Growing strawberries for sale - experience, plans and calculations. How I Almost Built the Berry Kingdom. Real story Small business growing strawberries

The strawberry growing business is profitable with high profitability of up to 100%. This creates a high and constant demand for the berry. According to statistics, strawberry consumption increases by 20% annually. The margin on strawberries, especially in winter, reaches 300%. That is why the strawberry growing business is included in the list of one of the fastest payback projects. Despite the apparent simplicity of the business, strawberries require serious and constant care.

Advantages and disadvantages of a strawberry growing business

When growing strawberries in open ground, the fruiting period of a strawberry bush is 1 month (late May - early July), also up to 30% of the seedlings die, more land is required compared to a greenhouse. The use of greenhouses allows you to harvest berries all year round, but has its own characteristics:

Advantages Flaws
High rate of profitability of 70-100% and margin per kilogram of grown strawberries Difficulty selling in the summer season due to the large number of competitors
Quick return on investment during the first season, year-round harvest Large investment costs for the construction of a greenhouse, setting up auxiliary equipment and planting material
Protection of the crop from adverse weather conditions Poorer taste than strawberries in open ground. The need to create the correct microclimate in the greenhouse

Strawberries are a seasonal berry, available only in late spring and early summer. The rest of the time you can only buy it frozen or in the form of jam and marmalade. To harvest in winter, it is necessary to equip a greenhouse and purchase remontant varieties with a neutral day.

A remontant strawberry variety is a plant that produces berries on the branches of the current year, and the harvest can be obtained several times a season.

Compared to other berry crops, strawberries have the highest yield. Strawberries are a favorite treat for many children and adults; they are rich in minerals and vitamins C, E, A, PP, group B and H. Despite the high profitability and payback of the business, growing strawberries in greenhouses requires specific knowledge and equipment (lighting, heating) to create the right environment for fruiting.

For comparison: the costs for an open ground project are 15 thousand dollars, the costs for organizing a greenhouse are 120 thousand dollars.

Selection of planting material

When choosing seedlings, it is important to take into account that the maximum and best yield comes from bushes grown from first- or second-order tendrils. Such berries completely retain the properties and qualities of the mother plant. You need to carefully examine the rosette of leaves - it should be strong, green, without signs of damage or disease. The root system must be well developed and strong. The following strawberry varieties consistently show maximum yield: Kama; Elsanta; Red Capulet; Will; Glima; Vizhe.

It is necessary to take care of the room where you plan to grow berries and its equipment. There are three types of greenhouses: frame (used for growing seedlings), glass and polycarbonate.

The best option for industrially growing strawberries is polycarbonate greenhouses.

The easiest way to grow strawberries is “Dutch”

The Dutch method of growing strawberries can significantly reduce the cost of greenhouse equipment. The advantage of the method is its accessibility and versatility - you can use the technique at home, in the garage.

The essence of the technology is as follows - a plastic bag measuring 2 by 2.5 m needs to be filled with a mixture of peat and perlite (in equal proportions), in a checkerboard pattern, holes need to be made in the bag with a diameter of 7-8 cm, where the seedlings are subsequently planted. Irrigation pipes should be connected to the bags. This original strawberry plot can easily be placed in a barn or on a loggia - one square meter is enough for three bags. It is advisable to provide plants with artificial lighting in addition to natural lighting.

Note: according to entrepreneurs who used this technique, the initial costs are no more than 1.8 thousand dollars.

How to grow strawberries. Planting methods and stages of development

In the second half of February, strawberry bushes are planted in containers filled with a mixture of peat and perlite. You can also use special primer, which is sold in a specialty store. If you have the opportunity to collect soil in the garden, treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate and be sure to use fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. A month later, in the second half of March, the strengthened seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse.

Strawberry yield largely depends on several factors.

  • Compliance with the watering regime - water should be poured strictly at the root, avoid getting on the leaves and especially flowers and fruits. The frequency of watering is determined as the soil dries. The optimal method of watering strawberries is a drip system.
  • Protection from frost - a comfortable temperature for plants is from +18 to +20 degrees.
  • Artificial pollination.
  • Fertilizing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Which form of business should you choose?

The table below provides an analysis of the various forms of running a greenhouse business.

Form of business organization Benefits of use
Private household plots ( personal plot of land) Used by individuals to sell products to large wholesale centers and distributors. To register a greenhouse production, you must have a certificate from the district administration confirming that the summer cottage (up to 2 hectares) belongs to you and the organization of growing strawberries on it (see “ “).
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used for self-selling strawberries. The form of an individual entrepreneur makes it possible to legally organize a sales network, enter into contracts, hire personnel and sell on behalf of your company. With individual entrepreneurs, the process of product certification becomes more complicated.
OOO ( limited liability company) It is used to organize large production enterprises and to attract partnership and borrowed capital. More complex organizational structure, higher registration costs. Suitable for working with shops and wholesale centers.
peasant farm ( peasant farming) Used to attract partners to your agricultural business. A peasant farm, simplified by the form of LLP (limited liability partnership), as well as individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, is endowed with legal force, so it is possible to work with stores and wholesale suppliers.

If you have no entrepreneurial experience, it is recommended to register your business as a private household plot and start selling in small quantities; this will allow you to set up all production and business processes and determine the main sales channels. When increasing production volumes, attracting additional financing (agricultural loans), or organizing your own point of sale, registration as an individual entrepreneur is required.

Optimal taxation system for producers of agricultural products, a single agricultural tax (USAT).

Tax rate – 6%

The Unified Agricultural Tax is abolished when the share of agricultural production is less than 70% and the OSNO (general taxation system) is applied to the manufacturer.

Video lesson “Unified Agricultural Tax”

Strawberry growing business: creating a sales network

Methods for selling strawberries depend on the season of the year. In summer, it is faster to sell the harvest to the retail market and wholesale suppliers. In winter, you can turn to supermarkets and restaurants, as they have refrigeration equipment for storage. Supermarkets and restaurants place increased demands on the quality of products. Maximum preservation of appearance is achieved when transported in baskets or plastic boxes. Processing enterprises (purchasing more than 30% of the total harvest), focused on the production of jams and yoghurts, accept products year-round. Creating a sales network is one of the key factors for business success.

Even before the strawberries are ripe, it is necessary to conclude contracts or agreements on future deliveries!

Profitability of a strawberry growing business

The profitability of a strawberry breeding project depends on several factors: the cost of the berries; the total cost of cultivation; trade margin.

The cost includes the following costs: rent of premises, wages of workers, transport costs, costs of planting material, costs of heating, lighting, irrigation. The average amount is 1.5 dollars. If you want to cut costs and reduce the cost of berries, use the Dutch growing method. Out of season, the price of berries increases to $6. At the initial stage, there is no need for additional staff of workers - a person can perform all the necessary work independently. You need to think about expanding your staff when the number of strawberry plantations increases.

Estimating the costs of a strawberry growing business

From an area of ​​one hectare you can harvest up to 50 tons. As a result, the entrepreneur’s net profit will be 225 thousand dollars, and the profitability will be 75%.

The main difficulties when growing strawberries

  1. Heating in cold weather. If you don’t think through the heating system in a greenhouse, it’s impossible to grow and get a crop.
  2. Constant care of plants. This mode of life, which involves performing a whole range of work, is not acceptable for every person. If, despite this, you do not give up on the idea of ​​a strawberry business, consider hiring workers.
  3. Start-up capital. Setting up a business will require considerable financial investments, however, all expenses will pay off in the first season.

Before you start growing strawberries, consult with summer residents and farmers, they can help you avoid common mistakes and preserve the bushes.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability
(4.0 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.5 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.0 out of 5)
Growing strawberries is a highly profitable (~100) and quick payback (~1 year) type of business. Despite the seasonal nature of fruiting (May-July), it is possible to organize a greenhouse with year-round cultivation; this will require large capital investments in the amount of 2 million rubles, which is 10 times higher than when organizing on open ground. The key success of a business is the creation of a distribution network for products; for this it is necessary to conclude agreements in advance with wholesale centers, supermarkets, and market sellers.

