Inflatable boat manufacturing technology, sealing of seams. Technology of production of pvc boats Production of boats from inflatable pvc fabric

For many fishermen, preparation for the season consists in purchasing the necessary tackle, traveling to specialized stores in search of the right costumes and equipment. Although there are those who are thinking about buying a boat or even making it with their own hands.

Purchase or self-gluing

Of course, many trust only eminent manufacturers who have excellent equipment for the production of PVC boats, experienced specialists work, and they have been known in their field for more than a dozen years. True, others prefer to purchase products from private craftsmen, who cut out the parts with their own hands, glue them, pass and check each seam. These manufacturers are responsible for the quality of their products.

There are also craftsmen who buy a piece of PVC material, various components that make up the boat, and assemble the finished product. True, only a few can independently deal with the production of these products. Therefore, it is much better to entrust the manufacture of inflatable boats to professionals who know all the nuances of the correct cutting of the material, its verification and processing.

Start of production

If you have some experience with PVC materials, you know how boats are made, then you can think about your business. First of all, it is necessary to choose equipment for the production of PVC boats and specialists who will be able to choose the right material, cut the parts, connect them and, of course, test the finished product. Of course, it is better to automate all processes to the maximum, leaving a person only to control the process.

But the selection of material for such products should be carried out with great care. According to the established government standards, a PVC fabric with a density of 640 g / m2 can be used for a regular rowing inflatable boat. However, experienced manufacturers prefer to make more durable products. Some for cylinders acquire material with a density of 850, and for the bottom - 1100 g / m 2.

Cutting and connection options

When purchasing equipment for the production of PVC boats, you should pay attention to special devices for working with patterns. With the help of a laser, cutting is done with millimeter precision. This completely excludes possible problems when assembling the finished product. If the pattern was made correctly, then the connection of the parts will not cause any difficulties. However, during operation, it is not only the correct shape of the boat without obvious deformations that is important, Special attention must be paid to the quality of the seams.

There are currently two options for assembling PVC boats. Some manufacturers prefer to glue them. Moreover, such seams are often more tear-resistant than the material itself. True, for a reliable connection, it is necessary to use a special glue made on a polyurethane base.

Others purchase special equipment for the production of PVC boats, designed to weld parts. It is considered more modern method... Also, parts can be bonded by vulcanization, ultrasonic welding or hot air treatment.

How the boat is cut

Before starting work, a piece of PVC fabric of the required density is selected. Moreover, its quality must be checked beforehand. On the material, with the help of special patterns-templates, parts of the sides and bottom of the future boat are drawn.

The marking can be done manually or with special stencils. If the production has special equipment, then cutting can be performed automatically. With this method, up to 20 identical parts are produced at the same time. For this, a special laser and a jet of cooling water are used, their combination ensures smooth and clear edges.

After that, trained people already begin to deal with the processing of parts - they mark the places of their connection and the boundaries to which the material is applied. At proper preparation there will be no problems at the docking stage. At first, it is customary to connect the details of the sides of the future boat and only after that apply the bottom.

Parts collection

In addition to the correct patterns and high-quality cutting, the technology for the production of PVC boats is also important. Seams with glue can be overlapped or butt-sealed. In the latter case, the connections are reinforced with special tapes. Double-sided overlap of all joints allows for maximum strength.

However, quality boat manufacturers don't stop there. After gluing, the seams are subjected to high-temperature treatment. After this, the parts of the boat can only be torn apart if you deliberately tear off the layer of PVC material from its base.

Other manufacturers prefer to weld parts. For this, of course, special expensive equipment is needed - high-frequency current installations. With the help of them, even long seams are created, because they provide uniform heating of the material along the entire length of the joints. In this case, only areas of the joints are exposed to temperature, and the edges of the material remain cold, and due to this they are not deformed. As a result, at the exit, smooth sealed seams are obtained, which are practically invisible.

Combination of quality and price

If you adhere to all the stages through which the production of boats should go, choose exceptionally high-quality material for work and purchase good equipment, it becomes clear that the price of such products cannot be low. However, if the buyer wants to buy a boat for more than one year, then it is better to spend a little money and buy a better product.

