How to formulate questions correctly. Types of sales of sales how many tons of cargo you usually transport

Important component communicative communication is an the ability to ask questions.

Questions are a way to obtain information and at the same time, a way to switch the thoughts of a person with whom we have a conversation in the right direction (who ask questions, he rules the conversation).

With the help of questions, we depart the bridge to the unknown and indefinite. And since uncertainty and unknown is a characteristic feature of a modern, rapidly changing world, the development of the ability to ask questions is very relevant.

"Sorry for a misunderstanding, I do not understand you correctly" - the phrase, which you can often hear in a conversation between people. So, so that you do not have to pronounce it, learn how to ask questions correctly. The correct question, allowing you to find out the partner's intentions, helps to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. After all, sometimes neglecting the opportunity to ask a question, or without asking it at the right time, we open the way to guess and speculation, a variety of speculative constructions, create an incorrect impression of others, attributing them non-existent qualities, advantages and disadvantages, which often leads to misunderstandings and conflicts .

Who would not be, by the head or ordinary manager, the coach, the coach or psychologist, in any sphere of vital activity you will use the ability to correctly ask questions. In any conversation, both in business and personal, right questions Help:

  • Show interest in the personality of a partner and the interlocutor;
  • Provide "interpenetration", i.e., make your value system that is understandable for the interlocutor, at the same time clarifying its system;
  • Get information, express doubts, show your own position, show trust, interested in what was said, to show consension and show that you are ready to pay a conversation required time;
  • Intercept and keep the initiative in communication;
  • Translate a conversation to another topic;
  • Go from the monologue of the interlocutor, to the dialogue with him.

To learn how to ask questions to correctly, it is necessary to pay attention to the correctness of building an internal dialogue and will study the main types of issues in the external dialogue.

Internal dialogue (Issues yourself) organizes our own thinking and helps us formulate thoughts. Relevance and quality, accuracy and sequence of questions arising in our head, greatly affect the effectiveness of the majority of the actions we have.

In order to organize an internal dialogue, it is necessary to understand that its goal is to analyze any of the problems. Comprehensively disassemble any problem (situation) will help a set of relevant issues. There are two options questions.

The first option is seven classic questions:

What? Where? When? Who! How? Why? What means?

These seven questions make it possible to cover the problem of the entire problem, and to produce it verbally logical analysis.

The second option analysis of the situation is a set of six questions:

  • Facts - what facts and events are related to the situation under consideration?
  • Feelings - what feelings in general, do I feel in relation to this situation? What follows others?
  • Desire - what do I really want? What do others want?
  • Obstacles - what bothers me? What prevents others?
  • Time - what and when to do?
  • Means - what means do I have in order to solve this problem? What means other do you have?

Use any of the two options by organizing an internal dialogue. If you have a problem, analyze the situation with the help of myself, bring your thoughts to clarity, and only after that begin to act.

Importance and importance External dialogue, lies in right questionswhich are much better than a monoton monologue. After all, the one who asks is the leader in the conversation. Also, with the help of questions, we show the interlocutor our interest in conversation and in its deepening. Asking, we express a man desire to establish a good relationship with him. But all this happens when the conversation does not remind and does not look like interrogation.

Therefore, before starting a conversation or business conversation, prepare a series of questions for the interlocutor, and ask them to him as soon as you first go to the business part of the conversation (in the usual conversation, as soon as you touch the topic you need). So, you will provide a psychological advantage.

Issues of external dialogue can be put in specific forms and are the following types:

Closed questions. The purpose of closed questions is to obtain a unambiguous response (consent or failure of the interlocutor), "yes" or "no". Such questions are good, only in the case when it is necessary to clearly and clearly determine the presence of something in the present, past, and sometimes in the future ("Do you apply it?", "Did you use it?", "Do you want to try?"), Or Attitude towards something ("Did you like?", "You are satisfied with it?") To understand how to continue to act. Closed questions (and answers to them "yes" or "no") switches our efforts into a certain direction.

