Expert assistance with admission to master programs in the best world universities and business schools. Marketing and communications

A modern European business school with more than a century history offers an Executive MBA program for those who:

  • Already reached professional heights
  • Wants to learn a new one, and not to pass a formal course
  • Seeks to develop and solve even more complex tasks

Our program is designed for those who seek a better understanding of effective business management, needs a structured understanding of the everyday mechanisms for the functioning of the company and would like to develop skills in decision-making.

Our listeners are focused on:

  • Learning of real business practices, not standard business cases
  • Development of strengths and personal potential
  • Expanding experience through communication with experts from Sweden, Australia, Finland, Great Britain and other countries
  • The use of recent trends for business development and operating activities
  • Meeting with like-minded people, not a formal non-cell
  • Best understanding of the business environment

SSE RUSSIA offers executive MBA General Management program

for top managers in the Swedish method of interactive learning with orientation to the Russian market.

After the end of the program, an Executive Master of Business Administration of the Stockholm School of Economics is issued.

More than 90% of teachers come from Europe and other countries of the world.

You can learn about the program more about the program, to meet with representatives of the Stockholm school of the economy you can by visiting the nearest information session.

Karpov Alexey Borisovich

Director of the Department of Organizing Development and Personnel NPF "Mother Medica Holding", Candidate of Psychological Sciences.

I approached the choice of the EMBA program and consciously. For several years, he considered various programs that are offered by Russian universities together with international business schools, studied the reviews on the Internet, talked to graduates. By the time of receipt, my experience in management positions in the role of the personnel director exceeded 10 years, so I understood that, on the one hand, I need a serious theoretical base in the field of economy, on the other - the exchange of practical experience with professionals of different areas of modern business. As an alternative, he thought about the option of obtaining a second higher economic education.

2 years after the end of EMBA in the VSM HSE, and while I never regretted that I chose this program and school. The combination of approaches, a variety of life and professional views of teachers, extensive experience in business - all this together with an interesting and creative feeding of the material helped me get knowledge in the maximum volume.

In its work and life, in the process of learning, I began to notice a lot of positive changes. First, the vision horizon expanded. Now, planning various actions, I see not only the nearest events related to them, but also the system as a whole, in the long and medium term. Secondly, an understanding of related business functions, which is important in everyday work and in cooperation. Thirdly, interest in business literature and all sorts of sources useful for self-development information.

This contributed to my career growth in the company, expanding the authority, successfully solving more responsible tasks. Now I work as director of the department of organizational development and personnel and in the board of directors, and I am sure that new opportunities are waiting for me ahead.

Kuzmina Irina Viktorovna

Head of the Regional Office of the Bank "Opening" in the Smolensk region

Executive MBA has had a huge impact on my mind, understanding many things, economic processes and life philosophy. Communication with teachers of a business school is a great pleasure, and 2 years spent on the program, I remember with a special warmth. This communication has changed a lot in me, made a reflection on what I didn't even think about, and most importantly, I presented a sense of freedom in choosing a further life path and clearly instilled the idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of using all the opportunities that life circumstances give you. It allowed me to decide on the change of work last year, on the eve of the protection of the promotion on the program, take a new challenge, try himself at a very difficult project called the Opening Bank. I will say honestly, it was not so difficult yet, despite my many years of experience in banks in the governing positions. But I do not regret the decision done, because I received this force on the program that everything will overcome.

I can proudly say that over the past 10 months on a new work, it was possible to carry out the transformation of the structure, to solve a huge number of complex personnel issues, lay an impressive business foundation for the work of the Opening Bank in the region in the region, to build a new flagship office of the bank in SMOLENSK.

Currently, I head the regional office of the Opening Bank in the Smolensk Region, which is represented by the 8th second-level offices. For myself, I set the task to build a conceptually new bank, really useful for business and people, the bank is honest and professional. I believe in success! Thank you business school! Very bored!

