McDonalds on the barricade near the zoo Map

Hello everybody!

Cafe "Mu-Mu" worthy to be displayed on the aoshomenada map. Now in Moscow 39 cafes from this network, you can choose to your neighbor and visit it if such an opportunity is provided. I was in the cafe "mu-mu" twice with children and mom's husband, when in April we visited Moscow and lived next to the metro barricade. This cafe advised us as inexpensive and clean.

Name - "Mu Mu"

Address - ul. Barricade, d. 21/34, p. 3.

Opening hours

Daily from 9:00 to 23:00

Evening Sale Food

Weekdays from 22:30 to 23:00, daily


At the entrance there is a large plastic cow, so go past and not to notice this cafe is not possible.

Entering the cafe we \u200b\u200bsee the iron staircase, it is necessary to climb to the second floor, because Incenly there is a sale of food and a ticket office. This is the main inconvenience of the cafe. Everyone stands in a coat, buy food, then together with her go down, there are already undress and eat. Of course, if you are a few people, then someone can sit down, with clothes. We did and did. The children were sitting down with a stroller and clothing, and we quickly bought food. True, then it was terrible to go down the trays of food - the staircase is cool.

There is a rack where dishes on the grill are preparing, the rest of the dishes are served separately, the sale of confectionery products is served.

Food is served as in the dining room - lies in different trays, along the line on which trays go.

Different handbags and drinks. There are tea, coffee, compote, juice, water.

Suggers are served in pots with covers, so they do not quickly cool.

Bakery, too, are widely represented. We took bread, another time small baguetics.

The dishes are not disposable, everything is quite clean and stable. This is important, because Let me remind you that you will have to descend from the second floor to the first.

All the food was decent quality, it was possible to feed the child and an elderly person. Most I liked my home Vinaigrette. Not all cafes are made.

Business lunch

Every day of the week is offered a different business lunch, which includes salad, soup, second and compote with bread. Also, you can take the whole meal separately. I will show one such a set on our tray.


Only 3 cash regions on such a large cafe, the queue is worth a kilometer long. At the checkout everything is quickly considered, you can pay for a card or cash.

Each business Lunch is given candy "Cow"


Small, tiny cabins. To plant daughter was able to only with the open door of the booth, otherwise we were not placed there. There is a sink, you can wash your hands.

Two rooms - on the first floor and on the second. Zoning has not been done, so very noisy. Narrow passages between the tables, it was nowhere to put a stroller. There were little service personnel, so the tray of the mountain stood next to us, there was no one to remove them.


The order from 850 r will be delivered for free, so that office workers can work all day and do not go anywhere.


Free, good quality.


Stamp, from very close abdomen. In Russian they speak and understand well.

Children's room

Some cafes of this network have children's rooms, but it was not on the barricade. The children were worn around the hall and were provided to themselves.

My impressions

I did not like the fussy atmosphere. The feeling that we are at the station and are all late. People often make each other comments, talk loudly on the phone, somehow it is not pleasant in such an atmosphere to eat. My mother-in-law made a remark that she did not have a tray there. Moreover, the woman approached me and said: "I sympathize that you have such a grandmother" and everything in such a spirit. You know, Mom's husband from a small town, it can be seen with a naked eye and it was possible to be more respectful to a very old man.

The staff issued stickers for every 500 rubles. We did not give up on the first day. On the second day I approached the check and asked our stickers - we were told that we had to give, and now they will not give. It's not nice to such attitude towards tourists, just take and deceive. There was an action that they gave one business lunch for free for 5 stickers, we just could get such a present.

A small toilet and a cool staircase is two minuses for which I shoot the star.

Tourists can also touch this catering, here to eat safely for the stomach. If you want a cozy atmosphere and sit, but chat, then better look for another place.

Thanks for attention!

The entrance to the Moscow Zoo on the Troika map is possible.

The Moscow Zoo is the first zoo in Russia, which opened in 1864. The initiator of its creation was the imperial Russian society of acclimatization of animals and plants, and the zoo was largely kept for donations to the imperial family. The Moscow Zoo was built on the projector of the architect Campion, however, most pavilions appeared later. The work of the Moscow Zoo is to preserve species, research and educational activities.

Now it contains about eight thousand individuals relating to about a thousand hundred world fauna. Animals of the Moscow Zoo are contained in several dozen expositions representing one or another region, a family, a view, etc. For example, in the Australia section, you can admire the EMU and Black Swans, and after looking into the house of the giraffe.

