Scientific electronic library. Quotes about labor and professions phrase about different professions

Topic: The choice of profession is the choice of the future.

Purpose: familiarization with the principle of the reasonable choice of the profession, reasonable planning of the professional career, taking into account the needs of personal self-determination in the conditions of the real labor market; expand the presentation of students about various professions; encourage conscious professional choices; To assist schoolchildren in awareness of the specifics of future work.

Equipment: multimedia equipment (laptop, projector), slides on the topic, poster "Profession".

Travel course:

  1. Organizing time.Reading by childrenslide Lines of the epigraph of classes, statements, proverbs about labor, choosing a profession. Definition of the theme of the class hour.

I have grown year,

there will be seventeen.

Where to work me then

what to do?...(Vladimir Mayakovsky "Who to be?")

The most unhappy of the people the one for whom the world did not work.(Thomas Carlel)

Throwing for what you are doing.(Proverb)

True treasure for people - the ability to work. (Aesop)

  1. The introductory word of the class teacher.

Today we met again to talk about your future.

Do you want to be happy?

People have long been looking for the formula of happiness. One of these formulas sounds like this:« The one is the one who in the morning is happy to go to work, and in the evening it will be happy to go home. "

You can cut the bread row in half and each half will remain as tasty as all the bread, only it will be twice as much. But if someone has everything well at home, and at work somehow or very badly, half of happiness will not work.Half of happiness - already misfortune.

- That is why it is so important to choose the profession correctly.

3. The choice of profession is a serious thing!

And what do you think affects the choice of profession? Let's try to phrase"choice of profession" Focus factors.

On the slide: "The choice of profession is the ability, - the state of health, - the advice of parents, - the interests of friends, are the professions of loved ones, - the payment of labor."

Of course, other factors affect the choice of profession. But, in general, in order to make an important conscious choice of profession, and not to make mistakes in the future, it is necessary, first of all, to explore yourself, your abilities, opportunities.

Tell me, how do people start their day early in the morning?(Children's responses.)

The driver does not like to sleep long,

A little light bears a wheel.

To his car he hurries

To start the motor.

Everywhere the works of the driver are waiting -

In all the ends of the earth!

Carrying is ready bricks,

So that the city grew.

Barely cutting dawn -

Rose bakery,

So that you rosy kalach

Could cave.

Ask the sun and earth

Ask fast rivers:

"Who starts a new day?"


- And what professions work at the time when you sleep hard?(Children's responses.)

The world of professions is huge, they are already more than 50 thousand, and about five hundred new people appears annually and the same amount disappears or modified. This is due to the rapid development of science and information technologies. Recently, many professions have disappeared, requiring severe physical labor. But the profession of "Cosmonaut" exists only 40 years, but along with this recently appeared such as "designer", "marketer", "brand manager", "IMJAMEKER", "Merchandiser", "Realtor" and others.(Slide.)

The word "profession" comes from two Latin words: "Professio" - officially specified occupation, specialty and "profiteo" - I declare your business.

Profession - labor activity, requiring certain training and is usually a source of existence.

Specialty - type of classes in the framework of one profession.

Position - Official duty, official place.For example: Teacher profession, specialty teacher Mathematics, primary school teacher, etc.

Qualification - professional skill.(Slide.)

Guys, what is called a person who knows her work perfectly and masterfully?(Slide - Professional.)

- And what qualities should a professional possess?(High performance, operational, responsibility, organization, discipline.)

And what do you think it will be if all the dairy of the world suddenly increase the production of products, and all stores will be clogged with milk, sour cream, yogurt?(These products will be very difficult to sell, they will begin to deteriorate, they will disappear, and therefore someone's work will disappear, money, profit).

Also in the labor market. If any specialists produce more than need, they cannot find a job, unemployment occurs. Profession, specialty, qualifications - this is what a person sells a labor market. From time to time, some professions become very necessary, prestigious, and some go to the past.

Task number 1. "ABC of Professions"

I propose to make you lists of professions: 1 - "Professions that are always needed" (doctor, teacher, cook, animal breeder, accountant ...), 2 - "The most courageous professions" (cascader, fire, cosmonaut, miner, pilot test ...) , 3 - "The most fashionable specialties" (president, journalist, TV presenter, top model, lawyer ...), 4 - "The most forgotten professions" (spacing, pipeline, grooming, valet, bondar ...).(Slides.)

