When celebrating world safer internet day. International Internet Safety Day. Did you know about such a holiday as world international internet safety day?

Today it is difficult to find a house where the Internet is not connected. Almost all enterprises and institutions are connected by a global network, through which not only communication and information exchange, but also the conclusion of commercial transactions take place. Due to the rapid development computer technology and the widespread use of the network, modern man spends a significant part of his time at the computer. Accordingly, no one will be surprised by the emergence of the concept of cybercrime, and the most gullible and least protected segments of the population, such as children and the elderly, have become the most vulnerable to cybercriminals. Therefore, for more than ten years in February every year, International Internet Safety Day has been celebrated.

What is the purpose of Safe Internet Day

The World Wide Web has become firmly established in homes and various organizations, and the number of its users is growing steadily every year. It is known that many people spend on the Internet not only their own work timebut also leisure, chatting and visiting various sites. At the same time, the information received is not always safe, as there are often sites containing pornography, violence, as well as spreading racial or social hatred.

Especially under their influence are children who, due to their openness and gullibility, cannot correctly sort the incoming information.

All this made me think about filtering the received data from the World Wide Web. Safe Internet Day for many Europeans is no longer something new and unknown, since the rules of use personal computer and the culture of information exchange is taught there at school. That is why in Western countries such dangers are taken more seriously than in Russia.

The above was the reason for the need to combine world efforts in the struggle to ensure the security of information. In addition, the involvement of specialists in the field of IT protection made it possible to create special software that excludes accidental visits to sites with information recognized as dangerous.

Safe Internet Day officially dates back to 2004, when the European Commission approved this holiday, the purpose of which is to draw the attention of people and public organizations to this problem. This direction was headed by a special organization under the European Commission, which includes representatives from all EU countries, which made it possible to pay attention to the problem at a new level and look for ways to solve it.

What dangers lurk in the global network?

In Russia, the Day of Safe Internet is held not so long ago, but the national center created in the state is a link with world-class organizations. In order to attract people's attention, annual forums are organized where projects are discussed that will help protect certain groups of the population from the dangers that await on the Internet. Specialists in the field of computer technology and communications, as well as representatives of educational institutionswhose duty is to convey the culture of using network resources.

Today in the Russian Federation, filter programs are being created that allow not only to control access to malicious data, but also to completely block them.

On the video - about the day of the safe Internet:

Thanks to such forums, a register has appeared in Russia, where sites are indicated that pose a threat to the user, since they distribute child pornography, violence, promote drugs, etc. We can say that Safe Internet Day includes discussion of emerging threats when working on the network, which are conditionally are combined into two groups:

  • Explicit threats. These include the promotion of violence, alcohol and drug use, pornography, social hatred towards certain groups of the population. At the same time, the technologies of these sites are designed in such a way that the user comes to their pages absolutely by accident. A large amount of such information is located on forums, chats and social networks;
  • Hidden threats. They represent all kinds of associations of people, mainly young people, promoting the same idea aimed at depressive behavior, including suicide. Also, this can include various utilities that harm software computer and often leading to the loss of personal data that is stored on media.

Thus, Safer Internet Day is another opportunity to draw public attention to the culture of using the World Wide Web, as well as to the dangers lurking on the Internet.

Did you know about such a holiday as World Internet Safety Day?

If not, then it's time to find out and mark it on your calendar. Every year and every second Tuesday of February all users global network Internet celebrate the holiday - world safer internet day.

  1. In 2017, it will be February 13th!
  2. In 2018, it will be February 13th!
  3. In 2019, it will be February 12th!
  4. In 2020 it will be February 11th!
  5. In 2021, it will be February 9th!

The holiday itself is quite young and was established in 2004 by a non-profit organization.

Since 2005, she became the main coordinator of the World Safer Internet Day non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network), which consists of national centers created with the participation of the European Commission. Insafe members are all countries of the European Union, as well as Iceland, Norway and Russia.

