Maintaining personnel office work in the enterprise. Personnel office work courses. Organization and management of personnel service Special assessment of working conditions in the workplace

Course goal

To give listeners complete information about labor legislation and staffing standards (with all changes for 2019). The study of modern personnel workshop and the practical organization of the design of labor relations between the employee and the employer. With the help of real situations, develop a strategy to prevent errors, simulate the behavior of the parties in the event of conflict situations and controversial issues.

Category of course listeners:

  • HR Managers
  • Specialists of personnel and legal services
  • Heads of departments and divisions of companies
  • Accountants
  • Representatives of trade union organizations

Training period: 72 hours, 2-3 times a week from 18.00 to 21.00 on weekdays.

Final document: Certificate of advanced training.

Dates: As a group set (followschedule)

Detailed themed course

Section 1. Organization of work of personnel service and personnel workshop (2 hours)

  • Directions of personnel service
  • Personnel service
  • Selection, training personnel, distribution of responsibilities.
  • Personal Service
  • Responsibility of personnel service employees
  • Features of personnel policy in modern conditions

Section 2. Labor legislation. Legal regulation of labor relations

  • Application of regulatory acts of labor legislation in the practical activities of personnel services

Topic 1. Documents governing personnel management and personnel services activities (2 hours)

  • Collective agreement
  • Internal Labor Rules
  • Regulations on personal data of workers

Topic 2. Labor contract (8 hours)

  • Parties to the employment contract. Rights and obligations of the parties
  • Conclusion of employment contract
  • Rules for issuing an employment contract. Mandatory and additional conditions of employment contract
  • Features of the conclusion of an urgent employment contract
  • The presence of a trial period
  • Cancellation of the concluded employment contract
  • Changes in the conditions of the employment contract and the design of additional agreements
  • Translations for another job (temporary, permanent) and their design
  • Moving an employee without its consent
  • Combination
  • Features of the conclusion of an employment contract with remote employees
  • Features of the conclusion of an employment contract with part-book
  • Material responsibility of the employee
  • Differences between labor and civil law agreements
  • Acceptance of work (documents and procedure for registration)
  • Justification of refusal to work
  • Responsibility of the employer (not the design of the employment contract, the substitution of the employment contract by the civil-legal contract)

Topic 3. Labor Payment System (6 hours)

  • Timeless and piecework
  • Development of payment for labor
  • Establishment of compensation and stimulating premises and surcharges
  • Wage indexation
  • Work schedules
  • Working hours (night time, overtime work, payment of festive and weekends)
  • Summable working time accounting
  • Irregular working hours
  • Part-time
  • Working time accounting table
  • Supplement to workers with severe and harmful working conditions on the basis of a special assessment of working conditions
  • Payment of spent time (order, deadlines and place of payroll)
  • Payment of vacations
  • "Natural" wages
  • Payment of production injury
  • Calculation with an employee when dismissal (compensatory payments, weekends)
  • Liability of the employer for the delay in the payment of wages

Topic 4. Leave (4 hours)

  • Types of vacations
  • Compilation and procedure for approving holiday schedule
  • Making changes and additions to vacation schedule
  • Additional annual leave in cases provided for by law
  • Who has the right to vacation?
  • Separation of vacation
  • The procedure for granting annual leave (documents, payment of vacation
  • Conditions for payment of compensation
  • Review of vacation
  • Vacation "at your own expense"
  • Educational leave
  • Maternity leave
  • Care vacation for a child up to 1.5 years, up to 3 years
  • Vacation with subsequent dismissal
  • List of typical disorders when designing and providing holidays

Topic 5. Dismissal (6 hours)

  • The foundation of the dismissal of workers provided for by labor legislation
  • Order, features and registration of the dismissal of workers on various grounds (agreement of the parties, the expiration of the employment contract, its own desire, translation to another employer, a change in the working contract defined by the parties, medical conclusion, etc.)
  • The order, features and registration of the dismissal of workers at the initiative of the employer (reduction of the state or number, inconsistency of the position, disciplinary recovery, etc.)
  • Order, features and registration of the termination of the employment contract on the circumstances, independent of the will of the parties
  • Terms of termination of employment contracts on various reasons
  • Registration and issuance of employment record
  • Payments for dismissal
  • Features of regulation of the dismissal of individual categories of workers

Section 3. Recruitment workshop. Changes in personnel office work

Topic 1. Organization of personnel office work (2 hours)

  • Types of personnel workshop (personalized, staff-owned, statistical)
  • The procedure for compiling documents: organizational (provisions, instructions), administrative (orders, orders), information and reference (acts, letters)
  • Registration journals (Labor books, employment contracts, orders for personnel, incoming / outgoing documentation, etc.)
  • Organization of workflow (registration of documents, monitoring the execution of documents, the legal force of the document, the deadlines for the manufacture of documents, etc.)

