Theater ticket distributors may be allowed to sell without cash registers. How to open a business selling tickets for cultural and entertainment events Theater tickets from distributors

Distributors of theater tickets may be exempted from the obligation to use cash registers when selling. The corresponding bill has been submitted to the State Duma and is at the disposal of the Parliamentary Newspaper.

The initiative was initiated by a group of deputies headed by Elena Yampolskaya, Chairperson of the Committee for Culture. Changes are proposed to be made to the Law "On the use of cash registers in the implementation of settlements in the Russian Federation."

The document notes that from July 1, 2019, organizations and individual entrepreneurs performing work and providing services to the population are required to apply cash register equipment. Such an order may complicate the work of state and municipal theaters, as well as worsen their economic condition.

Legislators point out that theaters cannot fill the entire auditorium by selling tickets only at the box office or online. To attract spectators, they use distributors - individuals who sell tickets in organizations, in educational institutions, in cultural institutions.

However, it will be difficult to provide all ticket distributors with cash registers, as they require mobile connection good quality. The authors of the initiative propose to release theater ticket distributors from the obligation to carry such equipment.

At the same time, it is noted that this provision does not apply to cases where the said entrance tickets and subscriptions are sold using the Internet and communication networks.

According to legislators, the adoption of the bill will prevent the deterioration of the economic condition of state and municipal theaters, and will also allow them to fulfill the state task for such an indicator as "the number of spectators."

How to get to your favorite theaters without fabulous spending - 5 simple rules and some details from the theaters themselves and from the audience on how to buy cheap theater tickets.

If the soul demands the beautiful, and the market prices for spiritual food bite, you should look for inexpensive tickets to the theater and apply certain tricks in order not to miss the opportunity to get to the performance.

1. Use official theater websites

Tickets to any theater can now be ordered and bought on its official website. In addition, keep in mind that by the beginning of the sales period, only about 30% of all tickets are at the box office of the theater, the rest of the tickets have already been taken by distributors - it is more profitable for the theater. Distributors usually inflate the price by about 10-15%. Therefore, it is more profitable, of course, to buy tickets at the theater itself.

2. Plan your trip to the theater in advance

By making a plan for visiting cultural events, and most importantly, thinking about buying a ticket to the theater two months before the performance, you can buy a ticket much cheaper than if you start looking for it a week or the day before. This rule applies to all theaters without exception. Two months before the date of the performance, it is usually quite possible to buy tickets at the box office or on the theater website.

3. Ask about admission tickets

In a number of theaters there are so-called entrance tickets: for a small amount you can go into the hall and sit on an empty seat or steps if there are no seats at all.

4. Be mindful of social discounts

In some Moscow theaters, students, pensioners and the disabled can enter for free or receive a significant discount on tickets. For example, when buying tickets for performances on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, students will receive a 50% discount on Theater Et Cetera. Take your student ID cards with you!

5. Don't Forget the Little Things

When choosing a performance that you want to go to, pay attention to which hall it will take place in. As a rule, tickets for the small stage are more expensive than for the main stage (does not apply to the Bolshoi Theatre). Also, check to see if the show is running as part of a festival. In this case, the ticket price may be higher than usual.

Now a little about the peculiarities of buying tickets to some Moscow theaters.

Everyone knows that it is impossible to get into the Bolshoi Theater, and if possible, then only for some space money. Keep in mind this is a myth. In the most famous theater in Russia, tickets, of course, are not the cheapest, but you can always come up with something.

First, official information: you can buy a ticket for performances in the area of ​​​​the Historical and New Stages of the Bolshoi Theater three months in advance. Tickets for the Beethoven Hall used to go on sale two months in advance, but now they also go on sale three months before the concert date.

Pre-sale at the theater box office starts at 10:00 on Saturdays.

Since 2005, full-time students an hour before the performance can at the minimum price - 100 rubles (which are then often sold already somewhat more expensive to ticket speculators standing right there). This promotion applies to the New and Historic Stages (the promotion with ticket sales also applies).

