Selling a pen at a job interview example. How to sell your phone in an interview to get hired? I won't sell a pen at a job interview

Selling a pen in an interview is a fun situation that can affect a candidate's possible career in the company. This is a useful procedure for the applicant and employer, which can determine the potential of a person. But not everyone knows how to sell this pen correctly. We are ready to offer seven ways, original and effective.

Such testing is not a way to exhaust the applicant. The employer does not just want the newcomer to try to sell him a stationery. He wants to see some very important qualities for a salesperson:

  • resourcefulness;
  • correct work with clients;
  • psychology skills;
  • creativity in finding a way out;
  • the presence or absence of sales skills;
  • clear and understandable train of thought and way of expressing them;
  • method of collecting and processing incoming information;
  • self-control in an unforeseen situation.

This is why employers and personnel officers often use this exercise. Even if the applicant did not cope, during the testing process you can see whether he has potential, or whether it is easier not to waste time on training.

Classic stages of selling - a little theory

When going to an interview for the position of a sales manager, consultant or anyone else associated with trade, it is worthwhile to assume such testing in advance. It is necessary to psychologically tune in in a certain way - to calm down, collect thoughts in a heap and imagine what can be useful to the manager or personnel officer.

To sell something, even if not too necessary for a person, you need to roughly imagine how it is done. And the sale of a pen is no exception. Any attempt of this kind is based on psychology. So what are the steps a job seeker must go through in the classic sale of a pen to an employer?

Preparation for sale

Before you sell something, you need to carefully study the product. It is worth asking the employer for one or two minutes to prepare. It's okay, don't be afraid. It is unlikely that he will refuse - as a leader, he must imagine that it is impossible to sell something without knowing the product.

What to look for when preparing? There are several important grip parameters:

  • perceived value for the client (image, practical, visual, etc.);
  • external parameters (expensive or cheap in appearance);
  • company manufacturer;
  • features (ink, two-refill, metal, heavy, etc.);
  • opportunities (writes upside down, underwater, in space, on uneven surfaces, etc.).

In addition, during the preparation you need to come up with the name of your company. Remember: you are playing the role of a real salesperson. And what kind of seller works without a company or at least a big name? It is also worth examining the interviewer's office, its external features and roughly estimate what he might want. Then these estimates will need to be clarified with him.

Greeting and making contact

An important part of selling is establishing contact with the customer. It is important that he pays attention to the seller and is ready to give him time. To achieve this effect, it is important not only to say hello and introduce yourself, but also to provoke the person into a reciprocal dialogue. Example:

- Hello, my name is Anton and I represent Ruchki Limited. How should I address you?

At the same time, you must behave politely, look friendly and smile. It will be ideal if you can establish visual contact with the client. The response of an ordinary person will not be long in coming - he will say hello on the machine and introduce himself. And this is a success.

Identifying needs or "pains"

After you have been able to establish contact with the person, you need to find out what their needs are. But this must be done carefully. It is best to ask questions that are likely to have a positive answer and relate directly to the person. Or they will stimulate further dialogue and provide more information.

Let's say our Anton from Ruchka Limited is interviewed at a private university with paid classes, and his responsibility will be to attract potential students. And his dean or rector will interview him. What requirements does such a person have for a pen? And what is important to him? This is to be clarified by questions. A few examples:

  • - I see you are the dean / rector of this university. You probably have a lot of paperwork, you constantly need to sign something?
  • - You occupy such a high position at work. What accessories do you think could emphasize your image and solidity?
  • - You probably have a lot to do. Tell me, do you write down important appointments or things in your notebook?
  • - Tell me, how often students and teachers come up to you to sign something, but you don’t have a pen in your pocket?

And stuff like that. Questions can be anything related to the topic - the main thing is to find out more information about what a person would like to get from buying a pen. That is, needs or even "pains."


Once you've figured out the information you need, it's time to present the pen. In the process, you need to present its qualities, positive aspects and direct benefits for the buyer.

Important! No need to stress the characteristics of the pen itself. It is necessary to show its benefits for the client.

That is, there is no need to say: "The pen writes on uneven surfaces." Better to say: "You can fill out documents anywhere, and do not have to look for a flat surface."

