Operational damage and defects of tubings (sled-cheesecakes). Operation, repair of sled-cheesecakes What to do if the tubing is blackened

The cheesecake comes with:

  • Instruction;
  • The bottom material is 10x20 cm in size - a patch in case of a cut;
  • Spare spool for the chamber;
  • Key cap for screwing in the spool or venting air from the chamber.

How to start sledding? How to inflate a cheesecloth?

First tighten the spool in the chamber nipple until it stops. Then position the uninflated chamber in the cheesecake shell so that the nipple is facing down and is on the side of the towing eye along the axis of the cheesecake. Next, you should inflate the camera. Inflate it until the outer seam of the cheesecake is completely straightened. But no more - do not over-inflate the camera! In a properly inflated state, with palm pressure on the camera, it should give in, and not be “stony”.

Cheesecakes can be pumped up with a car pump. Small and medium - foot. It takes about 10 minutes to inflate a large Ø95 cm cheesecake with a foot pump. The chamber from the BigPick sled is even longer - therefore, to inflate a large cheesecake, it is better to use an electric car pump.

To what pressure should I inflate the chamber in a tubing?

Unfortunately, such a simple criterion cannot be formulated. Since the shell of the sled is soft, the chamber swells in it and the pressure does not increase. And almost all the time of inflation remains at the level of 0.2 - 0.5 atm. After inflating the sled, screw a plastic cap onto the chamber nipple. Tighten the tube (or fasten the zipper) so that when you ride, pebbles do not get inside, which can rub the bottom from the inside. If they find themselves between the bottom and the camera.

Note: If you inflate the cheesecake in a warm room, then the air will cool down outside and the cheesecake will inflate. But if you decide to pump it up in the cold, do not forget later, when you return the cheesecake to heat, let out some of the air. Otherwise, it will heat up, expand and the chamber may burst. A good example from physics

What to do if the chamber in the cheesecake deflates?

If the inflated cheesecake deflates over time, first check that the spool is screwed into the chamber nipple until it stops. This is usually the main reason. If it does not help, change the spool to a spare one. If the camera still deflates - write us a letter stating your order number - and we will solve the problem.

Important information on the operation of sled-cheesecakes.

You should ride only in places suitable for skiing. On not very steep slopes, without jumps. Avoid slopes with obstacles such as trees, rocks, fences and garages. Do not ride on icy slopes. In any case, if you are buying a children's sled, it's usually not hard to find the right slope for them.

We also do not recommend that you couple the sled-cheesecakes - this impairs their maneuverability. Of course, there are moments on the slopes when cheerful people tie a dozen cheesecakes and go down the "train". You may want to participate too, but remember, it's not safe. We do not recommend and sits on cheesecakes together, except for BigPick. In this case, choose a not very steep slope.

The cheesecake darkens from contact with the camera, so it is better to store the cheesecake sled unassembled for a long time. When the season ends, deflate the camera and remove it. And we recommend drying the cheesecake before storage.

How to repair sled-cheesecakes?

If you cut the bottom, you can glue it with a patch (attached) and glue for PVC products (Uranus or similar). Do not glue PVC material with rubber glue. The patch is placed from the inside. If the cut is small, then it can be sealed with “silver” tape (on a fabric basis). Also from the inside.

Operational damage to tubing and sled-cheesecakes.

Finally, we have waited for a truly boom of such a phenomenon as tubing. Having appeared on the market a few years ago, sled-cheesecakes won the hearts of more than one thousand people. With mass demand came a need after-sales service and repair of tubing. In this article, we will talk about the operational damage data we have for tubings (sled-cheesecakes) of our production.

Depending on the design of the tubing and under conditions of intensive use, the most common operational damage to the sled-cheesecakes are mechanical damage to the bottom of the tubing manifested in cuts, scratches and surfaces. As a rule, damage to the bottom of the tubing occurs due to the impact of hard and rather sharp objects on the bottom. Most often, such items are various types of debris in the form of fittings, broken glass, branches, sharp stones. In addition, severely damaging the bottom of the tubing can damage ice on the hill in the form of small cables. Damage to the bottom of PVC sleds can occur to a greater extent when tubing is used on unprepared and not well-groomed slopes and slides. Cheesecake sleds with a plastic bottom are most suitable for such operation, which are more resistant to mechanical damage, including abrasion of another type of mechanical damage to the bottom of the tubing.

Other, less common operational damage to sleds are defects in the design of sled-cheesecakes, which can be expressed in the form of detachment of handles, breakage of zippers on the seats, detachment of towing loops, and even destruction of the fabric material of the upper part of the sled.

Separation of handles and towing loops most often occurs as a result of their off-design loading, or, more simply, the forces that are applied to these elements are much greater than those calculated by the manufacturer. In practice, this means using the sled for other purposes, when the tubing is towed by the handles, and not by special loops, when tying the sled together for rolling in a group by the same handles, or when towing behind various vehicles..

