Special that recognizes a bird by flight. Secret language. deciphering

Choi shared his thoughts with a colleague named Hyunmin Park - the result was a serious scientific work.

The study is reported in The Journal of Experimental Biology.

In order to get an answer to their question, the scientists decided to study flying fish in a wind tunnel. But then they also faced the first difficulties: it was not easy to get a sample of flying fish, which all lovers of Japanese cuisine and California rolls in particular know as “tobiko”, was not easy.

So, an attempt to buy a sample for research at the world-famous Tsukiji market, which is located in Japan, in the central part of Tokyo, was unsuccessful. The National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives of Korea came to the rescue by catching 40 flying fish for the researchers. Choi and Park selected five equally sized specimens and donated them to the Korea Marine Animal Research Center, where the fish were stuffed for wind tunnel research.

Fins of different lengths were left on different specimens to determine what function they perform in the "flight" of flying fish.

The scientists simulated the flight of a flying fish in a wind tunnel by measuring the force and pressure exerted on the fish's fins using special sensors.

In the course of the research, the aerodynamic quality of a flying fish was determined - the ratio of the distance that the sample covered horizontally during the "flight" to the loss of altitude - and its dependence on the angle of inclination of the "flight" (this parameter varied in the range from -15 to +45 degrees ). It turned out that the lift-to-drag ratio is greatest if the fish moves almost parallel to the ocean surface. In this position, the most stable rotational moment was also observed in the fish. At the same time, in the aquatic environment (which scientists have established by testing in the pool), flying fish with fins have demonstrated parameters that provide the best degree of maneuverability.

That is, flying fish are perfectly adapted to move quickly in two environments - air and water.

It is known that many sailors, watching flying fish from the deck of a ship, claimed to see how " the fish flaps its wings like a dragonfly or a bird».

Scientists have long known that the "wings" of flying fish maintain a fixed position during flight - apparently, only the angle of inclination of the fins changes, which allows the fish to slightly change the direction of flight. During the work, Choi visualized the air currents around the fins of the flying fish and its body. During the "flight" scientists found jets of air, directed with acceleration back along the body of the fish. Scientists explain this by saying that a pair of large fins in front and a small ventral fin in the back accelerate the airflow.

This flow allows the fish to increase its aerodynamic properties so as to travel a greater distance during gliding.

Now the scientists plan to design an aircraft using the effects they discovered that allow flying fish to move so well in the air.

The bird can be seen from the flight, although she herself does not see herself from the outside - just like a “carpenter from God” does not think that he is a “carpenter from God”, but you know, he cuts huts like seeds, not noticing the built streets. This is about understanding the essence of psychotypes from the point of view of the background / demonstration function that works “without words, in fact” and most people do not even realize that this most striking (demonstration) feature of them actually exists, and even at such a maximum level . It is clear that when looking at a psychotype from the point of view of a demonstration/background essence, it should change to a quasi-identical one, and therefore one could simply exchange the traditional names of psychotypes between quasi-identical ones, but the problem is that these traditional names by working function are not always precisely defined.
Here is my view on the essence of psychotypes from the point of view of demonstration, i.e. "in flight":

The demonstration (without words, in fact) essence of the speakers refers them to the hemisphere of those in power, where extroverts determine the power of Heaven and power from Heaven (on Earth), and introverts - elective, civil power.

The business couple LIE and EIE are the very top of the power of Heaven and from Heaven. In fact, the background LIE can be given the name "Oracle" (Pythia, Prophetic, Vedun, Seeker of Truth, Vizier, Prime Minister, etc.) - a conductor of heavenly will, able to unconsciously issue forecasts / models of any event, phenomenon, when the decision a new task happens to him as if by itself. Extensive knowledge of the laws of Nature (black / business logic) in conjunction with creativity in terms of one's own point of view (white intuition) only helps to formalize the decision “fallen from above”. The traditional name “Seeker” inherited from the ILE quasi-identity is also a good expression of the essence of the LIE, as well as the Alaverdi from the LIE to the ILE in the form of “Entrepreneur”.

