1c enterprise trade warehouse edition 9.2. Closing a cash register shift

The purpose of the laboratory work

The program "1C: Trade and Warehouse" is designed to solve a wide range of tasks for accounting for the trading activities of an enterprise: warehouse stocks of goods and their movement, offsetting with customers and suppliers, cash in the cash register, commodity loans and control of their repayment issued for the sale of goods, their return and payment: reservation of goods and control of payment; automatic calculation of prices for writing off goods.

The system allows you to organize accounting for several companies and several warehouses.

Students in progress laboratory work should study the program interface, familiarize themselves with its basic capabilities. As a result, students should be able to:

    enter information about the organization;

    fill out reference books;

    register information using documents;

    generate reports and analyze the information entered.

Students form the initial data for the performance of the work independently.

Work order

The program is launched in the 1C: Enterprise mode ( Start-Programs- 1C Enterprise Monopoly- information base Trade and warehouse - OK)

Working with the program begins with entering information about the company.

When you start the program for the first time, a dialog box appears on the screen Getting Started AssistantAssistant... "can be called up on the screen via the menu item Help-Beginning of work). Fill in all the windows " Assistant... "by pressing the button Further to go to the next window. At the end of filling press the button Ready... Then confirm the recording of periodic details by clicking on the button OK dialog box " Recording Periodic Requisites". Fill in the information about the users of the program in the dialog box " Users". In the future, all entered information can be viewed and edited in the window Setting up accounting parameters menu item Service and Constants menu item Operations.

Explore the program menu.

There is a dialog box on the screen “ Configuration Guide"(If it is not on the screen, call it through the menu item Help- Guide). In it you can find out information about the structure of the program, about its main elements; sequence of work in the program; detailed instructions on the implementation of all work in the program. Check it out. You can perform all further actions through " Configuration guide».

The next preparatory step is filling References(menu References- ....). Fill in References:

Firms- maintaining a list of firms (enter information about one firm);

Warehouses- information about the company's warehouses (enter information for one warehouse);

Contractors- a list of the company's counterparties (enter information about 2 suppliers, 2 buyers and 1 seller);

Currencies- list of currencies and history of exchange rates;

Nomenclature- description of the company's products (enter information about 5 names of goods);

Users- list of program users;

All business transactions are registered in "1C: Trade and Warehouse" by entering the relevant documents (menu The documents- …). To display the entered documents are intended Document journals(menu Magazines- ...). As well as Shared Journal of Documents are available and Document logs by functional purpose.

Before starting to use the program, you must enter information about the remains of inventory items (inventory), Money, mutual settlements with counterparties. For this, the program has a special set of documents (menu The documents-Leftovers-…):

Entering residues of goods and materials - to enter the remains of batches of purchased goods and materials, batches of goods and materials accepted for sale, batches of goods and materials given for sale;

Entering initial balances cash desk, bank, accountant- to enter cash balances at cash desks , cash from accountable persons, non-cash funds ;

Entering balances by vendor;

Entering balances by buyer;

Enter information about the balances for the 1st product, for the 1st buyer, non-cash funds at the checkout. To do this, you need to install working date on the last day before the current quarter: Tools - Options - General Tab- field Working date... Fill out the paperwork. After entering the balances, change the work date to the current one.

Enter in "1C: Trade and Warehouse" business transactions for the purchase of goods (for non-cash and cash payments), wholesale and retail sale of goods.

All documents for the purchase of goods are in the menu Documents - Suppliers... The program provides several options for registering the purchase of goods:

    Cashless payments (payment).

Enter the following documents for registration of a business transaction for the purchase of goods from a supplier for non-cash settlement with payment after posting of goods:

    Supplier order (Documents - Supplier order);

    Purchase Invoice (Documents - Suppliers - Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale) or highlight in General Journal of Documents document Supplier order- menu Action- command Input based on select from the list required document Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale));

    Received invoice(Highlight in General Journal of documents Receipt of goods and materials - Actions - Enter on the basis of - Received. Invoice - invoice or press the button Invoice in the document Receipt of goods and materials after recording it);

    Payment order(Highlight in General Journal of documents Receipt of goods and materials - Actions - Enter on the basis of - Payment order or through Documents - Bank - Payment order);

    Bank statement (Documents - Bank - Bank statement or through Input based on).

View reports on the entered business transaction:

    Reports - List of counterparties(by suppliers);

    Reports - Statement of inventory balances;

    Reports - Remains of goods and materials;

    Reports - Commodity report;

2. Cashless payments (prepayment).

Enter the following documents for registration of a business transaction for the purchase of goods from a supplier for a cashless settlement with a prepayment:

    Payment order;

    Bank statement;

    Purchase Invoice;

    Received invoice

Check out the reports.

3. Complete all documents accompanying the acceptance of goods for sale from the consignor, using “ Configuration guide».

View reports for all purchasing transactions:

Execute business transactions for the sale of goods:

1. Wholesale. Please enter the following documents:

    Implementation of goods and materials (purchase and sale) (Documents - Buyers - Sale of goods and materials (purchase and sale));

    Invoice - invoice drawn up directly from the document Implementation of goods and materials (purchase and sale);

    Bank statement line issued for non-cash payments on the basis of a document);

    Receipt cash order issued in case of cash payments on the basis of a document Implementation of goods and materials (purchase and sale(Highlight in General Journal of documents Implementation of goods and materials (purchase and sale)- Actions - Enter based on - Receipt cash order).

Check out the implementation reports:

Sales analysis;

Sales report;

Counterparties list;

Remains of goods and materials.

    Retail sale. Configuration guide»Check out the capabilities of the programs. Complete several documents.

    Transfer of goods for sale. Draw up documents on transfer of goods for sale, using the hint “ Travel guide...»

Study the possibilities of the program for processing the return of goods and materials on your own.

Save your work. To do this, start 1C: Enterprise in the Configurator. Select a menu item Administration-Save data. Archive to 1Cv7.zip file - specify the path for saving information - Archive.

In the standard configuration "Trade + Warehouse", version 9.2, the ability to carry out an inventory of stock balances in the warehouse with an extract is implemented required documents on write-off and posting of goods. The procedure for user actions during inventory is given in this article, prepared by 1C methodologists and published in the next issue of the ITS disk.

Starting with release 7.70.930, in the "Trade + Warehouse" configuration, it is possible to fill in the tabular section of the "Inventory of goods and materials" document based on the data of the "Remains of goods and materials" report.

Let's make a reservation right away: the examples given in the methodology outlined below were modeled using the "Trade + Warehouse" configuration, release 7.70.930.

So, processing for filling in the tabular section of the document "Inventory of goods and materials" can be called from the configuration dialog of the report "Remains of goods and materials" using the button "Inventory" or from the document "Inventory of goods and materials" by clicking on the button "Fill" and selecting the menu item "Fill from report ".

The filling algorithm in both cases is the same, therefore, we will consider one of the cases, namely, filling in the tabular section of the inventory document from the "Inventory balances" report for a certain group of goods.

Here is the procedure for user actions when registering this operation.

1. Select the menu item "Reports" - "Remains of goods and materials".
2. In the report settings, specify the warehouse where the inventory is carried out.
3. If the inventory is carried out for a specific company, then in addition, in the report settings, specify the company for which the inventory is being carried out. If the company is not indicated, then the document "Inventory of goods and materials" will be issued as a whole for the company.
4. Specify the group of goods for which the inventory of balances is carried out. You can also filter by product properties or specify an arbitrary list of products using the multiple filter capabilities.
5. Since the inventory must analyze the real balances in warehouses without taking into account the reserved goods, set the filter "Balances" to the position "including reserve" - ​​"all non-zero".
6. When carrying out an inventory in a wholesale warehouse, it is convenient to set the "Prices" switch to the "Average cost without VAT" position.
7. When taking inventory on retail warehouse the "Prices" switch should be set to the "Sales price (retail only)" position, since the inventory in the retail warehouse is carried out at the same retail prices at which the goods are counted in the retail warehouse.
8. After setting all the settings, click on the "Inventory" button.

As a result, the document "Inventory of goods and materials" will be automatically generated. Depending on the warehouse selected in the settings (retail or wholesale), the corresponding operation type "Inventory (by warehouse)" or "Inventory (by retail)" will be set for the document.

The tabular part of the document will be filled in with the balances of goods, according to the settings that are set in the "Inventory balances" report.

In the document "Inventory" you must enter the actual data for the goods. After that, you can, if necessary, on the basis of the document "Inventory of goods and materials" draw up documents "Write-off of goods and materials" and (or) "Posting goods and materials" in order to record the shortage or surplus of goods in accordance with the results of the inventory.


Currently, the following versions of programs developed by 1C can be found in practical use:

1C Enterprise 7.5

1C Enterprise 7.7

1C Enterprise 8.0

1C Enterprise consists of components:

1c accounting

1C Trade and warehouse

1C Salary and personnel


1. Allows you to keep management and accounting records simultaneously or separately.

3. In management accounting, multi-currency accounting is supported (accounting is carried out in the base currency, other currencies are converted against this currency).

4. The complex structure of the company is supported (one company can consist of several companies); reports can be obtained both separately for each company and for the company as a whole. A firm in configuration is a complex concept consisting of its own legal entity and an analytical feature management accounting.

5. Supports an unlimited number of types of prices, discounts for a specific counterparty.

6. Allows you to keep records on the posting of goods and materials in the modes of purchase and sale, commission, keep records imported goods to wholesale and retail warehouses.

7. Allows you to keep records of sales in the modes of purchase and sale, commission, to carry out the sale of imported goods in wholesale and retail.

8. Allows you to generate documents for the return of goods and materials to the supplier or return from the buyer in the modes of purchase and sale or commission.

9. Form applications from buyers, reserve goods.

10. Reflect payment for cash and bank transfer.

11. Maintain batch accounting of goods and write off goods by FIFO, LIFO, weighted average price.

12. To form sets of goods for sale, to carry out their dismantling.

13. Perform revaluation of retail goods.

14. Keep books of purchases, sales.

15. Generate analytical reports (sales dynamics, sales analysis, customer attractiveness, "black list of customers").


1. System floppy disks or CD.

2. The hardware dongle is an adapter plugged into the printer's parallel port. (You cannot connect / disconnect the printer / dongle when the system unit is on).

3. Registration form (consists of two parts; one part is filled in and sent to 1C, the other is kept by the user). The user is assigned a unique registration number, on the basis of which his further servicing in the franchisee companies takes place.

4. Documentation (5-6 books). Contains a complete description of the configuration, 1C programming language, 1C configuration. Usually, beginner users learn the program with the help of self-study guides that are not included in the package and are sold separately in franchisee companies or regular bookstores.

