Correspondence English. How to write a business letter in English. An example of writing the address of the sender and recipient

On this page you will find 5 samples of commercial offer letters in English, with translation into Russian.

Letter 1

4567 Golden Street

Fresno, California

9034 Cooper Street

Fresno, California

October 30, 2009

Our company Soft Plus is quite new in the region, it was established last year, but in spite of this we have already proved to be professionals and have a number of good reviews. We offer qualified services in software maintenance at reasonable prices. This month we have a special offer for you and your office equipment with a good discount. For more information you may call 555-55-55.

From: Mr Louis Mann, general director Soft Plus

4567 Golden Street, Fresno, California

To: StanleyCo Ltd

Dear Sirs

Our company "Soft Plus" has existed not so long ago, it was founded last year, but despite this we have already established ourselves as professionals and have a number of good reviews... We offer qualified software maintenance services at reasonable prices. This month we have a special offer for you and your office with a good discount. For more information call 555-55-55.


Louis Mann,

General director

Letter 2

Mr Jonatan Swift

4567 Bowery Street

9034 Cooper Street

Fresno, California

Dear HR manager,

Would you like to organize a day off for your employees within corporate culture? Our company may help you to increase the engagement of the staff by creating a simple family day-off! Competitions, contests, quizzes - all sorts of stuff for good time-spending with families and colleagues! Call us right now to reserve a date - 678-702.

Mr Jonatan Swift

From: Mr Jonathan Swift, Public Relations Manager FanOrg

4567 Bower Street, New York, NY

To: HR Manager, StanleyCo Ltd

9034 Cooper Street, Fresno, California, USA 90345

Dear HR Manager

Would you like to organize a day of rest for your employees within corporate culture? Our company can help you increase your employee engagement by simply giving them a family holiday! Competitions, contests, quizzes - any kind of entertainment for a good time with family and colleagues! Call us right now to sign up for a free day - 678-702.


Jonathan Swift,

Public Relations Manager

Letter 3

4567 Levy Street

9034 West Street

I know that recently you have opened a shop in our town. And I also know that you do not have any internet page of your shop. That is why I would like to offer you to create such a page. Nowadays lots of people prefer to make purchases sitting at home so business in internet is becoming more and more popular and the page of your shop in internet can become very profitable and help you earn more money. If you are interested in my offer I would discuss the details with great pleasure.

From: Mr. Jim Ferry

4567 Levy Street, New York, NY

To: Mr. Sam Adrian

9034 West Street, New York, NY, USA 90345

Dear Mr. Adrian

I know that you recently opened a store in our city. And I also know that you do not have a website for your store. Therefore, I would like to suggest that you create such a page. Nowadays, many people prefer to shop without leaving their home, so online business is becoming more and more popular, your store page on the Internet can become very profitable and help you earn even more money. If you are interested in my proposal, then I would like to discuss the details with you with great pleasure.


Jim Ferry

Letter 4

9034 East Street

December 01, 2001

Dear Sales Manager

Your company has been our customer for a long time. We appreciate your loyalty and thus would like to offer you our new product - electronic paper shredder. It is very easy in use and would become a very useful device in your office! If you place order before the end of this month you may get it with 50% discount.

We are looking forward to hearing from you,

From: Mr. Fred Johnson, Sales Manager

4567 Marconi Street, Sacramento, California

To: Sales Manager, Fulhom Boots

9034 East Street, Sacramento, California, USA 90345

Dear Sales Manager

Your company has been our client for many years. We appreciate your loyalty and that is why we would like to offer you our new product - an electronic paper shredder. It is very easy to use and will be a very useful device in your office! If you place an order before the end of this month, you can get a 50% discount.

Waiting for your reply,

Fred Johnson,

Sales Manager

Letter 5

General Director

4567 Camino Street

9034 South Street

Your wedding agency is becoming more and more popular in our city. I would like to help you make it more attractive to the customers. I am the owner of rose gardens, we grow fine roses all the year round. Roses would become a very good decoration for all wedding ceremonies. The prices are reasonable and include the designer service. More information you may find in the brochure attached.

