It is not dangerous to be energetically photographed into the monthly. Why categorically you can not take pictures of sleeping people. Mirrors remember sadness

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Biotherapists claim: photography - reflection of the human energy state. In the wakefulness of biofield, a powerful enough, but sleeping man is weakened. Of course, it is not scary, but people with bad intentions are able to cause harm with the help of such photos - to bring the evil eye or damage.

Compare biotherapists and an energy field of a sleeping person with a field of dead people. They say - this condition is quite realistic to approve in real life, not even wanting it. As a consequence, heavy illness and death.

From a religious point of view

There are two main religious reasons according to which you should not photograph sleeping people. The followers of Islam say: it is impossible to make such pictures, because it contradicts the laws of Sharia. Photographing, a person creates man-made images that can lead to polybias. And there before the disbelief in Allah not far. Therefore, in Asia, for example, it is difficult to find a paparazzi, who wants to get into the list of defects of faith.

Officially, the Orthodox and Catholic Church does not prohibit making photos of sleeping people. This is generally regarded as stupid superstition. But some Christians still assure: photographing a sleeping person can begged the guardian angel, which during sleep protects the body. According to them, this leads to the fact that sleeping remains without protection. The priests, in turn, speak - because of such a trifling, the guardian angel does not leave a person.

From a physiological point of view

Deciding to take a photo of a person who sleeps, it is important to understand that during sleep all the muscles are relaxed. A sharp awakening can lead to cramps and stuttering. In addition, during sleep in the human body, there are many different processes, the most important of which is the production of melatonin. This hormone is responsible for regulation of daily rhythms, slows down aging, protects against stress. The process of production of melatonin passes with the complete absence of light. Even a non-losing flash of the camera may disrupt the process. That is, the body will not recover, the next man will feel tired, irritated and sleepy.

From the point of view of magic

Experienced psychics, magicians, astrologers and healers can, with the help of only one photo, a lot of talk about a person, his spiritual and physical condition. The task is simplified if the photo is depicted in the photo. You can learn a lot about the character, mentality and desires of a particular person. Here are just part of the superstitions that suggest that the sleeping person is categorically forbidden to photograph:

  1. A sudden death is the worst consequence of even one picture made at the time when a person is in the kingdom of Morpheus. Mages speak - during sleep soul is in another dimension, the motive returns it back. But if a person wakes up very quickly, the soul may not have time to return to the body. By the way, it is for this reason that it is not recommended to transfer sleeping to another place - the soul may simply not find the roadway!
  2. It is the opinion that the pictures "without soul" look extremely unpleasant - they are terribly looking to look, and the fear of this is completely unexplained.
  3. Another version reads - a bright outbreak blinds the soul of man. That is, she will forever wander in another world.
  4. It is not necessary to photograph the sleeping person and for the reason that it can take away from him part of the forces. Mages assure - after such a photo shoot, a person simply turns into a zombie, having lost the spiritual component, emotions and consciousness.
  5. It is possible a violation of the energy field. The fact is that in addition to the physical body, the person is usually present in the photo. And if in the pictures made at the time when a person is awake, the energy protection is strong enough, then on those images where a person sleeps, Aura is very weak. And this is on the hand of black magicians.
  6. During sleep, a person is unable to control his emotions, it is absolutely defenseless. Therefore, a snapshot of a sleeping person who fell into the hands of ill-wishers can lead to negative consequences: damage, Schalu. At the same time, the information persists in the photo during the year!
  7. The most common in the elderly superstition says - the sleeping person is very similar to the dead. Even worse, if the photo turned out to be blurred. This may indicate impending diseases, possible vital troubles and even sustainable death.
  8. Of particular importance is the place where the photo of the sleeping person has been made. So, they say esoterics, a snapshot, where a person sleeps in absolute darkness, in the house where there is no repair or reigns a mess, it is capable of worsening the health and mental state of the photographed, gradually pull the vitality from it.
  9. A man whose eyes are closed in the photo, dead for the world. His interest in life is fading, the former hobbies are no longer happy. Literally a couple of pictures - and a person loses the meaning of life, may even be addicted to detrimental habits.
  10. Special superstition is associated with pregnant women. Mages assure - if you take a picture of the lady in an interesting position of sleeping, the child can be born not quite healthy or not at all appear on the light, there will be a miscarriage. However, there are no scientific explanations or confirmations of this sign.
  11. They also say that it is not worth photographing sleeping lovers - this can lead to the deterioration of their relationship, quarrels and parting.