Of course, we have listed with you not all professions. But choosing a specialty, we are not focused on the whole world, but on the society that surrounds us, to the country in which we live on our capabilities and abilities.

Life goes forward. Already cosmic ships become passenger, and soon people for walk will fly into space. And computers, cell phones have already become objects of our life. In any case, despite the technical progress, your work is now studying. But the question of choosing a future specialty should be one of the main schools for you on the threshold. And scientific studies will soon replace another work - professional.

How to navigate in the diverse world of professions?

Requirements for professions to man.

When a young man chooses his profession, he is interested in his profession to be popular with employers not only today, but after 10-20 years. It is calledstability of demand for profession.

Along with the professions of the doctor, builder, teacher, etc., transport, chemical industry, high technologies, communication, communications, new professions at the junction of traditional, management of economy, social sphere are relevant. At the same time, for professional success at the modern stage of the development of society, personal qualities, communicative skills, man's motivation for labor, willingness to continuously increase their professionalism, are more importance to change than traditionally understood as knowledge.

An indicator of the stability of demand for the profession is the number of jobs on a particular specialty available at different enterprises of the region and the region. Achieving a goal depends on the desire of a person, purposefulness and will.

The main factors or conditions for choosing a profession are aspects of a substantiated professional plan, which takes into account the interests, health status, the ability to choose the profession and the needs of society in personnel.

Conditionally, these components of the formula of the right conscious choice of profession can be designated as"I want", "I can", "necessary."(Slide scheme).

"Want" - Interests and inclinations.

Interest - The desire to know any object or phenomenon, the desire to study it.

Proponation - the desire to engage in any particular activity. Interests and inclinations may coincide and do not coincide with each other, can be directed to one, several, many activities.

"Can" - Ability, health condition.

Abilities - Individual human abilities, ensuring the success of any activity, the ease of assimilation and mastering this activity, the creative possibilities of a person.

"I need" - The needs of society in frames.

Society needs specialists from different professions. Choosing a profession, you need to coordinate your choice with the need of social production in frames.

The combination of these three important aspects when pondering a professional plan will help determine the optimal ways to choose a profession for each person, which is extremely important for the labor market conditions currently.

The overall structure of vocational education.

The profession can be obtained by the swollen family of educational institutions, depending on what level of vocational education you choose. Vocational education is the initial, middle and higher.

Primary vocational education (NGOs)- represented by lyceums, vocational schools that give a working specialty.

Secondary vocational education (SPO) Allows you to become a middle-aged specialist for most professions of the executive or creative class. A secondary vocational education can be obtained by having the main general, secondary (full) general or primary vocational education. At the same time, if a person already has a secondary (full) general or primary vocational education, then it may receive a secondary professional program for abbreviated accelerated programs.

Higher professional education represented by state and non-stateUniversities.

Task number 2. "All works are good."

Before you people of different specialties(slides). Determine what exactly?

Task number 3. "Who I want to be".

But what specialties are you dreaming! Smile and sofantize a little!(Slides-photoshop. Persons guys are imposed on pictures of different specialists - according to the survey, questionnaire).

5. Outcome classes.

What is a profession?(labor activity ...)

What is needed first to get a profession?(education)

What do we hope, getting one or another profession?(The profession will bring joy, materially to us)

What else to consider choosing a profession?(To coincide the interests, inclinations, abilities, desires and opportunities)

What is a specialty and position?

What thoughts do you leave from the classroom? What do you think, do you need to carry out such work on vocational guidance among schoolchildren? And from what age is it better to start?

And life is a game, and we all in it actors.

Each has its own role:

Hero, criminal il saint -

We solve them sometimes,

Who to be, who to become

Fate to first

Or just sailing for a lot

News or driven be.

But everyone can change

The story of his fate

Carry out your dreams

And choose the right way.

You will choose too ...

After all, everyone is to decide

You guys, young, smart, bold and persistent, should bring life and bring success, recognition and a huge sense of joy and satisfying because you will do for yourself and for people. Happy that man who is engaged in his beloved business who chose the profession correctly.

"If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, then happiness will find you by" (K.D. Ushinsky).

