Electronic cartographic basis. Requirements for the procedure for maintaining and using a unified electronic cartographic basis - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Cartographic basis of the Moscow region

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated March 25, 2016 No. 231/9 “On approval of the Regulations on the state information system for supporting urban planning activities of the Moscow Region”, in order to ensure effective management of the development of the territory of the Moscow Region, solving the problems of territorial planning and urban zoning, the Government of the Moscow Region decides:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for the creation and maintenance of the Unified Electronic Cartographic Basis of the Moscow Region.

2. The unified electronic cartographic basis of the Moscow region is a subsystem of the state information system for supporting urban planning activities of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as the Subsystem).

3. The owner of the state information resources contained in the Subsystem is the Moscow Region.

4. The operator of the Subsystem is the state budgetary institution of the Moscow region "Trust for Geological, Geodetic and Cartographic Works "Mosoblgeotrest".

5. To the Main Directorate of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region:

exercise on behalf of the Moscow Region the powers of the owner of state information resources contained in the Subsystem;

approve the regulations for maintaining and providing information on the Unified Electronic Cartographic Basis of the Moscow Region by December 31, 2016.

6. Grant the right to the operator of the Subsystem to enter into agreements on information interaction with suppliers of information to be placed in the Subsystem.

7. The Main Directorate for Information Policy of the Moscow Region shall ensure the official publication of this resolution in the newspaper "Daily News. Moscow Region" and placement (publication) on the website of the Government of the Moscow Region in the Internet portal of the Government of the Moscow Region.

8. This resolution comes into force the next day after its official publication.

9. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region G.V. Elyanyushkin.

Governor of the Moscow Region

A.Yu. Vorobiev


Government resolution

Moscow region




1. General Provisions

1.1. The procedure for creating and maintaining the Unified Electronic Cartographic Basis of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) determines the composition of the information of the Unified Electronic Cartographic Basis of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the EEKO), the procedure for creating and maintaining the EEKO, the receipt of information in the EEKO and the provision of information contained in the EEKO, the composition of participants information interaction and their powers.

1.2. EEKO is the only official cartographic basis for collecting, processing and displaying spatial data of the Moscow region.

1.3. EEKO is created and maintained in electronic form and is a subsystem of the state information system for supporting urban planning activities in the Moscow region.

1.4. Users of EECO information are federal executive authorities, central executive authorities of the Moscow region, government agencies and local governments of the Moscow region.

1.5. Users of EEKO information specified in clause 1.4 of this Procedure are provided with information free of charge.

2. Composition of information of the Unified Electronic Cartographic

basics of the Moscow region

2.1. The EECO information contains:

  1. information on the territories of settlements:
    • photographic maps (orthophotomaps) scale 1:2000;
    • digital topographic plans, scale 1:2000;
    • digital topographic plans at scale 1:10000 and scale 1:25000;
  1. 2) information on territories outside the boundaries of settlements:
    • photographic plans (orthophotomaps) of scale 1:10000 and scale 1:25000;
    • digital topographic plans 1:10000 and scale 1:25000.

2.2. For territories within the boundaries of populated areas, it is allowed to use materials at a scale of 1:2000, prepared on the basis of an as-built survey at a scale of 1:500, as part of the EECO information.

2.3. In the absence of digital topographic plans and photographic plans (orthophotomaps) for the territory outside the boundaries of populated areas, it is allowed to convert digital topographic plans of other scales to a scale of 1:10000 and include the converted materials in the EECO information on a scale of 1:10000.

2.4. Materials included in EECO:

  1. contain information permitted for open publication;
  2. contain information about the following objects:
    • hydrography and hydraulic structures;
    • settlements, residential facilities, street and road networks;
    • industrial, agricultural and socio-cultural facilities;
    • road network and road structures;
    • vegetation cover and soils (trees, shrubs, herbaceous vegetation, arable land, swamps, other lands);
    • names of geographical objects.