In this case, you need to rely on the information received from the client. Let's return to Anton, who is interviewed by the rector. The latter, for example, answered him that yes, he has a lot of paperwork, and they often come up to him with the signature of pieces of paper (they almost slip under the toilet cubicle door). How to present a pen to such a client? Example:

- I am ready to offer you a pen that you can always carry with you. It is not too big and will fit in any pocket. It doesn't leak, so you won't stain your clothes. And it also has a large supply of ink - with active use, it lasts for six months. In addition, you can write to it anywhere and in any way - even on the ceiling or on a very uneven surface.

Thus, you cover the key needs of the client:

  1. Lots of paperwork - long lasting ink.
  2. Petite - it will be convenient to carry and sign documents outside the office.
  3. Does not leak - when carried in a pocket, it will not spoil clothes (we will immediately close one objection).
  4. Writes anywhere - you can lean on a wall, knee, fabric, and so on to write something.

During the presentation, you can casually mention some qualities that do not relate to the information provided by the client. For example, what she writes even in space. This characteristic will not be useful to the client, but hints at the quality of the pen.

In general, it is important not only to listen, but also to hear the client and imagine how your product can help him.

Objection processing

As a rule, a person may have objections after presenting a pen. This is a situation where a person is not sure what he wants to buy and is trying to approach business rationally. Examples of objections:

  1. I already have a pen, why do I need another one?
  2. I'm not sure about the quality of your pen. Why should I trust you?
  3. The pen is good, but too expensive. I'm not ready to buy it.
  4. I don't need a pen, I have a secretary to sign documents.
  1. The pen may run out of ink / it tends to get lost - so I suggest buying you a spare; You can leave one in the office and carry the other with you. By the way, ours is not leaking yet, so you won't get your suit dirty.
  2. I assure you, I am ready to vouch for the quality of my pen. I give a guarantee. If it doesn't suit you, within two weeks you can easily exchange it for a new one or get your money back.
  3. I am ready to give you a 20% discount. But only for you and in secret.
  4. What if the secretary suddenly gets sick or leaves? Would a business partner want to sign documents immediately without wasting time looking for a secretary? In addition, sometimes it is very convenient to write down important information when talking on the phone.

It is important to close the client's objection. If this is done, he will have much less doubts about the purchase.

Sometimes it happens that the client persuades not so much the seller as himself - after all, with so many objections, buying a pen is irrational! Consequently, he will already be inclined to purchase a product - it is only important to push him to this.

How to sell a pen - classic ways

There are a number of consistently applied methods of selling pens. They are based on sales theory and conventional psychology.

Selling a solution to a problem

Actually, the method described in the theoretical part. The goal is to find out what kind of problem or potential problem the person has. For example, he often signs documents, and not only in the office, but also outside it. What problems can there be? The pen is over, lost, does not write, and so on.

And present our pen as a solution to the problem. Moreover, describe in as much detail as possible how it will cover the client's pain. “Do you often sign documents? Here's a pen that runs out of ink very slowly and doesn't get lost. "

Selling benefits

Sometimes it happens that a person does not have a problem. Let's say he's a successful businessman, he makes and sells mid-range pens. Therefore, he has plenty of them. In this case, he has no problem with the pens.

In such a situation, you can try to sell him benefits. That is, something that he gets if he buys a pen. For example, you can offer to buy him a conditional "Parker". He will add solidity and make his personality more significant in the eyes of business partners.

Method of three yes

Lies in banal psychology. A person cannot quickly switch, and if you bombard him with questions, the answer to which will definitely be "yes", then with each subsequent time the client will answer by inertia. It is only important that the person is guaranteed to say "yes" to the first two questions. Example:

- Do you run a large company?

- Yes

- Do you often sign documents?

- Yes.

- Do you need this pen?

- Yes.

- Fine, then 50 rubles - and it's yours.

There can be any number of questions before the main one. But no more than three or four is better, because otherwise a person may get bored with a monologue. And then it will be difficult to return contact.

It's not exactly an honest way to sell a pen in a job interview. But the task is completed, and the employer may well appreciate the resourcefulness of the applicant.

Weird and funny ways to sell pens

If the standard methods seem too boring and tried-and-true to you, or nothing worked, then you can use the unusual methods of selling a pen. Be warned - not every employer will appreciate this kind of humor. On the other hand, the goal is fulfilled, isn't it?