Not a profession chooses a person, but a person profession.

There are no professions with great future, but there are professionals with great future.
(Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov.)

Without difficult, there can be no clean and joyful life.
(A.P. Chekhov.)

You need to love what you are doing, and then work is even the coolest - towers to creativity.
(Maksim Gorky.)

Work eliminates us aboutt three great angry: boredom, vice and need.

Labor - healing balm, he - the source virtues.
(Gerder I.)

Every one worthy to be called man must have a hunting and ability to work.
(Smilets S.)

Must ... to excite in them (youth) the hunt for hardworking and so that they would be afraid of idleness, as a source in any sland and delusion.
(Catherine Great)

The ability, valor - everything is nothing, until we decide to work.

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should do his own business, and in this wisdom - the highest justice of life.
(Leonardo da Vinci)

The work that we do willingly heal pain.
(Shakespeare U.)

Labor dults grief.

Labor must be consequeled by man forces. He is bad, that is, unpleasant when it exceeds them.
(Chernyshevsky N. G.)

Overcoming what is your work, a person feels pleasure.
(Suvorov A.V.)

We work until the strength and years allow for the years.

Boys boys are harnessed by difficulty.

Glory in the hands of labor.
(Leonardo da Vinci)


If a person from an early year has learned the habit of work, his work is pleasant. If he does not have this habit, then laziness makes the work hated.
(Gelving K.)

Activities - the only way to know.
(B. Show)

Purpose of man - in reasonable activity.

Who wishes to eat a nut, must break the shell.

The most outstanding diving fell in idleness.
(Michelle Monten)

Everyone should be majestic in its business.

(Chekhov A. P.)

Lee is great, it is not necessary, it must be done.

The best medicine from idleness is constant and honest hard work.

Labor process, if it is free, ends with creativity.
(Sentin M. M.)

The master is a person, with pleasure making something that does not work for others.
(Dictionary of paradoxical definitions.)

Lies the road to happiness through labor.
Ways other fortunately do not lead.
(Abu Sukur.)

Friends, take care of a minute and hour
Any of school days!
Let it be a professor each of you
In the profession necessary.
(M. Rascatov.)

All the wealth of society without exception is in his work.
(D. I. Pisarev)

Free work is the point of the support that Archimedes demanded to turn the world.
(M. Gorky)

All my life I have seen real heroes of only people who love and know how to work.
(M. Gorky)

Labor in our time is the great right and a great duty.
(V. Hugo)

The height of the culture is always in direct dependence on love for work.

(M. Gorky)

The higher the culture is, the higher the work is valued.
(V. Rocher)

Labor was always the foundation of human life and culture.
(L. S. Makarenko)

Everything is given only work. Everything is labor to people, such is the slogan of history.
(D. I. Mendeleev)

Nothing in life is going without much work.

Our world is created not in a word, but an act, difficulty.
(M. Gorky)

Every work performed honestly is useful, and consequently, worthy of respect.

Every work is noble, and the hard work is noble.
(T. Carl Il)

Each person is born for some business. Everyone who goes on the ground has its own duties in life.
(E. Hemingway)

You need to love what you are doing, and then work is even the coolest - towers to creativity.
(M. Gorky)

Who works with love, he makes poetry in all .
(N. G. Chernyshevsky)

Physical work not only does not exclude the possibility of mental activity, not only improves its dignity, but also encourages it.
(L. N. Tolstoy)

No without explicitly reinforced hardworking neither talents or geniuses.
(D. I. Mendeleev)

Great people nourish labor.

The road to glory is paired by difficulty.
(Public cir)

Glory in the hands of labor.
(Leonardo da Vinci)

No other force makes a person great and wise, as it makes the power of labor - collective, friendly, free labor.
(M. Gorky)

Joint work flammives in people such an incidence of income, which they rarely can achieve alone.
(R. Emerson)

Will and work of man Warming divisions are doing!
(Ya. L. Nekrasov)

Permanent work is a law of both art and life.
(O. Balzac)

One of the needs, deeply rooted in human nature, is to strive for the freedom of choosing classes and their diversity.
(A. Bebel)

The work is the activity of the brain and muscles, which make up a natural, internal need.
(Ya. G. Chernyshevsky)

It is only necessary to get used to work, you can't live without it. All in this world depends on labor.
(L. Pasteur)

The essence of a person is best, noble and most perfectly expressed through his acts, through his work and creativity.
(L. L. Fadeev)

Everything that is given easily, without difficulty, is very dubious values.
(L. M. Leonov)

Whatever the activity, but the habit and the ability to act - a great deal of activity through it. Who did not sit back and then, as had nothing to do, he would be able to act when it comes to this.
(V. G. Belinsky)

On everyday everyday affairs, hardworking is capable of doing everything that is capable of genius, and in addition, a lot of things that the genius cannot do.