General Director

From: Mr. Dean Hipp, CEO

4567 Camino Street, San Diego, California

To: Ms. Linnett, Perfect Wading

9034 South Street, San Diego, California, USA 90345

Dear Ms Linnet

Your wedding agency is becoming more and more popular in our city. I would like to help you make it even more attractive to your clients. I am the owner of rose gardens, we grow roses all year round. Roses will be a good decoration for all wedding ceremonies. We have reasonable prices including designer services. More information can be found in the enclosed brochure.


Dean Hipp,

General director

TO business correspondence it is advisable to pass only after reaching level not lower than Pre-Intermediate ... The fact is that only at this level the student forms a stable idea of \u200b\u200bthe styles of verbal communication in English. Many are convinced that the British are retrogrades, and they have preserved a lot of the old traditions of business communication. In many ways they are right, but the notorious stiffness of the British has long since sunk into oblivion, and perhaps their pedantry and desire for order in doing business, judicial, commercial, banking, notarial and other types of correspondence remained. This is "not bad", and the ability to correctly compose an official letter in English will help you avoid incidents and losses, and not only financial costs, but also blows to reputation.

The style of verbal communication is formal business, and before communicating with your business partners in English, you willy-nilly have to learn what business correspondence in English is and study examples of letters.

Key rules of business correspondence in English

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the key rules of English correspondence, expressed in an official business style. Everything has its place in a business letter in English.

  • Regardless of the content of the letter, there are certain parameters for its appearance.
  • The most simple, common font type is used (usually Arial or Times New Roman);
  • Font color - only black (highlighting in other colors is not allowed);
  • Paragraphs are separated by double spacing (line skip);
  • The "red line" is not used;
  • All margins are the same, equal to "inch" (2.5 cm).
  • The paper should be A4 size or special sizes "Letter". If the document is sent on behalf of an organization, it is recommended to use letterhead with a logo.

I start letter

1. An indication of the sender. Start the letter with the indication in the upper left (!) Corner of the name of the organization or the name and surname of the addressee (sender). The address of the company is prescribed to the scrupulous exactness: each item - on a new line. An example of such a start:

Mr Pavel Karpov
Tevix Company
Office 77, Building 57
Chkalov Street

If the letters are printed on company letterhead, you can skip this part. If the letter is international, the country name is usually printed in capital letters.

2. Date. Indicated two lines below the information about the sending company. to avoid misunderstanding date of writing it is advisable not to put it "retroactively".

3. Information about the recipient. It is specified two lines after the date (below it). It includes the addressee's name, full company name and detailed address. It is best to always indicate the name and title of the person to whom the letter is directly addressed.

Design example:

Mr. John doe
Balton Galore, Inc
772 Canine Road
Los Angeles, California 90002

4. Greetings. It will be very strange if in the first letter you write Hello John, so you need to write:

Dear John,
Hello Mr. Doe

The letter should start with a formal appeal, especially if this is the first letter. Use one of the templates:

Hello Mr. Ivanov
Dear Sergey
Dear All - perhaps if you do not know if you are writing to a man or a woman, or expect a response from any company representative;
Dear sir - you know the gender of the addressee, but you don't know his name. Still, the best solution would be to try to find out the name of the addressee.

If you do not know at all who exactly from the company's employees you are addressing the letter, you can use the appeal "To Whom It May Concern". However, this faceless shape is not the best choice.

II. The main part of the letter

5. Main content. After the appeal (as for a letter of a personal nature), a comma is almost certainly put, and the text of the letter begins on a new line, and you can skip one line. A comma is possible if you are addressing a very important person (VIP - Very Important Person).

It is quite decent to introduce yourself at the beginning of the letter, but this is in the case that you write for the first time or quite rarely, and are not sure that the head of the company still remembers you. Let's say I am Anna Shevelyova, a Director of XYZ Company.

The classic phrase to start a letter is "I am writing you regarding ..." / "I am writing you regarding ...", "I am writing you in response to your letter . " (I am writing in response to your letter).