Now the reality: you don’t need to come on Saturdays either by 10 am, or by 7, or by 12 noon. Or rather, you can try, but you are unlikely to buy a ticket, but you will get not the most pleasant experience of standing in line (which many have already forgotten about), and besides, you will get an idea of ​​​​the humiliating superiority of ticket speculators over other people. And here is the opinion of a real viewer:

“On Saturdays, it’s quite possible to arrive as early as possible, at 5-6 o’clock, to get into the first hundred, and you can get inexpensive tickets. Yes, you will get a lot of negativity along with the tickets, and the swearing, and these stupid dealers, you will have to stand in line for up to 8 hours, then hand out bracelets on your hand with a number and you can go for a walk until 10.

Then the sale actually begins, you can take two tickets for the opera and two for the ballet in one hand. It doesn't matter which. 4 operas or 4 ballets will not be given, even if you die. But you can agree with a neighbor in turn, if you need ballet, and he needs opera, then change.

In general, on Saturdays there reigns a scoop in its worst incarnation. But you can save a lot on tickets.”

If this kind of adventure does not scare you, go ahead.

And if your goal is to acquire not life, but aesthetic experience, that is, going to a performance, we recommend using the official website of the Bolshoi Theater, where you can go to most performances at the official prices of the theater. Of course, there will be no tickets for some performances.

But we recommend not to despair and visit the site regularly. It often happens that today there are no tickets on the site, but tomorrow they already are. True, in this case, planning will not work - here, rather, the situation resembles a burning ticket: if a good option you have to pack up and go.

Please note that tickets to the New Stage of the Bolshoi Theater are cheaper than to the Historical Stage. Sometimes you can get to Novaya Novaya for 1500 rubles, and for 1000. Despite the fact that excellent performances are often held there: for example, the ballet “Bright Stream” or the opera “La Boheme”.

Do not refuse concerts in the Beethoven Hall of the Bolshoi Theater (tickets are almost always freely sold at the box office and on the theater website, the entrance to the hall is through the columns of the Bolshoi Theater). Tickets for concerts of soloists of the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra are never more than 500 rubles, but each of these concerts is the brightest event. The best of them are always additionally announced on the ChamberMusic.Ru website.

When buying tickets, do not forget to study the floor plans. In the Beethoven Hall, if possible, do not take tickets on the very sides. Although this mainly concerns the New and Historical scene.

If tickets are from the sides of the halls, try to take the first row. Otherwise, it will be difficult to see something. On the other hand, on the Historical Stage of the Bolshoi Theater, never be afraid of mezzanine tickets in boxes 12 to 15 on the left and right sides. They are called “seat 7” and “seat 8”, are marked as “inconvenient places” and if they go on sale, then at lower prices. Don't believe. These are great seats - you will sit on comfortable high bar-like chairs and you will have a great view of the stage.

Some lovingly call him "Stasik", which causes incredible indignation among a number of servants of this theater. However, the "second name" of this theater is widely used. Tickets to this theater are much cheaper than to the Bolshoi, and many opera and ballet lovers love it even more for its “homely” atmosphere.

However, in MAMT there is also a risk of running into an impolite security guard - but in this case, it is enough to call the shift supervisor: in this theater, they monitor both the behavior of the guards in particular and, in general, the atmosphere into which the viewer enters by opening the theater door.

Tickets are also bought on the website or at the box office, the prices, as we have already said, are divine, and the visibility in the hall is excellent from any seat. Exception - 1 and 14 lodges. There, the stage is almost invisible because of the director's boxes. In the 2nd and 13th lodges - so to speak, "limitation of visibility."

Moscow theater "New Opera"

The theater was founded by the outstanding Soviet conductor Yevgeny Kolobov, it is very conveniently and comfortably located on Petrovka Street and can, to some extent, bear the title of “manpower forge for the Bolshoi Theatre”: some of the theater’s soloists recently moved to the Bolshoi, and the wonderful baritone Vasily Ladyuk, although he remains faithful to the Novaya Opera, nevertheless, he regularly appears on the stage of the Bolshoi.

Tickets are relatively inexpensive, and visibility in the hall is also good from any seat.

In 1972, Boris Pokrovsky, the chief director of the Bolshoi Theater for many years, was offered to reform a small opera company touring Russia. This is how the Moscow Chamber Musical Theater arose.

At one time, the Chamber Musical Theater worked with Rodion Shchedrin, Dmitri Shostakovich, Tikhon Khrennikov, Gennady Rozhdestvensky. From the very first days, it was decided that this place would become a laboratory for modern opera, but at the same time it would introduce the viewer to opera rarities.