The physical energy of the worker is able to create fabulous wonders.
(M. Gorky)

No nation can achieve prosperity until it realizes that Pove the field is the same worthy occupation as to write a poem.
(B. Washington)

The landpaste, standing on his legs, is much higher than the gentleman standing on his knees.
(B. Franklin)

The only real value is human labor.

(L. France)

Labor is the only title of true benefit of kinship!
(R. Rolland)

Man is improving with the help of labor.
(T. Carl Il)

Labor engraves man.
(V. G. Belinsky)

Nothing engraves a person more labor. Without difficult, there can be no man to keep his human dignity.
(L. N. Tolstoy)

Only labor and struggle achieved the originality and self-esteem.
(F. M. Dostoevsky)

Work wakes creative forces in man.
(L. Ya. Tolstoy)

We must put your life in such conditions so that labor is necessary. Without difficult, there can be no clean and joyful life.
(L. P. Chekhov)

The person must work, work in the sweat of a person whoever he is, and in this one is the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his enthusiasm.
(A. P. Chekhov)

It is necessary to work, gathering all the will to explode like a mine, overturning obstacles.
(J. Fabr)

It is necessary to work, work and constantly work. And then there is molded at life.

Live - it means working. Labor is a human life.
(F. Voltaire)

A person is quite a person only at the time when he works.
(J. Guyo)

Develop yourself in work for others - this is the basic law.
(Ya. Rainis)

Conduct your work itself; Do not wait for her to handle you .
(B. Franklin)

The work eliminates us from three great angry: boredoms, vice, needs.
(F. Voltaire)

The ship of life is amenable to all winds and storms, if there is no labor ballast.

True treasure for people - the ability to work .

Persons susceptible daily by labor, tolerate them, at least we were weak and older, easier than people are strong and young, without habit.

Labor is the strongest and reliable connection between those who work, and the society, which is sent to this work.
(D. I. Pisarev)

What a wonderful lesson is a work for the benefit of mankind!
(A. Saint-Simon)

One who since childhood knows that the work is the law of life, who I realized that the bread is mined only in the sweat of the face, he is capable of a feat, because on the right day and his hour he will have the will of him to fulfill and forces for this.
(Jules Verne)

At one of the first places in the ideological work, which the party is held, it is upbringing in the Soviet people of a new, communist attitude towards work.
(L. I. Brezhnev)

There is nothing more sharing, how to be useless to society and for yourself and possess the mind to do nothing.
(B. Pascal)

Labor will not disgrace a person; Unfortunately, sometimes people come across.
(W. Grant)

You can also be ashamed of any work, at least the most unclean, but only one: idle life.
(L. N. Tolstoy)

Even the most sophisticated physical or moral dignity cannot atone for social sin: participation in consumption without participation in production.
(B. Show)

Exemption itself is a crime.
(L. N. Tolstoy)

Lazy and idle people in the state are like drones in the ulle, devouring honey bees-workers.
(M. Cervantes)

The destruction of the Darmotov and the elevation of labor is the constant trend of history.
(N. A. Dobrolyubov)

The history of our Motherland was done and made by people of labor.
(L. I. Brezhnev)

The future belongs from two types of people: a man of thought and a man of labor. In essence, both of them are alone, for thinking means to work.
(V. Hugo)

The critic is a writer who is incapable of writing, spending his life to criticize new works.

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Amin Ar-Reahani

If the builders struggled buildings just as programmers write the program, the first flourished Word would destroy the civilization.

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Second law of Vainberg

Eternal Dream Palacha: a compliment sentenced for excellent quality execution.

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Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

The chauffeur is a man who is quite agile to drive a car, and smart enough to not have it.

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Leonardo Luis Levinson

English-speaking. English teachers.

