What is copywriting and rewriting? Review of exchanges for writing jobs. Rewriting - what is it? Rewriting for beginners Rewriting groups

Rewrite- this is when they take one text and rewrite it again, but in different words. The more the sentence structures and the order of expression of thoughts differ from the original version of the text, the better the quality of the rewrite will be considered. But at the same time, the copywriter who writes the rewrite does not have the right to express his opinion or deliberately make changes to the basic data (dates, names, titles, statistical data, etc.)

Rewriting example (how to do rewriting)

Original version:

“The more the sentence structures and the order of expression of thoughts differ from the original version of the text, the better the quality of the rewrite will be considered.”

What happens in the end:

« The quality of the rewrite directly depends on how much the sentence structures in the source text and the text resulting from the rewrite differ.»

Unfortunately, it is impossible to show a truly high-quality version of the rewrite in one sentence. Because when writing a good rewrite, only certain information from the source text is used (events, characteristics, dates, etc.), and the entire main text is written completely from scratch.

Why did you come up with a rewrite of the text?

The thing is that the bulk of traffic to the site comes from search engines, and they, in turn, focus on the text content of your site. So it turns out that you can get a lot of traffic only if you have a large number of publications on the site. Moreover, articles must be unique, otherwise search engines will filter them as plagiarism.

Where to get this unique content, and in large quantities? This is where SEO optimizers came up with the idea of ​​creating “pseudo-unique content.” Why "pseudo-unique"? Because a rewrite is nothing more than a simply rewritten text. Although it sounds different and the words used are different, the content remains the same.

Although for both search engines and visitors, a high-quality rewrite will seem unique and very useful. Accordingly, filtering out rewriting as a second-rate type of content is not entirely correct. But on the other hand, if there were no primary source, then no rewrite of the text would have been published at all. This is why copywriting is valued many times more than rewriting.

Types of rewriting

If you have already come across other articles on the topic of rewriting, then you have probably come across the statement that there are several types of rewriting. But this is a big misconception!

Just a few years ago there was a division of rewriting into “ simple rewrite" And " deep rewrite“, but now all the “simple” and “ordinary” types of rewriting have died out like dinosaurs. They have ceased to be relevant due to improved search engine algorithms. Search bots have learned to distinguish between all sorts of “simple rewriting” tricks, such as replacing endings in words, deliberately introducing popular errors into words, replacing words with synonyms and other nonsense.

Now, in order to create unique content, you need to write either copywriting or “deep rewriting”. This is why I insist that “deep rewriting” become the “default” rewriting and that every time we talk about rewriting, copywriters understand that it means DEEP REPRITTING!

So, what is rewriting (rewriting) you already learned, now let's practice. Try to rewrite a small excerpt of text from this article and publish it in the comments, and I will appreciate your attempts and give you valuable advice.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site. Ruslan Galiulin is in touch. Today we will examine one very important topic for every optimizer and website owner, as well as novice text writers.

If you work on the Internet or are just starting your steps in this direction, then you need to know and understand all the intricacies of the work. You can’t just go and earn a lot of money, but if you start with analysis and delve into the technical aspects, then tomorrow you will be able to receive passive income working from home.

Let's look at the main points and look at the tools we need.

In this article I will try to explain in more detail the difference between rewriting texts and “real” copyright. I will also tell you how to use useful online services for correcting texts.

Rewriting (rewriting) represents a change in the original text at the lexical level, while its original meaning must be preserved without any distortion. In simple terms, the rewriting process is very similar to writing a school report, in which the student writes down what he hears using his own words.

The point of such processing of source text material is to respect copyright. The demand for such a profession as a rewriter has become much higher in the era of mass distribution of computers, mobile phones and gadgets with access to the World Wide Web.

But if you are thinking of filling your site with only rewritten texts from other sites or ordering them on the cheap to save on promotion, then I will disappoint you with terrible consequences. Non-unique or similar content in structure will have a 90% negative impact on the website’s promotion to the TOP.