Of course, it is quite easy to find Chinese-made PVC boats on the market now. They can be 2-3 times cheaper than similar domestic products. This stops many manufacturers, because after calculating the possible cost of products, they understand that they will not be able to compete with Chinese goods... Although it is worth remembering that fishermen are well aware of what they are paying for, and many of them will prefer a high-quality domestic boat than a cheap analogue.

Fishing has always been a popular form of recreation, despite the emergence of more and more new types of entertainment. Spending time in the fresh air, and even on the pond, and even catching fish, you can use a PVC boat. In addition, having a boat, you can also do other outdoor activities.

For many years, popularity, practicality and reliability, and more recently, due to the development of technology, have been distinguished by their availability. inflatable boat made of PVC - polyvinyl chloride. Such ships are very good driving performance and they are also very easy to use. They are used for extreme sports for a reason. And for ordinary fishing, a pvc boat is a completely incomparable option.

In this article we will see how you can make an inflatable boat with your own hands in a fairly simple way. The process of making a boat from pvc with your own hands in this case is good because you can control every step of production, and maximally "adjust it for yourself." If you get creative with this task, then you can create the perfect swimming device just for you.

Recall that we have already described how to glue it together, but this boat is not inflatable.

DIY PVC boat: patterns, work progress

A do-it-yourself inflatable boat requires pattern drawings for the pattern.

1 ) you need to select a piece of PVC cloth, density - 640–850 g / m2;
2 ) on it, mark the patterns for the sides and bottom;
3 ) cut out patterns - preferably with the help of devices that cut the tissue with a laser, which ensures the millimeter precision of the cutting line;
4 ) glue the patterns and weld together using polyurethane-based glue; welding is done by vulcanization, ultrasonic welding or a stream of hot air using a construction hair dryer;
5 ) an obligatory item is boat testing.
It is very good if you first model the future watercraft on a computer in a three-dimensional editor. Such a program allows you to analyze all the steps of work, and avoid possible mistakes.

We glue the PVC boat with our own hands

1 ) degrease the joints with acetone;
2 ) We coat both surfaces with PVC glue, including a hardener, after which the product should be set aside for 20-30 minutes;
3 ) we warm both surfaces with a construction hairdryer, and connect to each other;
4 ) we roll it with a roller for rolling coatings made of polyvinyl chloride.

When the hull is ready, all the necessary parts should be glued - for example, the inflatable neck, seat mounts, transom and other structural elements of our water vehicle... Here, only our imagination and design features are the limitations. It is important to maintain symmetry as it will be expensive to remodel. If you do everything gradually and carefully, you will get a very valuable inflatable boat.

Before starting testing the boat, it should be tested under load. To do this, the boat needs to be inflated and walk along its sides. After that, the swimming device should not begin to let air in at all in any places - in this case, we can assume that the gluing was successful, and proceed to tests on an open reservoir. However, when leaving for the first time on a boat, do not sail far from the coast. And then - practical tests - we go directly to fishing.

A simple model is indicated on the pattern drawing, with which it is recommended to start making a boat with your own hands. After acquiring the necessary skills and experience, you can go to create more complex models:

Here you can download

The production of PVC boats as a business has become popular for a long time. The profitability of such a project in certain seasons reaches good indicators, and the feedback from the shop owners and the customers themselves speaks of the constant demand for the products.

Is it worth opening such a production and what is needed for this? Many questions scare entrepreneurs, especially newbies, at first. But all the nuances can be dealt with gradually. Moreover, this process is unhurried. The main thing is to maintain the quality of the manufactured products at a decent level.

Business specifics

This business line may seem too busy. There is indeed high competition on the market among well-known domestic and foreign manufacturers. But individual groups of tourists, fishermen and other individuals sometimes prefer a local manufacturer who personally monitors the quality of each product produced. Moreover, you can buy a boat from such entrepreneurs at an affordable price.

