How to remain an optimist when everything is bad. - What is the present source of optimism? How to treat your achievements and fakapam

"You scratched the side, the car was burned," the car wash manager knocked. I calmly replied him: "Well, it hurts - it means it hurt, where to turn the steering wheel?". Need to be recognized, my reaction to this event was very optimistic, because The sound of the grincling was just awful, as if I was all side of the car blown.

In fact, if you want to become a successful person, you need to try to be in an optimistic mood, because Problems in any case will occur, and optimism will help not fall in spirit in a difficult moment. When I scratched the car, I perfectly understood that I had already climbed and pouring tears on this matter there is no one sense - it's much more productive to ask the spanners so that I will put it from turning out of a difficult situation without further damage. Famous entrepreneurs suggest that they are trying not to think about the bad, including those who have passed the mistakes. In particular, they talked about it. Optimism is one of.

If we consider that pessimism is not a very constructive thing, then it is worth thinking about how to become an optimist. Psychologists even note that those people who constantly think about poorly as if attracting trouble in their lives or just looked at them. More optimistic people prefer to move on and try not to think about bad.

Chrombus should not forget about psychosomatics. When a person is constantly in a tense state, he begins to suffer as non-abuse disorders and such problems as an increased blood pressure.

How to become an optimist

First of all, it is worth stopping and look around. What do you say others and what do you think about? If you are not complaining about the case, or if there are many people with negative thoughts and words, then this is the first signal about that. What you need to think. To begin with, just stop whining and complaining. Otherwise, it can work the effect " self-free prophecy" This is when negative thoughts ultimately materialize. often underestimated. Moreover, you must control not only your words, but also try to keep track of your own thoughts.

Also, if you will constantly whine, your surrounding is also hardly like. It is much better to adhere to an active life position. Lack of money for something? Do something so that the salary has grown. Did not work out? Do something else. For example, ask for an increase. If it did not help - change the place of work to a higher paid one. Much more valuable active actions.

Think and act with optimism in the eyes

American psychologists in the face of Martin Seligman, even the most famous pessimist, you can teach optimism. It is not so difficult. It is just necessary to consciously correct your thoughts just like people who are prone to completeness consciously adjust their diet. It may be difficult to do this, but as soon as thinking is positive (or follow the diet) will enter the habit - you will no longer be the pessimist, whom we once knew.

The main thing is a psychological attitude. You need to believe in yourself and at the same time do not look back into the past. To dig in past failures is a bad idea - says the famous Russian businessman Oleg Tinkov. Try to act as if you are absolutely confident in the success of your actions (even if it is not). By changing your actions and thoughts, you become another person, and your will gradually gain strength.

How Self-Programming works

We have already written about such techniques as. I still do not really believe in these two methods. And despite this, I personally made sure that these methods really work in practice. I am not inclined to give the same visualization to some magical properties of the power of the Universe, as they are told in the film "Secret". I think that the goals of the goals are achieved thanks to the power of the subconscious. You put a clear goal, visualize it, and the brain with time finds the solution of the task.

How to treat your achievements and fakapam?

In the event of failures, it is not necessary to constantly engage in self-vacation. It must be philosophical: to recognize the error, make a lesson for yourself and move on. It should not shift the blame in your failures on other people. Even if it is objectively so much more useful to honestly admit that somewhere you really made a mistake and allowed it to happen. And the problems are better not to detect, but to take concrete steps to solve them. So keep the blow and psychologically easier and the result will be better.

Put yourself specific goals and plan their achievement

When you do not have specific goals and tasks or they are vague slick, then you are unlikely to approach their achievement (although it happens!). It is said that work is the best medicine from many ailments. A busy person simply lacks time to go into negative reflections. He, and then makes concrete actions. It is inevitably mowed during work. But he is positively configured and he studies on his mistakes.

If the work does not bring proper pleasure, then perhaps you are engaged in an unloved business and it's time for you to change the scope of activities or at least more time to give your favorite hobby. I never understood people who hate their work. So for a short time and improve to a heart attack. Live in your pleasure.

