplies. If the institution has reached the planned volumes of services and sales, then the risks in the business are sharply reduced.

Skillful development of a business plan for a beauty salon makes it possible to safely follow those cost standards that are set in advance. With a payback period of seven months, the company will begin to bring profit in the first weeks of work when fulfilling the sales plan.

The owner of the institution or the project manager implements economic planning at a strategic level. His tasks include the search for new options for promoting the business, he performs analytical functions, comparing profitability criteria. The administrator subordinate to him is engaged in the daily execution of a managerial function. First of all, these people give an assessment of the plan, according to which the institution began to work and which continues to be a valid tool for a long time.

In each business, in the course of business, various unforeseen circumstances arise, risks that will have to be taken into account in the process of work and find a way out of them with the least losses. As such situations arise, it is necessary to be able to assess their severity, plan expenses and measures in advance to prevent recurrence of such events.

These risks in the specifics of the salon business are primarily new competitors that appear suddenly on the market for similar services. Also, income fluctuations are often associated with a decrease in population incomes, with inflationary processes in the economy of the entire state. You can not talk about such moments as theft, vandalism and natural disasters of various nature, since every businessman is implicitly preparing for this.

However, much of the above should be included in the organizational plan of the service enterprise. Of course, not in a specific form, but taking into account possible events both in the activities of one enterprise and the industry as a whole.

The first item with the basic data of the project.


Activity: beauty services.
  Location: indicate the city and the area in which the company opens, the population.
Area: 70 square meters.
  Ownership: rent.
  Schedule: 9:00-21:00 , seven days a week.


  • Hairdressing salons (including hair extensions);
  • Manicure and pedicure (including nail extension);
  • Epilation;
  • Cosmetology, including hardware;
  • Body care (body wraps, massage);
  • Tanning in the solarium.

Market analysis

Target audience - people aged 18-45 years. Moreover, the majority of the clientele are women aged 20-35 (about 70%), about 20% of visitors are people aged 35-45, and the remaining 10% are elderly people and adolescents.

The best choice of location - sleeping areabuilt up by multi-storey buildings. In this case (subject to placement in a large city), approximately 30-40 thousand people will become potential customers of the institution.

Before you begin, analyze all institutions located in the area, their list of services and pricing policy. For each competitor, develop your advantage. For example, the “protection” from a large institution will be the service that only you offer, a bright sign, affordable prices.

Business organization

This paragraph provides a description of the registration of entrepreneurial activity, obtaining permits, and choosing a tax system.

We open IP with simplified taxation. OKVED codes:

  1. 93.02   The provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons (this includes standard hairdressing procedures, makeup, manicures).
  2. 93.04   Sports and recreational activities (massages, solarium).
  3. 85.14   Other health activities.
  4. 52.13   Other retail sale in non-specialized stores.
  5. 52.33   Retail sale of cosmetic and perfumery goods.

A package of documents with which you can begin to work: permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Gospozhnadzor. For cosmetic procedures, hair removal, massage, you need a medical license. When calculating how much it costs to open a beauty salon, start with these costs.

Marketing plan

Develop a competitive advantage for your client to contact you.. For example, the average price segment with high quality, a wide range of procedures, discounts and bonuses for regular customers.

Image and advertising

To start such a business from scratch, you will need:

  • Outdoor sign (about $ 500);
  • Development of corporate identity, logo ($ 100-150);
  • Website development and promotion (150-350 dollars);
  • Handout printed materials: leaflets, business cards ($ 150);
  • Placement in a popular women's magazine (about $ 300).

Promotion channels

You can effectively promote the institution using the site, communities on social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram). The most important channel is the clients themselves, word of mouth.

Sales Promotion Methods

You can increase demand and attract attention with promotions:

  1. Grand opening ceremony with a drawing of gifts and distribution of certificates with discounts.
  2. Sale of gift certificates. Especially relevant for the holidays - February 14, March 8, New Year. The target audience is men who want to give a gift to their beloved, and women who choose a gift for their girlfriend.
  3. When ordering a set of procedures, the first procedure is free. This will help the visitor to verify the effectiveness of your methods and will not scare off the "unreasonable price."


Given the orientation of the institution to the middle (and slightly above average) price category, we are developing a price list. Let's give an almost ready-made example with the most profitable and demanded services (prices are in dollars):


  • A haircut. Female - 7-8, male - 5;
  • Stacking - 4-5;
  • Toning - 8;
  • Highlighting - 13;
  • Lamination - 15;
  • Hair straightening - 23;
  • Perm - 30-38;
  • Hair extensions - 70-120.


  • Daytime - 13;
  • Evening - 23;
  • Wedding - from 25;
  • Eyelash extensions - 23;
  • Eyebrow extensions - 30;
  • Eyebrow Correction - 4.

Nail care

  • Manicure - 5;
  • Pedicure - 11;
  • Paraffin therapy - 4;
  • Nail extension - 12-30 depending on the technology.

Depilation and epilation

  • Shin Depilation - 8;
  • Hip Depilation - 8;
  • Hand depilation - 8;
  • Armpit depilation - 6;
  • Classic bikini - from 8;
  • Deep bikini - 18;
  • Electrolysis - 16 / hour;
  • Laser hair removal - 4.5 / 1 sq. cm;
  • Photoepilation - from 55.


  • Ultrasonic face peel - 26;
  • Whitening with Vitamin C - 15;
  • Facial massage - 12;
  • Facial peeling - 30-60;
  • Correction of facial wrinkles (Botox, relatox, Xeomin) - 4 / unit;
  • Anticuperose program - 29-38;
  • Lip augmentation with Botox - 5 / unit, (about 150 - full course).