If the photo is already done

What to do, if that you can't take pictures of a sleeping person, you did not know and have already done such frames? Of course, in no case do not show them around others and even more so do not post on the forums and in social networks! First, most of these snapshots can not be called successful, secondly, it puts people in an awkward position. It is important to understand that such photos not only contradict ethical standards, but also harm those who are depicted on them. There are a number of mystical reasons, according to which you do not need to show the photo of sleeping strangers.

  1. Any careless word or comment can damage the fragile aura of both adults and kids. Therefore, snapshots of sleeping people regardless of the age of those who are depicted on them, it is best to store exclusively in a family album.
  2. Talented magicians can spend their rituals even by electronic images. To protect yourself, it is enough just to limit access to virtual life to unauthorized people - close the photo albums, certain pages of your profile or blog. It will not be superfluous and the use of reliable passwords.
  3. In no case cannot be divided into photographs of sleeping unresolved people - there is absolutely absent here.
  4. If the image of a sleeping person looks at a large number of people daily, the bioenergy is rapidly changing in a negative direction, they say esoterics. Each negative comment leaves gap in the human energy field.
  5. There is an opinion that a snapshot of a sleeping person who is in a prominent place can not only harm the person, but also radically change his fate.

Believe it or not such allegations and signs? Everyone must solve himself. Psychologists soothe - a significant part of them does not have any foundation, is only a remnant of the past. But for your own calmness and to calm the sleeping person, it is better not to do similar pictures.

Photo of sleeping children

Often, young mothers attend various sites for photographers in finding bright ideas for cloth photo shoots. Many authors recommend waiting until the child fell asleep - and begin to create. But what do ophthalmologists, psychologists, believers speak about this? Will such photos of the baby harm?

What do the doctor's say?

To an unequivocal answer to the question, it is possible to photograph the sleeping children did not even come ophthalmologists. Opinions were divided: Some say that a bright flash does not affect the process of formation of vision at the child, others opposite - believe that the flash can damage the retina. It is important to remember that in infants vision is not formed: there is no protection against light, pupils are increased, accommodation is not developed. In addition, children are afraid of bright outbreaks, loud sounds, especially strongly manifests itself in a dream. The infant received by the infant is able to leave negative consequences for life!

Violations of the nervous system of the child, the development of various phobias, stuttering is just a part of the consequences that mothers prevent those who want to make a touching photo of a sleeping baby. However, children's doctors say - shooting children can be dangerous only if the shutter click is very loud or turned on the flash. Modern devices can work almost silently, and therefore there are no grounds for experiences.

Mystic and religion

But believers do not agree with such opinions. They believe that the first 40 days after the birth of the crumb cannot not only take pictures of sleeping, but also to show friends and relatives. Do not recommend doing the photo of the baby before his baptism. It is believed that before that time the child does not have a keeper angel, which means it is defenseless, subject to the influence of various evil forces.

Psychics also say - sleeping children should not be photographing. This is explained by the fact that they can be jammed even a lag, just admiring or expressing admiration! The fact is that the energy of kids is several times weaker than the energy of adults. Of course, modern parents in signs do not believe, share the images of their children in the forums, blogs and social networks. But Mages warn: it is better not to abuse with such pictures. Otherwise, you can significantly weaken the health of the baby, harming his psyche.

One of the most terrible adoption of photographs of sleeping children is associated with the destruction of such images. If parents seemed to the photo, the baby is more similar to the dead than on the fallen, they seek to get rid of such a picture. But esoterics say - if they burn or break a photo, you can only aggravate the situation, attract diseases or death. Believe in this will take or not, parents themselves decide. It is important to note that there is no official confirmation of this superstition!

Another sign reads - if the spouses allow you to photograph their sleeping child, there will never be other children in the family.