Live full of life

Frankly, now my business in Bizesa go much worse than a year ago. But I do not make it from this tragedy. The case is still profitable, because I cut the costs almost to zero values \u200b\u200b(there will be nothing to cut down soon). This is a big plus that will help get more profit in the future, when things stabilize. In addition, I took advantage of revenue reduction and made a radical step - I began to sit on a diet. So I put my body in order. And I plan to hold a cool cycle to the coming summer. I have already accumulated enough money so that you can not work all summer, bought lights on the bike. In short, I get pleasure from life, despite some temporary difficulties. What I advise you to make all readers.

Do some sports

Sport really helps to fight stress and makes you more optimistic than you really are. Changes occur on the hormonal level. Plus you start to look better and younger than usual.

By the way, it is also worth putting in order and your diet. In the book "Without sugar", the authors write that the abuse of sweet can lead to depression and a number of other health problems. There is no longer before optimism.

Thoughtfully choose a circle of communication

We already wrote above that he himself. If in your environment, depressive individuals and whiskers, then you yourself risk such becoming. Try to communicate with optimists. And if it is impossible to protect against these people, then you need to make efforts so that their negative does not affect you.

Pessimism is also needed

However, do not wear pink glasses and look at life Eyes of joyful idiot. Sometimes pessimist quality is also needed. Starting any project should be understood that it may not work or something can go wrong. In this case, you can progress. For example, going to the speech you need to have several copies of the presentation, including on a flash drive, a compact disc and on the Internet, so that if something goes wrong - the performance has anyway. Also, we need to prepare and remember, but just in case, also take a piece of paper with you if you are confused. Do you understand the thoughts? Try to be an optimist, but at the same time soberly assess the overall situation to make meaningful solutions.

Find something that can establish you on a positive way. It can be a good music in the player, meditation, help to other people. More smile. A good mood can be infectious. Do you have sex with your loved one - it will very well affect the overall mood. And do not think about the bad night. Plesh yourself and try to do what you really makes it happy.

Good day, dear readers! And as soon as people manage to always think about good? There are so many failures, problems, fears. They seem to not notice all this. I really want to change the situation, learn not to pay attention to the bad. Become a truly happy person.

Today I will give advice psychologist how to become an optimist. Present. Which does not pay attention to difficulties. They will change your consciousness. Do you think it is impossible? Even if you pessimist reprogram your consciousness - real. That's just have to try, abandon the set. It is difficult, but the goal justifies the funds.

No need to blame yourself

Almost each of us constantly blames for something. Want to quit smoking, but you can't do. Eat start walking into the gym, but you can not find at this time. Think Oh, but do not see the way to implement.

Stop blame. Your thoughts make you not the best person. Whatever difficult in front of you did not have the task, the impossibility of its implementation brings even more harm to the psyche.

Imagine the girl really wants to lose weight, but never takes an attempt to do it. She goes around the mirror, constantly looking for evidence of his own imperfection and cinuses himself for laziness. This feeling torments her every day, haunting throughout life.

If you really want something, then either do it or try to throw out this idea from my head.

Perhaps you don't really need this additional earnings, recognition and glory? In the end, if there was an acute need - you would find a way to solve the problem.

I assure as soon as you get rid of the problem - you will cease to notice or make a step towards execution, you will be better, and you will not notice how the mood improves.

Filter the flow of information

Any image, the picture - causes us. You look at the kitten and smile, see the photo of the catastrophe and begin to worry. The more positive images in your life, and as a result of emotions, the better you feel.

Start controlling the information flow that collapses you.

See the comedies, family, surround yourself with photos of kittens, subscribe to the VKontakte groups that offer high-quality humor. In fact, even in it can burn the roots of evil. See any comedian speech - they are unhappy with politics, medicine surrounding people.

If humor is built on aggression, then you, absorb it in yourself. Very simple example. If you look at the beautiful photo of food, do not notice how after 15 minutes it will be an apple or sandwich. If you are watching sad movies, do not notice how you begin to feel.

Read more

The easiest way and at the same time is not under the influence of negative information - to read. Of course, not any literature will fit. Dostoevsky can drive you into an even greater depression.
I recommend the collection of lovely and naive stories about the love and life "Chicken Broth for the Soul" Jack Canfield, " The night of the fulfillment of desires"Cetana Bhagata about modern India, office staff and magical fulfillment of desires.