How and where you can start working as a rewriter – TOP 8 exchanges

For my blog and my clients’ sites, I always order large volumes of articles on various exchanges, but not all of them have the quality that I would like to receive. Only after testing and analyzing ready-made tasks can one draw a certain conclusion and make the right decision.

ADVICE: Do not chase low prices at the expense of the quality of articles. Good articles can give traffic and effect 10 times more than 4-6 cheap and low-quality articles. Follow not the volume of published articles, but their quality.

No. 1. Advego

This exchange is one of the largest and most popular in the Russian-language Internet space. The resource began its work 10 years ago, so it owns the laurels of a kind of pioneer pioneer. Today the exchange has more than 350,000 freelancers and several tens of thousands of customers. Prices for work here vary greatly depending on the experience and abilities of the performers, and start from $0.5 per thousand characters.

The “trick” of Advego that distinguishes the resource from others is the huge number of orders related not only to rewriting and advertising, but also to posting, viral marketing, comments on social networks and the development of unique slogans. The exchange commission is 10%, but those who have just registered will have to wait about two weeks for the first withdrawal.

No. 2. Text.ru

The exchange has its own uniqueness verification service, which today is one of the most popular among customers and authors. Here you can both apply for orders and put up your own texts for sale. Text.ru uses an intricate step-by-step system, according to which each of the performers and customers has certain “authorities.” Thus, a newly registered neophyte receives the title of “Student” and access to the cheapest orders with a minimum payment and number of requirements.

The commission on the exchange ranges from 10 to 7% depending on the user’s status.

No. 3. Textsale

The specificity of this resource is that it mainly offers ready-made content. The number of orders here is lower than on other exchanges, but those who prefer to write their own texts will definitely like textsale.ru. Price level is average. After registration, a beginner must deposit 300 rubles in order to gain access to orders or gain the necessary rating by selling his texts. You cannot set a price for one article below the mark of 20 rubles.

No. 4. Etxt

One of the largest thematic exchanges on the RuNet, where you can both post ready-made texts for sale and submit applications for fulfilling orders. Despite not the highest prices for content, beginners will be able to start working immediately after completing registration. Every day a huge number of orders appear here in a wide price range from 5 to 150 rubles per thousand characters without spaces.

The etxt commission is 5% from both the customer and the contractor. Withdrawal of funds is possible only if there is an amount of 250 Russian rubles or more in the account.

No. 5. Content Monster

The peculiarity of this resource is the rather strict selection that everyone who wants to work in this niche is subjected to. Competition among performers here is relatively low, since registration requires passing a two-stage test for knowledge of the Russian language, and for poorly performed or overdue work, the account is blocked for a period of 7 days.

Prices for work depend on the level of skill (there are five in total). Rewrite text on average it costs from 45 to 65 rubles per thousand characters. If the author can actively and quickly prepare good text, then per day. In this case, the exchange charges the performer a commission of 20 percent of all funds earned.

No. 6. Copy Lancer

The policy of this resource is that quite high demands are placed on all authors. Rewriters with insufficient ratings or poor reputation are blocked automatically. For communication between the customer and the contractor, there is a convenient built-in messenger like the popular Skype.

Payment for 1000 characters averages 45-60 rubles, and to gain access to all published orders you need to pass a test or write five articles with a total volume of more than 3000 characters. Newbies are charged a small commission (about 10 rubles) for checking texts.

No. 7. Turbotext

The exchange has been operating for about seven years, and today more than 100,000 authors are registered here. The peculiarity of this resource is its unusual system for calculating the artist’s rating, which is made up of ratings left by customers. There are no usual tenders here, and the order for the work is received by the contractor who manages to be the first to press the appropriate button.

The average cost of rewriting on the exchange is 25-40 rubles, but can reach up to 180 rubles per thousand characters. The performer is charged a commission of 20%.

No. 8. Textovik

It is one of the youngest exchanges on the Russian Internet, which is distinguished by its minimalist design and has its own high-quality service that checks uniqueness. The Textovik resource features a store of articles and a feed with orders. You can withdraw earned funds exclusively to your wallet, registered in the WebMoney payment system.

