International photo contests. Departure for New York

The World Photography Organization (WPO) has announced a call for applications for the 2016 Sony World Photography Awards, an annual international photography competition. Free registration at allows photographers of all skill levels to submit their work to any of five sections of the competition: Professional, Open, Youth, National and Student competition. Category descriptions for each competition are provided in the Notes to Editors.

In 2016, 14 professional categories for the first time since the existence of the competition will be divided into two different genres: Art and Documentary photography. This change is intended to provide a clearer framework within which photographers' excellence will be judged. Additional categories have appeared in each of the genres; for example, art photography now has the categories "Staged" and "Non-staged", and documentary - "Everyday life" and " Environment».

Complete list of 2016 Sony World Photography Awards categories

Professional competition (Professional)- for professional photographers, 14 categories in 2 genres, the assessment is based on a series of works.

  • Art photography- Architecture, Conceptual Photography, Landscape, Portrait, Still Life, Staged photography.Non-staged photography.
  • Documentary photography- Advertising photography, Current events, Controversial issues of our time, Everyday life, Environment, People, Sports

Open competition (Open)- 10 categories, for photographers of all skill levels, scored one photo at a time: Architecture, Arts & Culture, Advanced Photography, Low Light, Nature & Animals, Panoramic Photography, People, Smiles, Fraction of a Second, Travel

Youth competition- for photographers from 12 to 19 years old, three categories, rating for one photo: Culture, Environment, Portraits

National Awards- awarded to one photograph, the author of which is selected from 50 participating countries. Not available in all countries

Student competition (Student Focus)- for young photographers studying photography of any level.

Also this year, the largest photo magazine British Journal of Photography (BJP), the world's oldest publication on photography, will partner with the WPO Student Competition. Part of the main prize that the winner will receive will be a demonstration of his work on the BJP website and inclusion in the magazine's Instagram content.

The Sony World Photography Awards offers a range of benefits to entrants. First of all, all submitted works will be judged by a jury of leading experts in the photography industry. In addition, the finalists and winners will be known to the whole world, and they will have the opportunity to advertise and sell their work with the help of The World Organization Photo.

Competition prizes include state-of-the-art Sony digital photography equipment, participation in the competition exhibition at Somerset House in London, print publication of the 2016 winners and a cash prize of USD 30,000 (main winner).

The 2015 Sony World Photography Awards featured 173,444 entries from 171 countries. L'Iris d'Or / Golden Diaphragm award and the title Professional photographer was awarded to John Moore, Senior Staff Photographer and Special Correspondent for the American photo agency Getty Images. The annual exhibition of the finalists and winners was again held at Somerset House in London, and its attendance was a record - 33,394 people.

The finalists of the competition will be announced on February 23, and the winners on April 21, 2016; An exhibition of the winners' work will be held at Somerset House, London from 22 April to 8 May 2016. Other key dates of the competition:

  • December 4, 2015: student competition submission ends
  • January 5, 2016: submission of entries for the National, Youth and Open competitions ends
  • January 12, 2016: submission of entries for the Professional competition ends
  • 23 February 2016: publication of the list of finalists (shortlist) of Professional, National, Youth and Open competitions
  • 1 March 2016: Publication of the list of finalists of the Student Competition
  • 15 March 2016: Publication of the list of finalists of the National Competition
  • March 29, 2016: Announcement of the winners of the Open and Youth competitions
  • April 21, 2016: Award Ceremony for the Photographer of the Year ("Golden Diaphragm") and winners in all categories of Professional, National, Youth and Open Competitions (London)
  • 22 April-8 May 2016: Exhibition of the winners of the Sony World Photography Awards 2016 in Somerset House, London

Photos of the 2015 Sony World Photography Awards finalists and winners are available at

The 2017 Siena International Photography Awards is hosting amateur and professional photographers from around the world. The details of the competition can be found on the website. And below are the top prize winning black and white photos in 2016.

1st place - A man feeds swans, Krakow, Poland

This photo was taken in Krakow near the Grunwald Bridge. The contrast naturally formed between white snow and dark water, which are separated by a straight line of the embankment, reflects the yin-yang symbol, representing opposing but complementary forces.

2nd place - Cockfight, Jakarta

Photo by: Pimpin Nagavan

Photo taken in Jakarta. Two captured men proudly watch their roosters fight. Cockfighting is one of the most common traditions among several Indonesian cultures.

3rd place - Gondolier, Venice

Photo by: Giuseppe Antonio Valletta

This photo was taken at the Malvasia Vecchia Bridge in Venice, one of the most photographed locations in the world. The author photographed the gondolier at the end working day when he was returning home with his dog.