Body care

  • Massage - from 13;
  • Lymphatic drainage massage - from 23, total - 70 / hour;
  • Vacuum roller massage - 15 / session;


  • Honey - 20;
  • Algal - 23;
  • Chocolate - 23;
  • Thermo Wrapping - 46.


3-4 / 10 minutes.

Production plan

For the institution to bring good income, you need to place as many jobs as possible inside.

Room Requirements:

  • Separate entrance;
  • Water supply is cold and hot. Water should flow not only into utility rooms, but also into the work area;
  • Good lighting - daylight plus artificial light - only about 30-35 lamps;
  • Flow ventilation and air conditioning system;
  • Fire safety system.

The project provides for the correct division of the premises into zones:

  1. Reception, wardrobe - 9 square meters. m;
  2. Hairdressing salon - 15 square meters. m;
  3. Make-up artist area - five square meters;
  4. Zone of the manicure master - 6 sq. m;
  5. Massage room - 11 square meters;
  6. Cosmetology cabinet - 10 square meters. m;
  7. Solarium - eight square meters;
  8. Utility room - 3 square meters. m;
  9. Shower room - three square meters.

Renting such a room will cost about $ 900 per month.

Technical base

The most important investment is equipment. Opening a beauty salon requires the purchase of the following equipment and furniture to equip an institution (prices in dollars):

The waiting area

  • Reception desk - 300;
  • Cash Register - 180;
  • Computer, telephone - 300;
  • Case for things - 230;
  • LCD TV - 240;
  • Sofa - 150;
  • Coffee table - 70.


  • Two armchairs  - 300-400. A good selection of inexpensive hydraulic seats gives the brand Image Inventor.
  • Workplace with a mirror  (two) - 300. Image Inventor or Panda.
  • Sushuar  - 150. Inexpensive can be purchased from the company Profreshenie, the option is more expensive and more qualitative - from the Italian company Vision.
  • Klimazon  (two) - 550. In the middle price category, Polish “Harmonies”, Italian EGG, Ceriotti are popular.
  • Armchair with sink  - 240. The best and inexpensive manufacturers - Image master, Image inventory.
  • Washing  - 130. Recommended and high-quality for little money - Italian Laguna, "Sonata" from Image Inventor.
  • Sterilizer  - 55. Sanity, Germix.
  • Truck  (two) - 96. Modus, Artecno.

Nail Care Cabinet

  • Manicure table - 90. The best options are offered by Artecno, Madison, Euromedservice.
  • Reception - 110. Artecno.
  • Manicure machine - 300. Saeshin, Euromedservice.
  • Manicure hood - 60. Ultratech.
  • UV lamp - 50. Germix, Yoko.
  • Chairs (two) - 330. Lemi, Salon ISPA.
  • Waxclaves, paraffin therapy equipment - 100. Yoko, Madison.
  • Shelves - 75. Lemi, Armando.
  • Bathtub for pedicure - 30. Polaris, Profreshenie.
  • Pedicure device - 1000. Podomaster, Unitronic.


  • Armchair - 40. Image master, Lemi.
  • Mirror and table - 230. Salon ISPA, J-Mirror.

Beauty parlor

  • "Toplaser"  for photoepilation - 4600.
  • Vacuum Roller Massage Machine Diflexi — 5300.
  • Pressotherapy Apparatus Bloomun — 2300.
  • The device for ultrasonic peeling SILVER FOX - 320.
  • Wizard's chair - 75. Madison, Gezatone.
  • Couch - 200. Madison, Image Inventor.
  • Beautician table - 120. Lemi.

Body care

  • Thermo blanket SILVER FOX - 300.
  • Electric massage couch - 200. Cesare Qaranta, Belberg.
  • Massage table - 40. Belberg, Diakoms.
  • Couch for wrapping (spa-couch) - 1800-2000. Relatively inexpensive and convenient options - Libya, SPA SUITE, SAVONAGE, SMERALDO.


Vertical - 8000. Optimal and time-tested options are Luxura, MegaSun, SmartSun.
  Horizontal - 9000. Luxura, MegaSun, ErgoLine.

In addition, it is necessary to make a lot of smaller acquisitions. These are cosmetics, tools, supplies, a uniform for employees (three sets per person).

Most often, wizards come to work with their own set of tools. But in any case, you should know which brands offer the highest quality tools and supplies in the field of beauty. The “face” of an enterprise is very dependent on the brands with whose products it works.

Hair cosmetics and hair care tools:

  • Schwarzkopf;
  • Loreal;
  • Londa;
  • Goldwell;
  • Estel;
  • Wella
  • Dikson;
  • BaByliss;
  • Moser;
  • Hairway.

Cosmetics and makeup tools:

  1. Divage
  2. Faberlic
  3. Inglot;
  4. Clinique;
  5. L’Oreal;
  6. Max Factor
  7. Maybelline;
  8. Yves Rocher;
  9. SIGMA;
  10. Mary Kay

Tools and consumables for nails:

  • Mertz;
  • LaFrez;
  • Solingen;
  • Zinger;
  • Redmond
  • Vitek;
  • Scarlett

Cosmetics for wraps:

  1. Algotherm;
  2. Bleu
  3. Aravia Organic.

Organizational plan

The staff includes:

  • Administrator;
  • Manager;
  • Cleaning lady;
  • 4 universal hairdressers (work in shifts);
  • 2 masters of manicure;
  • Beautician
  • Masseur.

Accounting is outsourced. All employees must have a document confirming their professional level, a cosmetologist must have specialized education.

Salary is received only by the administrator, manager and cleaner. All masters receive a percentage of the work performed - 30%  from the cost of services + tips.