How to distinguish rewriting from copywriting + example

Copywriting is the development and creation of original texts that have a unique structure with consistent and detailed content. What is rewriting? This process involves rewriting existing articles. That is, the structure of the text remains virtually identical, the author only changes the names of the headings and subheadings, and retells the essence stated in the paragraphs in his own words. Rewriting a text takes less time, but it pays 1.5-3 times less than copywriting. Usually, the assignment already has attached text that needs to be rewritten.

If the performer must independently find several sources for writing an article, come up with a title or add new subtitles, the work is rated higher. At the same time, it is quite difficult to find a clear line separating rewriting from copywriting. Therefore, many customers take advantage of the lack of knowledge of beginners, “slipping” them quite complex tasks with a large number of keywords and passing off such tasks as rewriting. A distinctive feature of high-quality copywriting from rewriting can be called the presence of a traceable author’s style, logical structure of the text and a certain novelty in the approach.

It will not be easy to find examples for beginners of the difference between copyright and rewriting within the framework of this review, but in most cases the difference is visible to the naked eye. Text that has been “run” through a synonymizer with subsequent attempts at “humanization” most often looks completely unreadable and clumsy. Such an article, as a rule, is difficult to read and does not arouse any interest among visitors to the resource where it was posted.

Online text rewriting – TOP 5 programs for work

Many authors use various programs in their work that can significantly simplify their work and increase productivity. There are both full-fledged applications that require installation on a computer and a license fee, as well as services that offer online text rewriting.

Watch a video on working with one of the programs:

The main function of such software is to replace words in the text with synonyms borrowed from various dictionaries. The quality of the text run through most synonymizers will be comparable to the English-Russian translation obtained using the Google-translate online service, or even an order of magnitude worse. The most popular services among authors are the following:

  • SeoGenerator. It can work both online and without a network connection. It selects synonyms quite well, and you can use the application absolutely free.
  • Bipod is a multifunctional rewriting program with a built-in synonymizer, translator and simple interface. One of the disadvantages of the application is a number of restrictions, subject to free use.
  • ReWrite not only looks for synonyms, but also shows how much time was spent creating a particular article. The paid version boasts advanced functionality.
  • Online Correction is a handy tool designed to help you correct syntax, grammatical and lexical errors.

There are other examples of successful thematic solutions in terms of software that makes work easier.

The “Rewriting Program” deserves special attention, with which you can count the number of keywords in an article, select synonyms and export the document to Word format. The free version of the application has a sufficient number of functions that can satisfy the needs of both beginners and experienced authors.

How to start working as a rewriter? Those who are taking their first steps in such a business should first master the keyboard and the touch typing method. You can easily find a lot of specialized programs and simulators on the Internet.

Checking and correcting spelling and punctuation errors Before finishing work on the text, it distracts from the main task. It is best to make all edits after finishing work on the article, using both the built-in tools of Microsoft Word and various online services. It is important to use multiple sources and always double-check questionable information, especially when it relates to medical and health-related issues.

In order not to remain a rewriter passing off his work as copyright, it is worth changing not only the names of headings and subheadings, but also making adjustments to the structure of the text itself. When work on the article is completely finished, errors have been corrected, and the text has been brought to the required uniqueness, you must read the text (you can read it out loud), which will allow you to identify any shortcomings and weaknesses that have escaped attention.

All the best, Ruslan Galiulin.

Of all the types of creating unique text for the Internet, rewriting is considered the simplest, although it requires certain skills.

What is text rewriting and who needs it?

Rewriting is someone else's material rewritten in different words. Why does the customer need this? Rewriting is a great way to create an article based on a quality article already published on the Web. Rewriting is also a good opportunity to make the text easier to read and understand.

The process of transforming the source is called rewriting, and the result of the work is called rewriting. A rewriter is a person who rewrites unique texts written by others, resulting in a text that is similar in content, but written differently.

