Make puzzles with your own hands, children's puzzles are cleared. Easy way to create and print puzzles with sublimation printing technology

Make puzzles with your own hands for children is very simple, and most importantly - profitable. If the child is tired of collecting alone puzzles, you can always make it new - with another image.

On this page we offer you for children to make puzzles with their own hands out of the 9-pieces.

The pictures depicts: Animals, fabulous princesses, heroes of favorite cartoons, cars. These puzzles will be interested in collecting boys and girls.

How to make puzzles do it yourself

  1. At the end of the article you will find a link to download all puzzles for kids from the 9-piece archive. Unpack the Archive and print the puzzles you like on the color printer.
  2. Print 2 sheets with puzzles.
  3. Enclose one sheet with a picture - puzzles to cardboard, then cut the cardboard on the lines on the part.
  4. Details of the puzzle and the whole image decompose in front of the child and explain how to fold pieces to get a whole picture.
  5. After you can offer a child to collect puzzles yourself.

The child will gladly collect these bright and colorful pictures. Such puzzles can be made several pieces immediately, if you plan a baby's birthday. Then everyone, from the little guests, will awaken.

On our site you will find a lot you can make your own hands.

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

Puzzles for children Print

On the site site are still puzzles for children of all ages:

  1. For very little children
  2. Puzzles based on folk tales
  3. Large puzzles

Everyone loves puzzles or, in any case, know what it is. This is a wonderful puzzle game for the whole family, a pleasant pastime and useful training for mind, memory and attention. Historically, puzzles were created precisely as a tutorial. They were in England by the trader John Spielsbury in the middle of the XVIII century. These were black and white geographical maps, glued on the wooden base and cut into pieces of different shapes. In each piece contained certain information and, collecting them one after another, it was possible to study geography.

The first puzzles were very expensive, but, nevertheless, quickly gained popularity in England and other European countries. In the XIX century, the puzzles "leaked" to America. Enontending Americans began to use cardboard sheets instead of a wooden basis, thereby significantly reduced the cost of puzzles and making them accessible to most people. Since then, the puzzles have become not only a textbook, but also enjoyable entertainment. They began to produce on the basis of the reproductions of art paintings.

Fucking popularity of puzzles acquired during the "dry law" in America. In addition to the reproductions of the paintings began to use photographs of natural landscapes, cars, celebrities, as well as pictures from movies and cartoons, first black and white, and then colored. Puzzle lovers gathered in teams and arranged entire tournaments to collect huge paintings from several tens of thousands of parts.

In Russia, the puzzle revolution was fashionable salon entertainment and called "Bowls". Unfortunately, in the USSR, puzzles were almost not produced. In Russia, the modern "Bowl" was gaining popularity again, now this passion is available to everyone, including online.

Puzzles Multifunctional: Adults often use the collected paintings to decorate the interior, and the puzzle children are useful both as a toy and as a simulator, developing logical thinking, imagination and attention. Well, in addition, a cardboard puzzle is a great gift for any holiday, you only need to choose the appropriate size, picture and beautifully wrap.

Online puzzles: make up the picture

Puzzles are a fascinating occupation for all ages. Modern manufacturers offer scatteries of any complexity and for every taste: from cartoon plots to reproductions of masterpieces of world painting. Amazes the diversity of subjects - still lifes, landscapes, portraits, genre scenes. If you wish, you can collect a whole collection, for example, fabulous characters or locks.

Puzzles - a universal gift. They can be collected by one and the company, they will help pass the leisure time with bad weather or build the "home arrest" in case of illness. It will not be superfluous to recall that classes with puzzles are useful for children: they develop perseverance, attentiveness and accuracy, and with minimal adult efforts - also the imagination of kids.