Positive moments

In the photos of sleeping kids and adults, you can find a lot of advantages:

  • if you try to try well, the photo can get ridiculous and very original;
  • gentle photos of the baby, made in the first months of his life, will be pleased to view when the child is growing;
  • a high-quality snapshot will be a pleasant surprise.

How to resist superstition?

There are two ways to resist with all the signs. The first is just not to believe. The second is to "flip" to accept it so that it worked in all cases, in addition. How to do it? Well, for example, decide that superstition does not work if the photo will not see outsiders.

We all probably have ever heard that the mirror is a mystical subject. It is connected very much with it. Moreover, most of them are clearly warning. Of course, believing or not to believe in the signs - the personal matter of every person. But sometimes there are such things that you begin to think about the fact, and is there really no significant in this?

Mirror - Door to the Outdoor World?

From the depths of the centuries, legends came to us that the mirror was a kind of portal in another, the world and unknown to us. It is with that that is connected by the custom of the wrapping of all mirrors in the house bedspreads, when the deceased is located in the house. After all, through the unlocked mirror in the house during the funeral, some mystical entities can get, which can subsequently harm us. The death of a loved one, divorce, illness - everything is bad, what will happen in our lives, we will take for the blows of fate. A, it is possible that the cause of all this is the unlocked mirrors in the house during the funeral.

Our ancestors believed that our inner "I" was reflected in the mirror, our soul. The mirror is able to "memorize" and store information about certain images and events. These events can be both joyful and sad. The mirror, "remembering" these events, can influence our lives in the future. Therefore, it is not skeptical to all signs associated with mirrors.

"Mirror" signs

What are the signs regarding mirrors exist? First, a broken mirror - one of the most of it is the harbinger of dangers, unkind changes in life. In no case should not spin in a naked form in front of the mirror - you can lose your health. Also never eat and do not drink in front of the mirror - this is to the loss of happiness, they say "you wish" your happiness. And, of course, do not recommend putting the bed opposite the mirror. In this case, you can lose health, and maybe even life. After all, during sleep, our soul, reflected in the mirror, defenseless.

Why can not be photographed in the mirror?

It is impossible to be photographed in the mirror - this is another similar sign. Let's dwell on it in more detail and find out why it is impossible to be photographed in the mirror. First, since it is able to memorize our information, then through our photographed someone can harm us. For example, if someone sees such a photo and wishes the bad, then it is very likely that it will come true. And to harm, it is not even descended to jiggle. It is only good or bad to respond about a person shown in such a photo, and the damage will begin to act.

Secondly, such photos can not be kept at home. It will bring trouble. Such a photo will attract in your home of misfortune.

How to be photographed correctly?

To the question "Why can not be photographed in the mirror" we answered, and now let's remember how to be photographed correctly. The photo very accurately transmits the mood and therefore, if you are not configured to take pictures, it is better to postpone it to a more appropriate moment. In addition, you should take care of your appearance. After all, a photo is a thing that will remain with you for many years and much more pleasant to remember pleasant moments when you were beautiful and happy.

Of course, it may not be too trusting about bad signs. After all, if you think constantly about the bad, it will not slow down with you. And to the question: "Why can't be photographed in the mirror" do not need to be treated so seriously. But sometimes it is still worth listening to the wisdom of ancestors and observe all the customs.

Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people?

"Oh, like a pretty he looks in a dream! You need to sfotkat! "
Only got a fotik, as the husband immediately snatched him out of the hands: "You don't know what you can not take pictures of sleeping?!"
As often, there are such moments that seeing how cute man looks like during sleep, the hand itself stretches behind the camera, but because of all superstitions you have to gain yourself.

Where did the belief come from?

A long time ago, when several hundred years before the invention, several hundred years remained, the only opportunity to capture a person was to draw it. The services of artists could afford only wealthy people, and for a poorer population to order the picture was sometimes a ceiling wear. Therefore, they used the services of artists extremely rarely. For the most part, this happened when a close man was dying, and to capture, as he looked at his life, called the artist.
The deceased dressed in the front clothes, sitting at the table with relatives, if it was a child, then in his hands put his favorite toy. For greater realism, eyelids opened or the artist Dorisovoyed his eyes.
With the advent of the camera, the posthumous photo has become more affordable, but the association has already been firmly installed: a person with closed eyes is a posthumous photo. And in order not to stick a mischief on the sleeping, the belief appeared not to photograph the sleeping people.