Purchase provocation

You can provoke the employer in any way. For example, ask him if he can sell a pen at an interview? Or ask for a master class, assuring that he is so experienced and professional and, of course, will be able to complete the task brilliantly.

If the interlocutor leads to a provocation, he will need a pen. And he already gave it to you. So it will be enough to offer to buy it from you in order to prove your abilities or conduct a master class.

Pick up and leave

Anecdotal, but quite effective way not for the faint of heart. Great if the pen is expensive or memorable - for example, engraved. That is, valuable and, possibly, important for the employer.

The bottom line is that at the first refusal from a purchase, you need to put it in your pocket, turn around and leave. With a high degree of probability, you will hear: "You forgot to give your pen!" In this case, it is enough to turn around and try to sell it again: “Do you want to take your pen? Buy it from me! "

Offer to sign

A similar technique was used in the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street". Only there they asked for an autograph. But you don't have to be so commonplace? For example, you might offer to sign a note stating that the person was in the interview.

The main thing is to get a person to grab a handle that he does not have. And then say, “Oh, don't you have a pen to sign? I'm ready to offer you mine. Only 50 rubles - and it's yours! "

Catch on questions

Psychological way to react. Immediately after the employer gave the assignment, you need to ask him the essence of the assignment, making a small emphasis on the word "want":

- Do you want me to sell you this pen?

- Yes.

- Fine, I'm ready to sell it to you. From you 50 rubles.

The employer simply does not have time to switch to the role of the buyer in a few seconds. He will answer automatically, thinking that he confirms the essence of the task. You will have time to become a “seller”, and with your answer “the buyer” will confirm your intention to sell the pen. A way for the resourceful and risky - the employer can laugh with you, or can force you to pass the interview normally. If we get lucky.

Not everything is about strategy and working ways to sell a pen. Much depends on the candidate himself. Therefore, it is worth following a few rules on how to behave in such an interview:

  1. Don't be afraid of the employer. Imagine that he is really a customer.
  2. Make eye contact. Don't rip it off first.
  3. Smile. People love friendly managers, it inspires confidence.
  4. Be prepared to change tactics at any time.
  5. Feel free to use something non-standard if it suits the situation.
  6. Feel free to ask and ask leading questions. You need information.
  7. Think about how you yourself would object in such a situation. And find something that could convince you of the need to purchase.

Don't worry if it didn't work the first time. Your job is not to sell the pen. You need to sell yourself. And if you manage to be confident and follow the theory of sales, the employer will assess your ability and, possibly, take you to work.

If you are asked at an interview to sell a pen and you are unsure of what to do, it’s not a problem. There have been cases when experienced managers who have worked in VIP car dealerships, just like you, got lost in the task of selling such a small and insignificant office supply. Below is some information to help you gain courage and tell you how to sell a pen in an interview. After all, it is concentration and confident behavior that the employer expects from you when he asks for this unexpected favor.

Sales is a complex technique that must combine a complex of technical and psychological methods. If you are applying for the position of a manager or other employee whose responsibilities include selling, you must certainly combine the appropriate personal qualities and special skills. When selling a pen at an interview, the employer looks at how creative and capable you are of your direct responsibilities.

When an employer tells you, “sell me a pen,” it’s a specific test that helps explain the 4 skills a job seeker needs for a vacant position: the ability to collect and analyze information, communicate a proposal to a client, and make requests.

Pen as a way to pass an interview

Criteria for evaluating a job applicant

  • Knowledge of techniques of persuasion. Each sale is divided into logical stages, during which a good candidate for the position will smoothly and confidently go through the entire chain of this cycle.
  • The accuracy of the study of the goods and the tactics of preparing for the sale. At this stage, the product must be studied to the smallest detail.
  • Demeanor. The job seeker is obliged to express his thoughts clearly and to be confident during the fictitious sale. The ability to use body language is also considered.
  • Ability to collect the necessary information from the client. To do this, the employer looks at how the applicant asks open-ended questions (how, who, what, where and when).
  • Possession of the method of creating trusting relationships with clients.
  • Competent product presentation. When evaluating this item, it is important to describe the properties of the item necessary for the customer to make a purchase and the benefits that your customer can receive. The ability to respond to objections, as well as a clear definition by the applicant of the needs of the prospective buyer. The objection assessment should be conducted by the applicant as an additional opportunity to learn more about the client's needs.
  • Ability to bring the sale to the stage of its completion, as well as offering additional conditions.
  • In some cases, the originality and creativity of the applicant's actions is assessed. Especially if the vacancy of a sales manager is open in a large company or in an organization that sells non-standard goods.