Here, for the first time, works by contemporary composers who have already become classics were performed: “The Overcoat”, “Carriage”, “The Wedding”, “The Brothers Karamazov” by Kholminov, “Life with an Idiot” by Schnittke, “Count Cagliostro” by Tariverdiev, “Poor Lisa” by Desyatnikov, “Poor people" by Sedelnikov, but Shostakovich's "Nose" became calling card theater. Among the rarities that sounded on the stage of the Chamber Musical Theater are Haydn's "Pharmacist", Britten's "Playing on the Water", Stravinsky's "The Rake's Progress", "Don Giovanni, or the Punished Libertine" and Mozart's "Theater Director".

This theater is very good in some ways. In any case, there are often performances that do not go anywhere else. But, to be honest, we have a suspicion that it is not very difficult to get tickets for it. But you can get great pleasure from the performance in this theater.

Since 2018, the theater has lost its independence and turned into the Chamber Stage. Pokrovsky Bolshoi Theater of Russia. Accordingly, tickets to it should be sought in the same place where they sell tickets to the Bolshoi Theater.

The world's first professional theater of opera, ballet and symphony music for children. It bears the name of its founder - the first woman in the world - an opera director, an outstanding cultural figure Natalia Ilyinichna Sats.

If there is a desire to introduce a child to the world of music, the Sats Theater can be a good place to start, since there are not so many children's performances in the repertoire of other Moscow theaters, and besides, one gets the feeling that modern directors are slowly learning how to stage for children.

And here, for example, you can watch the amazing children's ballet "Cipollino" to the music of K. Khachaturian staged by G. Mayorov, which used to be at the Bolshoi Theater, but now it is not.

Moscow musical theater "Helikon-Opera"

“Helikon-Opera” boasts an outstanding chief conductor - Vladimir Ponkin, as well as artistic director - director Dmitry Bertman, who knows how to turn any of his productions, if not into a provocation, then, in any case, into something very unexpected.

For a long time the "Helikon" theater was based on the Bolshoy Arbat, but already in November, Moscow is waiting for a sensation - after a long and complex reconstruction.

At the Moscow Art Theatre. Chekhov, ticket prices range from 350 to 5,000 rubles. Tickets can be purchased in advance for more than favorable prices. It is convenient to enjoy the performance from absolutely any row - visibility is sufficient everywhere.

In "Lenkom" you can also buy a ticket on the website. Here you can see the location of the seats in the hall and choose affordable price. However, by purchasing the cheapest mezzanine tickets for 250 rubles, you run the risk of not seeing anything. Therefore, save wisely - the best option is 400-500 rubles per ticket.

Theater of Oleg Tabakov

In a cozy "snuffbox" you can watch your favorite actors by buying a ticket on the website. The minimum price for a balcony is 600 rubles. But if you carefully follow the news on the theater's website, you can easily find a place for yourself "under the sun" and at a lower cost.

The cheapest tickets at Sovremennik can be purchased for 200 rubles by choosing seats on the last row on the balcony. The main thing is to catch yourself in advance and take care of it - in 2-3 weeks. It is almost impossible to buy a ticket on the day of the performance.

Advance ticket sales on the workshop website begin two months before the premiere. The most low price is 300 rubles. By filling out the form on the site, you can "stand in line" for the desired ticket. In the fields you need to enter the amount you are counting on, and you will have to wait for the administrator's call.

Tickets to RAMT can be purchased at affordable prices, which start at 300 rubles. Please note that tickets for the performances of the Little Stage and the Black Room are only sold at the box office located on Theater Square. But it’s better not to delay until the day of the premiere, as tickets are sold out pretty quickly. Benefits in the theater are also provided in accordance with the law, but you need to agree in advance by phone.

To the legendary theatre. Vakhtangov can be visited by paying only 250 rubles. You can follow the appearance of the opportunity to purchase a cheap ticket on the official website. Tickets go on sale in about 2-4 weeks.

Moscow Art Theater Gorky

The minimum price for tickets to this theater is 150 rubles. These are places on the balcony in 3-5 rows. Tickets are always available, the hall is usually not packed, so there will be enough seats for everyone.

Theater Et Cetera

To the delight of all students in the theater, all performances on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are 50% off. To save twice, it is advisable to purchase and book seats in advance. Without special offers tickets can be purchased for at least 500 rubles.