5. Users of a complex configuration (all three components are purchased) have an information technology support (ITS) disk - contains the latest versions of programs, reports, recommendations for use (advice from the consultation line), technological support, legal system Garant.


1. Free line of consultations by phone or the Internet (2 calls a day, no more than 5 minutes each).

2. Free receipt of updated software from franchisee companies or via the Internet.

3. Discounts when exchanging old versions of programs for new ones on the formula "the difference in the cost of programs, but not less than half of the cost of a new product + 5 dollars for the exchange"


The package includes a CD or floppy disks. Floppy disks can be divided into two groups:

1. System - after their installation on the PC, the 1C Enterprise 7.7 program group is created in the main menu, and the 1CV77 \ BIN folder is created in the Programfiles folder. The system part of the program is written here. Its deletion does not entail deletion of the entered information.

c: \ program files \ 1cv77 \ bin

2. Floppy disks with a typical configuration - after their installation on the PC, two information bases (IB) are created:

a) Net IB - does not contain data and is intended for accounting (folder DB)

c: \ programfiles \ 1cv77 \ db

b) Demonstration information security - contains information about a fictitious enterprise and is designed to study the program and demonstrate it (folder DBDEMO)

c: \ program files \ 1cv77 \ dbdemo


(Start-> Programs-> 1C Enterprise 7.7)

1C Enterprise (monopoly) - operating mode; is present only in network versions and is designed to work with the database by only one user (to perform important procedures, such as deleting data, recalculating totals, changing the working period).

1C Enterprise - working mode, in network versions all users work with the database.

Readme Additional Information - Contains information not included in the documentation.

Configurator - program reconfiguration mode, allows you to completely reconfigure the program, create an archive copy or restore data from an archive.

User Monitor - allows you to track user actions in the program.

Debugger - used to debug program modules

Protection Server - detects the protection key on the network and runs it on the workstation.

Remove protection driver - removes the driver from the Windows system registry (used in case of a failure when detecting a protection key).

Installing the protection driver - installing the driver into the Windows system registry (used after installing the program on the PC before starting the program for the first time or after using the "Remove protection driver" mode).

Driver is a program for working with an additional device.


(Start-> Programs-> 1C Enterprise 7.7-> 1C Enterprise 7.7 (monopoly))

In the "In mode" window, you can change the program launch mode by pressing the drop-down list button (triangle with the tip down).

The "Infobases" window displays a list of connected infobases. One line is one enterprise. The path to the current infobase is shown on a gray background under the window; the current base is highlighted in blue.

"Ok" button - launches the current infobase.

The "Cancel" button cancels the launch of the current base and closes the launch window.

The "Change" button changes the path and name of the current base.

The Add button adds a new database to the list of infobases.

The "Delete" button removes the current database from the list of databases; this does not delete data from the PC.

The "Help" button displays the built-in program documentation on the "Launch window" topic. The documentation can be printed in full or in a selection.


After launching the program, when it is first launched after installation, the message "Perform initial filling of the infobase?" May appear on the screen. Answer "Yes".

If the "Getting Started Wizard" window appears on the screen; close it by clicking the "Cancel" button.

Close the "Accounting settings" window by clicking the "Close" button.

Close the "User" window by clicking the "Close" button

If the prompt "Open the current period?" Appears on the screen answer "Yes".

Close the "Tips of the day" window by clicking the "Close" button.

Close the "Guide" window by clicking the "Close" button in the upper right corner of the window.

If the "Updates" window appears on the screen, close the window by clicking the "Close" button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Close the information window (located at the bottom of the screen, it reflects the actions performed by the program) by clicking the "close" button in the upper left corner of the window.

Thus, there should be an empty program window on the screen. Let's consider its components.

1 line - title line; it reflects the name of the configuration (1C Enterprise Trade and Warehouse Edition 9.2).

2nd line - menu line; all objects of the program (reference books, documents, reports, constants, program settings modes, etc.) are collected in it in different points. Using the menu, you can perform any action in the program. As in any program written for Windows, in 1C Commerce and warehouse 77 you can perform the same action in three ways:

1.using the menu

2.using pictograms

3.using the keyboard

In the menu to the left of the item, the corresponding icon is shown, to the right - the key combination.

3, 4 lines - toolbars (standard and formatting); they can be absent on the screen or be located in another place of the screen (side, bottom). You can change the list of toolbars through the Tools-> Toolbars menu item. The bottom line of the window is called the "status bar". This string is used to display various information while working with the program.


The built-in help can be obtained in the "Help" menu item.

The "Help" item describes the structure of the program tap.

The item "General description" describes the purpose and use of objects 1C "Trade and warehouse 7.7".

The item "Startup Assistant" will allow you to fill in the initial data correctly in the required sequence.

The "Configuration Guide" item is intended for the initial mastering of the program. The guide is designed for a typical program configuration. The pages of the Guide contain a description of typical configuration objects from the point of view of their use to reflect the business operations of the organization in the program. Descriptions of configuration objects are grouped according to sections of commercial accounting. In addition to the text explaining the procedure for reflecting a particular fact in accounting economic activity organizations, the pages contain icons for navigating to the corresponding objects of a typical configuration: settings, reference books, documents, journals, reports.

The item "Additions to the description" contains the history of the development of 1C "Trade and warehouse 7.7".

The item "About the 1C" Enterprise "system contains information about software release options, delivery sets, functional capabilities.

The "About" item contains information about the installed version of the platform and configuration.


1. Launch the "Start Assistant" (Help -> Start Assistant).

On the tab “Base currencies of accounting” indicate: currency of management accounting - rubles; currency accounting- rubles.

On the tab "Control of stocks of goods" indicate "By company"; retail price type - "Retail".

On the “Additional settings” tab, enable the mode of using the article (put the cover in the window); enable the "Post documents by future date" mode; unit of weight - kg; infobase prefix - do not specify anything.

On the tab "Properties of the item and counterparties" specify: "Items" - the type of goods; "Counterparties" - the region.

On the tab "Data on the legal entity" indicate LLC "Fortuna"; Legal and postal address - go to the "FTS Format" tab; region - Tyumen region, city - Tyumen city, street - Sakko street, house - 5, index - 625000.

On the tab “ additional information about a legal entity "indicate:

Organizational and legal form - a society with limited liability; full official name - Fortuna LLC; registration certificate - 7203 No. 123; date of issue - 28.02.06; registration date - 28.02.06; the name of the inspection - Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 3 for the city of Tyumen; the name of the payer when transferring taxes - Fortuna LLC.

On the tab "Codes of a legal entity" indicate: INN \ KPP - 720301445566 \ 720301001; OKPO code - 12500682; OKDP code - 820000; OKOPF code - 65; OKFS code - 16; Head - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich; Ch. accountant - Sidorov Sidor Sidorovich; Cashier - Petrov Petr Petrovich.

On the “Accounting policy” tab, specify: the method of determining revenue - by payment; method of calculating the cost of goods and materials - by FIFO; the method of accounting for goods in retail trade - at sales prices; default values ​​for documents - take into account VAT; set the values ​​of periodic details to 01.03.06 (press the selection button - the button with three dots -> specify the date -> Ok).

On the tab "Name of the attribute of management accounting of the company" - office.

On the tab "Parameters of the main warehouse" in the name - the main warehouse; MOL - Mironov A.A.

On the tab "Parameters of the main bank account" in the window the name of the bank account - main; "Currency" - rubles; "The bank in which the account is open" press the selection button -> add a new line (the first button on the toolbar in the "Banks" window or the Actions menu -> New) -> Name - West Siberian Bank SB RF Tyumen - > Bik - 720108651 -> Location - Tyumen -> Correspondent account - 30101810200000000651 -> Save -> Ok-> Select a bank from the directory by double-clicking on the line.

After filling in all the tabs, a window with periodic details appears. Pay attention to the date of setting new values ​​!!! If necessary, it must be corrected. This is usually the start date of accounting or the start date of the reporting period. To save the entered data, click the "OK" button.

2. Set the working date 01.04.06 (Service -> Options -> General). Set the period for viewing document logs (Tools -> Options -> Logs). The viewing period is a month. Set the period for generating reports (Service -> Options -> Accounting totals -> Month -> April). Set the parameters of operational accounting (Service -> Options -> Operational accounting -> Connect the modes "Record new documents with the current time", "Post new documents after the point of relevance", "When posting after the point of relevance, replace the current time"). To save the settings, press the button "Apply" -> Ok.

3. Set operational totals (Operations -> Management of operational totals -> Date of actuality of totals - 01.04.06 -> Current period - April.)

4. Fill in the directory "Currencies"

5. Fill in the reference book "Warehouses": The main warehouse (wholesale) of the MOL - Mironov AA; Components (wholesale) MOL - Pavlov V.V .; Trading hall (retail) MOL - Tikhonov V.V.

6. Fill in the "Cashier" directory: Add new item(Actions-> New) -> Name - Cashier "trading floor" -> Connect the mode "This cash register is a cash register of KKM" -> Mode KKM work- FR -> Number - 12345.

7. Fill in the directory "Contractors".

The "Counterparties" directory contains information about counterparties for accounting of mutual settlements with them and for paperwork. The counterparty is general concept which includes suppliers and buyers, organizations and individuals. For the registration of business transactions between their own legal entities, the possibility of registration as a counterparty of their own legal entity is provided. The reference book is called to enter and edit information from the "References" / "Contractors" menu item.

Create Folders "Suppliers", "Buyers", "Implementors" (Actions -> New group).

Open the "Suppliers" folder (by double clicking on the icon).

Add a new item to the directory (Actions -> New).

The counterparty can be assigned one of three types: "Third-party entity"," Individual "or" Own legal entity. "Depending on the type of counterparty, the structure of the information displayed in the form of the counterparty changes. The" face "of the counterparty can be changed. Changing the total of settlements with a given business partner The same business partner can have different property values, for example, you can select properties such as Debtors and Wholesale buyers as a property value. The type of the main property is assigned in the menu item "Service" / Settings of accounting parameters. / Tab "Properties". By grouping by the values ​​of the main property, comparative analysis data. Using the "Search" button, you can search for the required counterparty. The search for a counterparty can be carried out by the short name of the counterparty (name), by code, by the short name of the legal entity (individual) indicated in the form of the counterparty, as the main one. To carry out a search, you must select the parameter by which the search will be carried out, and enter text information into the substring for the search. The list of selected partners will appear in the "Found items" list. The "Select" button or double click of the mouse positions the cursor on the required counterparty. Additional information on the counterparty can be obtained using the corresponding buttons of the dialog: By clicking the "Contracts" button, a list of contracts concluded with the counterparty opens. For each agreement, you can view the parameters set for it: the type of prices, discounts, the amount of the loan provided to it. It also displays information about the current state of mutual settlements with the counterparty under the agreement. · Clicking on the "Bank. Accounts" button opens a list of the counterparty's bank accounts. · By clicking the "Properties" button, you can view the list of properties assigned to this business partner. The button "Settlements" opens a report on mutual settlements with a counterparty for all contracts concluded with him. ... The "Debts" button opens for viewing a list of documents for which there is an outstanding debt for this counterparty. The debt under the document is displayed in the currency of the contract under which it was drawn up. The Totals row displays the total debt amounts. When positioning the cursor on another counterparty, information about the documents for which there is an outstanding debt is promptly updated.

