The tariff plan will be together Rostelecom. Tariffs for home telephones from Rostelecom. What tariff to choose

For individuals Rostelecom is one of the priority options when choosing a provider for local telephone communication. But at the same time connecting the home phone from Rostelecom to itself some difficulties.

The first and most important is the choice of a suitable tariff, in which the user will not overpay for unnecessary services and will receive the necessary list of advantages. This article will consider all tariffs Rostelecom to the home phone.


Unlimited tariff gives the most complete set of opportunities for a stationary telephone user.

The number of minutes for conversations is not limited to the provider - the subscriber does not have to control the state of his account. Number of calls for reporting period Also not regulated.

There is such a pleasure of 247 rubles per month. Another 174 rubles will need to pay for the lease of the dedicated line. With a paired connection scheme, the total cost will be almost twice as smaller - 211 rubles instead of 421.


This tariff has no system of time-based compounds. The number of calls performed for the month is also not limited to Rostelecom if the equipment on your line cannot take into account this indicator. Find out the tariff in advance and whether the limit will be installed, you can in the provider support service before connecting.

The final amount will be 294 rubles: 120 - for the services themselves and 174 for the dedicated line. The connection cost is also standard: 88 rubles, if there are already subscribers and 500 on your line - if they are missing. With a paired connections, a month will have to pay 150 rubles.


Combined tariff from Rostelecom is the first on our list of those in which the number of minutes is limited to calls.

Basic package for free conversation is 340 minutes per month. When it is exceeded, 0.42 rubles will cost every next 60 seconds, the tariff rate is per minute. The subscription fee is equal to the tariff "Lociety".

In the presence / absence of users on the line, the connection will cost the same money (88 and 500 rubles, respectively).

Day off

The tariff is designed for those subscribers, the main share of the conversations of which are on weekends and holidays.

For them, Rostelecom offers an unlimited number of minutes these days. On weekdays, the cost of one will be 0.5 rubles. At night, every next 60 seconds will cost 0.44 rubles. Also different and the cost of connecting to the already busy line - 126 rubles instead of 88.

The total amount of payment for the month will be 334 rubles (160 as a fees and 174 for renting a line). With a paired connection scheme, the total cost will be 167 rubles.


Social tariff from Rostelecom is an excellent opportunity to save for people who speak little by phone or not accustomed to spend a lot of communication services in general.

For a small fee, the operator provides 100 free minutes per month. Each next is counted at a cost of 0.56 rubles with overnight billing. The cost of connecting compared to the tariff of the day off is not changing - 126/500 rubles.

The amount to payment for the tariff "Social" at the end of the month will be 27 rubles that when renting a line at a price of 174 rubles will be poured at 201 rubles. (With regard to minutes spent over the required).


The tariff "timeless" is another solution for those who extremely rarely use a landline telephone from Rostelecom. When using it, the subscriber pays only those moments that he had to speak directly for a month is a plan without a monthly fee.

In the afternoon, 0.48 rubles will cost every next 60 seconds, at night - 0.42. The fee for the use of the tariff is not charged. The account will consist of 174 rubles for renting a line and sums for talking in the reporting calendar month. With a paired connection circuit, the price for the new rate will decrease to 87 rubles, and the cost will remain at the same level. The cost of connection remains unchanged.

Every time - a favorable tariff for those who use the home telephone only as needed.

What tariff to choose?

For economical users who are not at home for a long time, or simply not every day use the phone, the best solution will be "timeless" or "social" tariffs. Also profitable is the "Subscription" plan, but the full set of its advantages can be felt only in the absence of a system for taking into account the number of calls.

For subscribers who in moderate quantities call with the help of a stationary apparatus, the best solutions will be "subscriber" or "day off". For each subscriber there is an opportunity to save by connecting on a paired line - then you will need to pay half the tariff.