There are, however, the circumstances that limit the enthusiasm of Pazloman. First, for the assembly of large paintings you need a lot of space and time. Agree, not all family members will be delighted with a two-week occupation by your masterpiece of the dining table or a rowed place on the carpet in front of the TV. Yes, and for the puzzles themselves, this location is fraught with losses. Secondly, when the picture is collected, usually the question arises - "What's next?". Do not break the work of art again by 2-3 thousand pieces?

We will try to tell you how to solve these problems.

So where to collect puzzles? For example, you have gave a loose picture with a gorgeous view of New York, a window into the world size of only edak 86x116 cm. Sold, of course, special mats for assembling puzzles, but they, honestly, are expensive and do not cover all the sizes of paintings. Our advice is not looking for a shop on the entire city or the Internet to buy such a rug, and go better to the nearest building supermarket. And buy there 2 (!) Slices of the finest Fiberboard each size, in our case, 100x130 cm. Yes, it is heavy, but incomparably (or rather, comparable - somewhere 10 times) is cheaper than the rug. As you understand, a sheet format is the dimensions of the painting plus allowances on each side of about 5 cm. This is your desktop / floor - shorter, bridgehead for action. On one sheet you collect a picture, the second cover the collected part at the time of breaks. In such a form, your masterpiece can be calmly shoved on a week-second under the sofa, under the carpet or put on the closet, for reliability, taking the edge of the sheets in several places with scotch. And be calm - your cat will not make its own adjustments to work, everything will remain in their places.

So, slowly, for a week-month-year, you have collected the picture. And what now? How to make it? Our recommendations again will be sent to the construction store. What for? For self-adhesive film, moldings (yes!), Glue, paint and varnish. What for? We tell.

The collected picture turns the face down - with two sheets of the Fiberboard, it is easy to make it, according to the "Eagle Rush" principle for a coin. An appropriate sheet of self-adhesive film with a protective layer is applied to the wrong sheet. We begin to glue it carefully - peeling the protective layer for several centimeters. To make it easier, start moving from the short side of the picture. Do not hurry, each cursed piece carefully press the rigid ruler, preventing the formation of air bubbles.

The picture pasted in this way is glued with universal glue to the Fiberboard sheet with the markup of symmetric fields. We advise on the sheet to immediately make holes for hanging the picture - it is better not one thing, but two at a fairly big distance from each other. Now proceed to the design of the frame.

Bagent frame for painting from puzzles is a big luxury. Replace the real baguette we offer foam moldings. First, they are much cheaper, secondly, it is easier, thirdly, it's easier to work with them. Building stores offer their widest choice - different widths and profiles, with all sorts of ornaments. Pick the molding to your taste, in accordance with your vision of the finished masterpiece. A strict or faded frame will be your picture - choose you, like what it will be color. Think in advance where your job will hang, it will facilitate your choice, tells the desired design solution.

First color moldings selected with paint or metal pigment using a brush or an aerosol spray. When they dry, cut the parts of the frame of the desired length with a knife and gently glue the versatile glue to the sheet with the picture. If the left fields are wider than the chosen baguette, cut them to the desired width before sticking the frame. Opposite the holes for the nail with a neatly selection, select the foam, so that it does not burst when you hang a picture.

If desired, the finished picture can be covered with a lacquer or an aerosol spray. In the latter case, the coating will be evenly and you will be able to avoid incontrolle. At this stage, you can be inserted using various effects of crane or coating - the main thing is to have a sense of action, because this decor is not suitable for all plots.

And a small hint. In the pictures of puzzles, you can combine beautiful with pleasure. For example, on a puzzle with the image of the year, you can place a room thermometer or a tear-off calendar. Under the picture with a fabulous palace, you can make pockets for keys, and a hooks for children's clothing will be a good addition to the drawing with cartoon characters. Think out the composition and calculate the size of the sheet of the base - and forward, for work!

How to make puzzles for kids and older children with their own hands.

What is puzzles

Puzzle - (from English Puzzle - Puzzle, Rus, Riddle, Difficulty) - This is a mosaic, foldable picture, a puzzle variety, when a whole picture must be collected from several parts.

