Presentation on the topic of the learning process. Forms of organization of the educational process. Problem learning technology

"Rules on technology" - Before the start of the lesson, put on overalls. Acquaintance with the textbook "Technology". Instructions for labor protection when working with scissors. Why is it necessary to unplug the sewing machine after finishing work? Hazards: injury to hands, eyes; electric shock. Sewing factory. Instructions for labor protection when working on a sewing machine.

"Safety in the workshop" - Injury to the hands due to improper handling of the cutter. Malfunctions and blunting of the cutting tool. Wounded by splinters of poorly glued wood, oblique, knotty. Tidy up workplace! Do not be distracted during work, follow the correct working methods. Wooden blanks at the drilling site are pricked with an awl.

"Technology Tests" - Materials Science. reproductive tasks. Tests and cognitive tasks on technology. Product processing technology. Test (Cooking). Mark with a "+" sign the element necessary for the growth of bones and teeth. Engineering. A high-calorie drink obtained from the seeds of a tropical tree. Mechanical engineering and machine seams.

"Technology Tutorial" - Flowers. Geometric ornament. Unusual buildings. Portrait. Linking small group projects. The use of means of artistic expression. Butterfly. Ornament. Using measurements and constructions to solve practical tasks. The environment is a source of raw materials. Technical drawing.

"Safety in technology lessons" - Remove hair under a scarf. Monitor the normal operation of the iron. Stay away from students working on machines. Sew only with a thimble. Safety precautions in technology lessons. Safety instructions. Safety instructions for working with an electric iron. Fingers. Safety instructions for working on a sewing machine.

"Types of technology lessons" - Life situations. Target rounds. End of lesson. Types of lessons. The activity of the teacher. Integrated lessons. Teaching methods. Approximate lesson structure. Greetings. research method. The structure of the theoretical lesson. Presentation of new material. A lesson in decision technical tasks. Receptions and teaching methods.

There are 18 presentations in total in the topic

Lesson Plan: The Two Way Process
Communication in the learning process
The role of the influence of the environment in the process
The structure of the learning process
Components of a process

Bilateral nature of the learning process

Learning process
learning process
or team


Training necessarily involves
interaction between teacher and
Subject and object of learning
It is not simple about the impact of the teacher on
student, namely their interaction!!!
The interaction can proceed as
direct, as well as
mediated form.
The learning process is not
mechanical amount of teaching and
teachings, this is a qualitatively new, holistic

Communication in the learning process.

Unity of knowledge and teaching
Communication in the learning process affects:
for learning motivation
to develop a positive attitude towards learning,
to create favorable psychological conditions
Characteristics of a teacher that contribute to successful
Accuracy, organization in work,
Tact in relationships and help in studies,
Objectivity in assessment
Endurance in difficult situations

The role of the influence of the environment in the learning process.

Personal development is affected
Mass media,
Labor activity,
Gaming and leisure activities
effort to create
environment baby!!!

Components of the learning process.

Target Component
Stimulating and motivational
Content of training
control and adjustment component
Evaluative and effective component

Target Component

Target Process Component
learning reflects:
teachers' awareness of the goals and objectives
study of the topic
acceptance by students of goals and objectives
studying the topic.

Significance of the target component

Significance of the target component a
goals and objectives
study of the topic
goals and objectives
studying the topic.

The importance of the stimulating and motivational component

Significance of the stimulating motivational component
stimulating motivational
The teacher stimulates
students' interest and
need for learning
Disciples internal process
development of motives
learningDefined by:
state educational
textbooks on the subject.
Content of individual lessons
specified by the teacher, taking into account:
tasks, specifics
industrial and social
school environment, level
readiness, interests of students.