One should not immediately push a person, asking such questions, to the final decision making. Remember that it is easier to convince than to persuade.

Another thing is when you deliberately ask a closed question, which is difficult to answer the denial. For example, referring to generally accepted values \u200b\u200b(Socrates often used this way): "Agree, life does not stand still?", "Tell me, is the quality and warranty for you?". Why this is done: the more often the person agrees with us, the wider the zone of mutual understanding (this is one of ways to manipulate). And vice versa if you can't pick up the right question, and often hear "no" in response to the issues that give questions, the likelihood of refusing to your offer in general increases. Therefore, achieve harmony in small, do not start a conversation with contradictions, then it will be easier to achieve the desired result.

Open questions. They do not assume an unequivocal answer, make a person think, better reveal his attitude towards your offer. Open questions, this is a good way to get new, detailed information, which is very difficult to get with the help of closed issues. Therefore, in a conversation, it is necessary to use open questions more often in various variations.

Ask about the facts that will help you understand the situation: "What is there?", "How much?", "How solved?", "Who?" etc.

Find out the interests of your interlocutor and the conditions for their satisfaction.

Find out the attitude of your interlocutor to the situation under discussion: "What do you think about this?", "How do you feel about this?".

Suggest in the form of questions, other (your) solution to the problem: "Maybe this way ..?", "Why don't we pay attention to such an option ..?", At the same time arguing its offer. It is much better than to talk to: "I suggest ...", "I will do it better ...", "I think ...".

Interested in what is based on the assertion of your interlocutor: "What do you proceed from?", "Why exactly?", "What is the conditional?"

Specify everything that you are unclear: "What (how) exactly?", "What exactly is that ..?", "Because of what?".

Find out unaccounted moments, both personal and business: "What are we forgotten?" What question we did not discuss? "," What is missed? ",

If there is a doubt, specify their reasons: "What prevents?", "What bothers you (not satisfied)?", "What is the reason for doubt?", "Why is it unreal?".

Characteristic features of open questions:

  • Activation of the interlocutor, such issues make him think about the answers and express them;
  • Partner at its discretion chooses which information and arguments to submit to us;
  • We bring the interlocutor from the state of restraint and closets and eliminate possible barriers to communicate;
  • The partner becomes a source of information, ideas and suggestions.

Since, responding to open questions, the interlocutor has the opportunity to escape from a particular answer, to lead a conversation aside or share only information favorable for it, it is recommended to set basic and secondary, clarifying and leading issues.

Main questions - Planned in advance, can be as open, so closed.

Secondary, or subsequent questions- Spontaneous or planned, they are set to clarify already sounding answers to basic questions.

Clarifying questions suggest short and concise answers. They are given in the event of a doubt to clarify the nuances. People are almost always enthusiating into the details and nuances of their affairs, so there are no problems here. Is that we ourselves often neglect to ask clarifying questions, while our interlocutors are just waiting for this from us in order to make sure that we all understood correctly. Do not hesitate and do not forget to ask clarifying questions!

Suggestive questions These are questions, the content that makes the obvious answer, i.e. Formulate so as to tell a person what he must say. Supporting questions It is recommended to ask when you deal with timid and indecisive people to summarize the conversation, or if the interlocutor has spoken and need to return the conversation in the right (business) channel, or if you need to confirm the correctness of your judgment (faith in the profitability of your offer) .

Supporting questions sound extremely intrusive. They almost force the interlocutor to recognize the correctness of your judgments and agree with you. Therefore, they need to be extremely careful.

In order to know how to ask questions, It is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200ball kinds of these questions. Application in business and personal conversation issues of all kinds allows you to achieve different purposes. Let's consider the main types of questions:

Rhetorical questions Set in order to call the necessary reaction in humans (enlist support, emphasize attention, indicate unsolved problems) and do not require a direct response. Such questions also strengthen the nature and feelings in the proposal of the speaker, make the text richer and emotionally. Example: "When, finally, people will learn each other to understand?", "Is it possible to consider it a normal phenomenon?".

