Why do we put things off until later? Procrastination. We continue to put everything off until later. Don't let yourself be a victim of circumstances

There are two types of people. The first type: a person is successful, achieves everything he wants, 24 hours a day is enough for him. Second: procrastinator. People of the first type will most likely never come here; they have many important matters that require their direct participation. And this article is just for you, representatives of the second type.

I hasten to note that there is no shame in being a procrastinator; moreover, the absolute majority are procrastinators of varying degrees of severity.

The word itself " procrastination“, as Wikipedia tells us, has Latin roots and currently in English has the meaning “delay, postponement.” Thus, “procrastination” is the tendency to constantly put off unpleasant thoughts and actions “for later.” Up to a certain level, procrastination is the norm (we all know the common joke about work that is not a wolf and will not run into the forest), but beyond this limit, procrastination becomes a serious problem. Laziness and procrastination have a lot in common, but they are not the same thing. Rather, laziness is one of many components that make up the phenomenon of procrastination.

So who is he, this mysterious “procrastinator”?

First of all, those who are not accustomed to discipline suffer from procrastination. In fact, who wants to brush their teeth on a schedule and exercise strictly from 6:30 to 6:45? Who is actually ready to do this exercise without even being tied to a certain time? That's right, only those who will not read this article.

By the way, this very article was planned to be written at least six months ago. And all this time it was not published solely due to the problem of procrastination that the author of this article had. It’s difficult, you know, to take it and write it, and what if it doesn’t work out? What if I'm missing something? But what if…? Ahh... okay, it really doesn't burn. I'd better go and have some tea.

And this is the whole point of procrastination.

What does a procrastinator do when he has things on his agenda and he realizes their importance and the need to complete them? He, most often, is distracted and has fun, until the last moment trying not to notice this unpleasant feeling in every sense that time is running out and nothing has been done yet. A person begins to be distracted and have fun with a vengeance, just to forget about the oppressive consequences of not doing everything that needs to be done.

A true procrastinator is never in a hurry to complete his tasks. There will always be 1000 and 1 reasons why “the whole world will wait.” Sooner or later, in particularly advanced cases, It becomes difficult not only to finish what you started, but also to start anything new at all. The fear immediately arises that another one will be added to the mountain of unfinished tasks, which will only bother you with its presence.

Even if a procrastinator has found the remnants of strength in himself to complete a particularly important or particularly long-drawn-out task, the fact of its completion does not bring the former moral satisfaction, only... The reason is that the remaining pile of tasks has not gone away, and completing one project with such difficulty is a merciless reminder that there is still a long list of tasks ahead, each element of which will require no less, if not more, effort.

By the way, it would be nice to have this list. Most often, the procrastinator does not have this list, naively believing that all his numerous unfinished tasks fit into his head. The only thing these things do in his head is that they bring “confusion and vacillation”, do not allow him to concentrate, and frighten him with their quantity, which often “from the inside” seems greater than it actually is.

Therefore, this leads to a conclusion for those who decide to move from the second type of people to the first:

Rule #1: Make a numbered list of things that have already accumulated.

After compiling such a list, a small positive reinforcement follows: almost every person had this list in their head much more extensive than it is on paper. This means that there is not as much to do as it seemed. The mountain to be climbed is not that high. For a neglected procrastinator, this is a good sign and some relief.

I’ll say right away that following these rules is also a matter and it will also fall into the same pile if you don’t start implementing it right away, before it even occurs to you to go have tea. If you have time to read this article, then you have time to create a sorted, numbered list. Therefore:

Rule #2: Make that list now.

In this case, it won’t be possible without pleasant bonuses. The fact is that every time a procrastinator brings a task to the end, even the smallest and even the most insignificant, he will have the effect of realizing that he could, that he is worth something, that he can, when wants. Time after time, this confidence will grow stronger. And the day will come when, after small things, great things will come into play, which a person (no longer a procrastinator) will be able to bring to their logical conclusion. Would you like to experience a little joyful feeling of being closer to solving your problem? Then follow rule #2.

Immediately after drawing up a list of to-dos, it is strongly recommended to decide on priorities. This means that it is necessary to reconsider the importance, urgency and necessity of each individual item. You will see, if you approach this task with all seriousness, then your “mountain” will become more like a hillock than Everest. And this, again, will add enthusiasm.

Rule No. 3: Determine priorities (importance, urgency), sort tasks in accordance with implementation priorities. Eliminate from the list those things that have already lost relevance or were never important.

There may be difficulties along the way. A person is accustomed to believing that all his affairs are important and that he cannot do without them. In fact, it was not for nothing that he carried them all the time in his head, so that he could then take them like this and throw out, say, half of them. Definitely not in vain. He wore them because they seemed important to him, but it is time to reconsider them and take a critical look at this great importance.