3rd place - Secret of the sisters, Banyuwangi, Indonesia

Photo by: Arif Sisvandono

Fina is our second child, and now her mother is pregnant with her third baby. I created this photo to show her that the gender of each new child is a mystery of God, like a veil that wraps around models.

Honorable Mention

Rhymes of the Sea, Zhejiang Province, China

Photo by: Zhivei Chen

In the early morning, a fisherman among purse seines. The bamboo technique emphasizes the prosperity of fishing.

Long journey, Kerman, Iran

Photo by: Milad Safabaksh

This is a photo manipulation. Photo taken in Iran.

Dialogue, Singapore Zoo

Photo by: Alla Sokolova

Don't expect it to be easier or easier in the future. It won't. There will always be difficulties. Learn to be happy right now, otherwise it might be too late.

I am nothing, Bagan, Myanmar

Photo by: Gunarto Gunawan

The picture was taken in one of the temples in Myanmar. The photographer captured a special moment when a ray of sunlight penetrated a small window and illuminated the heart of the statue as the monk cleaned it.

Departure for New York

Photo by: Garcia Lucas

How often have we had a similar situation? How many times have we decided to start something big very small? Work, business, marriage, a decision that changes everything. How many times have we become such a small sailing boat?

Sleepers, India

Photo by: Hisham Alumaid

On one of the streets of Jaipur, I saw a dog sleeping on one side and a man on the other. It got me thinking about their relationship, they were in the same place and maybe they were experiencing the same emotions.

Happy Talk, Istanbul, Turkey

Photo by: Mine Ertugrul

Two elderly men who like to chat happily in the courtyard of the mosque. Life is inextricably linked with dialogues.

Between Black and White, Einsiedeln, Switzerland

Photo by: Patrick Ems

The coastline separates black from white, creating a contrasting open space where details stand out.

Wonderful Award


Photo Credit: Lanfeng Chen

Out of the water

Photo by: Sergey Anisimov


Photo by: Bouquet Ozatay

Go home by the sand dunes

Photo Credit: Danny Yen Shin Wong

Camel racing

Photo by: Abdulaziz Albagshi

Desert child

Photo by: Fadel Almutagaui


Three pillars

Photo by: Pierre Manet

Thingyan Water Festival

Photo by: Hoang Long Lee

Game at recess

Photo by: Yue Zhang

Pilgrims in Mecca

Photo by: Nasser Olrabey

Dancing trees

Photo by Daniel Zhezhikha

Point shot

Photo Credit: Guangjian Li

Sea heroes

Taming horses (Rapa das Bestas)

Photo by: Bartlomey Yuretsky

Stallion fight

Photo by: Marradi Alessio


Photo by: Noel Baldewines

ProductCatalog 4th 35AWARDS (2018)
Size200 × 283mm
Circulation1000 pieces
Weight1750 g.
Pages512 pages
CoverMatt coated paper, 250g / m2
PaperPaper Hanno Art Bulk matte, 135g / m2
Content100 best photographers of the year and their photos, 100 best photos of the year, 25 best series works 35AWARDS 2018. And since the work of other participants not included in the main list added on the basis of the best judgments of the jury, professional photographers and spectators. In total in the catalog the best works and authors from 18 different nominations will be presented.
Presumably in the catalog will be presented approximately 1000+ photos from 500+ authors.

* these are approximate catalog data, they can be corrected during the catalog layout process.

The 35AWARDS prize has been held for the third year in a row. In 2015, the competition was attended by 36 thousand people who uploaded 76 thousand photos, in 2016 more than 76 thousand people submitted more than 189 thousand photographs, in 2017 more than 103 thousand people from 160 countries submitted for the contest more than 257 thousand photos ... We started with the 100 best works of the year, but among this number of works there are many more photos deserving attention. In the format of the album it is simply impossible to fit it, and we decided to release a catalog with the results of the year, which will include the best works from the competition for the whole year.

We want the catalog to become as annual as the award itself. It will feature the best works and photographers of the world for the year in various nominations. The best modern photographers, new trends in photography, new tools for taking pictures, for example, the growing popularity of photography from drones. Since, the audience, participants and jury are international, the best works of the award are the view of the whole world on the whole of the modern photography for the year.

* Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.
* In the event that for the allotted time the necessary funds will not be collected in full, the catalog will be printed in a limited edition at the expense of the creators of the project and sent to all investors.
* If more funds are collected than is minimally necessary, the catalog will be printed in a large circulation, on a paper of the best quality.
* Terms of production can be changed due to the technological features of production and layout.
* Instead of sending by post of the Russian Federation, the parcel can be sent by Boxberry.

