Top 35 Internet Marketing Courses. Learning internet marketing: free of charge from the Digital agency. # 7 - Creation and promotion of lending

The site can be considered an effective tool only when it performs business tasks. Each company has its own tasks, but regardless of the specifics of the activity, the main points remain 3: attract the audience, keep it on the site, encourage the target action.

And here begins the underwater part of the iceberg internet marketing. The site may have a good attendance, but visitors are not delayed on it or do not commit targets. It can be a whole range of problems: poor quality content of pages, non-working links, custom scenarios are not posted, it comes not to the target audience and further further.

Where is the zone of the SEO specialist responsibility? What is he answering, and what indicators can not affect?

In this course, these issues are considered in detail, all the necessary tools are given for successful SEO (Search Engine Optimization). As a result, the course program gives sufficient knowledge to pass the exam. SEO EXPERT in RDC.Centerwhich is a sectoral standard for SEO specialists. Trial test can be free.

You will learn

  1. Provide the influx of visitors from search services:
    • optimize the site and its pages for Yandex and Google;
    • take into account the ranking factors in the development of the site;
    • to work out the content of the site to increase the relevance in search queries;
    • manage the site indexing and set the rules for this;
    • segment the audience and bring to the site for your Central Asian.
  2. Hold visitors on the site:
    • conduct an audit of website promotion and identify bottlenecks;
    • hold the audience of readers on your newsports and blogs;
    • optimize content.

Career SEO-Shnik

Everything is individually, of course, it is possible to allocate the main stages of the development of the career of SEO specialists. Work in the agency or client, in parallel working on private orders, the transition is entirely on individual entrepreneurship, creating your own project and \\ or the transition to a consulting sphere. At each stage, the list of required competencies is expanding. For example, work on private orders requires the skills of auditing sites, and negotiation skills and customer beliefs. You must be SEO-Schnick, and the manager. In consulting, also without it can not do.

In this course, we will teach the technical aspects of the profession.
The program corresponds to Professandard "Internet Marketing Specialist".

Only people of the old hardening consider the Internet a stupid precipice for business and still adhere to offline promotion.

But another part consisting of 80%, on the contrary, believes that Offline died and everything is now online. We will not argue on this topic, because you need to be able to combine.

Therefore, we will simply learn the basics of Internet marketing from scratch, in the future, if not to do it yourself, then at least to be able to control the performers.

Topics are different, the basis is one

Internet marketing is a type of marketing. Therefore, if you expect to see now something unimaginably new, then this will not be.

Also, if you do not understand in ordinary marketing, the Internet for a beginner will be even worse, even if you work on ready-made instructions and video manuals.

Internet marketing is about tools online. So this discipline does not study, and other basic topics.

Therefore, to start learning marketing immediately with Internet learning promotion is a bad idea. So of you will get a good tech, but a bad marketer.

The same applies to the strategy. Internet marketing is a way to achieve a common strategy.

Of course, inside you also define how to act to achieve goals, but the main course sets the classic marketing, which relies on, the study of the market and dozens of other variables.

We are talking about internet marketing

Suppose you already have a certain luggage of knowledge by shoulders and your only weak zone - Internet marketing.

So you got to the address and the day came when no one will defeat your head that it was supposedly a bad product, and not their hands grow out of another place. But before the start I wonder the few nuances.

Choose your way

It is impossible to own all Internet marketing. Not because you do not have enough mind or will of the will, it is simply physically unrealistic to make the permanent changes in this environment.

What you learn today is no longer a fact that will work tomorrow. And to track all changes and at the same time to wade a hand in practice, akin to the aircraft management and simultaneous customer service in the cabin.

Therefore, if you, as an entrepreneur, decided that you need learning internet marketing from scratch, then you most importantly understand the concept, as everything works.

And if you need training for further work in the field of Internet marketing, you either also need to understand the basics.

And go to work as director of marketing, where you will have many different freelancers / employees performing point tasks.

Or you emphasize your attention on a particular direction and start working in it until the end of life.

Believe our experience, to familiarize yourself with one specialty at least 80% you will need several years, this is provided that you will have a sufficient practice field.