A simple test will help you here. For brevity, I will refer to this test as the “desirability test.” Take each point and say it out loud "I want…" and instead of the ellipsis, substitute the wording of the case that you have listed there. If it suddenly turns out that you don’t want to, but, for example, have to, then this matter is not suitable for you and you can safely remove it far away from this list. If you are afraid to part with those things that you owe to someone, but don’t want to do yourself, then create a separate list specifically for them. You'll see, by the end of this article you can safely throw it away. But for now, do it anyway, this exercise will also greatly help you on the path of transforming from a procrastinator into a successful person, and will also give you an incomparable feeling of “a weight off your shoulders” when you finally throw away this list.

The importance of meeting the desirability criterion cannot be overstated. The fact is that, regardless of religious, philosophical and other ideological views, I hope that each of you cherishes the time of your life. Using this criterion, you can free up as much time as possible in your life only for those things that you always want to do. These things will be done not so much for the sake of the result, but for the sake of the process itself. This means that the time spent watching them will fly by unnoticed, but this makes it no less pleasant. Such things are not even business at all, but natural relaxation.

It may seem that I advise you to leave only some frivolous matters, but then how to live? How to eat? How to work, after all? How many people, author, have you seen who like to work? But you have to live!

Of course it is necessary. But you also need to know why it’s all there. The eternal question arises: “Do we live in order to eat or do we eat in order to live?” the same with all other areas. Do we live to work or work to live?

A difficult exam or important negotiations are coming up - are you preparing a three-story cake, learning a symphony on the violin, or starting spring cleaning? Congratulations, you are a procrastinator! No, this is not a sophisticated curse and not a synonym for the word “idler”, but a psychological term.

Check if you are a chronic procrastinator:

Do you often say to yourself: “I’ll do it tomorrow”?
- Does it ever happen that you make important purchases at the last minute?
- Do you waste time instead of doing the right things?
- Do you often remember that you didn’t do something right before leaving the house?
- Do you put off making decisions if you are not sure of their correctness?
- Do you set your alarm clock ahead a few minutes before you finally wake up?
- Do you often find that you haven’t started tasks for which the deadline came “yesterday”?
- Do you have to make excessive efforts to get something done on time?
-Are you late for meetings because you put off getting ready until the last minute?
- Do your plans for the day often remain unfulfilled?

If you gave 7 or more affirmative answers, then your level of procrastination can be called high; from 4 to 6 - you are at risk; 3 or less - no cause for alarm.

For deeper and more accurate diagnostics, there are specialized tests, for example K. Lay (in Russian adaptation by T. Yu. Yudeeva, N. G. Garanyan and D. N. Zhukova) or B. Tuckman, although full versions of the methods are paid.

The most important criterion is a person’s feelings: does constant procrastination interfere with everyday life, does it interfere with work and rest? If this condition becomes obsessive and harms you, perhaps it’s time to change something. But there is good news: even a high level of procrastination does not always mean the need for immediate change.

Procrastination: putting off tasks and decisions

A similar mechanism operates with ineffective labor organization. If people are often faced with the need to redo work they've already completed over and over again, procrastination in following orders becomes a way (conscious or not) to reduce the amount of wasted effort.

Procrastination occurs when there are too many “shoulds” and too few “wants” in life.

In fact, we often not only do not postpone activities that bring pleasure and relaxation, be it reading a good book or a date with a loved one, but also try in every possible way to bring them closer.

Of course, it is unlikely that anyone manages to build their whole life exclusively from pleasant things, but we can try to maintain a balance between obligations “for others” and replenishing resources “for ourselves.”

Active procrastination as a conscious strategy

In recent decades, the phenomenon of active procrastination has been studied, when people deliberately delay completing tasks, prefer to work under pressure, and get satisfaction from solving problems at the last minute.

Active procrastinators, unlike passive ones, are able to clearly set goals and determine deadlines for their work, but only get down to business when the deadline approaches.

Procrastination becomes a conscious strategy: instead of the feeling of guilt (“I could have done a better job if I had tackled it on time”) that accompanies normal procrastination, such people constantly feel proud of themselves (“I was on time again at the last minute”). .

Moreover, the quality of work performed in emergency mode may be even higher compared to the results of the same person when he works at a measured pace.

This strategy is characteristic of people with high self-efficacy - confident that they have enough skills and knowledge to achieve their goals. In a stressful situation, they prefer to solve problems without unnecessary emotions and not avoid facing difficulties.