Launch plan

It will take 4-6 months to open a business. Work on its launch consists of the following stages:

  1. Business registration;
  2. Rent and repair of premises, decoration;
  3. Technological and engineering design, conducting the necessary communications;
  4. Obtaining permits and licenses;
  5. Purchase of equipment and supplies, installation of equipment;
  6. Staff search;
  7. Advertising campaign.

Also, for completeness.

The risks

Before the start possible risk assessment  and develop ways to overcome them.

  • The emergence of new competitors. Maintain a high level of service, improve quality and expand the list of procedures.
  • Market worsening, decrease in solvency. The development of additional proposals, the introduction of special programs, and actions will help. It is important to collect a base of regular customers. In any situation, a woman wants to be beautiful, so you won’t lose visitors.
  • Theft. Escape from this will help the burglar alarm and property insurance.

Financial plan

We will deal with the financial model of the business.

Capital Costs ($)

  • Registration at the IFTS, obtaining permits - 1000;
  • Rent a year in advance - 11 thousand;
  • Interior design development - 1500;
  • Engineering design - 700;
  • Technological design - 400;
  • Repair of the building, premises - 2500;
  • Installation of communications, fire safety systems, video surveillance systems, lighting - 3000;
  • Finishing, purchase of decor items - 3000;
  • Machinery, furniture, equipment - 38 thousand;
  • Purchase of consumables - 3000;
  • Advertising - 1500;
  • Unforeseen expenses - 2000.

Total  - 68 thousand dollars.

Monthly Costs ($)

  • Wage Fund - 1500 (craftsmen work piece-work);
  • Bookkeeping - 250;
  • Purchase of consumables - 1000;
  • Advertising - 200;
  • Utility payments (including garbage collection) - 100;
  • Unforeseen expenses - 150.

Total  - 3200 dollars.

Efficiency and Revenue

Efficiency calculations are carried out on the basis that in the first months the salon will be 30-40% loaded. This figure rises to 50-60% by the end of the first year and up to 85% by the middle of the third as the institution grows in popularity. Peaks of sales - spring and December. The decline is observed in the summer due to the holiday season.

Based on the prices above, the average check is about $ 20-40. The revenue in the first 4-6 months will be about $ 7 thousand, and the net profit (taking into account the salary of the craftsmen) - about $ 2000. Positive dynamics of development allows in two or three years to reach the volume of revenue in the region of 24-30 thousand dollars.

Only a detailed plan of whether you can begin to act. All events must be scheduled literally weekly  and stick to the schedule. Then the payback of the business will be optimal.

♦ Starting investment: 1,225,000 rubles
  ♦ Payback period: 9 months
  ♦ Profitability of a beauty salon: 55%

A respectable appearance is important to many people. They are ready to invest in special procedures, cosmetics, visiting specialists in order to maintain their beauty.

As you know, demand creates supply. Therefore, the opening of a company in the field of beauty has great potential and profitability.

As in any other serious business, the first step to success is to make beauty salon business plan.

Why is it worth to open a beauty salon?

  1. In the future, such a business can be developed into a whole network of salons.
      In this case, the name will begin to work for you, and new investors for the business may appear.
  2. To get started, the minimum staff and set of equipment will be enough.
  3. For a beauty salon it is not necessary to rent a large room.
      If there is enough space for 2-3 masters (7 sq.m. per one workplace) - this is enough to start the full functioning of the company.
  4. Business shows high growth rates.
    After all, even in times of crisis, people try to allocate money to care for themselves.
  5. Starting investments are relatively small.
      At the same time, proper adherence to a business plan will make it possible to recoup them in 9-12 months.

Beauty Salon Business Plan: Planning

Project Summary

The beauty salon business plan begins with a summary of the future venture.

This is the shortest section of the plan, but no less important.

Introductory 5-6 sentences should briefly reveal the essence of the project and interest the reader.

At this point, the entrepreneur details the goals set for himself and with what methods he plans to achieve what he wants.

The first include:

  • profit from the organization of a beauty salon;
  • development of a step-by-step development strategy;
  • analysis and conclusions regarding the payback of the project.

The first of the goals is the main one, because it is precisely the opening of the salon that all further steps of the entrepreneur are oriented.

Business plan information about the company

  This section of the business plan contains information about the name of the enterprise, its location, and work schedule.

Placement of the cabin is most beneficial on the street with busy pedestrians and cars, with parking spaces.

An important condition for success is the absence of competing firms nearby.

The firm may be located inside a shopping center or office building. But in this case, special attention is paid to outdoor advertising, a noticeable sign and understandable signs for visitors.

Beauty Salon Marketing Plan

In the section of the “Marketing” business plan, the place of the project in the services market is determined, the strengths and the presence of competitors are evaluated.

An analysis and description of the following factors should be included in the finished document:

  1. Trends in the development of beauty and services in the current environment.
  2. Analysis of how the success of the salon will affect its placement.
  3. Information about the client base: age, gender, income level, etc.
  4. Analysis of the advertising campaign that will be undertaken at the opening of the salon and its promotion.
  5. Information about competitors, their advantages, features.

At the moment, the decision to open a beauty salon demonstrates a high level of profitability.

With a competent approach to the placement of the company, as well as its promotion, there is every opportunity to obtain a constant stable flow of customers.

Project Target Audience

  Most of the clients of beauty salons in the current business plan are women 25-34 years old. However, in recent years, the segment represented by teenagers aged 14-18 is also growing.

Both girls and boys strive to put themselves in order, trying to minimize the manifestations of puberty.

