What is a good specialist. Information Systems Specialist. What personal qualities should IT specialist

Reflecting on finding a profession and yourself, I spoke all the time around one question: "How to become the best in your business?". The question is big, versatile and deep. One of his faces is a way to stand out from the crowd, to become noticeable.

Sometimes in the cafe I think, give or not to give a waiter for tea. Usually everyone is given and firmly do not think about it, but I wanted to figure it out.

Situation. I came to the sushi bar, ordered sushi and tea. I was served, everyone brought without delay. I walked, sat, listened to music, wrote a couple of messages to friends in social network and asked for an account. I was brought to me. My visit to the sushi bar is almost completed.

I further have a question not so much in the tips, but there was this waiter in what was. It was a good or "normal, ordinary" waiter? Very often have to deal with "ordinary" waiters. They just do their job and nothing over. However, occasionally I come across interesting waiters and buffa from it.

I am trying to put myself in the place of the waiter and feel how to behave that creating a sense of professional about your business. How to make the waiter remember? How to behave in order to look exclusively against the background of all other waiters? How to get tips and thanks always?

This is just a visual example of life. The problem, of course, is not in waiters. Such situations can be found in many areas and professions: doctors, taxi drivers, hairdressers, coaches, builders, designers, accountant ...

Edzel Ford Fung is the most rude waiter in the world. However, it was precisely because of this that he became madly popular and the turn had always been in his institution from those who wish them to be heated. The Chinese restaurant "Sam in" in San Francisco has long been closed, but the waiter remained a legend.

The problem in self-esteem and perception of ourselves. Many people are professionals of their business, but do not think about the differences from their colleagues. Some this is not necessary. But if you are trying to comprehend your professional activities, you definitely should define outstanding traits. Therefore, it is important to sometimes ask yourself.

What are you different from "normal, ordinary" specialists?

What do you do not like others?

Find at least a couple of moments.

From the side of Visident

We can not see a lot in yourself, but others can. The doctor may not suspic that it is an excellent specialist, but patients can admire, recommend the Doctor, write reviews on sites.

If you find it difficult to understand your outstanding traits, ask others. First your loved ones and friends, you can ask customers or distant familiar. If you find courage for this, you will discover a lot of unexpected things and opinions (not always good).

What do good specialists do "not as everyone"

I suggest look at the simple and common professions like a taxi driver, conductor, baristers, etc.

Once I did a Finnish visa and I needed to choose one of the designers. Next to the embassy costs about hundreds. Everyone has all the same: service, price, term. How to choose - incomprehensible. As a result, I advised the specialist alone and said, after registration of all these papers, I will give me a candy. And indeed, at the end I was given a chocolate candy. Cool. Banal thing and at the same time a powerful way to remember.

A good taxi driver (unlike usual) is not just lucky, but also ... what does he do? What does the taxi driver turn in good for you? For me, this communication. I like when taxi drivers communicate with me, and therefore, I always allocate such drivers into a separate category. If they are still driving quickly and reliably, then become the best of the best in my rating.

The gatherings themselves are a famous actor who played a taxi driver in the film "Taxi" and "Taxi 2". Hebles quickly, loves his work, disassembled in cars, and just irresistible.

With the waiters the same story. If they communicate with me, try to find out what I like more in food, as I have a mood, like success at work, that I love to read and at the same time do it delicately, I am glad. I love sociable.

Examples can be given a set. Now you think what experts do you allocate the favorites to the category?

Who do you consider good specialists?

And who do you consider "normal, ordinary" workers?

These answers can tell you how you yourself would like to look in the eyes of others. The effect of the mirror - we admire the people who themselves would like to become.

Write in the comments

Do you share specialists on "ordinary" and good? By what criteria? How do you see yourself?

I am pleased to answer your questions.

Information Systems Specialistengaged in developing, maintaining and implementing various information systems. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see the choice of a profession for interest in school subjects).

The information system is a system of automation of organizations, which includes:

  • technical support (a complex of technical means for system operation);
  • software and mathematical support;
  • informational support and technology;
  • organizational and methodological and legal support.

The main purpose of the information system, for example, in the economy - the creation of an infrastructure for effective activities and management of the company. Thus, the information system "1C: Enterprise" is intended to automate all accounting processes in the enterprise. Information systems for organizational management will automate the activities of leadership staff in hotels, banks, trade. In manufacturing enterprises used systems of automation of technical personnel functions: streamlines, microcircuit production, assembly. Automation of design processes is information systems as creating project and graphics documentation, modeling objects.