And I am not an exception, when concluding a contract on, I always honestly say that I do not know everything, but I have a team that will help if necessary.

Erroneous opinion

Some Guru believe that Internet marketing is about how to attract customers and convert them to or buyer.

And if we were in 2005, it would be true. Now everything is different, Internet marketing includes almost the entire range of tasks from the classics:

  • Attraction;
  • Hold;
  1. Increasing loyalty;
  2. Fighting a negative;
  3. Support.
  • Monetization (conversion).

This, at first glance, a modest pool of tasks hides dozens of tools.

This is due, first of all, with the fact that people are now online not just looking for information and after they go to offline purchases.

And now they are online immediately draw up a purchase. And the further, the more actively everything will happen.

We are already over 29,000 people.

Internet Marketing Basics

Below I will tell you about each instrument and further attach you links to our articles for deep study.

But there is a bad news, we first write for entrepreneurs, so you will be briefly about the main thing.

Details for each instrument are already looking for specialized sites on topics, on the main also give references.

1. Sites

If globally look at everything that is being done on the Internet in the site building plan, then all the creations of Internet marketers, designers and programmers can be divided into three categories of sites.

So, sites are divided into: classic (, corporate sites, etc.), online shopping and lending. Below, I'll figure out each in detail.

1.1. Landing

This type of sites, oddly enough, quite a few names are: Landing, a single-page, selling a site, Landing Page and even "Lendos".

If you speak short, these are sites that are located just one page and their main task is to sell a specific product or service.

That is, lendings are made either for some particular product, or at one direction.


These sites are intended exclusively for one - to convey to the client the value of the product and get its contact details for which the manager will call and will already be waiting for the client.

If you need to immediately sell from this site or it is planned to place more than 10 products on it, then this solution is not suitable for you.

1.2. Sites

For more understandable communication, they will call them - multi-page sites. Such a site is easy to distinguish how you already guessed, by number of pages.

If there are more than one, then it is definitely not ice. To certainly determine what you are more suitable, I really advise our article.

Multi-page sites did from the very first time of the Internet. However, the trend is increasingly shifting to multilanding.

This is when each page is made in the style of Landing Page. Yes, it increases the cost of 3-5 times, but also the effectiveness is growing equal. We have noticed this, since all our sites are made this way.

1.3. Online shops

Online store is a website where you can purchase goods without shopping.

This explanation is enough, since this tool is not new and does not require a special presentation.

If you are not selling a piece goods, then you can already either have an online store, or will soon be due to market trends.

Online store

Make such an online store is technically not difficult, it is difficult to make it sell.

The main problem among online stores is too huge number of pages.

And the more pages, the greater the chance of the client to leave. After all, he can not like something, he is confused, or at all you will not work for some element.

And I will open one terrible mystery to you. The absolute majority of online stores are unprofitable.

Since, when opening such sites, many people forget to calculate logistics, the cost of attracting the client, the continuous improvement of the site, managers, and so on.

Therefore, if you still decide to go on this field, then look in the direction of narrow-sided online stores with small competition and costs will decrease and customers will be easier to buy at the expense of exact.

2. E-Mail Marketing

3 years ago I heard somewhere in the phrase: "E-Mail Marketing is dead." 2 years ago I began to hear it throughout the Internet and repeat it myself.

And now I do not cease to hear it, but only I do not speak. Despite the commodity, E-mail marketing lives and feels great.

For example, Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house generates up to 30% of sales for the year.

For example, we have this weekly digest of all useful articles from the blog. Someone has a list of new arrivals for the week. Personally, I really like the distribution that Aviasales sends.

For the successful implementation of this tool, you need to think not only about how you will collect legally the base.

But how to make your newsletter read and waited. To do this, you will have to work well for the ability to write useful and efficiently, and this case should also be learn.

3. Avtovtorke

There are 3 ways to create an conferencer: e-mail, social networks and messengers. We will immediately discuss everything with you, because they are built on one principle.

And differ only on the interaction platform and several small differences, which makes no sense to voice, as everything changes too dynamically.

That is, the client receives reports depending on its actions (clicks, interaction, opening, and so on) on the mechanics you thought out in advance. Moreover, payment and product issuance also occurs on autopilot.