The average income level of the target audience depends entirely on the type of salon. It is obvious that VIP class establishments are mainly visited by people with incomes of 50-80 thousand rubles. per month. At the same time, visitors to economy-class firms are characterized by an income of 20-30 thousand rubles. per person.

Salon advertising campaign

However, there are several options for an inexpensive but effective advertising campaign for the current business plan:

  • Adding to cards.
      Many customers are looking for a salon on request a la "Kitay-Gorod metro haircut."
      To get into the results of the issuance usually do not even have to pay extra. So be sure to pay attention to these directories geographically!
  • Gift certificates.
      You can’t even imagine how often people give each other pre-paid services of beauty salons.
      This gift is considered necessary, universal, and often affordable. The introduction of this service will attract new customers to you.
  • Advertising on the forums.
      The female part of the Internet space spends a lot of time on the forums. And trusts the recommendations received there.
      If your services are recommended in one of the promoted communities, wait for the flow of new customers.
      The main thing is not to order the writing of laudatory odes that have nothing to do with reality. Then you will only secure a damaged reputation.
  • Social networks.
      In the modern world, the development of a company without representation on social networks is almost impossible.
      For starters, it’s worth having accounts on Vkontakte and Facebook. Other networks increase brand awareness, but sales are rarely significantly affected.

Project Services

  To determine the list of necessary equipment, consumables and employees, you need to establish in the business plan a list of services that will be provided in the beauty salon.

  1. Hair care: men's and women's haircuts, hair styling, creating wedding and evening hairstyles, hair care using special tools and procedures.
  2. Nail care: the whole range of activities dedicated to pedicure and manicure.
  3. Beautician services.
  4. Skin Care: treatments using special cosmetics, massage. When expanding the list of services, you can include a solarium here.

Salon staff

The organization of a beauty salon requires the following employees:

  • Administrator.
    Responsibilities include: receiving orders, purchasing inventory, managing finances, coordinating the work of the rest of the team.
  • The hairdresser.
      Since women's haircuts are statistically more popular, it is necessary to hire two universal masters for the female hall and one for the male.
  • Masseur.
  • Nail care master.
      At the initial stage, one person is enough.
      Subsequently, the staff may expand.
  • Beautician, also performing makeup artist duties.

The staff at the time of the opening of the salon will be seven people, with the exception of the head.
  Job duties under the Labor Code, shift schedule, salary - all these data must be displayed in the business plan.

Beauty salon business plan: implementation

“Those who want to become rich should think that they will have to spend much more time on work and much less on passive rest.”
  Daniel Kahneman

Project Implementation Schedule

With the help of a monthly implementation plan, business initiators can control the process of opening a salon on time.

For each stage, a responsible person is appointed and a description of the necessary actions is given.

  1. The future owner of the salon is registered as an entrepreneur, draws up an emergency, orders a seal.
      The permissions required for work are also issued.
      The last item may take several months. For example, to receive papers on fire safety, the premises of the cabin must already be repaired and brought into compliance with the standards.
  2. Looking for a room for a beauty salon.
      This process can also take a lot of time, because the lion's share of success depends on the future location.
      Therefore, you should not rush.
  1. Equipment is ordered for the work of the masters, recreation areas (TV, coffee machine) and the administrator's place (computer, printer, phone, modem).
      It is necessary to indicate who will deliver the products and in what terms.
  2. The found premises are being repaired by an invited team of specialists.
      You can decorate the interior on your own if the budget is limited, and it is not yet possible to invite a designer.
  3. The search for employees for a beauty salon begins.
  4. An advertising campaign is launched, which will continue all the time until the salon will exist, and a budget will be allocated for this.
      Until reaching the breakeven level, financing should be especially active.
  1. Purchased equipment is installed and connected.
      The finishing touches bring the finishing touches.
  2. If necessary, the staff is instructed (fire safety, first aid) and trained in additional skills.
  3. Beauty Salon is ready to open.

The cost of opening a beauty salon

  To calculate metrics for such an important section as “ Beauty salon business plan: finance ”, use indicators of similar organizations and data on the cost of the most common services.
NamePrice, rub.)
1. Documentation10 000
2. The design of the guest area:200 000
3. Barber Hall: Female and Male365 000
4. Place of manicure100 000
5. Place for a massage therapist125 000
6. A place for a beautician425 000

  Total, the opening costs will be at least 1,225,000 rubles.

P.S. This does not include expenses for the premises, which are included in the section “Monthly expenses: rent”. In the case of buying a room, the costs will be much higher.

Beauty Salon Business Plan: Financial Section

Monthly expenses

  Each month, the owner will spend at least 218,000 rubles on maintaining the salon and its development.

Based on the amounts given in the business plan, you can calculate the estimated profit and rate of return on the project.

what to consider when opening a beauty salon -

look in this video!

Revenues and payback of a beauty salon

  For inclusion in business plan beauty salons  In the section describing the payback of the project, it is important to indicate the estimated monthly income.

For this business nature is seasonality.

The peak of customers falls at the end of spring, when customers want to renew themselves, to meet the warmth of beautiful and well-groomed. In summer, there is a noticeable decline in demand for services due to vacations and a decline in household incomes. The next peak falls on the New Year period for obvious reasons.

On average, one hairdresser serves 10-12 clients per day.

With the average cost of the service at 300 rubles and the presence of three masters on the staff, the income from haircuts and styling for the month will be:

3 * 10 * 600 \u003d 18,000 rubles per day, 18,000 * 30 \u003d 540,000 rubles.

According to the same scheme, the income from the work of a master of nail care, a cosmetologist and a massage therapist is calculated.

A manicure and pedicure master brings about 105,000 rubles a month. A cosmetologist - 72,000 p., And a massage master - 81,000 p.

