Dolphin electronic posture corrector. How to choose an electronic posture corrector. The purpose of the simulator - corrector

Did you know that more than 50% of the Russian population have some kind of back problem? Slouching, which can later turn into scoliosis or lordosis, sooner or later leads, at the "best" case, to regular back and lower back pain. At worst, wrong work internal organs, deterioration of blood circulation in the brain, pinched nerves and, in especially severe cases, to disability. In addition to all this, a stooped posture, drooping shoulders, a lowered chin do not paint a person at all.

Girls are taught good posture. Girls' College, USA 1946

First of all, it should be remembered that spinal disorders are, as a rule, not the cause, but a consequence of prolonged incorrect body position. The most common sources of back problems are:
- Poorly matched table and chair, not ergonomic workplace... Can you boast of a comfortable chair at work, or has your employer bought the most budgetary model for the office? And the chairs at your child's school, I bet, haven't changed in twenty years?
- Sedentary work. Even if you have an expensive, comfortable chair, sitting inevitably puts a lot of stress on your spine, hence lower back pain.
- Sedentary lifestyle. Your back muscles require the same training as your glutes, thighs, and abs if you want them to be strong and toned. Alas, not everyone can find time for the gym in the evenings, and getting up at six o'clock in the morning for a morning run is like the feat of Hercules.
- The habit of slouching. As long as you have health, you don't notice it. The same can be said for a healthy back. Few people think about correct posture until chronic pain appears and the reflection in the mirror resembles a question mark.

Avoiding the above problems is much more difficult than it sounds. You can set yourself a goal to keep your back straight, and successfully hold out for several tens of minutes, but after a while you will be surprised to find your back in a bent state. A course with a professional massage therapist (not a charlatan) can do a lot of damage family budget... And you can't buy a chair for your office for a few thousand rubles!

To my regret, I know about all of the above problems firsthand. After spending all my childhood at the wrong table, sitting at an uncomfortable chair at school and almost not playing sports, I earned myself second degree scoliosis. In search of an effective and not too expensive solution to my spine problems and in order to keep my back from getting worse, I discovered a huge variety of posture gadgets and gadgets. The most interesting and effective ones were included in this review. I sincerely hope that this article will save valuable time for those readers who are looking for an answer to the question "how to correct posture" and in general will be useful to those who care about their health and the health of their children.

Classics: corsets and posture correctors

Orthopedic corsets are the most traditional treatment for an injured back and curvature of posture. Corsets can be divided into several types: lumbar, lumbosacral, thoracic-lumbar corsets and posture correctors. The first three types of correctors are located mainly at the lumbar level, often affecting the thoracic or sacral spine. Their main purpose is to help with the rehabilitation of the back after injury, relieve pain, prevent vertebral hernias, relieve osteochondrosis, etc. Simply put, lumbar corsets are prescribed for serious problems with the spine and medical supervision is mandatory. Although curvature of posture may be one of the reasons for the appointment of corsets of this type, but more often in such cases posture correctors are used.

To correct the stoop, orthopedic posture correctors (reclinators) are used. They are located at the level of the thoracic spine and consist of elastic bands in the shape of a figure eight, which fits the shoulders and pulls them back, preventing the person from stooping. Often, in addition to straps, the reclinators also consist of a strong backrest and stiffening plates for additional fixation of the correct position of the spine. What do we end up with? Nice posture, a proudly raised chin and no stoop.

Most of the reclinators are made of cotton with an addition of nylon, so the skin under the corrector can breathe. However, although the posture corrector can be worn on a naked body, it is still recommended to wear it on a T-shirt or T-shirt: this way the posture corrector will be able to maintain its appearance... Most of the correctors are invisible under clothes, but the back of some models can reach the base of the skull, so if “invisibility” is critical for you, pay attention to this when choosing. It is necessary to start correcting posture with the help of an orthopedic posture corrector with a short wearing time, from 30-60 minutes, gradually increasing the load up to 4-5 hours a day. It is not advised to wear correctors for more than 6 months, as there is a risk of developing muscle weakness.

A well-known example of reclinators is the Magnetic Posture Support (also known as Bradex Cypress), which was actively advertised on the Internet in 2010-2012. But the extremely low quality of these Chinese fakes for a lot of money has for a long time discouraged people from using posture correctors and taking care of their back. Fortunately, there are many competitors on the market now offering reclinators. good quality per good price... Posture correctors firms Timed and Tonus Elast are considered one of the best in terms of price / quality ratio.

Posture correctors, as the most popular devices for a healthy back, have the following pluses and minuses:

Price. An orthopedic posture corrector will cost much less than many other devices or services of a massage therapist.
+ Popularity and efficiency. The reclinator is the most popular way to correct slouching.
+ Suitable for both children and adults.
+ Invisible under outerwear, jacket, sweater, loose jumper
“On the other hand, an orthopedic posture corrector can be seen under tight-fitting clothing, not to mention summer jerseys. Therefore, most often people wear correctors in winter.
- Cannot be used for a long time, because there is a risk of developing muscle weakness: after all, the muscles, in fact, do not themselves maintain the correct posture, the reclinator helps them in this, the muscles play a passive role.