But there are certain difficulties that a novice businessman should definitely take into account:

  1. Such a thing as the manufacture and sale of PVC boats can only be dealt with by a person familiar with technological process firsthand. Indeed, even with automated equipment, you need to have experience in the selection of material, know how devices work, navigate their settings and be able to test finished products.
  2. The process itself takes a long period. Boats-PVC is not a commodity that is produced in mass quantities. Depending on the type of product, it takes from 2 to 6 months to create and test it. Although with powerful equipment and a significant staff of employees, this process can be accelerated.
  3. Severe competition scares a budding entrepreneur away. PVC boats are produced by well-known brands and are sold in all tourist and fishing shops, making finding customers an especially difficult task.
  4. In this area, there is a strict dependence on the season. They sell goods only from mid-spring to early autumn. The rest of the time, the products will be mostly idle on the shelves or in the warehouse.

Varieties of boats

Mankind has already come up with many options for improvised transport in order to move along the water surface. Among them, ordinary wooden and inflatable ones have become the most popular over the years. For a tourist or an amateur fisherman, the latter are more interesting, since when folded they take up little space, and they can be transported with you to any chosen recreation area. Therefore, PVC boats as a business are considered a promising direction.

Among the inflatable varieties are:

  • Motor - characterized by the presence of an engine that is attached to a rigid transom. Thanks to the power of the motor, the boat is gaining high speeds and enables a person to move in a short time to the right place. When they are manufactured at the plant, certain GOSTs are adhered to.
  • Rowing boats are more interesting for a private entrepreneur, as they consist entirely of inflatable elements. Their operation is also easy, simple and safe. The sides are usually divided additionally into several compartments, which prevents the craft from sinking even if one of them is damaged.

In both the first and second versions, the bottom of the boat can be different - semi-rigid (made of plastic or plywood) or rigid, for the manufacture of which light alloys are used. Sometimes, for greater strength and convenience, a bench is also attached between the sides.

Raw materials for manufacturing

Today, various materials are used for the production of inflatable boats:

  1. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - it can be reinforced and unreinforced. The first option is more common, as it has good strength, dirt and UV resistance. Such material, if necessary, is easy to repair, although it is quite difficult to repaint. The composition contains a dense synthetic woven fabric and a polyurethane coating. This combination provides the best product performance. Unreinforced PVC is more often chosen as a basis by foreign manufacturers, but it is less durable and unreliable.
  2. The rubberized fabric is not resistant to sunlight, and the strength characteristics are much lower. But such materials are appreciated for their availability and cheapness. True, a boat made of such fabric has short term service.
  3. Hypalon and neoprene are relatively new raw materials for inflatable boats. Differs in high cost, but also has the highest quality during operation. A finished product made from such material will last for more than one year.
  4. Polyurethane is rarely used as a single element. It is usually combined with polyvinyl chloride and applied to a fabric base.

Please note that for the manufacture of boats to order or for sale, you will have to take a responsible approach to the choice of material. The state standards and requirements for the finished product indicate the density of PVC fabric at 640 g / m2. But manufacturers who care about the quality of their products are trying to play it safe and opt for a density of 850 g / m2 for the side part and 1100 for the bottom.

This ensures greater operational reliability.


The whole process of creating an inflatable boat goes through the following stages:

  • Selection of the highest quality material. This should be done personally, therefore the person involved similar business must have some experience.
  • Cutting out parts according to the required shape and size of the finished product. It uses a pattern made on a special machine or standard stencils. If you use a laser machine for this, then each part will exactly correspond to the specified parameters, and its edges will be perfectly even.
  • Assembly of the boat, which can take place in two ways - gluing or welding. In each case, you need special equipment. For the first variant of joining parts, a special adhesive on a polyurethane base is used. And to avoid the risks of rupture, layering of parts together. Welding is a more reliable way of joining elements, which is performed using an ultrasonic installation and the use of hot air.

At the end of the work, the product is necessarily tested to ensure its quality, strength and reliability during operation.

Equipment for the production of

For maximum automation of all stages, you need to purchase modern equipment:

  1. Apparatus for creating patterns of parts - today high-precision laser equipment is used for this, due to which it is possible to avoid any defects.
  2. Special machine for gluing elements or for welding, depending on the selected production option.
  3. You should also purchase additional tools, table for the work of the master, expendable materials, pumps, etc.