Topic 2. Personnel primary accounting documents (4 hours)

  • Questions related to the use of primary accounting documents in personnel workshop.
  • Development and approval of personnel primary documents (staffing, documents on employee reception (statement, order, employment contract), personal card, documents on the transfer of an employee from office or to another unit (statement, order, additional agreement to the employment contract), vacation decoration, vacation schedule, registration of promotions, registration of business trips, documents on the dismissal of employees (statement, order), working hours accounting tabel, an order to remove from work, documents on disciplinary recovery, etc.)
  • General rules and requirements for paperwork

Topic 3. Features of the process and personnel workshop when taking a job (6 hours)

  • Application for recruitment
  • Questionnaire, resume candidate
  • Testing
  • Conducting an interview (stages of interview, position profile, etc.)
  • Refusal to accept work (grounds, design)
  • Test when admission to work (the procedure for establishing, designing, familiarization, passing and ending the trial period).
  • Restrictions when receiving work
  • Making records in personal cards, personal matter, working hours accounting tabel.

Topic 4. Features of the process and personnel workshop in training personnel (6 hours)

  • Personnel training objectives (accelerating adaptation in a new position, development of the necessary competencies, team formation, loyalty, learning motivation)
  • Effect of learning on the efficiency of the company
  • Calculation of the effectiveness of the conducted training
  • Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of training
  • Registration of training in personnel workshop (student agreement, additional agreement to the employment contract, order, personal card, etc.)

Topic 4. Features of the process and personnel workshop in certification of personnel (assessment of personal activity). (6 o'clock)

  • Objectives of certification of workers
  • Professional standards
  • Competence and competence (rules for the development and assessment of competencies)
  • Regulations on certification (assessment of personal activities of employees)
  • Certification procedure, evaluation and its documentary

Topic 5. Labor books (2 hours)

  • Types of Blankov
  • Accounting for labor books and inserts to them
  • Registration and filling of labor books
  • Issuance of duplicates inserts to labor books
  • Analysis of characteristic errors when filling in labor books

Topic 6. The features of the process and personnel workshop at staff motivation (6 hours)

  • Material motivation (grading, setting salaries, wage system)
  • Development of the compensation package
  • Intangible motivation
  • Registration of documents for rewarding workers
  • Development of additional provisions (provision for providing workers for uniforms, provision for providing feasible fees, etc.)
  • Personal Employee Marks

Topic 7.Labor discipline management. Local regulations (4 hours)

  • Concept of labor discipline
  • Typical problems and causes of violation of labor discipline
  • Positive and aggressive approaches to labor discipline management
  • Creating a disciplinary procedure (package of documents)
  • Specifications of dismissal on the grounds associated with disciplinary disorders
  • Local regulations governing staff activities (employment contract, PVT, job description)

Topic 8. Special assessment of working conditions (2 hours)

  • The results of the assessment
  • Activities for improving conditions
  • Preparation and design of personnel documents
  • Responsibility of the employer for the lack of (non-learning) of a special assessment of working conditions

Theme 9.Business trips (1 hour)

  • Types of business trips
  • Registration of business trips (service task, order, travel certificate, financial report)
  • Regulations on business trips (travel, accommodation, daily, executive expenses)

Topic 10. Organization of military accounting in the company (1 hour)

  • Order on the organization of military accounting
  • Information about military-rich

Topic 11. Personnel archive (2 hours)

  • Legislative and regulatory materials on documenting and organizing work with documents
  • Documenting activities
  • Preparation of documents for the archive
  • Creating a company archive, its replenishment and procedure for using documents
  • Details of storage of documents

Topic12.Reporting forms of personnel services of the enterprise (1 hour)

  • Statistical tools for organization
  • On the provision of information on the quota of disabled.
  • On the provision of information on the release of employees
  • On the provision of information on incomplete working time

Section 4. Plans and draft laws 2019 (1 hour)

Section 5. Control and supervision of compliance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation (4 hours)

  • Check Log (information on inspections)
  • Powers of verifier organs
  • Types of checks

Topic 1. State Labor Inspection

  • Planned and unscheduled checks
  • List and content of documents checked by GIT
  • Forms and procedure for conducting checks
  • Powers Git.
  • Dates of handling in Git

Topic 2. Pension Fund

  • Periods of work and other activities included in employment experience
  • List of necessary documents for establishing a pension
  • The role of personnel documentation in confirming the employment experience of workers.
  • Dates and procedure for submission of documents
  • Check for payment of insurance premiums, retirement workers' care
  • Set of verified documents
  • Penople's Pension Fund

Topic 3. Checking Organs

  • Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
  • The Federal Migration Service

- this is an activity aimed at systematization of documents of personnel And carrying out work with them.

Personnel department exists in all organizations and provides uninterrupted work with documents, as well as timely accounting of all changes from the enterprise and its employees.