Rhetorical questions should be formulated so that they sound briefly and concisely, were relevant and understandable. Approval and understanding here serves - silence in response.

Provocative questions They are set in order to call the interlocutor (opponent) to a storm of emotions, so that the person in the rustling of passions gives the hidden information, sobfully something extra. Provocative questions are pure water manipulative impactBut it is sometimes necessary for the use of the case. Just do not forget before asking such a question to calculate all the risks associated with it. After all, asking provocative questions, you to some extent challenge.

Knocking questions We transfer attention to the area of \u200b\u200binterest asking, which lies aside from the main direction of the conversation. Such questions are asked or unintentionally (if you are interested in the topic of the conversation, you should not ask about things that do not have any business to her) or deliberately because of the desire to solve some of your own problems, send a conversation to the right you need. If your knocking question, the interlocutor will suggest you not to be distracted from the topic under discussion, so do, but at the same time note that you want to consider and discuss the topic you have declared at another time.

Also, the knocking questions are set in order to simply leave the topic of conversation, or because it is not interesting (if you do not value the communication with this person you should not do so), or it is inconvenient.

Refectory questions - Aims to ahead and require the ability to grab on the summer of the partner's replicas and provoke it to further disclose its position. For example: "Do you want to say that? ..".

Questions demonstrating their knowledge. Their goal is to shine their own erudition and competence to other participants in the conversation, to earn respect for the partner. This is a certain form of self-affirmation. Asking such questions should be really, and not superficially competent. Because you may be asked to give a detailed answer, on your own question.

Mirror question It contains a part of the approval of the source uttered. Will be given a person to see his statement on the other hand, it helps to optimize the dialogue, give it an authentic meaning and openness. For example, on the phrase " Never charge me anymore!"The question follows -" Do not charge you? Does there still have anyone else who can also cope with it?ยป

The question "Why?", Applied in this case, would cause a protective reaction in the form of excuses, justification and search for imaginary reasons, and could even end with charges and lead to conflict. A mirror question gives a much better result.

Alternative question Set in the form of an open question, but contains several answer options. For example: "Why did you choose the profession of an engineer: consciously, they went to the footsteps of the parents or decided to enter the campaign, along with a friend, and maybe you do not know why?". Alternative questions are asked to activate a notprofitful interlocutor.

Question filling silence. Good the right question You can fill the awkward pause, sometimes occur in the conversation.

Soothing questions To have a noticeable soothing effect in difficult situations. They should be well acquainted if you have little children. If they are upset, distracting and calm them can be given by several questions. This technique is immediately applied, because I have to answer questions, thereby distracting. Similarly, you can calm down and adult.

Ensures compliance with the following rules:

Brevity is the soul of wit. The question must be brief, clear and clear. Thus, the probability of response to it increases. When you start complex, extensive reasoning, go far from the topic you can at all forget what exactly you wanted to ask. And your interlocutor, at the time when you set out your question for five minutes, breaks my head, what exactly you want to ask him. And it may turn out that the question remains not heard or incomprehensible. If you want to go out from afar, let the explanation (prehistory) first sound, and then understandable and short question.

To the interlocutor, after your questions, there was no feeling that he was in question, soften them by intonation. The tone of your question should not show that you require a response (of course, if this is not a situation when you do not have a different way out), it should sound in a relaxed form. Sometimes it will be correct to ask with who you talk to, ask permission - "You can ask you to clarify a few questions?"

The ability to ask questions is inextricably linked to the ability to listen to the interlocutor. People are very responsive to those who listen carefully. And they will take your question with the same care. It is also important not only to show its culture and interest, but also not to miss the information that can serve as a reasons for clarifying issues or to adjust the already harvested.

Most people for various reasons are not ready to answer direct questions (someone is experiencing difficulties in presentation, and someone is afraid to convey the wrong information, some not know enough of the subject, other limits personal or corporate ethics, the cause may be restrained or impactivity, and t . P.). In order for a person to not care for any answer you need to interest him, explain to him what to answer your questions in his interests.