Let's figure out what needs to be done and how to act correctly if suddenly you were given an assignment to sell nothing more than a pen.

  • Before starting the sale, pay attention to some details, for example, how the product looks, its high cost, possible brand, etc. Don't be afraid to speak your thoughts out loud. For example: “in front of me is a ballpoint pen, quite heavy in weight, which opens and closes when you press a button, on one side is written the name of the Parker company”. This approach will allow the employer to evaluate you as a person who can think correctly.
  • If you are overcome with excitement, ask for 2-3 minutes to reflect. It will help you calm down and make the right sales arguments.
  • In 90% of cases, the situation with the sale of office supplies will be a win-win if you adhere to the classic sales scheme (you can read more about this below). The employer will always appreciate technical knowledge.
  • Be sure to study the needs of the client and ask him the appropriate questions, on the basis of which you can build a personally beneficial offer.
  • When selling, try not to give false information. If the price of a pen is only 5 rubles, you should not impose information about its brand. And if you have a chance to sell a more expensive copy, you should not underestimate its price.
  • When talking to a client, don't forget about non-verbal communication. Make eye contact, smile if the situation calls for it.
  • Let your opponent hold the product and try it out.

How to impress in a job interview

Stages of pen sale

You can sell a pen in an interview in one of two ways: using traditional sales methods or using more creative techniques. The sales style chosen depends on the personality of the employee who is assigned to take on the managerial position. If you see a conservative and strict person in front of you, it is better to demonstrate to him knowledge of classical techniques and possession of them. For this case, a step-by-step algorithm for selling such a small and insignificant, but important in testing the ability to evaluate a candidate for a position by his selling qualities, is described below in detail and with examples.

First acquaintance

Before proceeding with the sale, introduce yourself to the employer and ask his name. It doesn't matter that at the beginning of the interview you already met. In the future, it is recommended to address the interlocutor exactly as he called himself (if by name and patronymic - call him by name and patronymic, if only by name - it is recommended to call by full name).

Example: Hello. My name is Andrey. I am a representative of the Ruchka Production company. How can I contact you?

Find out the needs of the other person. Determine the client's preferences by using a chain of questions to continue the dialogue or those that can be answered in the affirmative.

Dialog example:

Anton Alexandrovich, I want to make you a tempting offer, but first I need to ask you something:

  • If we look at your business appearance, can we conclude that you work a lot with documentation?
  • In your opinion, what related items of a business person can affect his prestige?
  • In what way do you prefer to take notes for yourself the highlights and contact information in important conversations?
  • Do you use your notebook regularly?
  • How many people come to you every day?

Present the product

By asking questions at the previous stage, you need to draw the appropriate conclusions and present the product in accordance with the received answers of the prospective client. Do not focus on the pen itself, but on the possibilities and conveniences that it will give your opponent upon purchase.

Thank you, Anton Alexandrovich. Especially for you I would like to offer:

  • Convenient pen to help you record the information you need.
  • A fallback that will help out if your main pen suddenly runs out of ink.
  • A branded copy that will emphasize your high status in business negotiations with partners
  • Another standard pen, the kind that other employees always accidentally carry with them, etc.

Work on the prospect's objection. Of course, the opponent won't just give up and will interfere. At this point, it is necessary to competently refute all his doubts and direct the lack of desire to conclude a deal in a positive direction.

How to convince a recruiter

A typical example: I already use a pen and it meets all my requirements and expectations.

The statement above can be answered as follows:

This is natural, because you would not keep a pen that would not suit you. However, if your valuable copy stops writing at the most crucial moment, it will be at least as inconvenient, let alone the impossibility of recording information that will be useful for you to further solve important matters. Therefore, I recommend buying from me another, inexpensive pen. She will help you out at such an unpleasant moment. I also always have more than one pen with me and it helps me a lot.

Provide auxiliary arguments that motivate your opponent to sell. These may be additional favorable conditions for the purchase.


  • If you buy a pen during this day, I can give you a 25% discount.
  • Each of my buyers becomes a contender for car ownership.
  • When you buy this pen, you will receive a discount card that will help you in the future to purchase the goods you need in our company at a bargain price.
  • I only have 2 pens left at the lowest price. The rest I will have to sell at a higher price.