Create an accident is not difficult, but very expensive in time, as you need to consider all the logic and write texts with the design for each step.

From the point of view of the technical part, there is a huge number of ready-made solutions with cost from 500 rubles per month and a simple interface for use, so there will be no difficulties here.

4. SMM Marketing

Many entrepreneurs continue to turn in the SMM plan in the clouds. And believe the 2nd rumors: that attracting customers in social networks is free and that a specialist who works with social networks, and leads and promotes them at the same time.

But no, there is another third. It costs all this 3 kopecks. If it's about you, then first read our article, where all these myths were destroyed

4.1. Maintain Group

The group will be beautifully decorated, posts will go out and take out in a single corporate style, there will be many likes, many comments and itself a lot of orders are for many standard understanding of the management of the group.

But the problem is only that there are many likes, comments and orders, one maintenance is not enough.

That's right, the introduction of a group is not easy to take pictures from another community and place them.

This means that you must generate unique content based on your audience preferences.

Vkontakte community

4.2. Targeted advertising

It is called targeted, because it can be configured targeted, well, well.

That is, specify the floor, age, the location of the potential client (+ dozens of other parameters) and advertising will be shown to him.

Targeted advertising

I also did not understand for a long time why the SMM is not a universal profession. But you will understand this, only when you begin to understand it yourself.

4.3. Sowing

This word is not the fact that you sew your advertising somewhere, but the fact that your posts begin to appear everywhere.

That is, for this you use an agreement with leaders of opinions, buying advertising in other communities, building in other people's videos and posts. Maximum coverage is the main task of sowing.

Previously, no one highlighted this task in a separate direction, but with the arrival of large budgets in SMM, specialized people began to engage in these cases.

These are those who know how to effectively spend 20-50-200-400 thousand and convey their idea to their audience. Such actions are especially noticeable during presidential elections.


5. Content Marketing

I have good news for you. Remember the conversations about e-mail marketing? That he died and all that.

So, about the content marketing for 2 years they say the exact opposite. That he is not only alive and after him the future, but also that all advertising will be built on it, and all the involvement of customers will be built.

I would not really believed it if a couple of years ago we did not bet on it. And I can say that we took Jack Pope, and get customer clients thanks to it.

So what is good news? The news is that you still have the opportunity to jump into the train, which only begins to touch.

That is, you can start creating content that you are looking for users and will convince you to make them the steps you need.

This is the essence of content marketing, a person studies your material, hesitates confidence, and through buying your product.

Native advertising

When they say about the content marketing, for some reason they immediately remember only about the blog on the site.

But in fact, ways to interact with the client with the help of content are much more.

For example, one of our client, created a channel on YouTube, where it shows how to build at home. You just need to find your perfect and engage in its "manufacturing and release."

6. SEO.

"My article on 1 place in Yandex! Hooray !!! "- this is exactly what you should say after the successful implementation of seo-promotion.

To withdraw your goods, the service or article from the blog to the top search engine is a great deal. And such manipulations are engaged in the sphere, as you have already guessed, Search Engine Optimization.

Search Issuance

Studying SEO stood from side to side. That I believed that this is the most difficult and routine process, then on the contrary, he seemed to me the easiest and interesting.

But now several years later promotion, at least our blog, I can definitely say that this is a lifting tool even for an entrepreneur. But with a large amount it is better to give SEO specialists.

If it is rude, this direction can be divided into five parts: collecting the semantic kernel (key requests), technical adaptation of the site, optimization of articles, purchase of links and usability of the site.

It did not seem about the latter, it has long been proven that the more a person interacts with your site, the higher you will stand in the search.

This is a kind of signal for search engines that you have a suitable and interesting information.

7. Contextual advertising

When searching in Yandex or Google, as a rule, the first 4 lines that you can see in the list are paid advertising messages that are shown relevant to your request.

contextual advertising

Using such requests as "buy a greenhouse" or "" You can attract hot customers who want to buy goods "here and now."

But so not in all areas. For example, on the sale of elite real estate or accounting services due to high competition, the cost of clicking may reach several thousand.

The sphere from the sphere is different, as well as the city from the city. Therefore, before you fit into the entire damp, be sure to explore the potential.