You should not ask the question beginning with words: "How could you ...?" Or "Why are you not ...?". The right question This is a request for information, but not as a hidden charge. When the situation demands to express dissatisfaction with the actions of a partner, it is better to firmly, but tactfully say about it in an affirmative form, and not in the form of a question.

So, learning how to ask questionsyou can get from the interlocutor you need (professional) information, it is better to understand it and find out, find out his position and motives of actions, to make more sincere and trustful (friendly) relationships with him, to intensify to further cooperation, and also to detect weaknesses and give He is able to deal with what he is mistaken. It is clear why psychologists are more often talking about art, and not about the ability to ask questions.

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Every day, people face a lot of questions that want to either find answers, or find out information from others. Naturally, some of them are voiced, and in the second part only implies. But the considerable number of inhabitants of the planet Earth wants to learn how to correctly ask questions to get the necessary, positive or deployed answers.

In fact, psychologists have long made a certain separation of all existing issues based on how a person will respond to them. Knowing those or other psychological tricks and tricks of manipulation can ask a question, the answer to which will be suitable in advance. Alternatively, it can be a full response to your request, which gives the receipt of information that you need.

What types of issues are?

We will be repelled from information that there are two main options that may be set to people:

  1. Closed. This is the easiest option when you need to get a minimum of information. This type of questions is characterized by the fact that the answer to it may be contained in one or two words. Most often it is "yes", "no", "I do not know." Information will get to know the minimum, and its accuracy will not check. You have to ask any additional questions to a person in order to receive more or more information, or it is lying lying, or tells the truth. If we are talking about communication between unfamiliar people, it is very often a closed proposal will be increasing the situation, because it will have to look for either additional topics for conversations or some points of contact.
  2. Open. It differs from the previous one by means of obtaining a complete and detailed response from the interlocutor. This question cannot be unambiguously reply "yes" or "no". It is necessary to give certain information to a person who will be the most complete, well, the answer itself is sufficient long and connected. This kind is more interesting because it makes it possible to get maximum information.

Naturally, from the context you can determine when and what questions to ask. However, most often these are interested in or psychologists, or people who work in the sphere of sales trying to find a common language with a notprofitable client.

How to ask questions correctly?

It all depends on what answers must be obtained. There are people who specifically build a proposal in such a way as to get a clear positive or negative answer. Separately, it is worth disassembling those elements that are used in the request. Here it is necessary to make a maximum effort so that the person responds positively, but relying on an existing request.

So, consider the basic methods by which you can get the desired answer:

  1. In no case do not need to start a question from the "not" particle. With a high probability, a person who is your interlocutor will respond to him negatively. It is easy to argue that - in fact, a response has already been created for him, he can only confirm the assumption. Accordingly, it is worth avoiding questions: "Would you like?", "Do you want?", "Will you help?".
  2. If there is a need to get a clear positive answer, then do not hurry with the main issue. Before requesting the person you have the information you are interested in, ask him three easy questions, the answer to which will be unambiguously positive, sounds like "yes." On the fourth question, a person will respond not so much by inertia as consciously, and will answer positively. This experience was conducted by many psychologists and is very often applied on non-promotional people who can find enough to make contact, proving their point of view.
  3. Correctly approach the creation of a request. Practice shows that a person is inconvenient to respond negatively twice to someone who asked the question and asked for help. Therefore, if there is a need to ask something and get a positive response to this or permission, then leave the main question for later. But the first question makes similar. So very often do people who want to ask for money off. What does it look like? Initially, it is necessary to ask a person if he will agree to lend you, for example, 10,000 rubles. At the same time you assume that the denial will follow. After receiving this negative answer, ask whether a person will agree to lend you 3,000 rubles. The amount in comparison with the first seems much less, and the person two times in a row to refuse you is simply inconvenient. Just for this reason, with a high probability, you will receive a positive answer.
  4. Selection without choosing. This technique is also well known, and implies a question in such a way that any of the answers that the person gives you is convenient for you. For example: "Do you want to see Monday in the morning or on Tuesday evening?" In fact, you give a person the opportunity to choose, and it can have between the available options. In fact, in question you can insert those facts that are convenient for you anyway. Accordingly, in the sentence, which is above, only the time is taken into account that is most convenient for you. Not the desired result can be obtained only if a person really does not fit both the options offered to you.
  5. Question-provocation. This method is also quite famous. In fact, it is a specific manipulation technique. It is based on the fact that a person does not be able to refuse, because it will not look like not in the best light, either will show its definite weakness. Just this taking people who are inherent in manipulation with the desire to achieve the desired effect. Unfortunately, a lot of people, such questions are easily calculated, responding to them accordingly.