What is the difference between rewriting and copywriting? What is “deep rewriting”?

Rewriting, unlike, is writing a new unique text based on a ready-made article. Depending on the depth of rewriting, the new article may have varying degrees of similarity to the original sample. Very often, the customer himself provides the article for rewriting, which simplifies the matter even more.

The customer may require a deep rewrite of a specific text. What does this mean? A deep rewrite of an article does not consist in simply replacing words with synonyms, but in completely rewriting it in your own words, replacing semantic blocks, changing the style of presentation and completely rephrasing sentences.

Ways and techniques of writing a rewrite article

An experienced and competent rewriter always works with several texts. Agree that an article made up of three or four texts will be much more informative and, importantly, unique.

Don't be fooled by the apparent simplicity of rewriting - to be successful, a rewriter needs a rich vocabulary.

The rewriting technique uses three main techniques:

1. Shallow rewriting of the text, or replacing words with synonyms. Sometimes such rewriting is called synonymization. Synonymization is a method based on the selection of synonyms for the majority of words in the sentences of the source text. Of all types of rewriting, such texts are the most inexpensive.

2. Replacement of the sequence of words, sentences and paragraphs themselves. This is real rewriting, allowing you to create truly interesting and unique articles based on the source text.

3. Paraphrasing the text while maintaining the main idea of ​​the article. In this case, we use the “exposition” technique, that is, we carefully study the source text, and then retell it in our own words, adding or discarding unnecessary things.

Separately, I would like to say about such a nuance as rewriting direct speech in the article. How to rewrite a text that contains a piece of an interview or a quote, because with a direct presentation, the uniqueness will immediately go to zero? In this case, direct speech is transformed into indirect speech, resulting in a unique new article.

Rewriting as a way to make money for a beginning copywriter

Beginning copywriters often think that rewriting is very easy, literally a matter of ten minutes. But this is a mistaken opinion. Deep rewriting is a thorough, painstaking work that takes as much, or even more, time than writing unique original texts.

In the process of writing a text, it is important to follow the basic rule: your own conjectures and distortions of facts are unacceptable in the rewrite! You can safely take on an order on your own topic. If the text discusses issues about which you do not understand anything, then it is better to refuse such an order.

The good thing about being a rewriter is that we learn something exciting and new every day. Rewriting is a great way to expand your horizons and absorb new information. The disadvantages of rewriting include the fact that the payment for rewriting is usually much lower than for copyright (author's articles).

For new freelancers, rewriting is not only a great way to earn money, but also an excellent exercise, by doing which you can learn to isolate the main points from the text and play with words. If a copywriter professionally rewrites an article, then copywriting will not be a difficult task for him.

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine for aspiring entrepreneurs “HeatherBober.ru”! With you is the permanent author of the project - Denis Kuderin, a professional copywriter and journalist.

Today we will continue to study modern web technologies and talk about rewriting.

The knowledge gained will help novice online authors master a new profession and acquire promising knowledge and skills.

1. What is rewriting - definition and main types

The definition of rewriting is as follows:

Rewriting- this is a lexical change in original texts with full preservation of the original meaning. To put it simply, rewriting is rewriting. This is exactly how the word “rewriting” is translated from English.

At school, each of us wrote a statement - wrote down what we heard in our own words. Rewriting is practically the same activity with the difference that the original text is always in front of your eyes and you cannot reproduce it word for word.

Specialists in transforming original content into rewriting are called rewriters. This is a fairly popular and widespread modern profession, available to students, teachers and all those who know how to work competently with text.

Rewriting has several goals:

  • creating unique SEO text for its promotion in search engines;
  • dissemination of news information from the original source (under copyright law, altered and creatively reworked original content is not plagiarism);
  • processing for commercial sites;
  • transforming bulky and difficult-to-read texts into more readable and “human” ones.

There are two main types of rewriting - surface(sometimes called " synonymizing") And deep.

Synonymizing is when a rewriter simply changes words in sentences to ones that are similar or identical in meaning.