Now there are a large number of a wide variety of puzzles designed for people of different age categories: from one-year-old kids to adults.

Materials from which they do, most different: wood, plastic, polymers, but the most common and famous are puzzles from cardboard. Also very popular puzzles in which you can play online online.

Puzzles: benefit or harm

Some people are confident that if specialists are engaged with special children with puzzles, they are harmful to the mental development of ordinary children.

This is not true. For example, individual children are recommended for physical exercises, but it does not mean that they cannot be made healthy children.

Harm from puzzles can only be for young children - they can not give small elements that a child can swallow, or such elements from which the child can bite off a piece.

Materials from which puzzle is made should be safe for the child, and the level of complexity must be configured to its age.

What is the benefit of puzzles for children?

Like any mosaic or puzzle, puzzles develop:

  • small motor
  • sensorika
  • coordination of movements
  • logical thinking
  • spatial perception
  • imagination
  • streetness

How to make puzzles for children do it yourself

For a child you can buy ready-made puzzles, and you can make them yourself. It is not difficult and does not take much time.

The theme for the very first puzzles is better to choose what the child is interested in to interest it.

You can make them by printing on cardboard (or on ordinary paper, and then stick to the cardboard) and cutting on the part you like picture from the Internet. You can also use a varied cast material:

  • boxes from packaging toys, gift confectionery sets, candies, baby food, etc.
  • postcards
  • used coloring

How to make puzzles for the smallest

Puzzles for the smallest children should be bright, large and consist of a very small number of elements. It is best to start with pictures cut in half horizontally, vertical or diagonal.

After a while, when this task becomes too easy for a child, the same pictures can be cut into two parts.

For example, if the picture was cut horizontally, cut it also vertically. And vice versa. The picture, cut diagonally, cut on another diagonal, etc.

In the photo of the puzzles that I did for my daughter when she was not yet a year (the picture with strawberries was originally cut only on the diagonal).

Also, the kids are very convenient to collect puzzles on the flannelhemph, because Details do not shift and do not go. Pictures can be any form. I did for my daughter, as in this photo from.

How to make puzzles for older children

On this photo, my puzzles are made of old Soviet cards with points and numbers (photos from another blog).

And on these two - puzzles that Marina did for their boys (pictures from the Internet with a machine and a helicopter are printed, cut and numbered).

Over time, you can cut pictures in the form of classical puzzles, gradually increasing the number of items. When a child learn how to collect them, it will be possible to offer him ready puzzles.

For preschoolers, pictures can be cut to a greater number of most different parts.

Puzzle from a postcard with a plot about Prostokvashino I did a daughter for the new year waiting calendar.

More complex purchased puzzles I did not photograph, because And so everyone knows how they look;)

Enjoy your creativity! Especially for blog readers "More creative ideas for children" (https: // Site), with sincere respect, Yulia Schestyuk

All the best! If the article was useful to you, please help the development of the site, share a link to it in social networks.

The placement of the materials of the site (images and text) on other resources without written permission of the author is prohibited and persecuted by law.

  • Game and Mosaic "Tetris" do it yourself

Article from the developers of the free service of the Creating Puzzle Puzzle. Service, really interesting. I recommend to get acquainted with him, especially those users who have small children.
A good way to occupy and entertain the child is a joint picking of puzzles. What is the Internet on this issue?
There are online puzzles. But the recommendations of doctors and teachers are not recommended to be too fascinated by them at an early age. Causes The lack of development of shallow hands plus the negative impact of the monitor on the still forming vision of the child.
In the network you can find a lot of finished drawings with already finished marking that can be printed and cut. By cons can be attributed to the fixed plot of puzzle and primitive marking. In this embodiment, it is better to find the picture you like a picture and cut to your taste.
Use Photoshop. Any search engine will give you many articles, where the method of creating and printing a puzzle using Photoshop is described in detail. For people who have not worked with this software product, this process takes considerable time.
So, that we can offer a puzzle.
Make a puzzle from your favorite pictures. You can skip this stage by selecting puzzles from the directory in the service itself.