The leading ticket operator MDTZK LLC leases retail space in shopping malls Moscow and the Moscow region.

In 2015, LLC "Moscow Directorate of theatrical, concert and entertainment box offices" celebrated its 90th anniversary.

Among our partners are more than 130 theaters and concert organizations in Moscow, as well as museums, tour agencies and sports arenas.

The site provides complete information about events for cashiers. Created convenient system ticket sales, understandable to any computer user.

Dear organizers!

Persons interested in cooperation with our company (website) in order to conclude an agreement for the implementation of input documents for the Organizer's events, the Organizer must send to our company's e-mail the following information:

  • name of the Organizer indicating the legal form of the legal entity, address of the legal entity, TIN, OGRN of the legal entity, telephone / fax of the legal entity (if the Organizer is an Individual Entrepreneur - last name, first name, patronymic of an individual entrepreneur, ORGIP);
  • the name of the events that the Organizer intends to hold, the dates of the events, the frequency of events with the obligatory indication of the site;
  • nominal value of input documents (tickets) for the Organizer's events (from the lowest price to the highest price);
  • press release of events in Word format;
  • photos/images/pictures/videos of events;
  • official website of the Organizer;
  • site of the event/events (if available);
  • the capacity of the auditorium (premises/site) in which each event will be held (indicating the number of seats);
  • contact person and contact details (telephone, Email) for feedback;
  • media plan (indicating the advertising of the Organizer's events, for example, outdoor advertising, the press indicating the publication, radio, television, etc.) with the obligatory indication of the terms (period) of advertising placement;
  • other information that the Organizer deems necessary and necessary to provide to the Company.
  • data on business reputation (detailed information about the events held by the Organizer in the past with the obligatory indication of dates and venues (venues for events).

Please note that one-time events are not considered for cooperation. At the same time, you can issue ticket information for your event through another entity(meaning only the venue where your event is held and with which our Company has an agreement).

The Company considers these documents within 5 (five) working days from the date of their receipt.

If your offer of cooperation interested us, we will contact you to discuss further actions.

Dear partners!

For questions regarding the opening of new ticket sales points, please contact: . Requirements for the leased area: regional, district shopping and entertainment center, area 2 sq.m (theater box office desk) electricity 1 kW (socket), floor is considered by proposal. Rent is subject to offer.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Realization of tickets for concerts and theaters has always been enough profitable business, which was based on the markup on an already purchased ticket. Ever since Soviet times, speculators have been earning huge amounts of money simply by reselling tickets bought at all ticket offices in the city at exorbitant prices. This led to the fact that the average person was forced to either buy a ticket at a price very far from the face value (and thus overpay a lot of money), or even deny himself the pleasure of attending the event. Moreover, with every day approaching the event, the prices of resellers grew exponentially, and, of course, this situation was unprofitable for absolutely no one. Except for the speculators themselves, who could not sell even half of the tickets, but win on a huge cheat already sold. No wonder it had to end sooner or later.

However, even today, before a premiere or a one-time event (as an option, a concert of a touring popular artist), you can find resellers at the entrance who give the last chance to those who did not have time to buy even the simplest ticket. But, to be honest, their work is somewhat complicated by the introduction modern technologies ticket sales, when a person can independently buy a ticket directly from home. Usually, only those who come to their senses only when it was too late to buy a ticket, for example, on the eve of an event, become customers of resellers today. All this is due to the spread of the Internet among the population, it has greatly changed the principle of the ticket trade, and at present, an entrepreneur who seeks to build his business on resale must do this without barbaric methods and even resist speculators. Moreover, he himself must implement a ticketing system not only at his box office, but also on his own website. The principle of operation of ticket offices has changed radically.

At the moment, the market situation is not developing in the most favorable way for new players. The niche for ticket sales is actually occupied, companies seized this market a few years ago and even established a very productive work. Moreover, they are not alien to improvement, and a relatively new idea with, for example, electronic tickets has been well implemented, implemented and spread. While a large number of people are still this species ticket sales is skeptical, but the percentage of those who have used it is constantly growing. That is, large players will certainly not allow a newcomer to operate successfully, and he will have to invest a lot of money on advertising and his promotion. However, there is still a possibility, because the population, especially in not very large cities, relies not so much on the popularity of the ticket sales network, choosing the kiosk where they are cheaper. And often the ticket price is the determining factor when buying it, unless, of course, this is the last day before the event. Therefore, by setting a commission lower than that of competitors, you can count on attracting your client.