The zoo is a member of the World and European Association of Zoo and Aquariums (WAZA, EAZA), the Eurasian Regional Association of Zoo and Aquariums (Earaza). It participates in many international programs to preserve disappearing animal species, cooperating with environmental organizations around the world. Special excursions are held for children, seminars and lectures.

Animals of the Moscow Zoo

About 8,000 representatives of approximately 1,100 species of fauna from around the world (invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals) live in the Moscow Zoo. Animals are contained in several dozen expositions, which are thematically divided into habitats, families, species.

Pets of the public in the Moscow Zoo - Manuly. This wildcat was even on the zoo emblem until 2014.

Real luck for visitors - to visit the zoo during feeding predators and large animals. The site has access to the feeding of sacking, pelicans, seals and other animals.

Entrance to the Moscow Zoo

You can get on the territory of the zoo through several inputs:

  • Chief (at the metro station "Barricade").
  • Optional: from Landscape Kudrinskaia street, between the pavilion "Terrarium" and the Moscow planetarium, this is the entrance into new territory (daily from 10:00 to 17:00, except on Tuesday).

Two temporary entries are used when for any reason is limited to passage through the main entrance, the rest of the time is closed. Their location:

  • In large Georgian, 10 - entrance to the new territory;
  • Red Presnya, 4 (from the ZOO gallery) - to the old territory.

Prices in the Moscow Zoo in 2019

An ordinary ticket for an adult is 500 rubles, after 17 hours - 600 rubles.

The price of a ticket to the Moscow Zoo does not include (the entry is paid separately):

  • Exotarium - 150 rubles;
  • Exhibition "Amazing World Reptile" - 250 rubles.

Other Additional Services: Riding Riding - 300 rubles, Skiing in the crew - 300 rubles.

Moscow Zoo for free

Benefits in the Moscow Zoo (Free Login):

  • Children under 17 years old;
  • Full-time students of learning;
  • Soldiers-conscripts and cadets of military. schools;
  • Pensioners;
  • Disabled;
  • Participants of hostilities;
  • Chernobyl accidents;
  • Large parents.

Discounts in the Moscow Zoo

  • Temporary promotions - a discount of up to 50% (in the news of the zoo and on the sites of partners);
  • Special festive shares - for free in the Moscow Zoo on registration (on the official website).

Excursions in the Moscow Zoo

The cost of excursion in the Moscow Zoo (for groups up to 15 people) - from 2500 rubles.

Visitors are offered general overview and various thematic walks (according to individual pavilions). The most relevant excursions in the evening and on weekends. You need to record in advance.

Entrance from Garden-Kudrinskaya

Buy a ticket to Moscow Zoo

There are two main ways to purchase tickets to the Moscow Zoo: at the box office at the entrances or online, on the official website.

You can also go to the zoo on the Troika map.

Please note: to issue an electronic ticket for the current day is impossible, only from the next day from the date of purchase.

Mode of operation of the Moscow Zoo

Opening hours of the Moscow Zoo: Daily from 7:30 to 22:00.

The Moscow Zoo Cashier at the main entrance and the Cashier of the Children's Zoo closes an hour before the closure of the zoo itself.

Moscow Zoo Winter

As with the rest of the year, the Moscow Zoo works in everyday life, including visitors on December 31 and January 1. Nevertheless, the duration of the working day on holidays may differ, before a visit you need to specify.

How to get to Moscow Zoo

The oldest zoo in Moscow is located near the Garden Ring, and get to it is very convenient to the subway, but you can also use ground transportation - take the bus or trolley.

Metro to Moscow Zoo

The easiest for guests of the city way to get to the Moscow Zoo - Metro.

The central entrance to the zoo is located at once two stations of the Moscow Metro - "Krasnopresnenskaya" (ring line) and "barricade" (Tagan-Krasnopresnenskaya line).

How to get to Moscow Zoo Ground Transport

Stops at the central entrance - this is the Metro "Krasnopresnenskaya" (buses No. M6, T79, 39, 64, 69, 116, 850, 869, Trolleybus No. 66) and "Barricade Metro" (Bus No. 116, Trolleybus No. 66 ).

A stop in front of the entrance to the Garden-Kudrinskaya called "Small Nikitskaya Street", the necessary flights of buses are following: B, T10, T39, 869.