Why is growing strawberries interesting for farmers and entrepreneurs? This one of the most popular berries in Russia has only one significant drawback - seasonality. Buying strawberries in autumn and winter is almost impossible or only at a very high price. At the same time, this cost does not confuse buyers: they buy berries at a huge markup. This situation makes the strawberry business a promising endeavor.

Strawberry business

Before highlighting popular and effective methods of growing strawberries or garden strawberries (a more correct name from a botany point of view), let's talk about the prospects for doing business with this berry. On the one hand, many grow strawberries in their summer cottages and thus completely cover their annual need for them. On the other hand, strawberries sell well in winter - buyers are unable to deny themselves the pleasure, even if they suspect that the berry was grown with the help of harmful chemicals. Some methods allow you to harvest even in winter, which makes the strawberry business quite promising.

As for the disadvantages, it is worth noting the high competition - a novice entrepreneur will have to compete with large agricultural holdings and at first the sympathies of buyers will clearly not be on his side. To make money from this berry, you will have to not only think about organizing the cultivation, but also about sales and marketing.

The strawberry business is distinguished by relatively small investments. Despite its apparent complexity, the abundance of information on the Internet, reference books, and the availability of soil and fertilizers make it suitable even for beginners.

The correct name for strawberry is garden strawberry.

Agricultural technology for growing strawberries in open ground

Garden strawberries grow well in any soil, but with good care. The roots of strawberry bushes do not lie deep at all, so the top layer of soil should be moist and nutritious. Usually you can get 4 harvests of large berries, after which, starting from the 5th harvest, the fruits become noticeably smaller. Strawberries die from hypothermia, but overwinter without harm under a thick layer of snow.

Growing in open ground is perhaps the most famous and widespread among amateur gardeners. First, raised earthen beds are made in 2-3 rows, 4-5 meters long. Other options are allowed, but this is the optimal size for care, watering and collection. The edges of the beds should be strengthened: with lathing or just small branches.

Before planting, it is useful to cover the area with plastic film with holes for young strawberry rosettes. This is Finnish technology. The film will create more favorable conditions for growth, although it will make watering a little more difficult. Covering the soil with a film will prevent moisture evaporation, prevent weeds, wind and ultraviolet radiation, and also keep the berries clean from the soil. The harvest is harvested after 7-8 weeks.

The disadvantage of Finnish technology and open beds is that this method is only suitable for the spring-summer season. Greater dependence on weather, sun and wind, threatens the harvest. The advantages are the following: minimum investment and excellent taste, accessibility for beginners.

Growing in greenhouses

Growing garden strawberries in a greenhouse, that is, in closed ground, allows you to harvest several harvests per year. It is more expensive than standard garden beds because it requires quite significant costs to install a greenhouse. The temperature should not fall below 10 degrees, otherwise the heat-loving berry will die. Humidity 70–80%. The greenhouse effect inside the greenhouse has a beneficial effect on the size and number of berries.

The following varieties grow well in greenhouses: “Sonata”, “Pineapple”, “Florin”, “Kama”, “Volya” and “Marmolada”.

Please note that there are several methods for placing plantings inside a greenhouse:

  • into the ground;
  • in containers made of ceramics or plastic;
  • in plastic bags.

Greenhouses will be required to grow berries for sale throughout the year.

Yield standards

Industrial cultivation of strawberries requires large areas, because from 1 sq. On average, no more than 2 kilograms of berries are collected. Thus, a hectare at maximum fertility will yield 20 thousand kilograms. Last but not least, the harvest depends not on care and conditions, but on the variety. Preference should be given to varieties that have proven themselves well among professionals:

  • "Vima Zanta";
  • "Gigantella";
  • "Diamond";
  • "Ducat";
  • "Kent";
  • "Clery";
  • "Queen Elizabeth II";
  • "Olvia";
  • "Honey";
  • "Elsanta".

Varieties differ in the quantity and quality of garden strawberries, as well as fertility characteristics. Some grow well in plastic bags, others are more suitable for the Dutch method. For earning money, remontant strawberries are more profitable - that is, capable of producing several harvests per season.

Non-standard fit

Technology for growing garden strawberries in bags is perhaps the most inexpensive greenhouse method. The gardener will need plastic bags about 2 mm thick, the approximate size is 16x20 cm. Don’t bother looking for them and buy ones that are approximately suitable for the parameters in a nearby supermarket.

The bags are filled with the mixture in the following proportion:

  • perlite - 1 share;
  • sawdust - 1.5 shares;
  • peat - 2 shares.

That is, to fill a 20-liter bag, you will need approximately 5 kg of perlite, 7.5 kg of sawdust and 10 kg of peat. The bags do not need to be filled entirely; a quarter of the space should be left empty. The filled bag must be sealed with an iron or soldering iron, and then 3-4 longitudinal cuts must be made.

Next, the bags are laid horizontally on the flooring inside the greenhouse at a distance of 25–30 cm from each other. The next stage can be called the most difficult: you need to insert 3 droppers into each bag. One for the top layer, the second for the middle layer, the third for the bottom. One package will require half a liter of water per day. When the droppers are ready, seedlings are placed into the holes. After this, all that remains is to maintain comfortable conditions inside the greenhouse. Fertilize with potassium salt and superphosphate every 2 weeks.

Growing strawberries in bags has many advantages: from simplicity to the absence of weeds

Strawberries in PVC pipes

Another unconventional way to grow tempting red berries is in PVC pipes, vertically or horizontally. Breeding in pipes is beneficial for those who want to save space in their personal household. Typically, pipes with seedlings are installed parallel or vertical to the fence. This option is not suitable for business, only for amateurs in private farming.

To organize horizontal and vertical cultivation of strawberries in pipes you will need:

  • PVC sewer pipes with a length of 15 cm;
  • 2 end caps for each such pipe;
  • PVC pipes for the irrigation system, diameter 3–4 cm, at least 10 cm longer than the main pipe;
  • 1 end cap for each narrow pipe;
  • water drainage hose;
  • containers;
  • pump with automatic watering.

Holes with a diameter of 10–15 cm are made in the main tube at a distance of 15 cm from each other along the entire length. In thin ones, many small holes are drilled at all levels, and then they are wrapped in agrofibre. Holes equal to the diameter of the narrow pipe are drilled in large end caps. The large pipe is covered with expanded clay, which will provide drainage. It must be distributed evenly throughout the pipe.

The system is ready. All that remains is to plant the bushes. Make holes about 8–10 cm in the ground and place seedlings in them. Weeds will not grow here, and the berries will not get dirty with dirt. The structure should be located on the sunniest side.

Dutch technology

Of all the existing methods of growing garden strawberries for sale, the Dutch technology is the most fruitful. It allows you to pick berries several times a year and make the most of the space.

The point is to keep the bushes in special containers - boxes, pots, pallets and bags already familiar to you. They are placed in greenhouses. Gardeners regularly plant new seedlings - every month and a half - to ensure continuous productivity. Of course, in the place where the boxes of berries are stored, high temperature and plenty of sunlight are provided for 12–16 hours.

You will need low acidity soil, which is mixed with perlite. It is useful to add river sand, compost and fertilizers. The seedlings are placed according to the principle of checkerboards at a distance of at least 25 cm from each other. Dutch technology uses drip irrigation, delivering water directly to the roots of the bush. The soil does not become waterlogged or dry out, and the leaves do not get sunburned.

The Dutch method produces many large berries with excellent taste, but is the most expensive for the owner. Large expenses will be required for the purchase of seedlings (this is more expensive than working with seeds), as well as for heat and lighting, which are vital for strawberries.

In winter, strawberries are sold at a high trade markup

Sales of products

Strawberries are in demand among buyers at all times of the year, and in winter this is not prevented even by a high trade margin. From this point of view, such a business is extremely profitable. Selling products at retail is quite expensive - investments will be required to organize a retail outlet. In addition, it is impossible to compete with supermarkets, where dozens of other fruits are sold along with strawberries.