So before you get rid of procrastination syndrome, you need to find out whether it really interferes with your life or, on the contrary, is it a winning strategy that increases your effectiveness? A short test (available in English in this article) will help you determine what kind of procrastination you have - active or passive.

Is life possible without procrastination?

If we consider procrastination as a protective mechanism of the psyche, then we must admit that we need it as much as, for example, pain or sleep.

On the one hand, procrastination is a symptom of a malfunction in the functioning of our brain and/or in the organization of activities, and it is better, of course, to structure your life so that there are as few such “bugs” as possible.

On the other hand, overcoming procrastination using the “grit your teeth and do it at all costs” method, as well as trying to ignore the pain, is fraught with complications. Therefore, the best way is to eliminate not the symptom, but the cause.

Of course, in the lives of each of us situations arise that require an immediate solution here and now. For example, when the deadline is blazing, and an invisible voice seems to whisper: “No, let’s get to work a little later!” - the first priority is “symptomatic treatment”, after which it is already possible to begin systemic changes.

Emergency help against procrastination

In the short term, when you need to overcome procrastination immediately, the following techniques help solve the problem:

1. Eat the elephant piece by piece. Divide a large task, the sheer volume of which is terrifying, into several stages that take half an hour to an hour. For example, instead of doing a general cleaning of the entire apartment, you can perform local tasks: sweeping the floor, tidying up the closet, wiping down the kitchen surfaces, interspersed with conscious rest or even planning the process for several days.

2. Give yourself time to get involved. If you don’t want to take on a serious and complex task at all, you can “deceive” your own brain by first doing the simplest operations that don’t require much energy.

When light tasks have already been completed, the mechanism often turns on post-voluntary attention , and a person concentrates on work as if by inertia, it happens by itself.

For example, before taking on the substantive part of the thesis project, you can do mechanical work: adjust the margins and font, arrange bibliographic references in accordance with GOST - and, without noticing it, write a few paragraphs of good text.

3. Fill the pauses with useful things. In the short breaks needed to take a break from your main activity, you can replace the usual “distractors” like social networks or meaningless videos with useful and interesting ones that do not require a high concentration of attention. In this case, procrastination will not be accompanied by a feeling of guilt for wasting time. Listen to a popular science podcast, tidy up your desk (both computer and physical), take a walk - in short, take a “smart” break.

4. Eliminate distractions. To overcome procrastination, it can be useful to change your environment so that you are not tempted to switch to other activities. For example, instead of working remotely from home (where every second you see reminders of unironed laundry, untidy crumbs, unfinished rearrangements, etc.), you can take your laptop to a coworking space or cafe, where it will be much easier to concentrate.

5. Use self-motivation techniques. Promise yourself something pleasant immediately after completing a long-postponed task. So, for each paragraph of your dissertation, you can reward yourself by putting a small amount into a special account, and after completing all the work, celebrate in a cafe or devote the whole day to relaxation and rest.

How to reorganize your life and not forget about your needs

In the medium term - from several months to several years - it is worth reconsidering your own attitude towards work and making changes to the organization of work.

A positive effect in the fight against procrastination is provided by time management training, which teaches how to set goals, correctly determine priorities when there are several tasks, and plan rest and work taking into account one’s own biorhythms. If you can rearrange your schedule so that active activity occurs during the most productive hours, then the number of postponed tasks (the result of passive procrastination) can be significantly reduced.

In some cases, delegating responsibilities helps. If, for example, the apartment remains uncleaned on weekends from month to month, because the mere thought of a vacuum cleaner and mop causes an attack of nausea, and the accumulated dirt then has to be washed off with a strong-willed decision and with enormous expenditure of energy, it may be worth entrusting this work to specially trained helpers for a reasonable fee or household members as part of a barter exchange (“you will clean and wash the dishes, and I will cook”).

And finally, a strategic solution to the problem of procrastination is to change your attitude towards business, leisure and yourself.

To do this, you will have to figure out on your own or together with a psychologist what exactly causes the desire to constantly put off important things: fear of failure? disgust for your own work? Feelings of worthlessness and helplessness? general loss of strength and emotional exhaustion?

The solution to the problem depends on the answer to this question. It is possible that you will need to undergo a course of treatment - for example, in the case of asthenic or depressive disorder. Or radically change the field of professional activity. Or maybe it will be enough to give up part of the workload in favor of a hobby that you have long wanted to take up, but somehow it didn’t work out.

You need to learn to listen to yourself and organize your life so that it is full, interesting and meaningful - only in this case will you be able to cope with the procrastination syndrome.

But there is another way: perhaps you should just stop fighting procrastination?