Reviews for the catalog 3rd 35AWARDS (2017):

Renato zanette
I met kind and attentive people who quickly resolved my mistake. The book arrived on time and in excellent condition the photos inside it are beautiful. I have to make a note, the format of some photos are too small to be able to appreciate them. Vakhtangi Janjgava
It is great Kristina Nazimova
thank you so much! Everything is good! Good luck Wieslaw Michna
Great !!! Amazing book Im very impressed. Sensational photos and perfect layout. Moo hwan kim
It is so nice. Thanks Aydan Mustafov Hasanov
The book is excellent! But the delivery was very slow. But the wait was worth it! Thank you! Greetings from Bulgaria Vladimir Lozanski
Thanks for the amazing catalog! It is pleasure to open such a book, treasure of fantastic pictures, and I am doing exactly that day after day. Thanks Again, Vladimir Gonzalo javier santile
the book has great quality but being matt lacks brightness and clarity to many photographs, the size of the book could be something larger since it is visually close to a paperback Olga Bell
I am absolutely satisfied with my order! It was received fast and well packaged! The quality of the catalog is beautiful! Thank you so much! Kind Regards, Olga Arvin kocharian
Thanks for the fast shipping, the book is printed in a very high quality. Peter liew
TQ very much. Friendly customer service and fast delivery. Book quality is good and will great photos collection. I am very proud to be in as one of the winner. Viktor Bors
Im very pleased, that there is a catalog from these wonderful artworks. Thank you for all the hard work. Maybe a little bit bigger format would be nice, but at least its compact and the print quality is very high! I really enjoyed viewing it. Best regards, Viktor Bors TUONG HUY NGUYEN
Hi all, I got it 2 days ago. It is great. Thanks a lot.

Out of 25 thousand works submitted for the competition, the jury selected 292 photographs reflecting the brightest moments of Russian reality in 2016. The winners were selected in five nominations: “People. Developments. Everyday life "," Nature "," Architecture "," Style "and" Make yourself happy. "

All photographs can be viewed at the exhibition "The Best Photos of Russia - 2016", which will open in mid-February 2017 at the WINZAVOD Center for Contemporary Art.

© Vladimir Astapkovich "Isaac's Thriller"
The moon against the background of sculptural compositions of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

© Pavel Kondratyev "Seydozero"

The picture was taken at Seydozero at 4:30 am. It was cloudy, and in the morning I was awakened by a bright light. Coming out of the tent, I saw this picture. A ray of the sun broke through the dense clouds. It did not last long, about 5 minutes. I duplicated the photo on film, for those who doubt that the sky was so blue.

© Dmitry Alexandrov "Uncle Misha"
A person who has outlived his family, a person who has no roof over his head, but despite a difficult fate, he thanks God for what he has.

© Galina Vishnyakova "Architectural contrasts of St. Petersburg"
Modern Saint Petersburg increasingly turns into a city of social and architectural contrasts. The photograph taken from the building of the Museum of the History of the Telephone shows a view of the Smolny Cathedral. The museum is located in a modern high-tech building, Smolny Cathedral was built in the style of the magnificent Elizabethan baroque.

© Sergey Boldenkov "Lunar sails"
Moonrise over the railway station "Sails over the Kama".

© Alexander Khitrov "River of Life"
River flowing into Lake Blagodatnoye, Sikhote-Alin State Biosphere Reserve

© Ruslan Olinchuk "Curious Tigirek Fox"
Altai Territory, Russia, Tigirek State Reserve, September 2015.

© Ekaterina Medvedeva "Parked"
We rushed at full speed to Arshan, enjoyed the mountain peaks from the car window, and, passing another locality I will shout: "Vanya, stop! STOP THE CAR URGENTLY!" I grab my camera and run to this beauty! Standing at the bus stop. Tired, probably, the bus is waiting.

© Alexey Leonadze "Ostankino Tower through the sleeping area"
The photo was taken from the courtyard of the Marfino district, at Kashenkin lug house 8, building 2.

© Marina Orlova "Letter"
In the photo, a neighbor, Nina Aleksandrovna, lives alone, the children have left for different cities. The photo was taken at the moment when she received the long-awaited news from a loved one.

© Roman Makhmutov "Just space"
Cosmonaut Andrei Babkin and pilot-cosmonaut Oleg Artemiev - Hero of Russia.

© Vitaly Golubev "Morning toilet"
There are not so many monuments to Lenin left in Russia. There is one in Petrozavodsk. The photo was taken in the spring of 2016, when the workers communal services brought cleanliness around the monument.