Therefore, you should find wholesale customers who will buy the entire crop for subsequent retail sale or other use. This role can be played by:

  • retail chains;
  • catering establishments;
  • producers of juices, jams, confitures and other berry products.


Business income from growing and wholesale strawberries will be high if the entrepreneur finds permanent sales channels. The wholesale price for 1 kg greatly depends on the manufacturer and varies from 45 to 400 rubles. Most often, manufacturers set a minimum purchase volume - for example, from 50 kg.

The profitability of the project directly depends on the initial investment. The business plan will include expenses for:

  • purchase or lease of land;
  • installation of greenhouses;
  • purchase of soil, seedlings;
  • utilities (electricity, water or gas for greenhouses);
  • purchase of working equipment, containers, bags and everything necessary for growing;
  • packaging containers;
  • recruitment of personnel.

The amount of costs depends on the chosen technology: open ground will be the most inexpensive and unprofitable, the Dutch method will be the most expensive and promising in terms of income. The return on all investments is possible through 20–25 harvests, but most likely it will take even longer.


The strawberry business promises its creator to work with one of the purchased berries, the demand for which depends little on the season. Modern technologies make it possible to harvest crops all year round and sell them at a high trade margin. Growing garden strawberries is accessible even to beginners without a specialized education as an agronomist, because the abundance of information on the Internet and reference books can compensate for any gaps in knowledge.

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries among Russian citizens, but their average consumption does not exceed one and a half kilograms per person per year. Meanwhile, a conventional European resident eats almost three kilograms of fruits over the same period. Obviously, the potential of the Russian market has been realized to a maximum of 50%, that is, many people do not buy fresh or frozen berries due to a banal shortage.

This fully explains why growing strawberries as a business can be a promising way to make money for a novice entrepreneur. At the same time, it should be understood that this crop is sensitive to temperature, light levels, quality of fertilizer and watering, and its fruits are stored for only a few days. Accordingly, creating a profitable agricultural enterprise is impossible without an in-depth study of agricultural technology and impeccable organization of sales channels.

Why grow strawberries?

Strawberry is a perennial plant of the strawberry family, domesticated by humans more than five hundred years ago. Interest in this crop is caused by its fruits, which are juicy red berries weighing up to 45–50 g. They contain a large amount of sugar, many vitamins and useful microelements. Growing strawberries on a plot as a business is relevant for a number of reasons:

  1. The berries are processed into jams and preserves. They can be consumed ready-made or used for baking confectionery products;
  2. Strawberries are used to make berry drinks and smoothies, milk and vitamin shakes. It is also used in punch, daiquiri and mojito recipes;
  3. Fresh and canned fruits are used to decorate cakes, pastries, and a variety of cold and hot desserts;
  4. Strawberries are included in effective cosmetic creams designed to rejuvenate and smooth the skin;
  5. Berries perfectly compensate for the lack of vitamins and microelements in the human body. They are even superior to citrus fruits in terms of ascorbic acid content;
  6. In folk medicine, strawberry leaves and berries are included in many recipes that help normalize blood pressure and get rid of insomnia;
  7. Due to their high concentration of magnesium and potassium, strawberries are used to prevent heart and vascular diseases.

Business Features

From the point of view of owners of household plots and summer cottages, the idea of ​​starting a strawberry growing business looks quite attractive, since the berry is in constant demand and is quite expensive. However, during the period of mass fruiting, this perishable product literally fills markets and stores. Large importers, farms and even pensioners try to sell it as quickly as possible, as a result of which the price drops to 60–70 rubles per kilogram.

In such a situation, the business idea of ​​growing strawberries all year round becomes relevant: in winter, the cost of the berries increases to 500–800 rubles per kilogram, which not only makes it possible to compensate for all the costs of heating and lighting the greenhouse complex, but also reduces the payback period of investments to one and a half to two years. In addition, in artificial conditions the plant develops and bears fruit much better than in open ground. This business has other advantages:

  1. In the greenhouse, plants are protected from rain, hail, the rays of the scorching sun and drought. In open ground, the vagaries of the weather reduce the yield by almost a third;
  2. Greenhouse varieties bear fruit continuously, yielding up to 2 kg of berries per bush per season. This significantly improves both business;
  3. In the greenhouse, the bushes are placed on multi-tiered racks, which allows for efficient use of its space. Therefore, the structure can be relatively small;
  4. When growing strawberries all year round in a greenhouse, the business is not exposed to risks associated with the spread of diseases or pest invasions;
  5. During the cold season, the market has only tasteless imported products, which allows the farmer to regulate prices without regard to competitors;
  6. Activities are considered a priority by the state, and therefore there are many ways.

What varieties of strawberries should I grow?

When considering growing strawberries at home all year round as a business, it is important to achieve a short growing season, rapid ripening and abundant harvest: any decrease in crop productivity means losses. In the conditions of the Middle Zone, early remontant varieties take root well and develop, which pollinate independently and bear fruit regardless of the length of daylight hours. There are quite a lot of such varieties:

  • Monterrey. Three or four times per season, each bush bears 400–500 g of berries weighing 35–45 g. Plants need good lighting and additional space, do not tolerate frost well and are afraid of powdery mildew. Fruits are convenient to transport;
  • San Andreas. In terms of productivity, it does not lag behind the previous one, it has strong shiny berries weighing up to 40 g. Fruiting occurs in waves, with an interval of 4–6 weeks. The variety is not afraid of moisture, resistant to rot and powdery mildew;
  • Queen Elizabeth II. The variety has 4–5 waves of fruiting, and the berries reach a weight of 50–70 g. Thus, up to 2.5 kg of fruit can be collected from a bush per season. Plants do not like heat and need intensive feeding, but tolerate cold well;
  • Evi 2. The variety is ideal for regions with a mild temperate climate: heat and frost have a bad effect on plant development. It has dense berries weighing 35–60 g, and their size does not decrease with each subsequent wave of fruiting;
  • Temptation F1. The yield of the variety in a greenhouse reaches 1.6 kg per bush, regardless of day length and season. The dense berries weigh 25–40 g, and there can be 15–20 of them on each plant. The disadvantage of this variety is the large number of whiskers;
  • Albion. It is distinguished by large juicy berries weighing up to 75 g. Each of the four waves of fruiting brings 500–600 g of harvest. The variety loves moderate humidity and organic fertilizers. Resistant to almost all diseases;
  • Moscow delicacy. An early variety that begins to bear fruit 10–15 days faster than others. It has dense berries weighing 45 g with a high sugar content. The average yield reaches 1.5 kg per bush. Not afraid of frost;
  • Garland. A domestically bred variety that bears fruit in open ground until the first frost. The average yield is up to 1.2 kg per bush, berry weight is up to 35–40 g. Plants are resistant to drought and disease, but do not tolerate dampness well.

Ways to grow strawberries

Growing strawberries in open ground as a business does not require saving space: with a plantation size of tens of hectares, another two or three hundred square meters is not so important for the farmer. But in greenhouses, where every square meter costs thousands of rubles, you have to use space with maximum efficiency. To do this, fundamentally different methods of plant placement are used:

  1. Beds. The easiest way is to plant strawberries directly in the ground on which the greenhouse stands. But in this case, no more than 25% of the available resources are used. In addition, during the cold season, the soil will cool down greatly, which can harm the plants;
  2. Containers. For a business such as growing strawberries in a greenhouse, it is worth using multi-tiered racks. Containers or gutters made of plastic, wood or metal are installed on them. It is important that all plants are well lit;
  3. Pots. In this case, a separate container is used for each plant. These pots are placed on shelves or hung on supports to fill the entire volume of the greenhouse. The method allows you to achieve high density - up to 50 pcs/m²;
  4. Bags. A business plan for growing strawberries all year round may involve placing the plants in bags mounted horizontally or vertically. Several slits are made on the side of them, where the seedlings are planted;
  5. Pipes. PVC pipes with a diameter of 150–180 mm are laid horizontally and filled with drainage expanded clay and compost. Round holes are cut out for plants at intervals of 30–40 cm. Capillaries for watering are also inserted here;
  6. Hydroponics. Plants are planted in coconut substrate, and the nutrient solution circulating in it washes their roots. When using hydroponics to grow strawberries, the business becomes profitable, but very capital-intensive.

