Definition of what is shown in the photo. How to determine who or what is shown in the photo. What is the difference between the search by uploaded images and the usual

How far technology has come.

If a person looks at a photo where a woman with a book in her hands next to a dog watches a UFO from the window, then he will most likely determine the age and mood of the lady, the breed of the animal, what is written in the book and in what font.

In 2016, the computer can do the same! And unlike a person, he will also determine the location of the shooting and point out the traces of the “sticker” of the flying saucer.

And you can try to do all this online, for free and right now!

1. Looking for traces of photomontage

Go to and use the button open file uploading a photo.

And we begin to explore it with the tools on the right panel. Using a magnifying glass, we are trying to find poorly disguised traces of processing:

Layer analysis allows you to detect "patches":

Did they work here with a clone brush:

You can learn more about how to find traces of editing in a photo in a training video from the creators of the service:

2. Read the metadata

Go to Jeffry's Exif Viewer and load the picture (raw, made on digital camera or telephone). In a second, we know on which device and at what time it was made, and we also see the shooting location on the map:

3. Recognize a celebrity in a photo

On you can find out what kind of celebrity is shown in the photo. Upload the file and wait a little less than a minute:

Click on the button Search Wikipedia. Soon a list of faces that are similar to the uploaded one will appear:

To find out the name of the person in the photo, you need to hover over him with the mouse. My experience has shown that the service very accurately identifies famous people.

4. Determine the font of the inscription

In a special section of, you can upload a picture with an inscription and determine the font in which it is made. The page with the result displays five sample labels of the maximum similar fonts (with the same text as the uploaded one):

5. Recognize text for those who want quality OCR but don't want to pay for FineReader. Load the scan, wait a while and enjoy the result:

The finished text can be downloaded, copied to the clipboard or translated using Google Translate.

The service has many analogues, but based on my experience, is the best at recognizing the Russian language.

You can use Google to search for similar photos. But it is not yet perfect enough in solving this problem:

Although very good!

7. What is shown in the photo? is able to determine what is shown in the photo. It is easy to recognize that in this picture an adult man with glasses and a beard:

Determines the breed of the dog:

But I have not yet learned to distinguish mulberries from other fruits:

8. Twins or not?

Entertainment service from Microsoft is able to determine whether different people in photos or the same person.

Despite years and glasses, he recognizes Steve Jobs:

And distinguishes him from Tim Cook:

9. Human emotions

And here is a joint project between Microsoft and Oxford University to analyze the emotions of a person in a photo.

The service easily determined that with almost 100% probability a woman is experiencing fear (“fear”):

And knows what it looks like happy man("happiness"):

10. Determination of age

Everyone and sundry wrote about the last item on our list. But suddenly someone does not know ;-) On

I have a pretty good memory for faces. Seeing someone for the first time, I usually remember him (her). If I am attentive enough at this moment, I will also remember the circumstances under which I met this person. This is all happening against my will.

But usually I'm quite absent-minded and have my head in the clouds. And if I see the faces of passers-by, they are "remembered", but the circumstances are not quite. And if I meet a person whose face I remember, but I do not remember the circumstances (mainly where and when), then this will torment me very much until I remember. :)

Yesterday, on the Internet, I came across a photograph of a man whom "I have already seen somewhere." And since I could not remember where or when, it began to torment me. But then I remembered that Google has a service that eventually helped me.

This service is an image search by image. Previously, when I ran into him, he could find an image of which you might only have a slice. (I even ran the avtars of my acquaintances through it to find out where which picture "has gone.")

And yesterday I learned that Google, in addition to finding the whole in part, can also give an opinion about who or what is shown in the photo, for example, a person, a car or a building.

Needless to say, we are talking about digital photographs.

And Google will show you its options if it has them.

(No, of course, you can click "Browse" and go through the folders on your disk to the desired photo. But why the extra gestures? Moreover, you can just throw a photo from the disk directly into the Google image search window - and you do not need to click any icons. )

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. More recently, search engines could only search by words. No, of course, there were such, but until a certain period they operated only with the words that the user entered in the search bar.

What is the difference between the search by uploaded images and the usual

The search engine did not understand what exactly was shown in the photo that it gave out in the results, but only focused on those words that were found in the text next to this image (on those pages of the sites where it found them) or which were written in its attributes. In fact, for the search engine, the picture was a “black box”, which he could judge only by indirect signs (its description).

As a result, the query "blue chicken" could show "pink elephants". Of course, such flaws in the search for photographs were corrected manually (so-called), but this was done only for the most frequently entered queries. Yes, and this is not the main thing.