Despite minor flaws, posture correctors have proven to be a versatile solution to stoop problems.

Writing proofreader Apres - salvation for a child slouching while writing

School-age children sit at the table for about 10 hours a day - about 6 hours at school, and another 4 or more hours doing homework and computer games. Imagine if your child slouches while writing (and almost all children slouch) 10 hours a day, what irreparable harm he inflicts on his spine. After all, the child's spine is the most sensitive to the wrong position of the body, and it is necessary to teach the child to sit exactly from childhood until it is too late.

All children slouch when writing. Don't let it happen with the Apres proofreader

Therefore, each parent has a question: "How to protect your child from curvature of posture." If your child slouches while writing and doing homework, and you are already tired of constantly pulling him back, pay attention to Apres Children's Posture Correctors when writing. This is a chin rest, which is fixed on the table and does not allow the student to slouch and bend over the workbook. This device will save not only the child's back from scoliosis, but also the eyes from myopia, because according to the recommendations of doctors, keep a notebook or book at least 35-40 cm from the eyes.

When writing, the corrector for children is installed on the table top (maximum thickness 5 cm) and screwed with special clamps. The height of the chin rest is adjustable from 14 to 22 centimeters, so it is suitable for children of primary and secondary school age, and can serve you for several years. It is very important that there is a support for the chest, which will not allow the child to rest his chin on this corrector and nullify all efforts to correct posture.

Among the shortcomings of such a corrector for children, it can be noted that it is impossible to install such a device at school, because this can cause ridicule from classmates and the subsequent dismantling of the support by the child himself. In addition, this corrector will be useless for children of senior school age - their chin is located at a height of 25-35 cm above the level of the table or desk, and the Apres corrector is not designed for such a height. Another type of corrector can cope with these shortcomings -.

Pros and cons of a proofreader for children slouching while writing:

Low price.
+ There is no longer a need to stand over the child's soul and force him to sit upright
+ The Child Slouching Corrector grows with your child when writing - thanks to the height adjusters, you will be able to use the same corrector for several years in a row.
+ The muscles of the child work, independently maintaining the correct posture, in contrast to the same reclinators.
- Not suitable for children over 14-15 years old
- A child is unlikely to agree to the installation of such a proofreader in a school where he slouches the most

Bradex Massager - Spine Relief Bridge

Surely more than once after a whole day spent in a work chair at the computer, you felt severe back pain? You are not alone. Every second resident of Russia suffers from back pain at least once every 2 weeks. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, not an ergonomic chair, you do not move much - you are at risk. The muscles of the back and spine are most stressed during a sitting position. And so for eight hours in a row. Just imagine how tense your muscles are when you get home from work. It is unlikely that any of us wants to do household chores, cook a special dinner for our beloved spouse, or read a useful book when all our thoughts are occupied only by back pain. Fortunately, there is a way out - the bradex spine bridge.

Relax your back after a hard day and take the strain off your spine with the Bradex Bridge

Made from durable ABS plastic, the Bradex Spine Bridge will help you completely relax your back, stretch your muscles and relieve low back pain. All you need to do is use the massager twice a day for 5 minutes for the best result. Three levels of unloading are available: simply fix the spine bridge in the position that suits you best, place the bridge on the floor for stretching or on the bed for relaxation. It is recommended to start classes from the first, simplest position, gradually moving to the next height.

The bradex spine relief bridge is designed to help you stretch and relax your back muscles easily, safely and with pleasure. The bridge is used to relieve stress on the spine, relieve chronic back pain, correct poor posture, restore natural back curves, and improve flexibility in the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Bradex spine bridge:
+ Low price
+ The bridge for relieving the load from the spine does not require lengthy exercises - 10 minutes a day is enough;
+ Relaxes and massages the back,
- Corrects posture only indirectly. It will relax the muscles, but nevertheless, will not force them to maintain the correct position on their own.
- Cannot be used for serious problems such as third degree scoliosis.

Correcting posture without getting up from the chair

It is not only schoolchildren who spoil their posture and, consequently, their health by spending most of the day at their desk. Adults sit in uncomfortable chairs much longer. And if it is not possible to replace the office chair with a high-quality one, you can at least slightly improve it.

Lumbar Corrector Office-Comfort

For those who have to spend a lot of time in a sitting position, the device "Office Comfort" from the companyBradex... This lumbar corrector is shaped a bit like a saddle and is designed with the natural curves of the spine in mind. The Office Comfort device with the help of a special elastic band is put on the back of an office chair, turning uncomfortable furniture into an ergonomic and comfortable chair. With such a lumbar corrector, your spine will be in the correct, naturally conceived position, which means there will be no stoop or back pain.

