Quotes wait and believe. Expectation. Hard aforisms about waiting. What you believe in, becoming your world

But only it was that a look from afar, a hot shining look on the go. That day the clouds floated high and the asters bloomed in the garden near Moscow. Listen, - in what year it was? Since then I repeat: do you remember, do you know? And there is nothing to wait for me and still wait. I remember I know that you remember the garden near Moscow, and look on the go.

Any worldly expectation, as the mol who fell into clothes, gradually eats a person.

Each of us has dreams, but we spend time on empty wait. Anyway, people consider us stupid. But now I know my life does not stand still. I and my camera ...

When the war runs out ... when it is over ...

They just sat waited. Waiting for life, waited for death, waited for the Absolute, which did not come.

Tram waiting?

And the most important change will be - stop waiting. Stop waiting for love, support, acceptance, gratitude, pride, praise, good words, hugs. We are so inside yourself all our life with an outstretched hand from the parent home. We demand - and wait. Without waiting, we demand again. Maybe you should work out to go there and see if there is there at all what we need? And suddenly it becomes clear that we asked drinking water in the house where there is not a single crane. Food - in beggar and hungry. If we did not receive something important for so many years - most likely, our parents simply do not have it.

Have you been waiting for a long time? - All life.

Only when what is happening exceeds expectations, it becomes really interesting.

Will you find me? - I will find. Will you wait for me? - Wait. I will say "Jikhangir is waiting for me in Istanbul. If I fall asleep, then it will fall out ... "- lovers do not sleep.

You know, it's hard to wait, but maybe it's worth it ...

Several meetings, a couple of the wound and waiting ... "If you miss - the message was empty." Lord, how to explain to yourself that breathing no longer pours into his hands, like singing? I will no longer remove the phone, it will not advise to sleep as soon as possible, because he is so worried ... Lord, I don't know who I should cry in the vest in the midst of a crucified street, where to collect the latter's grains? It became cool, the hands seems to be blue ... I consist of miserable burning cells, which dissolve in the sounds of the native name. Do I need to call mom in these cases? What do people do with bitterness and despair? Lord, you take away from us the best, just say, pour at least tea them? Do you put your estimates for life short? We smooth in curly? Cry them? Swear? ... I already send SMS cattle ... Only in the sky is unlikely to read ...

Today, he will see not tired Queen, and the one waiting for meetings from the night with him.

Today's night promises to be one of the best in my life. Count De Bursti must come at night, and it is possible that today it will allow you to touch yourself. From one thought that his subtle lips can already touch my neck today, I'm squealing in water, like a snake in the sun. The wave of goosebumps ran around the body, and I could not cope with these feelings, bowed my head on my side, and touched the palm of the reddened neck. Count ... would rather come on the night.

I hope, someday I will meet you, but until then I will just wait.

And you just know that I am waiting not only because I promised to wait. The minimum condition for why I am waiting for you - love for you.

Do not expect a blow to the back from the one who truth is the uterus in the face!

The older woman, the hotter. It is like a fire in which more and more firewood. Young girls are beautiful, they are just starting to smooth and burn. And those who are already burning with a huge bortfa, not all for strength. And the strength of mind, and passion, and discrepancy, and desires. Woman is a fire. And only from a man depends on how this fire will be lit in his hands. Women like apples. The most delicious hang on the top of the tree. Many men do not want to climb on a tree for tasty apples, because they are afraid to fall and hit. Instead, they collect fallen apples from the ground, which are not so good, but are available. Therefore, apples on Makushka think that something is wrong with them, although they are actually gorgeous. They just need to wait for the person who will not be afraid to climb on the top of the tree.

Everything comes to the one who knows how to wait.

Benjamin Dizraelie

Each separation is always hidden a new meeting.

Leonid Solovyov

I have to forget you because I can not without you.

Ishkhan Gevorgyan

Waiting for happy days is sometimes better than these very days.

K. Powesty

Sometimes some memories remain from humans, but everywhere ...

Go away forever? Leave the keys to my heart on the bedside table!


Little to go away, I'm going to go back.

The separation reduces moderate love and increases strong just like the wind carries the candle and inflates the fire.


The recklessness of the love is that the loving seeks that the days of waiting are preserved and disappeared.

Albert Kama

The expectation pulls time.

Garun Agatsarsky

When people go - let go. Fate excludes unnecessary. This does not mean that they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played. Leave means a little bit dead.