How to prepare the soil?

As noted above, most methods of growing strawberries involve the use of separate containers for the plants. It is impossible to fill them with ordinary soil or even pure chernozem - remontant varieties draw out all the useful substances from the soil even before the first harvest. Therefore, growing strawberries as a business at home requires the preparation of special nutritious compost, which includes:

  • Chernozem - 33%;
  • Last year's manure - 33%;
  • High-moor peat - 23%;
  • Fruit sawdust - 10%;
  • Wood ash - 1%;
  • Urea - 1 g/kg.

After preparation, the compost is fertilized by adding 15–20 g of potassium and 30–35 g of phosphorus fertilizers per square meter of bed. The soil is additionally moistened so that the nutrients dissolve and are evenly distributed throughout its volume.

However, a beginner does not have to prepare the soil himself: a ready-made business plan for growing strawberries may include purchasing ready-made mixtures of 70% peat, 20% black soil and 10% coarse sand. Suppliers offer them with delivery at 900–1000 rubles per cubic meter.

How to plant strawberries in a greenhouse?

Strawberries do not bear fruit continuously: even in remontant varieties, after three to five waves of harvest, a dormant period begins. But the entrepreneur cannot wait several months for the plants to wake up and begin to develop again. Therefore, as a business, growing strawberries in a greenhouse in winter involves removing old bushes and planting new seedlings so that the process of picking berries is relatively constant.

At the same time, ordinary seedlings are unlikely to start growing in November. Therefore, farmers need to use frigo seedlings: they are harvested in early autumn, cooled to 0–2°C and stored in this form for up to nine months. Such plants can be defrosted, awakened and planted in the garden at any time. This process looks like this:

  • To disinfect the soil, 7–10 days before planting, treat it with a solution of 500 g of lime and 50 g of copper sulfate per bucket of water heated to 65–70°C;
  • Seedlings are prepared independently or bought. It should be purchased in winter so that during transportation the plants do not thaw and wake up prematurely;
  • The day before planting, the sprouts are removed from the refrigerator and kept at room temperature without opening the packaging;
  • Then the seedlings are removed from the bag and immersed with their roots in warm water for 4 hours so that they absorb the missing moisture;
  • It is advisable to dissolve growth stimulants - Etamon or Zircon - in this water. Avoid getting the nutrient mixture on the upper buds of plants;
  • Also, the day before planting, water the beds thoroughly. During this time, the moisture should be evenly distributed throughout the soil volume;
  • When planting on trays or beds, seedlings are distributed in lines with an interval between plants of 25–35 cm.

How to care for strawberries?

Growing strawberries in winter is a rather labor-intensive business: this plant needs daily care and attention. It is enough just to not turn on the boiler once before frost, to exceed the optimal humidity, or to skip the time of applying fertilizer for the entire plantation to lose its harvest. What requires special attention:

  1. Strawberries are planted at an air temperature of 12–14°C. Then within a month it is raised to 18–22°C, and at the flowering stage it is set at 20–24°C. At higher temperatures, too many leaves develop;
  2. In the first week, a humidity of 85% is required. When the seedlings begin to take root, the rate can be reduced to 75%. For flowering and fruiting, a humidity of 65–70% is recommended: excess dampness impairs pollination and causes fruit rotting;
  3. The lighting mode must be changed so that the total daylight hours reach 14–16 hours. Illumination should be at least 6000 lux, and better - from 12000 to 15000 lux;
  4. Plants should be watered so that the weekly norm reaches 8–12 l/m² of bed. Overmoistening is also harmful: it provokes the development of fungi and rot. To prevent water from getting on the leaves and inflorescences, it is better to use drip irrigation;
  5. Strawberries cannot pollinate on their own. Pollen must be transferred from flower to flower using a soft brush or a directed air stream. In large complexes, you can install a special hive with bees;
  6. To improve oxygen access to the root system, periodic shallow loosening of the soil around the plants is necessary. Its purpose is to destroy the crust formed after watering. Also, to protect the roots, seedlings need to be hilled;
  7. Intensive fruiting of remontant varieties quickly depletes the soil. Therefore, plants should be fed twice a month with complex mineral fertilizers, vermicompost, solutions of manure or chicken droppings.

How to pick and store strawberries?

In order for the business of growing strawberries to be profitable all year round, you need to be able to properly harvest and preserve the crop. As a rule, the first wave of fruiting begins 60–70 days after planting the seedlings and lasts up to three weeks. During this period, you need to inspect the beds daily and prevent the berries from overripening:

  • For storage and sale, red fruits that have retained their elasticity are collected. They will not lose their presentation before being eaten;
  • The strawberries are not picked, but cut with scissors, leaving a couple of centimeters of the stalk. Without the tail, the berry will soften and release juice much faster;
  • The goods are placed in cardboard or wooden boxes in two or three layers. You cannot use deep plastic containers - they crush the berries and suffocate them;
  • To avoid additional shifting, strawberries are sorted during the picking process, separating large, small and substandard berries;
  • Debris stuck to the fruit is removed only with a soft brush so as not to damage the delicate shell of the berry;
  • The fruits intensively absorb water, after which they soften and rot. Therefore, strawberries are washed only before freezing or eating;
  • Spoiled and moldy fruits are removed immediately. One such berry can infect all neighboring ones with fungus;
  • At a temperature of 2–6°C, the berries are stored for no more than three days. If you lower it to 0–2°C, this period increases to a week.

How to register a business?

Almost any agricultural activity can be carried out within the framework of a subsidiary farm, be it cultivating strawberries or caring for garlic. But a private individual is unlikely to be able to sell two tons of berries per season at a nearby market, and the tax service will find such a volume of surplus suspicious. To organize wholesale sales of products to stores and factories, you should register your greenhouse complex as an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm. OKVED codes corresponding to this type of activity are listed below:

OKVED for growing strawberries

When growing strawberries, you need to think not only about that, but also about how to avoid prosecution for tax evasion. Fortunately, the Unified Agricultural Tax system used in such situations is distinguished by a certain loyalty: the entrepreneur must give the state only 6% of net profit after deducting all costs.

Finally, for each harvest you need to receive accompanying documents that confirm its safety for citizens - a phytosanitary certificate and a declaration of compliance with GOST R quality requirements. These certificates, after analyzing product samples, are issued by authorized certification laboratories and the local department of Rosselkhoznadzor.

Equipment for growing strawberries

Of course, some people manage to make money by placing trays with plants in their apartments and on balconies. However, it is hardly worth seriously considering growing strawberries on a windowsill all year round as a business: a few kilograms of berries will bring, at best, three to five thousand rubles in income per season. In order to receive a profit sufficient for a prosperous life, you need to take on the task of designing, constructing and equipping a full-fledged greenhouse complex with an area of ​​at least 150–200 m². The following require in-depth study:
  • Greenhouse model. In terms of the ratio of price and usable area, the leading positions are occupied by arched modular structures that allow you to increase the length by adding sections - for example, a greenhouse of the “Farmer” model with a width of 7.5 m;
  • Covering material. Polyethylene does not protect the building from heat loss at all, and glass is heavy and expensive. As part of a home business, it is better to grow strawberries in polycarbonate greenhouses;
  • Shelving design. For plants, it is advisable to use multi-tiered structures made of PVC or steel. There are ready-made four-level pyramids on sale for 7 boxes, 1.2 m long: each of them will fit 21 bushes;
  • Lighting. To save energy, a business plan for growing strawberries in a greenhouse should include installing sodium or LED lamps with a luminous flux of 12,000–15,000 lm above the beds at a height of 2.3–2.5 m;
  • Watering. The drip system is a structure that includes a tank for storing water and adding fertilizers, distribution pipes and tapes with holes that supply liquid directly to the roots;
  • Heating. It is impossible to implement the business idea of ​​growing strawberries all year round without heating the greenhouse complex. For these purposes, heat generators, furnaces or hot water boilers of sufficient power are used;
  • Ventilation. For plants to develop, it is necessary to provide an influx of fresh air. In winter it needs to be heated by passing it through heat exchangers with hot water, and in summer it needs to be filtered from insects and dust.