More reasons for which you can not take pictures of sleeping

In addition to superstition, there are several more reasons for not photographing sleeping:

  1. It is believed that during sleep soul leaves the body, and its energy field is weakened. A person becomes vulnerable to unclean and magic. It is believed to be dangerous to shout or scare a person during sleep, it is necessary that he will wake up gradually and the soul managed to return. Otherwise, the result may turn out to be sad: a person can remain a skill, get a heart attack or stroke.
    As for the photos, the magicians claim that the picture together with a person is captured by his energy field, and since it is weakened in a dream, it will be easier to damage or curse on a person in such a photo.
  2. A photograph of a sleeping person sometimes looks unhygienically, as in a dream a person does not control himself. Would you like to have your photo on which you let droach in a dream or with an open mouth and a freshly swivel language? Most probably not.
  3. It is forbidden to photograph the sleeping due to the fact that at this moment the guardian angel may leave the sleeping forever. (Religious belief)

Is it possible to take pictures of sleeping children?

If you do not believe in the beliefs and want to take a picture of your baby sleeping, as practice shows anything terrible in this case will not happen. Although such pictures, parents still prefer not to put out for everyone.
The only reason why it is better not to do - this is what the baby can be very frightened, and in the future because of every sharp sound will shout, nervous and scream.
Imagine your baby sleeps sweetly, and then you suddenly decided to perpetuate this wonderful moment and make a photo for memory, after which a dazzling flash and loud sound of the camera's shutter. This will endure only a person with strong nerves.

What are the advantages of the sleeping person?

Here are some pluses from photographing a sleeping person:

  1. The photo can get very funny, cute or unusual.
  2. This photo will not work when a person is awake.
  3. Such a photo can be used as a gift or surprise.

Is it possible to somehow resist superstition?

You can resist superstitions in two ways: just not to believe in them or "flip" in any way that it turns out that it works like, superstition works, but it is in this particular case that it will not work, for example, if anyone is not shown a photo.
To make a confidence that superstition does not work, you can see, for example, American films with scenes, where heroes photograph each other with sleeping and nothing happens to anyim.
In any case, the question is to believe that sleeping people can not take pictures or not to believe, we decide only you yourself.

Many people prefer to acquire high-quality photographic equipment used to photograph different attractions, relatives and even outsiders. Often such actions cause a negative reaction from other citizens. Therefore, it follows to each photographer to figure it out if it is possible to photograph without his consent. It is also taken into account, which places are not allowed to photograph, where it is allowed to use photos and what are the consequences of violation of legislation.

Fundamental rules

In the legislation of the Russian Federation there are Art. 152.1 GK, which refers to the protection of photographs of a citizen. It indicates all the rules related to the creation of a photo. The law prohibiting photographing people without their consent, indicates that it is certainly necessary to enlist the model to create a photo. Although some points in this legislative act are considered not too unambiguous.

The law on shooting people without their consent indicates that it is not allowed to publish these photos or use them for any purpose without the permission of people captured in the image. If the model is dying, then consent must be obtained from his heirs represented by parents, spouses or children. In this case, is it possible to take pictures of a person without its consent? It is allowed to take a photo, but it is impossible to use it for distribution or other purposes.

When is the law violates?

The law prohibiting people to photograph without their consent will be disturbed in situations:

  • The photographer will publish images, so unauthorized persons get access to them in unlimited quantities. By decision of the Supreme Court No. 25, the publication is presented by actions that suggest providing access to the photo by publishing it in different public sources, for example, in the media or the Internet.
  • Use the photo for other purposes. For example, they can play or sold, appear in public events or processed. Even imports of originals or their reproduction are all actions that require consent from people in the image.

All of the above situations require permission from the model. Many citizens are confident that people cannot be photographed without their consent. Article 152.1 of the Civil Code indicates only that it is not allowed only to use these images.

What situations can I use images without consent?

The shooting of a person without his consent is permitted activities in most cases. In this case, there are even some cases when you can use the resulting images. These exceptions are presented in three species.