By the way, very many customers believe that contextual advertising in Yandex is much more effective than Google (because we live in Russia and use the Russian search engine).

But actually it is not. The shares of them have long been the same. And when taking into account that the cost of clicking Google is much less, as competition, it looks much more attractive.

Therefore, I am very advised not to neglect the setting of advertising in Google. This is what you note.

Internet marketer- This is a specialist who provides a set of marketing activities in the field of network technologies in order to promote goods and various services in the market.

In other words, marketing strategies and tactical techniques applied in real business are transferred to the world of network technologies. A set of marketing actions includes the following:

  • market research;
  • attraction and holding customers;
  • improving the quality and attractiveness of products to a certain level;
  • creating a positive image of the company.

The profession of the Internet marketer, despite its novelty, is very in demand, especially in the expanses of the CIS markets. With the growing popularity of online stores, the demand of specialists who create and support sales sites is growing. Moreover, the trend is such that the increase in the number of online stores does not have time for the emergence of the desired number of Internet marketers specialists, despite the fact that Internet marketing as a new discipline develops rapidly. And already has its own rules and laws. Competently used internet marketing methods, such as contextual advertising, e-mail marketing, SEO-optimization, Web analytics allow you to create successful online shopping and auctions where you can buy absolutely everything. Among the most famous Aliexpress, eBay and many others.

Internet marketing requires versatile skills:

  • ability to analyze the market, sites;
  • organize advertising campaigns;
  • track traffic channels;
  • implementation of specialists (SEO, SMM, E-Mail marketers).

Currently, traditional obsessive advertising in real business is at a decline and annoying consumers. While Internet advertising is gaining momentum, especially in social networks, where the country's population spends a lot of time. There is also all information about consumers that Internet marketers analyze and can make forecasts of consumer behavior, at the same time introducing their advertising in the social network. Promotion in social networks can double the sale of online store goods.

Features of the profession

Functional duties of the internet marketer Extensive and unite in themselves as in the name of the profession, the skills of the marketer and a specialist in Internet technologies, namely:

  • conducting classical marketing research on the Internet - analysis of competitors and positions of their company in the market;
  • creating marketing strategies and tactics to attract potential buyers - Internet users;
  • active Promotion of the company's brand, creating its triggering image and promotion among communities on social networks - VKontakte, Facebook, Google +, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, etc.;
  • creating advertising campaigns by traffic from paid sites in browsers (Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.) and social networks;
  • optimization of CPL, CTR, CPC;
  • management SEO-promotion of the site, filling the page content;
  • development of e-mail marketing strategy - setting up triggers and the creation of mailings layouts, regular analysis of their effectiveness;
  • direct newsletter on the basis of addresses of interesting proposals of the company - Direct-marketing;
  • facilitating the growth of organic traffic in search engines by key requests;
  • traffic conversion to Lida;
  • conducting an analysis of the effectiveness of advertising, web-analysis, usability and a / in testing;
  • development of advertising materials - banners, posts, Landing Page;
  • creating advertising budgets and media plans;
  • constant monitoring and optimization of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns;
  • mobile marketing with the optimization of the site under mobile devices;
  • setting up retargeting.

Pros and cons profession


  • High demand and appropriate labor payment
  • The need is constantly evolving
  • Many elements of creative work
  • The possibility of remote work and combining multiple projects
  • The opportunity to get a profession without learning in the university, but on short-term courses


  • At the initial stages of work - a small payment of labor
  • Possible dissatisfaction with the customer's results
  • Many routine and monotonous work related to monitoring and statistics
  • When working freelancer, the possibility of unfair payment from the employer

Place of work

Internet marketing is a universal profession that allows you to work both in the IT-sphere and retailers: e-commerce, new media, games, web portals. It is possible to work by freelancer, which is provided by sites for specialists of any level:,,,

Important qualities

  • Creativity
  • analytic mind
  • constant aspiration for the development of a new
  • special Single on Fashion Trends Online
  • the ability to work on ahead of competitors and find a way out of dead-end situations
  • initiative
  • a responsibility
  • preferabity, patience
  • the ability to negotiate
  • ability to work with large amounts of information
  • the ability to switch from creative work on routine
  • persistence in overcoming difficulties
  • communicability
  • leadership skills

Learning on the Internet marketer

Successful Internet marketers can be graduates of marketing, journalistic and sociological directions of universities, which are accustomed to work with information and statistics, are familiar with the behavior of mass Internet users.