The total monthly income for the business plan will be: 798,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses are deducted from this amount. Given these numbers, you can calculate the payback period of the project. It will be 7-9 months.

Opening a beauty salon is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The most important and decisive step with which the entrepreneur's path to success begins is. This document does not just allow you to get an investment or a loan from a bank. First of all, he helps the project initiator to outline the enterprise development plan.

A business plan must not only be drawn up and put aside on a distant shelf. You need to constantly come back to him to control: is your beauty salon developing in the right direction?

If you invest time and effort in the process, success will not take long!

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* The calculations use the average data for Russia

₽ 1 687 000

Starting investments

7 months

Payback period

125 sqm



For the implementation of the project, 1,687,700 rubles will be required. starting investments. Return on sales will be 65.6%, and the payback period is 7 months.

1. Project Summary

Objective of the project  - opening of a beauty salon in Rostov-on-Don, capable of providing residents of the city with high-quality skin, face and body care services, as well as hairdressing services.

The calculation of the financial model was made for a beauty salon located in the Soviet district of the city of Rostov-on-Don. Potential clients of the salon are middle-income citizens, mainly women from 25 to 40 years old and older, as well as men and children.

The main services of a beauty salon are:

4. Body care

5. Solarium

6. Sale of cosmetics

For the implementation of the project, 1,687,700 rubles will be required. starting investments. Part of the investment budget is planned to be raised at the expense of credit funds, which will amount to 200 thousand rubles.

* data for 3 years of work

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The implementation period for the investment phase, including obtaining permits, repairs and redevelopment, the purchase of equipment and supplies, is designed for the period from March to May 2016. The start of sales is scheduled for June 2016. Reaching the planned sales volume at 30% load - 4 months.

2. Description of the industry and company

The purpose of this project is to open a beauty salon that meets the principles of highly professional service in Rostov-on-Don. A wide range of services is offered to customers in the following areas: hairdressing services (haircut, styling, coloring, chemistry), manicures and pedicures, nail extensions, cosmetology, massage. According to the marketing agency Global Reach Consulting, the volume of the market for beauty salons is estimated as rapidly growing. The greatest concentration of beauty salons exists in millionaire cities - in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk. Rostov-on-Don, according to 2GIS experts, holds the 5th place in the number of beauty salons. For every 1000 women, 77 are salons. The increase in the number of beauty salons can be explained by an increase in demand for their services. According to Reports and Reports, the number of women visiting beauty salons and beauty salons over the 15 years from 2000 to 2014 increased from 4% to 40%. Visiting salons is no longer associated with expensive services for the elite among the population, services have become available for a huge number of people from the middle class. Accelerating the pace of life, as well as the need for quality services, has forced many women to go to beauty salons instead of putting themselves in order at home, which is much simpler and more convenient.

The beauty salon is a room on the ground floor of a multi-storey residential building on the first line of houses with a separate entrance and signboard. The cabin area is 125 square meters. meters. The salon has a hairdressing room, manicure and pedicure room, beauty parlor, massage room, nail extension and visage area, as well as a solarium, staff administration and relaxation area. The salon is open for customers from 9.00 to 21.00, seven days a week. Schedule of employees (staff) - shift 2/2.

The management structure consists of an administrative department, which is represented by 2 salon administrators: a senior administrator and an assistant administrator. The attendants are represented by six universal hairdressers, a cosmetologist and a massage therapist.

The cost of repair, redevelopment and equipment of the cabin is 982.7 thousand rubles. Taking into account the start-up costs for the registration of the enterprise, the recruitment procedure, marketing activities, as well as working capital of the investment period (500 thousand rubles), the project cost will be 1,687,7000 rubles.

To implement the project, it is planned to attract 1,487,700 rubles. credit funds, which will be 88% of the project cost. The remaining 11% will be taken from the founder's own savings. The loan is attracted for 2 years (24 months) at an annual interest rate of 22%. This loan is granted a deferral of payments for 3 months, after which the repayment of credit is carried out monthly for 21 months. The amount of the penalty in case of late payments will amount to 2.5% percent.

As a form of ownership, an individual entrepreneur (individual) was selected. The taxation system is simplified, in which the object of taxation is income reduced by the amount of expenses at a rate of 15%.

3. Description of services

The beauty salon provides services in 6 main areas. Among them:

1. Hairdressing services (men's, women's, children's haircut)

2. Manicure and pedicure (care, building, design, correction)

3. Cosmetology services (skin care and facial cleansing, eyebrow care, eyelash care, hair removal, makeup removal, peeling)

4. Body care

5. Solarium

The competitive advantages of the salon include a wide range of services, a relatively low price list available to the majority of the population, and the quality of service. The project price segment is medium. Moreover, the quality of services is above average, which is the main means of attracting customers and increasing their loyalty. The price list of the cabin contains about 120 items. All salon services are presented in Table. 1.

Table 1. List of beauty services

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The provision of beauty salon services will require obtaining permits from Rospotrebnadzor, as well as permission from the State Fire Supervision Service of the Russian Federation.

In addition to services in the salon, retail trade in cosmetics is carried out (20 commodity items). The main advantage over buying in an ordinary store is the opportunity to get expert advice on product features on the spot. The list of goods sold is given in Table. 2.

Table 2. Selling goods

4. Sales and marketing

The salon's activities are aimed at the vast majority of the population of Rostov-on-Don, namely the population with an average income level. The beauty salon will operate to meet the needs of people in a quality haircut, styling, curling and coloring, manicure and pedicure, cosmetic procedures, massage. The main requirements for beauty salons are a high level of professionalism, speed and quality of service, convenient location, convenient work schedule. All these requirements are planned to be made the fundamental principles of the salon.