Do you need to plan questions in advance?

It must be remembered that planned questions, as well as the options for answers to them, will help not only support the conversation, but also learn that information that was the goal of the conversation itself. So, what should I keep in mind?

  1. The purpose of the conversation and her result. Before you ask questions to a person, you need to understand that in the end you want to learn or get, what result do you want to bring for yourself?
  2. It is necessary to formulate fairly simple and short questions. It is better to set a couple of extra, than to confuse a person with one long sentence.
  3. Try the same question in advance to formulate several options. Based on the conversation, it can be understood which of the expected best to ask a person. The same question may have three or four options for their sound, respectively and the answers can be obtained different.
  4. Do not forget to ask additional clarifying questions. The interlocutor will indicate that you have a desire to learn as much information as possible, respectively, such an indicator will cause respect. For you, this is the opportunity to get the maximum necessary information for which the conversation was treated.
  5. In most cases, try to ask the question, starting with the word "why?". So you pushing a person to think. He thinks why and for what reasons one or another factor occurred.
  6. Be prepared to answer your questions. If this is not just an ordinary conversation, but the desire to get as much information as possible, then expect a squall of questions to be shattered at you. Naturally, see in advance what topics for you are acceptable to discuss, and from what topic it is better to refuse.

What basic errors are during the creation of questions?

  1. The offer is formulated in such a way that there is a response in advance. This tactic will be justified only if the proposal is formulated by the answer you need. But in fact, such a reception is manipulating, so it will be much harder to get a person's personal opinion here, because it is easier for him to agree with you.
  2. Constant use of only closed issues. You can independently block the way to develop my thought and issued a maximum of information. This is not the best strategy, and, as a rule, the result it gives an unimportant.
  3. Creating pressure in the question that is set. Here we can talk about increasing the voice or moral pressure on the opponent. This is used only if the confession is needed by the interlocutor. Naturally, producing a certain type of protection, he will agree with the assumption that you expressed.
  4. Do not understand the answer, but pretend that everything is clear. From here, only one ambiguity implies - why was it necessary to ask the question if the answer was not understood. It is better to recall information two or three times, reformulate the question completely. Only so you can understand what exactly the answer was meant by a person with whom you communicate.

I focus on the above rules and techniques you can easily get the necessary answers that a person will give consciously and without any difficulty. Naturally, if a fairly serious conversation is to be a fairly serious conversation, it is desirable to practice creating the right questions and conduct a training dialogue. So you can rehearse the surveyed skills and without resting to communicate with a person from which you need to get information.

In any dialogue, the leading role is held by the one who asks questions, and the one who always answers the slave. The art of asking questions is very important, both in life and in sales. But the sellers pay insufficient attention, so there is nothing easier than to ask the client - what does he need? Unfortunately, many questions of the sellers themselves drive themselves into a dead end and as a result, sell sales. In this article we will discern what questions are and for what they need.

Main types of sales questions

All questions can be divided into several categories. First of all, questions can be divided by the fact of how wide the answer you will receive from the client. Each sales should know and understand these types of questions. There are no universal questions, everyone needs strictly for its purposes.

Open questions

Open questions - imply a deployed answer. Open questions often begin with: Describe, tell us how you think, etc. This type of question is well suited when establishing a client dialogue and to understand its interests. Answering an open question, the client is negotiated, it contributes.