Be sure to thank for the previous contact if it has already taken place:
Thank you for contacting me on that so important issue. We are thankful so much for sending us more information about the production of your Company.

  • A business letter for the best presentation of your thoughts is divided into paragraphs in which there should not be any water - only clear, dry, specific and comprehensive information. Do not use passive constructions, only valid ones.
  • You are sure to thank the addressee for the future solution to your problem (even if you are not entirely sure of this). Thank you for spending my time on my issue. We are thankful beforehand for your participation. Or something like that.
  • If the text of the letter must be continued on the second sheet, be sure to indicate at the top a note with the recipient's name, date and data that this is a continuation of the letter on another page.

6. Summing up. The last paragraph should contain a "squeeze" of the entire letter indicating your further actions or their expectations from partners. Please indicate your readiness to communicate on any questions and suggestions. “If you have any questions, please contact us” (If you have any questions, please contact).

III. Completion

It is important to consider how to end the letter in English. The fact is that the last part of the letter is a kind of indicator of respect for the person with whom you are communicating. Be sure to use one of the most commonly used clichés "Sincerely" at the end of the letter (sample in English: "Yours sincerely" or "Sincerely"). The closing phrases "Cordially," "Respectfully," "Regards" and "Yours Truly" (less frequently used) are also acceptable. Less formal, but also perfectly acceptable are the phrases "All the best," "Best wishes," "Warm regards," and "Thank you."

Finally, you sign your letter, leaving all the necessary information, even if it is known to the addressee.

Anna Shevelyova
XYZ Company
E-mail: [email protected]

The rules are not too complicated, but the most difficult thing in such a letter is to maintain business communication style ... Over time, when you already have several business meetings, the style of statements in the correspondence can be somewhat personalized, but you should always remember that a business letter should be dry, accurate, without ambiguity and omissions.

Useful phrases and expressions for business correspondence

  1. I write to inform / This is to inform - I hereby inform ...
  2. With reference to your letter of 19th June ... - In response to your letter of 19th June ...
  3. We are writing to enquire about - We are interested in information about ...
  4. I call your attention to ... - I draw your attention to ...
  5. Could you possibly explain ... - Could you explain ...
  6. Thank you for the information - Thank you for the information.
  7. Regarding your question about ... - Regarding your question about ...
  8. I'm sending you .. - I'm sending you
  9. Please could you send me ... - Could you send me ...
  10. I would be grateful if you could ... - Would be grateful if you could & hellip
  11. I look forward to hearing from you soon. - I look forward to your early reply.
  12. We are hoping for the understanding. - Hope for understanding.
  13. Thank you in advance for your help with… - Thank you in advance for helping with…
  14. Thank you for your time. - Thank you for your time.
  15. If we can be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask. - Contact us at any time, we are always happy to help.

An example of a business letter in English

Taking into account the above rules, for greater clarity, we present a business letter in English as a sample of correspondence between native speakers.

Robert baker
EcoLines, Ltd
5 hill street
Madison, Wisconsin 53700

16 April 2016
Mrs. Patricia wilber
General Manager
15 Coconut Road
the UK WFY2 3JР

Thank you for sending us your prior consent and now I have pleasure in inviting you to arrive to London to attend our international environmental forum to be held at Dorsey Hotel, London on Monday / Wednesday 12/15 May 2016.

This intensive, environmental forum for ecologists aims to:

Increase our planet environmental security

Enable feedback and networking with ecologists around the world

The forum seminars are held by distinguished cohort of international speakers who are going to introduce eco-friendly projects to experts on that issues.

I am sending you a registration form to be send back before 5 May. The fee comprises ₤ 65 per person.

It will be my pleasure to meet you at our forum with so distinguished cohort of members.