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Konstantin Kushner

Profession of the diplomat is akin to the profession of a magician. Both are needed high bowlers, and surprises hidden there are all known to the rest of diplomats and magicians.

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Will Rogers.

The most dangerous profession is the head of state.

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Natalia Grace

Tailors and writers united the general motto: "No day without a line."

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Valery Afonchenko

We are not doctors, we are pain.

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Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

The cheap paper is undoubtedly explained why women in literature succeeded earlier than in any other professions.

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Virginia Wolfe

Be care not about the colors, but about the kidneys.
A teacher who does not study with his disciples, chose not the profession.

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The hacker is not a la carter with overestimated, but a programmer with an underestimated salary.

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Unknown author ()

Makes to fuss any profession - even the mission of the bird.

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Tarry Glushchenko

Kostoprav and in love finds the consequences of the disease of the spine.

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Frantishek Cover

If a person exists [according to predestination over] in order to worship God, why did God do not make a person self-respecting him? If a person is created in order to build, then why should he still learn and have a desire for the craft? In other words, if God, creating a man, predetermined the fate of the builder in advance, then why did he not give a man immediately, from birth, decrease to build? Why do you need, fulfilling the predetermination of God, to study another profession? Why is a person not born by a carpenter, a mason, excavator, etc.?

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Unknown author ()

A criminal lawyer will find thirteen loopholes in ten commandments.

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Unknown author ()

Actor - Trainer of the public.

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Gennady Malkin

The doctor, lawyer and theologians know perfectly well, how to clean it certainly - pockets, soul, body.

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Unknown author ()

Each real writer, of course, is a psychologist, but the patient himself.

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The stock speculator is a person who studies the future and acting before it comes.

Whether a person has thirty-two eyes, ophthalmologists would not be poorer dentists. I. Gerchov.

As for the future, I repeat one thing: for whatever you take, the main thing is to be devoted to your work to the end. It is not necessary to achieve some stellar success, but be honest in front of himself in the chosen profession - necessarily. De R. Niro.

Any profession is a conspiracy against the uninitiated. B. Shaw.

  • Here is the best advice that can be given by the youth: find something that you like to do, and then find someone who will pay you for it. K. Aithorn.
  • All my own. Saint Francis Assisi said: "Every Saint will be able to create a miracle, but not everyone can decently manage the hotel." M. Twin.
  • High professionalism - a concerned creativity. L. Ginzburg.
  • The hero is the shortest profession in the world. W. Rogers.
  • Two things are very difficult to avoid: stupid - if you clicter in your specialty, and it is unforgettable - if you get out of it. I. Goethe.
  • If the profession becomes a way of life, then the craft turns into art. I. Shevelev.
  • If every child's cherished dream come true, our world will fill fire and policemen. G. Voddy.
  • If you want to start at once from the top of your profession to invent your own profession. E. Brilliant.
  • Knowledge of the back of the profession or vocation is the price we pay for the mastery of professional skills. D. Baldwin.
  • And with unexpected sadness, I thought about the imperfection of the mechanism of human self-imministration, in which virtuosos of accountants are sad on the failed fate of brave seawares, brilliant tailors regret the lost opportunities to become journalists, and prominent cardiac doctors believe that their talent could only bloom only on theatrical Rods, - Professional cake, as the French say. Brothers Weiners.
  • Engineer - man; able to take the theory and attach to her wheels. L. Levinson.
  • The engineer is a person who can explain how this or that device works, but cannot explain why it does not work. M. Thatcher.
  • Everyone, in my opinion, is a debtor of his profession. F. Bacon.
  • How good when a person has the opportunity to choose a profession not as needed, but conforming to spiritual inconsistencies. A. Apsheroni.
  • People of one profession are rarely gathered together even for entertainment, but their meetings end with a conspiracy against society or a plan to increase the rates. A. Smith.
  • We do not learn to be artists, artists or writers - we learn to be. P. McCartney.
  • Do not choose a profession for money. The profession needs to choose as a wife, - by love and because of money. D. Houston.
  • It is impossible to become a narrow specialist, without becoming, in a strict sense, the nerd. B. Shaw.
  • No restless specialties. There are only passive people who are not able to get carried away by the fact that before them. A. Berg.
  • The waiter is an incorrect account of the right digits; It differs from the statistics that the opposite comes around. J. Elgosy.
  • The executioner pay for work, he can say in his excuse: "Everyone should live!" H. Steinhaus.
  • The calling is a course that it is useful to teach an obstacle in its source in order to see whether it is or only a river. A. Decursel.
  • Professions seem to us the most elevated, if they let deep roots in our heart, if the ideas that dominate them, we are ready to sacrifice our life and all our aspirations. They can make sure that they have a calling to them, but they encourage the death of someone who began to hastily, thoughtlessly, yielding to the moment. K. Marx.
  • The profession initially must be an act of love. And in no way married for the calculation. H. Murakami.