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To work, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity, while there are no restrictions on the form of entrepreneurship. That is, you can register a legal entity (preferably a company with limited liability) or register as individual entrepreneur(which remains individual without a legal education), while it is better to choose from these two forms, because they have the opportunity to use the simplified taxation system. This will allow paying 6% (of income) or 15% (of operating profit) to the state, which is much lower than the corporate income tax. Today it is obligatory to indicate the code (OKPD 2) 47.91 Retail trade services by mail or via the information and communication network Internet, which will allow trading just those very “electronic tickets”, as well as (OKPD 2) 47.78 Other services retail in specialized stores.

Some entrepreneurs who were just starting ticket sales started their business from home without an office. But this became possible only with the spread of the Internet, without it, you need to organize sales offices. Today, the entrepreneur is faced with the task of organizing a whole network of ticket sales throughout the city, because it will not be possible to manage with one head office, unless the work is carried out quite in small town. Thus, you need to immediately find several points of sale, which will subsequently sell tickets. The task is simplified by the fact that points of sale can be quite small, representing pavilions, kiosks and stalls with a size of 4 m 2. They need to be placed in the most accessible places, buying places in shopping malls, installing them even at the entrance to large stores, simply positioning on the streets, especially where people walk and rest. But at the same time, it is still desirable to have a head office, in which there will be the main batch of tickets distributed to outlets. At the same time, a person can also apply for a purchase to the head office, and in case of any claims, he will be able to contact the manager directly. If we consider the organization of a full-fledged service, then feedback, including claims from the consumer, should be established. Of course, you need to strive to ensure that such situations do not even appear, but the problem does not always arise through the fault of the entrepreneur. For example, the concert may be cancelled. And if the ticket office independently exchanges tickets or returns money for them without sending them to the event organizer, it can count on customer loyalty and subsequent growth in popularity.

The cost of the pavilion, in addition to size, is determined by its equipment. Those located on the street will cost the entrepreneur much more than those that will be located in shops and shopping malls, if only because they must be insulated. Pavilions can be built by ordering, you can buy a ready-made, used one, or rent it. The latter option can be considered if the budget is very limited and it is possible to rent inexpensive pavilions. Otherwise, it is better to buy them into ownership, because even in case of failure they can be resold, and their mobility allows you not to depend on the place. In the case when you have to work in someone else's premises, the task is greatly simplified, because you need to work with the owner shopping complex or a store to conclude a lease agreement, and he himself will allocate a place for a pavilion. If the kiosk is located on the street, then you will have to apply to the administration for permission to install a pavilion, and here a lot will depend on the situation in the municipality. There may be no places, bureaucrats may refuse for one reason or another, and you will have to collect a lot of information about your activities. If the city is small, then you can limit yourself to two or three points in other people's complexes, but even in large metropolitan areas, entrepreneurs are gradually transferring their points of sale to a warm and equipped room. Here, there is comfort for the seller, and lower costs for the construction of the pavilion (in case of success, the shopping center itself may already have an equipped place), and greater traffic of people. However, the cost of renting, as a rule, will be much more expensive than anywhere else.

The cost of building a pavilion can vary significantly depending on the materials used, and starts from 15 thousand rubles per square meter. That is, the amount start-up capital will vary greatly depending on the city and the places received for rent. In a small city, one office is enough, in an ordinary one - only a few points for each quarter, but in megacities you will have to organize a full-fledged network of your cash desks. At each point of sale, you need to buy furniture for an employee, a computer (which must be connected to the Internet) and a cash register. It is also possible to install a special printer that can print the finished ticket. You can decorate the pavilion with advertising, which the organizers will surely provide. We need to count on about 40-50 thousand more when equipping each cash desk. Conducting the Internet, especially in pavilions on the street, can become a particular problem. Your office is equipped much more seriously, because several people will work in it at the same time, so everyone needs to equip workplace no worse than the cashier in the pavilion.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Further work may develop in different ways. The first way is the direct resale of tickets. In this case, you have to buy large lots of tickets in order to resell them at a price already set by yourself. In fact, this is still the same speculation, only legalized. The main advantage of this method lies precisely in the ability to pursue the pricing policy that seems to be the most profitable for the entrepreneur, even if prices become too high because of this. But this method also has its drawbacks. So, not all theaters will agree to such a deal and will not sell a large batch of tickets to one person. The entrepreneur assumes all the risks of selling tickets, and if the public is not interested in the upcoming event, the organizer will only win (the hall is empty with a full house), but the reseller will only lose money. At the same time, fierce competition will not allow to inflate prices too much, and buying will be carried out only immediately a few days before the event. In general, work according to this scheme is already becoming yesterday.