The important thing is that it was impossible show image to search engine poor quality, so that he finds you the original in high resolution or show him a photo of a person (read), and he would tell you that this is such and such an artist, poet, musician, or just a person described at least on one page on the Internet.

Sometimes a photo may be one of many in a series (photo essay, photo tutorial, different angles) and you may want to find all the other images from the same series in order to understand the essence. How to do it? What words to enter in the search bar? And here's another example. You saw a sofa in the photo and wanted to know where exactly the same one is being sold and at what price.

A difficult task, or even unsolvable (in the first approximation), if the request is entered in words. Here you need to somehow load the image into search engine and the latter should understand what exactly is depicted on it, and try to give you answers to all the questions posed just above.

Until recently, image search could not do this, but now it can. Sample image search(photos or any other image) now support both - Google and Yandex. Moreover, the latter learned to do this only quite recently, but nevertheless learned.

If you try to dive into the depth of the principles of this action, then most of us are unlikely to find it interesting. In this regard, I really liked the explanation of the Yandex representative.

The picture is divided into small fragments, which can be called virtual words. Well, then the process follows the same logic as a regular search. The same set of visual words is searched, and the closer it is to the image uploaded by the user, the higher it will be in the search results.

How Google photo search works

Let's see it all on the examples of Yandex and Google. Let's start with the largest search engine in the world. In order to get into the holy of holies, you can click on the "Pictures" button on the regular search page, or you can immediately:

Click on the camera icon located in the right area of ​​the Google search bar. You have two options to download in the search for the desired picture or photo- specify its address (it can be copied by right-clicking on the photo and selecting the option "copy image URL", or similar in meaning) on ​​the Internet or download from your computer.

In the example shown, I simply indicated the URL of the image that I found on the official Wikipedia website ().

In the search results I got this picture:

Google told me that the photo shows Albert Einstein in his youth, and also offered to see the same image, but larger or smaller. You can also see similar pictures, and below them you can see web pages where this graphic file has a place to be.

In the search bar, you can enter clarifying words, for example, if you want to know about all the vicissitudes of the fate of this person, then enter the word "biography". As a result, pages will be found on which the search found the picture you uploaded and on which there is a biography of the person who is depicted in it.

I mentioned the two main ways to upload an image to Google search - provide a link to an image file or upload it from your computer. But there is also a third way to activate this action.

If you are in Google Chrome, then just move the mouse to the picture or photo on the page that you are interested in for one reason or another (for example, you want to know if your virtual friend posted a true photo on Vkontakte or is it some famous person captured).

As a result, a context menu will appear and you will need to select the item "Find this image in Google" from it. After that, you will find yourself in the already familiar Google image search box with all the information collected about your friend's photo.

Search by image files in Yandex

More recently, the leader of the Runet search market has acquired a similar tool. new technology they called it "Computer Vision" and gave it the code name "Siberia". The image is then divided into visual words (contrast change areas, borders, etc.) and the entire database available in Yandex is searched for the presence of this set of visual words in other images.

And only then those are selected from them in which these visual words are in the same order as in the original uploaded picture. In practice, this action looks very similar to Google - in the right search area for a photo from Yandex camera icon is located, which you will need to click on to download the graphic file.

Although, if you have the URL of the desired image, you can paste it directly into the graphical search bar and click on the "Find" button, as shown in the previous screenshot.

You can find out the URL address of an image on a web page by right-clicking on it and selecting the context menu item "Copy image address" or similar (different names are used in different browsers).

If you need to upload a picture to the search from your computer, then click on the camera icon.

The search results will look something like this:

As you can see, it is also quite easy to understand from them that the great Einstein is depicted in the photo, but in Google I somehow liked the design of the issue more. It is possible that Yandex will still need to work on this. Found can also be sorted by size and type.

In general, in most cases, the described services should be enough for you, but it is possible that Tiny you will ever need. Here again, you are offered a choice of two ways to download a sample image - by entering the URL address or directly from the computer.

This service is well suited for searching for similar photos or individual components from which it was mounted. As you can see from the screenshot below, Tiny found the sources of the original images that made up the sample.

Chinese search engine Taobao has the ability to search for products by uploaded by you his photo. As a result, you will receive not only the addresses of those online stores where you can buy it, but you will also be able to choose the most advantageous offer for you.

True, to work with him you need to know Chinese. However, there are several sites that allow you to search for products by photo through the database in Taobao, but at the same time they have a Russian-language interface and the search results are also translated into Russian.

The results of a product search by photo look like this:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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