Phrases about professions, show the benefits of a particular activity and indicate people that a favorite thing should become their profession.

1. A person is only there something seeks where he himself believes in his strength.

Ludwig Andreas Background Fairbach (1804-1872) German philosopher materialist

2. Do not profession chooses a person, and a person profession.

Socrates (469 BC. E.-399 BC. Er) ancient Greek philosopher

3. There are no professions with great future, but there are professionals with great future.

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov Soviet Writers-co-workers Jehiel-Liebe Arievich Finezilberg (1897-1937) and Evgeny Petrovich
Kataev (1902-1942)

4. Without difficult, there can be no clean and joyful life.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904) Russian Writer

5. You need to love what you are doing, and then work is even the coolest - towers to creativity.

Maxim Gorky- Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov (1868-1936) Russian Writer

6. The work eliminates us from three great angry: boredoms, vice and needs.

Voltaire (1694-1778) Francois-Marie Aruhe French philosopher-enlightener XVIII century

7. Labor Balm, he-virtue source.

Johann Gottfried Gerder (1744-1803) German historian culture

8. Everyone worthy to be called man must have a hunting and ability to work.

Samuel Smilets (1812-1904) Scottish writer

9. Must ... to excite in them (youth) hunt for hardworking and so that they fell in idleness, as a source of any sland and delusion.

Ekaterina II (Sofia August Frederic Anhalt-CrebrStskaya) (1729-1796) Russian Empress

10. The ability, valor - everything is nothing until we do the work. Saadi Abu Muhammad Muslich Ad-Dean Ibn Abd Allah Saadi Shirazie (1181-1291) Persian poet

11. In nature, everything wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should do his own business, and in this wisdom is the highest justice of life.

12. The work that we do willingly heal pain.

Shakespeare William (1564 - 1616) English poet and playwright

13. Labor dults grief.

14. Labor must be consequeled by man forces. He is bad, that is, unpleasant when it exceeds them.

Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828-1889) Russian philosopher-Utopist, revolutionary democrat, scientist, literary critic, publicist and writer

15. Overcoming any work, a person feels pleasure.

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov (1730-1800) Russian commander, one of the founders of Russian martial arts.

16. Work for strength and years.

Public Ovid Nogre (43 BC. Er - 17 or 18 years. E.) -drevneryman poet

17. The bodies of young men are harvested by labor.

Mark Tully Cicero (106 BC. E.- 43 BC. E.) Ancient Roman politician and philosopher, brilliant speaker

18. Glory in the hands of labor.

Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo di Same Piero da Vinci (1452-1519) Italian artist, scientist, inventor, writer, one of the largest representatives of high revival art

19. To live - it means working. Labor is a human life.

Voltaire (1694-1778) Name at the birth of Francois-Marie Aruhe, one of the largest French philosophists of the XVIII century: Poet, Prosais, satirist, historian, publicist, human rights activist

20. If a person from an early years has learned the habit of work, his work is pleasant. If he does not have this habit, it's lazy

Claude Adrian Gelving (1715-1771) French writer and philosopher materialist

21. Activities - the only way to know.

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) British writer, novelist, playwright, laureate of the Nobel Prize in the field of literature

22. Purpose of a person - in reasonable activity.

Aristotle (384 BC 1950322 BC) Ancient Greek philosopher

23. Who wants to eat a nut, must break the shell.

Float Titus Macca (254 BC - 184 BC) Outstanding Roman Comediograph

24. The most outstanding diving fell in idleness.

Michel de Monten (1533-1592) French writer and philosopher Renaissance

25. Everyone should be majestic in its business.

Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales (1601-1658) Spanish Prose, philosopher and literature theorist

26. The person must work, work in the sweat of a person whoever he is, and in this one is the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his enthusiasm.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904) Russian writer, generally accepted classic of world literature

27. Lee is great, it is not possible, it must be done.

True treasure for people - the ability to work.