Operational and activity component

Operational component
reflects the procedural essence of learning.
It is in the activities of teachers and
learners, in their interaction,
flowing in time, and the task is realized
appropriation by schoolchildren of a wide
social experience of humanity.
Operational and activity component
implemented through certain
methods, means and forms of organization
teaching and learning

Control and adjustment component

control and adjustment
The control and adjustment component assumes
teacher control and student self-control.
Control is carried out using control works,
surveys, tests and exams.
Self-control includes self-examination of students who
independently check the degree of assimilation of the studied
Control and self-control ensure functioning
feedback in the educational process - receiving by the teacher
information about the degree of difficulties, about the quality of the process
Feedback causes the need for correction,
regulation educational process, making changes to
methods, forms and means of teaching
The regulation of the process is carried out not only by the teacher, but
and by the students themselves (self-regulation of their actions,
work on mistakes, repetition of questions that cause

Evaluative component

Evaluative and effective component of training
evaluation by teachers and
self-assessment by students achieved in the process
learning outcomes,
establishing compliance with their set
educational tasks,
identifying the causes of deficiencies,
designing new tasks that take into account
as well as the need to replenish
identified gaps in knowledge and skills.

The relationship of learning components

The relationship of the components of learning
The purpose of training determines its content.
The purpose and content of training require
certain methods, means and forms
stimulation and organization of learning.
In the course of training, a current
process control and regulation.
Finally, all components of the learning process in
their totality provide
certain result.
The learning process, its essence and content

EDUCATION - the process of purposeful transfer of socio-historical experience; organization of the formation of knowledge, skills.

The problem of learning is considered not only in pedagogical psychology (along with questions of the psychology of education), but also in general, developmental psychology, neuropsychology, pathopsychology, and labor psychology. The approach to the problem of learning is largely determined by the basic general psychological positions. Supporters of the theories of spontaneous development, recognizing the great role of learning in the acquisition of social experience by a person, believe that learning is an external process in relation to mental development, unfolding according to its own laws, not related to the actual existence of the subject. In Soviet psychology, training and development were not identified, but at the same time, the leading role of training, which creates for the student "zone of proximal development" contributing to the development of means and methods of orientation in reality.

Psychologically, the problem of learning can be considered both from the side of the mechanisms of assimilation of new material, its stages, and from the side of organizing the optimal course of assimilation in accordance with the goals and objectives set. Intermediate are the issues of the relationship between trainees and educators.

Assimilation is considered as a process of mastering by the subject of actions, concepts, forms of behavior developed by society, passing through certain stages. In psychology, several problems have been identified, the solution of which determines the ways and possibilities for applying knowledge about the psychological patterns of learning in practice.

Since any training involves a purposeful change in the subject, an important problem is the organization of controlled training, which ensures the systematic formation of the necessary qualities. , a also taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of students, traditionally considered in the context of issues of learning ability, differential education.

In addition, it is necessary to establish harmony between the management of the assimilation process and ensuring the optimal developmental effect. The specificity of the psychological characteristics of assimilation led to a differentiated approach to the development of methods for teaching mathematics, native and foreign languages, natural and humanitarian disciplines, professional skills. A special branch of modern research is learning to communicate - the organization of a purposeful mastery of a person by means and methods of communication with other people.

Learning process.

It appears that mastering a certain subject (or teaching something) includes three processes occurring almost simultaneously. The first one is getting new information often contradicts or replaces the amount of knowledge that the subject explicitly or implicitly owned before. At the very least, new information clarifies them. This is the case, for example, when Newton's laws of motion are explained to students, which run counter to the indications of the sense organs;

The same thing happens when explaining the law of conservation of energy, which says that no energy is lost: the explanation contradicts the way students think, enshrined in the language itself, which imposes the idea of constant waste energy. More often, however, the situation is less dramatic, as is the case in the presentation of the topic "circulation", when the details of what the student already vaguely knows, because he intuitively guessed that the blood circulates in his body, are explained.

The second aspect of learning can be defined as knowledge transformation. This is the process of restructuring existing knowledge, adapting the latter to the solution of new problems. We teach to analyze information, to discover hidden sides in it, to streamline it by giving it a new form. Transformation also includes such ways of processing information that allow you to go beyond its limits.

The third side of education is verification of the degree of adequacy of the applied methods of handling the information contained in the task. Whether we acted correctly, whether the generalization we deduced is expedient, whether the allowed extrapolation is applicable - these are the questions that in this case have to be answered. As a rule, the role of the teacher in this kind of assessment is decisive, but in many cases the assessment is carried out on the basis of judgments of plausibility, if there is no possibility of rigorous verification of the correctness of our actions.