Book " Wine from dandelions"Reya Bradbury, I think, all the ears have been stationed by those who wondered over the question whether it is possible to turn from a pessimist in an optimist. I think that you need to read it at least in order to buy it once again on this name to leave the author comment comment on the article: "Yes, I already read, read."

What else? " Paradise somewhere near»Fanni Fleg," Book of deception"Martha Ketro, as well as" Cat without gloves"Terry Puzzlet. This book will definitely make you smile again!

Surround yourself with positive people

Take the right way and trying to limit ourselves from negative, it's hard to stay an adequate person who does not begin to distribute advice and says without end: "Well, stop loading me with your problems."

Communicate more and try to avoid morals. Talk themselves, try to find positive topics for conversation, listening to someone else's grief and failure to unwind the problem, and attempt to find bright parties in it.

It applies very well to us, but you will agree to another to tell the truth much more easier than in life to follow my instructions. Learn from someone else's experience to look with joy on failures.

Make happy your loved ones, and you will not notice how every day it will become for yourself to become a little joyful.
Already in 10 days you will feel how your mood is improving, and emotions turn into feelings that you do not leave with such ease. Over time, you will begin to follow myself less and more on tetail, without control.

The modern world inflicts an imprint on a psycho-emotional human background. Various external factors adversely affect thinking, not all people are able to easily experience problems. Relying on this factor, psychologists allocated two main types of human - optimist and pessimist. How do not give in to negative thoughts and become a target person, consider below.

Method number 1. Think positive

  1. Prisimism's root cause is their own thoughts. People often set themselves to the negative after unsuccessful moments in life or affairs.
  2. After unjustified expectations, the subconscious is beginning to attend bad thoughts. You are starting to inspire that you will not be able to fulfill the goal.
  3. Get rid of such thoughts, do not let failures eclipse light ideas. If you constantly think in a negative key, good luck will not be the place in your head.
  4. Configure yourself to the desired result, despite the failure. All rich people say that if you do not strive for the goal, nothing will come. Try to make urgent problems as an accident, and not a commitment.
  5. He drove into a depressive state, in the future it will be hard from it. Do not let the thoughts "devour" you from the inside. Get rid of the proposals "I can't!", "I never do a similar one!", "I'm too weak, what to cope with it!".
  6. Believe me, it's just excuses. You can do everything, at the initial stage, you must be guided by phrases "I haven't worked for now, but I can!", "I can do everything!", "There is nothing impossible!"

Method number 2. Become an optimist

  1. Look around, evaluate, in which society are you. If the worldview of close people does not satisfy you, but only inhibits, undoubtedly, you need to change something. Try to join the Optimist Society, you will not hear about failures or the inability to arrange a beautiful life.
  2. Run from a pessimistic atmosphere, you will not achieve the desired results. You will always pull down and "motivate" to the failures of people losers. While in the society of optimists, in the near future you will feel that they are transformed and configure thoughts positively.
  3. Notice, targeted people also fail, but they remove the lesson from this and try to solve problems as soon as possible. A person shares experience with colleagues, in some cases discussing pressing problems with them and their possible solutions.
  4. At the same time, people do not fall into depression, such situations only motivate optimists. Such a society is cooled and responsive. The purposeful man will always help another, he will not leave in a difficult situation.

Method number 3. Do not engage in self-criticism

  1. Start with yourself. Think about whom you first blame when you fail. If the criticism falls on the surrounding and its own ego, definitely, you can consider yourself a pessimist.
  2. Self-confident people take fiasco as due. They think about the fact that in life there happens anyone and himself (optimist) is not an exception. There is nothing terrible in failures, so you do not need to look for guilt or edge yourself.
  3. Do not stand to engage in self-criticism. Take failures as a personal experience. Make the right conclusions and do not despair. Think that you will succeed. In rare cases, successful attempts come from the first time.
  4. Alternately praise yourself in trifles. Think that you are a talented and clever man. It didn't work out now, then you will do it later. The main thing is not to lower your hands and do not fall into depression.
  5. Rearrange negative thinking, you must come from light. It is you will become an example to imitate in the case of other pessimists. As soon as you believe in yourself, life will begin to improve.