Cross-sell at close

When the customer is ripe, complete the sale and be sure to offer them a related product.


  • Every pen buyer today has a unique opportunity to get a stapler and a set of paper clips with a 15% discount;
  • You buy one pen, or take another 2 remaining, you can give the extra one to a colleague for a holiday that is very close.


Say goodbye to the buyer competently

Express formal gratitude to him for the purchase and try to keep in touch with him for future sales:

Anton Alexandrovich, thanks for your purchase. When I have new and interesting proposals for you, I will, of course, contact you. Goodbye.

With a more creative employer (this can be determined by smiling and joking), it is better to resort to unexpected and creative sales methods.

  1. Ask your employer if they need a pen. And if the answer is negative, take it, say goodbye and you can leave. When you are stopped and asked to return a valuable item. Offer to sell it for a certain amount of money.
  2. Tell the employee that you are a devoted fan and ask for an autograph. The method works if there are no more pens on the employer's desk. Only in this case, you can offer to make a purchase so that your opponent can sign.
  3. If you feel that the sale is not going well, ask the other person if he himself was able to sell the pen. Of course, you will be answered positively to this question, and then you can offer a good deal: buy your pen at a wholesale price and resell it to another person at a more solid one.

If the purchase is categorically refused: what to do

There are times when your prospective client is not involved in any argument and is firmly convinced that he doesn't need a pen. How to answer in this situation? Don't get lost. Offer another eraser or pencil. Most importantly, continue to be confident as well. Follow the above scheme and you will definitely succeed. Indeed, sales value perseverance and confidence.

Selling a pen successfully in a job interview isn't all about getting tested. Such an insignificant victory primarily speaks of you as a good specialist. If you managed to cope with the task at hand, then the high salary will not keep you waiting long.

It is difficult to confuse a good salesperson - he solves an elementary problem like “sell a pen to an employer” in a matter of seconds. Here are some great options for such a showcase; take on any arsenal.

How to convince an employer to buy a pen?

Before choosing any specific tactics of behavior, try to understand the motives of the potential employer. What answer is he waiting for? What kind of goal does he set for himself - to get an idea of \u200b\u200byour personal qualities or to evaluate you in terms of elementary professional literacy?

An offer to sell a pen is a universal technique. Using it, a manager or recruiter can check the applicant for:

  • stress tolerance;
  • the ability to build a dialogue;
  • knowledge of the classic stages of sales;
  • ability to convince;
  • readiness to think in an original way, to individually approach the execution of the assigned work.

To avoid mistakes, avoid the temptation to rush to answer. Ask for five minutes to think it over and prepare several algorithms of action during this time - if one does not work, you will smoothly move on to another.

Be careful. Examine the handle carefully. She certainly has certain objective advantages that are easy to play.

Ways to solve the problem

Let's start with the simplest option. It is appropriate if you just need to demonstrate understanding of the matter. It should be kept in mind as a guide.

Standard pen sale

Abstract yourself from the fact that you have already met the interlocutor. Make eye contact with him, say hello with a smile. Identify yourself and ask how best to contact him.

When starting a conversation, it makes sense to make a hidden compliment to the “client”: “You, I see, are a business person ... Let me ask you a couple of questions? Do not be afraid, I will distract you for a while. "

Ask questions that will allow you to identify the needs of a contingent buyer, for example: "How do you write plans?", "Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you could not write down some important information and forgot it?", "Which pen are you do you use it most often, does it have any drawbacks? "

When offering a pen, offer to hold it. Promise a discount: "For those who purchase our products for the first time, we provide a 10% discount."

Speak confidently, but without undue pressure: a salesperson who resembles an obsessive market fortuneteller is a poor salesperson. In no case should you lie: a simple pen that costs twenty rubles cannot have any unique characteristics.

If the product is taken, be sure to try to sell something else. If you flatly refuse, try to exchange contact information with the "client": they say, even if you are not interested in buying now, but suddenly you will think about it later.

Product plus gift

Offer some bonus in addition to the product (not imaginary, but quite realistic). Information can be an additional commodity.

Immediately come up with a promotion that suits the needs of the buyer.