Salary for 11.12.2019

Russia 24000-70000 ₽

MOSCOW 40000-150000 ₽

Working a freelancer, you can combine several projects. An experienced Internet marketer can receive salary at the level of top managers. But even a specialist specialist salary is much higher than that of traditional marketers in real business. Payment of labor occurs according to the specific results of the work of the Internet marketer: an increase in sales volumes to specific numbers, profit increase, etc.

Stairs Career and Perspectives

The novice internet marketer can start its career in an intern or an assistant to the marketing department in its interests of its interests still while studying. As a rule, he will have to engage in the routine work - statistics and monitoring. The next step is the junior Internet marketer, then an online marketer, a senior Internet marketer and further to the head of the marketing department (marketing-director).

Interesting facts about profession, terminology

The processes of attracting and retaining customers can be divided into 4 main stages:

  1. Lidogeneration (LEAD Generation) - to attract the client to the site and convince it to make the first purchase.
  2. Lead Management or Work with "Lidami" - a set of actions for the transformation of potential customers in the leaders who are ready to buy a product or service.
  3. The conversion of leads, or the closure of transactions (LEAD Sonversion) - an action aimed at eliminating the client's objections during the closing of the transaction.
  4. Re-sales (Account Management) - Works in existing clients, encouraging them to make repeated purchases, customer service.

Video: How to become a cool Internet marketer?

Training is a continuous process. And thanks to the Internet is also convenient. If you have a little time in stock, we suggest devoting it to self-education. Chose 50 free online courses, lectures and beneficial booking books that can be visited without leaving home.

Basics of Marketing

1. Marketing. Polytech

Basic course: You will receive an idea of \u200b\u200bmarketing as a market approach to enterprise management. Tell tools on practical examples. And also explore the methods of marketing research of consumers, pricing, marketing communications and branding.

2. Marketing - Quick Start

Course from the Higher School of Marketing. You can navigate in marketing models and instruments, market analysis, consumer segmentation, positioning and promotion of the company.

3. Marketing Management

The course is devoted to the study of areas in which marketing intersects with strategic management of the company. You will learn to apply marketing tools when analyzing and developing a commercial policy.

4. Creating lending

Theoretical online course "Creating Landing Page" from Tilda Publishing. The course will teach the design, draw up and run conversion lending and increase the number of customers. You can create your own lending, even if the course did not know what it was.

Internet Marketing

5. Basics of Internet Marketing

Course for a small immersion in the scope of marketing. You will learn how to create a group on a social network, fill it with content and attract first potential customers. Explore the strategy of successful Internet companies, which can be adopted by experience and define the vector of developing your own business.

6. Training Craw Marketing

Two-hour course of Igor mine for beginners and continuing linkbilders. In the program 18 lessons on the selection of sites, types of links and spam definition.

7. Video Course on Internet Marketing

Learning basic Internet marketing principles. You will learn the foundations of the segmentation of Central Asia, the analysis of competitors, audit, SEO, content marketing and web analytics. The course will be especially useful to business owners and employees of companies in B2B.

Yandex, Google and Social Media

8. School of Internet Marketing Yandex

The course for novice specialists in Internet marketing and those who only plans to professionally develop in this area. You will challenge the main set of classic tasks that are facing any business: informing the audience about the release of new products, attracting customers and extension of sales, increasing the average check and others.

9. School of Direct

The course on which you will learn how to place the first advertising campaign in the directive. Sable how contextual advertising works, and also go through all the campaign creation steps: from selecting keywords before sending advertising to moderation.

10. School metric

Metric is a free web analytics system that will help you better learn visitors to your site and improve business efficiency. Start work with a metric will help this course.

11. Webmaster

Webmaster - service for site owners that helps to improve its display in search results, monitor query statistics, monitor shows, number of clicks, CTR snippets and other indicators. And he will help you know if the site is correctly displayed on smartphones and tablets. All Secrets Websservice - in this course.