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Required literature

In order to, quickly conduct training to office work and apply knowledge in practice, experts recommend paying attention to the following printed publications:

Organization of personnel workshop from scratch

Organization of personnel office work from scratch should be stacked as follows:

  • Installing special programs for a computer designed to conduct competent documentation and other cases related to personnel workshop.
  • To date, there are many programs calculated for these needs. However, managers of organizations traditionally choose 1C..

    This is due to the fact that specialists in the installation and maintenance of this program are in any large or small city, but those who could serve innovative developments cannot always be called on a phone call.

  • Study of important documents of the organization.
  • All submitted treaties and documents must comply with, and not contradict the Charter of the Organization. This carries an important part, first of all, to eliminate disagreements with the governing staff or with employees.

  • Acquisition or independent manufacture of registration log.
  • Documents that will be contained in the company's office work must be agreed with higher management.

    It is necessary to clarify which of them will be mandatory, and which one can be postponed, because the appeal to them will be made in rare cases. It is important to know which of them will be located in the work schedule, and which in the blanks.

  • Registration of the director. It is necessary to check the correct filling of all the papers, which should be reflected, from which the head works in the firm.
  • Creating a staffing and rules for the indoor routine that extending to all employees without exception.
  • If there is no of them in the firm, you need to create these documents. These documents should be fully agreed with the head of the organization and verified on regulatory frames. That is, it is necessary to find out if the law does not contradict the law.

  • Creating a standard employment contract that the organization will be beneficial, but will not contradict the legislative standards.
  • Then basic documents are needed.
  • Personnel personnel can't do Without creating the following papers:

  1. orders forms;
  2. contractual liability agreements;
  3. registration log;
  4. books on accounting;
  5. operating Tabel.
  6. After documents, you need to take care of who and how to lead.

The question of their storage and completion of documents should be solved on time and in advance. At the initial stage, when the staff at work is quite small, by this Maybe the founder of the company. On this occasion should be issued a special order. With its absence, the company will be appointed a serious penalty.

If a person appears in the future, whose duties will include work with documents, then a new order will be published on the appointment of a responsible person.

  • The last stage is a set of employees for employment.
  • For this procedure, it will be necessary:

    1. orders for enrollment to work;
    2. registration of employment contracts;
    3. the presence of labor books;
    4. cards for employees;
    5. book in order to take into account laborbooks.

    This is not all that you need to know the beginning to the naval employee, but such actions are only first azami In the large amount of information to be treated in the future.

    Instructions for personnel office work can be found.

    Responsibilities of personnel specialist

    A specialist engaged in office work, an extensive area of \u200b\u200bactivity, covering all moments in the organization related to employees and their work. So, the main tasks of the employee of the office work are:

    • Registration of documents relating to hospital and other references.
    • Formation of a personal case for each of the employees.
    • Preparation and development of a table of working time.
    • Conducting and training personnel orders.
    • Calculation and subsequent accrual.

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    In addition to the main tasks, the employees of this field have existed and additional tasks, such as the:

    • salary tracking;
    • tracking and inviting candidates for employment;
    • drawing up a list of open vacancies in the organization;
    • development of provisions on and acceptance of the company's employees.

    Sometimes the employee of this department is engaged in evaluating work on the work of employees and the reporting of the report on this topic.

    It is important to know that in accordance with the current legislation, the personnelist cannot disclose the personal data of the employee to third parties. This responsibility lies completely on it.

    Errors allowed in the personnel department

    Errors can be made in any work. Therefore, personnel office work is no exception. Since this is a complex process and remember the large amount of information to many novice employees is difficult, the main of them are as follows:

    1. When making and dismissing an employee.
    2. First of all, this refers to the design. The order may not be spelled out the conditions for the software or the nature of the work performed. Sometimes errors are allowed in the initials or family name, as well as its working unit. It is important here to take into account that the order made with the assumption of errors or published by an unauthorized person is invalid.

    3. Working with labor books. According to the rules, the series and number of this document, you need to enter into account the movement of labor books, which is not done.
    4. When concluding an employment contract. The main omissions are in the absence of any of the documents necessary for this procedure, or the admission to the work of citizens who are not able to engage in the specified type of health activities.
    5. Orders. The local regulatory act in the enterprise can be published, but there is no signature of the company's head. This is a gross violation, and such a document has no strength.

    Restoring order in personnel accounting

    Sometimes in a small company occurs so that the mass of violations accumulate, and there is no specialist who can solve this issue. If all the same, such a person was found, and he was charged with the guidance of order in the documentation, then he needs to follow next step by step instruction:

    1. The regulatory acts of the latest editorial board will be required, which will help to solve many legal issues, as well as special literature on personnel topics and programs that facilitate life in personnel workshop.
    2. Revision of documents and verification.
    3. In stock There must be all the necessary documents that belong to the office work. These include mandatory, special and optional.

      It is important that everything is in proper form and in their places.

      Optional is also worth getting to protect yourself when conducting checks in the office.