The study of any topic usually breaks down into a number of stages, each of which includes all three processes. The topic “photosynthesis”, for example, should include case studies from biology, which in turn should be adapted to the subsequent presentation of the broader concept of converting energy from one type to another. An optimally structured educational process reflects the previous material and allows the student to make generalizations that go beyond the topic.

The process of learning to master a topic can be short or long, contain many or few concepts. The duration of each stage of mastering a concept depends on the expected reward for the student’s efforts, both in terms of formal reward in points and in terms of acquiring certain knowledge.

We usually adapt the material to the abilities and needs of the student by changing the techniques in several ways: either by lengthening or shortening them, or by choosing an external path of high grades and awards as a reward, or by dramatizing the moment of penetration into the essence of the subject being studied.

We consider the unit of measurement of the program to be that stage of assimilation of a concept, the importance of which is recognized by the student himself, although often this stage passes without an emotional upsurge associated with the acquisition of knowledge. Research on the rational construction of educational techniques of this kind in relation to different ages and subject matter, strikingly few. Meanwhile, many questions require an answer based on thorough research. First of all, the question of balance between external and internal ways to encourage students. Much has been written about the role of rewards and punishments in the learning process, but few have really been interested in the role of such factors as interest, curiosity, and the thirst for discovery. If, as teachers, we intend to accustom students to longer and longer stages of mastering concepts in the learning process, then, in my opinion, follows the need for detailed development teaching aids, which will enhance the effect of rewards of the internal type, which is the acceleration of understanding and mastery of the subject.

There are many and varied problems associated with the relative role given to each of the three basic processes of concept acquisition: acquisition (knowledge of facts), transformation (handling them), and evaluation (verification of conclusions). Is it true, for example, that it is best to give a toddler a minimum set of facts first, and then encourage him to draw the maximum conclusion from it? In other words, should each stage of young children's education contain a small amount of new information, with an emphasis on finding ways to go beyond it on their own? One history teacher achieved great success with fourth-graders using this method. He begins, for example, by reporting one single fact: most civilizations originated in the fertile valleys of large rivers. The class is then prompted to discuss why this is so and why the rise of civilization in the mountains would be less likely. The effect of this approach (essentially an exercise in technique scientific discovery) consists in the fact that the child himself gives out information, which he can then verify and evaluate by comparison with sources, while obtaining new facts. This, of course, is only one of the possible ways of constructing the training stage; it is clear that its applicability is limited.

Everyone admits that the formula “learning is learning” is outdated, but nevertheless, little attention is paid in the scientific literature to the question of the variety of teaching methods for mastering concepts.

With regard to the optimal duration of methods of mastering concepts in the learning process, several general judgments can be made, which are quite important, however, for choosing directions. research work that could be fruitful. It seems quite obvious, for example, that the longer the duration and frequency of such assimilation, the greater the gain in terms of understanding and mastery of the subject, especially if aroused in a person an ardent desire to move on to the next example. There is a danger that if, instead of internal encouragement, a points system is used, then at the end of school a person will not want to continue education, since there will be no more points.

It is also natural to think that the higher the understanding of the structure of the subject, the greater the frequency and duration of each stage of learning mastery of the concept, which the student is able to master without fatigue. Indeed, the amount of new information at any learning stage is such that we are not able to digest it all at once. Meanwhile, we have already noted that there are severe limits on the amount of such undigested information that we can hold. in the mind. But according to rough estimates, an adult is able to operate simultaneously with approximately seven independent units of information. For children, the corresponding norm has not been established - and this gap in our knowledge can only be regretted.

For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used.

For example, the skills of reading and writing, the rational organization of independent cognitive activity, the ability to work with textbooks, reference books, bibliographic apparatus, etc.

educational function learning lies in the fact that in the process of learning, students develop views, a scientific worldview, an understanding of the laws of nature, society and thinking, moral and aesthetic ideas, the ability to follow the norms of behavior in society, to comply with the laws adopted in it. In the process of learning, the needs of the individual, the motives of activity, social behavior, values ​​and value orientations.

The content of education has the potential for upbringing first of all. All academic subjects have one or another educational potential.