An attempt to rethink one’s life sometimes does not increase productivity, but leads to the fact that a person refuses to fit into a system that constantly demands: “Work more efficiently, even more efficiently!” This path is not new: medieval hermits followed it; it is also chosen by modern downshifters or hikikomori, who isolate themselves from other people in order to live by their own rules and find long-awaited peace.

To do this, you will have to deeply understand yourself and honestly answer the questions: “What brings me real pleasure? What do I want to do?

Maybe what you love most in the world is just growing flowers, catching waves on a surfboard, or dancing the Lindy Hop! When the desired lifestyle acquires clear contours in your mind, think about how to go towards it - and little by little move in the right direction.

Well, or put it off until tomorrow.

Someone is able to do everything they planned in a day, and even “exceed the norm.” And the other catastrophically lacks time even for extremely important things. And the point is not that people of the first type get up earlier in the morning and are more energetic during the day. They just don’t put things off until later, like people of the second type. But what explains this habit? What is this - banal laziness or a learned model of behavior? We will answer all questions in our article.

All things for later: laziness or procrastination?

It is not always the case that a person who constantly puts things off until later is lazy and irresponsible by nature. More often, this behavior is caused by an established pattern of behavior - the habit of being lazy - and the person is really tormented by this problem.

In psychology, putting things off until later is called procrastination. Psychologist N. Milgram, who was the first to study this phenomenon, identifies 5 types of procrastination:

  1. Daily - postponing household chores that need to be done regularly.
  2. Neurotic - difficulties in choosing a profession or hobby, a life partner.
  3. Academic - postponing completion of academic assignments, preparation of coursework, exams, etc.
  4. Procrastination of decision making - a person cannot find a way out of the current situation within a given time frame.
  5. Compulsive - a combination of putting off doing anything and putting off making decisions.

The problem of procrastination is much more serious than it seems at first glance. Postponing important things for later begins with one-time postponements of tasks for an indefinite period, but over time it turns into a learned pattern of behavior - a habit is formed. Procrastination can lead to a number of negative consequences:

  • lack of career growth;
  • dismissal;
  • irritability and depression due to constant feelings of guilt;
  • lack of sleep and insomnia;
  • low personal effectiveness;
  • conflicts in the family and at work;
  • financial insolvency.

How does a typical procrastinator behave?

The behavior of a typical procrastinator can be described as follows:

  1. He enthusiastically takes on new projects, sometimes taking on an unbearable burden. But he is not able to cope with any of the tasks “excellently”, because he is constantly distracted by something extraneous.
  2. He is an optimist - every time he is sure that he will definitely cope with this task exactly on time. The inability to assess risks leads to constant rush-hours in business.
  3. When he realizes that all the deadlines have passed and the project has not been completed, he experiences an acute feeling of guilt, which undermines self-esteem and self-confidence.
  4. He is not just stalling for time, but replacing the task at hand with other things. “Important” correspondence on social networks, telephone conversations, searching for unnecessary information, cleaning - distractions can be different.

Why do people put off important things until later?

The fight against procrastination will not be successful if the causes of this phenomenon are not identified. What makes a person constantly put things off until later?

  • lack of personal interest;
  • negative emotions towards tasks;
  • inability to plan time and prioritize;
  • inability to approach a task creatively;
  • fear of failure;
  • unhealthy perfectionism;
  • psychological pressure from another person (husband/wife, boss, colleague);
  • unwillingness to take responsibility;
  • rebellious character.

According to psychologists, procrastinators tend to have low self-esteem. Being unsure of themselves, they are deliberately set up to fail. This “slows down” a person’s development and prevents him from taking on a project with enthusiasm. This behavior model is formed from childhood. A person who was raised by domineering, tough parents is highly likely to become a procrastinator in the future. He gets used to the fact that his every step is controlled, and his mistakes are condemned. A person does not develop the skill of independently planning his affairs and performing tasks without a clear external stimulus. As a result, he takes on important tasks with great difficulty.

How to stop procrastinating?

If procrastination has become a learned behavior, try changing your habits. Recommendations from psychologists will be useful:

  1. Make a correct to-do list for tomorrow

Having a clear daily routine and to-do list for the coming days is very helpful for procrastinators. It disciplines.

But to make your day more effective, plan your tasks wisely: the most important ones first, then the less urgent ones. This approach will teach you how to prioritize and help you develop self-control skills.

  1. Create a work environment around you

The fewer distractions around, the faster and more efficiently you will complete the project. Create basic working conditions: if possible, turn off the Internet or the sound of notifications on your smartphone, forget about telephone conversations for a while. Focus on a specific task.