Edmond Arokur

Temporary separation is useful, because permanent communication gives rise to the visibility of monotony ...

K. Marx

Dogs and women who waited for a long time, wander in surprise when they finally appear their owner and delighting.


Be better than other people's expectations.

The heart is compressed, tears are silent on the cheeks silently and it is impossible to extract words in response, and it will be better to leave, it will be better, that's just ...

Kristina Bakhman.

You will not learn what real love is as long as you want to get rid of it. Not the one is not the one that withstands the long-years separation, but that that withstands the many proximity for many years.

Helen Rowland

Request - declarative expectation.

Ishkhan Gevorgyan

So, wait, wait for a warm meeting, and winter comes ...

Igor Sivolob

Expect the desired better than wishing the expected.

Sometimes the life of only one person changes with the change of phone number. Whoever will never get through to the one.

Separate - emptiness at the place of the former bliss, impregnated with longing in the inaccessible.

Elena Ermolova

If love is strong enough, waiting becomes happiness.

Simon de Bovwar

Each in their hands is a huge bow with raws of rapid separation.

Valery Kazanzhanz

Gorky separation makes poor lovers resolutely dumb.

William Shakespeare

Razuft is rather an excuse to treason than a medicine against love.

Margherit de la Sabire

The lack of your presence in my life does not annoy me anymore.

Party for a while - unprofitable, because the longer separation, the joyful meeting.

Yuri Tatarkin

Do not wait, but hopefully.

Ravil Aleev

Who courage has happiness to wait, with hope that the forever does not part.

Gennady Moskvin

If you leave for a short time, I am ready to wait for you all my life.

Oscar Wilde

What we are waiting, that and wait. For example: people waiting for a "bright future" and wait only another "bright future", but not real! Be able to wait - to do important before the arrival of the desired one.

Elena Ermolova

The distance is not as scary when it is in the kilometers of the Earth, and not in the kilometers of the soul.

What I am pleased - it does not happen, which is not waiting - then ahead is a step ...

Mikhail Mamchich

Unfortunately, sometimes only separation teaches the love of his native person.

Dmitry Nagiyev

I can not deceive your unexpected.

Ilona Yazvitskaya

If a decisive thing does not do something right away, it will weigh the "for" and "against" for years until fate itself decides for it, destroying the opportunity.

Elena Ermolova

When you want everything to go, it's easier to leave myself.

The heart, not able to wait, is hardly able to truly love.

In separation - the distance is measured not by kilometers, but days.

Yuri Tatarkin

Waiting also paints man ... most often than those who are expected.

It is impossible to wait only when you do nothing.

Alexander Duma Father

Aggressive enjoyment of waiting ...

Igor Krasnovsky

Lisels and meetings are two main parts, of which happiness will ever be.

Justify the expectation - let them walk freely.

Yuri Tatarkin

Can mile actually divide us with friends? If you want to be with a close person, aren't you already with him?

Richard Bach

Only for a minute late, the clock is losing expectations.

Georgy Aleksandrov

Wait - not to inactivate, but to act slowly, confidently, imperceptibly.

Elena Ermolova

He left, and did not threw. And these are two different things.

KF "Sun House"

License incites heart passion ... to someone who is closer.

What an endless charm in words: "Remember ... who leaving, took his black staff and left you these golden leaves." Is not all wisdom in this: to carry black and leave the golden? And no one understands this, and everyone who knows, forget it!

Marina Tsvetaeva

How painfully depend on the call ...

Vladimir Vishnevsky

Do not complicate life, do not confuse the worse with the inevitable!

Igor Krasnovsky

We are waiting for something from life. But it was not promised.

Elena Ermolova

When you have a lot of something, even the grains in the hourglass fall with the roar!

Konstantin Filenko

Never return to what I decided to leave. No matter how much you did not ask you, and no matter how you wanted yourself. Conquer one mountain, start storming another.

If we say "goodbye", there is no hope that we will see again, it is better to say "goodbye."

K-f "Never say" Goodbye "

It is better to go in English than to wait for you in Russian.

Wait if you want. Wait. Wait. Wait ... And how to live when?

KF "On parents and children"

Wait is not worth it, and the wrong choice is worth it to do it!

Expectations we have full - validity is not enough.

Mikhail Mamchich

Two weeks, that's all we had. Two weeks to fall in love with your ears. And now we break up for a year, but that we have a year of separation if we had these two weeks.