For example, if he mentions that he sometimes has problems planning, invite him to a planning workshop that your firm is doing this coming weekend. No time on the weekend? Well, we are ready to send you material by e-mail ... Knowing your e-mail, we can also inform you about really interesting new promotions.

Looking at the buyer as a seller

Ask if the interlocutor knows how to sell and if he wants to earn income. Most likely, the answer will be yes. Encourage him to purchase a pen at an attractive price for later resale.

Let this pen be regarded as a sample of the product you can get in bulk.

What is your personal interest? You want to support the pen manufacturer as you intend to enter into a long-term partnership with them.

Successful businessman autograph

Say that you have been interested in organizations for a long time. represented by the “client” and add: “I'm glad I was able to speak with the head of the company - with you. Will you give me an autograph as a keepsake? "

The entrepreneur will most likely reach for the handle - oh, you have it! It's time to offer it for sale at a symbolic price.

Your speech will be much more convincing if, before its climax, you are able to show a deep understanding of the business model of the company, knowledge of its history.

You do not want? Well, as you wish!

And this is not an option for the faint of heart. It will almost certainly work, but it is not a fact that the interview will be considered successful as a result. You can only do such things with businessmen who are equally endowed with a bulldog business acumen and a remarkable sense of humor.

If the "client" inadvertently "gives you an expensive or rare pen, try to sell it according to the standard method, but do not try to break the obvious resistance at all costs. Stand up and put a luxurious pen in your pocket: "Eh, it looks like I can't complete the task ... Well then I'll go."

You will surely be stopped. On the way, your proposal will sound very, very impressive.

This is one of the most popular interview tests for those applying for a job in the sales industry. When simulating the process of communication between a sales manager and a potential client, the interviewer assesses the skills of making deals, the degree of sociability, perseverance, resourcefulness, readiness to think in an original way and the actual professional suitability of the candidate. In a stressful conversation, the offer to sell a pen to the interviewee sometimes discourages applicants, sometimes even experienced ones, and the dialogue often ends there.

What is the purpose of the test

The essence of this business game is that the applicant must create a need to buy this item at the moment. Such business qualities of the applicant are revealed, such as:

  • the ability to see the benefits of the product;
  • the ability to convince of the need for a specific thing;
  • business acumen;
  • intelligence;
  • sense of tact;
  • activity.

The test "How to implement a handle in an interview" can be offered not only to a salesperson or sales manager, but also to a marketer. This is not surprising, since the correct sales strategy is based on knowledge of marketing mechanisms and identifying consumer needs.

Successful completion of the assignment also depends on how accurately the applicant for the vacancy recognized the personality type of the interviewer and chose the right tone. A strict manager will definitely appreciate a serious business approach, while an informal specialist is likely to like a candidate's sense of humor, lively figurative speech and ingenuity.

Preparation for the conversation is mandatory.

Important: there is no need to rush during the conversation. It is required to maintain eye contact with the interviewer, monitor the pace and volume of your speech, timbre of voice, intonation.

Sale rules

There is a certain, long-established sales algorithm, from which it is inappropriate to deviate. In addition, the dialogue must be carried out dynamically so that the client does not lose interest, but at the same time not assertively, avoiding unnecessary intrusiveness.

First of all, the seller needs to study the product in order to identify for himself its value, characteristics, parameters, opportunities, pros and cons, and when answering the questions of a potential buyer, give as much essential information about the subject as possible.

You also need to consider what type of customer the seller is dealing with. Different clients require an appropriate approach.

This is followed by the presentation of the product and work with objections.

The final stage of the transaction is the signing of documents.

Important: To feel more confident, you can clarify with the interviewer in the context of which situation the sale is taking place - whether it is wholesale or retail, consumables or innovative goods, sales in the sales area or by phone.

Clarification of details

You need to understand the nature of the moment: whether the interviewee wants to be personally convinced to buy a pen (cold sales) or demonstrate sales skills by presenting the product (warm sales). Here you can not limit yourself to clarifying the details of what kind of pen a potential buyer needs, and feel free to ask questions about the client's preferences:

  • how often he has to sign documents;
  • whether appearance is important;
  • the type of pen the customer would like to purchase (mechanical, gel, fountain pen, etc.);
  • type of material, shape, tactile sensations (smooth, rough, and so on);
  • ink color;
  • for what situations you need a product;
  • preference for certain manufacturers;
  • did the person have any cases when the pen failed: stopped writing, got lost, broke.