The professional standard of this profession was developed and approved relatively recently - 11/18/2014 by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 896n "On approval of the professional standard" Specialist in Information Systems ".

Information systems are initially created based on users who are experts in their subject area, but do not speak special knowledge in the field of IT. Therefore, information systems applications must be as simple as possible, comfortable, easily mastered, intuitive.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of a specialist information system can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Creation and maintenance of information systems:
  • negotiations with the customer in order to clarify its information on the information system;
  • collection of information for modeling the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe project and the requirements of future users of the system;
  • drawing up with the customer of the technical task to develop an information system;
  • development of the information system and interaction with all project participants during the work;
  • deploying jobs of the information system from the customer;
  • installation and configuration of application software required for system operation;
  • configure technical equipment involved in the system;
  • integrating the information system with the technical support of the Customer;
  • conducting internal system testing with setting parameters;
  • experienced operation of the information system in the enterprise;
  • liquidation of claims of users of the system after an experienced operation;
  • detection and elimination of errors in the process of work.
  1. Technical support:
  • installation of the information system;
  • support of the system during operation;
  • coding of software for specific tasks;
  • development of instructions for operation and technical documentation.
  1. Interaction with system users:
  • training of users of the information system techniques of work with it; consulting information system users;
  • creation of presentations and demonstration versions of the system;
  • drawing up a report on learning outcomes.

At each stage, a group of specialists can work, depending on the volume of the enterprise and the tasks.

Pros and cons profession


  1. Restability.
  2. High wages of qualified professionals.
  3. The development of useful ties and dating in business.


  1. Training of users at the initial stage is associated with their misunderstanding and opposition.
  2. The need to convince and repeatedly explain the elementary things to users who do not have special qualifications in the field of information technology.
  3. Frequent business trips are possible.

Place of work

A legally specialist in information systems is an IT employee who develops information systems, but it works in the enterprise in the period of implementing the system. The structure of the enterprise itself sometimes creates a department for supporting implemented information systems so that, after training and pilot operation, its own specialists can identify and eliminate possible incidents.

Important qualities

  • Analytical mind;
  • systemic thinking;
  • communicability;
  • ability to work with groups of people;
  • the ability to create a constructive interaction of IT specialists and user users;
  • attention to detail;
  • a responsibility;
  • discipline;
  • knowledge of English to read technical literature.
  • Professional skills
  • knowledge of the architecture and operation of modern information systems;
  • knowledge of the principles of analysis and storage of databases;
  • possession of the basics and programming languages, modern methods of testing information systems;
  • knowledge of automation standards of various processes (ERP, CRM, MRP, ITIL, ITSM, etc.);
  • the ability to quickly delveue and understand the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe projected information system;
  • it is desirable knowledge of the foundations of economic activity and management of the enterprise;
  • the ability to work with information: collection, processing, analysis.

Training at a specialist in information systems



Salary for 12.12.2019

Russia 25000-88000 ₽

Moscow 50000-140000 ₽

A novice information system specialist can count on salary from 60 thousand rubles. Specialist with experience in more than 3 years can receive from 100 thousand rubles. In the metropolitan region.

Stairs Career and Perspectives

Specialist in information systems can start their career with the operation of the system in the enterprise, then go through all the steps from a simple specialist to the main ones of the introduction of information systems. The next step is the head of the project implementation project, further is the level of information system developer.

Types of information systems

Classification for the purpose and use of the system:

  • organizational or administrative management systems;
  • technological process management systems;
  • automated scientific research systems;
  • automated Design Systems (CAD).

According to the organizational level, 4 types of information systems are distinguished:

  • systems for dialogue processing in the operating level Transaction Processing Systems (TPS);
  • knowledge Level Systems, Knowledge Work System (KWS) and Detarating Automation Systems - Office Automation Systems (OAS);
  • management Systems Management Systems Management Information Systems (MIS) and decision support systems - Decision Support Systems (DSS);
  • strategic Level Systems Executive Support Systems (ESS).


In the sphere IT, there is not enough specialists. Perhaps it is worth thinking about studying this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. At the same time, it should be remembered that it will not be easy to study.

Just imagine: the robot brings coffee, includes music, meets and escorts guests, care that the owner felt as best. No, this is not at all scenes of one of the popular novels of the American science fiction writer A. Azimov, glorifying his stories about robots. In the forces of IT specialists to make that this "fairy tale has become free."