Today, most ticket offices work directly with event organizers. So, a novice entrepreneur should go around all the theaters and conclude contracts for the sale of tickets. Since not all theaters, circuses and similar establishments have an extensive network of ticket offices (and often there is only one - directly in their building), this becomes a way for them to sell even more tickets. In this case, the entrepreneur receives a commission from the sale of the ticket, which is set within certain limits. That is, it will not work artificially to inflate prices. But the businessman himself does not buy tickets, becomes an agent, and in the event of an unsuccessful event, he practically risks nothing. He, of course, loses profit, but he does not have to invest his money. It also receives all the information about the remaining tickets, can provide its customers with a floor plan (or just the number of free seats) and, thus, provide an already expanded service.

Ready-made ideas for your business

At this stage, it is already important to have your own well-functioning website, as well as a connection with the database of your partners for prompt receipt of information. Points of sale equipped with computers immediately show the client the layout of the hall and give him the opportunity to choose a convenient place. As soon as a ticket is bought somewhere, it becomes known to the entrepreneur himself, and to the organizing partner, and to other agents, that is, the probability of selling the same ticket is reduced to zero.

It is worth mentioning a much simpler organization option. own business. This is a franchise work, which allows you to get information about all partners at once, permission to work with them from the parent company, which will also provide all the established schemes and talk about the features of doing business. That is, it will provide full support in the endeavor and the opportunity to work under its well-known mass buyer name. The disadvantages of this development path include the need to pay a lump-sum fee, make royalties, and also equip your points of sale in accordance with the requirements of the corporation. However, it is now possible to find cheap franchises, and the franchisors themselves do not overestimate their requirements. Go your own way (which is still possible) or join an existing company - the entrepreneur himself decides, depending on the situation in his city.

The sale is also going well via the Internet, when the buyer is given the opportunity to print the ticket on their own. He buys it via the Internet, after which he prints it on a printer, or he can apply at a convenient time for him at the nearest point indicated by him for a ticket (although this is already a prepaid booking). Printed on a printer and is called an electronic ticket, but for this, some companies require the buyer to provide their personal data for security reasons. This was created in order to create a unique ticket that cannot be resold to someone or faked. And even more so to fake, and then resell. Usually, large organizers already have systems for generating electronic tickets, and the entrepreneur only needs to implement this software to your network.

Working with many partners leads to the need to introduce a universal interface and control system, and here, for sure, it will be necessary to hire additional programmers who will support a multi-structural system. A large developing ticket office is constantly improving the process of selling tickets via the Internet, because today many people go to events in other cities, and it can be very inconvenient to travel specifically for a ticket.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The organizers of the concerts of the touring artists deserve special mention. Sometimes such organizers are already cooperating partners, who, for example, provide a platform free from their own performances. Then they will also transmit information about the event, issue a batch of tickets, and the work will be carried out according to the same principle. Otherwise, if a concert or show is organized by a third-party and even a non-resident company. Perhaps even on a non-standard site, which is rented only once (an example of this is the rent of a city square, a parking lot of a large hypermarket, a nightclub). In this case, the entrepreneur concludes an agreement with the organizer for the sale of tickets that cannot be bought anywhere else (unless the organizer began to cooperate with several ticket offices at once). Typically, the price of a ticket to such an event increases gradually as the event approaches, especially if there is active ticket redemption. Thus, the entrepreneur constantly increases his income, because a slight gradual increase in price leads to a final cost that is much higher than the original one, but this does not stop buyers.