In order for the farmer to get an idea of ​​the upcoming costs and not to forget about some important equipment that is necessary for growing strawberries at home, the greenhouse business plan must contain detailed specifications:

Equipment for growing strawberries

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
Greenhouse 23.4 x 7.5 m 282200 1 282200
Vertical bed for 7 boxes 1.2 m 5900 64 377600
Heating and ventilation
Gas boiler 100 kW 183500 1 183500
Heating pipe 60 150 m 9000
Shut-off valves 6000 6000
Radiator 4.3 kW steel 7200 18 129600
Axial fan 10000 m³/h 13800 2 27600
Water heat exchanger 9900 2 19800
Circulation pump 4400 2 8800
Filter 3500 2 7000
Electrical equipment and cables 10000 10000
LED lamp 100 W 13600 lm 6300 32 201600
Storage tank 2 m³ 15600 1 15600
Well 22000 1 22000
Well piping 75600 1 75600
Irrigation pipe 60 15 m 900
Drip tape 3 600 m 1800
Other equipment
Refrigerator compartment 2 m³ 52500 1 52500
garden tools 10000 10000
Device for measuring soil parameters 13500 1 13500
Thermohygrometer 1500 2 3000
Cargo minibus 360000 1 360000
Total: 1817600

How to sell strawberries?

Even in a refrigerator, fresh berries can be stored for no more than a week, and therefore, as a business, growing strawberries for sale makes sense only if there are constant sales channels. Accordingly, even before installing the greenhouse, the farmer must think about who he will sell the crop to. There are several ways:

  • Own retail outlet. If you set up a kiosk or pavilion somewhere in a crowded place, you can sell strawberries all year round. To set up a trading place, you will have to buy refrigerators and hire a salesperson;
  • Grocery stores. You need to pay attention first of all to retail outlets with vegetable displays. But there are many such stores, so a business plan for growing strawberries should involve the creation of a transport department;
  • Network shops. To work with supermarkets like Pyaterochka, you should start packaging products in small trays and ensure regular supplies of the agreed volume of berries. Their appearance must be impeccable;
  • Wholesalers. This marketing method is known to all farmers - from livestock breeders to those involved. As a rule, resellers take away any products, but demand large discounts;
  • Processing enterprises. If there are manufacturers of jams, juices and confectionery fillings in the region, you can negotiate supplies with them. They also don't pay much attention to the appearance of the berries;
  • Agricultural markets. Of course, strawberries are the way to go if you rent several places at once. But it is difficult to sell large volumes in this way, and there is nowhere to store a supply of berries.

Business plan for growing strawberries

Running a greenhouse cannot be compared with growing strawberries in an apartment: a business of this scale requires significant investments, comparable to investments in a small production workshop. Startup costs include:

Investments in greenhouse farming

In addition to the initial investment, the profitability of growing strawberries in a greenhouse as a business is important for a beginning entrepreneur. To evaluate it, you need to calculate the average annual expenses of the enterprise. In particular:

  • The period of growth and fruiting of remontant varieties is 150–170 days. This means that two cycles of plantation renewal can be carried out in a year;
  • To fill 64 beds (7 boxes each) you need 1344 bushes. The cost of “frigo” seedlings of remontant varieties is on average 40–50 rubles per piece;
  • Along with the plants in the greenhouse, the depleted soil is also changed. For the same 64 beds you need to buy or prepare 7.5 m³ of compost;
  • A 100 kW boiler burns an average of 4 m³ of gas per hour. To heat the complex for six months, 17,280 m³ of gas is needed;
  • The total energy consumption of 32 LED lamps is 3.2 kW per hour. When they are turned on in winter for 4 hours every day, the consumption for the season will be 2304 kW.

The calculations of annual farm expenses necessary for drawing up a business plan for growing strawberries are given below:

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Annual expenses of the complex

Article Winter, rub. Summer, rub. Amount, rub.
Peasant farm contributions 18120 18180 36240
Account servicing 3000 3000 6000
Electricity 13800 6200 20000
Gas for heating 82000 0 82000
Greenhouse soil 6650 6650 13300
Seedling 67200 67200 134400
Fertilizers 13500 13500 27000
Household expenses 8000 8000 16000
Container for strawberries 18800 18800 37600
Registration of the declaration 2500 2500 5000
fuels and lubricants 36000 36000 72000
Total: 449540

Profitability of growing strawberries

Is it profitable to grow strawberries all year round? The characteristics of the varieties suggest that one bush is quite capable of producing up to 1.6 kg of berries in four waves of fruiting. Statistics show that in January a kilogram of strawberries costs 500–800 rubles, and in June - up to 130 rubles. This is how you can calculate your total income:

Proceeds from growing strawberries

Index Winter Summer
Harvest, kg/bush 1,6 1,6
Price, rub./kg 500 125
Revenue from the bush, rub. 800 200
Kustov, pcs. 1344 1344
Total revenue, rub. 1075200 268800

Consequently, the farmer’s annual revenue will be 1,344,000 rubles with costs of 449,540 rubles. In open ground, the profitability of growing strawberries as a business may be higher, but in terms of profit per square meter of area, these types of activities are not comparable. As for the payback period of investments, it slightly exceeds two years:

Profitability of growing strawberries

Index Meaning
Revenue for the year, rub. 1344000
Expenses for the year, rub. 449540
Profit, rub. 894460
Unified agricultural tax, rub. 53660
Net profit, rub.

How to open a business growing strawberries at home in open ground, all year round and in winter in a greenhouse, and earn over 400,000 rubles in net profit. Additionally, we will consider other ways to produce strawberries: in an apartment and at home on a windowsill and in a garage, on an industrial scale using hydroponics and in greenhouses. Read a detailed business plan for growing strawberries with calculations.

Strawberry business.

Business plan for growing strawberries at home

There are several options for growing strawberries - in a greenhouse at the dacha, in an industrial greenhouse or hotbeds, in open ground or at home on a windowsill or garage. Each option has its own calculations. Let's look at growing strawberries in open ground in more detail. But let's also look at other options.

Evaluating the idea

To begin with, you should choose a direction, evaluate your capabilities and the market. When analyzing an idea, first answer the following questions:

  1. Where and how to grow strawberries?– can be grown in a greenhouse, in an apartment and in a garage, in open ground. Growing occurs directly in the soil, in bags, in boxes and pots, hydroponically.
  2. Do you have land or finance for a greenhouse?– in an apartment, the business will turn out to be small, so you need either land for growing in open ground, or finances for the construction of a greenhouse.
  3. Who are your competitors?– if there are large greenhouse farms, it is worth considering the option with open ground, and vice versa. If there are competitors in all areas, first find a solution to get around them. Perhaps the market, even with competitors, will be partially free. Evaluate this item in detail.
  4. Do you have any knowledge about growing strawberries?– you can get your first experience in an apartment or in open ground by planting a small area. Over time, the business will expand.

After working through these issues, it is worth deciding on additional nuances, depending on the choice of growing method. The article will talk about them. Also look at the pros and cons of the case. Review the risks carefully.


  1. High demand for berries.
  2. Payback period is 1-2 years.
  3. Easy planting care.
  4. In the greenhouse, the climate does not threaten the harvest.
  5. Possibility of processing strawberries into jam.
  6. Small investment when growing in open ground.
  7. Growing all year round in a winter greenhouse and selling at high prices out of season.


  1. High competition during the open ground season.
  2. Without knowledge, you can make mistakes and lose your harvest.
  3. If care is not taken care of, there is a high risk of strawberry disease.

There are also risks of low yields - especially when grown in open ground, when it is impossible to control the temperature. Open ground also implies possible difficulties with the sale of berries, since the entire harvest comes out within one month. With a greenhouse, you can arrange for harvesting weekly throughout the year thanks to different varieties and planting dates.