Yours sincerely
Robert baker
Forum Secretary
Tel. 777-XXX-777
[email protected]

Differences between business correspondence in English and Russian

russian language

english language

complex stamps are widely used, making it difficult to understand

clichés are used that make it easier to understand

complete absence of emotionally colored vocabulary

use of emotionally charged phrases is allowed

missing part of the letter aimed at establishing personal contact with the addressee

at the beginning of the letter I must necessarily present phrases aimed at establishing contact with business partners

used as "we-approach" and "I-approach" (I write - I write)

only "we-approach" is characteristic

the turn towards the use of introductory and closing polite wording is just beginning

the verbal expression of respect for the interlocutor, respect, courtesy is clearly manifested

the letter is written in solid text

the letter has a strictly block structure

Business correspondence in English offers samples of various invitations to conferences, participation in business projects, purchase of equipment, cooperation in production or obtaining investments.

Improve your English with fun online exercises. English speech needs to be memorized with phrases that have evolved over many centuries. At the same time, an additional center appears in our brain, which is responsible for the formation of an understanding of the mentality of native speakers.

Business correspondence in English is often part of a job. Therefore, the question "How to write a letter in English?" relevant to many.

But even in addition to communicating with foreign partners, there are a number of life situations when we need to write a letter to a foreigner: it can be a letter to a university, to a foreign store, or a reply to a vacancy announcement.

As a rule, the recipient of our letter does not know anything about us, therefore forms his first impression on the way we conduct correspondence. So no better way win over the interlocutor than a competent, politely written letter.

In this article, I will explain how to build business letters correctly, give examples of frequently used phrases, and share links to resources where you can find samples.

How to write a business letter in English?

Of course, each correspondence is unique and the content of the letters will differ. However, the general structure of a letter in English is about the same: a polite greeting, a logically constructed body part and a closing phrase.

Let's take a closer look at this.

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1. Greetings

A greeting in a business letter always begins with the word " Dear"(" dear "). Next is the rank (the official name associated with qualifications or official position), if any ( Dr... - "doctor", Judge - "referee", Professor - "Professor"). If not, then write Mr... or Ms... ("mister" or "miss / mrs"). Only after that comes the name of our addressee:

Dear Mr. Jones

Dear Mr. and Ms. Smith

Dear Professor McDowell

! IN British english the greeting ends comma:

Dear Dr. Brown,
Dear Dr. Brown,

Dear Judge Cornwall,
Dear Judge Cornwall,

! IN American english the comma is used only for personal letters. In business correspondence, colon:

Dear Dr. Brown:
Dear Dr. Brown:

Dear Judge Cornwall:
Dear Judge Cornwall:

It also happens that we do not know exactly who we are writing to. For example, we send a resume to new joband we were unable to find out the name of the HR manager. In this case, instead of the surname, you can indicate the position:

Dear Personnel Director
Dear Recruiting Director

If even the position of a potential reader is unknown, then you can use the phrases:

To Whom It May Concern
To whom it may concern

Dear Sir or Madam
Dear Sir or Madame

2. Main part

After the greeting, we start a new line and proceed to the most important thing.

The main body of a letter is usually divided into three parts:

  • In the first one, we immediately formulate on what occasion we are writing. In response to a job posting to ask a question or request some information to confirm the date and time of the meeting, etc.
  • In the second, we provide all the details and additional information... For example, if we write to the employer, then it is here that we briefly describe our qualifications; if we want to ask a question, then in this section we explain the situation in detail, etc.
  • In the third, we briefly summarize what we have written and politely urge the addressee to the action we need. For example, we refer the employer to the resume attached to the letter, or ask to send us any data as soon as possible, or leave our contacts in case of questions.

Let's take a closer look at each of these points.

2.1. Part one - the "background" of the letter

The purpose of the first paragraph is to immediately make the addressee understand what our letter will be about. If it has a "background": for example, it refers to an announcement, a telephone conversation, another letter, this should be definitely clarified using expressions " with reference to"(" about ... ")," with regard to"(" relatively ... ") or" in response to"(" in response to ... "):

With reference to your advertisement for ___ position, published in ___.
Regarding your job posting ___ posted in ___.

With reference to your inquiry ...
Regarding your request ...

With reference to our meeting ...
About [what was discussed at] our meeting ...

With reference to our phone conversation yesterday ...
About [what was discussed on] our telephone conversation ...