Novikov Pavel Vladimirovich

Director of the Center for Competencies Fintech & Blockchain, Skolkovo Foundation

Education in the VSM helped me reflect on processes and phenomena on the existence of which I had never suspected. I received new tools for analyzing and strategic business development, which I can share with startups and corporations. Thanks to training in VSM, critical thinking and a deep understanding of various aspects of the business, now I will take the most complex projects in the field of innovation and helping even more startups to enter the international market.

Perhaps the best confirmation of the quality of learning was the invitation from VSM to act as a lecturer on the topic "Innovative Entrepreneurship and Ecosystem Innovation" for the students of the EMBA program.

Now I work as director of the Center for Competencies Fintech & Blockchain in the Skolkovo Foundation, I am engaged in the commercialization of innovative developments of startups for the financial sphere in Russia and abroad, as well as helping corporations and venture funds to find and invest in unique Russian projects.

Among them are leaders in different segments of the market. If we take only the price component, we must definitely clarify: is it the price of the MBA or Executive MBA program? Compare these two programs - I don't care what to mix the alarms and wristwatches, these are very different things.

I know that the EXECUTIVE MBA functional courses are constantly appearing on the market: Executive MBA-Marketing, Executive MBA Finance. However, in the understanding of the EXECUTIVE MBA professionals in a functional orientation, the fact that Gogol called "Boots Skump": Complete lack of understanding of the genre. We often say "Master - the same MBA". When people do not understand, they begin to mix, and then begin to criticize.

MBA programs are focused on medium and medium + management, or on those who work in the functional departments of serious companies: marketing, production, HR, finance and accounting.

For example, people work in the HR-Department. They want to rise, become the leaders of the HR-Department and come to the MBA program, where they are led by management. Any MBA Tree Target program has a preceded structure with large strokes: the foundation is a business environment, a little bit of microeconomics oriented on managers, in the expansion, without academic gosters. Then there is a law enforcement environment - introduction to the legal system. Then the trunk continues the course "Management": the branches begin to go from it: accounting, financial management, marketing Management, personnel management. The branches have grown - all this is combined into project management, strategic management and leadership. People give a common approach to management; At the end of the program, specialization is coming (usually it is about 100 hours).

The Executive MBA program is another genre. It is focused on the company's first persons, or on people who are "in the personnel reserve", that is, they are ready to rise above the level of the head of the functional division at the level of the company's head.

That is why there is particularly hard selection on the Executive MBA program. Here is an interview, during which it turns out: whether a person matured to lead the company if they really have managerial spatial thinking.

I have attended many times on the conversations that our Belgian colleagues held in the Executive MBA Antwerp program. They can ask absolutely unexpected questions: "How do you feel about music?", "How do you think music helps you in making management decisions?". For all the absurdity of the bundle between this issue and business there is a very serious basis: do you know how to think non-standard? You took and brought you out of the plane of the applied business, in which you work, asked you an unexpected question. Are you able to immediately react and formulate a certain convincing position? Are you capable of creative think?

These people at the entrance "taught" and there are a completely different program. In the description, it may be like. The names of the objects may sound very close and similar. But the meaning of the program is not to teach management and do not give specific knowledge of the function, but to raise people over functions, expand consciousness.

Imagine that you were the director of marketing, and then came to the management of the company. What happens? You are talking about the company's strategy, but always try to drag the blanket towards marketing, in which you have worked for the last ten years.

Over it should be climbed. We must see the company's perspective. And focus on the Executive MBA program is always strategy and the development of personal creative potential.

There are many trainings: on time to manage, on the removal of stress, on the art of presentation, on the development of leadership potential and other things related to the highest pilot of management. Executive MBA program is like conservatory for a very good musician: He helps to hone a personal skill and plus it is taught to look at the system from the outside system, because it is not reformed from the inside of the system.

To conduct a serious reform in the company, you must climb a bird's eye view, look at the company from the side, tear away from daily problems and, moreover, from a bundle with functions. This is installing an Executive MBA program.

The EMBA program is clearly focused on the development of personal leadership and strategic potential and on outfunctial destectionalization is the first distinctive feature of Executive MBA from MBA.