The most important thing that, answering an open question, a person as a rule says that he is really important. For example, you ask - for what criteria select the product? In response, the client will tell that it is important for him, it is about it that you need to talk to him. I often come across a situation where the seller in its product sees a certain benefit, for example, the price. Accordingly, such a seller considers his duty to tell all customers about this benefit, but for many buyers the question of the price can be generally secondary. Such a client is not at least being interested in such a product, and in the worst case it may be offended by what is considered not solvent.

Alternative questions

Alternative questions - in the question there are possible answers. Alternative questions are needed to clarify information as well. There is an easy way to complete the transaction - alternative. It is just built on the task of an alternative question.

Also, alternative questions are needed to clarify the information from the client, plus such questions that you can limit his answer to your desire. For example, if you agree with the client about the delivery of goods and the choice of free dates is not better to immediately ask him about the date that suscribed it. Not everyone will begin to ask, but are there any other days.

Closed questions

Closed questions - imply the answer "yes" or "no". Closed questions are needed to quickly get the information you need. Closed questions are good in the fact that they are quickly forgotten by the client and as a rule, after an answer to it, you can switch to the discussion of another topic. Why do you need it? Someone will say that in general it is easier to quickly identify the needs of the client immediately, but in this case the client will almost not speak, but only answer "yes" or "no". It tires customers, they begin to feel like interrogation.

Therefore, it is correct to identify the needs as follows - an open question then a closed question, then open again and is closed again.

Spin questions

The SPIN sales method has become one of the classic, although invented not so long ago. The method itself is based on a consistent task of special issues - situational, problem, extracting and guides. I gained great popularity, so we could not but affect questions from this sales methodology.

Situational questions

These are issues that are needed to understand the current situation in which the client is located. Often, sellers avoid situational issues, but it may be extremely negatively to say for sale. For example, in retail trade there is a good situational question - for whom we select the goods? Yourself or as a gift? On the one hand, this is not a question. But if you deepen the further identification of needs will proceed completely differently.

Since situational issues go at the beginning of the dialogue, they are easiest to prepare in advance. This will help the seller to make the right selling and achieve the desired. It is important not to overdo it with such questions if there will be too many buyer that can start annoying.

Problem issues

The client is usually unhappy as a rule, he just doesn't always remember this and not always tell himself about it. The success of the sale depends on how much the seller can identify problem areas from the client. It is for this that there are problematic issues. The problem question is aimed at identifying the difficulties that the client faces.

Problems can be divided into obvious (obvious) and hidden. Suppose the high price of goods is an obvious problem. But minor daily time loss due to imperfect item, this is a hidden difficulty you need to bring to the client. In general, the problems of customers arise among the same, they are directly related to the needs of the client. Therefore, the seller should think in advance the most frequent problems and form a list of questions to identify them.

Examples of problematic issues

Here is a list of some universal examples of problematic issues:

  • Tell us how difficulties do you come across operation?
  • What would you like to improve in the product?
  • What problems would you like to avoid?
  • What do you think unacceptable?
  • How much do you spend time on it?

Removing questions

Reflecting questions need to be asked as soon as you identified the client's problems. It is important to focus the client's attention on an unresolved problem and about possible consequences and it is for this that you need to ask an extracting question. The problem is important to strengthen, show its significance and cause a sincere desire to solve it.

Experienced sellers are often negotiating by extracting issues, revealing the problem they immediately go to its solution. Practice shows that such a hurry negatively affects. For example, the seller found out that the client overpays, and offers a more economical solution to the client. To which the client can say that he is pleased with its product and is ready to pay more. If the seller asked, for example, such an extracting question: Did you think how much do you overpay for a year?

Guides questions

Even if the client recognized the existence of a problem, it does not mean that he is ready to solve. The idea of \u200b\u200bchanges he needs to inspire a guide issue. The best option is when the client himself decided to buy, but it is not so easy to bring it to this thought. For example, you with a client found out that he overpays. And now you need to somehow translate it to the discussion of your offer, for this you can ask the following question: And if you were offered a similar product for less cost, would it be interested in you? If in the previous steps everything was done correctly you will receive the answer "yes" and you can go to the presentation of your offer.