You may have to deal not only with the sale of tickets, but also with the advertising of the event. This is discussed individually with each partner, but several advertising posters and brochures for each outlet the organizer usually passes it on to his partners. In a successful advertising campaign the ticket seller himself is also interested, and teamwork in this area can significantly increase efficiency. Yes, and the buyers themselves, it happens, are directly interested in the events that will take place in the near future. Tour organizers can even offer cooperation, one of the conditions of which will be advertising in the city. Of course, all this is reimbursed by the organizer, but it is still worth having an experienced marketer-advertiser in your staff, because this will allow you to engage in almost related business, earning additional income.

Ticket sales are profitable when there are many partners holding a wide variety of events - from children's puppet theater to rock concerts. In addition to them, you should immediately try to contact the organizers of tours, simultaneous shows and any performances. If possible, receive an exclusive for the sale of tickets. Theater agencies that bring art to the provinces will also become a good distribution channel. These companies are engaged in the fact that they buy a large batch of tickets in order to organize a tour from a provincial town to a large city where a premiere or a grand event is planned. Here you can agree on a small discount, because the agency buys a considerable batch of tickets (but you can’t call them speculators, because they don’t set their commission too high, and are focused on those customers who have already applied).

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Rat, how did you get my number?! - an indignant male voice yells into the receiver so that sparks are about to fall out of it.

Your friends did. They said that you work a lot and have little rest, - I'm lying.

So I start calling the “cold” base: I randomly dial the numbers of hotels, banks, schools, hospitals. I am looking for clients myself. Or rather, I run into them.

What a charm - you call and you don’t know who you will run into, - my boss Elizaveta Gennadievna, an aunt with a giant tattoo of commedia dell’arte masks on her left shoulder, is sarcastic. She sorts through the stack of ordered tickets, puts them in envelopes, carefully writes the addresses for the “courier boys” on top.

Call! - Commands Gennadievna, and I dial the number of a certain Galina Yuryevna Starodubova. Fifty-seventh year of birth, accountant - I know nothing more about this woman. I'll try to invite her to the "Satyricon" for the musical comedy "No joking with love."

The performance is superb! Costumes and props! Songs and dances! Bright, farcical, comedic, legendary ... Say so! Elizabeth whispers loudly as I wait for an answer.

I'm waiting for a minute and - hurray! - I'm calling.

Hey salaam-alaikum, girl, I'm at the construction site right now, busy, I can't hear anything, pe-re-call-nu you later, come on? - a male voice with a pronounced accent makes it clear that the dialed number, although it exists, no longer belongs to Galina Yuryevna. A little confused, I hang up.

Did you hang up the phone? - Elizabeth immediately boils. Out of indignation, she begins to wave her artificial nails. The first day I have to work under her supervision.

Remember! If you get through and don't know who it is, start talking anyway!

Elizabeth is a born ratchet with three mobile phones. It seems that this woman is just made for phone calls and she really misses her third ear. She spells the name of the Spanish playwright Pedro Calderon de la Barca faster than any tongue twister and boasts that she makes more than two hundred calls a day and closes a deal in less than two minutes. Elizabeth assures me that this is a matter of experience and in time I will become a high-class theater agent.

You once told about the performance, the second time you told, and on the tenth time you will already have the feeling that you yourself have visited it! - Elizabeth, without restraining her delight, turns from side to side in a leather chair, as if she wants to take off. The walls of her office are pompously decorated with theatrical masks with feathers and sequins.

A speech in a theater call center has five steps. The first two steps are the greeting and Short story. You need to say hello, introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the call.

A sad person is not a person, but a small room schmuck! Do you want to communicate with such a person? Do not want! So the client doesn’t want to, so your “hello, good afternoon” should sound hyperrealistically positive, - Elizabeth is trying to make me smile.

Together with me, two girls who have just graduated from school are learning telephone tricks.

Why didn't you go to get higher education? I ask both.

No money! - blurts out the fair-haired Sveta, who for some reason introduces herself to everyone on the phone as Renata. - Although I would like to go to Gnesinka, to jazz.

You would like to, but I don't want to. I don't get discouraged at all! - the brunette Lera retorts in response. She calls actor Oskar Kuchera "The Coachman" and misemphasizes his name. But it does not break off - that's for sure.

Whatever the word, then Cicero

The presentation of the performance is the third step, the main part of the speech. How to talk about the upcoming theatrical event, I volunteered to explain to me the assistant of Elizabeth Gennadievna - Igor Gennadievich, a guy with a slanting eye, which is scary to look at. Once Igor sold tickets on the street, but then he realized that it works better by phone.