3. Formation and maintenance of EECO

3.1. The organization of work on the creation and maintenance of EEKO is carried out by the EEKO operator.

3.2. To form and maintain the EECO, materials prepared by the EECO operator are used in accordance with the Regulations for maintaining and providing information to the EECO and received from information suppliers to the EECO for the Moscow region.

3.3. The EEKO operator processes received materials in accordance with the EECO Regulations for maintaining and providing information.

3.4. Spatial data included in the EECO are maintained in the local coordinate system MSK-50.

3.5. The EEKO operator continuously updates EEKO materials in accordance with information received from suppliers within a period not exceeding three months from the date of receipt of information from the supplier.

4. Powers of participants in information interaction

4.1. Suppliers of information are federal executive authorities, central executive authorities of the Moscow region, government agencies, local government authorities of the Moscow region and other participants who have information to be placed in EEKO.

4.2. The EEKO operator ensures the functioning and operation of the EEKO, taking into account the information protection requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Moscow Region, collects, processes information for placement in the EEKO, stores it and provides it in accordance with the Regulations for maintaining and providing information on the EEKO.

4.3. The EECO operator has the right:

  1. request from federal executive authorities, central executive authorities of the Moscow Region, state institutions and local governments of the Moscow Region information to be placed in the EEKO;
  2. perform other actions in order to perform the functions of an EECO operator that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Moscow region.

4.4. The EEKO operator is not responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided by information providers.

4.5. Information Provider:

  1. provides information to EEKO and updates it;
  2. complies with the requirements of operational documentation for the use of EECO;
  3. is responsible for the completeness, relevance and reliability of the information provided to EEKO.
    1. lack of information in EEKO within the requested boundaries;
    2. the applicant does not have the right to receive EECO information in accordance with the Regulations for maintaining and providing EECO information.

Registration No. 13396

In accordance with paragraph 5.2.29 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2008 N 437 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 24, Art. 2867, N 46, Art. 5337) , and paragraph 2 of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2008 N 413-r (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 14, Art. 1436) and in order to ensure the unity of the electronic cartographic basis for federal, regional and municipal purposes, regulation of relations during its management and use I order:

Approve the attached Requirements for the composition, structure, procedure for maintaining and using a unified electronic cartographic framework for federal, regional and municipal purposes.


E. Nabiullina

Requirements for composition, structure, order of operation

and the use of a unified electronic cartographic framework for federal, regional and municipal purposes

I. Requirements for composition and structure

unified electronic

cartographic basis

1. A unified electronic cartographic basis (hereinafter - EEKO) for federal, regional, municipal purposes, consisting of layers of digital state topographic maps or plans in vector format or, in their absence, raster geocoded materials from remote sensing of the Earth, as well as metadata, is created in scales 1:2000, 1:5000, 1:10000, 1:25000, 1:50000, 1:100000, 1:200000, 1:500000, 1:1000000.

2. EEKO must meet the following requirements:

b) ensure compatibility of EECO spatial data of different scales.

II. Procedure for maintenance and use

unified electronic

cartographic basis

3. EEKO is a federal state information resource.

4. The EEKO is maintained by the Federal Agency of Geodesy and Cartography using geographic information systems based on the principles of unity of technology and standards for its maintenance throughout the Russian Federation, ensuring public accessibility and updating of the information contained in the EEKO.

5. When maintaining EECO, a summary and stitching of nomenclature sheets of digital state topographic maps should be provided.

6. EEKO is completed with metadata.

7. In order to bring the contents of the EECO into line with the current state of the area, the Federal Agency for Geodesy and Cartography ensures its updating no later than 3 months after updating the relevant state topographic maps.

8. EEKO is subject to placement on a special official website of the Federal Agency for Geodesy and Cartography on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the spatial data portal).

9. The Federal Agency for Geodesy and Cartography ensures that the spatial data portal is publicly accessible and that anyone can view EECO information free of charge using this portal.