Wait, wait, wait - you can just give it right away, why is the patience torture.


Without you, this city will die for me.

A.V. Ivanov

There is no intrigue in waiting for the inevitable. But waiting for unusual, and even more so - free, this is the case, so it's.

Yuri Tatarkin

Of all the injustices of fate
License for hearts is terrible.


It was easy to wait for Penelope, when the queue stood to her, and not she in line.

Vladislav Gezhechich

We would not be valued life, do not give death. We would not be appreciated by the meeting, do not be separation.

When you leave, the main thing is not to turn back, but you will go in a circle.

Igor Sivolob

The art of waiting has always soaked mainly from the ability to look forward.

Leonid Leonov

Leaving, go and do not think about returning, but I will say "goodbye" and hopefully.

The unknown is the most painful of all torture.

Alfred de Mussse

When what we wait for a very long time, finally comes, it seems to be a surprise.

Mark Twain

After parting with a person for an hour, you can then look for it in eternity.

Love is deceived by hope. Those who could wait for something better are not waiting. Waiting for those who do not have to wait.

Vintsinti is not

Whoever is waiting for God to send him, he will definitely wait, and God will send him.

Stas Yankovsky

By closing the door behind you, I realized that it feels moth when the room is blown in the room.

Moments of date and separation essence for many the greatest moments in life.

Goat rods

We live in the eyelid - a century ... And yet ... not to all the wisdom comes over the years ... they don't become wise, wisely born ... it's just that it is revealed later ...

Especially for our readers, we picked up the 30 best quotes per week.

1. Do not complain about life - someone dreams of such a lifetime you live.

2. The main rule of life is not to give themselves neither to people nor circumstances.

3. Never show a man how much you need him. You will not see anything good in response.

4. It is impossible to wait from a person what is unusual for him. You do not squeeze the lemon to get tomato juice.

5. After the rain always comes the rainbow, after tears - happiness.

6. Once you will completely accidentally find yourself at the right time in the right place, and millions of roads will comply at one point.

7. What you believe, becomes your world.

8. The diamond fell into the dirt, still remains a diamond, and the dust rising to heaven and remains dust.

9. Do not call, do not write, do not interest - then do not need. Everything is simple and there is nothing to come up with.

10. I know people are not saints. Sins are spelled out by fate. For me, so better honestly evil than people with false kindness!

11. Be Like Lotus, which is always clean and blooms even in muddy water.

12. And God forbid everyone to be with whom the heart is not looking for others.

13. There is no better place than the house, especially if there is a mother in it.

14. People constantly come up with their problems. Why not come up with happiness?

15. Painfully - this is when the child wants to her mother with dad, and they are not. The rest can be survived.

16. Happiness is near ... Do not think of yourself the ideals ... appreciate what you have.

17. Never LGI who trusts you. Never trust someone who lied to you.

18. Mom, even if she is barbed, still the best!

19. Distances do not need to be afraid. And in the distance you can firmly love, and you can quickly break up.

20. I always consider the last read book of the best, until I take it for something new.

21. We give life to children, and they give us meaning!

22. A happy person is the one who does not regret the past, is not afraid of the future and does not climb into someone else's life.

23. The pain sometimes leaves, but the thoughts remain.

24. How many wisdom need to never lose kindness!

25. Refusing me once, no longer climb into my life. Never.

26. We value the one who can not without you. And do not hunt for those who are happy without you.

27. Remember: you attract to yourself what you believe!

28. Only one can regret in life - about the fact that you once never risked.

29. The most natural thing in this world is change. Live cannot be frozen.

30. One sage was asked: "What should I do if you were filled?"

"Pick up your soul and leave," he replied.

Everything will be the way you dream, only wait. Remember, sugar at the bottom ...

Expectations are never justified.

You will not get the jam of the tallery change, until you smoke with bread - the smooth waiting crusts.

You never know what you want.

When you know exactly what feared, it is already easier. Hope already appears ...

Do not live if life must be spent waiting.

Waiting enhances pleasure.

We forgot how to wait. This is almost forgotten art. And our greatest treasure is to be able to wait for a suitable moment.

History aphorisms about waiting

Sometimes you just need to wait until tomorrow ...

He promised her that he would call when she would like this. But she always waited. Therefore, he never called her.

What a strange thing is life. Everything happens when this is not waiting for it, and when you are very waiting - nothing happens.