About the Office-Comfort lumbar corrector, you can summarize the following:
+ Low price (less than 200 rubles);
+ Maintaining a royal posture with a lumbar corrector is as easy as shelling pears;
+ Even the most uncomfortable chair can be made comfortable;
+ By supporting the natural position of the body, the load on the spine is reduced. Therefore, after a week you will forget what a tired back means by the end of the working day.
+ Prevention of scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine;
- Not the highest quality due to the low price.

Exercise Seat Back Okay

If you want not just to sit upright, but also to train your back muscles (including deep ones), then pay attention to the "Spina Ok" exercise seat from the furniture company Formex.
The seat rests on a single ball-head post. You will be forced to constantly seek balance in order to sit on the chair. And sitting on this back trainer seat is not so easy! In a constant search for balance, your back will engage the deep muscles of the back, which are usually dormant. Improving blood circulation in the spine relieves spasm that forces a person to be bent, and chronic back pain disappears. Over time, posture is corrected, and a person suddenly finds himself with a straight back and unfolded shoulders.

Orthopedic chair pad Back OK

The orthopedic pad on the chair Back Okay is recommended for use by office workers, schoolchildren and students, the elderly, drivers, summer residents and in general everyone who is forced to be in the same position for more than two hours. The Ok Back Trainer can replace a workout in the gym and bring tremendous benefits to your back and your body.

Corrects posture. This orthopedic chair pad simply keeps you from slouching!
+ It makes the deep muscles of the back work, which has a positive effect on the body as a whole, especially on blood circulation.
+ Doesn't take a lot of time, but can be used all day if desired.
- The exercise seat does not fit all chairs. Cannot be used on chairs that are too soft or too high.

Electronic posture trainer - won't leave you alone until you stop slouching

We all had grandmothers in childhood who told us: "Don't stoop, the hump will grow!" We all grumbled, but obediently straightened our backs, but after a while we bent again, and again our grandmother came to help our back. Oh, how I miss such a grandmother now!

Fortunately, they came up with such a thing as an electronic slouch reminder. This small device, a little over a ten-ruble coin, is attached to the chest and memorizes the correct posture when switched on. As soon as you get carried away with something or just forget about your health, the corrector is right there, just like our grandmothers - it takes care, vibrates and reminds you that a "hump" will grow.

The course of posture correction with the help of electronic vibrating sensors of posture is corrected, as a rule, for 30 days, but it depends on the age and general "neglect" of the posture. Of course, it is much easier to correct a growing child's body than a strengthened stoop in an adult. But nothing is impossible, and if you use an electronic posture corrector in addition to physical exercises that strengthen your back muscles, you can achieve high-quality results for adults.

Electronic posture trainers are good because they are invisible to others - this is not a corset that can be seen under clothes. And it is definitely not an overlay for a chair, which will surely attract the curious gaze of others. Electronic posture correctors will always be with you, so they are suitable for those who do not sit in one place all day, but constantly move (for example, a student will not carry a training seat from classroom to classroom), often at business meetings and conferences, schoolchildren, and just those people who want to have a beautiful posture in any situation and at any time of the day.

Electronic posture correctors are so effective and convenient that they deserve a separate article. You can read more about them at.

Stealth. If you are not eager to tell everyone about your back problems, these almost invisible posture correctors are for you.
+ The electronic posture trainer is always with you, always ready to remind you to keep your back straight.
+ Does not provoke muscle weakness like textile orthopedic posture correctors.
- If you don't wear a corrector, it won't help. And it takes discipline to wear a corrector on a regular basis.

US Medica Zero Posture Corrector Chair

From our article, you might get the impression that chairs and armchairs are the worst enemies of good posture. This is true for most furniture, but not all. There are special posture correcting chairs (or knee chairs) designed to keep the person from slouching. Thanks to the special design and angle of the seat, the person does not get tired and therefore does not feel the desire and need to bend his back. Knee supports help take some of the load off your back and transfer it to your legs. You will also not be tempted to cross your legs, which over time leads to a lateral curvature of the spine. Compared to a regular classic chair, you will be less tired and less painful in your back.

The posture corrector chair can be used while working at the computer, reading books, eating and watching TV. Knee chairs US Medica are available for teens and adults, are height adjustable and equipped with casters.

The most effective treatment and prevention of scoliosis and stoop
- Price: a good knee chair costs about 15 thousand rubles
- The posture corrector chair can only be used at home, unlike orthopedic and electronic correctors.

At the end of the article, I will not bore and repeat for the hundredth time about the benefits of correct posture for health. I want to motivate my readers not only with better health, but also with an improved psychological and emotional state. “How can this be,” you ask?