10. The Federal Agency of Geodesy and Cartography ensures the provision of EECO information to federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local governments in the form of one or more data files containing information regarding the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipal entity, in the manner specified agreements on information interaction concluded between the Federal Agency of Geodesy and Cartography and the specified state or municipal bodies. For the provision of EECO information, a fee is charged, which includes costs only for services for the selection of materials and data and the production of their copies, as well as for the delivery of these materials and data (copies) in the amount established by order of Roscartography dated August 30, 2007 N 104- pr "On approval of fees for the use of materials and data from the Federal Cartographic and Geodetic Fund" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 9, 2007, registration number 10289).

Rebriy A.V., chief engineer, e-mail: [email protected]

Bildina E.E., head of GIS department, e-mail: [email protected]

State Research and Implementation Center for Geoinformation Systems and Technologies (FSUE "GOSGISTENTR"), Moscow, web: www.ggc.ru

Creation of Common digital Cartographic Base with use of ArcGIS Technology

The Unified Electronic Cartographic Framework (EECO) is a universal information resource containing open spatial data of various scales and designed to solve a wide range of problems.

Rice. 1. Source materials in SXF format.

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2008 No. 467 “On approval of requirements for the composition, structure, procedure for maintaining and using a unified electronic cartographic framework for federal, regional and municipal purposes” defines the following basic requirements for EECO:

  • EECO is created on the basis of state topographic maps of scales 1:2 000, 1:5 000, 1:10 000, 1:25 000, 1:50 000, 1:100 000, 1:200 000, 1:500 000, 1: 1,000,000;
  • EECO is open and accessible;
  • EEKO is a federal state information resource.

As part of the implementation of the federal target program “Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate (2002 – 2008)”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 13, 2005 No. 560, and in accordance with the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 17 2009 No. 1551-r (on approval of the Plan for the transition of federal executive authorities to the provision of public services in electronic form), during 2010 Rosreestr carried out work to create a unified electronic cartographic basis. The work is being carried out by specialists from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "GOSGISTENTR" and LLC "DATA+".

In this work, EEKO is used to compile and publish cadastral maps and is posted on the Internet on the Rosreestr State Services portal in the form of a service that supports the Open Geospatial Consortium Web Map Server Interface (OGC WMS) standard.

Rice. 2. Fragment of the Unified Electronic Cartographic Basis (EECO) scale 1:100000.

The basis for the creation of the EECO are open-use digital topographic maps (DTC OP) contained in the Federal Cartographic and Geodetic Fund (FCGF). To create the EEKO, the following scales of the CT OP in the SXF (Panorama) format were used: 1: 1,000,000; 1:100,000; 1: 50,000; Digital topographical plans of cities M 1:10,000.

In terms of content elements, EECO includes:

  • Settlements and development elements
    • settlements;
    • structure of a settlement (districts, blocks, territorial zones);
    • building;
    • street and road network of settlements;
  • Transport infrastructure
    • car roads;
    • railways;
    • bridges;
  • Landscape
    • vegetation;
    • soils: sands, salt marshes, swamps;
    • relief elements: relief washing, model of the bottom of large reservoirs;
    • hydrography: rivers, seas, lakes, lagoons, reservoirs.

To publish on the Internet and ensure compatibility with popular mapping services (Google, Microsoft Bing Maps, etc.), the cylindrical projection Web Mercator WGS 84 was used in the process of creating EEKO.

Due to the fact that the unit of creation and storage of the CP DP is the nomenclature sheet (NL), specialists of the FSUE "GOSGISTSENTR" carried out the following set of works on the preliminary preparation of data for EECO:

  • unloading NL TsTK OP (together with metadata) in SXF format from the data bank;
  • summary and linking of NL TsTK OP in the GIS environment "PANORAMA".

The stitched NL TsTK OP are converted into ArсGIS formats and designed according to the conventional character set developed by DATA+ LLC.

When combining EEKO with layers of cadastral division on the State Services portal of Rosreestr, the composition of the map, its color palette and symbols are processed to improve the readability of the cartographic image.

Rice. 3. Unified Electronic Cartographic Basis (EECO) on the Rosreestr portal.

The last stage of processing cartographic information is caching. It is produced to optimize the process of providing a cartographic image to the user. Cache elements - fragments of a cartographic image, the so-called tiles - are prepared in advance, which significantly increases the speed of transferring the map to the user over the Internet.