The IT specialist is a wide concept that combines representatives of many professions working in the field of information technology. These are all sorts, networks and databases, moderators, information security, and even 3D animators. At the same time, with the penetration of information technologies to all new areas of activity, new professions appear for IT specialists.

Restability profession

Enough in demand

Representatives of the profession IT specialist are fairly popular in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this area, many companies and many enterprises require qualified IT specialists.

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Description of activity

With whatever IT specialist specializing, it spends almost all working hours before the computer. Most of the "Iytichniks" apply in their work knowledge of programming languages, markup languages, applies photoshop, other graphic editors.

IT specialist - creative profession. He creates something new, develops programs and applications, implements ideas. Of course, in the work of an IT specialist a lot and routine: writing code for a program or site, or creating a whole system of protection for a computer network takes not one week. To get a conceived result, the IT officer is forced to check again and again check and recheck its work, correct mistakes, eliminate bugs.

IT specialists can work on themselves, remotely performing orders, or in the office, personally interact with other specialists. Without information technology professionals today, neither commercial structures nor state organizations will cost.


middle in Russia:middle in Moscow:middle in St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Very common

According to the results of the survey, the profession IT specialist Currently, it is very common, since a sufficiently long period in specialists in this area was high demand among employers. This sphere needed and continues to need specialists.

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What kind of education is needed

Higher professional education

Data of questionnaires show that for work by profession IT specialist Be sure to have a diploma of higher professional education on the relevant specialty or by such a specialty that allows IT specialist (adjacent or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become IT specialist.

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Labor duties

Depending on which area and in which company it is an IT specialist, his everyday responsibilities may differ. However, in any case, everything starts with the idea or receipt of the order (assignment of the chief). Aytichnik get acquainted with those. Single or layout and starts work.

The IT specialist is instructions for working with programs, draws up the necessary technical documentation.

After performing the work, it checks the made, tests the correctness of the functioning of all items, or can transmit this feature to special people to testers. If the testers or users of the product created by the IT specialist reported to him about any faults or inconvenience when working, the IT officer checks and corrects them.

The obligations of the IT specialist may enter the commissioning of office equipment, eliminating faults in the work of some technique.

Type of labor

Mainly physical labor

As show the results of the survey, the profession IT specialist It implies mainly physical labor. IT specialist Must have good physical training, high power stamina and good health.

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Features of career growth

Salary directly depends on the level of professional knowledge. In some companies, the magnitude of the Aytichnikov's remuneration may be more than that of the top managers of the same company.

Many companies regarding their employees are not limited to the standard social package (official employment, paid leave and hospital, adding to the salary for long service). They provide such pleasant little things as a flexible work schedule, paid lunches, a free subscription to a gym or pool. If career growth is possible in a mounction, then with time IT-speciele can reach the head of the department.

Most IT specialists can easily work on themselves, that is, being freelancers.

Possibilities of career growth

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, IT specialists Have minimal career capabilities. It does not depend on the person himself at all, just a profession IT specialist Does not have career growth schemes.

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Characteristic of the employee

As a rule, the work of IT specialists is always limited to the deadlines, so this specialists should have an inventive and responsibility. And for the IT, not limited to the office space and the strict framework of the working day, is also important and self-control. In addition, they need care, a tendency to critical thinking and good memory.

Despite the fact that the work of the Aytichnikov is connected with the computer, they, one way or another, have to interact with people: customers, bosses, subordinate, colleagues, users. This means that consciousness, politeness and ability to work in a team are important qualities for IT specialists.

An analytical mindset will allow a specialist to carry out the most complex operations, develop computer programs, work with computing equipment.

Work on serious projects or work in large state structures (for example, ministries) may require an IT specialist of still coolness and composure, in the event of any failures or errors in the system.

Who comes profession


According to the respondents, the profession IT specialist more suitable for women. It is very difficult to submit IT specialist man, though there are no such factors that would categorically prohibit men work IT specialist.

How users appreciated this criterion:

The IT specialist is one of the most sought-after professions of our time. What you need to know and be able to master such a profession? Where can I get this profession? What "inconveniences" face IT experts? Let's try to figure it out.

In the twenty-first century, the information solves everything, and already, almost, no branch works without the use of information technologies. From here, there is a high demand for both the development and implementation of special programs for working and newly opening enterprises and specialists in this area.

That is why the IT specialist is one of the most sought-after professions of our time. What you need to know and be able to master such a profession? Where can I get this profession? What "inconvenience" face IT specialists? Let's try to figure it out.