In the subgroup "Suppliers" add counterparties:

1. LLC "Vesna".

On the tab “Basic” in the window “name of the legal entity” specify Spring -> Enter -> in the window “Official name” specify LLC “Vesna”. In the window "Type of counterparty" select "third-party legal entity. face". In the window "INN \ KPP" specify 720301445566 \ 720301001. Remember legal address(press the button "Envelope" -> in the window "region" specify the Tyumen region -> in the window "city" specify Tyumen g -> in the window "street" specify Sacco st -> in the window "house" specify 5 -> in the window " index "specify 625000 -> press" Ok ".

Go to the "Settlement agreement" tab. In the window "Name of the main contract" indicate the number of the long-term contract with the counterparty, and it will be automatically inserted into the documents when this counterparty is selected; if there is no such agreement, you can leave the field empty (click the cross button to the right of the window), then the window will remain empty . Clear the window with the button . In the window "Currency of mutual settlements under the agreement" specify rubles. In the window "Type of prices by default" specify "purchase". In the window "Default discount" the percentage of the discount to the client can be set; leave blank. The window "Loan term" indicates the number of days for the loan; specify 10 days. In the window "Loan amount" specify 10,000 rubles.

Go to the "Bank account" tab. In the window "Account name" indicate "main". In the window "currency" - rubles. In the window "account number" specify 40702810000000000555. In the window "Bank in which the account is open" press the selection button -> add a new line (the first button on the toolbar inside the window "banks") -> in the window "name" specify Alpha -bank -> in the "BIC" window specify 044599774 -> in the "cor. account "specify 30101810100000000774 -> in the window" mailing address "specify 101511 G. MOSKVA UL. LUGOVA, 41 -> press the button "write" -> "OK" -> double-click on the line to select the bank entered in the directory into the counterparty card.

Fill in the rest of the counterparties in the same way.

2. LLC "Formula"

Legal entity name: Formula LLC

Legal. address: 625000. Tyumen. Peace. 311

Mail. address: 625000.PO Box 007

INN: 7202021455

R / s: 40702810100000000777

Bank: Triumph

Cor. account: 30107810600000172305

BIK: 044585305

Add contractors to the "Buyers" subgroup:

1. Name of the legal entity: LLC "Start"

Legal. address: 625000. Tyumen. Republic. 204

Mail. address: 625000. P.O. Box 444

INN: 7202021466

The currency of the agreement is rubles. Loan term - 10 days. Loan amount - 10,000 rubles.

Account: 40702810100000000718

Bank: Alfa-Bank

Bank address: Tyumen. Republic 160

BIK: 044585333

INN: 7202021489

The currency of the agreement is rubles. Loan term - 10 days. Loan amount - 10,000 rubles.

R / s: 40702810100000000456

Bank: Alfa-Bank

Bank address: Tyumen. Republic 160

Cor. account: 30107810600000172333

BIK: 044585333

Introduce counterparties to the subgroup "Implementers":

1. Name of the legal entity: Progress LLC

Legal. address: 625000. Tyumen. Lenin 20

Mail. address: 625000. Tyumen. Lenin 20

INN: 7202021478

The currency of the agreement is rubles. Loan term - 10 days. Loan amount - 10,000 rubles.

Account number: 40702810100000000888

Bank: West Siberian Bank SB RF Tyumen

BIK: 047102651

2. Name of the legal entity: state of emergency Saveliev A.A. certificate No. 456

Legal. address: 625000. Tyumen. Republic. 189-44

Mail. address: 625000. Tyumen. Republic. 189-44

INN: 7202021489

The currency of the agreement is rubles. Loan term - 10 days. Loan amount - 10,000 rubles.

R / s: 40702810100000000456

Bank: West Siberian Bank SB RF Tyumen

Bank address: Tyumen. Rizhskaya 62

Cor. account: 30107810600000000651

BIK: 047102651

8. Fill in the reference book "Types of prices" (reference books -> prices and taxes -> types of prices -> actions -> new -> in the window name "specify the accounting -> in the window" currency "rubles -> in the window" method of forming prices " specify "set only manually" -> Burn -> Ok.

Create a small wholesale price type with a 10% markup (directories -> prices and taxes -> price types -> actions -> new -> in the "name" window specify a small wholesale price 10 -> in the "currency" window rubles -> in the "method of formation prices "indicate" calculated and stored "-> in the" extra charge "window indicate 10 -> in the" on "window indicate" accounting "-> Save -> Ok.

Create a wholesale price type with a 20% margin (reference books -> prices and taxes -> price types -> actions -> new -> in the "name" window specify the wholesale price 20 -> in the "currency" window rubles -> in the "method of formation prices "indicate" calculated and stored "-> in the" extra charge "window indicate 20 -> in the" on "window indicate" accounting "-> Save -> Ok.

Create a retail price type with a 50% margin (reference books -> prices and taxes -> price types -> actions -> new -> specify retail price in the "name" window -> rubles in the "currency" window -> in the "method of formation prices "indicate" calculated and stored "-> in the" extra charge "window indicate 50 -> in the" on "window indicate" accounting "-> Save -> Ok.

9. Fill in the reference book "Nomenclature" (reference books -> nomenclature)

Create folders "Cookies", "Sweets", "Juices" (Actions -> New group).

Open the "Cookies" folder (by double clicking on the icon). Add a new item to the directory (Actions-> New).

1. In the "name" window specify "Classic anniversary cookies" (this field is used to search for items in the directory) -> Enter -> information from the previous window will be copied into the "name for printing" window (you can specify it). In the "basic" window specify the pack -> fill in the barcode window by clicking the "left arrow" button -> in the "weight" window specify 0.2 -> disable the "use only basic" mode -> in the "main" window specify the "pack "-> fill in the barcode window using the" left arrow "button -> specify 0.2 in the" weight "window -> specify 101 in the" article "window -> specify 18% in the" VAT "window -> in the" NP "window »Indicate without taxes.

Go to the "additional" tab. In the "main property" window, add a new line (the first button on the toolbar or actions -> new) and specify Rot Front -> click the "write" button on the toolbar (button with a floppy disk) -> select the property in the item card by double clicking on line. In the window "minimum balance" indicate 50.

To save an element of the reference book, press the button “save” at the bottom of the window “nomenclature.

To form the prices at which the current nomenclature of goods will be recorded, click the "References" button -> prices -> add a new line (actions -> new or the first button on the toolbar) -> specify scientists in the "type" window -> in in the "price" window specify 20 -> click the "record" button on the toolbar -> in the "record periodic details" window specify the date "01.03.06" -> Ok.

Add a new line (actions -> new or the first button on the toolbar) -> in the "type" window specify small wholesale 10 -> in the "price" window specify 22 -> click the "record" button on the toolbar -> in the "record" window Periodic Attributes "specify the date" 01.03.06 "-> Ok.

Add a new line (actions -> new or the first button on the toolbar) -> in the "type" window specify the wholesale 20 -> in the "price" window specify 24 -> click the "write" button on the toolbar -> in the "write" window Periodic Attributes "specify the date" 01.03.06 "-> Ok.

Add a new line (actions -> new or the first button on the toolbar) -> in the "type" window specify retail 50 -> in the "price" window specify 30 -> click the "write" button on the toolbar -> in the "record" window Periodic Attributes "specify the date" 01.03.06 "-> Ok.

2. Similarly, fill in the element of the reference book for the product range "Jubilee nut cookies"

Close the "Cookies" folder by double clicking on the icon. Open the "candy" folder by double clicking on the icon. Add two types of sweets to this folder:

Swallow sweets, 60 rubles / kg

Spring sweets at 50 rubles / kg.

3. Close the "Sweets" folder by double clicking on the icon. Open the "Juice" folder by double-clicking on the icon. Add two types of juices to this folder:

Dobry apple juice 20 rubles / l

Fruit orchard peach juice 20 rubles / l

The filling procedure is the same as described in the previous paragraph.


(Documents -> Suppliers -> Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale))

Documents "Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale) (Receipt of goods and materials (commission))" are created, stored and edited in the journal "Suppliers". A new document is also called up using the menu "Documents" / "Suppliers" / "Inventory receipt (purchase and sale)" or "Inventory receipt (commission)". Depending on the selected menu item in the screen form of the document, the type of the executed operation will be automatically determined - purchase or acceptance on a commission. The purchase of the same item from the Nomenclature directory using the Inventory Receipt (purchase and sale) document can be formalized as a purchase of a different type of inventory (goods, material). During shipment, the configuration will automatically determine the type of goods and materials to be shipped in accordance with the delivery document and will correctly generate accounting entries.

The type of goods and materials is selected in the column "Type of goods and materials". When selecting goods and materials from the catalog, you can set such a selection mode in which the "Type of goods and materials" column will be set in accordance with the value that is selected as the default value in the selection dialog.

The commissioning operation can be performed only for goods.

The configuration provides for the ability to keep batch accounting of goods and materials in the context of various properties of the batch of goods and materials. As such a property can be used the shelf life of inventory, color, size, etc. When goods and materials are received, it is necessary to register the receipt of the same goods and materials with different properties in several lines in the specification of the document. The columns "GTE", "Country", "Property" are filled in using the dialog box of the form of the item of the reference book "Goods and materials batch". This window is called upon activation of any of the listed fields. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing the subordination structure tree, which includes this document. The "Document movement report" item for the posted document shows the changes in the information base made by this document. about accounting transactions "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be formed on this document. The" Enter based on "item allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. The" Change document specification "item allows you to perform group actions to change the price characteristics in the specification The item "Add from document" allows you to fill in the specification of a document by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. this document... If the "Close document when switching to journal" checkbox is set in the user settings, the document will be automatically closed. The item "Updating prices in the reference book" allows for the items specified in the document to set the same prices in the price reference book as indicated in the document and automatically recalculate other prices according to the specified markups.