Each of the organization's national centers is responsible for local implementation of educational programsInternet safety, runs a helpline and works with youth to provide an evidence-based, multi-stakeholder approach to improving the Internet.

By the way, I would like to note that this holiday is celebrated in more than 70 countries of the world, the list of which includes Russia. Although there is another holiday in Russia that is closely related to this topic. This is the annual February Safety Week.

In Russia, Internet Safety Day was first held in 2007.

In 2008, the Center for Safe Internet was created under the name "National Hub of Internet Security in Russia", which later became the Center for Security in the Information Society "Do not Allow!"

The center is an authorized Russian member of Insafe and a member of the INHOPE International Hotline Network for Combating Illegal Content, as well as the official organizer of International Safer Internet Day events in Russia.

For reference

The UN News Center reported that by the end of 2016, 3.5 billion people were using the Internet - 47% of the world's population. The highest level of Internet access is in Iceland (98.2%), the lowest is in African countries: Chad, Sierra Leone, Niger, Somalia and Eritrea (3%).

Digital technologies are increasingly entering our daily life. Therefore, ensuring security on the Internet is one of the most pressing requirements of our time and progress. A safe and positive Internet is not only about special security programs. This is, first of all, an abundance of positive content, knowledge of ordinary users about the basics of security and a public consensus on the norms of behavior on the Web. It is also a public-state partnership aimed at improving the level of Internet security of ordinary users. And also these are Internet opportunities and services that come to the aid of people in almost any problem situation.

Since 2005, the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network) has become the main coordinator of the World Safer Internet Day, which consists of national centers created with the participation of the European Commission. Insafe members are all countries of the European Union, as well as Iceland, Norway and Russia.

Each of the organization's national centers is involved in local education programs related to Internet security, helplines, and youth partnerships to provide an evidence-based, multi-stakeholder approach to improving the Internet.

Over the course of several years, Safer Internet Day has transcended its original European framework to become a truly international holiday celebrated on five continents.

In 2015, Safer Internet Day was celebrated in more than 110 countries around the world. In total, more than a thousand events were held in the participating countries under the motto "Let's create a positive Internet together!"

In 2016, the motto of Safer Internet Day is: "Play your part in creating a safer Internet!" (Play your part for a better Internet!).

Countries that do not have their own national centers send their preliminary applications for participation in world events to the Insafe network.

In Russia, Internet Safety Day was first held in 2007.

In 2008, the Center for Safe Internet was created under the name "National node of Internet security in Russia", which later became the Center for Security in the Information Society "Do not Allow!", Which is an authorized Russian member of Insafe and a member of the International Hotline Network for Combating Illegal INHOPE content, as well as the official organizer of the International Safer Internet Day events in Russia.

The official Russian part of the world events timed to coincide with the International Safer Internet Day is the Safe Runet Week, which is held in the days preceding it. In 2016, it runs from 2 to 9 February inclusive. Events of the Week are held both in Moscow and in more than 40 regions of Russia.

For the first time, the Week of Safe Runet was held in 2008 at the initiative of the regional public organization "Center for Internet Technologies" (ROCIT) and the Russian office of Microsoft. Since 2009, the operator of the Week is the ROCIT project "Center for Safe Internet". Since the same year, Safe Runet Week has been one of the official events of the International Safe Internet Day, which are held in various countries of the world.

The week is a group of events united by a common theme - the safety of Internet users and mobile technologies, the positive and ethical use of digital services and opportunities, the role of digital technologies in our daily security.

Within the framework of the Week, conferences, round tables, "direct lines" with experts, presentations of projects and initiatives in the field of safe Internet for children and adults are traditionally held, contests are announced or summed up, quizzes, information campaigns, TV interviews are held - events of various formats and on different audiences.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

The International Labor Organization (ILO, Russian. ILO) announced World Day for Safety and Health at Work, or World Day for Safety and Health at Work, to raise awareness of the magnitude of the problem and how creating and promoting a culture of safety at work can reduce the annual mortality in the workplace. This day was first celebrated in 2003.

