Connecting a fiscal registrar to 1s 8.3. fiscal registrar. How to get started with online checkout

Any enterprise that performs any calculations needs modern registration equipment. Its main element is a fiscal registrar, which will need to be purchased even before opening your own business.

The choice of a fiscal registrar is determined by the fact that each cash or non-cash payment means issuing a check to the buyer. The proposed device differs from a traditional cash register in that you will not find a display and a control system here. Therefore, to work with the registrar, you need Personal Computer with certain software (1C).

The registrar has the following advantages:

  • excellent print quality,
  • durability,
  • high speed,
  • reliability.

Such devices are able to print checks of different widths. Otherwise, the model of the fiscal registrar is characterized by a standard set of functions: integration with the 1C program, accounting for money, calculating the amount of change, selling for cash or on credit, calculating discounts, canceling purchases, and compiling reporting documents. You can use such a device with a minimum level of training.

Registration of a fiscal registrar

It should be remembered that after installing the "fiscal" you need to register. The design of the device is carried out in tax office and is mandatory for all legal entities. We offer professional assistance in registering fiscal devices, provided that they are purchased in our store. It should also be taken into account that the cost of such a device with us is acceptable, and the service is performed at a high level.

Service maintenance of fiscal devices

To date, models are available for sale to which you can connect a cash drawer or connect a display. But the main difference between registrars and cash register is the presence of fiscal memory. Once entered there, information cannot be deleted or changed. But even such perfect equipment needs maintenance.

When choosing this convenient device for printing a check in cash and non-cash payments, it would be logical to think about its service.

We not only sell "fiscal" from well-known manufacturers, but also offer a service such as the service of these devices. The cost of maintenance per month is presented on our website. The amount is due to the time that KKM works at the facility.

After-sales service is a set of measures and actions aimed at maintaining high-quality, trouble-free operation, as well as a number of additional measures, if, for example, it is necessary to connect a "fiscal", labor-intensive repairs, deregistration of the device. All procedures are carried out at a high professional level by the hands of competent specialists who know everything about these devices.

It's no secret that innovations are rapidly gaining popularity, replacing everything outdated. This happened with stationary cash registers, which successfully replaced their automated mini-copies in the form of fiscal registrars. The fiscal registrar is a special cash machine, designed to control cash settlements in trade. It works from the computer on which it is installed software to manage the fiscal registrar, which provides accounting for sales transactions.

The operation of the registrar is possible only if there is a 1C accounting program, which is installed on a computer for the automatic issuance of settlement checks.

It is rather difficult to connect a fiscal device, since manufacturers provide drivers that cause difficulties in management, and the instructions are formulated in an absolutely incomprehensible language, while manufacturers claim that it is very easy to connect their products.

And what threatens the incorrect connection of the fiscal registrar to the 1C program? That's right, a lot of problems, such as, for example, errors in counting money and incorrect data output on a check. Let's see how to connect a barcode scanner to 1C Trade Management.

So, to connect we need:

We connect FR. To connect the device to the computer, you need to turn it upside down, remove the cover (it is usually screwed with one small screw), under which there is a panel with 8 switches, after that you need to put one of the switches in the “up” position, but which one them - this is already clearly indicated in the instructions, but often this is the third switch.

We twist the FR cover, as it was, after which the device is ready for connection via a USB cable to a computer.

If you did the previous steps correctly, then after connecting the FR to Windows, it automatically finds the connected device and asks you to install the driver, so we immediately take the driver media and run the installation file to install it into the system.

After installing the driver, a problem may appear warning that it was not installed correctly, but do not worry, because the problem is not in it, but in the automatic driver update using Windows tools.

So, the driver has successfully started its work, and we continue the configuration. To do this, we perform the following steps:

Usually, FR is used at once to work with several programs that need a separate COM port (we install the Virtual Serial Ports Emulator COM port emulator if you don’t have enough of the existing ones)

The next step will be "Creating a new device", after which the program displays a new window in which you need to select the type of device, click "Splitter" and go "Next"

A window with "Device characteristics" appears, in which you select the COM port that is responsible for this program, respectively, further in the work you will refer to this virtual COM port. That is, the data source is called COM1, and your virtual port will be called ... for example, COM8

We proceed to the “Settings” and select the speed (Speed ​​- 9600) and delay time (ReadintervalTimeajut - 100). Make sure that the configured parameters strictly correspond to the parameters of the used COM port and fiscal registrar. Click "OK" and "Finish"

As a result of all the settings done, we have created another virtual port COM8, working from one data source COM1 (Displayed as COM1=>COM8 in a new emulator window). One moment, it is not possible to create many more ports from COM1, but from COM8 - at least 100 pieces! And for this, again “Create a new device”, select “Splitter” and see how below COM1 => COM8 is displayed COM8 => COM2. The COM8 port in this case will be used by the program to access the FR. Don't forget to save your settings at the end of the installation.