Example 1.

Reflect receipt of 01.04.06 from LLC "Vesna" by invoice, invoice / invoice, invoice No. 55 dated 01.04.06 candies: Swallows - 100 kg; Springs - 100 kg.

Solution: Documents -> Suppliers -> Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale) -> in the window, specify the counterparty LLC "Vesna". In the window agreement -> actions -> new-> in the window "name of the agreement" indicate account number 55 from 01.04.06; default price type - discount -> loan term - 10 days -> loan amount - 10,000 rubles -> write down -> Ok -> select the agreement in the document by double-clicking on the line -> go to the tabular section -> press the button “prices "-> in the window" type of prices "select" accounting "-> Ok -> press the button" selection "-> select the item by double clicking on the line -> in the window" quantity "press enter -> specify 100 -> Ok. After selecting all the required nomenclature, click the Ok button. Press the buttons Write -> Post -> M4 (view and close the printable) -> click the Invoice button (click the buttons Write -> Post -> Print -> Ok) -> Ok.

The created document is saved in the journal of documents by vendor (documents -> vendors -> journal of documents by vendor)


(Documents -> Suppliers -> Receipt of goods and materials (commission))

The document works similarly to the document “Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale).

Example 2.

To reflect the receipt of 02.04.06 from Formula LLC on the invoice, invoice / invoice, invoice No. 60 dated 02.04.06 cookies: Jubilee classic - 100 kg; Jubilee walnut - 100 kg.

Solution: See example 1

12. ACCOUNTING OF INCOME of goods and materials (IMPORT)

(Documents -> Suppliers -> Receipt of goods and materials (import))

The document "Receipt of goods and materials (import)" is drawn up if it is necessary to reflect information on customs duties and taxes upon receipt of imported goods and materials. the document contains an additional tab "Customs, customs duty", on which information on ruble and foreign currency customs duties is filled in. In the "Counterparty" field, fill in the name of the customs office, and in the "Agreement with customs" fields (ruble customs duty and foreign currency customs duty), the name and numbers of those agreements with customs for which the amount of the ruble and customs duty is collected. The amount itself is recorded manually in the appropriate fields. The amount of the foreign exchange fee is recorded in the currency that is determined in the currency of the relevant agreement. Below is its equivalent in rubles, converted at the exchange rate indicated in the document. CCD number and country of origin are indicated for each product on the tab "Tabular section". Customs duties levied on each inventory are indicated in the tabular section of the document (tab "Tabular section"). The price of goods and materials is indicated in the currency of the document, the customs value is automatically converted into rubles (the established currency of accounting) at the rate indicated in the document. The customs value can be changed manually. The "% of duty" field indicates the percentage of the duty to be collected, the amount of duty is calculated automatically based on the specified percentage and the value of the customs value. The amount of the duty can also be set manually, however, the previously specified percentage of the duty remains. Manual assignment of the amount of the duty is useful if you need to round off this amount, while leaving the percentage of the tax levied unchanged. The amount of VAT is calculated automatically in the accounting currency based on the value of the customs value and duty. This document is always drawn up with VAT included in the amount of the document. The user has the ability to manually change the amount of VAT. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Document movement report" item for the posted document shows the changes to the infobase made by this document. The "Report item" about accounting entries "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be formed on this document. The item" Enter based on "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. The item "Change the specification of the document" allows you to perform group actions to change the price characteristics in the specification of the document. The item "Add from document" allows you to fill in the specification of a document by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. The item "Go to Journal" opens the general journal of documents and places the cursor on this document. If the "Close document when switching to journal" checkbox is set in the user settings, the document will be automatically closed. The item "Updating prices in the reference book" allows for the items specified in the document to set the same prices in the price reference book as indicated in the document and automatically recalculate other prices according to the specified markups.

Example 3.

Reflect the receipt of 02.04.06 from LLC "Formula" on the invoice, invoice / invoice, invoice No. 61 from 02.04.06, candy "Rafaello" 100 boxes of 200 g each. Ruble customs fee - 1000 rubles. under contract No. 333. On the tab “Customs, customs duty in the window "Counterparty" indicate the Customs of the Tyumen region.

Solution: See example 1.


(Documents -> Suppliers -> Retail receipts of goods and materials (purchase and sale) (commission))

Documents "Receipt at retail (purchase and sale) (Receipt at retail (commission)) are intended for registration of receipt of goods and materials at a retail warehouse. Documents" Receipt at retail (purchase and sale) (Receipt at retail (commission)) "are created, stored and edited in the journal "Journal of documents by suppliers." A new document is also called up using the menu "Documents" / "Suppliers" / "Retail receipts (purchase and sale)" or "Retail receipts (commission)". Depending on the selected item the menu in the on-screen form of the document will automatically determine the type of transaction being executed - purchase or acceptance on a commission. Registration of these documents is similar to the registration of documents "Receipt of goods and materials (purchase and sale)." will be sold at retail Prices, at which goods and materials will be sold at retail, are entered on the tab "Tabular part" in the column "Retail. price ". The price at which goods and materials will be sold at retail can be calculated based on the entered supplier price (Delivery Price) and the markup (Retail markup). By default, the markup is filled with the markup that is set for the retail price type defined in the parameter settings accounting on the tab "Retail". The value of the retail margin can be set in any way, while the retail prices will be automatically recalculated. Purchase of the same item from the directory "Nomenclature" can be formalized as a purchase of a different type of inventory (goods, material). When shipment, the configuration will automatically determine the type of goods and materials being shipped in accordance with the delivery document and will correctly form accounting entries. The type of goods and materials is selected in the column "Type of goods and materials." with the value that is selected as the default value in the selection dialog. can only be produced for goods. The configuration provides for the ability to keep batch accounting of goods and materials in the context of various properties of the batch of goods and materials. As such a property can be used the shelf life of inventory, color, size, etc. When goods and materials are received, it is necessary to register the receipt of the same goods and materials with different properties in several lines in the specification of the document. The columns "GTE", "Country", "Property" are filled in using the dialog box of the form of the item of the reference book "Goods and materials batch". This window is called upon activation of any of the listed fields. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Document movement report" item for the posted document shows the changes in the infobase made by this document. The report on accounting transactions "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be formed on this document. The item" Enter based on "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected item. The item" Change document specification "allows you to perform group actions to change price characteristics in document specifications. The "Add from document" item allows you to fill in the document specification by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. The "Go to journal" item opens the general document journal and places the cursor on this document. checkbox "Close document when switching to journal", the document will be automatically closed. The item "Updating prices in the reference book" allows for the items specified in the document to set the same prices in the price reference book as indicated in the document and automatically recalculate other prices according to the specified markups.


(Documents -> Buyers -> Sale of goods and materials (purchase and sale) (commission))

The document "Sale (purchase and sale, commission)" is intended to record the fact of sale (shipment) of goods and materials. The fact of shipment and release of goods and materials for commission (transfer of goods and materials for sale) in the configuration is recorded by the same document. The type of the performed operation, and accordingly the name of the document, changes when you click the "Operation" button in the header of the document. A new document is also called up using the "Documents" / "Buyers" / "Sale (purchase and sale)" or "Sale (commission)" menu. When you select the appropriate menu item, the type of operation performed (purchase and sale or commission) and the name of the document are automatically set. The document can be issued on the basis of an application made to the buyer. In the event that a shipment document is issued on the basis of an application for which goods and materials were reserved (Application for a warehouse, Application for supply), then the reserve of goods and materials issued under this document is automatically withdrawn. In the event that the "Without IR" checkbox is selected in the document, and payment is made in cash, the IR amount is not automatically reversed. On the basis of the document "Sales (purchase - sale)" for further reflection of data in the sales ledger, an invoice is entered. The invoice can be entered on the basis of the posted document by pressing the "Invoice" button. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Document movement report" item for the posted document shows the changes in the infobase made by this document. The report on accounting transactions "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be formed on this document. The item" Enter based on "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected item. The item" Change document specification "allows you to perform group actions to change price characteristics in document specifications. The "Add from document" item allows you to fill in the document specification by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. The "Go to journal" item opens the general document journal and places the cursor on this document. checkbox "Close document when switching to journal", the document will be automatically closed. The item "Upload (send by e-mail)" allows you to send the document in electronic form.


(Documents -> Buyers -> Sale of goods and materials (retail))

The document "Sales (retail)" is intended to record the shipment of goods and materials in retail. This document is convenient to use if, when selling goods and materials in retail trade, the fact of payment and shipment of goods and materials are separated in time (the receipt of money is recorded by the document "Receipt cash order" with the established type of payment " Retail revenue"or" Retail revenue (UTII) ". An example is the registration retail in stores that do not keep computer records. The document can be issued from a wholesale and retail warehouse. In the event that the document is drawn up from a retail warehouse, then the sale is carried out at fixed prices. Prices are fixed at the time of receipt of goods and materials at the retail warehouse - in the document "Receipt at retail" or "Moving goods and materials (at retail)". When selling services at retail, the price type specified in the accounting parameters settings on the "Modes" tab is used. The document "Sales (retail)" can be entered on the basis of the document "Inventory (retail)". This filling method is convenient if the sales of goods and materials are recorded in retail, based on the results of the trading floor(retail warehouse) inventory. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions:

The item "Subordination structure" opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The item "Report on document movements" for the posted document shows the changes in the infobase made by this document. The item "Report on accounting transactions" for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be formed according to this document. The item "Enter based on" allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. The item "Change the specification of the document" allows you to perform group actions to change the price characteristics in the specification of the document. The item "Add from document" allows you to fill in the specification of a document by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. The item "Go to Journal" opens the general journal of documents and places the cursor on this document. If the "Close document when switching to journal" checkbox is set in the user settings, the document will be automatically closed.