Idea of \u200b\u200bholding World day Occupational Safety and Health has its origins in Workers' Day of Remembrance, first held by American and Canadian workers in 1989 to commemorate workers who were injured or killed in the workplace.

Today, in more than a hundred countries, events are being held aimed at drawing public attention to unresolved problems of labor protection. They are usually organized by the local authorities, trade union organizations, employers' organizations and OSH professionals.

As noted in the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, in recent years “these actions are attracting more and more interest and support from managers and employees industrial enterprises and firms of Russia ".

A national OSH culture is about respecting the right to safe and healthy working conditions at all levels, when governments, employers and workers are actively involved in ensuring a safe and healthy work environment, clearly defining rights and responsibilities, and when the principle of prevention is given the highest priority.

The ILO estimates that an average of about 5,000 people die every day in the world as a result of accidents and illness at work, reaching a total of 2 to 2.3 million cases of work-related deaths per year. Of this number, about 350 thousand accidents are fatal accidents and about 1.7-2 million deaths due to work-related diseases.

In addition, workers suffer annually from approximately 270 million work accidents that result in more than 3 days of absence from the workplace, and approximately 160 million non-fatal cases of illness.

Every year, World Day for Safety and Health at Work is dedicated to the challenges facing the ILO, and is held under different mottoes: “Occupational safety culture in every workplace”, “Occupational risk management”, “Safe work is the right of everyone”, “Promoting occupational safety and health in“ green economy ”,“ Prevention of occupational diseases ”,“ Labor protection when using chemicals in the workplace ”,“ Together we will increase the culture of prevention in labor protection ”,“ Stress at the workplace: a collective challenge ”, etc.

We go to work every day.
Thanks to work, we live with dignity.
To avoid injuries, bruises,
We must always observe safety!

Congratulations on World Labor Day,
We wish you always healthy.
Let work and favorite work
They bring you joy, inspiration!

Other holidays and memorable dates April 28

World Day of Twin Cities is held annually on the last Sunday of April by the decision of the World Federation of United Cities, founded in 1957. World Federation of Twin Cities (WFTU) ...

International Safer Internet Day is celebrated on the second day of the second week of the second month of the year. In 2017, it falls on February 7.

Countries that do not have their own national centers can submit their preliminary applications for participation in world events in the Insafe network.

Over the course of several years, Safer Internet Day has transcended its original European framework to become a truly international holiday celebrated on five continents.

In 2017, about 130 countries around the world will celebrate Safe Internet Day.

The Day's events are held under various mottos. In 2017, the motto of Safer Internet Day is: "Become the engine of change! Team up with others for a safer Internet!" (Be the change: Unite for a better internet).

In Russia, the Day of Safe Internet was first held in 2007.

In 2008, the Center for Safe Internet was created under the name "National node of Internet security in Russia", later called the Center for Security in the Information Society "Do not Allow!", Which is an authorized Russian member of Insafe and a member of the International Hotline Network for Combating illegal content INHOPE, as well as the official organizer of the International Safer Internet Day events in Russia.

The official Russian part of the world events timed to coincide with the International Safer Internet Day is the Safe Runet Week, which is held in the days preceding it. In 2017, it runs from January 31 to February 7 inclusive. Events of the Week are held in Moscow and many regions of Russia.

For the first time, the Week of Safe Runet was held in 2008 at the initiative of the regional public organization "Center for Internet Technologies" (ROCIT) and the Russian office of Microsoft. Since 2009, the operator of the Week is the ROCIT project "Center for Safe Internet". Since the same year, Safe Runet Week has been one of the official events of the International Safe Internet Day, which are held in various countries of the world.

The week is a group of events united by a common theme - the safety of Internet users and mobile technologies, the positive and ethical use of digital services and opportunities, the role of digital technologies in our daily security.

Within the framework of the Week, conferences, round tables, "direct lines" with experts, presentations of projects and initiatives in the field of safe Internet for children and adults are traditionally held, contests are announced or summed up, quizzes, information campaigns, TV interviews are held - events of various formats and on different audiences.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources


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