Select the configuration of puzzle elements. Later it can always be changed.

Select the number of puzzle elements.

Press the seal and get the option of our puzzle already broken and adapted to print.

Next, using the browser print functions, we can adjust our puzzle on the print page.

It remains only to print our puzzle. In Google Hrome, you can even save in PDF format and store electronically.
As you can see, for a slight time and, without possessing the skills of work in Photoshop, we received a puzzle with a fairly decent quality of performance. At the same time, restrictions in the formation of puzzle are practically absent.
And finally, a small advice. It is best if the child will take an active part of the child in the process of creating and cutting the puzzle. In addition to toys, any child appreciates attention. Especially children like participation in the process together with mom and dad. Wish you luck.

In contact with


The term "puzzle" comes from the English. "PUZZLE" that in the translation means "puzzle", "Riddle". The origin of Puzlov is associated with the name of the English Cartograph of John Spielsbury, who passed the map of Europe on the wooden basis, saw her through the contours of European states, and began to use the "painted card" for teaching geography. Gradually, the cut pictures began to be applied not only and not so much for educational purposes as for entertainment in trendy salons. "Salon" puzzles were expensive, as they were made from valuable wood. The peak of the popularity of Puzlov came to the 30s of the twentieth century, when for their manufacture instead of wood began to use cardboard. The new round of its development puzzle was obtained with the advent of sublimation printing.

Currently popular sublimation printing on puzzles Grows in arithmetic progression, as a colorful, exclusively decorated game can become an excellent gift for children and adults, as well as an excellent business souvenir for business partners and regular customer company.

Sublimation printing allows you to apply high-quality color images, photos, drawings, inscriptions and logos on puzzles. Such images are distinguished by bright colors and smooth color transitions, they are resistant to ultraviolet rays and mechanical abrasion. Thanks to the development of sublimation technology for printing, any puzzles can easily be made at home.

To print on your own colorful image on the puzzles, we will need: billets for puzzles, an inkjet printer with piezoelectric printing technology, sublimation ink, paper for sublimation thermal transparency, heat-resistant tape, several sheets of white office paper and thermopress.

Billets for puzzles

Puzzle blanks can be rectangular, square, round, have a heart shape or any other non-standard form.

Classic rectangular billets for puzzles, whose options are presented are the greatest distribution.

4x5 6x5 5x8
6x8. 10x5 6x10
8x10 12x10 15x10

Popular species of rectangular puzzle blanks for sublimation printing

Puzzles are made of cardboard and polyurethane, on the usual and magnetic basis. The most economical and accessible for buyers are cardboard blanks, the surface of which is treated with a polymer composition. The polymer layer serves to fix sublimation dyes and ensures stability of puzzles to abrasion.

An interesting solution for sublimation printing on puzzles is magnetic blanks, performing from magnetic vinyl with polymer coating. Magnetic puzzles can be attached to any metal surfaces, whether it is a refrigerator door, a computer system block or a sideways of a washing machine.

Most often, the blanks for puzzles are white, but color copies are encountered. On white blanks, the color is not distorted, it looks natural and clean. If the workpiece has an extraneous color or shade, the color gamut of the finished puzzles will differ from their image on the screen.

Printer and printing technology

For sublimation printing on puzzles, you need a conventional inkjet printer with a piezoelectric printhead. The cartridges of such a printer are equipped with a piezoelectric crystal, which leads to a metal plate, ejecting microscopic ink droplets through the nozzle. The drop flies out of the nozzle as a kernel from the catapult, while the ink is not heated.

As for the thermostrous method of printing, it is not suitable for sublimation inks, which when heated to 160 ° C is transferred to a gaseous state. In the thermostruite printing cartridge, which is supplied to the ink boiling, the coloring substances can be destroyed and mounted on the inner walls of the cartridge, and without hitting the carrier.