You may have guessed about this intuitively, but hardly realized: the posture that a person takes affects his well-being, mood, and even the production of hormones. At Columbia University, a study was conducted in which one group was asked to assume a pose of weakness (drooping shoulders, arms crossed over the chest), and another group was asked to assume a pose of strength (an upright posture or legs thrown on a table). A minute later, the participants salivated and asked them to play poker. Scientists noted that 84% of participants who were previously in a pose of strength were willing to take risks and generally felt more confident, while the group of weakness took risks only 14% of the time. Saliva analysis showed that participants in the strength group had higher levels of testosterone (a hormone of dominance) and lower levels of cortisol (a hormone of stress) than participants in a weak posture. If you think about it, we see confirmation of this experiment every day. It's hard to remember even one successful politician, supermodel, pop star or CEO of a large company with bad posture.

Each of us strives for healthy way life, longevity, strong family, promotion career ladder... And good posture is a faithful helper in achieving these goals.

Electronic posture correctors, or posture trainers, are devices that vibrate when the back deviates from a predetermined position. Unlike corsets, such as Magnetic Posture Support, they do not support the back, but help a person develop the habit of keeping his back correct on his own.

Posture trainers: how they work

As soon as the person wearing such a simulator begins to slouch, the position of the sensor inside the corrector will change and the device will vibrate. The person will straighten his back for a while, but when he starts slouching again, the corrector will vibrate again. And so on in an endless circle of training, until the habit of slouching is gone.

It's like an electronic caring grandma for your posture.

All correctors are designed for a specific training course. Do not be deceived by the hopes that in one day of wearing the corrector you will be able to keep your back straight on your own, without reminders. After all, the habit of slouching has been with you for several years, you cannot get rid of it in twelve hours. But the average duration of the course - 1 month - will help to overcome incorrect posture if you train hard.

All manufacturers recommend starting training from two to three hours, no more. your back muscles will ache, like after a full workout in the gym. Every day you need to increase the duration of wearing in order to proudly keep an even posture in a month.

In our article we will compare popular models and their characteristics, try to answer the question "which posture corrector is better", read reviews on the Internet.

Posture Correctors: Comparison Chart

iStatus Posture Master Lumo lift
Dimensions of the device 31 * 31 * 11mm 37 * 37 * 8mm 25 * 46 * 7mm
Mounting method Stickers, clothes clip Stickers, clothes clip Magnetic clip, laundry clip
Synchronization with a smartphone No No Yes
Additional functions No No Calories burned, steps, distance counter
Equipment 32 stickers, clip, disc 42 stickers (can be purchased separately), clip, spare battery, battery ejector Magnetic clip, charger
Manufacturer Russia Russia China
Guarantee 12 months 12 months 12 months
Price 2590 RUR 3500-3900 6000
Buy Buy Buy

IStatus posture corrector: everything you need at the best price

iStatus performs all the functions required of it. When the body deviates from the correct position for more than 60 seconds, it gives a short vibration signal. The corrector vibrates relatively quietly, which is extremely good when you are in the office in a team, but not very comfortable outdoors in winter. If the correct position is not taken within fifteen minutes, the corrector switches off. Also iStatus will not work horizontally.

Compact and lightweight, it is invisible under clothes. The device comes with one battery included, which will last for six to eight weeks of hard training. The device is fixed with disposable stickers, of which there are 32 in a set, or with a clothes clip.

A pleasant and unusual addition can be called a disc with a film about the Riviera as a gift. The disc contains instructions for using the corrector (just like on the packaging) and quality certificates for the tape.

Here is the review left by the owner of the proofreader on the iRecommend reviews site:

Feedback on the posture corrector iStatus

Posture master: beautiful but expensive packaging

Posture wizard is not much different from iStatus, but it costs more. The price is due to more advanced marketing and advertising of the product - articles in popular glossy magazines, TV shows about the Master of Posture on state channels, a bright and beautiful official website, gift wrapping, interesting instructions. But the main function remains the same: to vibrate when deflected, and the Master does it just as well as the iStatus. The Master reminds of a flat back after 60 seconds, and does it indecently loudly - in a quiet office, the vibration can be heard by colleagues, which can create psychological discomfort for the owner of the corrector.

The posture wizard is round in shape with an arrow on the front panel. Unlike iStatus, which can be fixed in any position, the Master must be worn with the arrow pointing straight up.

The Master has more disposable stickers than iStatus, namely - 42 pieces. 30 of them should be enough for one full course, plus 12 spare. A nice bonus is a spare battery included.
The Posture Master is available in two versions: "for adults" and "for children". The devices themselves are no different from each other, only the photo on the cover differs. Apparently, "children's" packaging should more stimulate teenagers to wear the device.

"Children" and "adult" packaging differ only in the covers, the devices are the same

A colorful instruction with a training program and the ability to mark the day passed only increases motivation:

Of course, such instructions are much more interesting to read than black letters on a white background.