After the assessment, study information about growing strawberries in the chosen direction.

Growing strawberries in open ground

Growing strawberries as a business.

Despite the fact that growing strawberries in open ground as a business carries many risks, this method is the most popular. The thing is that the existing plots require minimal investment in preparation, although strawberries are cared for 7-8 months a year from March to October.

Of course, you can care for 2-3 months a year. But then the result will be slightly worse than with detailed work on plantings. In order to somehow protect the plant from the weather, entrepreneurs build large greenhouse tunnels, 3-7 meters wide and the length of the entire field. We will discuss this method further below, but for now we will consider step-by-step planting and caring for strawberries in open ground.

Choosing a strawberry variety for open ground

Strawberries for industrial cultivation.

Let's look at different varieties that are well suited for open ground. Entrepreneurs often complain that some varieties may not be suitable for the climate or soil in their area, so plant different varieties. After a while, decide on the best varieties and replant them yourself, replacing the unsuccessful ones.

Strawberry varieties:

  • Asia– a mid-season variety, one of the best for business, as it is resistant to diseases, pests, and frost;
  • Alba– an early ripening variety, tolerates diseases well in open ground and is perfectly adapted for transportation;
  • Arosa– mid-season variety, has a bright orange color;
  • Clery– an early ripening variety with a marketable appearance, produces a lot of mustache, which is very good for additional income from strawberry seedlings;
  • Malvina– a late-ripening variety with sweet berries, but reacts negatively to pests;
  • Marmalade– mid-season variety with high yield;
  • Olivia– an early ripening, frost-resistant variety with an attractive presentation.

The varieties produce good yields and are well grown in open ground. True, they also require a lot of care, which will be discussed below.

Tip #1. The root system of seedlings should have shoots 8 centimeters long. Roots longer than normal are pruned, as are damaged ones.

Strawberries are planted according to a pattern of 40 x 40 centimeters. 4 bushes are placed per 1 square meter. If you completely plant 30 acres of land, you will get 3000 * 4 = 12,000 bushes. 1 seedling for open ground costs an average of 50 rubles. We will need 12,000 * 50 = 600,000 rubles for seedlings. The amount is large, so people usually plant a small area and then propagate it themselves. In addition, we need more walking paths. Therefore, we will assume that the initial investment will be half a million rubles for seedlings - 10,000 bushes.

Investments in strawberry seedlings will amount to 500,000 rubles.

Planting strawberries in open ground

How to grow strawberries in open ground.

First, choose a landing site. An area where corn and carrots were previously grown is suitable. Strawberries are not planted next to rowan and rose hips. The area should be well lit. Do not plant in deep places or on high ground.

When making ridges, dig them up so that the plant grows to the southwest. Plant the area around the fields with tall bushes or trees to protect from winds, especially from the north. Ideally, you should also sprout corn on the site so that the soil receives nitrogen from them.

Tip #2. The site is changed every 4 years, otherwise the plant may be susceptible to disease if grown for a long time in one site.

How to plant strawberries in open ground:

  1. A week before planting, the seedlings are placed outside in the shade.
  2. Strawberries are planted at a temperature of +16 °C in cloudy weather.
  3. Planted in the north in May, in the south in autumn, in the middle zone in April.
  4. The soil is chernozem with an acidity of 5.5-6 pH.
  5. Remove weeds and dig up the ground.
  6. Fertilize with superphosphates - 7 kilograms per 1 hundred square meters.
  7. All clods are broken and the area is leveled.
  8. Before planting, the ridges are watered.
  9. The hole should be as deep as the root.
  10. The root is placed vertically and the plant is sprinkled.
  11. Afterwards, water each bush with 1 liter of warm water.
  12. Immediately after planting, be sure to mulch with straw.

This is approximately how planting seedlings in open ground occurs. If after planting the air temperature begins to drop, cover the plantings with film.

Land preparation: the cost of fertilizers and tools for planting is 15,000 rubles. Plowing with a walk-behind tractor costs 5,000 rubles.

How to care for strawberries in the ground

How to care for strawberries in open ground.

To obtain a stable annual harvest in large volumes, the plantings should be looked after. The work is not difficult, but at such a scale it will be constant throughout the season.

Work on caring for strawberry plantings:

  1. Irrigation. Water after planting daily for a month. Afterwards, water once every 3-10 days, depending on soil moisture. It would be ideal to install drip irrigation. Water only with warm water.
  2. Mulching. Mulch with straw after planting. But you can also replace straw with mowed grass, humus, small stones, and plastic film. All this protects plants from contact of berries with the ground, from pests and diseases. Organic mulch further fertilizes the soil. Straw protects the roots from frost.
  3. Trimming. Trim unnecessary tendrils and damaged leaves. Pruning is done in dry weather in the morning or evening. You can also earn extra money from this.
  4. Feeding. Fertilize strawberries almost every 2 weeks. In March, fertilize with Nitroammophoska - 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water. When flowering with potassium nitrate or chicken droppings. At the end of summer, urea - 30 grams per 10 liters of water. They are also fed with potassium fertilizers, phosphates and nitrogen.
  5. Pollination. For pollination, you can also engage in beekeeping. Bees are great at this task.
  6. Treatment against pests and diseases. The main pest is the cockchafer. Plant Alkaloid Lupine, which is lethal to beetle larvae. Also treat bushes with folk remedies. Mulch, timely fertilizing, weeding and watering save you from viruses and diseases.
  7. Shelter. They are protected from frost with straw or spruce branches for the winter, especially if the frosts are severe and the winters are without snow. In the spring, after the frost has subsided, the mulch is completely removed, the ground is loosened, fertilized and new mulch is laid.

Harvesting is done by hand. One bush is harvested every other day for 1-1.5 months. If you plant different varieties, the harvest can be harvested for 2-3 months in a row. You will have to hire someone to help you harvest.

There is a lot of maintenance work, given the large plantings. Therefore, you will have to work almost every day for 6-8 months.

Well, container, hoses - 105,000 rubles. Annual costs for electricity - 10,000 rubles, mulch and shelter - 20,000 rubles, fertilizers - 15,000 rubles, drugs for pests and diseases - 5,000 rubles, berry picking service - 10,000 rubles, packaging - 10,000 rubles.

Growing strawberries at home in a winter greenhouse

Growing strawberries all year round.

To earn 18-20 thousand rubles a month, you can build a winter greenhouse of 120 square meters, and grow strawberries in it all year round. The costs for the greenhouse will be as follows:

  • Construction of a polycarbonate greenhouse – 190,000 rubles;
  • Installation of irrigation, heating and lighting systems – 160,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of racks and tools – 90,000 rubles;
  • Legalization of a greenhouse – 10,000 rubles.

The total costs will be 450,000 rubles. Buying seedlings from a nursery will cost 70,000 rubles - 1,000 pieces of productive greenhouse varieties such as Aromas, Capri, Octava, Sonata and others. Buy remontant varieties that produce several harvests per year.

The cost of soil and first fertilizing will be 50,000 rubles. The soil should consist of fine crushed stone, sand and fertilized garden soil mixed with peat. Experts do not recommend buying ready-made soil. Planting can be done in the racks themselves - beds are made, also in bags, pots or boxes.

In the greenhouse itself, it is important to keep the temperature from +22 °C to + 25 °C, the humidity during planting is 85%, and during flowering and fruiting 70%. Constantly ventilate the greenhouse without creating drafts. Daylight hours should be from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

Strawberries themselves do not require care. Once every 10-15 days it is necessary to fertilize. Moderate watering every 8-10 days, strictly at the root, with warm water. Unnecessary shoots and tendrils are also removed. Ideally, you should also take care of the presence of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse - there are folk remedies, as well as pollination - for example, with the help of bees.

The costs for the greenhouse will be 450,000 rubles, for soil 50,000 rubles, seedlings 70,000 rubles, agronomist services 5,000 rubles, registration and other expenses 30,000 rubles. Annual costs for electricity are 90,000 rubles, fertilizing and renewed soil are 30,000 rubles, advertising and fuel and lubricants are 25,000 rubles. Also consider the cost of paying taxes to be about 35,000 rubles if the case is registered.