As a result of this work, a cache was created for the territory of more than 30,000 NL TsTK OP, stored in the FKGF. This is perhaps the largest project to process cartographic data for the purpose of publishing it on the Internet. As data is tested and transferred to the technological platform of the State Services portal of Rosreestr, EEKO will appear on the Internet: region by region, city by city. stay tuned!

In the GIS "Panorama" the structure of spatial data displayed in the electronic map window is determined by the digital map classifier. An electronic map classifier is a set of descriptions of vector map layers, types of objects and their symbols, types of semantic characteristics and the values ​​they accept, presented in digital form. Classifiers are created taking into account the theme and scale of the map.

The use of various digital classifiers makes it possible to combine data on various topics located in various data warehouses within a single electronic map window. The "Classifier Editor" task is intended for creating and editing digital classifiers. The task provides management of the composition of layers, objects and attributes, formation of a palette and fonts, creation and editing of the appearance of symbols for 2D and 3D display of spatial data. To visualize spatial data using unified OGC WFS protocols, the classifier is integrated with a spatial data schema in XSD format.

Classifiers and reports on them were created by KB "Panorama", except in cases where other authors are indicated. Reproduction of materials is permitted only with the written permission of the authors. Questions and suggestions regarding information support can be posted on the Forum or sent to panorama@site.

Unified digital cartographic basis

Classifiers of city plans can be used to maintain a unified digital cartographic basis (EEKO) for federal, regional, municipal purposes in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 467 of December 24, 2008 “On approval of the requirements for the composition, structure, procedure for maintaining and using a unified digital cartographic fundamentals of federal, regional and municipal purposes."
The classifier of digital city plans at scales 1:500, 1:1000 includes the layers GEODESY, CADASTRE and BOUND PLAN (technical plan) to ensure the execution of work in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 412 of November 24, 2008 “On approval of the form of the boundary plan and requirements for its preparation, an approximate form of notice of a meeting to agree on the location of the boundaries of land plots.” Classifiers for city plans at scales 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000 were developed by KB "Panorama". The implementation of the specified classifiers for the AutoCAD system is included in the program Converter of large-scale plans to DXF format. The city plan classifier at a scale of 1:10,000 is located in the Navigation maps section.

  • Protocol of changes to documentation on a unified digital cartographic basis >>
  • Protocol of changes to documentation on a unified digital cartographic basis (map500.engl.rsc) >>
Example date Size File
Classifier of digital city plans at scales 1:500, 1:1000 12.09.2019 4.6 Mb
Classifier of digital city plans at a scale of 1:2000 18.11.2019 4.5 Mb
Classifier of digital city plans at a scale of 1:5000 18.11.2019 4.2 Mb
Digital classifiers
Digital classifier of digital city plans at scales 1:500, 1:1000 (map500.rsc) 12.09.2019 184 Kb
Digital classifier of digital city plans at scales 1:500, 1:1000 in English (map500.engl.rsc) 12.11.2019 118 Kb
Digital classifier of digital city plans at a scale of 1:2000 (map2000.rsc) 12.11.2019 180 Kb
Digital classifier of digital city plans at a scale of 1:2000 in English (map2000.engl.rsc) 17.04.2019 187 Kb
Digital classifier of digital city plans at a scale of 1:5000 (map5000.rsc) 12.11.2019 157 Kb

Topographic maps (modernized)

The classifiers are based on the information cartographic support "IKO 2008", approved by the Head of the VTU General Staff of the Russian Federation in 2008 and put into effect on October 24, 2008. The classifiers specify the symbols, names and composition of layers of objects and semantics. To automatically generate signatures in the 100t05gm.rsc classifier based on object semantics, appropriate signatures have been configured. Classifiers can be used for automated generalization of 1:100,000 scale DTCs from original 1:50,000 scale DTCs. Compatible with digital topographic map classifiers.