Typical mistakes of the candidate when passing the test

Many job seekers can lose self-control from anxiety and lack of self-confidence. Things to Avoid:

  • use of patterned speech turns. Better to replace them with a simple description of the benefits of the pen;
  • interrupting the interlocutor. This is extremely impolite and repulsive to a potential buyer;
  • importunity and aggressiveness;
  • impatience and irritation if the interlocutor hesitates. Remember: you are offering convenience and new opportunities, demonstrating the benefits that the product brings with it. Only a benevolent, unobtrusive tone is appropriate.


At the interview, using this and similar tests, it turns out whether a candidate for a vacancy in the field of sales can sell not only the company's products, but first of all himself as a professional, whether he will be able to identify and demonstrate to the interviewer the need for him as a specialist. However, his experience can be significant or small. A pen is not always offered as an object of sale; it can be replaced with anything: a pencil, a telephone, a cooler, a stapler, and so on. The main thing is understanding the sales process. A successful technique is a mixture of marketing technology and knowledge of human psychology. Possessing this, you can successfully, and most importantly, for the benefit of everyone, sell any goods and services. And the test described here will become a mere trifle.

Hello dear friend!

How to sell a pen in a job interview - this topic has already been wiped out.

Employers have not asked this question for a long time, and the Internet community is discussing everything. When I interviewed sales people, many had a desire to poke me in a battered pen in their eyes. Right now ...)

For me, it is more important to know the answer to the question: Khow to sell something in a job interview? That is, in principle.

I mean that getting ready for the sale of a pen is no longer entirely relevant.

"And tell me, dear friend, how to sell an idea?" If you can sell an idea, then you can sell anything. Why? Because objects are acquired for the sake of an idea.

By implementing this idea, we will experience positive emotions. Is not it? Why do we, as an employer, “buy” a job seeker? Not for his own sake. We want to get what he will be useful to us. That is, the benefit. The benefits will bring us positive emotions.

That is, when you are asked to sell some rubbish, immediately think about the idea and those positive emotions that your interlocutor will experience when acquiring this rubbish.

Well, that's understandable, I hope.

Precisely to convey, to hook. Just informing is not enough.Information, even the best quality, is not a reason for action. And we need action from the interlocutor.

Minimum task -he must decide to continue the dialogue. The maximum is to make a purchase decision (if we are talking about a specific sale)

How to do it?

Are there any secrets? For a start, it is enough to know the ordinary alphabet. The ABC is ABVGD. An abbreviation, each letter of which must be observed.


This alphabet did not appear from the bulldozer , as they say, but based on real observations.

Observations of how senior managers, in whose team I have worked, make decisions on the choice of proposals that come to them from subordinates, suppliers, and providers. How the quality of ideas and proposals is assessed. Basically how they “buy”.

For the "purity of the experiment", since we are talking about sales, we will call the interlocutor a customer.

A) Targeting

Your idea should be tailored for a specific client. It would seem an obvious fact, but do we always pay due attention to it?

  • Our proposal must resonate with what is important to the client. For example, our client is a department head. We often make the mistake of forming our proposals based on the goals of the company, or even further. However, it is no secret that for any leader the goals of his unit are closer than those of the digging. Simply because he is personally responsible for them. Your shirt is closer to your body.

Besides, our client is just a human being, and it is human nature to experience emotions. Emotions are often the trigger for decision making.

So, we need to know our client - and not just know - to build communication with him using this knowledge. This is the key to success.

You can watch the video on how to quickly learn a company and create an idea for an interview:

  • One more aspect. When the client is represented by several people, your task is to understand who makes the decision and who forms the decision. It happens that one person makes a decision, but forms another. That is, it influences decision making. These people should be given the most attention. First, establish contact with the senior in the position, then switch to the one who forms the decision.

No need to call from the armored car. "Friends, now I'm going to show you ... super duper." If you speak to ten people - nobody listens to you anywhere, if you speak specifically to one - all ten will hear you.

B) Express the essence of the matter faster

Why is fast food popular? Even though it is not helpful. Not only because the food is already ready, but also the rapid flow of calories into the body, as soon as you take a bite, the food is already broken down into carbohydrates.

Time is the most valuable commodity today. And your meeting is short, time is limited.