Posture wizard is popular with buyers

Two in one: posture corrector and fitness tracker Lumo Lift

The most advanced and functional among competitors, Lumo Lift is not just a posture corrector, but also an activity tracker that transmits all information to the owner's smartphone. Software significantly expands the capabilities of the corrector: time tracking with correct posture, calories burned, steps and distance counter. You can adjust the time after which the device will remind you to align your back with vibration, or you can turn off vibration altogether. There are statistics on steps taken, good posture and achievement of goals, the program praises the user for good results. There is also a search mode for the lost Lumo Lift - the device will begin to vibrate if a user with a smartphone in his hands comes close enough. Unfortunately, the device is only compatible with new generations of smartphones, relatively outdated models are not supported. Look for compatibility with your phone on the seller's website or ask the operators.

Lumo Lift can be attached to clothing with a stylish aluminum clip, but body tape is not included. Therefore, measurements on loose clothing may be inaccurate, and the deflection sensor triggers may be false. The device is charged for two hours on a special docking station, one charge lasts for five days active work.

This review was left about Lumo Lift in the online store:


On the Internet, you can also find funny reviews, like: “I bent over to tie my laces, and the corrector vibrates, what a stupid device”, or “I put on the corrector when I was cleaning the house and washing the floors, he got me out with vibration, should I wash the floors with straight back? In general, I don't wear it anymore. " Considering the simple principle of operation of all correctors - the accelerometer memorizes the correct position, and when it is deflected for a certain time, it makes the motor vibrate - it is difficult to imagine how exactly the device should understand when it can be given a signal, and when it is better not to bother the owner, because he decided to sweep floor. Therefore, it is better to use the proofreader during a quiet walk, sedentary work at the computer, reading books, or having lunch.

You also need to understand that just buying a posture corrector is not enough. Permanent reminders can be turned off at the touch of a button, one day you can cut your workout time in half, and after another week you can completely forget where the device is. After all, posture correction is a constant effort on oneself, which requires tremendous willpower. And without the desire to have a beautiful posture, not one, even the most expensive and reliable corrector, will help to cope with a stoop.

All of the listed correctors do an excellent job with their functions, and it is impossible to choose the best among them, because each of them is good in its own way, and they are in different price categories.

Unpretentious iStatus you can only scold for the simplicity of packaging and poor package bundle, but this is a cheap workhorse that will tirelessly remind you of a flat back.

Creators Posture Masters they invested much more in advertising, which affected the price - it is a thousand rubles more expensive than iStatus, but it performs exactly the same functions. Thanks to its colorful packaging, it is perfect as a gift.

Lumo lift Will appeal to lovers of fashionable gadgets who are concerned about the problem of stoop. It might even motivate those who don't already have to run in the morning. But the price tag is 2-3 times higher than that of competitors, far from every Russian is available.

Therefore, choose your posture corrector, become healthy and beautiful!

Sometimes the idea of ​​devices does not come from real life, but because someone thought that he could create a certain function, and rushed to implement it in practice. Posture monitoring device sounds like something you don't really need Everyday life and it goes against the idea of ​​the Lumoback, a small box that can be carried on the back and will control the correct body position. In practice, my opinion about the device has completely changed, since I came up with a scenario for it, which does not imply wearing the device all the time, but provides obvious benefits.

For me, the most valuable thing in electronic gadgets related to health, all kinds of pedometers, smart scales and similar machinery is not at all their presence, coolness or a beautiful application. The information that they can provide about me, about how I live, comes to the fore. Most people do not think about how often they move, how they do it - quickly or slowly, how many floors a day they pass. This information allows you to look a little differently at your lifestyle, if necessary and want to fix something.

Posture problems are widespread in children and adolescents, lack of mobility at school, a lot of time in bed with a computer or tablet, sitting with a bent back behind their mother's phone. All together creates the prerequisites for certain deviations in the spine. As a child, my friends and I were forced to constantly straighten up, the phrase "do not bend" was heard very often. If I had a Lumoback or its equivalent at the time, I could see exactly how often I hunchback and at what points in time.

The module is located on a soft elastic strap, it can be fixed both on a T-shirt and directly on a naked body, as you like. It does not cause discomfort in both wearing options. Ten minutes later, you no longer notice that there is something foreign on your back, and those around you simply do not notice the foreign object. He wore a Lumoback in Sochi at the Olympic venues - it does not ring in a frame, when examined by police officers, it is usually passed, they do not find it.

The first time you need to charge the device for a couple of hours, one charge is enough for 3-5 days, there is a light indicator that shows how low it is or not. There is one key on the case, which is responsible for turning on the sensor. Press and hold, a green icon appears and it vibrates.

To start using it, you need to calibrate the sensor, put it on as we wear it, activate the function in the iOS program and start walking for 30 seconds. In the settings, you can specify how sensitive the sensor will be to changes in posture. In most cases, you should leave the default settings.