(Documents -> Buyers -> Inventory of the agent)

The document "Inventory of the commission agent" is intended for fixing the remnants of goods and materials that are being sold by the commission agent. This document does not make any movements in the configuration registers. With the help of this document, you can fix the current balances of goods and materials with a commission agent and then, based on the results of comparing the actual and real quantities of goods and materials, write out a document "Commission agent's report", which will record the sale of goods and materials transferred for sale. This method of filling is convenient to use if the commission agent reports not about the number of sold (sold) goods and materials, but about the remains of unrealized goods and materials. The new document is called from the menu item "Documents /" Buyers "/" Inventory of the commission agent. "The specification of the document can be automatically filled in with all the goods and materials of the commission agent transferred for sale, but not yet sold, using the button" Fill. " (accounting) "is filled in with the balances of unrealized goods and materials as of the date of inventory registration in accordance with the documents drawn up with this commission agent. The" Price "field is filled in with the price at which goods and materials were transferred for sale to the commission agent. If the inventory was transferred for sale at different prices, then the document will contain lines with the same goods and materials, but different prices. Columns "Amount (accounting)" and "Amount (actual)" are initially filled in with the total cost of goods and materials, which is calculated as "Price" multiplied by the actual quantity. In the column "Quantity (actual)" the user enters information about the real balances of unrealized goods and materials at the agent. The user also has the opportunity to change the price. When the actual quantity and / or price changes, the "Amount (actual)" will be automatically recalculated. The "Off" column is filled in with the difference between the real (actual) and the accounting quantity Goods and materials. By the button "Actions, you can perform the following actions: The item" Subordination structure "opens a window containing a tree the reporting structure in which this document is included. The item "Enter based on" allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. The item "Go to Journal" opens the general journal of documents and places the cursor on this document. If the "Close document when switching to journal" checkbox is set in the user settings, the document will be automatically closed.


(Documents -> Buyers -> Commission Agent Report)

The document "Commission agent's report" is intended for fixing goods and materials sold by the commission agent. If among these goods and materials there were goods and materials previously accepted for sale from the supplier, then at the same time the fact of obtaining from him the ownership rights to these goods and materials (until now they belonged to the supplier) is also recorded. Documents "Commission agent's report" are created, stored and edited in the "Buyers" magazine (called in the "Magazines" / "Buyers" menu). A new document is also called up using the menu "Documents" / "Buyers" / "Commission agent report". The document "Commission agent's report" can be drawn up on the basis of the document "Implementation (commission)" or within the framework of a specific agreement with the counterparty. If the document is drawn up on the basis of the document "Implementation (commission)", then its specification is automatically filled in with all the goods and materials transferred for implementation, but not yet implemented according to this document. If a document is drawn up under a specific contract, then its specification is filled out taking into account all the goods and materials transferred for sale, but not sold under a specific contract. Using the "Fill" button, you can automatically specify the document when changing the details of the document (changing the base document, changing the counterparty or contract). The prices in the document are set according to the prices at which goods and materials were transferred for sale. If goods and materials were transferred for sale at different prices, then two lines about the same goods and materials with different selling prices will be recorded in the document "Commissioner's Report". The specification of the document can also be filled in manually. In the specification of the document "Commission agent's report" are entered those goods and materials that were sold by the commission agent (counterparty - the seller), and their quantity. In the event that the commission agent informs about the balances of inventory for sale, then it is first convenient to draw up the document "Inventory of the commission agent", in which the actual inventory of the commission agent is recorded, then, on the basis of it, enter the document "Commissioner's report", in the specification of which the quantity of goods sold is automatically entered commission agent for goods and materials. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Document movement report" item for the posted document shows the changes in the infobase made by this document. The report on accounting transactions "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be generated for this document. The item "Enter based on" allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. The item "Change the specification of the document" allows you to perform group actions to change the price characteristics in the specification of the document.

This document is intended to formalize the fact of the return of goods and materials by the buyer or commission agent.


(Documents -> Buyers -> Buyer Returns)

In fact, to formalize both of these operations, one document is used, and which operation is currently being executed is determined by the selected type of operation. The type of operation is selected using the "Operation" button. "Returns from the Buyer (Commissioner)" documents are created, stored and edited in the "Buyers" journal. A new document is also called up using the menu "Documents" / "Buyers" / "Return from a buyer (purchase and sale)" or "Return from a buyer (commission)". Depending on the selected menu item, the corresponding type of operation and the name are set in the document. The document "Return from the buyer (commission)" can be drawn up on the basis of the document "Implementation (commission)" or under an agreement with the counterparty. If a document is drawn up on the basis of the "Sale" document, its specification is automatically filled in with all sold goods and materials, and only those goods and materials that the buyer returns (for example, defective, low-quality goods) must be left in its specification. If a document is drawn up under an agreement with a commission agent, its specification will be automatically filled in with all goods and materials transferred for sale, but not yet implemented. By default, the price in the document is filled with the price at which the inventory was sold (transferred to the commission). This price can be changed if necessary. This information will be taken into account in settlements with the buyer (commission agent). In this case, the inventory will be returned to the batch from which it was sold. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Document movement report" item for the posted document shows the changes in the infobase made by this document. The report on accounting transactions "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be formed on this document. The item" Enter based on "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected item. The item" Change document specification "allows you to perform group actions to change price characteristics in document specifications. The "Add from document" item allows you to fill in the document specification by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. The "Go to journal" item opens the general document journal and places the cursor on this document. checkbox "Close document when switching to journal", the document will be automatically closed.



(Documents -> Cashier -> PKO)

The document "Receipt cash order" is intended for accounting of cash receipts. Depending on the established type of payment, with the help of this document, the following types of cash receipts to the cashier can be recorded: "Payment from the buyer", "Return from the supplier", "Return from the accountant". In the case of registration of receipt of proceeds from the cash desk during retail sales, the following types of payment are provided - "Retail proceeds" and Retail receipts (UTII). In addition, there is such a type of receipt of money as "Other", which allows you to record with the help of this document receipts of money , which do not fall under the above types of payment. The configuration provides for the accounting of money in several cash desks of the company, therefore, when drawing up the document, you must select the cash desk to which the receipt of cash is recorded. is divided (if necessary) into separate parts: - payment for shipped goods and materials (services rendered); - payment for sold goods and materials; - receipt of an advance payment from the buyer. Each of these parts of the deposited amount is reflected in accordance with the accounting rules. of the incoming cash order, the prepayment is fixed, then on the basis of the receipt You can issue an invoice for each cash order. In this case, the invoice is issued as an advance payment invoice. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The report on accounting transactions "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be formed on this document. The item" Enter based on "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. The item" Go to journal "opens the general journal of documents and sets the cursor on If the "Close document when switching to journal" checkbox is selected in the user settings, the document will be automatically closed.


(Documents -> Cashier -> RKO)

The document "Expense cash order" (CSC) is intended for the accounting of cash payments. The new document is called using the menu "Documents" / "Cashier" / "Cash outflow order". Depending on the established type of payment, using this document, the following types of cash payments can be recorded: "Payment to the supplier", "Refund of payment to the buyer", "Issuance of the amount for submission". In addition, there is such a type of payment of money - "Other", which allows you to record with the help of this document the expense of cash that does not fall under the types of payment listed above. The configuration provides for the accounting of money in various cash desks of the company, therefore, when drawing up the document, you must select the cash desk from which the cash payment will be made. The configuration keeps separate accounting of funds in the context of firms in different currencies. In one cash desk (or in several cash offices) funds can be stored in rubles, dollars, Deutsch marks, respectively, for various companies. When filling out the information in the cash settlement, it is necessary to record the currency of funds and the company on whose behalf the cash is spent. Depending on the state of mutual settlements with the buyer, the amount deposited can be automatically broken down (if necessary) into separate parts when the document is posted: - payment for goods and materials received (services); - payment for goods and materials accepted for implementation from the consignor; - payment of an advance to the supplier. Each of these parts of the deposited amount is reflected in accordance with the accounting rules. On the "Print" tab, the necessary information is entered for the correct formation of the printed form of the document, namely: information about who the cash was issued to (the "Issue" field in printed form document), as well as the basis and application for the document. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Document movement report" item for the posted document shows the changes in the infobase made by this document. The report on accounting transactions "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be generated for this document.


(Documents -> Bank-> Payment order)

The document is intended for registration and printing of payment orders. Documents of this type are created, stored and edited in a special journal "Payment documents". A new document can also be called in the "Documents" / "Bank" / "Payment order" menu. When a new document is created, the company on whose behalf the payment order is issued is set in accordance with the default settings for the user. The current account from the directory "Bank accounts" is set in accordance with the selected main current account for the company (the "Bank account" tab in the form of the company). Clicking the "About" button opens information about the selected current account, which can be edited without leaving the document. By clicking the button "..." the directory "Bank accounts" is opened for the specified firm in the selection mode, and you can select another of its current account. Information about the payer, recipient and purpose of payment is automatically filled in in accordance with the details specified in the document. This information is presented in the form of text, which can be corrected at any time. Information is edited on the "Print" tab. For the convenience of filling, you can use a special processing called by the "Fill" button. A special window contains a list of payer (recipient) details. Using the control keys (up, down), you can change the order of presentation of attributes, and you can also remove the description of the attribute from the text. Using the "Auto" button, you can restore the order of attributes, which is set in the default configuration. If you click on the "OK" button, then this text will be available for editing on the "Print" tab. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Enter based on" item allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. document journal and sets the cursor on this document.If the "Close document when switching to journal" checkbox is set in the user settings, the document will be automatically closed.


(Documents -> Bank -> Statement line (receipt))

Information about the receipt of money on the current account is entered using the document "Bank statement line (receipt). A new document can be drawn up from the menu item" Documents "/" Bank "/" Statement line (receipt) "A new document can also be issued using buttons "Incoming" in the processing of "Bank statement." attention to the fact that the configuration does not keep records of export operations. Receipts of non-cash funds to the firm's foreign currency accounts will be registered in the configuration as an advance payment receipt in foreign currency. Payment can be recorded with or without NP. The document must be recorded type of payment The following payment options are available: "Receipt from the buyer", "Return from the supplier" and "Pro whose ". If the bank statement indicates a specific document for which the payment was made, then it can be indicated in this document as a document-basis (the button "Basis" in the document). In the event that "Other" is selected as the type of payment, the form of the document is changed, an additional field "Account" and the values ​​of the corresponding sub-accounts appear in it. These fields are filled in by the user in accordance with which accounting accounts the receipt of non-cash funds should be attributed to. These fields are optional, but if they are not filled in, then no accounting entries will be generated for the document with the "other" payment type. If the receipt of an advance payment from the buyer is recorded on the basis of the document "Statement line (receipt)", the document "Invoice issued" is drawn up. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Document movement report" item for the posted document shows the changes in the infobase made by this document. The report on accounting transactions "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be formed on this document. The" Enter based on "item allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. document. If the "Close document when switching to journal" checkbox is set in the user settings, the document will be automatically closed.