The second distinctive feature is that on Executive MBA program middle Management representatives should not be. Here are very important homogeneity of the composition of the group. The heterogeneous group (where there are representatives of small businesses and large businesses, people who occupy average positions in the company and top managers) is destructive.

If I work in the marketing department, what do I want? I want to get practical knowledge that I will bring to my company tomorrow, I introduce, it will give extra profit, the bosses will notice me, they will be encouraged - career growth, etc. I work for functions and I need specific tools that increase sales.

As soon as you rose to the level of the company's head, you begin to interest the strategy. Sales you have a sales director. And the technology of his work is no longer needed. Imagine that in the group will be representatives of secondary management and managers who need a strategy (which from the point of view of average management is a chatter that does not allow to move). And for the work of the technology of work - this is a time loss.

Therefore, the Good Executive MBA program is always homogeneous and focused on people who are either already working in the company's management, or go to the company's management.

If the Executive MBA program is focused on destecialization, the exchange of experience, personal development, to develop a strategic vision, if it has a homogeneous composition and signs a very strong team of teachers played for many years, it becomes the product that provides very serious career capabilities.

Note: The content of the EMBA modules below is approximate and can be changed by Dean SSE RUSSIA

Stem 1.

Stem 2.

Stem 3.

Stem 4.

  • Module 13. Leadership

    You are constantly encountered with the need to lead, manage people and influence them. This module is dedicated to the art and science of leadership and leadership. Special attention is paid to the competences of the head. We will consider effective models of leadership and discuss influential leaders in various fields. Practical exercises will help you improve your ability to make decisions and negotiate. To increase your ability to convince, you will be delivered to the situation in which you will have the opportunity to improve oratory. This final module from the field of relationships with people is based mainly on practical exercises. Analysis and reviews about your speech in the classroom in front of the audience are designed to help you cultivate in the field of rhetoric, negotiating and develop their personal strategies to achieve success.

  • Module 14. Strategic Business Planning

    Recent events have shown: the only thing we know exactly about the future is that it is uncertain. This uncertainty can be divided into two parts, which will make the basis of this module. First, we will consider the "measurable uncertainty" using marketing strategy and tactical solutions that include pricing and investment analysis that are applied in management accounting. Secondly, we will not focus on this and let's go further, since we believe that the creative imagination of the "immeasurable uncertainty" is even more important to our future success. Such questions will be discussed as, for example: "What compromise it is necessary to go on a short-term and long-term perspective in drawing up a strategic business plan?" Within this module, you will also get the opportunity to develop and protect your strategic business plan, compiled, taking into account the current difficult economic situation.

  • Module 15. Training experience

    A distinctive feature of this module is that its content is based on the wishes of the participants expressed throughout the two-year courses. The module includes a business game on the topic of management of companies in high-tech industries and integrates knowledge and experience gained in the course of several previous program modules. You can prove yourself by participating in a detailed consideration of a successful role model - you have to analyze the activities of a well-known company. As a rule, this module passes abroad, so its concrete filling will depend on the venue. An example of a question to which the head will be answered: "What important lessons can be learned from an analysis of the exemplary company and how to apply the knowledge gained in your daily work?"

  • Project implementation of the changes "LEADING CHANGE"

    The draft management of "Leading Change" is primarily focused on the development of conceptual thinking and skills of effective change management in different areas, such as strategy, personnel management, business processes and corporate culture of the organization.
    At the heart of the search algorithm and the diagnosis of the "problem" in the organization. With the help of causal analysis under the pristence of various management tools, the participants team develops and implements a logically informed strategy to identify and solve the "problem" in response to any challenges of the organizational environment.

  • Development of leadership potential

    Leadership is the ability to change the world with other people and with their support. Leader needs knowledge and skills. In order to lead others, first of all it is necessary to learn to understand yourself. It is also very important from the whole set of knowledge and skills to creatively create their own leadership approach and effectively use it at every moment of organizational development.