The hook question in sales is a closed type of question that is specified by the client to confirm that the client will consider your offer. Very often, the clock is used as an answer to the client's objection. An example of a hook question:

Customer - I have a very reliable supplier, he never brings me very much?

Seller - I correctly understand you that if I give you a guarantee of reliability of our supplier you can such a proposal to interest?

This type of questions is also often called linking issues.

Rhetorical questions in sales

Rhetorical issues of both communicating and sales play not a latter role. First of all, rhetorical questions cast your speech, make it more accessible to the client. With the right combination of C, the rhetorical question can play not the last role in establishing confidence contact between the seller and the buyer.

For those who do not know, a rhetorical question is a question that does not require a response. For example: Do you want to save? Is the quality of the goods?

There are situations where the client is determined with a terrist, but one obstacle remains for normal cooperation - these are the questions you need to ask the master. At first glance, it's just, but in fact, I want to know everything and the minds are spinning about what you should start and what you do not need to ask. And what if the number of questions will significantly affect the cost of the service? In this regard, scientists distinguish several ways to set questions.

So, the emotional type is suitable for people who are not able to control their emotions. Often they are experiencing a long nervous shock. Yes, at such moments it is difficult to place everything in places and gain sound reason. For this option, the possibility of a short description of its own situation and the transfer of it to a terrologist is offered. Specialist with clear mind will look at the situation and will bring his recommendations, pre-stretching the card. If any item is accidentally descended, you need to hope that the master will notice her own. In this case, the appeal to the fortuneteller serves as a sedative medicine than the diagnosis. When after the completion of divination, lost factors pop up, then the first picture can break. Therefore, an emotional approach is better not to use if you need to obtain accurate information, and not just limit ourselves to a pleasant communication.

Analysis method provides the ability to ask the deliberate and correct questions that save time and nerves of both sides. This is directly the way to resolve problems. It is important to remember that everything is thinking about the person materializes, emotional energy is sent here. Questions can be asked common, but, at the same time, do not forget that there will be no specifics in response.

There is even an algorithm for formulating issues:

First, the sphere of interest is determined;

Possible events are invented briefly, various options are considered;

Then the most acceptable approach to life is chosen;

Questions are given on how to avoid possible unfavorable moments, how to bring everything to a positive result or calculation of surprises. If there is an assumption regarding people who can significantly affect the situation, it is definitely stipulated. Speech is formed clearly and concise.

To clarify how to achieve the peak of desires, you need to find out the specific timing of the prediction.

Indeed, following the listed advice, you can achieve an excellent result.

Regarding questions, taboi, then here you need to learn the assumption about their ignoring. Most often, in such cases, people are not satisfied with the answer.

Therefore, there are things about which you do not need to ask:

Do not try to get an accurate diagnosis of illness, because it can only say a professional doctor;

It is not necessary to ask to consider the life sphere in which there are no problems. For example, when there is a good marriage, why contact the fortune tellakam? This is the case when problems appear after divination, whose culprits consider Tarologists. Not guilty they are, but the human nature, seeking in good ideal.

The fortunewlings cannot accurately anticipate a quick event, for example, tomorrow's surrender exam. In this case, any answer will be bad because, as if you say about the success, a person will be idle, about negativeness - the person will lower his hands and will not do anything.

No need to ask about the future personal life. After all, there is a bunch of emotional factors, in which one side can be extremely interested in, and the other possess pessimism. Therefore, a negative answer for the first serves as the collapse of hopes. Personal relationships can be easily destroyed with abundant relaxation. Here will help the advice of psychologists than the services of fortune-law.

And the last, naturally, the question of death should not be raised on the divination session, because it is known only to God himself.

Finally, it should be noted that the number of questions has an impact on the cost of the service. Yes, there are tarologists that establish an additional fee for information. Therefore, it should be extremely careful when communicating with specialists.


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