12. Yandex.Direct: preparation for certification

Special course to prepare for certification in the "Direct". Leading - heads MediaGuru. The program disassembles 4 topics: management of the Click and payment, keywords, operators and templates, advertising settings, show strategies, and optimization methods and audience selection conditions.

13. Basics of advertising in Google AdWords

Course of the basic principles of the Google AdWords system. You will learn to correctly configure contextual advertising for Google, so that the search has shown advertising messages only to those users they will be interested. And then analyze the result and optimize the settings for the next start.

14. Data Analysis in Google Analytics

Course from a certified speaker of Google Partners, Netology teacher and WebPromoexperts Andrei Osipova. Designed for those who have already worked with a web analytics and wants to develop further.

15. Marketing strategy in the Digital environment

Course from teachers of higher school marketing and business development. You will learn how the company's website should look like, develop a strategy, learn how to make Landing, Calculate the Banner Sales Funnel or analyze the data from Google. Analytics and Yandex.Metrics.

16. OK Course

An educational course that tells how to work properly with social media: build strategy and promotion, find insights, creatively approaching all tasks. All these important stages are considered by the example of classmates with the best teachers of caviar.

Email mailing

17. Basics of email marketing

Marketer Sendpulse Alexander Lynx prepared a course on the basics of email marketing for beginners. After examining 5 lessons, you will find answers to the following questions: how to develop an effective email strategy, collect the contact database, make a newsletter that will bring profit and not get into spam.

18. Newsletter Commander

Illustrated Email-course Maxim Ilyakhov. Helps make the text strong, understandable and honest. You will learn to find and clean up too much. Letters with lessons and councils come every week.

19. Language of modern advertising and media

About how the media language changes, how to analyze journalistic texts and how to write them yourself - the online course of the St. Petersburg State University.

Video track and podcasts

20. Cybermarketing.

Free seminars and Internet marketing courses. Classes lead the best Runet specialists in the field of website promotion, contextual advertising and other Internet marketing channels.

21. Netology TV

Video track track of the best Runet experts in the field of Internet business, marketing, e-commerce, web development and other areas of the online industry.

22. Seopulttv

23. Texterra

In the video block "Texerras" you will find useful materials on Internet marketing, SEO and content marketing, as well as an interview with employees and a look at the life of the agency from the inside. New videos come out every week.

By the way, if you are ready to invest in your studies, Texterra offers a paid online course - this is 22 lectures for 1.5 hours and systematized knowledge necessary for working with Internet marketing. At the end of the training is issued a diploma diploma.

24. eLAMA.

On the ELAMA channel - ELAMA webinar records on contextual advertising, web analytics, targeted advertising and internet marketing. Every week the authors lay out video cuttings for subscribers questions.

25. Circle

Video Channel of the Marketing Group "COMPLETE". Webinars, speeches at conferences and other videos where company experts are involved.

26. WebPromoexperts.

The WebPromoexperts Internet Marketing Academy publishes useful lectures, webinars and meetings on topics: SEO, contextual advertising, SMM, usability, web analytics, email marketing and others.

27. Google for business

Official channel Google AdWords Russia. Here, the Google AdWords team is regularly divided by advice for advertisers on how to manage and optimize AdWords account, Google online school users and many other useful videos.

28. Yandex. Training advertising technologies

29. Advertising Automation with HiconVersion

30. SMM without quotes

Audio program for SMM specialists, entrepreneurs, marketers and everyone who plans to go on social Internet using white mechanics. The author of Podcast - Elnara Petrova, the Creator of the online course "SMM Specialist School".

Books-assistants for marketers

31. Hacking Marketing

Attention! This book will change your ideas about marketing once and for all. Her author of Phil Barden - Marketeter with 25 years of experience - talks about a completely new approach to marketing. It is based on clear scientific data, research results that reveal the main secret: why people buy something.

In the book - dozens of working cases that will help make people craving to buy your product.