    In the focus of the development program of the leadership potential, three blocks:

    • To learn to better understand ourselves with the help of individual coaching and creating a personal development contract.
    • Learn to better understand yourself and others with a variety of group tasks and trainings.
    • To give participants the theoretical models of modern leadership.
  • Sis on the degree of Executive MBA

    An important part of the program is thesis for the degree of Executive MBA, the work on which contributes to the development of a deep understanding of the fundamentals of management and skills of critical thinking, and also increases the level of their analytical abilities. The dissertation for the degree of Executive MBA is based on the knowledge gained in the study of modules, but expands and deepens them in part due to the systematization of the work of participants over collecting and analysis of data. The main requirement for the graduates of the Stockholm school of the economy is the presence of both theoretical and practical parts. Therefore, the topic of such work can be, for example, the current business problem with which the participant's own company or the industry collided in general. Work on the dissertation begins in the first semester with the choice of the topic. Then, during subsequent semesters, the project is developing, and the results of its development are discussed with the leader. Thus, the quality of work is constantly improving. At the end of the last semester, the dissertation for the degree of Executive MBA is protected in front of the commission from invited examiners who are not full-time employees of the Stockholm school of the economy.

  • Exams and edition

    Knowledge of the program participants are systematically tested by means of tasks performed between the modules and during the modules, and also give special exams at the end of each semester. The results of these exams and the dissertation for the degree of Executive MBA make up final estimates at the end of the program. The program ends with a graduation ceremony at which all participants who successfully fulfilled the requirements are given to the Executive Master of Business Administration diploma, confirming Executive MBA (business administration master).

Recently, we are increasingly getting questions about MBA programs, so in this article we tell about the main features and the difference between the classical MBA program and Executive-MBA.

By the way, if you think and choose between the MBA and the master's program, you will be useful - here we tell about key differences and whom these programs are suitable.

In general, both programs (MBA and EMBA) are very similar to the content and purpose of learning, but they are carried out perfectly in different formats and are directed to different target groups.

FeaturesMBA programs:

  • The program is created for medium-level professionals and managers (Low to Middle Level Management) with 3-5 years experience. The average age on the program depends on the school - in the US, it is usually just below - 25-26 years old, in Europe and Asia - 27-28 years.
  • The goal of the program is to provide a set of necessary skills and knowledge management managers that will make a significant leap in a career, and / or change the industry immediately after the end of the program.
  • Most programs are held in Full-Time format - It is intensive full-time learning with full immersion.
  • The duration of most MBA programs: 1 year in Europe, 2 years in North America
  • For top schools, be sure to take GMAT, the middle score is approx. 700.

Features of programsExecutive MBA:

  • The program is created for top-level managers with work experience from 9-10 years. Most candidates on average have experience in 14-15 years old. Middle age on EMBA programs - 39-40 years.
  • If at MBA, most students want to change the company / industry, then on EMBA it is assumed that you are growing inside the company (many EMBA students sponsor employers' companies). Of course, the scope of activities after EMBA is possible, but this is not the main goal of the program.
  • Format training on EMBA programs - part-time (correspondence), most students combine work and studies. Be sure to see more about this format in each school, because it can vary significantly - in many schools it is assumed that about once every two months you will fly to study for several days, but there are a number of programs where studies are almost every weekend (for example , in London Business School or Esade)
  • Also in some schools, a significant part of study is expected to independently online, with a minimum occupation, directly at school (for example, on Executive MBA in IE Business School and IMD schools).
  • For top schools, you need to take a GMAT or Executive Assesment (alternative GMAT test created specifically for EMBA programs), although many schools make exceptions (for example, you already have a MBA degree or first education on business, or seeing your experience The Commission believes that the exam will not be required). At the same place, there are quite a lot of strong schools where GMAT will not need to pass.

Our customers have successfully entered the MBA and EMBA programs to schools: Insead (France, Singapore), Hec Paris, IE, Eada, LBS, Cass Business School, Emlyon, Babson College, Hkust and MN. Others.


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