The EIE “Hero/Leader” (King, President, etc.) is also a conductor of the heavenly will, which falls down by itself from above, but draws up its earthly decision to a much greater extent based on the energy of emotions, and not on the energy of deeds (laws Nature), as the "Oracle" (LIE). In terms of capturing “messages from above”, EIE and LIE complement each other, being in “ business relations". The exchange of traditional expressions of the essence with the quasi-identical IEE turns out to be unequal: the IEE receives from the EIE a good expression - "Actor / Actor", and the EIE from the IEE - "Counsellor", which does not reflect the royal/heroic essence of the EIE. For EIE, the name “Mentor” is often used, which is close to “Teacher / Pedagogue”, but this, in my opinion, is generally a complete departure from the royal-heroic essence of EIE, which originates from Homer’s Iliad.

The business pair of LSE “Voevoda” and ESE “Voin” is an instrument of supreme power (army, police), characterized in the demonstration by the most powerful potential of force sensors (force), but the working functions are the same as those of LIE and EIE, respectively. The exchange of expressions of the essence with the quasi-identicals SLE ("Marshal") and SEE ("Politician"), respectively, looks equivalent for the FEL, but not acceptable for the ESE, since the "politician" is an extremely poor expression of the essence of a powerful force sensory (force).
The “warrior” of the ESE is the most common folk psychotype in our country, and among the Arabs it is dominant. The “warriors” of the ESE are those whom “women still give birth” for the amusement of the “Voevod” and in fulfillment of the plans of the power of Heaven and from Heaven.

Conductors of the civil will are representatives of the evolutionary family of dynamic introverts (irrational introverts) headed by the "Judge" OR with the eternal assistant - the "Prosecutor" SLI. Both have white (structural) logic in the demo, i.e. own reading of the laws, which is enhanced by the position of the Charter of laws (black logic) in the creative function. The main difference between them is in terms of work: “Judge” OR operates with his own opinion (white intuition), and “Prosecutor” SLI - own security(white sensory), identified with the security of the rest of society (what is good for me is good for others). Therefore, the Judge co-authors with the Oracle, and the Prosecutor with the Governor. The exchange of traditional names with quasi-identicals LII and LSI ("Analyst" and "Inspector", respectively), in my opinion, looks attractive only in part of the LII, which receives its traditional name "Critic" from OR, while "Analyst" from LII is unlikely suitable for expressing the essence of OR based on the demo function.

The business couple "Ambassador" IEI and "Flight" SEI are born politicians, since the ethics of relations are in the background / demonstration, but the first in terms of real politics (white intuition aka own point of view - in working), and the second - in terms of squeezing taxes out of population (white sensory in the working). Therefore, the Politician (Ambassador) of the IEI co-authors with the King of the EIE, and the Flight (Taxman) of the SEI co-authors with the Warrior of the ESE. The traditional names of the IEI (“Dreamer/Lyric”) and its quasi-identity EII (“Humanist”) mean nothing, so an exchange is hardly possible here, while the traditional name of the SEI, “Mediator”, is quite suitable for the essence of its quasi-identity ESI when that "Flight" is better suited to the essence of the SEI than the "Keeper" (guardian / burier of what?).

The causes of conflicts in the power hemisphere are already obvious from the (demonstrative) essence of these psychotypes:

- "Oracle/Seeker" LIE against "Flight (Taxman)" SEI;
- "Hero/Leader" EIE vs. "Prosecutor" SLI: will from Heaven against one's own reading of laws in favor of personal safety;
“Voivode/Marshal” LSE versus “Ambassador/politician” IEI: what the Ambassador failed to solve, the Voivode will have to decide;
"Warrior" ESE vs. "Judge" OR: brute force vs. "weighted" reasonable decision.

The hemisphere of the subject is statics, which is symbolic if we accept the origin of statics as a Neanderthal heritage.

The "evolutionary family" of irrational extroverts looks like donors of business and emotional energy, leaders in the production of material and spiritual wealth.