Aesthetic rigid aphorisms about waiting

Sometimes not so sweet MiG reception, like eternity expectation.

Tell me, came once Repin to Surikov, and he writes "Morning Strelleskaya execution." From the canvas of the horizontal buzz. Places are arranged, the gallows in the smoke loom. Empty. I looked at Repin, frowned: "You would have hung at least one strane!" Surimov listened, hung a couple of Streltsov - and immediately Zamavalal. Because the horror of the expectations disappeared.

Wait. It was the first lesson taught me love. The day barely stretches, we build thousands of plans, conduct thousands of imaginary conversations, we give yourself a promise in such and such circumstances to behave quite differently - and they do not find the places for themselves, we do not wait for it, when our lover comes.

It's incredibly difficult to wait for some people, but the moments spent with them are worth it.

I do not want any more! Do not be angry: what would you wait for this time to tell me something important about myself, - I'm no longer waiting. Since I know you, I'm just doing what I am waiting. During these two and a half years, I waited three times more than all my thirty-three years of life. If I still knew at least once what, in fact, I wait! I deposited my own. I'm sown with expectation. I am very sorry, but this is a fact!

Plan on Monday - wait Friday.

Life is good and good that it does not always correspond to expectations!

Happiness come !!! I kill tears to cry from you!

Who learned to wait, it is reliably protected from disappointment strikes.

Ucharian rigid aphorisms

Do not wait for hottabych, do everything yourself.

If you believe that you should act as you think. The number of those who do not agree with you cannot change the facts and you have to find these facts. And to find them, you need to act. But not the sake of the pleasure of others, not for the sake of satisfaction of someone, even if a person closest to you. You are not obliged to meet someone's expectations - only with your own.

Can't be something faster than what should be on time.

Very wait. When you expect, stop expecting, and waiting will not be so hard ...

If you are very waiting - nothing happens!

We are waiting for your bus, but it is not, and there is no, and from hopelessness sitting in another, and here you see how your already drives up. And so not only with buses.

In the evening of the considered meeting, Rie was waiting for the guest and looked at her mother, who was grayly sitting on a chair in the far corner of the dining room. It is here, in this very place, she, having ending with their horses, spent all his free time. Fasting hands on his knees, she waited. Rie was not quite sure that she was waiting for him. But when he entered the room, the mother changed.

It is better to hear what is not needed than waiting for nothing.

Maybe he returned before him expected, but still, for those who love, his absence was too long.

If a person does not justify our expectations, he is not to blame, and our expectations.

Semantic rigid aphorisms about waiting

Lined bra - as a package with chips: open, and there is half empty. Women assure that with family cowards the same problem ...

Waiting for the character, weakens hope and dies love ...

Usually everything turns out a lot better than you expect.

Somewhere between suffering and expectation, one more thing appears: be found to those who can show you what you deserve, not just a spare option, but the only right! ..

Man is busy with what he expects happiness, but his real happiness is that he is busy.

But only sink after the defeat, shook and seem to now everything should be better - as otherwise, because it is already experienced so much that you can hope for reward. But life prefers to fill the pauses between the events of the most destructive, sometimes unbearable - expectation. This is a kind of checking for the need - if what we are waiting for, we really need, then we will pass the pause with honor.

Waiting for love should not be accompanied by Samomen.

When the snow melts, what will it turn into? - Of course, into the water. - And here is not! It will turn into a spring!

My soul is not. I'm waiting for someone all day. I meet without sleep I dawn - and all because of someone. With me there is no one. Oh, where to find someone! I can get around the whole world to find someone. Oh you who keep love, unknown forces, let them be easier to come back to me, my someone is cute. But there is no one with me. I am sad for me. I swear, I would give everything in the world for someone!

He waited for me in the rain. I will never forget it. Rain went, I was late, and he waited for me. So simple. But it is impossible to forget this!

I'm afraid to think, I'm afraid to say: do not disappear, please, for a long time. You are dear, I will wait for me ...

Unbeaten hard aforisms about waiting

It is impossible to wait for you waiting for you. To this you have to go.

It makes no sense to forgive anyone. It is much easier not to be offended at all. No one is obliged to comply with someone's expectations.

Pain, we cause ourselves, not close people close to us ... Just we expect from people more than they can do for us ... less hope for someone, you are doing yourself, and the pain will disappear into the unknown !!! )))

And only love gives us the strength to forgive and wait ...