Sublimation ink

For sublimation printing on puzzles, special sublimation ink, which include dyes not soluble in water. Such inks similar to physical properties and functional characteristics with pigment ink, produce bright and colorful prints resistant to sunlight and friction. Puzzles printed by sublimation ink will serve very long, do not fade and will not erase even with intensive use.

Various types of sublimation ink

Sublimation paper

For sublimation printing, special sublimation paper with a polymer coating is used. Finding onto the carrier, the ink is swapped into the polymer layer and are fixed in it, not penetrating into the deep layers of paper. When paper with ink fingerprint falls into the thermopress, the ink with polymers will safely go to the surface of the puzzles, leaving on the paper only a pale imprint from the image once in it.

Some types of sublimation paper

The forums are actively discussed by the possibility of use for sublimation printing of office paper or matte photographic paper. Such types of paper do not have a special layer of polymers, therefore, part of the ink, falling onto their surface, penetrates the depth of the intermediate medium, and subsequently does not switch to sealed puzzles. The figure shows a visual example of fixing sublimation ink on different types of paper.

Fastening sublimation ink on various types of paper


left - sublimation paper,

in the center - matte photo paper,

right - ordinary paper

It can be seen from the figure that only a special sublimation paper ensures reliable fixing ink in the layer of molimers. In the matte photo paper ink are blurred, and on ordinary paper - deep into the carrier, therefore, it is impossible to get high-quality sublimation puzzles using non-specializable paper.


For sublimation printing used thermopress - The device equipped with two thermoposses, between which the future puzzle with an intermediate carrier is clamped.

The following figure presents some models of thermopresses for sublimation printing on flat blanks.

Thermopresses for sublimation printing

The thermopress warms the workpiece, and the ink is sublimated, go into a gaseous state, fixing on the surface of the puzzle.

Sublimation printing technology

Prepare all the necessary materials and tools, proceed to image processing. In any graphic editor, adjust its size, brightness, contrast, turn horizontally to display it in the mirror form.

Print the processed image on an inkjet piezoelectric printer. For printing, use sublimation inks and sublimation paper. The resulting picture is carefully dried and put on the future puzzle, fixing in the four sides of the thermoskullic or ordinary painting scotch.

Heat the thermopress to a temperature of 190 ° C. The bottom sole will be covered with clean sheets of paper for which we post the workpiece. From above, the workpiece is again closed with clean sheets of paper and lower the top sole of thermopresses. We take two sessions of 20 s.

A few words about the time and temperature of sublimation transfer. Some sites indicate that the workpiece should be withstanding in the thermal depress at a temperature of from 190 ° C to 220 ° C for 40 s to 90 s. Where these values \u200b\u200bcome from - remains a big secret, since in most cases for 90 from staying in the press the surface of the puzzles will be bubble or goes with overheating waves. Using such extreme mode, you can spoil not one billet.

We recommend doing this: Close the thermopress by 20 s, after which we open the plate and alternately raise all four corners of sublimation paper, assessing the print quality. Here Scotch will serve us a good service - we will be able to appreciate the quality of sublimation printing on puzzles and, if necessary, put the workpiece into the thermopress for another 20 s. The picture does not eate and not shift.

Move the upper sole of thermopres, I remove our billets from under it. Gently remove the upper layer of paper, separate the sublimation sheet from the puzzles, on which there was an image. We consider the result. If your puzzles turned out bright and colorful, and the image on the intermediate carrier pale and lifeless means you did everything right. It remains only a little to do line on the edges of the puzzles.

Now let's talk about where prepared sublimation puzzles are used.

Children's puzzles

Children's puzzles are an excellent toy designed to develop logic and shallow motility of a child. Playing in puzzles, the child not only enjoys the meeting with the heroes of favorite cartoons, but also meets new colors and shades, develops a small motorcycle hand.


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