Tariffs of international calls

Calls abroad can also be performed if you connect the appropriate telephone fares:

  1. Long conversations. Free tariff with cheap calls in the region and Russia (from 1 ruble). The cost of international conversations begins from 5 rubles per minute. 60 seconds of communication with Europe cost up to 16 rubles, with Asia - up to 27.
  2. Infinite communication. The subscription fee is 280 rubles for the owners of "unlimited" and 400 - for other users. Each of them is accrued 200 minutes a month to conversations within the network. Prices for calls to Europe and Asia 2-3 times higher. The tariff is suitable for those who rarely call abroad and communicates a lot with representatives of other regions of the Russian Federation.

If you hit this page, then you wanted to hold home a landline phone from Rostelecom and want to know what tariff you will be most suitable. The number of tariffs and their cost may differ in different regions, so do not forget to choose your region on the site.

We want to warn our readers that all the above prices are relevant at the time of writing the article for the Krasnodar Territory.

Unlimited tariff

Already from the name it can be seen that the amount of time and calls there is no limitation. That is why this is the most expensive tariff in the line of home telephony. Such pleasure per month will cost you in 421 ruble. This amount includes payment of the subscriber line of 174 rubles and the calls themselves are 247 rubles. If you want to connect the phone, then find out if there are other subscribers of the network. If they are not, then the connection will cost you 500 rubles, and if you are not the first wishes, then the amount will be 126 rubles. By paying one time, you can be sure that all incoming and outgoing calls for you will be free and you do not need to control your relatives and drive them away from the phone.

Subscriber rate (without spus)

The first question that you will have at the sight of this tariff is what Spus is? Spus is decrypted as a system of time-based compounds. It also has no restrictions on calls, but they can only take advantage of those places where there is no technical ability to carry out timeless accounting of local telephone connections. If you can find out this opportunity you can call a free number 8-800-100-08-00 . Monthly fee 294 rubles, And the cost of connecting is 500 or 88 rubles (the first figure is relevant if your home is not yet connected to telephony).

Combined tariff

This tariff will suit most residents of the country, since at the beginning of the month you are issued 340 minutes of free conversations. If you exceed this quantity, then you pay each minute at a cost of 42 kopecks. The subscription fee is 294 rubles per month, and the connection itself will cost you 500 or 126 rubles (the first figure is relevant if your home is not yet connected to telephony).

Tariff day off

If you communicate much as much as possible on weekends and holidaysThis tariff is ideally suited to you. These days, all the conversations for you will be free, and on the other days, the rates will make up 50 kopecks per minute and 44 kopecks per minute at night. The subscription fee is 334 rubles per month, and the phone can be connected for 500 or 126 rubles (the first digit is relevant if your home is not yet connected to telephony).

Social tariff

For people who are used to conducting an economical lifestyle, Rostelecom specialists have developed this rate. It is distinguished by the lowest monthly subscription fee in 201 rubles, and for this amount you will receive 100 free minutes. Further minutes you will pay 56 kopecks for each. You can connect the phone for 500 or 126 rubles (the first digit is relevant if your home is not yet connected to telephony).

Tariff timeless

If you want to pay only for telling, but speak only about necessity and is not enough, then the tariff has time for you. This is the complete opposite of the unlimited tariff. Every minute during the day paid 48 kopecks, and at night 42 kopecks. The subscription fee is only 174 rubles, and the connection itself will cost you 500 or 126 rubles (the first digit is relevant if your home is not yet connected to telephony).

How to change the tariff for the home phone

If you have selected one rate when connected, and now you see that you will be suitable for some other, then do not be discouraged. You can always change the tariff in your personal account or by calling a free number 8-800-181-18-30 . In the case of transition to a more expensive tariff, do not forget .

Intercity tariffs

To call to another city, you must dial a combination 8 - (code settlement) - (subscriber number). On all tariffs, the cost of each minute will be 2 rubles, if the distance to the addressee does not exceed 100 kilometers, and 3 rubles 60 kopecks in all other cases.