Wrongly sat down on the chair, and immediately there is a vibration (single or intermittent, also adjusted according to your desire). Bent while walking - the same will happen. I think that during the first hours of use, you will be able to understand how the sensor is correctly configured.

In some poses, it works correctly, and you understand this, somewhere it is too harsh. But the value of this sensor is that it shows you where to correct your posture. The iOS app demonstrates how many minutes you were sitting correctly, how long you spent in the wrong posture or postures. This is very useful information, but it's definitely not worth wearing the sensor every day for months. My experience says that after a week you unwittingly try to maintain your posture, fix your attention on this. The report in the program shows that my performance has improved over the week. Having removed the sensor, I caught myself thinking that for another week this effect was enough for me to involuntarily straighten up. That is, there is a psychological moment, and it is strong enough.

A very unexpected and pleasant bonus was the presence of a sleep tracker, it works just fine and shows not only how much you slept (lay), but also which side (left, right, on your back, on your stomach). A similar detailed information other trackers do not, but the most interesting thing is that the sleep mode does not require any activation, everything happens automatically. The built-in sensor also allows you to count steps, which is already the standard for this kind of device. On the other hand, there are no direct analogues of Lumoback on the market today. Cause? Too specialized device, too difficult to wear.

With a cost of 6,990 rubles in Russia ($ 150 in the US), this is not the cheapest device, and you are unlikely to buy one yourself without having any problems with posture. But for people who have such flaws, in particular for adolescents, it is very attractive. Alternatively, you can advise to look at the Russian device "Posture Master", it pursues the same goals, but costs less and is attached differently. I think that a review of this device will appear in the coming weeks.

Recently, devices have appeared on the market that help correct posture in a not entirely familiar way. There is no need for a person to wear bulky corsets that impede movement.

The electronic device allows you to independently correct the physiological position of the spine, acting both prophylactically and for the purpose of treatment.

Since the curvature of the spine is formed over time based on the habit of stooping, the need to use a classic orthopedic corrector is justified by its fixative effect. Electronic counterparts play the role of an indicator, constantly reminding a person that the position of the back is incorrect.

Causes of poor posture

A beautiful light gait with a straight back makes a person beautiful and young. But, various posture disorders are currently widespread. Spine problems are present in people of all ages, not excluding children.

Posture can be impaired due to both hereditary and acquired reasons. Congenital causes are associated with pathologies of intrauterine development:

  • underdevelopment of the vertebral joints;
  • congenital defects of the joints;
  • deformation of the chest, ribs;
  • pathology of the hip joints, pelvic bones, legs.

Acquired posture problems, which develop due to the weakness of certain muscle groups or the entire muscle corset as a whole, are more common.

Acquired posture defects are formed with the parallel action of several factors at once:

  • prolonged stay in a room with poor lighting;
  • use of uncomfortable furniture, too high or low table not in height;
  • constant carrying of heavy objects in one hand;
  • hypodynamia, due to which the muscles of the abdomen and back are weakened.

Sometimes a crooked posture develops due to diseases of the spine, when the sensitivity of the nerve receptors that control the correct position of the body decreases:

The condition of the spinal column and posture are affected by diseases of the internal organs: decreased vision, strabismus, myopia, hearing impairment. A visually impaired person often slouches, as he is forced to lean close to the table in order to take a comfortable position when reading or for work. In this situation, using a posture master will be most effective.

In addition, in children, problems with posture are caused by poor physical fitness, a hypodynamic lifestyle, improper alternation of work and rest, and inappropriate nutrition. With these problems, the correction device will be of the greatest benefit.

Why and for whom is it necessary?

V childhood the use of a spine corrector is especially necessary if the child is used to pulling his head below the shoulders, walking constantly with his head down.

During their studies, schoolchildren and students, after wearing an electronic posture corrector, will monitor an even back position. With the constant reminder of the device, the child will try to keep his back straight.

Among other things, the corrector should be worn in these cases:

  • with a long time spent at the computer by office workers;
  • when working for a long time in one place, for example, driving, at a sewing machine;
  • for those who have a standing job (hairdressers, salespeople);
  • with problems with vision, hearing;
  • in the initial stages of scoliosis to give the correct position.

Also, the corrector should be used for diseases associated with disorders in the spine: osteochondrosis, constant stoop after domestic or sports injuries, uncomplicated intervertebral hernias, spondylolisthesis of the initial stage.

For preventive purposes, the corrector can be used separately, and in difficult situations it is recommended to wear a classic orthopedic posture corrector at the same time.

What is included?

The mechanism is a small rounded object with a diameter of 37 mm and a thickness of 8 mm. The kit to the electronic posture corrector along with the main microelectronic sensor has been added:

  • fixing stickers - 42 pieces has a standard set for attachment to the skin along the entire length of the spine;
  • clips for fixing - intended for attaching to clothes, the original set contains one reusable clip;
  • spare battery - at permanent work the device (daily for 10-12 hours or more), one battery will last approximately 10-12 days. For a month of active work, the device for posture needs three times to replace the power supply.