Esop (620-560 BC) Ancient Greek Basinoisha, who lived
In the VI century BC.

28. The best medicine from idleness is constant and honest hard work.

Servantes Miguel de Cervantes Saovenova (1547-1616) Spanish writer

29. Labor process, if it is free, ends with creativity.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Svienne (1873-1954) Russian Soviet Writer

30. Master is a person, with pleasure doing what it does not work for others.

Dictionary of paradoxical definitions.

31. The road is happily through labor. Ways other fortunately do not lead.

Abu Sukur Balkha Persian-Tajik poet X century

32. Friends, take care of a minute and hour

Any of school days!

Let it be a professor each of you

In the profession necessary.

Mikhail Evseevich Rascatov (1924) Poet, member of the Union of Writers of Moscow

33. How good when a person has the opportunity to choose a profession not necessity, but conforming to spiritual inclinations.

Ali Apsheroni (1962) Theologian, public figure

34. With regard to the future, I repeat one thing: for whatever you take, the main thing - be devoted to your work to the end. It is not necessary to achieve some stellar success, but be honest in front of himself in the chosen profession - necessarily.

Robert de Niro (1943) American actor, director and producer

35. Professions seem to us the most elevated, if they let deep roots in our heart, if the ideas that dominate them, we are ready to sacrifice our lives and all our aspirations. They can make sure that they have a calling to them, but they encourage the death of someone who began to hastily, thoughtlessly, yielding to the moment.

Karl Marx (1818-1883) German philosopher, economist, public figure

36. The profession initially must be an act of love. And in no way married for the calculation.

Haruki Murakami (1949) Japanese writer, translator

37. Two things are very difficult to avoid: stupid - if you climb into your specialty, and ignoreness - if you get out of it.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German poet, statesman

38. The calling is the course that it is useful to teach an obstacle in its origin in order to see whether it is or only a river.

Adrian Decurcel (1821-1892) French playwright

39. Any profession is a conspiracy against the uninitiated.

George Bernard Show (1856-1950) British writer, novelist, playwright

José Juliana Maria-I-Perez (1853-1895) Cuban poet, writer, publicist

41. Here is the best advice that can be given by the youth: find something that you like to do, and then find someone who will pay you for it.

Catherine Whitehorn (1926) English journalist

42. The specialist is the one who knows a lot about very small.

Nicholas Murray Butler (1862-1947) - American Theorist and Practice of Pedagogy, Politician, Publicist, Professor, President of Columbia University, Laureate of the Nobel Prize of the World

44. A person should deal with his business as if he was looking for help.

George Savil Halifax (1633-1695) English statesman, politician

45. The closest to the natural state of all those classes that are able to ensure the existence of a person is the work of his hands. Of all the social provisions, the most independent of fate and from people is the position of the artisan.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) French writer, thinker.

46. \u200b\u200bEveryone, in my opinion, is a debtor of his profession.

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) English philosopher, historian, politician

47. High professionalism - facing profession

Ginzburg Lidia Yakovlevna (1902-1990) Russian literary critic, writer, memoirist

48. There are no high-paying professions with great future, but there are professionals with a big future.

Engineer - man; able to take the theory and attach to her wheels. Levinson Lev Efimovich (1956) - Russian director, playwright

49. Knowledge of the reverse side of the profession or calling is the price we pay for the mastery of professional

John Baldwin (1973) American figure skater, twice champion of the United States

50. We do not learn to be artists, artists or writers - we learn to be.

James Paul McCartney (1942) - British musician, singer, composer, one of the founders of the BEATLES group

51. If the profession becomes a way of life, then the craft turns into art.

Shevelev Ilya Nikolayevich, Professor, Laureate Averbakhov Prize AMN USSR, author of the book "Aphorisms, Thoughts, Emotions"

52. There are no uncomfortable specialties. There are only passive people who are not able to get carried away by the fact that before them.

Alban Berg (1885-1935) Austrian composer


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