  1. Take breaks

Procrastinators often get distracted while completing tasks and then try to make up for lost time.

Don’t set yourself up to sit at work “until the last minute” - this is bad motivation. Breaks from work are still needed. Periodically switch to another activity to “reboot.” But let it not be social networks, but a pleasant walk in the fresh air.

  1. Don't try to do everything perfectly

Healthy perfectionism is beneficial. But in some cases it only gets in the way. The desire to do everything perfectly does not allow you to relax and enjoy the work.

Learn to take things easier when completing your tasks. Try not to force yourself into the rigid framework of “ideality.”

  1. Learn to correct your mistakes

Things not completed on time cause an acute feeling of guilt, which you spend emotional energy trying to overcome.

Even if once again you didn’t manage to pull yourself together and complete the task on time, don’t call yourself a failure. A mistake is not a failure. Again, try to build your actions step by step to change the situation. By analyzing the shortcomings, you can eliminate those points that prevent you from working productively.

  1. Take advantage of 7Spsy behavior modification technology

Procrastinating is not a disease. But in a number of cases, independent work on oneself turns out to be ineffective. Don’t wait for everything to “sort out on its own,” otherwise your daily routine will always be ruled by procrastination and bouts of laziness. Take a course of behavioral psychotherapy. This is a patented technique based on the theories of famous scientists I. P. Pavlov, B. F. Skinner, A. A. Ukhtomsky and others.

The training will help you change your habits and stop being lazy, putting off important things for later. The healthy behavior patterns that you master will fill you with self-confidence and determination. And then you can complete even the most complex project without procrastination.

The course on behavior modification technology 7Spsy is designed for up to 6 weeks. The distance training format will help you plan your day most effectively and work with psychologists at a convenient time. Specialists answer all questions and provide advice by phone, e-mail, and online chats. It is not necessary to inform any of your colleagues that you are working on yourself - the training is strictly confidential, your reputation will not suffer.


  1. “Work and personality. Workaholism, perfectionism, laziness”, 2011, E. P. Ilyin.
  2. “Theoretical foundations for studying the phenomenon of procrastination” (electronic scientific journal “Personality in a Changing World: Health, Adaptation, Development”, 2013), V. S. Kovylin (

A procrastinator is not lazy; he puts off important things until later. When a deadline expires, a person quickly tries to finish a large amount of work. Obligations are fulfilled poorly or postponed to another date. All this leads to demotivation, loss of self-confidence, deterioration of relationships with friends and colleagues, and a depressive state.

Perhaps the desire to put things off is a consequence of fatigue. Then it’s time to take a time out and get in shape. But, if procrastination occurs frequently and rest does not provide an incentive for new achievements, most likely you have procrastination.

“Any man can do any amount of work, provided it is not what he is supposed to be doing at the moment.” (John Perry)

Read about what procrastination is and how to stop putting things off until later.

What is procrastination?

Procrastination is the habit of putting off important tasks until later, and instead doing other, less significant and more enjoyable things. It limits a person’s potential and prevents them from achieving important life goals.

In this video, American blogger Tim Urban talks about what procrastination is and how it affects a person’s life.

How to stop procrastinating?

Overcoming procrastination without the help of a specialist is difficult, but it is possible. This will require a desire to change daily and strict self-discipline.

There is a medicine for everyone here. I offer ways that helped me in the fight against this “disease”.

Photo: Depositphotos

1. Find a worse fear

“Procrastination is actually an emotional problem, not a time management problem. It's about the fear of success and the fear of making mistakes." - Carl Collins

Often the first step towards realizing a plan is difficult to take due to a constraining fear of the result. What if it doesn't work out? Will I fail? Will I disgrace myself?

After moving to another city, I couldn’t find a job for three months. I spent hours doing “important” things (anything), but not sending out portfolios for suitable vacancies.

I wondered what was stopping me from sending my resume. I was overcome by the fear of a potential employer’s refusal, but I was even more frightened that they would hire me. Then I found a way to deal with it. I identified a fear worse than sending a resume - being left without a livelihood.

Once you realize what fear is stopping you from moving forward, look for an even worse fear. This way you can easily defeat him.

2. Cut the elephant into small pieces

“No task seems impossible if you break it down into small parts” (Henry Ford)

It's hard to imagine how to eat an elephant, but the answer is simple - piece by piece.

During our school years, we were assigned to read 30 works of classical literature for the summer. It seemed to me that this was impossible. But when I counted how many days I had to read one book, it became clear that this was a feasible task. It turned out that I needed to read one book in three days in order to meet the deadline.

Break a large task into small subtasks and take action.