32. Ether - Sarafan Radio

This book is on how to use recommendations for promoting goods and services. With limited or no missing budget. You may ask: "How can I get people who do not work with us in the company that we do not pay salary for services, sell our product?" The author replies: "It is impossible to make them sell. But to make it want to sell - it is very possible. " Together with this book in your hands there will be a whole arsenal of acceptance marketing techniques.

33. E-Mail Marketing Strategy

E-mail marketing, as you know, is a channel number 1 to return investment. The situation on the market over the past five years has changed dramatically. Competition for e-mail marketers has grown multiple. Mailings in the mail has become more. But are they better than? More beautiful - yes, but what useless most of these letters were before, they were left now. Vitaly Alexandrov, founder of the Agency of E-Mail Marketing Out Of Cloud, I am sure: the case is in the strategy. The book will help you to raise the conversion using the direct-marketing channels: Push, E-Mail, SMS, Call Center.

34. Valuable solutions

The book is about how to correctly raise prices to get the maximum profit, while maintaining customer loyalty. She wrote Roman Tarasenko, an experienced consultant and marquetter. He literally explains the mechanism of competent pricing and its close connection with such a concept as the value of the product. He tells what discounts are and how to properly reduce prices, why are bonuses, as well as how to damping and why do it at all.

35. Create a personal brand

In this book, the author explores the works of leading theorists in the field of business culture and explains how branding methods can help us develop creative thinking. The book is a unique resource for creative minds, entrepreneurs and teams, and can also be used by all who faces important life decisions.

36. Evangelist business

In this book, Sergey Abdulmanov - Marketing Director of Mosiger and the author of bestseller "Business as a game" - tells about different aspects of content marketing, brand journalism and the work of the company's evangelists. It tells briefly, interesting and accessible by illustrating recommendations by examples from practice.

37. Fundamentals of project management

Clean illustrated project management manual (based on the classical PMBOK knowledge arch). This book helps beginner project managers to cope with their difficult work. It is available and easy to master, reveals key concepts and concepts, responds to typical questions and helps to cope with chaos surrounding many projects.

38. School of Seo

This book is about what the success of the business leader in the modern global economy. Each chapter includes lessons and conclusions from twenty CEOs - one of each country is large twenty (G20), - assembled during the Big International Research project. The authors show their findings and finds in the form of seven available master classes, which are a step-by-step allowance for all who recently become CEO or plans to take this position and wants to develop the necessary skills.

The author of the book, entrepreneur and teacher Nir Eyal, tells about the 4 stages that form buyers' habits. As well as about the tools that use Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram to keep the viewer's attention. You will learn about the receptions that will help make consumers regularly returned without aggressive marketing and expensive advertising.

40. Refresh page

In his book, the new CEO Microsoft Sathya put on telling the latest history of the company against the background of modern challenges of the digital era. About personal transformation, about changes in Microsoft and technologies that will soon transform the world. How to withstand competition with the aclaus of the industry, about the ethical problems of developing artificial intelligence, on the social responsibility of business and the growth of transnational corporations.

Internet marketer- This is a specialist who provides a set of marketing activities in the field of network technologies in order to promote goods and various services in the market.

In other words, marketing strategies and tactical techniques applied in real business are transferred to the world of network technologies. A set of marketing actions includes the following:

  • market research;
  • attraction and holding customers;
  • improving the quality and attractiveness of products to a certain level;
  • creating a positive image of the company.

The profession of the Internet marketer, despite its novelty, is very in demand, especially in the expanses of the CIS markets. With the growing popularity of online stores, the demand of specialists who create and support sales sites is growing. Moreover, the trend is such that the increase in the number of online stores does not have time for the emergence of the desired number of Internet marketers specialists, despite the fact that Internet marketing as a new discipline develops rapidly. And already has its own rules and laws. Competently used internet marketing methods, such as contextual advertising, e-mail marketing, SEO-optimization, Web analytics allow you to create successful online shopping and auctions where you can buy absolutely everything. Among the most famous Aliexpress, eBay and many others.

Internet marketing requires versatile skills:

  • ability to analyze the market, sites;
  • organize advertising campaigns;
  • track traffic channels;
  • implementation of specialists (SEO, SMM, E-Mail marketers).