The business couple ILE and SLE are businesslike from God, donors of business energy, their business goes by itself and is constantly growing, why are they even surprised: why would it?
For ILE, the traditional expression of the essence of its quasi-identical LIE is suitable - "Entrepreneur" (Archimedes, Alchemist, Practical Scientist, Engineer, Designer), as well as vice versa (see above). ILE is the creator, the embodiment of new ideas in the practice of life. He co-authors with the LII “Critic” mirrored to him, from which it is clear why his undertakings are earing in real life and not languish on the shelf.

For SLE, the traditional name of its quasi-identical FEL "Administrator/Head" is quite suitable, as well as vice versa. The "Administrator" SLE embodies the developments of the "Entrepreneur" ILE into real goods. The case set by him “goes by itself” and is steadily growing in size, which is obviously facilitated by mirroring (co-authorship) with LSI’s “Banker”. If a person has the largest laboratory, company, etc. continuously growing Business, then it is definitely SLE or ILE - depending on the degree of innovation this business.

The business couple “Actor/Actor” IEE and “Enthusiast” SEE are donors of emotions (emotional energy), if there is always someone around funny company, then this is one of this pair. This donation, generally speaking, is not gratuitous, since they actually exchange their emotional energy for completely wealth: loans, credits and just a good attitude towards yourself.

IEE "Actor / actor" (doing, acting, and not just a performer), "Soul of the company", "Charming" - a master of PR (first of all - himself), because in his work he has a forecast (black intuition), in creative knowledge of human weaknesses (ethics of relations), and in the restrictive one - a fierce upholding of one's own point of view (white intuition). He co-authors with his mirror “Teacher” EII, who, in fact, is also a PR man, but not himself, but public knowledge (laws).

SEE "Enthusiast" (a believer in Zeus, praising him), "Seller", "Promoter". SEE is simpler, but physically more powerful than IEE. Creatively using human weaknesses, he convinces the “magnetized” (his emotional energy) with a confident look and health, ultimately protecting his comfort and safety by selling everything and everything. Can for good price to sell a half-dead cow, especially when paired with ESI's mirror "Intermediary".

The “evolutionary family” of rational introverts are acceptors of business and emotional energy, i.e. leaders in the consumption of goods, including spiritual ones.

The business couple of LII and EII is characterized by creativity in terms of forecasts (black intuition in creative) with unconditional (vital) dominance in the background / demonstration own point of view (white intuition), but the first gives it through his own reading of the laws (in working - white logic), and the second - through their own understanding of social relations (in the work - white ethics), therefore, the name "Critic" (inheritance from the quasi-identical OR) is better suited for the essence of the LII, and "Mentor / Teacher" for the EII.

The business couple LSI and ESI in the demonstration have white sensory, i.e. craving for comfort/security, creatively solved by force and in different ways by the working function: the activities of the "Banker" LSI are based on their own reading of the laws, while the "Intermediary" of the ESI - on his own view of the alignment of relations between members of society. If LSI and ESI are real (mundane) hedonics, then LII and EII are spiritual hedonics aka yoga.

The causes of conflicts in the subservient hemisphere are also obvious already from the (demonstrative) essence of these psychotypes:
- "Entrepreneur" ILE against the hedonist "Intermediary/Changer" ESI;
- "Administrator" SLE against the spiritual hedonist "Mentor" EII;
- "Actor/Actor" IEE against the hedonist "Banker" LSI;
- "Enthusiast" SEE against the spiritual hedonist "Critic" LII.

In continuation, I will consider how these new proposed names of psychotypes (according to the background) correspond to the representatives of these psychotypes (I don’t know how much yet).

Razg. You can see what a person is by his actions, deeds, behavior. FSRYA, 368.

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  • - Know a bird by feathers, a falcon by flight. Wed I myself kicked out this rascal, and you accept. . A rascal, a blatant rascal. Grigorovich. Country roads. 18. Wed. Hominis mores naturaque ex corpore, oculis, fronte pernoscuntur...

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  • - Novg. Overcome difficulties, achieve the desired result. Sergeeva 2004, 209...

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