(Documents -> Bank-> Statement line (expense))

Information about debiting money from the current account is entered using the document "Bank statement line (expense). A new document can be drawn up from the menu item" Documents "/" Bank "/" Statement line (expense) "A new document can also be drawn up using the button "Expense" in the processing of "Bank statement". A new document is opened by clicking on the "Expense" button in a bank statement. current account. The currency of the document is automatically filled in with the currency of the selected current account. The configuration provides for accounting for mutual settlements with foreign suppliers. Debt to a foreign supplier arises when the document "Receipt of goods and materials (import)" is drawn up under a specific agreement with a foreign supplier. transfer of funds from a foreign currency current account a. To do this, it is necessary to draw up the document "Bank statement line (expense)", indicating in it the currency current account. In all other cases, the transfer of money from a foreign currency current account is recorded in the configuration as a transfer to the supplier of an advance payment in foreign currency. The payment can be fixed with or without NP. The document must contain the type of payment. The following payment options are available: "Payment to the supplier", "Return to the buyer", "Other". If the bank statement indicates a specific document for which the payment was made, then it can be indicated in this document as a document-basis (the button "Basis" in the document). In the event that "Other" is selected as the type of payment, the form of the document is changed, an additional field "Account" and the values ​​of the corresponding subconto appear in it. These fields are filled in by the user in accordance with the accounts to which the write-off of non-cash funds should be attributed. These fields are optional, but if they are not filled in, then no accounting entries will be generated for the document with the "other" payment type. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Document movement report" item for the posted document shows the changes in the infobase made by this document. The report on accounting transactions "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be generated for this document.


(Documents -> Warehouse-> Capitalization to warehouse)

The document "Posting" is intended for registration of the fact of posting goods and materials. The document can be drawn up on the basis of the inventory carried out using the document "Inventory (by warehouse)" or as a free document in case of arbitrary receipt of goods and materials. Documents "Capitalization" are created, stored and edited in the journal "Warehouse documents". The new document is also called using the menu "Documents" / "Warehouses" / "Capitalization of goods and materials". In the case of an arbitrary posting, for the correct reflection of the transaction in accounting, you can fill in the information in the group of fields, united by the name "Accounting transaction". Filling in these fields is optional. However, if these fields are not filled in, then accounting entries for this document will not be generated. The specification of the document is filled in in a standard way - by line-by-line entry or selection according to the catalog. If a document is drawn up on the basis of the document "Inventory (by warehouse)", the specification of the document is filled in in accordance with the data specified in this document. Prices in this case are set in accordance with the prices indicated in the inventory. The capitalization of goods and materials can be carried out at arbitrary prices. The price type is set in a separate window "Document parameters", called by the "Prices" button. Prices can be manually adjusted. It should be noted that with the help of this document the receipt at the warehouse is recorded. finished products, in the field "Type of goods and materials" in this case, the type "products" is selected. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Document movement report" item for the posted document shows the changes in the infobase made by this document. The report on accounting transactions "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be formed on this document. The item" Enter based on "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected item. The item" Change document specification "allows you to perform group actions to change price characteristics in document specifications. The "Add from document" item allows you to fill in the document specification by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. The "Go to journal" item opens the general document journal and places the cursor on this document. checkbox "Close document when switching to journal", the document will be automatically closed. The item "Updating prices in the reference book" allows for the items specified in the document to set the same prices in the price reference book as indicated in the document and automatically recalculate other prices according to the specified markups.


(Documents -> Warehouse-> Write-off from warehouse)

The document "Write-off" is intended for registration of the write-off of goods and materials. The document can be drawn up on the basis of the inventory carried out (document "Inventory (by warehouse)") or as a free document in case of arbitrary write-off of goods and materials. "Write-off" documents are created, stored and edited in the "Warehouse documents" journal. A new document is also called up using the menu "Documents" / "Warehouses" / "Write-off of goods and materials". In the group of fields "Accounting transaction", the data on accounts and sub-accounts are filled in, to which this business transaction must be attributed. Filling in the fields is done using the "Chart of Accounts" reference book. These fields are optional, but if they remain empty, accounting entries for the document will not be generated. When the transactions are uploaded, the specified account is analyzed. Depending on the specified account, document items can be uploaded to the accounting department as goods, material or products, regardless of how the goods and materials were distributed by lots. Therefore, it is recommended to write off various types of goods and materials with different write-off documents. The specification of the document is filled in in a standard way - by line-by-line entry or selection according to the catalog. In the event that a write-off of goods and materials from a retail warehouse is drawn up, the Price and Amount columns are added to the specification of the document, in which information is filled in on the prices at which goods and materials are recorded in the retail warehouse. In accordance with these prices, the inventory will be written off from the retail warehouse. In the event that a document is drawn up on the basis of the document "Inventory (by warehouse)", its specification is automatically filled in in accordance with the data specified in the inventory. When the document is drawn up, batches are automatically written off in accordance with the cost calculation method established in the company form. The document also has the ability to indicate a specific batch from which the inventory will be written off (column "Batch" in the specification of the document). By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Document movement report" item for the posted document shows the changes in the infobase made by this document. The report on accounting transactions "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be generated for this document. The item "Change the specification of the document" allows you to perform group actions to change the price characteristics in the specification of the document. The item "Add from document" allows you to fill in the specification of a document by combining the specifications of several documents of various types. The item "Go to Journal" opens the general journal of documents and places the cursor on this document. If the "Close document when switching to journal" checkbox is set in the user settings, the document will be automatically closed.


(Documents -> Warehouse-> Warehouse Inventory)

The document is intended for inventory taking in wholesale warehouses and retail warehouses. Using the "Operation" button, you change the type of operation performed and the name of the document "Inventory by warehouse" (inventory in wholesale warehouses) or "Inventory (by retail) (inventory in retail warehouses). The document "Inventory by Warehouse" is intended for the formation and printing of a collation statement and an inventory list when carrying out an inventory in the company's wholesale warehouses, as well as an extract of acts of write-off and posting of surplus goods and materials on the basis of this document if there are discrepancies between the actual and documented balances of goods and materials. The new document is called from the menu "Documents" / "Warehouses" / "Inventory by warehouse". The data in the inventory sheet can be automatically filled in with information about the inventory balances at the wholesale warehouse specified in the document using the "Fill" button. Depending on the position of the "Inventory type" switch, the inventory balances in the warehouse are calculated in relation to the company selected in the document on the date of the inventory registration or for the company as a whole (for all companies). Posting a document does not make any movement in the registers, however, according to the results of the inventory, subordinate documents can be written out: "Write-off of goods and materials" and "Posting of goods and materials". The composition of these documents will be filled in according to the results of the inventory of goods and materials, that is, the specification of the document "Posting of goods and materials" will include the surplus of goods and materials identified as a result of the inventory, and those goods and materials that need to be written off based on the results of the inventory will be entered in the specification of the document "Write-off of goods and materials" ... After carrying out these documents, the number of goods and materials in the warehouse will be set equal to the real number of goods and materials recorded in the inventory sheet. The document "Inventory (by retail)" is intended for fixing the balances of goods and materials in retail warehouses at selling prices. A new document is called from the menu "Documents" / "Warehouses" / "Inventory (retail). Using the" Fill "button, the document specification can be filled in with the balances in the retail warehouse. , then the document will contain two lines with the same inventory, but with different prices. With automatic filling in the column "Quantity accounting", the quantity of goods calculated according to the documents entered in the information base is recorded. Inventories in the warehouse are calculated in relation to the company selected in the document on the date of registration of the inventory or for the company as a whole (for all companies). After taking inventory at the retail warehouse in the column "Qty. fact ”the remnants of goods and materials after retail sale are entered. The difference between these two values ​​will be the amount of goods and materials sold. This information will be calculated and recorded in the document in the "Off" column. Based on the document "Inventory (retail)", you can enter the document "Sales (retail)" or "POS printer report". The specification of these documents automatically contains information about the sold goods and materials (information from the column "Off"). When the document "KKM Report" is carried out, the shipment of goods and materials and the receipt of money at the cashier will be immediately recorded, when the document "Sale (retail)" is carried out, only the shipment of goods and materials from the retail warehouse will be recorded. The document "Sales (retail)" is convenient to draw up if, for example, the proceeds from the store are received daily and are recorded in the information base using the appropriate payment documents, and information about sales (or the results of the inventory carried out) arrives at the office only once a week. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Enter based on" item allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. document journal and places the cursor on this document If the "Close document when switching to journal" checkbox is set in the user settings, the document will be automatically closed.


(Documents -> Warehouse-> Revaluation (retail)

The document "Revaluation (retail)" is intended for revaluation of inventory balances in a retail warehouse. Revaluation (retail) documents are created, stored, and edited in the Warehouse Document Journal. The new document is also called from the menu "Documents" / "Warehouse" / "Revaluation (retail)". Remains are revalued at the retail warehouse for the company selected in the document. After choosing a company and a retail warehouse, the document is automatically filled in the specification. The specification of the document is filled in with the remnants of goods and materials located in this warehouse and related to the company selected in the document. At any time, you can automatically fill in the specification of the document by clicking the "Fill" button. If a retail warehouse has leftovers of the same inventory at different prices, then the document will contain several lines with the same inventory, but with different prices. It is possible to overestimate not the entire remainder of a particular position, but only a part of it. In this case, the document must indicate the number of goods and materials, which must be re-estimated, and fix new price... By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The item "Report on document movements" for the posted document shows the changes in the infobase made by this document. The item "Enter based on" allows you to enter new documents based on the selected item. The item "Update prices in the directory" allows you to fill in the directory Prices "information about the new retail price specified in the document. The price type is updated, which is specified in the accounting parameters settings on the "Operating modes" tab, as the retail price type. The item "Change the specification of the document" allows you to perform group actions to change the price characteristics of the specification of the document. The item "Go to Journal" opens the general journal of documents and places the cursor on this document. If the "Close document when switching to journal" checkbox is set in the user settings, the document will be automatically closed.



(Documents -> Kits -> Complete set of goods and materials

The document "Completion of goods and materials" is intended for registration of the operation of assembling a set of components. Documents of this type are created, stored and edited in a special journal "Sets". A new document can also be called up in the "Documents" / "Sets" / "Inventory picking" menu. The picking operation consists of two stages, which are drawn up in one document, namely, the write-off of components and the receipt of the finished set at the warehouse. The components are written off from the warehouse - the sender, which is indicated in the document as "Warehouse" in the group of elements "Organization". Receipt of the finished kit is made to the warehouse, which is indicated in the document as "Recipient". The number of components is set in accordance with the specified quantity for each component in the subordinate reference book "Set composition" and the number of assembled sets. In the list, you can arbitrarily change the quantity and add new components, regardless of which components are specified in the kit in the "Nomenclature" reference book. When capitalizing components, you can select the type of inventory (goods, material, products), as which the components will be capitalized to the warehouse. The price at which the components are added to the warehouse is automatically calculated based on the price at which the set is written off and the specified price coefficient. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The item "Report on document movements" for the posted document shows the changes in the information base made by this document. . The item "Go to journal" opens the general journal of documents and places the cursor on this document.