Method number 4. Hell relax

  1. Experts recommend listening to the classic compositions of famous performers to improve the work of the brain. Robing yourself to depression, you automatically download the subconscious, which should relax.
  2. Hell relax and move away the pressing problems on the background. With pure consciousness, much easier to cope with Fiasco. Resort to meditation, relaxation and point massage. You can independently knead the palms and feet.
  3. Take a hot bath with essential oils and incense or hot long shower. Sometimes let yourself be a glass of red wine with chocolate. Get more convenient, turn on a kind movie or comedy. If there is an opportunity, spend the evening with your loved one.

Method number 5. Do sex

  1. It's no secret that sexual abstinence adversely affects the inner and external state of a person. If you have a satellite, it is worth establishing a regular sex life. Adhere to the principle: "The more often the better."
  2. Feel free to become frank, it is normal. Otherwise, it is worth thinking and find your soul mate. A person must support your interests. Do not instill, pay a little more time and find your happiness.
  3. Stress and negative thinking help to cope with long kisses, hugs. During sex, happiness hormone is allocated, which suppresses aggression. The same thing happens when kisses, only in smaller quantities.
  4. If there is a tight with a sex life, you can resort to self-satisfaction. There is nothing shameful in this, but the result will be positive. You will feel some relief.

Method number 6. Visualize

  1. Currently, visualization training is gaining great popularity. The bottom line is that a person is taught to project positive thoughts, displacing the negative. No wonder they say that thoughts are material.
  2. What do you think directly affects the future. Adjust consciousness to positive, soon you will feel the attraction of good luck and implement the goals. The technique can be mastered independently, at first it is enough to pay 10 minutes per day to manipulates.
  3. Cut in a cozy quiet setting. Clearly imagine your dreams. If you are comfortable starting with small. However, global thoughts need to visualize to achieve the maximum result. Try to think about what you would like to achieve.
  4. Represent a luxurious life in detail than you do. If we talk about small goals, imagine yourself as a positive person. Think about how to help people would smile, easily communicated and glowed from self-confidence.
  5. As soon as you finish the procedure, do not forget how you were in the subconscious. Gradually use the technique in real life. Start with small, smile more and communicate with colleagues. Let's understand yourself and others that everything is fulfilled in life.

Method number 7. Enjoy life

  1. If you do not have certain purposes, such thoughts are deprived of optimism. Clearly decide what you want to achieve. If you have not yet ripen the plan, it is worth doing small things.
  2. Find yourself in hobbies, find the hobby. In such a situation, negative thoughts are departed into the background. Over time, you can overcome insecurity and pessimism.
  3. Take the habit of painting the day on schedule. Follow the personal instructions, so you can make stressful situations. If possible, find the work in the soul or remove the advantages of current activities and love it.
  4. Also, you will be able to rest well and relax, less deny yourself in anything. Do not put the framework. Spontaneously gather on holidays with friends, go abroad, if not previously there.
  5. No need to look for excuses that such actions do not afford. You can mentally relax in nature in a circle of friends. Go alone into the zoo with ice cream and get great pleasure from this.
  6. Or pick up a ticket for a week. Currently, it is easy to wind up abroad. Purchase a burning tour, you can fully meet 15 thousand rubles per person. In the case of which you should not be afraid of loneliness.

Method number 8. Normalize the diet

  1. You should not extend yourself with all sorts of diets, according to statistics, it is thin girls who are more susceptible to pessimism. The restriction in food is adversely affected by a psycho-emotional man's background.
  2. The lack of some enzymes contributes to the deterioration of mood. Try to make a right diet, so as not to give up much. It is enough to distribute various foods for the whole day.
  3. Limit yourself in the use of fast food, energy and coffee beverages. Forget about snacks with chocolate bars. Excess weight appears precisely because of such food. Try to distribute meals 5-6 times a day, eat in small portions (250-300 gr.).

Method number 9. Smile more often

  1. Learn to smile more often, try to express emotions to become a situation. Such actions will not cause surrounding bad thoughts.
  2. Smile must be sincere. It is her who you attract people and show that you are a strong person. After some time, such actions will be in habit.
  3. Despite small problems, continue to smile. Psychological move helps with ease to overcome trouble and raise the mood.
  4. Lighten the smile with your eyes. Look at the interlocutor, remember the good moments of life. Raise the corners of the lips and subconsciously make pupils glow from happiness.