Having figured out how to connect VR to a computer and install the necessary drivers and ports, it's time to consider in detail the connection of the device to the 1C program. Believe me, after all the work already done, there are mere trifles left. Let's get started:

Setting up UT11 on the server

We start the program, go to the settings of "Trading equipment" and in "Processing commercial equipment» install a new cash register and add the FR model we need

Next, we test. After the test, we check the settings again: driver and version, connection parameters, device parameters, cash payment parameters and functions, and, if necessary, adjust the settings for ourselves. Well, that's all, now you have successfully set up your fiscal registrar, which will facilitate your work and bring benefits. Good luck with your work!

1C: Entrepreneur 8

The program "1C: Entrepreneur 8" - was created to maintain accounting and reporting by individual entrepreneurs IP, PE, PBOYuL. The program allows you to keep a book of income and expenses and business transactions individual entrepreneurs who are payers of income tax individuals(personal income tax).

1C: Enterprise 8 Licenses.

If you need to work with the 1C program on more than one computer (this can be the local network), as well as when working in one 1C database, it becomes necessary to buy 1C licenses. 1C licenses are additional protection keys for 1C programs that are purchased separately and give the right to use on several computers.

Good afternoon (evening), so, if you are faced with the problem of connecting CCP in 1C after replacing the fiscal registrar, then you should read this publication.

A little background, the analysis of the situation will take place on the example of 1C Retail 8. Optics salon, edition 2.2 ( - fiscal registrar (FC) ATOL 30F.

The problem arose after the replacement of the fiscal registrar with ATOL 30F, which in turn led to a complete update of the system on the KKM.

After connecting the cash register to the 1C database, the system does not give any errors, but later on the receipts you can find a discrepancy in payments. Namely, when paying "BY CARD" in the column RECEIPT to Check instead of (Electronic), it will be written "SUBSEQUENT PAYMENT (CREDIT)".

This error means that the money does not officially pass as payment by card, and if you look into Personal Area on the OFD website, you will see that such payments in the Electronic column pass as zero, and only the amount is written for them.

Also, in the X and Z reports, these amounts are not listed at all, not being added to the general cash register.

To correct this situation, the FC service company will offer you to change the payment type to the number that is listed as the payment type in the CCP settings.

At the moment, Driver 8.16.2 is being installed on ATOL 30F, in which in the payment settings (payment by Electronic) it is listed in the payment type settings No. 2. And you will be strongly advised to put the same setting in 1C.

Maybe that's what works "" somewhere. But in my case it didn't work.

But just in case, I'll leave the instructions in case someone wants to try.

To begin with, open the Department Administration -\u003e Sales -\u003e Payment: There we select the item "Types of payment" - and the type of payment with the "Payment type (Payment card)" change the code to "2" or "00-000002" Depends on which code default is assigned by the system.

Really working version. We download driver 9.x from the ATOL website (I have this version of Drivers_of_commercial_equipment_9_12_1) this is an archive with many folders, after downloading, unpack and go to the folder, then go to the “installer” folder and open the .exe

After installation, you go to 1C Administration -\u003e Connected equipment -\u003e Connected equipment -\u003e CCP with data transfer - and add new element with the hardware driver "ATOL:KKT with data transfer to OFD (54-FZ) 9.X".

Sometimes during setup, at this point, you may receive an alert that the driver installation is not complete.

In this case, go to C: \ Program Files (x86), and there should be a folder with ATOL and driver versions, go to the desired folder and look for the "bin" folder. Then we copy all .dll files or all files in general and paste them into the “bin” folder of the 1C platform.

After this manipulation, the program stops prompting you to download the driver.

After that, we set the CCP settings according to the settings of the ATOL Driver.

I'm doing a device test, and the connection should be successful. Pay attention to the connection port.

So, if everything worked out for you, then you are at the finish line.

After that, you uncheck the “Device in use” checkbox from another CCP setting, it is necessary that the only device remains ...... 9.x

We open the cashier's workstation and try to remove the X report, if it worked out, then you are done.

If not, and you got a ~~ error about the impossibility of printing on this device fiscal registrar ~.