(Documents -> Work with KKM-> Check

The document "Check KKM" is intended for registration of mass retail sales of goods to the population. The document "POS printer check" can be issued only from that warehouse and for that company, which are specified in the user settings by default. Receipt of money is recorded in the cash register, also set in the user settings by default. Changing these parameters in the document itself is not provided. As in any other retail document, shipment of goods and materials can be carried out only at fixed prices. The document can be issued from a wholesale and retail warehouse. In the event that a document is issued from a wholesale warehouse, then prices, the type of which is defined on the "Modes" tab in the accounting parameters settings, are used as fixed prices. This same pricing type is used when shipping retail services. In the event that the document is drawn up from a retail warehouse, then prices are fixed at the time the goods and materials are received at the retail warehouse - in the document "Receipt at retail" or "Moving goods and materials (at retail)". Documents "Check KKM" can be used for mass retail trade using KKM in the mode fiscal registrar or in the "On Line" mode (moreover, in the "On Line" mode, receipts are generated automatically). The document "Cash register check" can also be drawn up if no one is connected in the configuration. cash machine... In this case, a cash register that is not a cash register can be selected as a cash desk, and a receipt can be printed in the form of a sales receipt. Checks are created, stored and edited in the journal "Cash register receipts". A new document is also called up using the "Documents" / "Buyers" / "POS printer check" menu. The selection of goods in the document can be done using a bar scanner. In the "Barcode" field, you can also type a barcode manually, the configuration will find this product and automatically fill in information about it in the document specification. When selecting an item, the specification of the document automatically sets the prices at which the item was transferred to the retail warehouse, that is, the prices specified in the document "Moving goods and materials (at retail)" or the prices specified in the document "Receipt at retail" as retail prices. Documents of the "POS printer check" type are drawn up in configuration during the cash register shift. At the end of the cash register shift of the cash register, the special scheduled processing "Closing the cash register shifts" (menu item "Documents" / "Buyers" / " POS printer maintenance"/" Closing cash register shifts "). All current" Check "documents are deleted; instead of them, a generalizing document" POS printer report "is generated and carried out, which summarizes the results of retail sales for a specific POS printer (specified in the processing settings). "Check" during posting takes into account only the change in the balances of goods in the warehouse, and the write-off of consignments of goods is not performed, since this is the most time-consuming procedure and it is not performed to reduce the time for posting a check. POS printer report ". By clicking the" Actions "button, you can perform the following actions: The" Subordination structure "item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The item "Report on document movements" for the posted document shows the changes in the information base made by this document. The item "Enter based on" allows you to enter new documents based on the selected one. The item "Go to Journal" opens the general journal of documents and places the cursor on this document. If the "Close document when switching to journal" checkbox is set in the user settings, the document will be automatically closed.


(Documents -> Working with POS printer -> Closing a cash register shift

Closing cash register shifts. At the end of the cash register shift by the special scheduled processing "Closing the Cash Register", all current "Check" documents are deleted, and instead of them, a generalizing document of the cash register shift "Cash register report" is formed, collecting all sales in retail from a specific cash register per shift. When the document "POS printer report" is posted, it generates generalized entries for all registers, including for consignments of goods and for mutual settlements with counterparties. The documents simultaneously record both the fact of shipment and the fact of payment. When working with POS printer in OffLine mode, the use of the document "Check" is not assumed. Just at the end of the checkout shift regular processing"Closing Cash Shifts" the "Cash Register Shift Report" is generated immediately.


(Documents -> Entering balances -> Entering balances in warehouse

The document "Entering inventory balances" is a generalized document with the help of which the initial balances of the corresponding batches of inventory are entered. With the help of the document "Entering inventory balances", at the stage of starting the system operation, you can directly set the balances in the warehouse and enter the corresponding batches without writing out fictitious documents. Carrying out this document records not only the change in inventory balances in the corresponding warehouse, but also introduces relevant information on the inventory consignments. It should be borne in mind that goods from one batch, for example, batches of goods accepted for sale by one consignor, may be in several warehouses. In this case, a separate document for entering the balance should be drawn up for each warehouse. The configuration provides for the division of accounting of goods and materials by warehouses (materially responsible persons) and firms. For each combination of company-warehouse, it is necessary to draw up its own document for entering the balance. The type of the batch of the entered balances is determined by the specified type of operation (the "Operation" button in the document) and the selected batch status (the "Type of goods and materials" field). Depending on the set type of operation, the screen form of the document changes.

ENTRY OF REMAINS OF INVENTORY IN THE WAREHOUSE In the document, select the operation - Remains of goods and materials in the warehouse. With the help of the document, the balances of all consignments of goods and materials stored in the company's warehouse are entered. The batch status is defined in the "Type of goods and materials" field. The number of documents to be entered is determined by the amount of initial information on the balances of consignments of goods and materials that the user has. If the user has only generalized information about the inventory balances and cannot detail it to the level of the batch status, then one document is drawn up with the inventory type “Goods (purchased)”. In this case, information about the supplier can be omitted. Depending on the type of the selected warehouse (wholesale or retail), the document type changes: Entering inventory balances in a warehouse or Entering inventory balances in a warehouse (retail). In the "Amount (rubles)" column, the total cost of inventory balances is entered in the accounting currency. In the "Total (rubles)" column, the total cost of inventory balances is calculated, including taxes. In the "Total (USD)" column, the total cost of the entered inventory balances is calculated in the currency of management accounting. The amount is recalculated at the rate specified in the "Currencies" reference book as of the date of the document. The total amounts in the currency of accounting and management accounting can be arbitrarily adjusted by the user. When entering balances in a retail warehouse, you must additionally fill in information about the selling price, at which goods and materials will be taken into account and sold at retail (Sales price). The selling price is always filled in in the accounting currency. Batch parameters: property, country of origin and CCD number are entered in the corresponding columns of the document specification.


To enter balances, you need to set the operation - Inventory balances transferred for sale. With the help of this document, the remnants of goods and materials available for the sale of the commission agent are entered. For each commission agent, a separate document for entering the balance must be entered. The head of the document must indicate the agent and the contract under which the balances of goods and materials are entered. If the commission agent still has goods and materials for sale that have different batch statuses, for example, products, materials (spare parts), purchased goods and goods accepted for commission, then for each batch status it is necessary to draw up your own document for entering the balance. In the event that the commission agent still has goods for sale that were previously accepted for commission from the consignor (Type of goods and materials - goods (accepted)), then it is necessary to indicate the consignor and the contract in the fields "Counterparty" and "Contract" (Party supplier). the goods were accepted for commission. In all other cases, filling in these fields is optional. The tabular part of this document has a column - “We are standing. »Which indicates the total cost of the item item, according to which it was transferred for sale. The total cost is indicated in the currency specified in the commission agent agreement specified in the document.


The need to enter the initial balances on the consignor's sold goods arises if at the time of entering the initial balances the consignor's goods are already considered sold (a document has been drawn up for the shipment of goods accepted for sale from the consignor to the buyer), but the consignor has not yet been paid for these goods (not completed the document "Report to the principal"). The type of goods and materials in this document is set "Goods (accepted)". The document indicates the principal and his agreement, according to which there are balances sold goods, for which they have not yet reported to the committent. For each consignor, a separate document must be drawn up. In the tabular section of the document, in the “Amounts” column, the cost of goods sold is indicated in the accounting currency set in the settings. When making final settlements with the consignor, the document "Report to the consignor" is introduced on the basis of this document. By clicking the "Actions" button, you can perform the following actions: The "Subordination structure" item opens a window containing a tree of the subordination structure in which this document is included. The "Document movement report" item for the posted document shows the changes in the infobase made by this document. The report on accounting transactions "for the posted document shows in a tabular form the transactions that will be formed on this document. The item" Enter based on "allows you to enter new documents based on the selected item. The item" Change document specification "allows you to perform group actions to change price characteristics in document specifications. The "Go to journal" item opens the general document journal and places the cursor on this document.


1. REPORT "ORDERS TO SUPPLIERS". The report displays a complete or partial (if a filter is installed) list of ordered goods and materials. The report can display information about the order of specific goods and materials. The selection of goods and materials is carried out using appropriate filters: goods and materials, groups of goods and materials, properties of goods and materials.

2. REPORT "APPLICATIONS FROM BUYERS". This report is intended to display information only on unfinished customer orders. The report displays a complete or partial (if a filter is set) list of unfinished customer orders. Information about all orders of buyers, including completed orders, can be obtained in the register of orders generated from the "Register of documents" report. The report on unfinished orders can be displayed for any date. The "By date" field indicates the date as of which it is necessary to view all unfinished applications.

3. REPORT "PAYMENT OF APPLICATIONS". The report is designed to control payment for buyers' orders. It allows you to display information about orders in the following sections: company, buyer's property, buyer (counterparty), contract, buyer's order, payment document (credit document). For each order, its movements for reporting period and the amount of payment for the application in the currency of mutual settlements under the current agreement. The accounting of payments on applications is carried out in the context of firms and contracts. In the event that more than the payment amount is shipped according to the application, the amount of payment is negative.

4. REPORT "STATEMENT OF REMAINS OF INVENTORIES". With the help of this report, you can monitor information about the movement of goods and materials in a specific warehouse, for a specific company. You can also control information about the movement of goods and materials in the context of various analytical features of management accounting. Using filters in the report, you can display information only on the movement of goods and materials in a specific warehouse (or in several warehouses using a multiple filter). The data in the report can be presented in both basic and basic units of measurement. In the event that the base units of measurement are set for the report, you can display quantitative totals for each of the groups of goods and materials in the report. To do this, set the "Totals by groups" flag. To get a more complete picture of the movement of goods and materials, you can set the flag "Show balances from commission agents" and get information not only about the movement of your own goods and materials in warehouses, but also about the transfer of goods and materials for sale to commission agents.

5. REPORT "REMAINS OF INVENTORIES". In the report "Inventory balances" you can display data on inventory balances with distribution by warehouses. The report presents both quantitative and total indicators of goods and materials.

6. REPORT "STATEMENT BY LOTS of goods and materials". The report "Bulletin by consignments of goods and materials" presents not only quantitative, but also total indicators of goods and materials. With the help of this report, you can find out how much goods and materials are listed for a certain material person, find out from which supplier the goods and materials have been received, for what amount at cost price goods and materials were consumed for a certain period, etc.

7. REPORT "REPORT ON PROJECTS". The project report is intended to obtain information on the fulfillment of customer orders, control of the fulfillment of orders by suppliers, as well as on the movement of inventory items grouped by projects. In the project report, you can select data using various filters. With the help of the "Report Drillthrough" settings group, you can set a different order of data presentation in the report. To obtain more visual information in reports, it is not recommended to set drill-down for a large number of parameters, this will lead to cumbersome presentation of data in the report.