All these situations are prescribed in Art. 152.1 GK.

Photos are applied in the interests of the state or society

When answering a question, it is possible to photograph without his consent, you can confidently answer positively. In this case, use these images is neat. If a public person, represented by the president, a well-known politician or a singer, was recorded in the photo, which can be distributed such photos that the photographer will be attracted to any responsibility. For this, no need to obtain the consent of the public person.

This is due to the fact that such citizens are meaningful figures for society and history as a whole, so they must tolerate the interest to their person from other citizens. Therefore, their photos can be published in different sources.

Additionally, photographing people without consent is allowed if this is done in public interest, for example:

  • the need for citizens to detect or disclose the threat created by democracy;
  • preventing the danger arising for the public or the environment;
  • disclosure of different crimes.

It is necessary to delimit the images that can be useful for society, with those that do not carry any important information to the state and citizens.

Why can not take pictures of people without their consent? This is due to the fact that the privacy of people is disturbed. Even in relation to public individuals is allowed to make their images in the process of their work, but the personal life should remain inviolable. Persons who are not engaged in public activities should not be specifically imprinted in the photo for later use of the image to get the benefit or distribution for other purposes.

Photos are obtained as a result of shooting public places

It is usually made images of various events and attractions, which leads to the fact that other people are inappropriate on these photos. In this case, their rights are not violated. Without caution, you can take pictures of the place:

  • open to visit;
  • different public events submitted by concerts or competitions, congresses or exhibitions.

You can use such images for any purpose, and even for distribution. But it is not allowed so that the face is fully posted on the entire photo. The exception is the situation when the photograph is deliberately, as well as purposefully captured a specific person, which is easy enough to understand the photo.

If mass pictures are made, it is advisable to obtain an agreement at least one person. If he permits to use this image for any purpose, then others do not require permission. The exception will be the situation when there are data on the personal life of citizens.

Man specially poses for a certain remuneration

In such a situation, a person acts as a model, so independently agrees to create an image and receiving fees for it. To prevent disagreements in the future, it is recommended to take a receipt from it, where information is specified:

  • F. I. O. Models;
  • the amount that was paid to a person for posing;
  • date when the photo was made and funds paid;
  • a photo session;
  • F. I. O. and other information about the photographer;
  • signature model.

It is with the help of such a receipt that the photographer can protect himself in the future from different claims or at all of the trial.

If the photos themselves are the payment for the model, then these relationships are also not gratuitous, so again the receipt is made that the model received a fee presented in kind.

If the model is represented by a minor citizen, then the receipt is made up by its official guardians.

Man posted his photos on the Internet

In such a situation, he independently makes his images publicly available. Even in this case, unauthorized persons do not have the right to use these photos for their own purposes, without having received the consent of the owner.

The exception will be the situation if the photo is laid out on sites, in the rules of which it is indicated that all the filed files can be used by the administration or other users for any purpose.

What form gives permission?

Shooting a person without his consent is prohibited in order to distribute images, if it does not fall under exceptions. At the same time, the photographer is often required to make a photo of a certain citizen. In this case, it will have to take consent to this process. It can be presented in oral or writing.

Consent is represented by a certain transaction, and it is perfect if both participants behave in such a way that the expression of their will is perfectly visible. An example may be a situation where any person gives an interview to the camera. In this case, in orally, it agrees to participate in the shooting, so it will not be able to create obstacles in the future to use this video.

It is forbidden to photograph people without their consent for further distribution of the photo, so many people use such a situation. They can orally allow you to make our photos, but then make a lawsuit in court to recover a penalty from the photographer or achieve other goals. Therefore, it is desirable to form such a consent in writing, since such a document will act as a means of protecting the photographer.

When drawing up such a document, it is allowed to include different conditions in it, for example, it is indicated how images will be used as they will be made public, and also often the time period is set during which the photo can be used.

Shooting in public institutions

Is it possible to take pictures without his consent if the photo are made in various restaurants, hotels or other similar institutions? If the main goal is the fixation of the situation or different objects, and people only accidentally fall into the frame, it is legitimate activities from the photographer.

Owners of different public institutions can establish different rules that must follow all visitors, but they do not have the right to prohibit shooting, as such prohibitions contradict the legislation.