Another problem of sled-cheesecakes, which showed itself quite unexpectedly, is seat lightning destruction. Such a defect is largely due to the quality of the materials used and the imperfection of the design of the seat itself. Last season, due to factory defects in zippers, we noted several cases of destruction of the “runners”. Destruction in most cases occurred when zipping and completely insignificant loads, a fragment of the “runner” simply remained in the hands of the buyer. In addition, the sledges of some manufacturers, where small zippers were used, clog the working part of the zipper with ice and snow, as a result of which the zipper either stops working, or it is damaged and it generally fails.

Darkening of PVC tubing fabric material a ubiquitous and almost unavoidable operational problem. The darkening of the material of sled-cheesecakes manifests itself on the vast majority of products of any manufacturer and is associated with the porosity of the PVC fabric material at the micro level, on the one hand, and the presence of carbon (soot) molecules in the material of the chambers and other black elements as a dye and filler, on the other hand. Carbon molecules penetrate the PVC fabric material and color it black. This process occurs more intensively when the black elements of the sled come into direct contact with the fabric in the presence of water (wet tubing, etc.) and under load (when inflated or folded under heavy weight during storage). It is practically useless to deal with this type of operational damage. It is possible to delay the inevitable by storing the camera separately from the cheesecake in a plastic bag. Also, darkening can be minimized by using additional layers of fabric in the construction of the sled that isolate pvc fabric from the camera, however, this leads to a significant increase in the cost of production.

Separately, it should be noted damage to the chambers of sled-cheesecakes. Being one of the main and most important elements of tubing, the camera determines not only appearance sled-cheesecakes, but also directly affects the safety and comfort of skiing. The most common damage to the chambers of sled-cheesecakes is their uneven inflation and complete destruction(as a result of an explosion).

Uneven tubing chamber shape due to both design features and the discrepancy between the size, or the physical and mechanical characteristics of the camera for a particular model of sled. At the same time, a large number of manufacturers, and therefore sellers, do not consider this phenomenon a defect and allow the use of sleds. This phenomenon is most pronounced on cameras from some Russian manufacturers due to design features. It should be noted that this does not prevent them from being among the best, and the unevenness is not too significant. But for Chinese cameras, uneven shape is not allowed! This is due to the fact that, unlike Russian counterparts Chinese cameras are made in such a way that in the normal state the chamber is inflated in an ideal annular shape and uneven inflation may indicate excessive stress in the rubber material. Pumping the chamber to such a state can lead to its complete destruction. In any case, it is not possible to eliminate the unevenness of the form. You can only temporarily alleviate this problem.

There are, of course, cases of manufacturing defects, and this applies to absolutely all the considered cases of the appearance of operational damage to sled-cheesecakes. In this article, we reviewed the most common operational damage to tubing (sled-cheesecakes) that we encountered in our more than four years of practice. In the next article, we will tell, and maybe even show, how to repair operational damage to tubing.

Now buying

Uninflated tubing 100 cm, made of reinforced PVC with a density of 650 g / m, the kit includes a towing halyard, a bag-case, tubing, a camera made in the Russian Federation. Doesn't have a strong odor!

1 910 p 2 150p


Winter is a great time for great active rest, one of the types of which is tubing. In our country, the winter season lasts an average of six months and, therefore, the desire to buy tubing for skiing is quite justified, both emotionally and for practical reasons. But what to do when the winter season is over and there is a desire to save your favorite cheesecake until next year. How to properly store tubing? We will try to answer this question.

In order to keep your sled-cheesecakes in their original form, you don’t need so much. After all, they do not have complex details, and the design of the sledge itself involves transformation, being one of the advantages of this type of folk attractions. In order to determine the storage requirements for inflatable sleds, you need to understand what can happen to these same sleds during storage. And it might not happen that much.

As you know, the design of inflatable sled-cheesecakes includes an inflatable element (in the design of our sledges, the role of such an element is played by a rubber chamber) and a cover (usually made of PVC or polyester fabrics). Actually the cover of the sled is made, in our case, by sewing. High-strength nylon threads are used to stitch the individual parts of the cover. From the foregoing, it can be seen that the design of the sled consists entirely of synthetic materials. Such materials are not afraid of large temperature changes and high humidity. This gives our product significant advantages in storage, making them unpretentious to the effects of factors. external environment caused by atmospheric phenomena in the form of precipitation and significant temperature changes associated with the change of seasons.

However, synthetic materials for the construction of the sled-cheesecake cover and the rubber of the chambers are sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. So, for example, the nylon material of the threads loses its strength with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, polyester (nylon, etc.) is prone to fading, and the rubber of the camera to cracking.

Another design feature of classic sled-cheesecakes is the darkening of PVC fabrics during long-term operation and storage of tubings. Of course, the “dyeing” of the fabric of the sled cover does not look very aesthetically pleasing and spoils the appearance of the cheesecake. This effect is caused by the contact of the rubber material of the chamber with the PVC fabric and occurs because the PVC fabric, being a multilayer material, is porous in its microstructure, and the rubber in its composition has soot, the particles of which are smaller in size than the pores of the PVC material. With prolonged contact of the chamber with the sled cover (inflated position), soot particles penetrate into the cover material under the influence of concomitant factors in the form of moisture condensate and binders in the rubber material. This effect is more pronounced the more wet the tubing is and when using low-quality cameras (mainly made in China).

