Yuri Pritisk: Special techniques and techniques in creative photography. Review by teacher yuri pritisk of the work of marina bessonova

From the works sent yesterday for review, the teacher of the Online Photo School Yuri Pritisk chose a pictureMarina Bessonova .

We publish his answer:

"Marina! Hello!
You have presented a very attractive image.
The grace of the bird in the frame is simply amazing. Swans are very graceful and it is difficult to show them unattractively. The bird stands out with its black plumage against the background of turquoise water and looks very noble. But not to say that it is sublime. Why?

The chosen lighting quite successfully allowed to show the details, the forms are easily emphasized by the contrasting color combination, but the angle is a bit controversial. Of course, it gives an expressive and three-dimensional projection of the bird, and also made it possible to isolate the subject from the horizon line, from other details. This technique is used by photographers in order to use water or other surface as a background and if it is uniform, it turns out to give a slight sense of the endlessness of the scene. It works here. BUT.

The view is still from top to bottom, and this visually shortens the bird's neck a little and the body itself seems to be wider.

It would be very beneficial to lower the camera lower, and maybe photograph from the water level or close to that angle. It would be nice to use a wide-angle lens, take the horizon, develop the space at the expense of other plans and details.

It is possible that they will be superfluous, but without seeing them, I can only speculate and ask you not to be offended by my speculations.

When building a frame, the photographer pays attention to lighting, the arrangement of objects in the frame space, color characteristics, forms a plot, builds an image. But it would be appropriate to mention that it is important not to lose sight of such a concept as a shooting point, or even a broader concept - an angle.

Angle (from the French raccourcir - to shorten) - a perspective reduction of the shape of an object, changing its usual features. The angle is determined by the point of view of the subject, as well as the position of the subject in space.

The concept of "ANGLE" should not be confused with the definition of "POINT".

For example, the shooting points of a portrait: profile, frontal view, frontal view - sometimes they are incorrectly called "foreshortening".

In fact, the "point of view" is an integral part of the foreshortening.

It often happens that in the same lighting conditions and the moment itself, photographers get different photos. Some attract the eye, others leave without emotion.

Why is one image like, admirable, and the other not?

The photographer can not only document the spectacle from the place where it stands, it is not necessary to follow the documentary, shooting the most familiar picture from eye level, you can operate from the angle approaching, moving away, shooting from below and from above, from different sides and at all possible angles.

Very often inexperienced photographers operate by tilting the frame, understanding this as working with angles. It sometimes looks unimportant, because filling up the shooting point, in fact distorting the picture and the viewer's gaze at the very moment in the frame, at the shooting object, the authors simply do not think about why they are doing this.

It seems to them that it looks so impressive. But the angle should be taken deliberately, although sometimes on intuition, on feeling, following the flight of thought, fantasy, the call of the soul. It is important to apply taste, reveal three-dimensionality, put perspective into the frame, and not present a picture that is incomprehensible to the viewer. It is important to keep the interaction of objects in the frame, and if you really tilt, then the tilt must be justified by the movement or the plot.

For example, if you sight from the ground, then you need to understand that this is followed by optical distortion and exaggeration of the subject, and when shooting from an angle and a high point, you can reveal three-dimensionality.

There is no single recipe and it is important to keep in mind that the photographer must move himself and move the camera in space, and then your pictures will be more effective.

I will give a few examples from my practice:

In this work, I operated with a high vantage point.

http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5602/16480689.a/0_6715 ..

High point of view in landscape - allows better indication of distance between shots

http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9516/16480689.10/0_90e ..

Classic perspective from eye level

http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9316/16480689.f/0_8fc0 ..

And I shot this self-portrait from a tripod lowered to ground level

http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6105/16480689.c/0_6aeb ..

And here I was photographing from an angle, creating a sense of movement, in addition to the pose of the model and objects. The model lies in a chair on her back, legs raised up

http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4611/16480689.a/0_65e1 ..

Shooting with a wide-angle lens for exaggeration from grass level

http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4307/pritisk.2/0_26a52 ..

Vertical shooting point and camera rotation

Move around, look for vantage points, and don't be afraid of new visual solutions.

I am sure that thoughtful work with angles will give your pictures a new breath.

Useful historical background and overview of the subject of the angle


I also want to clarify the space in the frame.

The bird is shown in the center of the frame and this introduces excessive static into the image. It would be better to compose a little more space and apply an off-center layout. The swan would feel less fossilized, and it's good that, as shown, it helps to reduce the static of the moving space of the water.

Water could be supplied with a more contrasting effect due to the use of a green light filter.

In addition, water and the details of the scene washed by it can often reflect light, and in your example, the water glares a little, which shifts the focus. For example, the tip of a bird's beak merges with the light reflections of the surface of the water. To neutralize glare and make the color more saturated, deep, polarizing filters are used, which will also reduce the exposure by 1-1.5 stops and make the shutter speed slower.

It is important that the species is developed due to the symmetry of the forms, which manifested itself through the reflection of the bird in the surface of the reservoir.