So go straight to the point of the sentence.

You don't need to start a conversation with the client's problems, as some experts advise. They say that first you need to reveal your needs. But,

  • Firstly, it annoys many (for example me) and just spoils the mood. Not everyone likes to discuss their problems.
  • Second, you must be aware of your client's needs. Your task is to form a new need in him, which the client often does not realize.

The client is not interested in the idea itself, but in its result, preferably expressed in profit, costs or qualitative measures that show the obvious contribution of your proposal to the client's results.

So, get the point across quickly.

C) Customer benefits

What is the benefit for a person to communicate with you? There is a benefit - we listen, there is no benefit - we do not listen.

Benefits cover one or more of the following areas: Money, time, problem solving, risk reduction, new opportunities.

Benefit from cooperation with you is a decisive factor in making a decision

D) Willingness to objection

A serious client will usually find something to ask or object to.

Questions must be prepared in advance. Nobody knows your offer better than you. Take a piece of paper, write down possible questions, objections and think over your answers.

Not the best meeting scenario - when a client's question or objection catches you by surprise. It’s even worse if you start proving something foaming at the mouth without having sufficient arguments. Another not the best option - you will fall into a stupor, start to memek, eekat.

Such situations can be minimized bythoroughly prepared ... Including morally,

There are universal techniques for this, which we talked about in the article.

If the question still caught you off guard, this is a great reason to compliment the other person.

E) Demonstration of the idea

The principle is this: Tell less, show more.

Don't try to persuade. Make sure that the client is convinced that your offer suits him. I have met enough people who foaming at the mouth proved something, but did not give any visual evidence.

Despite the short format of the meeting, prepare a presentation and drop it on a USB flash drive. Offer to take a look. But only if the employer is interested. No need to impose

Strengthening benefits

You have already answered objections, dispelled the client's doubts.

However, to make a decision that the idea (proposal) is accepted, impulse is needed. Now is the time to make the final chord. And you are speaking the most damaging argument in favor of your idea.

It is important to evoke emotions. This is the impulse, the trigger. You can play as on positive emotions, for example, hope, anticipation of benefits.So it is with negative ones, for example, fear of missing out on benefits.

It is often sufficient to answer one of two questions:

  1. What happens if the client accepts the idea? Describe the client's outcome in terms of benefits. - it will evoke emotions - hope for great results and benefits, for a new reality, if you like.
  2. What will happen if she doesn't accept? - Describe the result of such a decision and a negative emotion will work - fear - fear of missing out on a profit, for example.

An excellent argument is Comparisons. At U, a similar proposal led to excellent results. Provide evidence, figures.

Figures, calculations, especially in the context of comparison with others, for example, competitors, act magically on many people... Emotions of envy, fear of hopelessly falling behind, falling out of the cage are triggered.

So demonstrating and enhancing benefits is the final chord in our line of argument.

Three "Yes"

Call to action. In no case should this point be neglected. As Stirlitz said, it is important to enter the conversation correctly, but it is even more important to complete it correctly.

Receive Three "Yes". Here you can already ask questions. You have already said a lot and have the right to receive feedback. The “three yes” method is well known, but the trick is it works well at the end of the conversation.... Many people make the mistake of bombarding a person with questions from the very beginning.

  1. Do you understand the idea? Yes
  2. Is the idea interesting? She will let you ... Agree? Yes
  3. I would suggest: Continue discussion in detail.Do you agree? Yes

The third question is the key. This is our task - at least, if you remember. This question is asked by the third person for a reason. It's easier for a person to say yes after he has done it twice.

Once again I will draw your attention to the correct structure of the question.

item 2: Not just a question: is the idea interesting? He can shrug or say no. And "she will let you ... Agree?" Now the answer “yes” is more likely.

It is important not to delay the next meeting, otherwise the client will forget everything. It is optimal to meet in 2-3 days.

If the conversation continues at this point, at the end, say your agreement again.

Thank you for the meeting and say: “If I understand correctly, we are meeting then in such and such a format and discuss the details of the proposal”. It is important to confirm the agreement at the conclusion of the conversation - the end of the conversation is well remembered. A kind of summary.

Having received the answer yes, we believe that the minimum task of our meeting has been achieved.

So, the ABVGD alphabet is a simple tool that allows you to convey your idea to the interlocutor.

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