  • Protocol of changes to documentation on topographic maps (1m05gm.rsc)>>
  • Protocol of changes to documentation on topographic maps (500t05gm.rsc)>>
  • Protocol of changes to documentation on topographic maps (200t05gm.rsc)>>
  • Protocol of changes to documentation on topographic maps (100t05gm.rsc)>>
  • Protocol of changes to documentation on topographic maps (50t05gm.rsc)>>
  • Protocol of changes to documentation on topographic maps (25t05gm.rsc)>>
  • Protocol of changes to documentation on a unified digital cartographic basis (map5000m.rsc) >>
Example date Size File
Classifiers and rules of digital description
Classifier of layers, semantic characteristics, objects of topographic maps at scale 1: 1,000,000 17.10.2019 2.1 Mb
Classifier of layers, semantic characteristics, objects of topographic maps at a scale of 1: 500,000 17.10.2019 2.7 Mb
Classifier of layers, semantic characteristics, objects of topographic maps at a scale of 1: 200,000 06.11.2019 3.3 Mb
Classifier of layers, semantic characteristics, objects of topographic maps at a scale of 1: 100,000 17.10.2019 3.4 Mb
Classifier of layers, semantic characteristics, objects of topographic maps at a scale of 1: 50,000 17.10.2019 3.9 Mb
Classifier of layers, semantic characteristics, objects of topographic maps at a scale of 1: 25,000 17.10.2019 3.7 Mb
01.10.2019 6.5 Mb
Digital classifiers
Digital classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and DTC objects at scale 1: 1,000,000 17.10.2019 82.5 Kb
Digital classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and DTC objects at a scale of 1: 500,000 17.10.2019 112 Kb
Digital classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and DTC objects at a scale of 1: 200,000 06.11.2019 156 Kb
Digital classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and DTC objects at a scale of 1: 100,000 17.10.2019 153 Kb
Digital classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and DTC objects at a scale of 1: 50,000 17.10.2019 173 Kb
Digital classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and DTC objects at a scale of 1: 25,000 17.10.2019 162 Kb
Classifier of layers, semantic characteristics, objects of topographic plans at a scale of 1: 5,000 10.10.2019 504 Kb

Overview geographical maps of the world

Classifiers of digital survey-geographical maps (TSOGK) of scales 1: 1,000,000, 1: 2,500,000, 1: 5,000,000 were created based on the materials of the “Information Cartographic Support”, approved by the Head of the VTU of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces in 2008. In the TsOGK classifiers, conventional signs, names of layers, objects and semantics have been clarified, lists of layer semantics have been clarified, and conventional names of layers, objects and semantics have been introduced, which are used to exchange spatial data in various formats.

Example date Size File
Classifiers and rules of digital description
Classifier of survey-geographical maps 1: 5,000,000 31.10.2019 1.6 Mb
Classifier of survey-geographical maps 1: 2,500,000 31.10.2019 1.6 Mb
Classifier of survey-geographical maps 1: 1,000,000 31.10.2019 1.8Mb
Digital classifiers
Digital classifier of survey maps 1: 5,000,000 31.10.2019 38.2 Kb
Digital classifier of survey maps 1: 2,500,000 16.03.2018 45.2 Kb
Digital classifier of survey maps 1: 1,000,000 31.10.2019 56.3 Kb

Navigation maps

Information support materials for navigation maps were developed by KB "Panorama" by order of Roscartography. Reproduction of materials is permitted only with the written permission of Roscartography. Information support requirements must be observed by all enterprises and organizations creating digital navigation maps and city plans under the Federal Targeted Program "GLONASS".