Summing up the article, you can summarize all spending on the maintenance of the home phone as follows. There is a one-time payment for the connection. It can be equal to 500 rubles if your home is not connected and can be equal to 126 rubles if you are not the first client in this house. Next, you will have to pay only a subscription fee every month depending on the selected tariff. Some tariffs are issued a free number of minutes, and everything else is paid for individual rates. You can familiarize yourself with the relevant data for your region.

If you decide to connect a stationary telephone to the urban network, then one of the main issues that you have to decide are the choice of the monthly payment plan for you. Rostelecom tariffs for telephone conversations are simple, understandable and created taking into account the wishes of subscribers. The user of home telephony can choose both unlimited communication for a specific fee, and prefer to pay time. We will tell you in detail about the tariff plans that are offered by the company's subscribers so that you can decide which type of monthly payment for home telephony is suitable for you.

Types of tariff plans

Rostelecom tariffs for a landline phone can be divided into two large groups. The cost of each of them includes the price for servicing the subscriber line - today it is 180 rubles. That is, it is from this amount that the line of tariffs of home telephony "Rostelecom" begins. You can choose unlimited communication or compensation, and you may prefer something mean - combined plans.

Unlimited conversations

The first group of the planned payment plans is, of course, the unlimited communication, which is preferred by subscribers who are constantly using calls within the network. The most popular among them is the "unlimited" tariff for its basic cost is formed from the fee for the subscription line (180 rubles) and an unlimited number of connections within the network (252 rubles). Thus, at the end of each month you will need to give a minimum of 432 rubles.

However, Rostelecom really offers you unlimited tariffs On the phone and communication within the network - simply long-distance, international negotiations and calls to the mobile telephone network are paid along with the main score.

Unlimited tariff plans for business

Unlimited are two more tariffs on the city phone from Rostelecom. These are plans called "Basic" and "Advanced". They differ, first of all, a list of services included in the monthly payment. You can also connect them too - only those who have no problems with technical requirements. For example, in the "base", and in the "extended" tariffs "Rostelecom" on the home phone there is a reduced kit and an automatic number identifier.

Evaluation of technical capabilities is carried out by experts. The correct type of telephone supporting the necessary communication standards will also help you choose if necessary.

It is the "basic" 500, and "expanded" - 600 rubles per month. The number of free connections inside the network is in no way limited. True, both of these tariffs on the city phone from Rostelecom company rather, rather, for business customers: here and conference calls, and forwarding, and waiting for a connection with musical accompaniment, and a call recording.

Rostelecom also offers another tariff for a landline phone, which can also be conditionally attributed to unlimited - this tariff plan "Output". It is focused on those subscribers who use the home telephone in weekends and holidays, and the rest of the time they rarely sit at home and therefore prefer to talk on a mobile phone. At the tariff plan on weekdays, each call is paid to the commemorated (0.48 rubles). But on the weekend Rostelecom offers subscribers who chose this type of tariff with conditionally unlimited communication, talking on the phone as much as I want - in the price all this is already inclusive. And the price of unlimited conversations at the weekend - 310 rubles per month.

Tip: Unlimited tariff plans are focused on word-taking subscribers. For example, the older generation - grandparents - it is better to choose a tariff plan of this type, otherwise they will not be able to chat with friends with pleasure.

Combined tariff plans

The next type of monthly payment is combined. Plans for this line suggest a certain number of minutes in advance included in the price. As soon as the limit is exceeded, each conversation begins to be paid separately. For example, on the 350 Combined Tariff Plan, the subscriber can calmly spoke 350 minutes within the network without additional costs for 310 rubles per month. The "combined 450" costs only forty rubles more expensive, but includes 450 minutes without a coming board.

TO combined type There is also a "social" tariff from Rostelecom to the home phone. On it, the subscriber receives an inexpensive telephone connection for a little money - a month should pay only 208 rubles. True, the limit here is also very low - for your money, the user will receive only 100 minutes by the telephone network. Starting from one hundred first, you will have to pay 56 kopecks per each minute of connection. True, the call to a duration of up to 30 seconds is two times cheaper, that is, every half a minute is paid separately.