3. Start now

“Your problem is you think you have time” (Carlos Castaneda)

From childhood, parents instilled the habit: “If you’ve done the job, go for a walk.” I will continue with the example of the same books that need to be read by the end of summer.

"How much time do I have?" - I asked myself a question. There is none, we need to start now. And it helped.

In psychology, there is a concept called the “Zeigarnik effect” - this is when a feeling of incompleteness pushes you to complete what you started. That is, you just have to start, and the psyche will push you to finish the job.

4. Enjoy what you do

“Work that brings pleasure is success in life” (Juliana Wilson)

How often do we put things off just because they are boring to do? I remember looking at the four volumes of “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy. Boring, how can you even read this?

Using the first three rules, I suffered and read until I began to enjoy the description of images, plots, and the interweaving of destinies. I learned to enjoy what I do.

5. Plan your time

“To accomplish great and important work, two things are necessary: ​​a clear plan and limited time.” (Elbert Hubbard)

In order for tasks to be completed, they must be written down on paper. Plan your day, week, month. Cross off completed tasks from the list, and move uncompleted ones to the next day so as not to forget about them.

I use this rule everywhere: when I go shopping, I write a list, otherwise I risk coming back with a bunch of unnecessary goods. I want to spend a productive day - I make a checklist of things to do.

Try not to get stuck at this stage, as meticulousness and over-planning can become a form of procrastination.

6. Find your time

“We all live by different clocks and calendars” (Chuck Palahniuk)

We all live according to our biological clock. For some, the most productive time of the day is morning, for others it is noon or night. Determine the right time for yourself and complete important tasks in this interval.

My time is morning, so I complete the most important tasks in the first half of the day, while I am full of energy.

7. Buy gingerbread

“The reward of a duty done is the opportunity to do another” (George Eliot)

Agree on a reward with yourself. Perhaps it will be something material or rest that you usually deprive yourself of. For example, I wrote an article - I’m going to drink tea with candy. Until the text is ready, I forbid myself to even think about it.

Choose a reward that is equivalent to your cost of completing the task. Just give yourself an honest bonus, otherwise you risk ending up on the “black list” of debtors. And when there is no trust that you will receive what is promised, you don’t want to get down to business at all.

8. Prepare your whip

“A wise man punishes not because an offense has been committed, but so that it will not be committed in the future” (Plato)

Sometimes the carrot of the donkey in front does not work, and then you have to take the whip in your hands.

When there was less and less time left before passing my diploma, and he was not ready, I forbade myself from watching my favorite TV series. Things went much faster, and within a week the thesis was completed.

9. Learn to say “no”

“Work is one of the most dangerous forms of procrastination” (Gretchen Rubin)

The list of tasks is constantly updated. They fly in from colleagues, clients, relatives. Learn to say “no” to things that don’t bring you closer to your goal.

To solve this problem, use the Eisenhower matrix. It consists of 4 sectors.

1. Urgent and important. Do it without delay.
2. Important, but not urgent. Set a time when you will start doing it.
3. Urgent, but not important. Delegate.
4. Not urgent and not important. Leave it for later or don’t do it at all.

Use the parameters urgently and importantly to get rid of the ballast of trivial, unnecessary matters.

Let's sum it up

Photo: Depositphotos

So, procrastination is constantly putting things off until later to the detriment of the future. In order to cope with it, you first need to recognize its presence in your own life, and then direct your attention and energy to solving this problem. And here the following tips will help you:

Realize the reason for your fear. Perhaps it is preventing you from moving forward;
Find a fear worse than what is holding you back;
Take action;
Break down the task;
Enjoy what you do;
Plan work hours that suit you;
Reward yourself for your work, punish yourself for procrastination;
Say no to tasks that don't get you closer to your goal.

The main thing is to start moving in the right direction, overcome difficulties and solve problems as they arise. Only in this way will the efforts invested in the fight against procrastination pay off with increased self-esteem, improved relationships with people, and the achievement of life goals.

Material prepared by: Tatyana Ivanova
Cover photo: Depositphotos

Procrastination is a rather complex word, but in fact, for one in five people, it refers to their lifestyle. As many as 20% are wondering how to stop procrastinating and procrastinating. This is a very insidious problem that can be difficult to deal with. According to psychologists, every person at least once in his life has delayed the solution of some task or shirked obligations. But this does not make him a procrastinator. It's another matter if all this is permanent. In this article we will tell you how to deal with this problem and why people put things off until later.

“Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today!” - that’s what lazy people say

This famous proverb fits very well with the concept of procrastination. It was during the period when it was most common that this term appeared (approximately the 19th century). In fact, procrastination is an English word (procrastination), which translates as “delay.” And since tracing paper is not entirely clear and easy to pronounce, modern psychologists use more local concepts:

  • postponing,
  • portability,
  • delay,
  • "breakfast"
  • "offspring"
  • tightening

This concept should not be confused with laziness. Procrastination is the awareness of the importance and urgency of a task, but inaction for imaginary reasons. But a lazy person, doing nothing, doesn’t care much about it.

Main types

It turns out that not all procrastinators are the same. Everyone has their own motives for procrastinating. Psychologists distinguish three main types:

  1. Irresponsible. Such procrastinators delay completing tasks to avoid unpleasant consequences. They are afraid to take responsibility. For them, this is a great way to not be responsible for anything in this life and always come out clean.
  2. Boyaguz. The second type is simply afraid of everything. Such a person avoids the fear of failure in every possible way. It is easier for him to remain in the shadows than to be a loser.
  3. Extreme lovers. For some, being a procrastinator is a kind of fun. A person puts things off until the last moment to feel euphoria. Subconsciously, he likes to understand that he may not have time to complete the task, while a portion of adrenaline enters the blood.

If you are thinking about how to stop procrastinating, then first decide why you do this and what type you are.

What's bad about it

Procrastinators who have not yet realized that they are such do not see anything unnatural in their behavior. Moreover, at first they even like it. A peculiar feeling of freedom of action arises (I do what I want, but I don’t want to). But in reality, there are a lot of disadvantages to procrastination. This interferes with a person’s life and negatively affects his nervous system. The consequences may be:

  • constant stress,
  • loss of productivity
  • guilt.

Procrastination affects all areas of a person's life. How?

Life's troubles

Problems with self-discipline in a person have a huge impact on his entire life. Firstly, he cannot fully realize himself. For example, procrastination at work leads to bosses being dissatisfied with their subordinates. The attitude towards such a person changes. He is assigned fewer important tasks and, of course, promotion is out of the question. Such people are considered lazy, irresponsible, and as a result, the person spends his entire life in a low position with a low salary.

Procrastination also interferes with relationships with friends, relatives and loved ones. Putting off tasks for later that a loved one has asked for is perceived as disrespect and is accompanied by resentment. For example, a woman asked her husband to buy washing powder. The husband put this matter off until later and arrived at the store at the very last moment, but everything was already closed. He didn't buy what he was asked for, and his wife couldn't wash her work outfit. Of course, she will be offended by him for this. If he continues to put off important things until later, most likely the woman will decide that she is not important to him at all and will leave him.

Procrastination often manifests itself in relation to parents and children. Even close people do not always understand this behavior and are offended. Relationships deteriorate, and then it will be much more difficult to restore them.

Painful psychological effects

A person who procrastinates experiences many unpleasant feelings. In cases of failure, he is often ashamed and offended for himself. Every time he promises himself that he will do everything on time, but everything repeats again. It is interesting that a person who cannot bring himself to do something, sometimes, on the contrary, cannot stop.

Such situations, for example, happen with alcohol. The man knows that he has to get up early for work tomorrow. But in the evening, friends invite you to a bar for a glass of beer. He agrees and promises himself that he will drink just a little. But with each glass he allows himself one more and another. He knows and remembers for sure that he will have to get up early tomorrow, but he cannot stop. A lot of time has passed, but he is still confident that he will have time to sleep. The result is a difficult morning, a hangover, but, in addition, self-flagellation for the fact that he still went to this bar and could not stop in time.

The tendency to constantly put things off leads to failures and losses. A person constantly criticizes himself and makes the situation even worse. The result of this behavior can be a nervous breakdown, depression, or getting caught up in negative habits.

Fighting techniques

We have already found out what a person who puts things off until later is called, and now we just need to find out how to stop being a procrastinator. If you are hoping to find a magic recipe that will change your whole life in a matter of days, your efforts are in vain. Working on yourself is hard work, on the other hand, it is the path to success. The discipline of time management studies the issue of time management. Within the framework of this science, there are many different techniques that teach how not to put things off until later.

Transformation into a superhero

Procrastinators are always admired by people who do everything on time and efficiently. They succeed everywhere, and still have enough time to attend various sections, relax with friends, build a family life and succeed in their careers. How do they do it all?

There is good news. Procrastinators are not born, they are made. This means that it is quite possible to get rid of this tendency. You need to start transforming into a superhero right now, right this minute. This will be your first task that you will successfully complete. It will be easier later. The main thing is to start.

Time management

First of all, you should learn to plan. And for this it is important to set your priorities correctly. Write down all the important tasks that need to be completed this week. Now decide which ones are the most important. They will need to be done first. Don't write too many tasks for yourself. It’s better to write less and get everything done than to write more and then reproach yourself again for not being able to get everything done.