    4. The study of the wishes of the leader, as well as how things are in the company and whether they correspond to the declared orders and local regulatory acts. The same stage includes a careful study of constituent documents in the organization.
    5. The determination of the circle of persons participating in the development of missing documents and those employees who will later be responsible for the workflow and its safety.
    6. Analysis of the standard schedule, which must be performed in a unified form.
    7. Checking the design of the head, employees and employment contracts in the company.
    8. An important part is to study the previous orders for admission to work and personal cards on employees, there should be no mistakes in them.
    9. Checking labor books.
    10. Verification of translations and movements of employees in the company, layoffs, both past and current.
    11. The final stage is checked for every employee.

    Automation in office work

    Personnel workshop over time is becoming more complicated, and the company is more and more. Therefore, exit from such a situation is automation in the personnel department. To date, in almost every organization, personnel issues are solved using automatic devices.

    The automation process establishes in several stages:

    • The first stage consists in setting a goal for automation. Most often it is the established work and efficiency of the installed system.
    • After determining efficiency, you need to engage in the implementation of the system, that is, by creating an automatic base.
    • Next, you need to train employees to work on the provided equipment.
    • Introduction to the data system from all documents of the organization is the main stage. At this time, you need to create templates on reports.

    For correct personnel workshop will be required the following programs:

    1. presets, i.e. providing programs;
    2. HRM system. This system is a decisive problem with frame automation. This system stores information on each of the employees;
    3. WFM system. These programs have more functions compared to conventional automation programs;
    4. HCM systems decisive questions not only on the quantitative indicator of personnel, but also in quality. Such programs improve the work of large firms, about 15 percent.

    Of course, you can abandon new technologies and carry out work on old ways. However, progress does not stand still, and in the future it may turn out that due to improper automatic equipment there may be a violation of documents, which can imagine a fine.

    How to organize personnel records in the company just created - see the video seminar:

    Topic 1. State supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms.

    • Regulatory acts regulating the issues of organizing and conducting personnel workshop.
    • Penalties for violation of current legislation.
    • Projects of legislative acts regulating labor relations with employees.
    • Responsibility of employers and officials for violations of labor legislation.
    • Types and requirements for the preparation and approval of internal local regulatory acts.

    Topic 2. Organizational - legal support for personnel workshop when admission to work.

    • Organization of personnel document management system. List of personnel documents. Unified documentation system.
    • Registration of labor relations with the employee: verification of the authenticity of documents imposed by applicants; consent to obtaining and processing personal data; Features of the design of certain categories of workers; checking the presence of the employee of the periods of civil service and municipal service, the procedure for notification; Checking the presence of a disqualification worker, the actions of the employer.
    • The sequence of labor relations procedures: familiarization with regulatory local acts (mandatory and advisory).
    • Employment contract: mandatory and additional conditions of employment contract; Features of the conclusion of an urgent employment contract; employment contract with the head and chief accountant; Features of the conclusion of an employment contract with part-books.

    Topic 3. Organizational - legal support for personnel workshop when changing the conditions of employment contract.

    • Changes in the conditions of the employment contract: Changes by the Terms of the Labor Treaty defined by the Parties under the Agreement of the Parties and without the consent of the employee; Translation and movement: differences, procedure for design.
    • The procedure for issuing procedures for combining professions (posts), expanding service areas, an increase in the scope of work, the fulfillment of the responsibilities of a temporarily absent employee without liberation from the main work.
    • The procedure for issuing procedures change the mode of work, the conditions of remuneration, labor function.

    Topic 4. Features and main differences in labor and civil law contracts.

    • Restrictions and risks at the conclusion of civil law contracts. Comparative analysis, responsibility.

    Topic 5. Organizational - legal support for personnel workshop under the termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal):

    • General procedure for termination of the employment contract. The grounds for termination of the employment contract: at the initiative of the employee, on the initiative of the employer, by agreement of the parties, according to circumstances independent of the will of the parties.
    • The procedure for issuing an order to terminate the employment contract, the final settlement with the employee, the calculation of compensation for the unused vacation, the procedure for issuing and issuing an employment record.
    • Grounds for termination of an employment contract with an employee. Recalling statements. Dates of layoffs. Compensation payments.
    • Legal consequences of non-compliance with the dismissal procedure. Arbitrage practice.

    Theme 6. The procedure for accounting for working time and rest time.

    • Accounting for working hours by employer: working hours accounting table, replacement schedule. Irregular working hours.
    • Payment for overtime, work on weekends and non-working holidays, payout time. Summable accounting of working time.
    • Vacation schedule: making changes, vacation schedule for new employees. The procedure for granting and algorithm for issuing vacation documents: additional, vacation without salary, training, maternity leave, child care leave, for harmfulness, for non-normalized working day.
    • Extension or transfer of an annual paid vacation. Separation of annual holidays on the part. Feedback from vacation.

    Topic 7. Office business trip.