She came to me every day, and I began to wait for her already in the morning. Waiting for it was expressed that I rearranged the items on the table.

What do you do? - Waiting.

Anticipation of happiness colors a girl.

What are you waiting for yourself (you do not want, and wait for), what do you believe in yourself, then it turns out.

About our meeting what to say there, I was waiting for her, as natural disasters await.

Only it makes sense to live in the world. Nothing to be afraid to build plans for eternity forward, as if death did not exist at all.

Life is the essence of waiting. So, you should enjoy everything in anticipation, because only you are capable of.

It is impossible to wait forever to wait for the right moment, you just need to create it.

I so want to hear warm words from you! ... - Well ... fur coat!

Time when we are waiting for happy days, it is often the best than these same days.

The unexpectedly stunned grief to survive is much easier than the constant fear and the waiting for the upcoming misfortune.

I always wait for you, I believe that, even, despite the rain, you will come to me ...

It is very hard for me, because I have nothing, except for dirty linen and endless expectation ...

For some reason, when you get what I waited for a very long time or achieved, interest in it disappears sharply.

Do not justify the waiting for something. Nothing comes just like that. These are unjustified illusions. It's like a wanderer's lost in the desert soon begins to perceive the sand for water.

In life, the moment always comes when the future depends only on independent decisive action.

I always try to justify the audience and give the audience much more than they counted. I know for sure that such admirers are worthy only true talent and endless hardworking.

Begging and waiting longing is quickly compensated by the sweetness and joy of its fruits.

Knowledge is sitting in you, and you do not notice it, while it should not shake it, and then you understand that I waited for something for a long time. But why, you still do not know.

Against the will begin to wait.

Everything will happen if only a person will wait and hope.

But I used to think that the love is unilaterally not happening ... And now every five minutes I get to her page ... And every 2 - I update myself, suddenly what I wrote.

You can not live like a child who awaits not wait for Christmas with gifts under the Christmas tree. I wake up my whole life and tell myself: I can't wait for this day.

And if you come every time at another time, I do not know what hour to cook your heart ... It is necessary to observe the rites.

From the film Deep Blue Sea (1999) - all my life is waiting for a decisive moment ... And suddenly it is already tomorrow.

Flying seconds, the clock lead your countdown. To whom the flame is curled, who will melt the ice. Who will show the truth to whom the frozen soil. Do not forget how to breathe in flight minutes. (2012-07-01)

Still, probably, it is good to know that where the light burns, someone can sit and think about you.

I do not tell you goodbye, it is usual yet. We'll meet Again. After his words, everything turned over, and the heart knocks, knocking out the expectations before our meeting ...

I do not want more snow! I want summer!

It is impossible to wait only when you do nothing. - Alexandr Duma

From the film of the graduation - it is impossible to wait for the right moment, create it ... What do you lose?

There are no unnecessary. For everyone, it certainly comes the time when it is necessary for something. That's how now. You just need to be able to wait. Even if sad is sad.

Whoever entered the door is always not the one who would like to see, but hope remains.

If the listeners look at the clock, this is nothing yet. Worse when they begin to shake the clock to check if they stopped.

Waiting, "said Shik, is a prelude in minor tonality.

All you expect to be moved easier. - Seneca

Only unexpectedly makes it happy, but it should stumble upon a lot expected and dispel it. - Elias Canetti

Through the world passes a large objective expectation, often disrupting, but still approaching its kernel not only in characters. The general staff of this waiting is called philosophy.

Waiting is not at all so tiring, especially if you know how to spend time.

Not medi. If you are slow - you will not reach the goal. The one who is waiting - can not succeed.

I have not been waiting for you for so long to lose, not even talking.

If you were built a house of happiness, the largest room would have to take place under the waiting room. - Jules Renar

The length of the minute depends on which side of the toilet door you are.

Never hope that everything will go smoothly, surprises usually wait there, where you are not waiting for them at all

When what we wait for a very long time, finally comes, it seems to be a surprise. - Mark Twain

See you in 204 days ... 4896 hours ... 293760 minutes ... everything is there, in normal time ... on our favorite place ... P.S. I may be late for a couple of mines ...

Wait - painfully. Forget - painful. But the corner of suffering is not to know what decision to take. - Paulo Coelho

How I want to get into your dream so that you understand that I am the one that you need.