The target audience of the salon is young people aged 18 to 35 years, which make up 70% of the clientele. About 20% falls on people aged 35 to 45 years, another 10% of clients - on adolescents and the elderly. The main consumers of services are the female part of the population (up to 70%).  In the Soviet district of the city, there are 178 thousand inhabitants, of which the share of the able-bodied population is about 60%. Given the pricing policy of the institution, the location and solvency of the population, about 50-80 thousand people are potential customers of the salon.

There are 260 beauty salons in the Sovetsky district, including economy-class hairdressers. The main competitors are salons located in a zone of 400 m from the saloon. These are 16 competitors, 8 of which can be attributed to indirect competitors and another 8 to direct ones. The first eight are: 4 economy and middle class hairdressing salons, 1 nail studio, 3 salons offering services in two main areas (hairdressing and cosmetology or hairdressing and manicure). The second eight are beauty salons that offer 3 or more areas of services (hairdressing, manicure and pedicure, cosmetology, massage, solarium, etc.). An analysis of their strengths and weaknesses in comparison with the interior design is given in Table. 3.

Table 3. Competition factors

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As can be seen from the table, the salon planned for opening has a number of advantages compared with direct competitors, offering a much larger range of services, operating in the middle price segment, with the quality of services being above average. It is also worth noting a convenient work schedule for the population and a favorable location.

The provision of services is carried out using a preliminary telephone recording or in a live queue without recording. Social networks (Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram) were selected as the main channel for attracting customers. This choice is due to the lack of fixed costs (group management) and a large concentration of the target audience (targeted advertising). It is planned to allocate up to 6 thousand rubles to maintain the work of groups and accounts and fill them with content. per month.

At the same time, great importance is attached to other methods of creating the image of the salon, including: developing a company logo, creating and SEO-website promotion (15 thousand rubles), printed handouts - flyers (10 thousand rubles), creating an outdoor signboard ( 30 thousand rubles), advertising in a glossy magazine (15 thousand rubles) and so on.

5. Production plan

The beauty salon is located in the Soviet district of Rostov-on-Don with a population of 178 people. (3rd largest out of 8). The closest surroundings of the cabin are mainly multi-storey residential buildings, the so-called sleeping quarters. As the location of the cabin, a place was chosen on a busy street on the first line of houses. Near the salon there is a public transport stop (90 m.), Buildings with office premises and banks (150 and 180 m), retail space, cafes and supermarkets (from 75 m.).

Salon rents an area of \u200b\u200b125 square meters. meters. The room includes: a reception area with a wardrobe and an administrator desk (11 sq. M.), A hairdressing salon (26 sq. M.), A room for washing, coloring, curling hair (12 sq. M.), A zone for visage and eyelash extensions (8 sq. M.), Manicure and pedicure office (12 sq. M.), Beauty parlor (12 sq. M.), Massage room (16 sq. M.), Solarium (15 sq. M.), Utility room a room for the storage of disinfectants (3 sq. m.), a relaxation room (10 sq. m.). Rental price - 75 thousand rubles. in month The contract with the lessor is valid for 3 years.

Costs for launching a salon, including expenses for repair and redevelopment of a room (240 thousand rubles), staff recruitment (10 thousand rubles), equipment purchase (782.7 thousand rubles), equipment installation (60 thousand rubles) , marketing shares of the opening - 70 (thousand rubles) and other intangible assets will amount to 1,187,700 rubles. The costs of equipping a beauty salon are shown in Table. 4.

Table 4. Equipment costs

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Responsibilities for the operation of the beauty salon are assigned to the administrative staff, senior administrator and assistant. The staff includes six universal hairdressers working in shifts, a cosmetologist and a massage therapist (see Table 5. The salon is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. Accounting is outsourced.

As employees, it is planned to recruit only people whose professional level is confirmed by a diploma of appropriate training. The completed educational course must be certified by a diploma, and the educational institution that issued it must have a license for open source software or higher education. The basic requirements for employees are professional competence, responsible attitude to business, sociability, ability to work with people.

Table 5. Staffing and payroll

The basis of fixed current costs are spending on the purchase of consumables. Permanent expenses include rent (75 thousand rubles), payroll, marketing expenses (on average, 30 thousand rubles), utility bills, electricity and garbage collection (about 11 thousand rubles in total). the influence of seasonality factor with a traditional decrease in demand in the summer, as well as an increase in the recognition of the cabin. The sales plan, taking into account seasonality and a gradual increase in cabin occupancy to 80-85% over three years of operation, is presented in Appendix 1.

6. Organizational plan

The term of the project from the moment of registration procedures and obtaining permits to the start of sales is 3 months. The opening of the beauty salon is scheduled for early June 2016.

The project manager is the owner of the business. He carries out strategic planning, is engaged in the search for new ways of promotion, analytical work on key performance indicators. Directly subordinate to him is the senior administrator of the salon, carrying out daily management functions. The manager is subordinate to the staff: hairdressers, beautician, massage therapist. Accounting is carried out by a third-party specialized organization.

7. Financial plan

The costs of the preparatory period (1187.7 thousand rubles) include:

Registration, expenses for obtaining permits, paperwork - 25 thousand rubles.

Repair and redevelopment of the premises - 240 thousand rubles .;

Equipment purchase - 782.7 thousand rubles;

Equipment installation - 60 thousand rubles;

Personnel selection - 10 thousand rubles .;

The costs of the main period include:

Rent - 75 thousand rubles;

PHOT - 248.3 thousand rubles.

Accounting - 10 thousand rubles.