If an error occurs, then you do a simple manipulation, NSI -> KKM Cashiers -> Select the cash desk that is used in this Workplace, and change the “Connected Equipment” to “ATOL: KKT with data transfer to OFD (54-FZ) 9 .X on Workplace". "Record and Close"

After that, you can safely go to the workstation. Everything should work, and when printed in a receipt for payment by card, payment will be made on "Electronic".

I hope this post will help someone.))

Standard libraries 1C: Library of connected equipment

fiscal registrar

This type of equipment is obsolete. As certain provisions of FZ-54 come into force, this type will be excluded from the BPO.

fiscal registrar is a device for registering trade transactions and printing checks. The following operations with the fiscal registrar are supported:

  • check printing,
  • canceled report,
  • report without blanking,
  • deposit/withdrawal of funds,
  • printing of arbitrary text (non-fiscal operation).

Data for printing and writing to the fiscal memory is programmatically transferred to the device.

Receipt printing on the fiscal registrar is carried out in the following order:

  • connection of the fiscal registrar,
  • filling in the input parameters,
  • data transfer for printing,
  • disabling the fiscal registrar.

After successful connection of the fiscal registrar, the input parameters are filled in the configuration module. To print a check, the device needs to pass an array containing three tables: a table of goods, a table of payments, and a table of general parameters.

The following parameters can be passed as part of the product table:

  • section number,
  • Name,
  • barcode,
  • vendor code,
  • department number,
  • price without discount,
  • amount,
  • discount name,
  • discount amount,
  • discount percentage,
  • discounted amount.

It also supports the output of the percentage and the sum of two various taxes for each check item.

As part of the check, a table of received payments is printed, grouped according to the characteristics "cash" and "non-cash" payment:

  • cash payment,
  • cash payment amount
  • cashless payment,
  • amount of non-cash payment.

The general receipt parameters control the parameters for printing a receipt and recording the total amounts in the fiscal fee:

  • check type (sale/return),
  • sign of a fiscal check,
  • printing on backing paper,
  • check amount without discount,
  • discount check amount,
  • discount card number
  • title and footer texts of the receipt,
  • shift number,
  • check number,
  • Document Number,
  • document date,
  • cashier name,
  • cashier password,
  • receipt template number.

Prepared input parameters are passed from the configuration using the command Receipt printing. Table rows are processed by a library function and passed to the device for line-by-line printing. The print format can be set by the device driver or redefined in the configuration using receipt printing templates, as is done, for example, in the .

If the print attempt fails, the driver returns an error message that is properly interpreted by the configuration module. Whether printing succeeds or fails, the device is turned off.

Operation Insertion/Removal cash is fixed in the fiscal memory of the fiscal registrar and the corresponding checks are printed. Deposit and withdrawal operations are performed by the same command with indication of the sign of the amount: a positive amount means depositing into the cash drawer, a negative amount means withdrawal.

Report with cancellation formed at closing checkout shift. Report without blanking is printed out at the command of the cashier and does not entail a change in the state of the fiscal memory of the registrar. possibility Free text printing used when printing additional reports or a slip check when making payments with a payment card. For all three operations, you must connect the equipment before calling the corresponding command and disconnect after completing the action.

Fiscal registrar settings before connecting to a computer

This instruction was written using the example of Shtrikh Light PTK, however, connecting and configuring fiscal other Shtrikh-M registrars (for example, Shtrikh-M PTK) will be identical.

Driver installation

  • After turning on the power and connecting the fiscal registrar via USB, open the Driver Test FR 4.10 (other versions are also possible, for example, 4.12):

  • In the open driver, select the Properties settings item:
  • We select the item Search for equipment so that the driver sees our FR or PTK:

  • Next, click Start:

  • After the FR is detected, double-click on its name:

  • To make sure the device is paired, click Pairing:

  • Let's check if FR prints. Select the Print Text tab:

  • Next, the Tests tab and the Start button. You will make sure that the device is ready to use!