Order of affairs and time to rest

It is very important for a person to take breaks between work. But for procrastinators, they usually take very long. Therefore, also try to plan breaks. The order of things is also important. For example, on Sunday you planned to do general cleaning, pay utility bills and buy groceries. Between all these things there must be rest. But if you start the day with a spring cleaning and then lie down on the couch to watch a movie, you're unlikely to go pay bills and shop later. It would be more correct to start with the latter. In the morning you can go shopping, pay bills, and in between, meet a friend in the park for 20 minutes. Having completed these tasks and rested, you can return home and start cleaning.


How to learn not to procrastinate? You need to know exactly why you need them and why you should do them. Every time you want to reschedule an important task, ask yourself: “Why should I do it?” Clear guidelines should be expressed in your head:

  • I go to the doctor because my health is important to me;
  • I carry out the instructions of the boss because I want to occupy a high position;
  • I fulfill my mother’s request because for me she is the closest person and I don’t want to hurt her;
  • I clean the house because I want to live clean.

Realistic goals

Sometimes, feeling a surge of strength and energy, a person begins to set himself enormous and impossible tasks. If you choose an easy way to stop procrastinating, then the tasks themselves don’t have to be difficult. If you are just learning to get rid of procrastination in your life, then you should not plan anything new. First you need to deal with what has already accumulated and is ruining your life.

You can set yourself one single goal - what you really live for. For example, if you live for your child and believe that the most important thing is to teach him and raise him, then write down in your daily routine a few hours that you will spend with him. You should not write in your goals the purchase of expensive things that you can only acquire by a miracle. Remember that all unfulfilled plans will hang over you like a cloud and spoil your self-esteem.

On the other hand, you shouldn't feel too sorry for yourself. There must be at least one important goal, and then every day you will perform many simple tasks related to it.


Without them, procrastination would definitely not exist. A person not only constantly puts things off, but at this time he does all sorts of nonsense. For example, instead of performing an important task:

  • chatting on the phone
  • communicates on social networks,
  • reads the news
  • checks mail,
  • watches movies and shows.

It is quite easy to counter these factors. There is an easy way to stop procrastinating and not get distracted by small things. This will require self-hypnosis. Try to have a dialogue with yourself. Tell yourself that if you complete the task successfully and efficiently, you will have time to do what you love. Or, for example, after you finish writing a report, treat yourself to something tasty. The motivation can be anything, the main thing is to complete the task without distraction.

It is very important not to say to yourself “I have to”, rather use “I want”. For example, I want to complete this assignment and free myself from it. In fact, they are practically similar phrases, but the brain perceives them completely differently. Even for a schoolchild, when they say that he must do something, a contradiction arises within. Try telling him not “you have to do your homework,” but “I think you want to do your homework and then go for a walk.” And you will see that the effect will be amazing. The adult brain functions in a similar way.

To completely get rid of distractions, put your phone on silent mode, remove social media bookmarks from a visible place, and hide the TV remote control.

How to relax properly

It turns out that not all rest is effective. If before an important task you decide to look at a social network for 5 minutes, there is a high probability that you will be stuck in it for several hours. Moreover, after the mass of information that you read and see there, you may not be able to continue doing your job (especially if it requires mental load). It is important to choose a type of vacation for which you can allocate only a certain (clear) time. For example, brew yourself a cup of tea or coffee and just drink it in a calm environment. It is unlikely that this activity will take more than 20 minutes. In addition, at this time you can think about the upcoming task and focus on it. Good ways to reboot include:

  • a walk in the fresh air,
  • short sleep
  • taking a bath,
  • meditation.

An inappropriate leisure activity is watching television. Very often, in order to take a short break, a person turns on the “box”. And then, as luck would have it, an interesting program or film that he had long wanted to review. And 20 minutes of rest turns into several hours. You can also do the following exercise while resting.

Picture your life in retrospect. Here you are lying on the couch, then eating, routine work, dissatisfaction with yourself and your life, and the years go by. Time flies at incredible speed, but what have you already achieved in your life? And what could they achieve? Imagine two parallel realities. In this one you are a procrastinator, and in the other you are a successful and strong person. Which one do you like better? Think about your meaning in life, your goals and quickly write down all your feelings in a notebook. By doing this exercise from time to time and rereading your thoughts, you will clearly see the dynamics of change in your life.

To summarize, we can say that the very fact that you are thinking about how to stop procrastinating is already a good sign. This means that you realize that you are wasting a lot of time. All you have to do is make a small effort and change your life. And you need to start here and now.


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