Creating a photo on the street

You can take pictures of a person without his consent, if he accidentally falls into the frame on the street during the shooting process. At the same time, the citizen himself should not be a central figure in the image, since otherwise he can prove that he was the main purpose of the photographer.

If a person stands on the image with back or sideways, and they are also not performed by any actions that are personal, he will not be able to make a complaint with a photographer.

Shot of strategic importance

These buildings include military facilities, the location of which should be secret for citizens of other countries. Their destruction or capture may affect the course of different hostilities, so it is forbidden to distribute the pictures on which these structures are captured. They can be found:

  • airfields or airborne bases;
  • naval databases;
  • warehouses intended for storing nuclear weapons;
  • seaports;
  • political objects with significant size and significant significance;
  • large industrial centers;
  • nodes of the power supply system.

People should not be photographed against the background of these objects, since this process is prohibited by law enforcement agencies.

Where can not be removed?

It is not allowed to take pictures of people in different institutions to which refers:

  • State Duma, with each person who visits this organization should not bring with him any technique with which photos or videos can be taken;
  • courts or correctional institutions;
  • objects belonging to the customs service;
  • on the territory or in buildings belonging to the State Builder, Ministry of Health or Rostransnadsor;
  • next to the country's border, since the selection requires the authorization of the head of the FSB border office.

For violation of these rules, the owner of technology can be attracted not only to administrative, but even to criminal liability, since the spread of the pictures made by him can cause significant damage to the state or society.

Punishment for violations

Is it legally photographing a person without his consent? This process is unlawful from the photographer if the shooting is not in a public place and in the future it is planned to distribute pictures. The targeted creation of a photo of a particular person, which will further be used on the Internet or media, is a violation of the law, therefore, various measures of responsibility can be used to such a photographer.

If it does not use the resulting pictures for any purpose, it will be impossible to present any claim to it. If they are used to distribute, sell or other purposes, then the person captured in the picture may apply to the court. In the statement of claim, he points out that his life or health was deliberately inflicted, as well as personal property.

A photographer for such violations can be attracted not only to administrative, but even to criminal liability, as it violates the inviolability of the private life of another citizen.

To attract responsibility, various legislation are used:

  • Art. 137 CC. It describes the possibilities for violating the inviolability of a person's privacy. Therefore, if the illegal way is collected or used for any purpose about human privacy without its consent, this leads to an imposition of a fine in the amount of from 200 to 500 minimum wages. Such a punishment may be replaced by a citizen income received within two or five months. Communicably appointed and mandatory work for a period of 120 to 180 hours. Additionally, correctional work can be applied for up to 1 year. In the presence of evidence of a significant violation of human rights, arrest for up to 4 months can be appointed. At the same time, at the trial, the plaintiff will have to prove that the photographer really revealed his personal or family secret, distributed images without his consent, demonstrated them publicly or only a limited range of interested parties, as well as enjoy them for mercenary purposes to obtain a certain benefit.
  • Art. 151 GK. It indicates the possibility of recovering from the photographer compensation for moral damage, if the distribution of photos and shooting without human consent is proved. The Russian law takes into account that it is important to prove not only the presence of a photo, but also their use for mercenary purposes. The spread of images can cause moral harm to citizens, so they are exposed to moral suffering. In this case, such damage is compensated for. When calculating this compensation, the degree of damage caused, the impairment wine and other important circumstances are taken into account. The degree of human sufferings is considered, for which his individual features are being studied.
  • Art. 11.17 Administrative Code. She describes a violation of the rules of behavior of people on different types of transport. If people take pictures on board air or water transport, as well as in the railway train, then this is a punishable action for which a fine of 100 rubles is appointed. Additionally, officials confiscated pictures taken.

Thus, having understood whether a person can take pictures without his consent or not, each photographer will be responsible to approach the creation of different pictures. The need for obtaining consent is taken into account if the citizen becomes the central figure in the picture. It is allowed to make images, but it is forbidden to use them for any purposes. If the photo is stored in the family archive, then their owner will not be able to attract any responsibility. If they apply to the media or the Internet, then this may be the basis of attracting a citizen even to criminal responsibility.


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