    • The procedure for registration and amount of expenses.
    • Official task and report on its implementation.
    • Categories of workers who can be sent to a business trip only with their consent. Foreign business trips.

    Topic 8. The procedure for issuing disciplinary recovery to employees of the organization.

    • The procedure for imposing disciplinary recovery.
    • Accounting for the circumstances of the fault of the employee and gravity is offense.
    • The procedure for removing disciplinary recovery.

    Topic 9. Material responsibility of the parties to the employment contract.

    • Complete and partial responsibility, limits of material responsibility, the procedure for collecting damage.

    Topic 10. Features of labor regulation of individual categories of workers.

    Topic 11. Labor protection and certification of jobs.

    • Ensuring safety and labor protection in the organization.
    • Organization and certification of jobs under working conditions: evaluation criteria, control.

    Topic 12. Protection of labor rights of employees.

      Individual and collective labor disputes. Powers of the Commission on Labor Disputes. Arbitration.

    For documentary registration of all personnel operations in the organization requires certain knowledge and skills.

    Draft production at the enterprise is regulated independently developed and approved by the director instruction. It is an internal regulatory act and is obligatory to comply with all employees of the economic entity. Develops and controls its execution of the personnel department.

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    Legislation requires the compilation of a multitude of documents that enshrine all parties to the employee's employment relations with the employer.

    Experienced and beginner personnel should improve the qualifications. To help them created Internet sites, which present theoretical courses of personnel office work.

    Personnel papers reflect staff activities, confirm the experience of employees who play a primary role in the accrual of pension. The management is responsible for the company's documentary fund.

    Main details in paper control

    The competent organization of recruitment requires knowledge of the regulatory framework, tracking its changes, orientation in the forms of documents used.

    For what purpose is carried out

    The procedure for conducting personnel accounting is governed by law. At large enterprises with a large staff, as a rule, a personnel service is formed. Her workers draw up relevant documents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation.

    The papers may have a unified form or to be developed at the enterprise and approved in local acts.

    Personnel workshop is activities aimed at developing and maintaining documents related to the personnel, working time, payroll.

    Personnel issues include the following positions:

    • registration of employment;
    • internal movement of employees;
    • dismissal;
    • regulation of relations between the leader and employees;
    • organization of the employment process;
    • other.

    The correct organization of recruitment contributes to solving a number of tasks.

    Its main objectives are presented in the table:

    Direction of personnel work Tasks performed
    Accounting and control reception, accounting, dismissal of personnel.
    Planned-regulatory selection, travel, adaptation of employees.
    Reporting and analytical
    • studying employees, assessing their labor;
    • analytical work;
    • making report.
    Coordination and informational
    • training, training, personnel retraining;
    • reception of workers on official and personal matters;
    • processing of workers' written appeals;
    • archival and reference activities.
    • documentation of employees;
    • work with the staff of the divisions;
    • personnel planning and manual.
    • personal affairs, labor books;
    • drawing up orders, papers for personalized accounting;
    • registration of hospital, pension testimonies, etc.

    In Moscow and other major regions of the Russian Federation, organizations with individual units may lead personnel record online. For this, relevant programs have been developed that allow you to exchange documents in electronic form.

    The legislative framework

    Legislative frameworks of personnel workshop are contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    This activity is regulated by a number of regulatory and legal acts:

    • Instructions on the filling and application of primary records on accounting and pay for labor (State Statistics Committee No. 1 of January 05.01.04);
    • unified documents and requirements for their preparation (State Standard Resolution No. 65-st dated 03.03.03);
    • Typical instructions for office work for federal executive bodies (Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 536 of 08.11.05);
    • Rules of work of archives (decision of the Rosarhiva College of 06.02.02);
    • Rules of office workforce for FOOV (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 477 of 06/15/09);
    • The law on information, its protection and information technologies No. 149-FZ dated July 27, 2006;
    • The law on consideration of the appeals of Russian citizens No. 59-FZ of 02.05.06;
    • Law on the state language of the Russian Federation No. 53-FZ of 01.06.05;
    • Law on archival case No. 125-FZ from 22..10.04;
    • Law on Commercial Secret No. 98-ФЗ dated 29.07.04;
    • Order on employment records No. 117n dated December 22, 2003;
    • Decree on the adoption of the Instructions for the Filling of Labor No. 69 of 10.10.03;
    • Decree on labor books No. 225 dated 16.04.03;
    • instructions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Mandatory documents

    Tk of the Russian Federation obliges organizations to have its own legislative base, which includes a number of mandatory local regulatory documents.