Purchase of consumables -

Utilities - 7 thousand rubles;

Electricity payment - 2.5 thousand rubles;

Management expenses - 2.5 thousand rubles;

Garbage and hair removal - 1.5 thousand rubles .;

The financial indicators for revenue, cash flow, and net profit are shown in Appendix 1. The calculations are made based on the planned cabin load of 30% in the first four months and achievement of the indicator of 85% load during 3 years of operation due to an increase in salon recognition.

8. Assessment of the effectiveness of the project

The implementation of the project will require a high level of start-up costs, which is directly related to the wide range of services provided, and therefore the purchase of expensive equipment and supplies. However, with an increase in payback and reaching planned sales volumes, the risks become minimal.

The payback period of the project is 7 months, the discounted payback period is 7 months.  It should be noted that the project will begin to bring profit from the first month after the start of sales. Project performance indicators calculated over a three-year period are given in Table. 6.

Table 6. Project performance indicators

9. Risks and warranties

In the course of its activities, the salon may face certain risks that must be taken into account in the work. Assessment of the severity of the consequences and possible measures to prevent them are given in Table. 7.

As my practice of developing business plans for such projects and their subsequent implementation by "customers" shows that, as in many business services, the main problem is sales planning, which depends on several main factors.

These are: location, availability of qualified specialists, and pricing. Interior decoration, the availability of ultramodern equipment, the interior, of course, plays a role, but the Client, in most cases, goes to the “Masters”, and not to the “signboard”. And if the Master is geographically located “convenient” for the client, if the service and his skill meet the Client’s request, then these factors, in most cases, transform casual visitors to the salon as regular ones.

As a rule, if the Master goes to work in another organization or opens his own salon (at the same time taking a lot of risk), then 50 to 80% of his regular customers “leave” him. This fact, although it lies on the surface, but it must be taken into account when forming a team of specialists.

You also need to keep in mind that if the premises are owned, then this makes the business more competitive than the one in which the premises are leased. Do not forget such common truths that without serious marketing research, you should not start implementing such projects.

My experience shows that studying the market and competitors significantly increases the likelihood of success of a given business, both in the present and in the future. Makes it more tenacious and resilient!

Get up-to-date calculations for a business plan

Usually, when writing recommendations for a business plan or step-by-step instructions, they are guided by the preparation of production, marketing, and financial plans. All this is important, but we will act differently. The basis of any business is sales. All other aspects are important, but if there are no sales, then any, the best organization of all other areas becomes an unnecessary addition to unsuccessful sales.

You can trust a blind incident. But it is better to thoroughly study the direction in which you intend to work, all the features, nuances, and try to develop a business idea that will differ from what is available on the market. ... Then a blind incident will be less blind to your favorite.

We will start the business plan of the beauty salon by considering the characteristics of the industry, possible ideas, and the range of proposals. At the end, general recommendations of the production, marketing and financial plan will be given and a small indicative costing sample will be made.

Distinctive features of a beauty salon

An important feature of beauty salons in our country is that they all grew from hairdressers. In the recent past, there were practically no beauty salons, but hairdressers were very common. Actually, a hairdresser can already be considered as a small beauty salon. And if financial considerations do not allow you to open a full-format salon, then it is quite possible to start with a hairdresser with additional services. Gradually filling the enterprise with services, you can move to another category. This is one of the ways to establish a business. In many ways traditional, that is how it historically developed.

The main services of beauty salons

Services of beauty salons can be divided into two groups: basic services and additional.

Basic Services:

  • hair care (haircut, styling, etc.);
  • mani Pedi;
  • facial skin care (cosmetology services).

The basic set of services is not much different from the set of services of a hairdresser. It is characteristic in that it should be provided in any beauty salon.

Additional services of a beauty salon may include everything related to the design of a person’s appearance and not only.

Additional services:

  • full body skin care services (tanning beds, spas, etc.);
  • various massages;
  • epilation, depilation;
  • makeup artist services;
  • image maker services (creating an external image);
  • stylist services;
  • etc.

Generally speaking, the set of additional services is not limited to a specific list; you can include something of your own that is characteristic of a region or city.

Types of Beauty Salons

To understand the business and especially its further development, it is enough for us to identify four quality groups. And additionally designate another fifth. The fifth is allocated separately, since it can be either independent or be included in the set of additional services of others.

Base class beauty salons

These are small beauty salons, with a limited range of services, actually basic, maybe with small variations. Designed for immediate surroundings, quick services, everyday services (haircut between work, styling, nail treatment, etc.). Usually, the services are inexpensive, in the lower price range, without overstating the requirements for the final result. They are located modestly in sleeping areas, production districts, where the rental price is not so high. Designed for classic, working, everyday, everyday processing of students, employees, workers, pensioners, etc.

Middle class beauty salons

These are salons that provide a wide range of services of a fairly high class. A shift towards an individual approach and the development of recommendations for each client. Actually a beauty studio. There are regular customers with their own schedule of visits and the features of their service. Designed for the middle class or the preparation of an external image for various events. Including elaboration of images for weddings, celebrations, costume balls, etc. The set of services includes not only image preparation, but also body care: massage, solarium, etc. Located on busy streets, in shopping centers.

Top class beauty salons

It provides all the possible range of services. Sometimes services are added at the request of the client. The client base is large businessmen, politicians, officials, public figures and more. Special requirements for quality, development of individual styles, personal consultants. The location of such salons is not so significant, as specific customers are able to travel several extra kilometers for good service. But the interior design should be consistent. In addition, the salon should have a high-quality coffee bar. Part of the services takes a long time and clients should not feel infringed on something. The requirements for staff are increased, often clients go to be serviced not by a salon, but by a specific stylist. However, each salon of the highest class is a bright individual institution, as well as its customers.