In response to your letter of 13th December ...
In response to your letter of December 13 ...

With regard to your question about ...
Regarding your question about ...

With regard to your last e-mail ...
Regarding your last letter ...

If no previous meetings or conversations connect you with the addressee, then you can immediately get down to business and clearly define the purpose of the letter.

So why are you writing? Are you answering the request? Are you applying for a vacancy? Do you confirm the date of the meeting or specify any details? Your letter should immediately communicate this. Use the phrase " I am writing to"(" I am writing to ... ") to name my goal. For example:

I am writing to inquire about ...
I am writing to ask about ...

I am writing to request further information about ...
I am writing to request further information on ...

I am writing to confirm that ...
I am writing to confirm that ...

I am writing to apply for ...
I am writing to apply for ...

This point and the background of the letter will fall into one paragraph, and often into one sentence!In total, our letter can start something like this:

With reference to your phone call yesterday, I am writing to confirm that your order was sent.
Regarding your phone call yesterday, I am writing to confirm that your order has been sent.

With reference to your inquiry I enclose the documents you "ve requested.
Regarding your request, I am enclosing the documents you requested.

I am writing with reference to your advertisement on to apply for a position of ...
I am writing about your announcement on to apply for a position….

I am writing to inquire about job vacancies in your company.
I am writing to inquire about vacancies in your company.

I am writing to request a copy of my medical record.
I am writing to request a copy of my medical record.

2.2. Part two - letter details

The next (second) paragraph is the "meat" of the letter. This is where you set out the whole point of the matter, with the amount of detail that you require.

Remember that, as in Russian, a business letter implies polite tone!

In case you are going to ask the addressee for something, use polite forms such as:

Could you ...
Could you…

Would you please ...
Could you please ...

I would be grateful if you could ...
I would be grateful if you could ...

If you agree to your addressee's request, use the phrase " I would be delighted to" ("I would be glad"):

I would be delighted to attend the meeting.
I would be very happy to attend this meeting.

I would be delighted to provide more information.
I would be very happy to provide more information.

For a polite refusal, you must definitely thank for the offer:

Thank you for your invitation, but ...
Thanks for the invitation, but ...

If you need to attach additional documents to the letter, use the following phrases:

Please, find enclosed ...
Please find in attachments ...

Enclosed is a ...
The appendices contain ...

Enclosed are ...
The appendices contain ...

I am enclosing ...
I enclose…

2.3. Part three - call to action

The last (third) paragraph serves to once again briefly formulate the goal and, if necessary, urge the reader to take action following the results of the letter: for example, read your resume or consider a business proposal.

We hope that you "ll be able to take part in our conference on May 5, 2018.
We hope you can take part in our conference on May 5, 2018.

Please refund my $ 500 deposit and accept my apologies.
Please return my $ 500 prepayment and accept my apologies.

Please, send me these documents as soon as possible.
Please send me these documents as soon as possible.

If the letter is rather informative, then at the end you can simply leave a request to contact you, in case the addressee has any questions:

In case you have questions, feel free to contact me.
In case you have any questions, please contact me.

If you have any questions, don "t hesitate to contact me.
If you have any questions, please contact me immediately.

Please, contact us again, if we can be of assistance.
Please contact us again if you need help.

Finally, if you want to make it clear what you expect from your reader a response letter, you can use the following phrases:

I "m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Looking forward to your reply.

I hope to hear from you soon.
Hope to receive your reply soon.

3. Conclusion

Now that we have outlined the most important thing, it remains only to finish the letter with one of the traditional phrases:

Yours sincerely,

Respectfully yours,

Kind regards, / Best regards, / Regards,
Best wishes,

After that, on a new line, we write our first and last names - and the letter is finished.

Examples of business letters in English

Examples of writing in English can be found on the following sites.

Resources in Russian with translation:



Resources in English (no translation):



Friends, now you know the basic rules for writing business letters. Most importantly, do not forget about courtesy to your addressee! Save it and your time - write briefly, to the point and avoid "water". Good luck!


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