Such equipment is convenient and completely automated process, which allows you to minimize personnel costs. Since this item of expenses in the business plan will be too high, beginners should stop at domestic devices or purchase used ones.

Sales of products

Most of the difficulties can arise during the sale stage. finished products... Since there is high competition on the market among famous brands and manufacturers, it is worth considering how to sell your own product. To do this, you can use various channels:

  • Sign a contract with specialized shops(tourism and fishing).
  • Post ads on the Internet, social groups, create your website and chat with people on the forums.
  • You can promote your own brand through standard advertising platforms - media, transport, billboards.
  • Communicate personally with potential clients and describe the advantages and benefits of purchasing the product from you (thorough quality control of the product, own operating experience, cheap prices).

Video: how are PVC boats made?

Inflatable boat Russian production and the production of other countries are made, as a rule, either from elastomers, such as rubber, neoprene, or from plastomers, such as polyvinyl chloride. In this case, rubber fabric has a number of significant disadvantages. It is not strong enough, unstable to ultraviolet rays, oil products, abrasion. These boats are usually cheap and very short-lived. PVC materials are divided into plastomers for seam welding and plastomers for manual seam bonding. At the same time, the manufacturers of inflatable boats have proven that welding is always much more preferable in the manufacture of an inflatable boat, because such a seam will be more durable and reliable.

Boats made of polyvinyl chloride have wear resistance, strength, resistance to abrasion, sea water, oil products, ultraviolet radiation, and also excludes the possibility of PVC peeling from the cord. Therefore, in our time, it is much more preferable to use high-quality PVC fabric, which is many times superior to rubber and awning fabric in terms of performance. Nowadays, for the production of inflatable boats, a high-strength five-layer fabric is used, which consists of two sealing, two protective layers, and one reinforcing layer.

The most advanced and modern method of welding PVC or materials that contain more than 30 percent of PVC is high frequency welding. HDTV machines ensure the appearance of high-quality, strong, even long seams in one cycle of work. The advantage of welding with high frequency current is that with this method of welding, fast and uniform heating of the materials to be welded is ensured throughout the entire thickness at the point of welding. At the same time, the outer edges of the materials remain the same temperature, which makes it possible not to deform the seam. The result is tight seams that are almost invisible.

The inflatable boat, made on a high frequency welding machine, has excellent technical characteristics and performance. Buying machine tools for the production of boats in our company, you get guaranteed quality devices, durability, performance of any, even the most difficult tasks related to welding.

Boat production technology

To start manufacturing the hull of an inflatable boat, a roll of PVC fabric is rolled out, which has passed all degrees of testing for strength and quality. Then the details of the sides and bottom are marked on it using templates. The marking is carried out either manually, using pencils and crayons, or automatically, using stencils to obtain the contours of the part. Parts are placed on the fabric in such a way that waste is minimal, for which special cutting cards are used. The details are cut in different ways, while the most effective way cutting is automatic, which is used in the mass production of inflatable boats. With this cutting method, 15-20 identical parts are cut out at the same time. The most convenient cutting tools are the laser beam and water jet. The edges of the parts are smooth and crisp.

On the parts, the places intended for welding with each other, as well as the boundaries of the material overlap, are marked. Welding of materials will work well if all parts are well prepared for work. All surfaces must be even, smooth, and the high frequency current ensures high-quality welding of seams without wrinkles and bubbles. When using HDTV machines in the manufacture of inflatable boats, you do not have to further improve the quality of the seam by smearing a layer of glue, or sewing the surface with threads and processing the edges with special tapes.

First, the sides of the boat are assembled according to the markings, then the bottom is applied. The HDTV machines presented on our website have a number of advantages due to the fact that the electrodes on the machines can be of different sizes, depending on the result they want to achieve. The product can be positioned under the electrodes in almost any position, which ensures fast and high-quality welding and the absence of defective parts.

The machine's programmability makes the work of welders easier and minimizes their participation in the process. After a while, after welding all parts, the boat is thoroughly checked and tested. Further, it is completed with all the necessary accessories for inflatable boats: seats, oars, covers, a pump, sets of spare parts, tools and accessories.