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Beauty Salon Network

The most universal form. It can include a network of small salons of the base class, as well as a set of multi-format salons. In the case of a variety of salons, any customer needs are closed. You can offer the client any service, the only thing is that for some services you will have to go to another place or wait for some time for the right specialist.

Separate fifth grade beauty salon - online salon

In fact, the point of sale of services on the Internet.

At firstIn addition to the base class beauty salon, everyone else must have their own representative offices in the Internet space. This makes it possible to get acquainted with the services, choose the time of the visit, book a visit in advance, pay for the services, etc.

Secondly, this point of sale can be completely independent. Those. services can be provided onsite. Or, by agreement with other institutions and specialists, organize a service for clients in a particular institution.

So, we examined the possible types of beauty salons. The organization of one kind or another primarily depends on your financial capabilities. But do not forget - the great begins with the small. By organizing your first small beauty salon, you can lay opportunities for further development.

What you need to open a beauty salon

To include a beauty salon in your business plan, you need to decide which beauty salon will be implemented initially. If your own funds are not enough, then you will need to attract investors or creditors. Particular attention should be paid to preparing a summary of the business plan. The summary briefly outlines the main idea and key positions of a business plan. First, a resume is read, and if it interests, then get acquainted with the entire document. This is a highlight with a lack of finance.

Requirements for a beauty salon can differ significantly from volumes and a set of services.


To open a beauty salon registration of IP is enough, licensing is not required. But depending on the client base, tax features, it is possible that the option with corporatization will be more profitable. In addition to the option of corporatization, it is possible to create a cartel-type company, where employees can be co-owners of the business.


  • set of constituent documentation;
  • necessary documents with external organizations (lease, contract, etc.);
  • internal documentation (rules, job descriptions, price lists, description of procedures, etc.).


The requirements for the premises are different. General approach: the minimum size of the room is 14 square meters, each additional workplace - plus another 7 square meters. Be sure to provide cold, hot water, climate control systems.

For additional procedures - separate rooms, suitably equipped for the procedure.

It will also be necessary to provide facilities for waiting, rest after service, etc. depending on the specific set of services.

In addition, places for storing varnishes, cosmetics, and linen are needed. Own mini-laundry or by agreement with an external organization.

For staff it will be necessary to provide for any personal zone: drinking coffee directly in the client salon is unacceptable. A shower is desirable so that staff can wash off their trimmed hair.

All premises are subject to standard requirements for fire safety and SES.


The specific set of equipment depends on the fullness of the services. Naturally, each unique service has its own equipment. All equipment must be professional.

The minimum set for the base class cabin:

  • a sink for the head;
  • hair dryer;
  • hairdresser's workplace (armchair, table, mirror, trash basket, etc.);
  • UV sterilizer;
  • basket for dirty laundry;
  • a set of tools (scissors, hairbrushes, hair dryers, clippers, etc.);
  • furniture (waiting chairs, tables, hangers, etc.).


The higher the cabin class, the higher the personnel requirements. For small salons, one person is enough. But this is usually in small towns, or somewhere on the far outskirts of the city. In this case, the master himself is the owner of the salon, because the opening of the salon with the employment of one master raises doubts about the payback of the project.

Minimum staff: 2-3 masters (depending on the work schedule and the set of services). Additionally, depending on the volume, the following may be added: cleaners, administrator, specialized specialists (makeup artist, masseur, stylist, etc.).

It is not necessary to recruit new specialists to expand the services. Here you can go in two ways:

  • conclude agreements with external specialists;
  • conduct training for full-time specialists.

Generally, the future of business depends on the professionalism of specialists.

Competition, customers

For the organization of points of sale, the most important thing is the customers and the competition in this place. A business plan for opening a beauty salon should include an analysis of these two interrelated components.

We have already given the orientation of certain types of beauty salons to a specific target audience.

In terms of competition, the average for the country can see this picture. Recently, quite a few opened ultra-small points of beauty salons. Which is understandable: to open a small point does not require large expenditures. Small points do not bring any significant profits, they rather give work to the owner himself, since the owners themselves mainly work in these salons. The highest segment is densely occupied, there is fierce competition for a few customers. In the middle segment, things are not so good. Salons of this class appear, but they are clearly not enough. Perhaps this is because their owners want to quickly transform their salon into a top-class salon, which in most cases ends with additional costs and higher prices for services.

To study the competitive environment and the clientele, it is advisable to independently go to the nearest beauty salons, study offers and observe the structure of visitors.


An important component of a beauty salon is marketing. For small outlets, local advertising and a little study with regular customers are sufficient. The business plan of any beauty salon of the middle class and above must have a well-thought-out marketing policy, if it is not going to, for example, rely completely on the will of the case.

Marketing should include:

  • agreed advertising plan;
  • customer service plan;
  • a plan to expand the services provided and market them;
  • an idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of the sphere and its concrete implementation at the enterprise;
  • analysis of competitors and development of strategies for working with them.

Beauty Salon Costing Sample

Here is a small sample of the costing of a beauty salon. We will not consider a large enterprise. For example, just look at the costing of a small institution. Beauty salon for 3 masters. There will be no additional staff. All work is carried out independently. The room is 40 square meters. Basic set of services.


The average revenue per client is 200 - 400 rubles. With the passage of 20 - 30 people a day we get - 4 - 12 thousand rubles per day. In a month on average it will turn out - 120 - 300 thousand rubles.

Profit is: 20 - 50 thousand rubles per month.

The payback period of the project will be approximately 1.5 to 3 years.

The exit to self-sufficiency in this business is quite fast - 2-3 months. Provided there are no miscalculations in planning.


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