The humanities and socio-economic disciplines have great potential for shaping personal qualities trainees.



The content of the disciplines of the natural science cycle contributes to the formation of a worldview, a unified picture of the world in the minds of students, and the development of views on life and activity on this basis.

The educational impact in the learning process is also exerted by the nature of communication between the teacher and the student, students among themselves, psychological climate in a collective.

There are different styles of communication between the participants in the pedagogical process: authoritarian, democratic, liberal. Modern pedagogy believes that the best is democratic, which combines the humane, respectful attitude of the teacher to students, providing them with a certain independence, involving them in the organization of the learning process.

Education always educates, but not automatically and sometimes not in the right direction, therefore, the implementation of the educational function of education requires the organization of the educational process, the selection of its content, the choice of forms and methods, to proceed from the correctly understood tasks of education.

Simultaneously with the educational and upbringing functions, the learning process implements anddeveloping function. In the process of learning, in addition to the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities by students, their development takes place.



Moreover, it is carried out in all directions: the development of speech, thinking, sensory and motor spheres of the personality, emotional-volitional and need-motivational area. "Learning leads to development" - asserts one of the important laws of psychology, formulated by L.S. Vygotsky. It is promoted both by the content of education, the methods and forms of teaching used, and the active, diverse, conscious activity of students.

Although properly delivered training always develops, however, this function is more successfully implemented in the presence of a special orientation. In theory and practice, special learning technologies have been developed that pursue precisely the goals of personality development.

A significant contribution to the creation of a system of developmental education was made by domestic scientists P.A. Galperin,

V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zankov, D.B. Elkonin and others.



I.Ya.Galperin and N.F.Talyzina developed the theory of step-by-step formation of mental actions. L.V. Zankov substantiated a set of principles for the development of thinking in the learning process: an increase specific gravity theoretical material, learning at a fast pace and at a high level of difficulty, ensuring that students are aware of their learning activities. A.M. Matyushkin, M.I. Makhmutov developed the foundations of problem-based learning. I.Ya.Lerner and M.N.Skatkin proposed a system of developing teaching methods, V.V.Davydov and D.B.Elkonin - the concept of meaningful generalization in education, G.I.Shchukina - ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students. D.Kabalevsky, I.Volkov developed a methodological system that contributes to the development of the emotional sphere, richness of feelings, experiences from the perception of nature and art, surrounding people.

In addition to educational, upbringing and developing, some scientists also distinguish motivating and organizing functions of learning. The learning process must be built in such a way that it encourages students to further educational and cognitive actions, organizes them to learn new things.

It is indisputable that all the functions of the learning process are interdependent and are implemented in all its didactic components.


Methodological foundations


There are various methodological approaches to explaining the essence of learning. Of the foreign concepts, the most common, revealing the mechanisms of learning, are behavioral and pragmatic theories.

behavioral theory has become widespread in teaching practice USA and many European countries. Its adherents consider all the phenomena of mental life as a set of behavioral acts. They identify the psyche of man and animals, reduce all complex life activity to the formula "stimulus - reaction". From their point of view, the learning process is the art of managing stimuli in order to cause or prevent certain reactions, and the learning process is a set of reactions to stimuli and stimulating situations.



The development of consciousness is identified with the formation of students' reactions, i.e. they see learning as developing the ability to respond in a certain way to certain situations, and not as developing the ability to act or think.

Thus, the conscious activity of a person in the learning process is explained not by mental, but by physiological processes. Conscious actions of students are replaced by purely reflex ones. Behaviorists see the difference between a person and highly organized animals in that he can be influenced by secondary, verbal, stimuli, which also arise.




Unlike the behaviorists pragmatists reduce learning only to the expansion personal experience student, so that he adapts as best as possible to the existing social order. Education can only contribute to the manifestation of the possibilities inherent in a person from birth. Therefore, its goal is to teach the child to live. And this means adapting to the environment, satisfying personal interests and needs without focusing on the social environment, based on a subjectively understood benefit.

In accordance with these views, pragmatists argue that learning is a purely individual process. They do not consider it necessary to form systematic knowledge, skills, and therefore deny the scientific substantiation of curricula and programs. Pragmatists belittle the importance of the teacher in the learning process, assigning him the role of an assistant, a consultant.