Tip: Combined tariff plans - for those who do not want to consider every minute, but sure that he speaks around the city telephone network is not so much.

Tariff plans with compensated billing

Rostelecom also offers time-based tariffs to a landline telephone. "Time" - that is, "in time", for each minute of conversation.

By choosing a monthly payment of this type, the subscriber will have to pay on only the service of the telephone line, which we mentioned is worth 180 rubles. The conversation within the network will cost fifty kopecks per minute. And, as in other cases, an incomplete minute to 30 seconds will cost only half of the cost.

Tip: The time-based tariff for the use of a home telephone from Rostelecom is convenient for those who speak the stationary apparatus rarely, but it does not want to abandon him. The subscriber may not speak at all on the internal network - then it will pay only 180 rubles. It all depends only on the number of conversations. True, you can not pay for urban connection at all - it will simply be turned off.

Long-distance communication

On the home telephone set, it is convenient to call to another city or country: the connection is stable, the audibility is good. In addition, you will have to pay postfact - that is, you will not be interrupted in the middle of the conversation. Rostelecom offers convenient tariffs for Intercity, including an urban network in other regions. The cost of the call depends on the range. For example, in the city, from you no further than 100 kilometers, the call will cost 2.15 rubles. If you call a subscriber who lives in the zone from 101 to 600 kilometers, you will have to pay 2.6 rubles per minute.

By the way, the company offers several calls to a subscriber call, which is in another city or country. You can contact telephonists so that they scored the desired number for you, or use the automatic system. The price for a long-distance call will not change. However, there are a number of other options affecting the final value: a preliminary choice of a long-distance operator and international communication, the number of minutes for which you are willing to pay in advance, range and so on.

Concerning cellular communicationThe call to the mobile operator number will cost you 1.5 rubles (value added tax is included in the price). True, it concerns only subscribers of cellular networks of your region - the call to another region will be charged as a long-distance.

However, for those who are constantly calling on the Intergovernmental, as well as for those who often cause subscribers of cellular networks, the company has provided an additional option "Long conversations". It connects to an already valid intrazone tariff plan. According to the terms of the provision of this service, each minute (starting with the third) within Russia will cost you only to the ruble, even if you call Kamchatka or Kaliningrad.

Rostelecom extends the effect of this relative to the new tariff on the home phone and calls to cellular networks. That is, with the third minute of each conversation, you only pay the ruble per minute. True, the conversation time is always rounded into the biggest - if you spoke 4 minutes 12 seconds, it will be counted in 5 minutes.

To clarify the cost of the home phone from Rostelecom, the conditions for connecting certain services, you can contact the multichannel number 8 800 100 08 00. You will be full information for each of the current tariffs of Rostelecom, including both home telephone and the Internet.

Want to use the Internet without restrictions? Then pay attention to the tariff "for unlimited" from Rostelecom. In addition to accessing the network, packages with mines and SMS are provided. In the article, consider the possibilities of TP in detail. We will also talk about rates and connecting options.

Subscribers connected "for unlimited" get:

  • unlimited access to the mobile Internet;
  • pack of minutes - 500;
  • sMS package - 50.

Additionally, users can make free calls to urban and cell phones Rostelecom. For the use of the functional is charged monthly payment - 500 rubles.

Unlimited network access is provided in all regions of Russia, with the exception:

  • g. Sevastopol;
  • Republic of Crimea.

As for the package of minutes while traveling around the country, it is spent on the number of the stay region.

During trips abroad, access to global Network blocked. In this case, it is recommended to use roaming option "Internet abroad of the CIS and Europe". Its value is 100 rubles per day.

To check the balance of the connected packets, type * 100 * 12 #.

The cost of providing services

After spending packets with minutes, the compensated charge is turned on. The same applies to messages. Consider the cost of calls and SMS by means of a table.

Calls for less than 3 seconds are not charged.

Rostelecom, in the same price segment, is available. Proposals have minor differences. For convenience, compare them by means of a table.