    These include:

    Tired The main constituent document. It is prescribed by the legal form of the enterprise, founders, the scope of activity, the order of admission and dismissal of the head, its powers. Many internal regulatory acts of the company are compiled on the basis of the provisions of the Charter.
    Rules of labor regulations (hereinafter - Rules)
    • The presence of the document provides for Art. 189, 190 TK RF. It establishes the procedure for admission to the work and dismissal of employees, the rights, obligations of the parties to the agreement, labor and recreation regimes, a system of rewards and recovery, other issues regarding labor relations at the enterprise.
    • Rules approve director. If there is in the organization of the trade union, his opinions takes into account about the adoption of the document. In organizations where the staff is working with an abnormal working day, there must be a list of relevant posts and professions. It is made in the form of an application to the rules.
    Instructions for the protection of personal data
    • According to Art. 87 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in it are established requirements for execution in the processing of personal information about employees, ensuring their protection, use, storage.
    • Personal is considered information about the separate worker, the employer necessary for labor relations. Workers must be familiar with the documents defining the processing of their data.
    Labor protection It is located in the personnel department. Each employee is familiar with the document. At enterprises with the number of employees, more than 50 people should be present the position of a labor protection specialist.
    Schedule change It is applied in companies with interchangeable labor schedule. The document is urgent and there is a certain period at the discretion of the employer.
    Labor Regulatory Paper They reflect the necessary temporary costs of manufacturing products (performance) by one employee or group and the establishment on their basis labor standards.


    After accepting the manager, the number of posts required for the normal operation of the Organization. Taking into account the figures obtained, the production cycle and other features of the enterprise are preparing.

    A unified form blank is usually used to design a document. You can download the sample for free from the Internet. The employer has the right to adjust the schedule at its discretion.

    In the document, posts are listed in hierarchical order: starting from the director and ending with the auxiliary personnel. Each of them indicates the number of units on staff, salary and surcharge.

    At the next stage, a working schedule is formed. It represents work schedules for all employees. If there is shifts, detailed replacement schedules are created. The document briefly describes the requirements for the appearance of workers, behavior, routine of the day, etc.

    Next, the form of an employment contract is developed. This should take into account the main norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and internal regulatory documents of the company. The Labor Agreement is usually a lawyer of the organization or attracted by.

    The document must include the following positions:

    • information about Jurlice: name, address, telephone, full name and position of the head;
    • employee passport data;
    • the position of an employee, the types of contract (permanent or urgent) and the workplace (main or additional);
    • list of major responsibilities with reference to the instructions for this position;
    • information about wages, surcharges, benefits, vacationing;
    • work schedule, payment of processing;
    • reasons for termination of the contract and other conditions;
    • signatures and details of the parties, printing enterprises.

    To check and optimize the work of the personnel management can conduct an internal or independent audit. This helps reduce the risk of administrative penalties, disputes and complaints by personnel.

    Stages of the organization of personnel office work from scratch

    To form recruitment, it is convenient to use the following step-by-step instructions:

    Preparation required For the organization of personnel service, you must first purchase furniture, office equipment, stationery, etc. It will be necessary for a personnel program, for example, "1C: ZUP" and a reference legal system. Thanks to this, the department employees will track the latest changes in legislation and access the necessary documents. The safe is needed for storing labor and important securities.
    Registration of the head The director is an executive person of any company. He signs the documentation. To endow him with all powers, he is made to work on an employment agreement. The appropriate order is issued, which he appoints himself.
    Appointment responsible for personnel work In a small company, these functions can execute the head. If a separate worker is engaged in office work, with it make up an employment contract. On his foundation is preparing an order. If duties are assigned to one of the earlier employees, make out an additional agreement and order.
    Distinguishing internal acts They are signed by the Director and are stored in a special folder along with orders. Local documents include the paper listed above (section "Regulatory acts").
    Documenting staff reception For each employee, you should start a folder to binder all securities related to its data and labor activities (labor agreement, an order for reception, personal card).
    Filling of labor books Employee documents, translations, promotions, etc. are entered into these documents. The employer is obliged to make a new book on an employee who has never worked before. Labor and magazine of their registration is in stationery departments. Stored paper data must be in a safe.

    This instruction is suitable for teapots who have no experience in this matter.

    How to account

    For accounting, you need to properly organize a document management.

    To do this, do the following:

    • develop an internal regulatory framework;
    • prepare a staff schedule for each state unit;
    • make a regular arrangement;
    • prepare employment agreements;
    • develop forms for personnel;
    • proceed for T-2 cards;
    • approve application forms for employees;
    • prepare internal orders.

    All personnel actions must be confirmed. Their list is fixed in regulatory acts.

    Additional moments

    Personnel records from zero begins with personnel reception. It is important to make a proper job of applicants, prepare the necessary documentation.

    Station schedule and vacation

    One of the required typical documents that should exist at the enterprise is a regular schedule (F. T-3).

    • list of structural divisions and posts;
    • number of state units for each position;
    • salaries, allowance for posts;
    • the wages of the organization.

    The divisions are indicated in the document by the degree of importance for the organization of the organization. Inside them, the posts of workers should also be given in the order of importance. The names of posts in labor agreements and staff should coincide.

    The staffing is a form of schedule with FULL NAMES in accordance with their posts.