Method number 10. Focus on sensations

  1. This practice is considered key to optimism. The essence lies in the ability to focus on emotions at the moment, while not making hasty conclusions. In negative situations, do not let the rage blind you, you will die to control it.
  2. Try to make the most concentrate on your breath, feel the whole body and experienced emotions. Make the right conclusions, listen to them, and do not replicate. Manipulation will allow you to become more confident and will help to overcome the negative.
  3. If possible, sign up for professional meditation courses. The procedure will show you how to know your own "I" along and across. You identify the main problems that most tormented the soul. You can also try independently master the technique. Minus lies in the fact that no one will indicate you for mistakes.

Pay attention to the inner monologue, discard the negative aspects, try to find positive parties in the situation. Do not blame yourself in what happened, mistakes are peculiar to everyone. Stop waiting from the events of a bad outcome. If in the morning the day began not as planned, you should not despair. Stop visualize only in black and white tones, such thoughts are characteristic of pessimists.

Video: 5 light ways to become an optimist

What is happening in our lives, from an objective point of view (with the exception of the rarest radical cases) can be considered good and bad. However, our subjective assessment remains in consciousness: either positive or negative. Pessimists are not those who are tuned to the bad, but those who "clings" negative from the outside and lives them. Optimism, according to psychologists, is the usual, healthy state of the human psyche. Today, psychologists will give you advice, how to improve the mood literally for 10-15 days.

Keep under control

To help yourself become an optimistic, you need to work in two directions: first, learn how to abstract from negative, secondly - to be able to rejoice. Use the Will strength: when negative thoughts appear, say "Stop!". Whatever in the world, you are the only controller of your own consciousness, from which your reality depends.

How to become an optimist: Adjust the mood

From a physiological point of view, hormones-regulators and neurotransmitters affect our consciousness. For example, serotonin. Medicines that increase the production of serotonin often prescribe people suffering from depressions. This substance raises the body's tone, increases the activity and gives good, cheerful, positive attitude.

So that serotonin is produced in the desired volume, do not necessarily drink tablets. His activator is a bright light. To help serotonin quickly get into the blood, we need to fall asleep in complete darkness and wake up in a well-lit room.

Therefore, it is important to sleep at night: in daytime, this neurotransmitter is not produced at all. To make a habit of spreading the curtains in the room immediately after you woke up. You will see: the mood will rise!

Choose a company

Very often at work or in the company of friends it is customary to complain about life. That is not suspecting, participating in such conversations, you absorb these conversations. Quality to translate the topic of such a conversation on something more positive. Great way - jokes. Do not be afraid to close as much as you want.

Imagine: a girlfriend, according to his usual, complains of the chief - he piled up work, made a reprimand, canceled the award. Hint of girlfriend: bad chiefs do not happen. There are only funny! It is better to laugh at the problem than to ride each other in a vest. So imperceptibly and colleagues will be corrected.

Do all in time

We want this or not, but every day we perform a whole list of routine tasks, which can also change our mood from the plus to minus. The report that needs to be passed until the end of the week, an afflicted letter and the unfinished project - in our life, from time to time, things that we do not want to do was to be bored, and we often postpone them for later.

As a result, the cargo of unfulfilled work begins to crush and makes us nervous. In order to keep up doing everything uninteresting, pretty a diary. It will help you regulate the working and free time: after the report you have the full right not to touch the working folders and switch to something pleasant.

If you want to follow this schedule, you will notice that all the mutual things are made much faster than it seems. In addition, the time to fulfill the task immediately will be reduced at least twice: now you are no longer stretching "pleasure", but quickly get rid of it.

Set brightness

Color and light have a strongest impact on consciousness. For example, the shades of orange, blue and salads are very well affected by the mood. At the same time, experts believe that burgundy, dark brown and black are able to cause anxiety and sadness. Pay attention to the color gamut that prevails in your apartment and wardrobe.

Do not be afraid of contrasts

If you want to achieve a good attitude at the physiological level, take a contrasting shower daily. When cold water enters the skin, joy hormones are thrown into the blood - endorphins. They block pain from low temperature, create a positive mood and even light euphoria! A small "shake" hot water fixes the level of endorphins in the body.

