Support and maintenance of commercial barcoding equipment, maintenance of pos equipment. Service maintenance of professional equipment Service center for commercial equipment

uninterrupted and effective work technological and commercial equipment is necessary condition the success of any production, trade enterprise and enterprise Catering. Equipment failure and interruptions in its operation lead to lost profits, financial costs and a possible impact on the company's reputation, so the need for regular after-sales service obvious. Early diagnosis of faults and scheduled repairs can significantly extend the life of the equipment.

Service steps:

  • preparation commercial offer, which includes the calculation of the cost and conditions for maintenance at the facility; conclusion of an agreement;
  • equipment diagnostics; when detecting malfunctions, drawing up defective statements indicating serial numbers, the cost of work (including diagnostics) and the spare parts necessary for restoration;
  • delivery of works to the customer and transfer of equipment for maintenance.

Our specialists carry out high-quality service maintenance of any complexity, possessing rich professional experience and established relationships with leading equipment manufacturers. Regular advanced training and participation in seminars, trainings and certifications allows you to keep abreast of the latest technical solutions.

Conducting a survey and repair work possible not only on the territory of the customer, but also on the basis of the company's service center. Own workshops are equipped with the necessary professional tools for repair and diagnostics of refrigeration and heating equipment; has its own vehicle. In the process of carrying out service work, the masters instruct on the rules of operation and safety precautions.

We guarantee the constant availability of a large number of spare parts in the warehouse and their prompt delivery, which allows you to restore the efficiency of the enterprise in the shortest possible time. The ability to manufacture components to order, an individual approach to each client, taking into account the specifics of his work, and profitable price offers are the key to successful cooperation.

Showcases that have lost their "commodity" look and worn-out racks can cause a decrease in consumer demand for products presented in the store, as well as reduce the level of brand confidence in the eyes of consumers.

Perfection in details is the basis of customer loyalty, so the specialists of Optima Group of Companies will quickly restore or completely repair trade and exhibition equipment and furniture, as well as quickly and efficiently provide other related interior renovation services.

Our services

  • Full or partial repair of commercial equipment, regardless of the level of complexity.
  • Replacement of individual components and components.
  • Production of an analogue of existing equipment or pieces of furniture to order.
  • Installation and dismantling of trade and exhibition equipment.
  • Preventive inspection of fixtures and supports of equipment for malfunction in order to avoid failure.

"Before and after"

The results of professionally performed work can be seen in our gallery. Comparing images of worn and refurbished equipment provides a visual representation of just how detailed repairs can update an interior and enhance its appeal. trading floor in the eyes of buyers.

Photos BEFORE and AFTER repair

Elimination of chips on the painted surface with high-quality restoration materials allows you to restore appearance products without dismantling it from the point of sale.

Equipment Maintenance includes the following services:

  • Prompt on-site repair or repair at a service center if not possible on-site
  • Updating programs, drivers, firmware
  • Setting up and reconfiguring commercial equipment
  • Advising shop staff on the operation of equipment and programs
  • Customization of programs for changing needs of the company
  • Connecting equipment to programs 1s Enterprise.

Our service department provides support service for commercial equipment purchased in our store, and for equipment purchased from other companies.

Maintenance, repair of commercial equipment, additional services

  • Scheduled preventive work, incl. cleaning and adjustment of knots
  • Diagnostics of malfunctions and repair of equipment
  • Installation and setup software
  • Registration and deregistration cash register equipment, the design of all required documents in the tax authorities without the participation of the owner
  • Activation and replacement of electronic control tape protected (EKLZ)
  • Remote automated verification of weighing equipment, repair and calibration after repair
  • Training and technical consultations for users on the rules of operation
  • Scale verification
  • Replacement Supplies, including thermal heads of printers, replacement of rollers in the bill counter, etc.

The following is a detailed list of services provided.