Deep rewriting () involves a more detailed reworking of the source code, changing the structure and sometimes even the general direction of the article.

2. How is rewriting different from copywriting?

The fundamental difference between the two above-mentioned activities is the originality of the final product. When rewriting a finished source code, the author only modifies the text in accordance with the requirements of uniqueness programs, leaving its original meaning.

How much you can earn from rewriting is a controversial question. Tariffs for rewriting are lower than for professional copywriting, but different exchanges offer their own prices. True, the qualification requirements for authors on different content exchanges have some differences.

For clarity, I have compiled a table of prices for rewriting, which will be useful for all new rewriters to study:

Exchange name Requirements for beginning rewriters Average price in rubles per 1000 characters (for beginners)
1 Etxt NoneFrom 10
2 Textsale NoneFrom 20
3 Advego No (but there is a lot of competition due to the large number of authors)20-40
4 Work-Zilla You must pass a spelling test and your ability to use the Internet.40 and above
5 ContetntMonster All applicants for the position pass a rather complex text on knowledge of the Russian languageFrom 30 to 50

Exchanges that are strict about the literacy and competence of authors pay more, but in any case, the prices for rewriting (as opposed to copywriting) have their own limits, which are unlikely to satisfy ambitious writers counting on professional status.

What I mean is that it’s not worth staying at the rewriter level for a long time - you need to improve your skills and do more complex and highly paid work.

4. Remote work as a rewriter at home - TOP 5 tips for beginners from a professional

Becoming a rewriter is quite simple - you need 4 qualities:

  • perseverance;
  • hard work;
  • attentiveness;
  • patience.

It is also desirable to be able to type text quickly. This, by the way, is a required skill for all professional authors: the faster you type, the higher your earnings (at least at the initial stage of your career).

I want to give beginners some tips that will help them avoid common mistakes and increase their earnings.

Tip 1. Take rewriting seriously

Rewriting– this is a thorough, thoughtful and painstaking work that requires attention and time.

  • competent written and oral speech;
  • the ability to quickly select synonyms for words;
  • the ability to express the same idea in different words;
  • the ability to break a complex sentence into several simple ones and combine simple sentences into complex phrases.

Your own conjectures, extraneous facts and comments are unacceptable in the article. It is advisable that the author understands (at least superficially) the topic of the article that he is unique.

Literacy is the politeness of the rewriter. We are talking not only about impeccable spelling and punctuation, but also about the logical construction of phrases.

For example, the phrase “financial control” is unacceptable for a professional author, although an automatic editor on stock exchanges will miss it. Correctly write “financial control”, the preposition “for” is a sign of colloquial, common speech.

Tip 3. Use professional tools

If it is difficult to search for synonyms on your own, you can use programs specially designed for this purpose.

On the website http://synonymonline.ru, in addition to a quick selection of synonyms, there is also a dictionary of antonyms, paronyms and a morphemic dictionary.

If you don’t know what this is, find out now: a professional writer is entitled to such knowledge by status.

For example, a huge number of people do not know the difference between the concepts of “company” and “campaign”, or rather, consider the second word to be an erroneous spelling of the first. Some even manage to spell the word “agency” without the “t.”

Personally, I have encountered similar lexical and spelling flaws even among quite respected Runet copywriters, after which my attitude towards them changed slightly.

Tip 4. Constantly improve your skills

Don’t stand still: having achieved perfection in rewriting, move on. Take up copywriting - creating original content.

The skills of transforming source content into a unique but unchanged text is an investment that will constantly pay dividends.

Tip 5. Work correctly with technical and official texts

Uniqueness of technical texts is the most difficult type of rewriting. Usually such work pays the maximum. Personally, I advise you to take such texts for work only if you have at least a little understanding of the topic of the article.

An even more difficult task is to rewrite texts on legal topics that cite laws of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, articles of technical regulations or the Criminal Code. It is necessary to agree in advance with the customer that such parts of the article will not be checked by programs for uniqueness in the general manner.