Now I don't just sell, I bring culture to the masses! And you will bring culture to the masses! - in almost everything that Igor says, there is something sectarian.

I immediately suspected Igor and Elizabeth of being related - they have a lot in common, in addition to similar patronymics and an ardent desire to constantly call someone. Hungry for deals, every day they take work phones home. Ridiculously shouting to each other, sitting in neighboring offices. Both are sure that their theater and production center is related to art. Both are fans of Sergei Bezrukov.

Now we will call my victim, - Igor dials the number of a certain Maria Ilyinichna and orders to listen carefully to the conversation. On the request to turn on the speakerphone does not respond in any way.

Hello, hello, hello, my goddess! - Igor speaks disgustingly ingratiating tone. - I'm calling you to brag! We will soon have the most awesome, most chic performance of “No Joking With Love”. But there they joke so that the eyebrows will bounce! Yes, yes, yes, it's a comedy! Sasha Nosik plays there, do you like him? And Lenka Biryukova! Yes, yes, yes, from the series "Sasha and Masha"! Spain, 17th century! Seniors and beautiful ladies! So urgently stock up on theater diapers, my Madonna! Come down - relax, unwind! Meet me at intermission and kiss me! Do you want to see a place at the beginning or in the middle? - and without a speakerphone, you can hear how Maria Ilyinichna happily agrees with Igor in everything.

When Igor's monologue comes to thinking about cognac with chocolate and a romantic walk around Moscow in the evening, I understand that Maria Ilyinichna has already completely transferred to the medieval world. The woman meekly agrees to buy tickets - for herself and her husband. In her place, I would not be at a loss, hung up.

Freebie game

Yes, I don’t give a damn what they say in response! - Igor swaggers. - There must be a lot of give-and-take. The more giveaways, the higher the chance of a successful transaction! They think - to go to the theater or not to go, but what is there to think about ?! I have already decided everything for them!

The purchase of two tickets by Maria Ilyinichnaya is called rehesh. In the theater call center, there is always the opportunity to increase the deal at the expense of the client's friends and relatives. After all, few people go to the theater alone.

Lera and Sveta, knowing this, use "unfamiliar" numbers and call their suitors in the hope that they come in to buy theater tickets for them. It reminds me of the prank calls at random that we all sinned in childhood.

Calling my ex, and guess what, he recognized me! I had to hang up, - Lera clutches her stomach from laughter.

And mine, on the contrary, did not recognize me! Here are the goats! - Sveta is offended.

The fourth step is the so-called "price fork", a reminder to people about the freebie that is found in the theater. If there are no discounts on tickets, they need to be invented. In the head of Elizabeth Gennadievna, a win-win scheme of how to do this is written.

Well, you know, it's like a provocation in Sportmaster: a tracksuit that cost five mowers now costs eighteen hundred. And you think: damn it, you have to take it! It's exactly the same here. You tell a person that a ticket will cost him not five or seven thousand rubles, as it was two years ago on the day of the premiere, but only a thousand or a little more, and he also begins to think: damn it, you have to take it! - looking at Elizabeth, I understand that this woman can easily sell anything to anyone.

And now, girls, let's remember what the dictionary of traders is - Elizabeth continues to train us. - "Buy", "sell", "worth", "price" - forget these words, they do not exist for us. Our client should not think that he will have to say goodbye to his money. Instead of "a thousand rubles" what do we say?

Mower! - Sveta blurts out.

Not a "mower", Sveta, but "ten hundred points"! Well, or at least a "mower"! - Igor corrects her, shouting from the next office.

If a person is in doubt, what should be done? We must tell him: “only twenty seats are left of the thousandth hall,” Elizabeth instructs. - And even if the performance is in two months, we must say “soon”. Do you know how it works for them? Tickets are running out right now!

This is the last, fifth, step of communication with the client - the conclusion of the transaction.

On the first working day, I called exclusively Gazprom and the Bank of Moscow, and did not conclude a single deal. I was not sent - I was simply politely refused.

What do you offer me? Theater tickets? This is the first time I hear about such a thing, so that tickets are sold by phone! - the bass man was amazed. I barely restrained myself from answering “me too”.

The next day I did not come to the call center. The vacancy of the theater agent is still hanging on job search sites. Only now she is called "art manager". Marked as urgent.


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