Work is carried out subject to availability. technical specialist in this area

Name of service Description of the service, comments (requirements for the customer)
Departure of a specialist at one address. Input diagnostics and issuance of a technical opinion on the state of the equipment (setting a task for repair) grade technical condition equipment; detection and localization of faults;
forecasting the residual resource of equipment;
banknote counters
Cleaning sensors and mechanisms A preventive procedure is necessary for the smooth operation of the meter during the entire period of operation.
Adjustment and adjustment of the capture mechanism and sensitivity of sensors Necessary procedure for the correct (without erroneous) operation of the counter
Currency detectors
Adjusting the viewing infrared (IR) detector Adjustment of brightness, contrast, frequency.
Replacing the ultraviolet (UV) lamp -
Label printers and receipt printers
Change the print quality settings. Cleaning and lubricating the label/receipt cutter Adjust contrast, print speed, and clean the thermal head.
Replacing the thermal head. Thermal head adjustment Improving print quality
Replacing Printer Feed Parts Spare parts sold separately
Fixed label size calibration and label printer testing Requires printer and liner labels to work.
Adjusting the feed mechanism of the ink ribbon (ribbon) of the label printer Improving print quality
Refinement from false triggering of the sensors of the closed cover of the label printer. Installation and replacement of expansion boards, internal rewinders, cutters, label separators In case of false positives, the printer stops working in normal mode and requires you to close the cover.
Cash registers and fiscal registrars
Thermal head adjustment. Replacing the thermal head Paid separately if this service is not included in the contract for Maintenance. The thermal head is purchased separately and is not included in the indicated price.
Manufacture and repair of interface cables Used to connect cash registers and check printers to a PC
Replacement of the electronic control tape protected (EKLZ) Produced only with a valid maintenance contract. The cost of a protected electronic control tape unit is not included in the price of the service.
Preparation of a package of documents for deregistration in the tax service Produced only with a valid maintenance contract with a technical service center (TSC).
Programming cash registers for operation in ASPD mode (for UTII) Only for deregistered fiscal devices. Refinement-flashing, activation of the non-fiscal memory block, programming of the check header. Commissioning of fiscal cash registers with EKLZ is carried out under a maintenance contract. Spare parts are purchased separately and are not included in the indicated price.
Commissioning of check printing devices (for UTII) Entering the title of the document (Name of organization, TIN, ext text)
Magnetic card readers, encoders
Cleaning the magnetic heads Improving the quality of the reader
Setting the exchange parameters and data transfer format Produced at the place of use. Departure of the specialist is not included in the price.
Programmable keyboards
Keyboard cleaning -
Keyboard programming at ready template/ no pattern
POS systems (point of sale automation systems)
Cleaning the system Required if the touch display or keyboard is malfunctioning.
Cashier touch screen calibration Required for display failures
Weighing equipment
Entering the product database into the balance memory No more than 50 positions are stored in memory
Preparation of scales for state verification with LLL 15kg At the service center. / With departure to the customer
Organization of verification of scales with and without printing of labels with LEL 15kg Organization of state verification, price according to the price list
Scale calibration A set of operations performed in order to determine the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of the balance. Required in cases of decalibration or preparation before the state. verification
Replacing the radio element / load cell / thermal head / electronic block/ shaft Cost per item replacement. The cost of the device is not included in the price.
Thermal head adjustment Improving print quality

By signing a contract for the provision of commercial equipment maintenance services, you get a staff of specialists ready to come to your aid. It is worth paying attention to the fact that our company does not bear such risks as lost profits, so it is advisable to purchase replacement equipment. The terms of the contract do not include new automation, but only the maintenance of what is at the time of signing the contract and the list of equipment specified in the contract. Although we can carry out automatization, but under a separate agreement.

Call and write!

  • Repair of commercial equipment: cash registers(kkm), banknote counters, banknote detectors, banknote packers, scales, data collection terminals, barcode printers, barcode scanners

Warranty repair Cassida, MAGNER, DORS, Shtrikh-M, Kobell, Assistant, Laurel, Glory, SmartCash, Atol

We are a team of professionals that has been working in the field of repairing household and professional appliances for more than 5 years! Low prices for all services and parts. Individual approach to everyone. A clear algorithm works ...

Additionally: on-site repair of commercial equipment at home or in the office, installation of commercial equipment (connection, configuration), sale of spare parts

Repair of commercial equipment: Wireless equipment Symbol, Motorola Data collection terminals Symbol, Motorola Handheld, industrial Scanners Symbol, Motorola Ethic …

Additional services of service centers for the repair of commercial equipment

How much does it cost to repair commercial equipment?

To install or configure the purchased equipment, you can use the services of specialists from authorized organizations (authorized service center), who will carry out all the necessary work for the further operation of commercial equipment. The addresses of all service centers on the map of Moscow are given at the top of the page. If there is no service center at the specified address or is located at a different address, please let us know.

CTO-Service LLC has been operating in the commercial equipment market since 2004, and is an authorized service center and partner of leading manufacturers of cash registers.

Service of cash registers.

Service center on a contractual basis offers organizations and individual entrepreneurs a full range of services for the repair and maintenance of cash registers (CCP) in any district of Moscow.

Specialists have completed a training course and are certified for installation, maintenance, warranty and post-warranty repairs of the following models of cash registers:


The service center provides the following services:

  • Registration of CCP in personal account tax;
  • Registration of cash registers in the personal account of OFD;
  • Deregistration of cash registers with the tax authority;
  • Commissioning of CCP;
  • preventive maintenance;
  • Warranty and post-warranty repair of cash registers and commercial equipment;
  • Delivery of CCP to the central heating station and back during repair;
  • Restoration of lost passports at CCP;
  • FN replacement.

All work with KKM is carried out under the concluded maintenance contract.

Service maintenance of commercial equipment

In case of problems with the installation or operation of the equipment, the service center is ready to promptly provide services to restore the functionality of the cash register.

Service includes:

  • Departure of a specialist on a customer call (in Moscow and Moscow Region);
  • Diagnostics and repair on site at the customer (in Moscow and Moscow Region);
  • Replacement of failed equipment for the period of repair;
  • Advice on setting up equipment by phone hotline and email.

Service specialists have extensive experience in working with commercial equipment and in short time localize and eliminate emerging
the customer has a problem. Quality and high speed services are the most important
components of the smooth operation of the system. It is from the efficiency
actions and professional knowledge of the service provider depends on the effectiveness
systems and long term operation of the equipment.


For its customers, the service center provides warranty and paid
repair of POS-terminals, cash and trade equipment.


High quality work. The personnel staff consists of highly qualified employees who regularly improve their professional qualifications and undergo training on the basis of CCP manufacturers. Our specialists will provide you with assistance and support across the entire range of services, from registration to tax office before regular maintenance.

Wide geography of activity. The company has large network partner service centers covering the entire territory of Russia. Service is provided in more than 80 cities of the country.

Efficiency. A distinctive feature of our work is high-quality and prompt maintenance of CCP and its repair. Total duration repair from the moment of receipt of the application is from 8 to 36 working hours.

Individual approach. For corporate clients we offer an individual approach and special conditions contracts.


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