  • Protocol of changes to documentation on navigation maps and city plans >>
Example date Size File
Classifiers and rules of digital description
Description of the classifier for the preparation of digital large-scale navigation plans (road2000.rsc) 09.10.2019 1.6 Mb
Classifiers of layers, semantic characteristics, objects of digital navigation maps at scales 1: 25,000, 1: 50,000, 1: 100,000 (road25.rsc) 10.10.2019 808 Kb
Classifiers of layers, semantic characteristics, objects of digital navigation plans of cities at a scale of 1: 10,000 (road10.rsc) 09.10.2019 903 Kb
Classifiers of layers, semantic characteristics, objects of digital city plans at a scale of 1: 10,000 (map10000.rsc) 09.10.2019 3.6 Mb
Digital classifiers
Digital classifier of digital large-scale navigation maps (road2000.rsc) 01.10.2019 68.9 Kb
Application XSD Schema conforming to the GML standard specification (road2000.xsd) 12.04.2018 240 Kb
Digital classifier of digital navigation maps and plans (road25.rsc) 21.11.2018 30.7 Kb
Digital classifier of digital navigation maps and plans (road10.rsc) 15.05.2018 30.7 Kb
Digital classifier of digital city plans (map10000.rsc) 18.04.2019 145 Kb

Aeronautical charts

The air navigation classifier is intended for creating electronic documents of aeronautical information (ANI), which are used in the decision-making process when planning the structure of the airspace, for laying and studying the flight route, and engineering and navigation calculations of the flight; conducting visual radar orientation; laying aircraft position lines; determination of flight navigation elements, as well as for preparing for printing graphic documents of aeronautical information - aeronautical maps of all types, collections of aeronautical information and other graphic documents.
The classifier was prepared taking into account the recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): "Manual on Aeronautical Charts", Doc 8697-AN/889/2, Appendix 4 "Aeronautical Charts".
The Classifier additionally includes a description of combined information symbols created using a specialized library of symbols (DFC.iml file), as well as a Morse code cartographic font (Morse.ttf file), the use of which greatly simplifies the design and preparation of graphic API documents for printing .
The classifier and the report on it were created by order of KB "Panorama". Reproduction of materials is permitted only with the written permission of the authors.

  • Protocol of changes to documentation on aeronautical charts>>
Example date Size File
Classifiers and rules of digital description
Description of the classifier for preparing aeronautical documents 27.01.2020 1.6 Mb
Digital classifiers
Digital classifier for the preparation of aeronautical documents (dfc.rsc) 26.02.2019 80.4 Kb
Morse code map font 17.09.2013 82 Kb

Open Source Maps (OpenStreetMap)

The Open Source Map is a free and editable map of the entire world. It allows you to view, edit and collaborate with geographic data about anywhere on Earth. OpenStreetMap, or OSM for short, is a non-profit network mapping project to create, through a community of participating Internet users, a detailed free and free geographic map of the entire world. All data is available for legal copying, editing and commercial use. Classifiers are designed to use the "Technology for importing spatial data from OpenStreetMap"

Example date Size File
Classifiers and rules of digital description
Classifier of open map objects 18.11.2019 2.3 Mb
Classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for displaying information on maps from open sources (Polish format) 18.11.2019 3.1 Mb
Digital classifiers
Digital classifier of an open map at a scale of 1: 100,000 (osm.ru.rsc) 17.04.2019 100 Kb
Digital open map classifier scale 1: 100,000 in English (osm.en.rsc) 18.11.2019 94 Kb
Digital classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for displaying information on maps from open sources (Polish format) 18.11.2019 182 Kb

Territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation - 2017

The terrplan.v4 classifier corresponds to the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated 01/09/2018 No. 10 “On approval of the Requirements for the description and display in territorial planning documents of objects of federal significance, objects of regional significance, objects of local significance and on the recognition of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 7 December 2016 No. 793" (Registered 01/31/2018 No. 49832). The classifier implements a general list of layers, objects and attributive characteristics of objects of territorial planning and urban planning activities.
The digital classifier can be used for information interaction of state and municipal information systems containing information about the state, restrictions on the use and development of territories and the integration of this information in the federal state information system for territorial planning.