    The vacation schedule (F. T-7) reflects information about the time of providing annual holidays to all employees. Compiled for a year. He is approved by the director in agreement with the opporgan. The document must be issued at least 2 weeks before the new year. The data-listed in it is mandatory for execution, both employees and employers. The exception is beneficiaries.

    The schedule includes the following details:

    • name of the division;
    • job title;
    • number of vacation days;
    • dates for leave by plan and fact;
    • foundation of vacation transfer, presumptive date.

    2 weeks before vacation, the employee reports this. A decree is issued with which the employee is tamed by painting. In November, you can prepare an order for all managers of divisions that binds them to surrender to the accounting of vacation schedules until December 1. This will facilitate the preparation of the common schedule.

    Registration of employees

    The full work of the organization begins with a set of employees. Filling the vacancies is accompanied by paperwork.

    The duties of personnel when receiving employees are as follows:

    • registration in a special log of applications from the applicant;
    • familiarization of a novice with existing instructions and local acts;
    • registration of an employment agreement and control of signing by its parties;
    • issuance of an account of the contract an employee and stamping about this on the Blanc of the Organization;
    • registration and registration of the order in the book of accounting;
    • filling a personal card, stitching documents in the case (statements, copies of personal securities, order, contract);
    • transfer of documents Calculating to accrual the salary employee.

    When building a personnel office management system, initially determine which documents must be issued, and which are needed for a particular field of activity.

    The necessary papers include:

    • disposal of personnel (reception, translation, etc.);
    • personnel orders (on vacation, premiums, business trips, etc.);
    • t-2 cards;
    • labor;
    • agreements;

    In other compulsory paper, the following are:

    • staff schedule;
    • position according to;
    • travel registration log;
    • inner order rules;
    • others.

    Official instructions and the Coldagogue are not necessary, but these documents are almost every employer.

    After establishing a list of mandatory documentation, authorized paper should be explored. On their basis, you need to develop other documents. Their list depends on the nature of the activities of the Jurlitz and the characteristics of working conditions. For example, if you need to ensure uniform workers and PPEs, you need to prepare an order on the procedure and terms of their issuance, which employees they are needed.

    Documented compensation and benefits for work in special conditions: in harmful production, non-normalized, night, etc. Next, declared a personnel work provision. It reflects the list of paperwork necessary for the work, the procedure for their design and storage.

    Legislation does not oblige to develop such a situation, but it will greatly facilitate the work of the personnel. The director is first received to work in a new organization, then he gains the rest of the staff.

    The composition and quantity of the required posts reflects the regular schedule. The rules of the regulations reflect all work schedules, the requirements for employees, etc. The typical labor agreement is developed on the basis of the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Before applying accounting logs, they should be prepared: to numbered sheets, flash, bore the seal. On the last sheet of firmware gluing a piece of paper. It indicates the number of pages, the director or responsible performer sign up, is put in print. On the first page of the magazine they write the name of the organization and the date began to start it.

    One of the most important personnel accounting documents is the workbook. For their maintenance, the order is assigned a responsible person who fills them and is responsible for safety.

    Frequently asked Questions

    Organization of recruitment has certain subtleties and nuances:

    Order of recovery The procedure is not reflected in the legislation.

    Usually it consists of the following steps:

    1. Study of current standards.
    2. Defining the list of required documents.
    3. Drawing up a plan for the further work of the organization.
    4. Definition of those responsible for documents.
    5. Forming a staff schedule.
    6. Checking the correctness of the reception of employees, movements, personnel permutations, dismissal.
    7. Determination of the legality of labor regime in the enterprise.
    Features IP with employees The entrepreneur receives staff to work on the standard scenario.

    The contract is concluded in several stages:

    • Getting required securities.
    • Registration of the application.
    • Drawing up and signing an agreement.
    • Formation of an order for reception.
    • T-2 card institution.
    • Making a record in the labor.
    • Its features has the employment of citizens talking in English.
    Major enterprise
    • In these, the organization of personnel issues can be engaged in the head or special department itself.
    • The employer can transfer personnel accounting for outsourcing. All questions will be solved by a third-party specialized organization.
    • Difficulties with document flow arise if the organization is large, has structural units and a large amount of documentation. In this case, the duties for the transfer of securities may be imposed on the courier. At the same time, representatives of the artist organization are often visited by the customer's office, i.e., work is completely remotely.
    Simplify accounting on microenterprises All working conditions are enshrined in an agreement with the employee. In 2019, the leaders of these companies and IP are entitled to abandon the compilation of local regulations. Within 4 months from the moment of loss of microenterprise status, management is obliged to issue "traditional" personnel documentation.

    Form of study: in person or remotely

    This course will teach you to competently execute labor relations from the reception before dismissal. You will learn the requirements for the design of personnel documents and the organization of storage of documentation.