Pony Club of the Moscow Zoo

Children's "Pony Club" with a stable of the Moscow Zoo opened in 1996. This is the only pony-club of a sports and theatrical direction in Russia. Today there are 120 children aged 7 to 14 years old. For 15 years of work in the pony club, more than 1,500 young athletes took free training. Since 2000, athletes Moscow pony club regularly become prize-winners of the competition pony clubs, holding the title of champions of Russia for all types of equestrian sports, including driving.

Pupils pony club Moscow Zoo act in theatrical performances in the Palace of sports "Olympic", the international exhibition "Equiros" in Sokolniki, the international equestrian club "Pradar" exhibitions "Lenexpo" on international Ahalteke rallies at the Central Moscow Hippodrome.

Exotarium of the Moscow Zoo

The Pavilion "Exotarium" of the Moscow Zoo takes 2 and 3rd floor of the Pavilion "Beast Island", which is located in the new territory. In the twilight "Exotarium" before your eyes appear brightly illuminated aquariums, where the world of coral reef is recreated. In the "exotarium" of the Moscow Zoo, there are about 100 species of reef fish of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans.

In the large rhyphic aquarium "Exotarium" presents a variety of intestinal Indo-Malay archipelago. Originally they were introduced into the tank in the form of single small specimens, but today, constantly multiplying, coelenterates plastered all aquarium decorations. Together with corals and actions, the aquarium contains thidakas and a variety of reef fish, of which the anemone fish and pseudaniatias should be noted.

Open lecture

Lectures for children and adults are lectured in the Moscow Zoo.

Twice a month on Thursdays at 19:30 adult lectures are read by scientists, environmentalists and popularizers of science. Login is free, pre-recording is required. The schedule is updated, it can be clarified on the site.

Children's lectures goes on Saturdays at 12:00 and 14:00. Zoologists, oceanologists, environmentalists and other scientists are talking about an unlimited and amazing world. Most lectures take place with the demonstration of animals and are designed for children from 6 to 12 years. Cost and schedule.

    Is it possible to park nearby with the zoo at the weekend? On the terrii zoo is where to eat? Thank you. And someone about the parking lot about the zoo. Please tell me if there is a parking zoo, if not where you left the car. Parking is, but often scored.

    Muscovites about the zoo. Is it possible to park nearby with the zoo at the weekend? On the terrii zoo is where to eat? Thank you. And about the zoo. Please tell me if there is a parking zoo, if not where you left the car. Parking is, but often scored.

    In restaurants, eat often, almost all weekends, because either in time it comes out (the children play tennis, just around the lunchtime, and eat there, in the club), or somewhere we go to the children - in the zoo - Hike in the city, etc. It's easier to eat in the city than to come back ...

    And chocolate fountains, in which they dip the strawberries on a stick - it is also very tasty. Disneyland in Paris, Zoo, Oceanarium: Review 2016. Regarding the eating - I support the Council regarding Leon de Brussels - there are many of them in the city, on the site they can ...

    about the zoo. Please tell me if there is a parking zoo, if not where you left the car. Is it possible to park nearby with the zoo at the weekend? On the terrii zoo is where to eat? Thank you. Does anyone tell me about parking? Really there ...

    Where in Kostroma is delicious and inexpensive to eat what to see. On the day off, the road took about five hours. Stayed at the hotel "Troy" on the second floor there is a collection of insects, and on the third floor there is a contact zoo - children are delighted with visits!

    A tasty picnic was arranged for the noise of the surf, and Nastya watched with great pleasure, Lokia on the tourist on the 4th floor of the shopping center "Afimoll City" was opened with a contact zoo "Poster Raccoon". Tel. 89265281998 It is necessary to call at a certain time, like about 14 hours.

    Is it possible to park nearby with the zoo at the weekend? On the terrii zoo is where to eat? Thank you. About the zoo. Please tell me if there is a parking zoo, if not where you left the car. Parking is, but often scored.

    Well, where to eat tasty-Budget, too, in gratitude to take advice. In Berlin, a layout with mini railway saw (LOXX)? Near the Zoo Hotel Berlin Palace (in my opinion) 5 stars with a spa complex, very cool plus felt very tasty, cheap :) But no kitchen ...

    About the Christmas tree-sticks such review already heard, really Near the Zoo more, nothing appetizing / cheap / for_tyshek? Or near the Belarusian station?, we are limited in time, there is no opportunity to walk for a long time, but you want to eat delicious before long dear


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