5. Conclusion

Dear readers, let’s sum it up! Rewriting is a completely accessible, moderately profitable and in-demand activity for making money online.

High school students, students and philologists can engage in rewriting. Also, rewriting existing texts is. This type of activity is quite suitable for anyone who loves creativity and working with text.

In turn, I wish beginning rewriters success in their work and the speedy achievement of maximum earnings levels!

Rewriting is rewriting a text in your own words, that is, an ordinary retelling of any information, only in written form. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to rewrite texts, because checking the uniqueness is becoming more complicated and simple synonyms are no longer enough.

Rewriting - how to start earning money even for a schoolchild?

A few years ago everything was simpler and better. The competition is tougher than in copyright. Schoolchildren, young mothers and even pensioners are flocking to this area. Making money by rewriting has become popular all over the world. But it’s still worth answering the question in more detail: “What is rewriting?”

What is text rewriting - stages of creation

How can a beginner learn rewriting?

Read any literature every day, for example, detective stories by Agatha Christie.

Keep a personal diary that you fill out every day.

In the evening, retell your whole day.

Write articles for your portfolio.

Treat criticism adequately, there is no need to immediately write bad words about the customer, it is better to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Types of rewriting

  • From one source, that is, from one text to make a completely different one. Payment is 15-20 rubles per 1000 characters. Time for rework: 1000 characters - 7-10 minutes (depending on typing speed and your literacy).
  • From many sources. Looks like copyright. Payment is 30-50 rubles per 1000 characters.
  • Rewriting with elements of copywriting. If you see such an order with a price of, for example, 20 rubles or 30, then do not take it, because this type simply does not exist. This is deception and infringement of the rights of writers.
  • SEO rewriting. In the retelling you add key words that you take from Wordstat (or receive from the customer). There are many training courses about this, where everything is explained in detail.

Requirements for a rewriter

Every rewriter must know that the main level of quality of his articles is uniqueness and literacy. The higher they are, the higher you will set the price for the article. It’s better to immediately start writing text from several sources, because some of them (the best) can be safely posted in the form of copywriting.

Rewriting is easier to write, but its price is low. Competition will most likely not allow you to develop normally at first, but if you show hard work and diligence, regular customers will soon appear.

If you want your portfolio to be read by as many wealthy website owners as possible, then actively participate in the exchange forum: write comments, ask questions or answer them.

The best rewriting exchanges - which one to choose?

The most popular content exchanges:

For beginners, the first two are most suitable. There they can fill out their portfolio and post articles for free sale. Many experienced writers still remain to work there.

The last two are already for professionals, because they are strict about the literacy of the article and its uniqueness. If your text is not accepted by the moderators, then you urgently need to correct all errors and re-upload it.

If you can’t cope with the rules of the Russian language, then use the service: spelling guide. RU. It is also necessary to communicate more with fellow writers who can give valuable advice. For example, etxt has a wonderful chat for performers, where any of your questions will be answered quickly and every detail will be explained.

But remember that in any communication you need to follow the primitive rules of etiquette; this contributes to a positive attitude towards you from other users.

How much can you earn from rewriting?

The main thing to know is that you can make money by rewriting! This is not a deception or a scam. If somehow the customer was able to deceive you, then write to the exchange administration about violating the rules of the system. They will respond as quickly as possible.

You can earn decent amounts from rewriting: for example, you write 10 articles a day for 30-50 rubles each (price for a beginner), it comes out to 300-500 rubles.

In a couple of weeks, your rating will increase, and you will be able to write rewriting for 40-80 rubles per article, that is, 400-800 rubles per day. We take 20 working days per month, which turns out to be 8,000-16,000 rubles. It's not very much. But for a rewriter with little experience it’s quite decent!

After working in the rewriting industry for some time, you should start studying copywriting and SEO, take a couple of electronic courses, and try to sell a couple of articles with keywords. If the feedback is positive, then post examples of your work in a portfolio that will represent you as a professional in your field. Go ahead and have no regrets!


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