As a result of the comparison, we see that the advantage of the first is only in unlimited Internetwhich operates in all regions of the country. For someone it will be a big plus. The rest of the TP "SuperSimka L" is more profitable:

  • cheaper;
  • the number of minutes and SMS is not inferior to the analogue;
  • there is access to TV online.

How to connect the tariff?

If you want to become a customer Rostelecom, use the most fast way Connecting TP "For Unlimited". Filling out an application on the Web site of the provider:

  1. Run the browser and enter "RT.RU" in the address bar.

  1. Click on the Mobile Communications tab.

  1. Select "For Unlimited" by clicking on the "Connect" button.

  1. Fill in all fields for connecting.

  1. Click on the "Next" button.
  2. Wait, feedback from the operator.

If there are problems with access to the network, you can visit the company's office. The transition to the operator is possible with the preservation of the old number.

Subscribers already using Rostelecom services, you can activate the offer:

  • sending SMS with code 75 to number 220;
  • by calling technical support 8-800-100-08-00

For connection payment is not charged.

If the offer no longer matches the needs - change the tariff or tear the contract with the provider.

Should I connect?

If you need an unlimited Internet and at the same time you want to make free calling to urban numbers, then boldly buy a Rostelecom SIM card with the tariff "for unlimited." In other cases, it is worth paying attention to the proposals of other operators. For example, .

"We shall be together" - New tariff plan for corporate and business subscribers Kyivstar! Per 37.19 UAH. Monthly subscription fee you will receive 350 free minutes for calls to subscriber numbers Kyivstar and Beeline. and 200 SMS. To send to rooms within Ukraine.
More about tariffs:
- initial payment when connecting new subscribers - 100 UAH.;
- the cost of transition to the tariff plan "We shall be together" It depends on what tariff plan you are serviced now. If you have any unlimited tariff plan (for example, "unlimited light", "unlimited metro", "business unlimited", other), "Optimal" / "Business Optimal", "Family and Friends", "Business 50" / "Business 100 ", the transition will cost 31.88 UAH., from all other tariff plans free;
- After the exhaustion of free volume is the cost of a minute of conversation on the number of employees of your organization - 0.05 UAH., Rooms Kyivstar and Beeline - 0.21 UAH., SMS cost in Ukraine - 0.41 UAH.;
- There is no compound fee (and if there is no, and in the absence of free minutes);
- Cost of a minute of conversation when calling the rooms of other mobile operators, on city phones - 0.80 UAH;
- The cost of MMS (in Ukraine) - 0.80 UAH, the cost of SMS / MMS (abroad) - 1.06 UAH. / 5.31 UAH, 1 MB at - 4.78 UAH., 1 MB with WAP-access - 9.03 UAH.
Charging charge calls.
Connect the tariff plan "We shall be together" can:
- in the system of self-service "My Kyivstar";
- in Kyivstar or in the department for working with business clients. Do not forget to take the necessary documents with you.
Note! Through IVR applications for connecting this tariff plan, it will not be accepted, however, by number 466 you can listen to the information about "we will be together".
1) first 350 Bonus minutes I. 200 SMS are charged on a bonus account immediately after the application for connecting the tariff plan. At the same time, the subscription fee is removed 37.19 UAH.
2) note, 350 bonus minutes to your account will be accrued monthly (in the account of the subscription fee), but 200 SMS are accrued once when the tariff plan is connected "We shall be together". Subsequent accruals of bonus minutes occur on the 1st day of each month.
3) The term of bonus minutes is 1 month from the date of charge, SMS - 2 months. The unused balance will be canceled.
4) Bonus minutes are used only in Ukraine.
5) Check the balance of bonus minutes using USSD *112# .

By the way, if you are a subscriber Beeline. (you have your own business or, for example, work in Zaporizhia)and you think this offer is beneficial for yourself, use the service - go to Kyivstar and connect the tariff plan "We shall be together". Moreover, 200 free SMS. You can use for group distribution, thanks to which you can inform other subscribers about changing the number.


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