Symmetry (Old Greek "proportionality"), in broad sense- conformity, immutability, fundamentality.

For example: spherical symmetry - the appearance of an object will not change if, keeping one point, rotate the object in space by arbitrary angles. Or bilateral symmetry - the right and left sides look the same relative to any plane.

One of my works as an example of symmetry:

1. Creative photography and art photography. We get rid of stereotypes and patterns. How to drop boundaries in creativity. How to develop your own line of expression through photography.

2. Technical equipment photographer. Optics, filters, equipment and accessories for shooting in all weather conditions. Working with lighting. Night photography. The work of a photographer with the weather and at different times of the year.

3. Compositional construction. Creation of depth and three-dimensionality of the image. The basics of color preference. Selects the optimal photo format.

4. Strengthening the artistry of the scene. Achieving harmony of the image through the interconnection of details. Non-standard techniques for creating a composition. How to break the "rules" and get original photos.

Afraid to miss?

If you want to attend this master class, but are not sure that you will have the opportunity to be online - do not worry! After all the recording of the master class will be available for another 2 weeks after it ends!

Information about the author

Photographer, teacher, winner of over 40 prestigious photography contests. Victories in contests SAMSUNG, EPSON, Nikon, Kenko-Tokina, laureate of the competition "YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHERS OF RUSSIA-2011", "Direct Glance", "Russian Civilization", "The Best of Russia", "The most beautiful country". Winner of the Karl Bulla photo competition "Visible Epochs", "RusArtPhoto-2013", "PHOTO VISA". Finalist of the first open national photo award "Best Photographer 2011", HIPA 2018, "Golden Turtle", "CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year 2017" (Great Britain). Prize-winning places in the "2017 WildlifePhoto.com Contest Series" international photography competition"A new look. Transforming through the ages".

Yuri Pritisk's portfolio review is a wonderful photography school. The training is based on the analysis of works submitted by students. Each work is analyzed in the most detailed way. Everything is analyzed: technical aspects, color scheme, composition. It is noted what happened, what should be corrected by processing, what - to reshoot; topics for the next work are outlined, links to materials that should be studied are suggested. In his reviews, Yuri is both delicate and demanding. You absolutely trust his opinion, assessment, and recommendations. He teaches how to shoot, process, select material .. In 2020 I will continue my studies and recommend Portfolio Review to everyone.

Feedback on the site

Konopleva Lyudmila Denisovna


Student marks on a five-point scale:

Teaching quality 5
Technical equipment 5
Organization educational process 5
General atmosphere 5

First, I studied with Yuri Pritisk using the express Portfolio review method. Frankly, I liked working on my photographs so much under his skillful and interesting guidance that, without hesitation, I continued to communicate with him for another course. This is also a Portfolio Review, but already with 12 reviews. I began to understand more and more deeply what photography is. And what a photograph should be. How much you need to know in order to shoot and shoot correctly so that you sit at the computer as little as possible, processing your files in the editor. Yuri's responsiveness and efficiency wins all records: in the evening you send your work, and in the morning you already have a review in your computer. And this is the case when the time difference between our regions is a joy to you. Reading reviews of your work is very interesting and useful. Yuri finds something to praise for, and find a lot of shortcomings, and most importantly, suggest how best to do it next time. He just breathes into you the desire to create and create better. And I am grateful to fate for meeting with such a mentor. Thank you, Yuri!

Feedback on the site

Helen mclain


Training time: 11/2018 - 11/2019
Instructor: Yuri Pritisk

Student marks on a five-point scale:

Teaching quality 5
Technical equipment 5
Organization of the educational process 5
General atmosphere 5

I live in the USA, and before the virtual meeting with Yuri, I spent enough time to find a person who would see what I can do and advise on how to move to a higher level. And the searches were quite unsuccessful. Expensive, useless ... And then I saw that Yuri was doing reviews ... I used to take his landscape course at the Online Photo School, and therefore I wrote to him without hesitation. I expected the reviews to be good, but what I saw in his reviews exceeded all expectations. This is a review, and advice on processing, and showing how to do this very processing, and answers to all questions, and examples for answers, and the opportunity to refine the work (and more than once), and again get a review, and a lot the information you need... And what is so important, Yuri sees well and feels subtly, and therefore the reviews are so interesting and emotional, and not just an indication of some technical flaws ... Every time I send my work in the evening, the first thing in the morning I check my email to see review. I know for sure that Yuri will not keep you waiting long. A lot of benefits and a lot of fun from the learning process. Thank you, Yuri!