Currently, traditional obsessive advertising in real business is at a decline and annoying consumers. While Internet advertising is gaining momentum, especially in social networks, where the country's population spends a lot of time. There is also all information about consumers that Internet marketers analyze and can make forecasts of consumer behavior, at the same time introducing their advertising in the social network. Promotion in social networks can double the sale of online store goods.

Features of the profession

Functional duties of the internet marketer Extensive and unite in themselves as in the name of the profession, the skills of the marketer and a specialist in Internet technologies, namely:

  • conducting classical marketing research on the Internet - analysis of competitors and positions of their company in the market;
  • creating marketing strategies and tactics to attract potential buyers - Internet users;
  • active Promotion of the company's brand, creating its triggering image and promotion among communities on social networks - VKontakte, Facebook, Google +, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, etc.;
  • creating advertising campaigns by traffic from paid sites in browsers (Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.) and social networks;
  • optimization of CPL, CTR, CPC;
  • management SEO-promotion of the site, filling the page content;
  • development of e-mail marketing strategy - setting up triggers and the creation of mailings layouts, regular analysis of their effectiveness;
  • direct newsletter on the basis of addresses of interesting proposals of the company - Direct-marketing;
  • facilitating the growth of organic traffic in search engines by key requests;
  • traffic conversion to Lida;
  • conducting an analysis of the effectiveness of advertising, web-analysis, usability and a / in testing;
  • development of advertising materials - banners, posts, Landing Page;
  • creating advertising budgets and media plans;
  • constant monitoring and optimization of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns;
  • mobile marketing with the optimization of the site under mobile devices;
  • setting up retargeting.

Pros and cons profession


  • High demand and appropriate labor payment
  • The need is constantly evolving
  • Many elements of creative work
  • The possibility of remote work and combining multiple projects
  • The opportunity to get a profession without learning in the university, but on short-term courses


  • At the initial stages of work - a small payment of labor
  • Possible dissatisfaction with the customer's results
  • Many routine and monotonous work related to monitoring and statistics
  • When working freelancer, the possibility of unfair payment from the employer

Place of work

Internet marketing is a universal profession that allows you to work both in the IT-sphere and retailers: e-commerce, new media, games, web portals. It is possible to work by freelancer, which is provided by sites for specialists of any level:,,,

Important qualities

  • Creativity
  • analytic mind
  • constant aspiration for the development of a new
  • special Single on Fashion Trends Online
  • the ability to work on ahead of competitors and find a way out of dead-end situations
  • initiative
  • a responsibility
  • preferabity, patience
  • the ability to negotiate
  • ability to work with large amounts of information
  • the ability to switch from creative work on routine
  • persistence in overcoming difficulties
  • communicability
  • leadership skills

Learning on the Internet marketer

Successful Internet marketers can be graduates of marketing, journalistic and sociological directions of universities, which are accustomed to work with information and statistics, are familiar with the behavior of mass Internet users.


Salary for 11.12.2019

Russia 24000-70000 ₽

MOSCOW 40000-150000 ₽

Working a freelancer, you can combine several projects. An experienced Internet marketer can receive salary at the level of top managers. But even a specialist specialist salary is much higher than that of traditional marketers in real business. Payment of labor occurs according to the specific results of the work of the Internet marketer: an increase in sales volumes to specific numbers, profit increase, etc.

Stairs Career and Perspectives

The novice internet marketer can start its career in an intern or an assistant to the marketing department in its interests of its interests still while studying. As a rule, he will have to engage in the routine work - statistics and monitoring. The next step is the junior Internet marketer, then an online marketer, a senior Internet marketer and further to the head of the marketing department (marketing-director).

Interesting facts about profession, terminology

The processes of attracting and retaining customers can be divided into 4 main stages:

  1. Lidogeneration (LEAD Generation) - to attract the client to the site and convince it to make the first purchase.
  2. Lead Management or Work with "Lidami" - a set of actions for the transformation of potential customers in the leaders who are ready to buy a product or service.
  3. The conversion of leads, or the closure of transactions (LEAD Sonversion) - an action aimed at eliminating the client's objections during the closing of the transaction.
  4. Re-sales (Account Management) - Works in existing clients, encouraging them to make repeated purchases, customer service.

Video: How to become a cool Internet marketer?


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