Strawberries in the apartment on the windowsill and in the garage

Strawberries at home as a business.

Home cultivation will not bring high incomes, but rather will provide only you with berries, but all year round. It all depends on the scale. If we are talking about growing inside a house or apartment, then these are window sills and balconies. Outside the home, they are grown in a garage or other building.

They are grown exclusively using Dutch technology in plastic bags. They are filled with a substrate consisting of peat, perlite and disinfected garden soil. Holes are made in the bags and strawberries are planted. You can fit 4-5 bags per 1 square meter. But you can install shelving on the balcony, and even more so in the garage.

Some entrepreneurs complain about the inconvenience of working with plants in bags. They can be replaced with flower pots or plastic boxes.

Water by hand once a week. You should also remove unnecessary tendrils and damaged leaves. Provide the plants with lighting - daylight for at least 12 hours, and heating - from +22 °C to +25 °C. Plants will have to be pollinated by hand - the procedure is not complicated. The room itself should be ventilated periodically, especially a closed garage. After fruiting, send the plant into hibernation.

Choose varieties for growing strawberries at home.

Thanks to home growing in small quantities, you can gain experience, which will then be used for growing in large quantities in a greenhouse.

Growing strawberries on an industrial scale

Growing strawberries on an industrial scale as a business.

There are three profitable options for growing strawberries on an industrial scale.

Option number 1 - growing strawberries in open ground

The process from planting to harvesting is the same as described above. Additionally you will have to do the following:

  1. Hire personnel to care for the berries. Large fields cannot be handled alone, so workers are needed.
  2. Find people to pick berries. The number of people depends on the size of the field. 1 person can process 2-4 acres per day. Only ripe berries are collected. The berries are collected from one place every other day.
  3. For convenience, special carts are needed to transport berries during picking. You will also need containers.
  4. Since there will be a lot of berries, timely sales are needed. Therefore, enter into agreements with large clients.

To make your business profitable, plant at least several hectares of land.

Option No. 2 – growing strawberries in industrial greenhouses

Industrial greenhouses with all equipment cost about 10 million rubles for every 1,000 square meters. For convenience, it can be grown hydroponically. True, entrepreneurs complain about the wateriness of the berries. But the growing process itself is a little simplified. Strawberries grow on a nutrient solution. At the same time, no mulch, watering, or weeding is needed. It is also fertilized through a nutrient solution.

With hydroponics you get 2-3 times more berries. The system is expensive, but it can be built from scrap materials purchased at a hardware and gardening store. Electric generators are also needed, since the design will depend entirely on electricity.

Option No. 3 – growing in greenhouses

Grown in soil in fields. But to protect against unforeseen weather conditions, greenhouse tunnels are installed. With this method, you can get a harvest ahead of time, and more. Greenhouses are made from polypropylene pipes, wood or aluminum, covering the structure with transparent plastic film.

These are the methods chosen when growing on an industrial scale. Each has its own pros and cons. If you have finances, build greenhouses. No money - use open ground. An alternative to the two options is large greenhouses.

Selling strawberries and registering a business

Selling strawberries.

There will be a lot of berries. If you plant varieties of different ripening periods, then you can stretch the yield over 2-3 months. In this case, on average you will have about 100 kilograms of strawberries for sale per day.

Strawberry marketing methods:

  1. Resellers- the simplest and cheapest way of distribution. No registration, advertising, taxes, or delivery required. But prices will be low - from 50-70 rubles per kilogram of berries.
  2. Enterprises– manufacturers of preserves, jams, confectionery shops and others. The prices are a little higher, but you will definitely have to register the business and deal with quality certificates.
  3. Supermarkets– prices can be even higher, but the client needs to be found and the goods delivered to him.
  4. Own points or production– sell at the market or make preserves, jams. But you can't handle this alone.

Additionally, small quantities can be delivered to grocery stores and fruit dealers. Also implemented through advertising in newspapers, on the Internet on social networks and on bulletin boards. Over time, word of mouth will begin to work.

Be sure to conclude supply agreements so that there are no problems with the sale of the entire batch of goods throughout the season.

There are 3 registration options in the case:

  1. Private subsidiary plot or personal subsidiary plot. If you have your own household, you do not need to deal with quality certificates. But it will be possible to work only as a family – without hiring workers. There are also restrictions on the sale of berries - large quantities can only be handed over to resellers. Legal entities rarely work with private household plots.
  2. Individual entrepreneur or individual entrepreneur. If you wish to work with legal entities. In this case, the case is registered and all documentation is maintained. IP is suitable for farming whose area does not exceed 1 hectare. A single agricultural tax is paid in the amount of 6% of the declared income. When registering, select the OKVED code 01.13.21 - “growing fruit and berry crops.”
  3. Peasant farm or peasant farm. Peasant farms are chosen by farmers whose areas exceed 1 hectare. They, like individual entrepreneurs, pay the Unified Agricultural Tax in the amount of 6% of income.

In our case, if you have 30 acres of land, choose private household plots or individual entrepreneurs. If the matter becomes official, you will need to certify the products by receiving a declaration of conformity and a phytosanitary certificate. You can learn more about this from specialists of the State Agricultural Surveillance Service.

Registration of a case: 10,000 rubles. Annual tax payment is 50,000 rubles.

Expenses and income - we calculate the profit from open ground

Cost chart for starting a business:

The initial investment will be in the purchase of planting material and field preparation. This may also include the cost of purchasing land.

Annual costs:

We count profits

From 1 bush we will have an average of 0.5 kilograms of harvest per season. As a result, 5 tons of strawberries come out. Sales are priced from 100 to 250 rubles. In our case, the batches will be large, so the price will be 150 rubles per kilogram. The income will be 5,000 * 150 = 750,000 rubles. And this is with a successful season and a good price per kilogram of berries. Most likely, such yields will only be reached in the second year.

The strawberry yield from 1 hundred square meters is 167 kilograms, and the income is 25,000 rubles.

Additionally, you can make good money from seedlings. By selling at least 1,000 seedlings per season for 50 rubles, you will increase your income to 800,000 rubles.

Annual profit will be 800,000 – 140,000 = 660,000 rubles. The profitability of a business growing strawberries in open ground is 80%, payback is 2 years.

The strawberry business is profitable, but there will be a lot of work. You can also grow other berries as a business - strawberries, currants, raspberries in greenhouses, blueberries, blackberries, even watermelons. You can combine ideas if you choose exactly what you can grow with what.

Among the various business ideas, not the least are those related to the cultivation of various vegetable and berry crops. For example, some, and others - strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers. Looking at people earning big money in the gardening industry, you involuntarily begin to think about creating your own business. Strawberries in a greenhouse all year round as a business are one of the most profitable ideas in the field of entrepreneurship related to gardening.

Everyone loves strawberries, especially children. At the same time, not only juicy and fresh berries are respected and loved, but also preparations from the fruits of this crop - preserves, jams can become an excellent culinary ingredient or a real table decoration in winter. And “their own” fresh berries in the cold months are completely unattainable for many - unless they defrost frozen ones, but that’s a completely different story. That is why fresh and aromatic strawberries have always been and will be in great demand in the market, especially in winter.

Strawberries in their own juice - a delicious treat for sale

In a typical summer cottage, the strawberry season usually begins in early or mid-summer. If you plant the bushes in a greenhouse, you can get another harvest of berries before the cold weather. But when the warm days are over, strawberries can only be found on store shelves. And, it is worth noting, sometimes for a very immodest price. That is why the strawberry business can rightfully be considered an excellent way to make money.

On a note! Profits from strawberries can be made all year round. In the summer, this is the sale of berries for preparing preparations, but in the winter, most likely, they will end up on the table fresh.

If you believe the statistics, then every year there are more and more strawberry lovers in Russia. The consumption rate of this berry is constantly increasing by about 30%. This is why the idea of ​​investing in strawberry farming is a pretty good one. Moreover, organizing such a business is not that expensive even for a novice businessman, especially if he is an avid gardener who is well acquainted with growing strawberries. Moreover, sometimes you only need to make a capital investment once.