For them, the main mechanism and, accordingly, the method of obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities is "learning through doing", i.e. implementation of practical tasks, exercises.

In addition to behaviorism and pragmatism, there are other theories of learning. Some of them reject both the physiological and psychological foundations of the educational process, reducing it only to the reactions taking place in the soul of the student. The mechanism for obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities, whether they or not

how they do not explain, or reduce it to intuition, insight, discretion, etc. This direction has existentialism and neo-Thomism, which belittle the role of education, subordinate intellectual development to the education of the senses. The explanation of such a position is based on the assertion that it is possible to know only individual facts, but without their awareness, without taking into account the interconnection of regularities.

There are other approaches to explaining the learning mechanism.



At present, most scientists share the view that theoretical and methodological

the basis of education is materialistic

theory of knowledge (epistemology) , according to which real world is objective and exists outside of human consciousness, it is knowable. Cognition is a reflection of reality in consciousness, an active mental and emotional activity, the result of which is knowledge, generalizations in the form of theories, laws, scientific concepts.

The dialectical path of cognition of truth, objective reality goes from living contemplation to abstract thinking and from it to practice.



In the process of living contemplation, i.e. through sensations, perception, active study of objective reality, certain ideas about certain phenomena and objects arise. These representations form the basis for generalizations. Abstract thinking allows you to establish common signs cognizable phenomena, assimilate concepts, judgments, conclusions, establish essential, necessary, stable connections between phenomena, i.e. deduce certain laws and regularities.

All these provisions of epistemology are directly related to educational knowledge. Teaching is always connected with knowledge. The task of education is to make the laws of nature, the development of society and the mental processes of a person become

the knowledge of the students.


Interaction Training necessarily involves the interaction of the teacher and students. The subject and object of training Not just the impact of the teacher on the student, but their interaction!!! Interaction can take place both in direct and indirect form. The learning process is not a mechanical sum of teaching and learning, it is a qualitatively new, holistic phenomenon.

Communication in the learning process. The unity of cognition and teaching Communication in the learning process affects: the motivation of learning, the formation of a positive attitude towards learning, the creation of favorable psychological conditions Teacher characteristics that contribute to successful communication: Evaluated Endurance in Difficult Situations

The role of the influence of the environment in the learning process. Personal development is influenced by the environment, the media, work, sports, play and leisure activities. It is necessary to purposefully apply efforts to create a child's environment!!!

Content of training Determined by: curriculum, state curricula textbooks on the subject. The content of individual lessons is specified by the teacher, taking into account: the tasks set, the specifics of the industrial and social environment of the school, the level of preparedness, and the interests of students.

Operational-activity component The operational-activity component reflects the procedural essence of learning. It is in the activities of teachers and students, in their interaction that flows over time, that the task of appropriating the wide social experience of mankind by schoolchildren is realized. The operational-activity component is implemented through certain methods, means and forms of organization of teaching and learning

Control and adjustment component The control and adjustment component involves the control of the teacher and the self-control of the trainees. Control is carried out with the help of tests, surveys, tests and exams. Self-control includes self-examination of students who independently check the degree of assimilation of the studied material. Control and self-control ensure the functioning of feedback in the educational process. The teacher receives information about the degree of difficulties, about the quality of the learning process. Feedback causes the need for correction, regulation of the educational process, changes in methods, forms and teaching aids The regulation of the process is carried out not only by the teacher, but also by the students themselves (self-regulation of their actions, work on mistakes, repetition of questions that cause difficulties).

Evaluative and effective component The evaluative and effective component of training involves: assessment by teachers and self-assessment by students of the results achieved in the learning process, establishing their compliance with the set educational tasks, identifying the causes of shortcomings, designing new tasks that also take into account the need to fill the identified gaps in knowledge and skills .

The relationship of learning components The purpose of learning determines its content. The purpose and content of training require certain methods, means and forms of stimulation and organization of training. In the course of training, ongoing monitoring and regulation of the process is necessary. Finally, all components of the learning process in their totality provide a certain result.


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