  • We create an infobase in the "Retail" configuration. Let's call it "SPB-K".
    To begin with, we will connect the Shtrikh-light-FR-K FR previously connected to the computer to 1C 8.2.
    To do this, select the tab Service → Trading equipment → Connecting and configuring trading equipment:
  • Choose a section "Fiscal Registrars", click add and start filling in the information in the pop-up windows:

  • In the reference book of commercial equipment, we also press the plus sign (Add) and we get the following window for creating new commercial equipment:

  • In this window, in order to display the connected fiscal registrar, we must upload the maintenance processing - for this we download the ShtrihMFiscalPrinters_v2.epf file from our computer. Please note that it can be pre-downloaded from the link: (here you can get the entire archive of service processing in 1C to work with various devices):

  • After selecting this file in the Maintenance Processing window, we will get the information we need and click OK:

  • Returning to the window for creating commercial equipment with the processing already received, we can select the model we are interested in:

  • After choosing a fiscal registrar, we must select the cash register of KKM, which will be linked to it:

  • Because we work with an absolutely clean base, to create a cash register, you need to create an organization within which we will work with the cash register. Consider step by step what parameters and how we will fill. The cash desk belongs to the organization, and the organization has a leader. Let's look at the filling. This is where personal data is entered. person who will be the head of the organization being created:

  • We fill in all the main parameters of the organization in this way:

  • Next, we need to create a Store to which the checkout will be linked. This is a rather rigorous process: The first step in creating a Store is to create a warehouse. We will choose the type of warehouse Shopping room, from where retail sales are directly possible:

Note: The receipt distribution and sale tabs are filled in a little later (after the creation of the nomenclature, i.e. goods);

  • We configure the checkout parameters in parallel with the store settings:

  • Cashier selected:

  • Coming through Assistant for connecting and configuring retail equipment we make all the necessary changes in the table that appears, in this case we change only the port number to COM12, we leave the rest of the values ​​​​by default:

Note: If everything is done successfully, a message will appear stating that the device is ready for use. At the bottom of the information window, a message appears stating that "The correct operation of the driver is not guaranteed", this is due to the fact that we used driver version 4.10, and the program ideally requires version 4.9, however, driver version 4.10 is compatible with the program and does not interfere with operation.

  • So, now let's finalize our Store. Let's start with a few items.
    Tab Directories → Products → Nomenclature:

  • Fill in the table with Nomenclature group and Item type:

  • We do the same with other products:

  • Through the tabs Documents → Pricing → Setting prices in the store, we can set prices for goods, which will subsequently automatically appear when choosing a product in the checkout mode for sale:

  • Setting prices in the Store is done as follows: We enter all the goods we have and determine the price:

  • IMPORTANT! In this case, we work in the single user mode with administrator rights, in order to make further changes, work freely with the cash register mode and perform other operations, we need to adjust our rights and capabilities (this can also be done for other users) Through the Service → Users tab → Setting up additional user rights:

We ticked the maximum number of fields in order to freely use various functions in different operating modes and customize the program.

  • Let's show how you can perform a few more basic operations in the 1C program. While doing trial sales, we found that our products were running out of stock. Therefore, we must order new ones from the supplier. To begin with, we record data about the counterparty (in this case, the supplier):

  • Through the tab Documents → Receipt → Orders to the supplier, we form an order:

  • After the paid goods have arrived, you need to create a document for their receipt through the Documents → Receipt → Goods receipt tab:

  • And also to register the arrival of goods at the warehouses:

  • We can check the availability and quantity of goods in the warehouse thanks to the Documents → Warehouse → Inventory of goods tab:

  • Now let's turn to some of the possibilities of working in cash mode.
    If you want to set the function of assigning a free price, go through the tab Service → Settings of the RMK (Cashier's Workplace) to the general settings - here you can configure other functions:

  • Including the function of Fast products, which will be automatically displayed by the combination of the specified keys:

  • If you want all products available for sale to be displayed on the screen in checkout mode and we can include them in the check, specify in RCC Settings → Interface → Display text selection on the right side of the screen:

  • Now, before entering the cash register mode, let's see how to print a report without canceling:
    Service → Switch to RMK mode → REPORT WITHOUT CLEARING. To enter the checkout mode, click Sales registration:

  • Next, we see how the checkout area is arranged. On the right are the names of the products available for sale. A little lower - their number in the warehouse. Discounts are shown above. The main field for working with sales registration is in the middle. Below is the entire list of possible operations:

  • For example, let's post a product on the Quick Products tab (F2). By clicking on the first window, we get the first product in the receipt - rice:

  • From the list of goods with the text we will try tea several times. We have 338 rubles to pay. We select the print of the check and the Cash button, we knock out the check:

  • We close the shift as follows. Exit this field (F12) and press close shift:

  • Further, along with the check, we receive a report on retail sales:

  • In general, we got acquainted with the basic settings that allow you to start working with the Store and the fiscal registrar in the 1C Retail configuration. We hope our advice will make your work easier and more productive.


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