On a note! Don't expect immediate profit from growing strawberries. First you need to work hard so that you can then enjoy the fruits of your labor.

However, it is important to remember that strawberries are a capricious plant; it is important for them to receive constant attention and proper care. Otherwise, there is a high risk of losing everything. But a plantation that is carefully looked after will repay you handsomely, giving you a large harvest.

The best way to grow strawberries for profit is to cultivate them in a greenhouse.

Advantages of strawberry business in a greenhouse:

  • the opportunity to get a large harvest on modest areas - about 50 tons of berries can be collected from 1 hectare of soil;
  • good demand for products;
  • independence from weather conditions and climatic zones - the crop can be harvested throughout the year;
  • minimal investment in an already built business;
  • fairly quick payback;
  • the opportunity to find a regular consumer and establish regular sales of goods.

Disadvantages of growing strawberries as a business:

  • large capital investments at the initial stage;
  • careful and careful care of plants is necessary, the correct pollination process and long daylight hours (or the organization of additional lighting) are especially important.

In order to organize a strawberry growing business, you will have to worry about preparing permits. Of course, you can cultivate this berry illegally, but then you are unlikely to have regular customers, and it will be difficult to expand your business, because you will not be able to legally open retail outlets. The easiest way to register an individual entrepreneurship at first. At the same time, since you will be engaged in agricultural activities, your taxation will be more lenient.

Prices for strawberry seeds

Strawberry seeds

Video - Unified agricultural tax

On a note! You will also need official registration of an enterprise to take out loans from a bank or receive various subsidies and subsidies for small businesses - now similar programs operate almost throughout Russia.

To grow strawberries, you will also need a plot of land of at least 120 m2 on which you will install, which should be equipped with racks for growing berries, lighting fixtures (to at least slightly simplify the process of caring for the plantation). You may also need various gardening tools and labor - all this is important to take into account when creating a business plan and calculating profitability periods.

You can rent a plot of land or grow berries on your own (to begin with, in small quantities). But it is better to immediately tune in to capital production, since “everything that is done for a while remains forever.” This is our mentality.

It is also important to think about how to ensure a constant water supply for the plantation. There is no point in installing it far from pipelines or wells, since you will spend a lot of money on the supply of life-giving moisture.

Prices for drip irrigation systems

drip irrigation systems

You will also need equipment for storing the collected berries until they are sold. With an established sales system, it will be snapped up quickly, but until it is transferred to a store or restaurant, it needs to be stored somewhere.

You may also need, among other things, various fertilizers and additives for plants, and, of course, you must buy the plants themselves. You can grow strawberries from seeds yourself or purchase already grown seedlings and simply plant them on your plot. In the second case, fruiting will begin earlier, but the cost of purchasing planting material will be higher.

Profitability and sales

Experts say that growing strawberries pays off quickly. As a rule, it takes no more than one season for profitability to reach 100%. The thing is that there will always be demand for strawberries. In the summer, of course, it drops somewhat, but in the winter you will be able to easily sell all the products grown. And the costs of organizing a business, as we have already said, are high only at first - this is the purchase of a greenhouse and equipment, seedlings, renting a plot, etc.

In order for the strawberry growing business to be successful, it is important to establish connections through which the products will be sold. Sales can be established in three ways.

  1. Sales to shops, supermarkets, restaurants. It is important to establish ongoing supply contracts with these institutions. However, it should be remembered that both restaurants and stores will set high demands on the quality of the berries - they should not only be tasty, but also attractive.
  2. Sales through our own retail outlets. This is not always a successful and profitable option; there are often unsold goods left. But you can sell the berries at a higher price than in the first case. You will also have to spend money on commercial equipment, rent and salary to the seller.
  3. Home delivery of berries. An option that can be organized in a large populated area. You can sell berries through websites or social networks. However, a good, explosive advertising campaign is very important.

On a note! In winter, you can make money on strawberries much faster than in summer, since it is during the cold period of the year that the demand for them increases.

Also, when you have a berry, you will have to obtain another series of documents in order to be able to sell the product. This is a declaration of conformity to GOST and a phytosanitary certificate. Rosselkhoznadzor specialists can tell you how to get them - there are a lot of nuances that only they can explain.

Greenhouse for strawberries

What should a greenhouse be like to grow strawberries all year round? To begin with, it is thoroughly built, equipped, and insulated.

It is best to build a greenhouse for strawberries from polycarbonate - this material retains heat much better than glass, but film is not at all suitable as a covering material in winter. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made greenhouse, install it on the foundation and be sure to consider a heating system for it. It would be good if the structure also had a special vestibule for the winter period, so as not to let warm air out of the room.

Also, the ventilation system in the greenhouse should be thought out - the plants need fresh air, and besides, the strawberries will be hot in the summer.

Another important aspect is lighting. In the summer, the plants have enough light that will penetrate through the polycarbonate, but in the winter you will have to additionally highlight the berries.

On a note! Strawberries can be grown in garden beds, or they can be cultivated using the so-called Dutch technology - in bags. In the second case, you will need to arrange special shelving. By the way, they will perfectly help to use the space in the greenhouse more efficiently.

The greenhouse must be equipped with a drip irrigation system. The fact is that strawberries do not like chaotic moisture; they like slow and gentle watering, which will not allow water to get on the delicate leaves of the plant and the berries themselves. And this is just a drip.


An important aspect in organizing a strawberry business is the choice of variety. This is also not such a simple matter.

To begin with, it is worth informing that strawberries for growing in a greenhouse are usually chosen:

  • self-pollinating, which does not require the presence of pollinating insects;
  • remontant, which is capable of blooming several times per season and bears fruit constantly.

On a note! Many gardeners consider remontant strawberries to be inferior in taste, but in fact this is not the case. These varieties also produce a tasty harvest.

Table. Strawberry varieties for growing in a greenhouse.

Name, photoDescription

It bears fruit with very large and beautiful, quite dense and juicy berries, which can weigh 50 g, and sometimes even 125 g. The variety has a high yield - from one bush you can collect up to 5 kg of sweet berries per season. The disadvantage is the need to annually renew the bushes to avoid crushing the crop.

Produces smaller (up to 40 g) berries with a unique taste. Sufficiently dense and juicy fruits appear very quickly - just 1.5 months after planting the seedlings in the soil, you can harvest the first harvest. From one bush you can collect up to 1.5 kg of berries.

It produces small, but very tasty and aromatic berries. High-yielding variety (2 kg per bush). It begins to bloom immediately after rooting and therefore bears fruit early. Forms few whiskers.

A variety that does not form a mustache and actively bears fruit. It produces aromatic and sweet berries weighing about 40 g. By the way, these are not even strawberries, but wild strawberries.

When choosing a variety, be sure to think about what conditions a particular species needs for normal development and growth, as well as fruiting. For the strawberry business, the best ones are those that do not react strongly to changes in daylight hours, constantly bloom and bear fruit abundantly, and produce very tasty and aromatic berries.

Growing strawberries

You can grow strawberries by seed or seedlings. The second one is simpler and more reliable, and you will get the harvest faster. Seedlings can be purchased at a specialized nursery. Buy the one that grew from a first or second order mustache. Having purchased seedlings, you need to plant them in a greenhouse. Berries can be grown using various technologies - traditionally in garden beds and in the Dutch way. Let's take a closer look at the traditional method.

Step 1. In the greenhouse, be sure to form the beds correctly. They are usually 1 m wide, with small passages between them. The best soil for strawberries is layers of crushed stone, sand and black soil (layer thickness 6, 10 and 8 cm, respectively).

Step 2. Fertilize the soil by adding a little mineral fertilizer (for example, Sulfoammophos) - approximately 10 g per m 2.

Prices for mineral fertilizers

mineral fertilizers

Step 3. Make holes for the strawberry seedlings in a checkerboard pattern, approximately 30 cm apart and 10 cm deep.


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