Sticky stickers adhere to the skin quite tightly, create a strong hold for a day or two, but in order to avoid peeling off the device, it is advisable to change the Velcro every day. The fixing clip, according to consumer reviews, does not last long, so it is necessary to track its accidental damage.

How to choose an electronic posture corrector?

To choose the right model, you need to know everything about the current state of the spine, the features of the disease and possible contraindications. Before buying, you should consult with your doctor or other experienced specialist, especially when it comes to a child. It is not recommended to prescribe a corrector to children on their own, so as not to delay the really necessary therapy.

A device for electronic posture correction is more needed by a child who has not yet formed a normal back position. In childhood, poor posture is better amenable to correction.

Small posture correctors are of two types:

  • apparatus "Dolphin" - used to correct posture in a sitting position. The device is attached to the ear like a hearing aid, the signal is given at a low inclination above the desk. Dolphin is intended for home use because the signal is loud. In addition, the electronic mechanism only monitors the position of the head, but not the spine.
  • The device "Posture Master" - developed by Russian scientists, can be attached to the skin or clothing. The effectiveness of the device is due to the vibration signal, which is given in case of incorrect posture.

Corrector "Posture Master" has a small volume, weight, does not interfere when used in everyday conditions. It helps to develop the ideal posture in a natural way, as it remembers the position of the spine, regardless of posture.

The device is allowed to be worn together with orthopedic correctors.


Electronic posture corrector

Operating principle

The device that affects the correction of curvature does not work like the familiar corsets. It does not stretch and align the spinal axis with its design. The proofreader is just disciplining. If a person slouches his back strongly, posture has ceased to be ideal, then the device gives a vibrating signal, forcing to align the position. The person himself evens the position, using the back, shoulder muscles and the muscles of the abdominal press.

The Posture Master works like this:

  • the electric corrector is mounted in a convenient place, the correct position must be fixed by pressing the button;
  • a special sensor memorizes the even position of the spinal axis;
  • as soon as the spine changes the fixed position, conditions are created for the posture corrector to vibrate. The strength of the sound depends on the degree of curvature. The more a person slouches his back, the louder and longer the call will be;
  • after rectification, the signal is turned off.

The corrector is poorly suited for household chores, and it will often work.

But with proper use, the electronic device will strengthen the back muscles, help maintain the correct body position, and prevent deformation of the vertebral joints.

How to use?

The Slouch Corrector works well when it is firmly attached to the skin. The included stickers must be changed daily. You need to glue so that the arrow of the corrector points up. It is better to use the device closer to the skin, for example, attach it to linen. The effectiveness of the application depends on the correct fixation.

The scheme is as follows:

  • the first two days the corrector is worn no more than 3 hours;
  • then 3 consecutive days can be worn for 4 hours;
  • increase the wearing time by one hour daily;
  • in 3 weeks, bring the wearing time to 8-9 hours;
  • the final week of the month, the corrector should be worn every other day.

It is undesirable to immediately straighten your back to the most even position - so the device will constantly emit disturbing sounds. Instruction for the posture master recommends adjusting the device daily, with a gradual increase in load. To fix the level position, you need to stand up straight so that the device fixes the position. The device is then ready for use.

Frequent vibration indicates that the selected reference position is too unnaturally level, and such a position is uncomfortable for a person. Problems can be avoided when the convenience condition is met simultaneously with a flat back when tuning. Among other things, frequent signals indicate that the device is not properly attached to the clothes - the fixation must be motionless.


Most doctors believe that wearing electronic posture correctors is optimal only for the prevention of curvature, since they do not have a physical effect on the spine due to the lack of fixation straps.

Before using any remedies for correction, you need to undergo a complete medical examination for contraindications. Do not wear the device without the prescription of a doctor or exercise therapy instructor.

Some people may have health risks when wearing a posture corrector. These are, first of all, patients who have insulin pumps, pacemakers, and other electronic devices designed to improve their health. It is also undesirable to use the devices for patients with low pressure. There is a dangerous possibility that the instrument will lower it even further.

With inflammatory processes of the spinal column, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoporosis, senile deflection of the spine, with curvature due to infectious diseases, with injuries and malignant tumors, wearing an electric corrector will not give any effect.

For many it becomes a luxury. A sedentary lifestyle and prolonged sitting at the computer weaken muscles and lead to curvature of the spine. A person gets used to slouching, and the wrong posture is fixed in his subconscious. Not only is this ugly, but it can lead to many health problems. An electronic posture corrector can help correct the position. Unlike correctors, it does not fix the spine, but reminds a person to straighten up.

What is correct posture for?

The correct position of the spine is not only beautiful. Perfect posture gives a person confidence in himself and in his abilities. A curved spine leads to impaired blood circulation, constant fatigue, and can cause headaches due to oxygen starvation of the brain. The consequences of stooping can also be irritability, bad mood, memory impairment, and sleep disturbance.