Example date Size File
Classifiers and rules of digital description
Classifier of the territorial planning scheme of the Russian Federation 30.09.2019 3.4 Mb
Digital classifiers
Digital classifier of the territorial planning scheme of the Russian Federation (terrplan.v4.rsc) 30.09.2019 731 Kb

Territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation – 2012

The digital map classifier terrplan.v2.rsc ensures the preparation of the graphic part of territorial planning documents, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 2012 No. 19 “On approval of requirements for the description and display of federal objects, objects in territorial planning documents regional significance, objects of local significance." The classifier implements a general list of layers, objects and attributive characteristics of objects of urban planning activity. The classifier complies with the rules of coding, classification and digital description of objects of territorial planning and urban planning activities. The classifier can be used to create territorial planning schemes for the Russian Federation, territorial planning schemes for subjects and municipalities of the Russian Federation, master plans for urban districts and municipal settlements. The composition of the classifier ensures the preparation of urban zoning schemes in accordance with the requirements of land use and development rules of the municipality. The classifier was developed by KB "Panorama".

Example date Size File
Classifiers and rules of digital description
Classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for display on maps included in territorial planning documents of the Russian Federation 24.05.2012 1.5 Mb
Digital classifiers
Digital classifier of the territorial planning scheme of the Russian Federation (terrplan.v2.rsc) 10.02.2017 165 Kb

Urban planning activities and territorial planning schemes

Designed for creating documents on territory planning, such as:

  • Layout of a planning structure element
  • Scheme of use of the territory during the preparation of the project (Basic plan)
  • Scheme of organization of the road network and traffic flow diagram of the territory
  • Scheme of architectural and planning organization of the territory
  • Scheme of boundaries of territories of cultural heritage sites
  • Scheme of the boundaries of zones with special conditions for the use of the territory and the boundaries of territories at risk of emergencies and their consequences
  • Scheme of vertical planning and engineering preparation of the territory
  • Layout of utility networks and structures
  • Red line alignment drawing
  • Proposals for territory development
  • Drawing of architectural and urban planning concept
  • Scheme of improvement and landscaping, landscape organization of the territory
  • Layout project drawing
  • Land surveying project drawing
  • Drawing of the urban planning plan of the building

The classifier was developed by ITP "Grad". The preparation of the report on the classifier was carried out by KB "Panorama". Reproduction of materials is permitted only with the written permission of the authors.

Designed to create and maintain digital maps for urban planning activities and use them in the decision-making process in the placement, construction, reconstruction, restoration, and capital construction of objects.
The classifier was prepared taking into account the materials of the Urban Planning Cadastre Service of the city of Moscow "Cadastral certificate (official information)".
The classifier contains a description of layers, objects and their characteristics that provide digital representation of information about urban planning regulations (functional, construction, landscape zoning), urban planning regulation lines (“red lines”), protected zones of historical and cultural monuments, and other information on the use of urban territory, information about engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities, other urban planning objects, information about construction (reconstruction) projects of buildings and structures.
Digital maps for maintaining an urban planning cadastre can be created using a unified digital cartographic basis (EDCO) for regional and municipal purposes and corresponding classifiers.

  • Protocol of changes to documentation on urban planning activities and territorial planning schemes >>
Example date Size File
Classifiers and rules of digital description
Classifier of objects of urban planning documentation 27.11.2019 5.4 Mb
Classifier of urban cadastre objects 27.11.2019 812 Kb
Digital classifiers
Digital classifier of objects of urban planning documentation (itpgrad.rsc) 27.11.2019 102 Kb
Digital classifier of urban cadastre objects (gradserv.rsc) 27.11.2019 13.1 Kb

Cadastral documents, engineering geodesy, land management

The classifier is intended to provide information support for the performance of work in relation to real estate, as a result of which the preparation of documents containing information necessary for the implementation of state cadastral registration of real estate is ensured. Objects, attributes, symbols described in the digital classifier of cadastral documents ensure the functioning of modes for maintaining a duty cadastral map, processing materials from field cadastral work and engineering surveys in land management and urban planning. The classifier was created in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 221-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016) “On Cadastral Activities” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on January 1, 2017)
  • Federal Law of June 18, 2001 N 78-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) “On Land Management” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on January 1, 2016)

The cadastral document classifier ensures the creation of printed forms and electronic XML documents:

  • Map (plan) of the land management object
  • Layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory
  • Land survey plan
  • Drawing of the urban planning plan of the land plot
  • Technical plan
  • Property survey report

The classifier was developed at KB "Panorama".