    Training is built on practical examples and specific situations. You will perform workshop on each topic in specially trained letters for listeners. The acquired knowledge and skills will allow you after the end of the course begin practical personnel work.

    The goal of the course: Training of listeners with specific practical skills of personnel work, paperwork, resolving controversial labor issues.

    Treaty for the provision of paid educational services:

    Details to pay for training:

    Course program

    Personnel service of the enterprise. Regulatory documents

    • Functions and framework of personnel service.
    • Documents regulating the activities of the personnel service.
    • Station schedule: Development, approval.
    • Documents required for the organization.
    • Sample orders required when checking GTI

    Acceptance of work: registration, conclusion of the employment contract. Accounting frames

    • Labor contract: content, term
    • Labor and civil law contracts: criteria differences.
    • Prohibition of "borrowed" labor. Providing personnel in the "rent" to another employer. Features of the design of labor relations.
    • FIRST: differences, legislation requirement.
    • Receiving for work: Mandatory and additional conditions
    • Trial period: Features of establishment and their legitimacy
    • Registration of foreign workers
    • Features of registration of labor relations with former civil servants
    • Feature of registration of labor relations with the head of the organization
    • Order of employment: base, order of registration.
    • Features of registration of urgent labor contracts
    • Cancellation of the employment contract. Algorithm of employer actions when canceling an employment contract
    • Accounting for personnel: Personal card employee and instructions for completing it.
    • Electronic employment contract
    • Typical errors allowed when issuing labor relations.
    • Responsibility of the employer for violation of labor legislation
    • Workshop

    Transfer to another job

    • Types and order of employee translation.
    • Algorithm actions of the employer under translations and changes in the mandatory conditions of employment contract
    • Movement: base.
    • Employer actions when moving employees
    • Typical errors allowed by the employer when translating and moving
    • Workshop

    Organizational culture of the company. Personal certification.

    • The concept of organizational culture
    • Rules of domestic labor regulations, job description: Development and approval.
    • Requirements of legislation to design the rules of the internal labor regulation.
    • Certification of staff organization: goals, certification tasks
    • The procedure for holding and registration of staff attestation.
    • Workshop

    Vacation. Types of vacations, procedure for granting, design. Office business trips.

    • Vacation Schedule: Development, Registration, Approval
    • Typical errors allowed by the employer when forming a vacation schedule
    • Vacations: Procedure for granting
    • Transferring holidays, reviews from holidays. Documentation. An employer's actions algorithm when recalling a vacation officer, when postponing holidays.
    • Maternity leave, child care: the procedure for granting, design.
    • Work on part-time working conditions while finding an employee on child care vacation
    • Communication procedure. Documentation.
    • Registration and payment of one-day business trips
    • Requirements of legislation for issuing documents on business trips
    • Cases of extension of travel and rules for their design
    • Typical errors allowed when making holidays
    • Responsibility of the employer for violation of labor legislation when making holidays
    • Workshop

    Termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal).

    • Termination of an employment contract: General grounds
    • Termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the employer
    • Termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the employee
    • Features of the dismissal of individual categories of workers
    • The procedure for issuing the termination of the employment contract
    • Workshop

    The maintenance and storage of labor books, personal cases. Organization of current storage of personnel documentation.

    • Requirements for the procedure for maintaining and storing labor books.
    • Labor book: Registration of the title page, making entries on reception, translation, dismissal.
    • Duplicate workbook. Liner in the labor book. Founding of issuing, order of registration.
    • The book of accounting for the movement of labor books and inserts in them.
    • Book of accounting forms of labor books and liners in employment records.
    • Formation, personal affairs.
    • Nomenclature of personnel service.
    • Workshop

    Organization of military registration in the enterprise

    • How to keep military registration when taking
    • Development of work plan for WUS and booking
    • Methodical recommendations for military registration
    • Responsibility of the employer for violations

    Preparation of personnel documentation for checking GIT

    • What documents verifies GTI
    • How to appeal the results of the inspection
    • Procedure for scheduled inspections

    Protection of personal data of workers

    • The concept of personal data
    • Documents containing personal data
    • The right of workers to protect their personal data
    • Obtaining personal data worker from third parties. The consent of the employee to provide such data by third parties.
    • Documents establishing the procedure for processing personal data
    • Processing personal data of workers
    • Storage and use of personal data of workers
    • Personal data storage
    • Responsibility of the employer and workers for violating the norms regulating the protection of personal data

    Special assessment of working conditions in the workplace

    • Determination of special labor assessment
    • An employer's actions algorithm when conducting specials. Naliation of working places
    • Determination of the hazard class at workplaces
    • The procedure for transferring information on the results of the Special Procedure of Labor Conditions in the workplace
    • Employer's responsibility measures for violation of labor protection requirements

    Training takes place at a convenient time for you in comfortable audiences. All wishes are provided with the opportunity to visit a trial lesson before entering into a learning contract.

    At the end of the course You will receive a certificate of the installed sample.


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