Inflatable boats in Moscow

Boats have been popular at all times, and the demand for them never falls. They are water-stable and safe, and their shallow draft makes them easy to use in shallow water. The boat is easy to store, it does not take up much space when folded, and you can use a regular car for transportation. Its weight is much less than usual, therefore, there is no need to purchase very powerful motors. For outdoor recreation, boats are simply irreplaceable. Inflatable boats are used for fishing and hunting, boating, river rafting. Inflatable boats play an invaluable role as spare life-saving craft on large ships and yachts, as patrol vessels. Exists different types inflatable boats: motor and rowing boats, single and double boats.

Sale of inflatable boats

Many companies sell inexpensive inflatable boats made in Ukraine, Russia (St. Petersburg, Moscow, etc.), boat accessories (for example, compact but reliable anchors for inflatable boats, etc.). Amateurs make homemade inflatable boats. Among the large assortment of boats, it is very difficult to choose and buy high-quality and reliable boats. In addition to technical characteristics, the prices for PVC rubber boats with an inflatable bottom also differ significantly. However, many advantages make inflatable boats always in demand, as well as attractive in terms of creating own business for the production and sale of PVC inflatable boats.

And also for:

  • production of awnings;
  • manufacturing of tourist equipment;
  • for the production of commercial stalls;
  • for production work clothes;
  • for the production of banners;
  • for the manufacture of double bed mattresses;
  • for the manufacture of rubber boats and kayaks;
  • for the manufacture of elements of car interiors;
  • for the manufacture of products for the medical and laboratory industries.

PVC boat production technology relatively stable for several decades and at the same time undergoing some changes and modernization. Changes in production occur both in the materials used - in the structure of the PVC (polyvinyl chloride), and in the technology of working with it. become stronger and more resistant to external influences.

Materials for the manufacture of PVC inflatable boats

Not so long ago, rubberized fabric was used in production, but gradually this material gave way to PVC coated fabrics.
PVC material used in production is a fabric with PVC coated. Pvc can be either single-layer or multi-layer, which affects its strength and elongation. Domestic standard PVC material limited only by resistance to temperature - from 5 to 60 degrees and resistance to sea water contaminated with oil products. European standards are more detailed and regulate strength PVC fabric tear resistance and abrasion resistance.
The basis for PVC material braided thread serves. The weave of a woven warp differs in the number of threads in the bundle (usually 1 or 2) and the density between adjacent parallel threads. The number of threads in weaving is indicated in the name of the PVC material (1/1 - one thread intersect with each other, 2/2 - pairs of threads intersect, 1/2 - one thread intersects with a pair of threads).
The next important parameter of fabrics for production is the density of the finished material. It is usually expressed in grams per square meter. Some manufacturers PVC fabrics indicate this parameter in the name of the material.
Also PVC fabrics are characterized by tensile strength and degree of adhesion. Force applied to break PVC fabric, can consist of two digits showing the required force to break the fabric along and across the weave. The degree of adhesion also indicates the required pull-off force. Pvc from the base.
The vast majority of manufacturers PVC boats use imported materials to build their ships. Among the most famous brands Pvc materials: Vinyplan, Scanplan, Heytex, Valmex, Plastel, Mirasol, Unisol. There are other brands of these materials, but almost all of them have the same characteristics.
Choosing a PVC boat, the buyer wants to get reliability, but it should be borne in mind that modern PVC materials the harder it is, the stronger it is. Therefore, manufacturers have identified a compromise in this matter and many use PVC fabric that meets the requirements of the standards.
Another type of material for the production of inflatable boats is hypoolon... Boats made of this material are more expensive (due to the higher cost of the material itself and the complication of working with high-poly). At the same time, the Hypolon is stronger Pvc and practically does not allow air to pass through. Besides boats from the highpole last longer. Usually, the choice is in favor of boats from the highpole are made by those who need redundant reliability, the possibility of permanent storage in the open air and the constant readiness of the boat for operation. For the usual infrequent tourist and fishing purposes in central Russia, it is quite sufficient.


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