Feedback on the site

Svetlana Avdeeva


Training time: November 2019, Portfolio review
Teacher: Yuri Pritisk

Student marks on a five-point scale:

Teaching quality 5
Technical equipment 5
Organization of the educational process 5
General atmosphere 5

Feedback on the site

Sergey Varennikov


Training time: from June to November 2019.
Teacher: Yuri Pritisk

Student marks on a five-point scale:

Teaching quality 5
Technical equipment 5
Organization of the educational process 5
General atmosphere 5

I knew Yuri Pritisk for a long time as a highly technical teacher and photographer. And for myself, I immediately decided that the improvement of my skills and the development of my creative direction in photography would take place with him. After completing a special educational training "Portfolio Review" I was pleased with both the training system itself and the knowledge and advice that I received from Yuri. Thanks to the training and advice from Yuri, I managed to improve my professional level. For example, one of my works "Tsar Cat", which I corrected on the advice of Yuri, entered the TOP 6% best photos 35AWARDS competition, and I, as an author, in TOP 9% best photographers competition. In total, 4,256 participants from 104 countries took part in this competition. Earlier, I studied at other photography schools, but I could have dreamed of such a result. Yuri is not only a master of photography, but also an excellent specialist in photo equipment. He will always competently tell you what is best to use from photographic equipment to obtain the best result. I was very pleased with the training. Now he continued his further studies with Yuri on his other trainings.

Feedback on the site

Evgeniya Severina


Training time: 2018-2019
Teacher: Yuri Pritisk

Student marks on a five-point scale:

Teaching quality 5
Technical equipment 5
Organization of the educational process 5
General atmosphere 5

Knowing my hobby for photography, my husband gave me a camera and, together with it, a certificate for training in an online photography school. It was five years ago. We went through more than one course together. And at the next photo course we were assigned to the teacher Yuri Pritisk. To be honest, we both fell in love with our teacher, looked forward to his reviews, and were even twice presented to the gallery best works... After some time, we found Yuri's page on social networks and risked asking for training for both of us. We are very fortunate to have taken a course in Creative Photography and Art Photography. After the course, a completely different perception of photography developed. Good shots came out only a year later, although the camera was always ready and did not lie all this time in the darkest corner of the apartment, but Yuri immediately communicated intelligibly what is good and what is bad. My husband did it, but I didn’t. A lot was filmed this year, but from the first reviews it became clear to me that most of my photos are frankly empty. When it didn't work out, when Yuri very delicately criticized my work, I wanted to throw the camera away and never take pictures again and not torture myself or the teacher. But then, suddenly, a year after the beginning of the training, one photograph turned out, and then a second, and then a third. And now, clicking the shutter, I constantly ask myself: "Am I doing garbage?" I will definitely continue my studies with Yuri. It is a great happiness to learn from such a teacher! I advise everyone!

Feedback on the site

Svetlana Savelicheva


Training time: July / August 2018
Teacher: Yuri Pritisk

Student marks on a five-point scale:

Teaching quality 5
Technical equipment 5
Organization of the educational process 5
General atmosphere 5

She studied with Yuri using the portfolio review method. More than a year has passed, and after that I was trained by others. famous photographers, but it is precisely learning from Yuri that still keeps me impressed! I am a beginner in photography and at that time did not even work as a photographer, but just took pictures for myself. I received very much from Yuri valuable advice and surprisingly detailed answers for each photo. It can be seen that the reviews were written not just for a formal answer, but from the heart, with responsibility and love for their work. I thank Yuri for sharing his knowledge and experience and for his professional approach !!

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Training time: September 2019
Teacher: Yuri Pritisk.

Student marks on a five-point scale:

Teaching quality 5
Technical equipment 5
Organization of the educational process 5
General atmosphere 5

It is very difficult and scary to start embodying your photo ideas. You always face a problem like: "What if they don't appreciate it," "What if I'm wrong." My teacher - Yuri - from the very beginning helps to cope with the beginner's uncertainty. In my works, he first noted positive points, and then very tactfully and skillfully corrected the shortcomings. He makes video reviews so that the student can see the difference. In order not to repeat mistakes in the future, Yuri, to the video license, encloses technical text and photographs. Questions like "how?" - disappear by themselves. And if questions still remain, then he answers them at any time. The teacher helps you choose a technique based on your extensive work experience. And why do you especially trust and rely on Yuri's opinions, because he is a multiple winner of various photo contests, his works are published in prestigious publications. I can safely recommend him as a teacher for students of any level!

Feedback on the site

Valeria Markova


Study time: Spring-Summer 2019
Teacher: Yuri Pritisk

Student marks on a five-point scale:

Teaching quality 5
Technical equipment 5
Organization of the educational process 5
General atmosphere 5

I was very lucky to meet a wonderful teacher Yuri Pritisk on my way into the world of photography. efficiency, for attention to each student. Any question does not remain without a competent answer. A very useful and interesting course from a wonderful, creative, enthusiastic photographer and just a good, attentive, kind and intelligent person! Thank you, Yuri! For your work! I wish you success in your work and hope for the continuation of interesting learning.

Feedback on the site

Boris Voronin


Training time: June-July 2019
Teacher: Yuri Pritisk

Student marks on a five-point scale:

Teaching quality 5
Technical equipment 5
Organization of the educational process 5
General atmosphere 5


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