What is an electronic proofreader

Many different devices are used to correct posture. These can be reclinators in the form of loops that hold the shoulders, or a corset that completely fixes the spine. Now they are produced by different companies, some of them are the most popular, for example, the "Trives" posture corrector, a corset or "Ortho". It is advisable to use them only as directed by your doctor. It is recommended to wear such correctors no more than a few hours a day, as they can lead to muscle weakening. Therefore, these devices do not correct posture, but only relieve pain and prevent complications due to incorrect position of the spine.

The electronic proofreader is based on a completely different action. It is a small device that is attached to the body and gives a signal every time a person slouches. It turns out that this is the best posture corrector. After all, he is a muscle trainer, teaching a person to keep the spine straight. It is usually difficult to control yourself on your own, but to correct your posture, you need to do it all the time.

What are the electronic proofreaders

Such devices usually differ little from each other. But the most common are two types of electronic posture correctors:

  • The Dolphin device is most often used to control the position of the body while sitting at the table. It is attached behind the ear and beeps whenever a person leans very low over the table. Such an electronic posture corrector is good for schoolchildren. But its disadvantages include the fact that it delivers loud. Moreover, this device only monitors the position of the head, not the spine.
  • The "Master of Posture", a unique development of Russian scientists, is considered more effective. This small round-shaped device the size of a five-ruble coin is attached to the body or clothing. The device memorizes the correct position of the body and sends a vibration signal when the spine is bent.

Indications for the use of the device

This device has no contraindications. The electronic posture corrector can be used at any age. It is especially useful in such cases:

  • for schoolchildren and students during classes;
  • for office workers and everyone who spends a lot of time at the computer;
  • in the initial stages as an adjunct treatment.

To prevent curvature of the spine, as well as in the early stages of its deformities, the device can be used independently. But in severe cases, it is recommended to combine its use with a classic posture corrector.

What effect does

This device immediately became popular. It is recommended to wear it both with a pronounced curvature of the spine, and for the prevention of stoop. When used correctly, the electronic corrector has the following effect:

  • strengthens the back muscles;
  • helps to maintain the spine in the correct position;
  • prevents deformation of the spinal column.

How to wear this posture corrector correctly

The electronic slouch reminder works as it should when it fits snugly around the body. For this, there are special stickers in the device kit. With their help, the device is glued to the upper part of the chest under the collarbone. In this case, the arrow on the device must point up. These stickers are disposable, so next time you need to use a new one. The kit also includes a special clip for attaching to clothing. But it can only be used on parts adjacent to the body, such as underwear. The effectiveness of its use depends on the correct placement of the device.

The electronic posture corrector is able to correct slouching in just a month of regular use. You need to wear it according to the following scheme:

  • the first couple of days, you need to use the corrector for 3 hours;
  • then - 3 days for 4 hours;
  • every next day, increase the wearing time by an hour and bring it to 8 hours;
  • wear a corrector for 3 weeks;
  • the last week the device is used every other day.

Instructions for using the device

"Posture Master" is a kind of personal trainer for strengthening the back muscles. Therefore, as in any workout, you need to start from a position closer to your usual one. After all, if you straighten your back as much as possible, the device will give signals constantly, and the muscles will get tired by the end of the day. Therefore, it is recommended to tune the device every day, gradually increasing the load.

When setting up the device, you need to stand up straight and press the button. The device will fix the correct position and give a single signal. The device is then ready for use. If the position of the spine has changed, it gives a vibration signal. But its advantage is that the sound comes with a delay of 60 seconds. This gives the person the opportunity to do normal work, such as putting on shoes, picking something off the floor. If you need to temporarily turn off the device, press the button and hold it for more than 5 seconds. The device can also be removed and placed on a flat surface to enter sleep mode.

Possible problems when using

Sometimes the Posture Master may sound the wrong time. For example, too frequent vibration is observed due to the fact that the position of the spine chosen for the reference is too ideal, and it is uncomfortable to be in it. This can be avoided by making your back straight while tuning, but in a way that is comfortable. In addition, frequent vibration may indicate improper attachment of the device to clothing. The device must be locked in place with the arrow pointing up. And it is worth remembering that if you change the position of the body or the place of the device on the clothes, it must be reprogrammed again.

Electronic posture corrector: reviews

This device has earned many good reviews from people who want to correct their posture. Among positive qualities its small size and ease of use are noted, the ability to lead a normal life when using it, since the signal is given with a minute delay. It is also good that the device helps to remember the correct posture in any position: when a person is standing or walking, sitting at a table or on a sofa.

But there are also negative reviews about the device. Some people do not like its price - 3000 rubles. Others are annoyed by constant vibration, while others find it difficult to maintain the correct body position for a long time. But in general, we can say that the device is effective, as it is recommended by orthopedists.


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