Who is an IT specialist?

To the development of information technology, scientists have begun in the middle of the twentieth century, when there was a need to automate the processing, systematization and storage of information, since classical sources (library, periodicals) were no longer cope with this task fully.

By the way, the library case is also not necessary without the use of technical support: the network of electronic libraries is expanding, the ancient manuscripts and archives are entered into electronic files and duplicate in a digital version. This makes rare editions more accessible to wide masses, while access to original sources remains very limited.

The first computers (electronic computing machines), which appeared at the end of the sixties of the last century, were already rushed into the past. This technique recorded information on punched, long paper stripes with a point pattern. But such information was also necessary to somehow store. Since the beginning of the 60s, humanity began to actively use magnetic records, cellular communication, and by the end of the 90s, hard disks appeared that record information in the number of numbers. For information processing, people who know how to create teams (programs) for machines, as well as specialists creating artificial intelligence.

Thus, a whole family of professions appeared, which are combined with one name: a programmer, system analyst, system architect, a system administration specialist, a specialist in information systems, a specialist in protecting information, PC operator, information technology manager, database administrator, WEB-master and t ..

Today, information technologies are widely used for communication, in the field of management, banking, based on their basis and introduced educational programs, geo-spread and resource mining, high technologies are necessary in modern industries, medicine, security. The applications of information technologies in various industries are gradually expanding, and this directly indicates a permanent and increasing need for IT specialists, which means you can safely say that this profession of Future.

What personal qualities should IT specialist possess?

To become a popular IT specialist, it is necessary to have, first of all, a high basic level of preparation for such disciplines as mathematics and English. This requirement is due to the fact that all computer programs are recorded in the language of numbers, and international language is used to create them, English.

Also, the future IT specialist should:

  • have good memory;
  • be able to find a logical relationship;
  • show non-standard approaches to solving various tasks;
  • be aggravated and attentive;
  • have a tendency to self-organization;
  • be able to work in a team;
  • take the initiative.

We emphasize that these requirements are just the "Minimum program".

To realize yourself in one of the profile directions of information technologyIt is often necessary and certain creative abilities: artistic taste, abilities for creativity, the passion for the area of \u200b\u200bactivity for which the program is being developed.

Advantages of the profession IT specialist

It is believed that each work should have at least three advantages that are incentive to do it. Profession IT specialist has such advantages:

  • Each person seeks to keep up with the times, engaged in self-development, an increase in education, an extension of the horizon. But for this, most often, it is required to specifically allocate free time from work. The IT specialist has the opportunity to raise its intellectual level without separation from production, as it is his direct responsibility.
  • Since labor iT specialist activities It is intellectual, then, thanks to the same technologies, it can carry out it, being at a high distance from the immediate place of work (that is, remotely).
  • It is impossible not to note the demand of the profession and a fairly high level of salaries (both in private business and in the state system). According to statistics, this profession is celebrated by an annual wage growth by 10-16%, which is often paid in dollar equivalent.

In addition, still continuing lack of personnel in the field of IT technologies makes it easy to solve issues with employment, while specialists from other professions find free vacancies associated with great difficulties. This trend will be maintained long enough, because the training of technologies in the field of providing technologies is still noticeably lagging behind the increasing demand for their services.

Disadvantages of Profession IT Specialist

It is no secret that even the smartest cars sometimes fail and require human intervention, which is able to establish their work - an IT specialist. Well, since the cars have not yet learned to determine the work now time or day off, they break at any time of the day. This means that such a profession is most often related to the non-normalized working schedule, which, of course, often violates personal plans.

TO disadvantages of the profession IT specialist You can also include constant and high mental loads, which adversely affects the emotional state and normal functions of the nervous system. Therefore, choosing a profession, a person should be able to properly organize the regime of work and rest, despite the non-normalized schedule.

Do not forget about the negative impact of professional activity on health: permanent and very high visual loads require careful attitude to the body of vision, and the "seating" lifestyle often leads to problems with overweight and the musculoskeletal system.

Where can I get a profession an IT specialist?

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - conducts a set of students to receive. Education in the IPO is a convenient and rapid receipt of distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Suggested deadlines for paperwork and training external, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact!


The best higher education institution, the "forge of personnel" in the field of information technology is considered to be the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, which has two branches. The diploma of this school is recognized all over the world, and the profession of IT specialist in it can be obtained from fifteen programs.


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