8. REPORT "REPORT ON SALES OF INVENTORIES". This report is designed to display information about the sales of goods and materials. In the report, you can get complete information about the purchase and sale prices of goods and materials, profit and turnover received from the sale of goods. This report also displays information about discounts provided for the sale of goods, the amount of VAT paid on receipt and sale of goods. With the help of the report settings, you can make a different selection and grouping of the report parameters.

9. REPORT "RESERVES OF INVENTORIES". The report is designed to display information about the reserves of goods and materials. The report displays a full or partial (if a filter is set) list of reserved goods and materials.

10. REPORT "STATEMENT OF CONTRACTORS". The report serves to obtain information on mutual settlements with counterparties. In the configuration, you can get three different kinds reports: general settlements, by suppliers, by buyers.

11. REPORT "REPORT ON CLIENTS". In the client report, you can get a summary of the movement and payment of goods and materials. In this report, in contrast to the "List of counterparties" report, you can get information about which goods and materials were shipped to buyers (received from suppliers). The report can display information about general mutual settlements or about mutual settlements with counterparties - buyers or suppliers. The data in the report can be displayed in the currency of management or accounting, depending on the setting.

12. REPORT "REPORT ON COMMITTEES". The report is intended to display information on the accounting of goods and materials received from the consignor. In the report, you can select information on specific goods and materials, groups of goods and materials, as well as on an arbitrary list of goods and materials, groups of goods and materials and properties of goods and materials (multiple filter).

13. REPORT "REPORT STATEMENT BY COMMISSIONERS". The report is designed to display information on the accounting of goods and materials transferred to the commission agent for sale.

14. REPORT "CASH REGISTER". The report is designed to display information about the movement of cash at the cash desk. The report displays cash balances and cash flows for all or only for the selected currency. The report can be displayed for all cash desks that are part of the company or only for one of the cash desks. Using a multiple filter, you can select data from a list of randomly selected cash registers in the report. In order to obtain detailed information on the movement of cash in each cash register in the summary report at the same time, you must select the checkbox "Cash desks" in the "Report detailing" list.

15. REPORT "BANK STATEMENT". The report is designed to display information about the movement of non-cash money on current accounts. The amounts in the report can be shown in the accounting currency or in the management accounting currency. The report displays balances of non-cash funds and cash flows for all or only those current accounts that have the selected currency. The report can be generated for all current accounts for which non-cash payments are carried out or only for a specific current account. Using the multiple filter, you can select data in the report from a list of arbitrarily selected settlement accounts.

16. REPORT "DYNAMICS OF SALES". The report is designed to obtain information on the dynamics of sales for the selected period. The analysis period is set in the report settings (Period). Data analysis in the report can be drilled down to the level of day, week, month, quarter, year. That is, using this report, you can, for example, obtain a comparative characteristic of sales for the year with a breakdown by month. In this case, the start date and the end date of the year must be specified in the period for generating the report, and the detail must be specified as the month. If the object of analysis is a buyer, then you can make a comparative analysis of the dynamics of sales for different buyers. You can also use such a concept as the main property of buyers. Using the main property of buyers, it is convenient to perform a comparative analysis of sales of goods in different cities. To do this, select "City" as the main property in the accounting settings, and select the name of the city in which the goods are sold from the "Property Value" lookup in the buyer's form. By setting the "Customer Properties" as the analyzed indicator, you can get information about the dynamics of sales in each specific city and make a comparative analysis. If the object of analysis is a supplier, then you can make a comparative analysis of the dynamics of sales for different suppliers. You can compare the dynamics of sales of goods of several specific suppliers, an arbitrary list of suppliers can be specified using a multiple filter) or set different property values ​​for suppliers (for example, domestic manufacturers and import suppliers) and get a comparative analysis of sales dynamics in terms of supplier properties.

17. REPORT "WORKING EQUIPMENT DYNAMICS". The report is designed to assess the dynamics of the general state of the company. It allows you to get a complete structure of assets and liabilities, as well as their trends. The report can be generated for the entire company or for a specific firm that is part of the company. In the event that the firms that are part of the company have the same legal entity, but different signs of management accounting, it will be interesting to generate a report separately for the legal entity ("Legal entity") or for various analytical signs of management accounting ( "Management analytics") to compare data and assess the dynamics of changes in working capital. The report can be generated for any period with any data detail. For example, to compare the dynamics working capital by weeks of the month, you need to set the period - month, and detail - week. The report is displayed in the form of diagrams, which show assets and liabilities for various items of turnover. A graph is also provided, which provides a comparative characteristic of assets and liabilities - the ratio of liabilities and assets.

18. REPORT "ANALYSIS OF SALES". The report is designed to analyze the profitability of sales. The report displays information about all sales made during the period specified in the report.

19. REPORT "TRADING CHESS". The report is also intended for the analysis of sales. The report is displayed in the form of a checkerboard. On the horizontal and vertical axis of the report, you can display various information in the report depending on the selected marks in the "Horizontal" and "Vertical" lists. For example, horizontally (in a row) you can display a list of customers (customers), and vertically (in columns) a list of products. At the intersection, information about the sales of this product to this buyer is displayed. If, while viewing the report, you hover the mouse over a number and double-click the left mouse button, then a decryption of the amount will open, that is, a report on the sales of this product to this counterparty with disclosure to the suppliers of the goods and consignment documents.

20. REPORT "ABC - ANALYSIS of goods and materials". The "ABC-analysis of goods and materials" report allows you to calculate such characteristics as the amount of goods and materials shipped at shipment prices, the amount and percentage of profit calculated based on the amount of shipment and the cost price on the date of shipment of any of these characteristics of goods and materials. Data on the profitability of goods and materials can be displayed in the form of a diagram and a comparative analysis of the profitability of various goods and materials in monetary terms. The profitability of goods and materials is calculated both in absolute terms, in any currency, and in percentage terms.

21. REPORT "ABC - ANALYSIS OF BUYERS". To analyze the relationship with customers, the report “ABC-analysis of customers” is intended. Using the report settings, you can select and group the report parameters in various ways. In the report, you can select information on specific counterparties, groups of counterparties, as well as on an arbitrary list of counterparties, groups of counterparties and properties of counterparties (multiple filter). In this report, you can analyze information about the cost of goods and materials shipped to a specific buyer, revenue received when goods and materials are shipped to the buyer and the amount of payment. Based on this data, the report calculates the percentage of profit on shipment in value and percentage terms. The data is presented not only in tabular form, but also in the form of a diagram, with the help of which it is easy to compare such parameters as profit in percent on shipment, absolute profit, as well as total sales turnover (revenue on shipment) for different buyers.

22. REPORT "SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS". In trade, situations are often encountered when the shipment (receipt) of goods is not accompanied by their simultaneous payment. In this case, we can say that the buyer (or, accordingly, the supplier) is provided with a commodity loan, which must be repaid by a certain date. The loan term in the configuration is set in the form of an agreement with a counterparty. Based on the term of the loan with the counterparty, the payment date is automatically calculated in the document (the "Payment by" field in the document). The user has the opportunity to change the payment date in the document. Timely payment of documents is controlled using the "Payment Schedule" report. This report draws up a schedule of payments and cash receipts from counterparties. In it, you can get information about what arrears in payments are owed by counterparties to the company and, conversely, what debts the company has to counterparties. The maturity dates of debts are calculated based on the payment date set in the document. The payment schedule can be displayed for any date.

23. REPORT "PLANNING PROCUREMENT". This report is intended for the analysis of sales of goods and materials and planning the required volume of purchases for a certain period. The required volume of purchases is calculated taking into account the minimum balance, the balance of goods and materials at the beginning of the sales period and the average speed of sales. The minimum balance is set for each inventory in its form. In this report, you can also get complete information on the speed of sales of goods and materials (i.e., on the average volume of sales of goods and materials per day) on the days when goods and materials were available, and on the number of such days. The Procurement Planning report specifies the sales analysis period and the procurement planning period. The sales analysis period is the period on the basis of sales for which the average sales rate of goods and materials per day is calculated. Based on this sales rate, the estimated sales volume of goods and materials is calculated for the procurement planning period. Based on the estimated sales volume and the initial warehouse balance, the number of goods and materials that should be purchased is calculated so that by the end of the procurement planning period, the optimal number of goods and materials, equal to the minimum balance, remains in the warehouse. Right choice the boundaries of the sales analysis period allows you to achieve the most accurate estimate of the estimated sales volume. So, for goods and materials, the level of sales, which is not subject to seasonal fluctuations and, on average, remains at the same level throughout the entire time, you should choose the largest possible analysis period, for example, for one year. In addition to calculating the required volume of purchases, the Procurement Planning report also allows you to identify the fact of loss of profit trading company caused by the lack of goods and materials in demand in the warehouse. The report generates data on the real number of days of sale of goods and materials, that is, days when goods and materials were present in the warehouse, and on the total number of working days during the sales analysis period. Having analyzed these two values, one can draw conclusions about the amount of losses due to the absence of

24. REPORT "PRODUCT REPORT". This report is designed to generate a product report. A commodity report can be generated for a specific company or legal entity. For a legal entity, a commodity report is generated if the company has several firms that have the same legal entity, but different analytical features of management accounting. The number of the product report is set in the settings before generating the report.

25. REPORT "SUPPORTING REGISTER". This report is intended for compiling accompanying registers when accounting for goods at purchase prices, when maintaining varietal, batch accounting of goods.

26. REPORT "REGISTER OF DOCUMENTS". The report allows you to get a list of documents. You can select the types of documents to be included in the report and set a filter by document details, including company, counterparty, author, project and document status.


It takes place in two stages:

1. Logical deletion of information. This requires:

Install on an object

Actions -> mark for deletion (the icon will be crossed out).

An object marked for deletion can be restored. This requires:

Install on an object

Actions -> unmark for deletion

2. Physical removal of information. After this stage, the information cannot be restored. For this:

Close all windows (windows -> close all)

Operations -> deleting marked objects (a window for deleting information will open). The objects marked for deletion are listed in the upper part of the window. We leave marks ("birds") for those objects that should be deleted in the current session.

Press the "control" button. This will check for the possibility of deleting the objects selected for deletion. If the object cannot be deleted, the mark ("birdie") will be removed from it, and the objects in which it is used will be shown in the lower part of the window.

Press the "Delete" button (answer "Yes" to the request for deletion, after which the objects selected for deletion will be deleted).

Press the button "Ok", "Close"


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