© Vladimir Smirnov "Physical education in a rural school"
Russia. Ivanovo region... October 17, 2016. Physical education teacher Pavel Pigarev with schoolchildren at a physical education lesson at the Shilekshin secondary school in the village of Shileksha.

© Yaroslav Chingaev "Epiphany"
2016 Epiphany. Moscow. Alekseevsky stavropegic convent.

"Beauty of Nature" is one of the most striking categories of the photo competition, full of wonderful shots taken from interesting angles in wildlife... Here you can see landscape photography made in forests, deserts and mountains; macro photography of flora and fauna; footage shot over water and under water in oceans, lakes and rivers.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with best photos nature that won prizes and received an honorable mention prize in 2016. To enter the 2017 Siena International Photography Awards, visit the Photo Contest website.

1st place - The impressive eruption of Mount Etna, Cesaro, Italy

This image captures the splendor of the erupting magma, ash and gas in the early days of December 2015, as the plume of smoke rose several kilometers above the summit of Mount Etna.

2nd place - Decisive Throw, Kuril Lake, Kamchatka, Russia

Photo by: Mike Korostelev

The bear is fishing in the river. He sits down, plunges his head under the water and freezes, tracking the fish. As soon as it ceases to be afraid and swims closer, the bear makes a decisive thrust and catches it with its paws or teeth.

3rd place - Galaxy of the Dolomites, Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Italy

Photo by Ivan Pedretti

Panoramic view with the setting moon and the three peaks of Lavaredo (Italy). Shot at night in July during the photo weekend.

Honorable Mention

Mangroves, Cuba

Photo by: Greg Lecourt

Mangrove forests are unique. This is a very important ecosystem on Earth. As with all ecosystems, a predator can be found at the top of the food chain here. I researched mangroves in Cuba and I was able to photograph an American crocodile.

Lagoon, French Polynesia

Photo by: Greg Lecourt

French Polynesia is an amazing destination for nature lovers. I went snorkeling in the Moorea lagoon and photographed marine life, namely - blacktip sharks. Swimming or diving with sharks changes the way we think about them.

Heaven and earth, Tromsø, Norway

Photo by: Audun Rikardsen

A jellyfish under the northern lights off the coast of Northern Norway, near Tromsø.

Small and giant creatures of the forest, Mantua, Italy

Photo by: Alberto Gizzi Panizza

This fall photo captures dewdrops and small mushrooms under poplars from an interesting angle.

Stars from Two Worlds, Tromsø, Norway

Photo by: Audun Rikardsen

The starfish feeding underwater at night are illuminated by the celestial stars and the dancing aurora borealis.

Fire Falls, Yosemite National Park, California

Photo by: Niki Freits

For two weeks of the year, the sun illuminates Horse's Tail Falls in Yosemite National Park in a special way. For a few minutes before sunset, the sun's rays turn the waterfall into fiery lava. To get this shot, I set up a tripod six hours before sunset on the banks of the Merced River among over 200 other photographers. I waited for the fog to rise up the waterfall, and only on the second evening I took this magical picture.

Walking by, Austrian Alps

Photo by: Peter Svoboda

I took this picture in the Austrian Alps, half a mile away from another mountain. A scene unfolded in front of me, where a skier, descending from a high mountain, enjoyed the soft snow and the beauty of this place.

Flight of the Phoenix, Rio Tinto

Photo by: Francisco Mignorans

For several days it was pouring rain and fresh water finally cleansed the Rio Tinto River, carried away the acid and turned it into an ecosystem suitable for birds that came from the swamps of the neighboring Odiel River. I focused on the flight of a flock of pink flamingos.

Red Dawn, Airuno, Lombardy, Italy

Photo by Michele Mazullo

This picture was taken on a beautiful morning with a magical sunrise. I managed to photograph a swan at the moment when the bird rose from the water, as if realizing the beauty presented by nature.

Wonderful Award

Mystical monument

Photo by: Massimiliano Broggi

Love magician

Photo by: Hasan Baglar


In the north

Photo by: Gunther Kleber


Photo by: Mirko Rubaltelli


Photo by: Jay Rood

Mother Earth

Photo by: Marco Petracci

No two without four

Photo by: Roberto Aldrovandi

Poseidon's awakening

Photo by: Paolo Lazzarotti

Dodging silver bullets

Photo by: Pierre Manet


Photo by: Warren Keelan

Empusa striped

Photo by: Mehmet Karaca

Sandy lines

Photo by: Yousef Masud

Turn right

Photo by: Andi Abdul Khalil

Floating tree

Photo by: Garcia Lucas

Forest on fire

Photo by: Marco Guiotti


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