Get ready at night

Sleep is one of the main controllers of consciousness. Within 8-10 hours of sleep, the brain processes the entire information received for the day. The key idea of \u200b\u200bdreams serve those things about which we think immediately before you sleep. Do you remember how the teacher school advised tooling the material for the night? Some kind of magical way on the exam suddenly, it is the formula that you memorized the day before in a half.

Only imagine: all these eight hours of the brain thought about a certain excerpt from the textbook, revised it from different parties, laiddled it into components. This feature of our body can be used in a different way: before falling asleep, dream! Think positive. Scroll through pleasant memories. Imagine all the joys that are waiting for you ahead. Self-controlle plus psychotraining will help you get the desired faster than you think. Yes, and a good mood in the morning is guaranteed. Checked!


"Many people believe that negative experiences as it were to ennoble a person. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite, - explains the psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky. "The thing is that when you suffer from something, you lack spiritual forces in order to develop, grow spiritually and intellectually."

Negative experiences often cause loopedness, and you can leave a lot of mental strength to process some problem. Another thing is when you think positively: you see the picture of the world without any black color and accept what surrounds you. You live fully, you do not distract the suffering.

Humor is an excellent optimism battery. Books, movies, performances, TV shows - if they are really good, then they necessarily cause an emotional involvement in the viewer. We are experiencing per hero, sympathize with him, worry. It is for this reason that psychologists advise to look more comedy, walk on light theatrical productions.

More often, shedding jokes with jokes, see funny videos, popular television Sitters. Read the books of Sergei Dovlatova, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Isaac Babel - there are a lot of excellent humor in them. And pay attention to children's literature - even adults adored her.

How to become an optimist: Observe yourself

One of the main reasons for negative consciousness is our doubts that specialists are called fears. We often be afraid of change, failures, risk. It is the life that does not suit us, and gives rise to a negative. To get rid of bad emotions and a gloomy mood, you need to work out for doubts.

Video selection

NLP technology:

Hi, dear readers! And let's talk about how to become an optimist in life? And why would it be worth becoming? Yes, just because the optimist is always on a positive wave!

After all, the optimist is who? This is the one who believes that everything will be fine, no matter how it was there. And correctly does, by the way. After all, he is already attracting all the best in his life. Therefore, it would be very good to be optimistic and keep a positive attitude always and in any situation, agree.

How to become an optimist in life? And for this you need to get to them. As they say - you want to be happy - be it. Just accept the decision that from this very moment that you would have happened to you, any event you will pay to your side. Decide that what is happening - for your own good, and so it will be.

Weather spoiled, pours rain? Well, well, you still have to spend all day in the office at work. Couldn't buy a thing that you wanted? And for the better, it means you will find what your expectations will exceed. Did not have time for the bus - how to know, from what difficulties the highest strengths were removed.

White and black, day and night. Good and evil. Each medal always has two sides. Like each event in life. It is enough to shift the focus to a positive, and no matter what happens, it begins to acquire a positive color for you.

Take the brazers of the board of your life in your hands. Now it all depends on you, as you decide - it will be so. Become a vertex of your reality, and not just a hazard observer, as Vadim Zeland says. I hope you have already read and apply it to transfing reality. If still no, it urgently needs to be fixed, urgently! You can download books by reference:

Always remember that you are standing in front of the mirror, because the world is a dual mirror. And with some person you will stand in front of him - such a reflection in it and forms. You will frown, expressing dissatisfaction with what is happening, and complaining about life - the world will give you a huge number of reasons to stay with a frowning person. In abundance, you will get new problems and trouble - the world seems to tell you: Come on, chumbilding, on a healthy, once your will, be in your way!

And if you decide to become an optimist in life and begin to smile not only happy events, but also trouble in the face - a mirror, that is, your layer of reality will reflect this good positive energy and will return it to you repeatedly multiplied in the form of pleasant coincidences and joyful events of life.

You see how it is profitable to become an optimist in life. And it's not so impracticable. The main thing is to take a firm decision to them, and relentlessly follow him, follow with enviable stubbornness!


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