Waiting and execution in contact. - Ludwig Wittgenstein

No matter how short time waiting, it is stretched when you are in the unknown. It was one of those cases when the invaluable habit of smoking becomes especially precious and comforting.

It is impossible to wait only when you do nothing. - Duma A.

And you believe everything and wait, but I will not return it ...

Serendantly begin to wait for it when you have nothing to wait.

Waiting for happy days is sometimes better than these very days. - Powesty K. G.

Years teach us patience. The less time we left, the better we can wait.

The future is today that will come tomorrow ... the past is the present that will be tomorrow ...

From the movie Double Life Charlie San Clauda - Cannot postpone your life. She will not wait for you ...

What do you do? - Waiting.

Always force him to wait. Anticipation will make you even more appreciate you.

It is pointless to sit in one place for hours and wait.

It is useful to be alone ... But after all, to wait for someone more pleasant.

I love you very, very, very, really stupid doubts! And believe me that it is written to you, to anyone else and take a step forward, because it is so difficult for me ... very ...

Sasha, what are you talking about someone again? Do you understand? I! I counted on myself and summed up myself.

I will no longer get off from the airport steps and do not scream you with all the tenderness: Hi, Zai!

From the film Garfield - if you wait a little, everything will fall into your paws.

So always: the former destroy the present and become real, but after all the past cannot become real, it means it will still remain in the past, and the present that stole the past will not be the future. Oh. Flow of emotions.

After all, it is so important - to know that the one you expect, will definitely return, despite even the world laws.

Tomorrow is long for us longer than last year.

The one I always expect, he was ... that the stone rock, in which to reliably grow a little bind. Solid stone, warm from the sun. And there is no such thing so that the rocks turn away, shaking off someone's weak roots. If collapsed, it means that the world collapses. The whole world of a small bindweed.

The most difficult thing is to be able to wait, while maintaining the peace of the host of the situation. It is necessary to withstand the test of the pause, during which nothing happens.

I'm worried about the need to wait. My fear is not that I am afraid not to wait for the desired. It is scary that I can get not what I am waiting.

Sometimes the hardest thing is to sit and wait.

There is such aphorism: "Do not waste time on a person who does not seek to spend it with you." It turns out - I'm in vain spending time to prepare for the exam ...

Previously, girls were dedicated to the poems, and now: "Smack, Spock Nok, colon, dash, closed bracket."

I am waiting for you today, and tomorrow, and the future in summer ...

My whole life was waiting for the right moment.

Do you have a person whose appearances in online are you looking forward to? I have here ... I am waiting for him, I think about him ...

Do not regret the past, she did not regret you!

I was waiting for life to give me a sign - and did not wait.

She came to me every day, and I began to wait for her already in the morning. Waiting for it was expressed that I rearranged the items on the table.

You have not started to pester? If not, then I can wait!

Here is the simplest test for love: if, spending four or five hours without your mistress, you start missing it, it means that you are not in love - otherwise, ten minutes of separation would be enough that your life becomes absolutely unbearable.

And for her everything just begins, she will give the name of this night, something like our first with him, she will remember every phrase, every gesture ... She will meet the morning in the thoughts about you and waiting for the call, which will not be ...

We are too impatient and too irremissible. We do not know how to wait for the results of their works, we need a victory - and immediately! And forgive those who can not be with us, we also do not know how.

If he does not call, you just need to stop thinking about it. That's all you have to do. That's so simple.

And while they are pouring rains, wait for warm times, in the rain.

I want to sleep, but I do not lie in anticipation that he will write, in the columns the music, on the cheek of the tear, thoughts about the other.

Abbot knew that wait was sin. You should appreciate every moment. And wait is disrespectful to the future and true at the same time.

If a person did not expect anyone for a long time, waiting makes him for ten years younger. And then for twenty.

You said you would love me forever. It turned out that we simply have different concepts about time.

When the word on-line lights up above your avatar, my heart knocks differently, the blood runs on the veins faster ... But when we see, all this disappears. Because I know, you will never smile as you smile with your avatars ...

And they are waiting for an excellent prince, lifting this stupid promotional image to their heads, which is melting unfortunately, future old magers and Megher, because only a man can do them, far from perfect. - Frederick Begbeder

I slept, ate, went to school - but it did not matter. I waited.

Does love waiting? Well, of course, waiting! And the tenderness is waiting for, and heat, but only ... counting accountants does not lead: "It is so much said so much."


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