  • Protocol of changes to documentation on geodesy and cadastral documents (survey.v5.zip) >>
  • Protocol of changes to documentation on geodesy and cadastral documents (survey.v4.zip) >>
Example date Size File
Classifiers and rules of digital description
Classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for displaying cadastral information on cadastral maps and other cadastral documents (survey.v5) 19.09.2019 2.1 Mb
Classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for displaying cadastral information on cadastral maps and other cadastral documents (survey.v4) 06.12.2019 2.2 Mb
Digital classifiers
Digital classifier of boundary plans, technical plans, survey reports and other cadastral documents v5 (survey.v5.zip) 15.10.2019 121 Kb
Digital classifier of boundary plans, technical plans, survey reports and other cadastral documents v4 (survey.v4.zip) 18.07.2017 110 Kb


The classifier is intended for the preparation and formation of engineering drawings when performing engineering and geological surveys. Can be used to create maps of engineering geological conditions. The classifier was created in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.302-96 and contains all the necessary symbols and designations.

Example date Size File
Classifiers and rules of digital description
Classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and objects of engineering geology 09.12.2019 1.2 Mb
Digital classifiers
Digital classifier of layers, semantic characteristics and objects of engineering geology (geology.rsc) 09.12.2019 27.3 Kb


The classifier is intended for creating multilayer digital maps in agriculture and using them in managing an agricultural enterprise.
The classifier can be used to create maps of agricultural land, maintain field passports, operational agrochemical monitoring of fields, thematic mapping by various categories and indicators, generate maps for managing transport and agricultural machinery of an enterprise, and solve transport logistics problems. In terms of its content, the Classifier is a systematic list of code designations for elements and objects of the terrain and plan, as well as features characterizing the properties of these objects.

1. To provide state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities with spatial data in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, the federal executive body authorized to provide public services in the field of geodesy and cartography, or on the basis of a decision of this body subordinate to it The federal government agency ensures the creation and updating of a unified electronic cartographic framework.

2. In order to ensure the provision of information on a unified electronic cartographic basis and its updating, the federal executive body authorized to provide state services in the field of geodesy and cartography, or on the basis of a decision of this body, a federal government agency subordinate to it, organizes the creation, operation and modernization of the state information system maintaining a unified electronic cartographic basis.

3. The unified electronic cartographic basis does not contain information constituting a state secret, and is a systematized set of spatial data on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4. Requirements for the composition of information on a unified electronic cartographic basis are established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of geodesy and cartography.

5. Requirements for the hardware and software of the state information system for maintaining a unified electronic cartographic basis are determined by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of geodesy and cartography.

6. Information from a unified electronic cartographic basis is provided to state authorities, local governments, state and municipal institutions subordinate to them using a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction, and to other legal entities and individuals using the federal spatial data portal.

7. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes:

1) the procedure and methods for providing interested parties with information on a unified electronic cartographic basis, including the procedure for sending an application for the provision of information on a unified electronic cartographic basis, including the form of such an application;

2) the procedure for determining the amount of payment for the use of information from a unified electronic cartographic basis.

8. Information from the unified electronic cartographic basis is subject to updating in accordance with the requirements for the frequency of their updating established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of geodesy and cartography, but not less than once every ten years .

9. In order to update the information of the unified electronic cartographic basis, the information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate is used, which is subject to provision by the federal executive body maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate, through information interaction of the federal state information system for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate with the state information system for maintaining a unified electronic cartographic basis, carried out in accordance with the legislation on state cadastral registration and state registration of rights.

10. The list of information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate and used for the purpose of updating the unified electronic cartographic basis is determined by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of geodesy and cartography.

11. In order to update the information of a unified electronic cartographic basis, information contained in information systems for supporting urban planning activities can also be used.

12. The procedure for information interaction of the state information system for maintaining a unified electronic cartographic basis with information systems for supporting urban planning activities in order to update the information of the unified electronic cartographic basis and the list of information contained in the information systems for supporting urban planning activities and used for the purpose of updating the unified electronic cartographic basis are established by the Government Russian Federation.


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