So, summing up the above, we can distinguish the following tubing storage rules:

1. Store the tubing in an uninflated state (to avoid deterioration of the decorative properties of materials).

2. It is advisable to remove the sled camera from the case and place it in plastic bag(so the contact of the sled cover with the camera is excluded, which will not allow the material of the cover to darken)

3. Store the sled-cheesecakes in a dark and dry place away from sunlight (this will preserve the initial strength of the materials of the sled and they will not tear in the future)

As you can see, the proper storage of tubing is not so difficult, and given the compact dimensions in the deflated state, it is accessible to most. Of course, you can store the tubing in an inflated state, but then the material of the sled cover may darken over time. Otherwise, we can say that there are no special requirements for the storage of sleds.

Cheesecake or tubing is a great way to have fun downhill in the winter and swim in the water in the summer.

Despite the fact that a dense reinforced fabric is used in the manufacture of tubing, and the joints are stitched with strong threads, various damages often occur on the cheesecake during operation.

This may be due to sloppy riding or the fact that many people rode the cheesecake, which led to an excess of the allowable weight.

Today you will learn how glue an inflatable cheesecake for riding on one's own.

How to glue a cheesecake for skating

If you notice damage to the boot, you will need an adhesive designed to repair polyurethane or PVC parts.

Also, silver reinforced plumbing tape can help in sealing the tubing.

  • Texacol glue. Suitable for gluing PVC and PU products, used in the design of boats, etc. When used in combination with hardeners, the adhesive increases heat and hydrolysis resistance. The cost of a 50 ml package: 120 rubles.
  • Liquid patch. It is a one-component solution, which includes reagents. When interacting with a PVC fabric, they melt its top layer, and after solidification form a single surface. This material is available in a variety of colors, so the liquid patch is suitable for tubing of any color scheme. It is worth noting that this mixture will only help in case of small cuts and breakdowns in the cheesecake (less than 5 cm). The cost of packaging weighing 40 grams: 300 rubles.
  • Reinforced adhesive tape Super Tape Moment. Adhesive tape for universal purposes, which can be glued to almost all surfaces, including reinforced fabrics. It consists of polyethylene, fabric and a layer of glue. It is used for the purpose of sealing seams and crevices, insulating, packaging and protecting products from moisture ingress and for many other external and internal works. Very durable, heat resistant, water and moisture resistant. The cost of a 10-meter tape: 121 rubles.

Repair instructions for tubing cheesecakes at home

The most common problems requiring projectile repair are:

  • Broken camera;
  • Rupture of a cable, handles;
  • Divergence of joints;
  • Cover cuts.

To seal the cheesecake cover, you will need:

  • Glue for PVC "Texacol";
  • Several pieces of PVC of the corresponding color;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Acetone;
  • Scissors;

Instructions for gluing the tubing cover:

  1. Lay the cheesecake so that you can reach the cut from the inside;
  2. Clean the place with sandpaper;
  3. Clean and degrease the damaged surface with a cotton swab moistened with acetone;
  4. Measure the cut;
  5. With scissors, cut a piece of fabric of such a size as to close the cut (1-2 centimeters more than the hole);
  6. Cut off the sharp corners on the patch;
  7. Degrease the fabric with acetone;
  8. Apply glue to both materials to be glued and spread it evenly over the surfaces;
  9. Before gluing the surface, it is recommended to warm it up with a hairdryer;
  10. Press the patch firmly for 5-7 hours;
  11. In a day, the most durable connection will be achieved.

Another hole in the case can be sealed with reinforced tape. The principle of operation is the same, only the cut must be sewn up with nylon threads. And then, over the seam, stick silver tape on the inside of the cover.

Often, during operation, the tubing chamber bursts.


To seal the cheesecake chamber, you need to prepare:

  • A container of water (preferably a bathroom);
  • Scissors;
  • Pump;
  • Special patches;
  • Solvent;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Glue.

After that, get to work:

  1. Determine where the hole has formed in the chamber. To do this, inflate the chamber with a pump, and then lower it into a bath of water. From what place the bubbles will go, there is a hole;
  2. Mark it so you don't have to search again;
  3. Before gluing the patch, treat the surface of the chamber around the hole with solvent and sandpaper for better bonding;
  4. Cut a patch of the desired size (1-2 cm larger than the size of the hole);
  5. Release the air from the chamber;
  6. Apply glue evenly to the chamber around the hole and onto the surface of the patch;
  7. By the same principle, a small hole in the cheesecake chamber can be repaired with a liquid patch.

    In some cases, it can take a lot of time and money to repair a rolling cheesecake.

    There are times when the damage is so severe that even professionals cannot deal with it. In this case, it will be easiest to buy a new projectile.


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