Protect the career stairs. How to use your introversion to promote career stairs. Search for a reference point for forward

Do you consider yourself an ideal contender for a prestigious vacancy, but it doesn't get you? Think that we are worthy of promotion, but you are going around? Little to be good specialist - You need to be able to sell yourself correctly.

Modesty may well be advantage in the personal sphere, however, for successful promotion in service, it is detachious - psychologists and career specialists are converged in this. One who sits in an imperceptible gray mouse at his table should not be surprised that enhancing the service or increase to the salary bypass him. Today it is not enough to be simply competent, diligent and executive, it is necessary that other. Inga Freientein learned about these invaluable business qualities to lead the center for career in Cologne and conducts courses on self-store. It is this fashionable word that the ability to prevent themselves here today. And it is preconditions who dreams of successful promotion through the career ladder should have exactly the Azami Azami Azamo, who wants to dissolve in the total mass of office clerks. So, how to file yourself? Or, if you want, sell? The first step: Observe the Celebrechy from a kind of internal inventory - determine your strengths and weaknesses. "Remember every step of your career ladder and think: what specific success I managed to achieve there? Americans call it" fingerprints. "Analyze: where did you leave your" prints "? Knowledge of your own strong Parties - This is the capital of the employee. The one who does not know what advantages he possesses cannot offer anything, "I am sure that Inga Frayentein is sure. Please answer the questions: What can I do well? What was the easiest me while at study? Why did this profession attracted me? What I like it most about what you can praise, but for what to criticize? Thanks to what professional qualities I managed to get previous place Works? Step Two: Determine the womb spend the weeks and even months, thinking where to go on vacation. At the same time, not all think about the further development of the career. However professional activities It can be compared with holidays. The one who, planning holidays, will be content with the search criteria of the "place somewhere", will never be on the sea bank under the scorching rays of the sun. After all, this requires a more accurate address. And in the career - in order to achieve success, you need to fully formulate a goal. "The career needs to build on the principle of a long-term project, - shares the experience of Inga Frayentein. - It is important to identify the most important milestones: where I am, where I strive, what steps I need to do for this Take. " At the same time, it is worth considering its possibilities realistic: a trainee in large bank It is hardly possible to take the place of the manager for two years. For the third one: Flight from the individual insert yourself at the site of the head of the department of recruitment of a large company. His table was littered with a resume, the authors of which almost in the same expressions list their professional quality: The ability to work in a team, ability to work, the desire to learn a new one ... The conveyor sensation with the same details occurs involuntarily. What to choose? "Nature from the rest," calls Inga Frayentein. - Show your individuality. If you have some special quality - declare it in the first place. Recently completed successful projects, Rare knowledge foreign language... Get an interest in yourself, use the effect of surprise. Thus, you will be able to create the necessary mood and configure the interlocutor to a pleasant conversation. "The fourth thing is for successful career It is necessary that your personal achievements become known to others. And this suggests that the employee must not only competently fulfill its tasks, but not to be shy about it. It is not necessary to hope that the chief learns about your creativity from colleagues - in this case it is better to rely on myself. Featured attention to this Council should be addressed by the French representatives, Inga Frayientein believes. "Women do not always manage to imagine themselves in a favorable light. They are inherent in the collegiality and feeling of the elbow, but they can not always tell about their successes. They are inclined to underestimate, and this approach is against the concept of self-setting," says psychologist. Hasha : Correctly dress any firm. There is your dress code: vowel or unwashed. Depending on the scope of activity, it may vary, but several rules remain unshakable. Rule first: Do not dress defiantly! Men should not be covered with a jacket of a jacket with a kochan cabbage, and women hit the imagination of the boss and colleagues with a dress with a decolted back to the waist. Runly the second: the higher the office, the more stricter and darker should be a suit. And even if the bit of the thermometer is offset for forty, and the asphalt melts from the heat, it is better to prefer to light shorts of long pants. From the little dresses with ruffles and bows too, it is better to refuse. Perhaps they are charming looking on vacation, but a rigorous suit will be suitable for the office, a pencil skirt with blouse and closed shoes. Rule Third: Clothes must be neat. Do not hope that the chef and colleagues will not notice your crumpled trousers, unclean shoes or a shredded button. The neat appearance serves as a kind of signal: "I am serious about my responsibilities and I understand that I am a favorite of the company". Hasha Sixth: Work more efficiently, who wants to climb the career ladder, it is worth working a little more efficiently. From the attention of the Chef will not escape that you leave the office for half an hour later my colleagues. Of course, this time should not devote a lively correspondence with friends on Facebook or enthusiastically to share the impressions of the new Prada collection on the phone. I make sure that you not only spend more time in the office, but also postpone the full program. One who is seriously fascinated by a new project can sometimes refuse from lunch. Of course, you should not starve yourself and turn into an obsessed work of workaholic, says psychologist Inga Frayentein. But the one who seeks to success, it is better to prefer the secular chatter with colleagues intensive work. However, attention: in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it. If the boss constantly sees that you are staying late in the office, while all the other employees have long and the next, he has bothered, he may have the impression that you are not grinding and slow, and you lack a working day to cope with your duties. Hasha Seventh: Do not avoid communicating with the schoolship, about the boss. You did not occur to you that he is the same person as everyone else? Believe me, this is exactly the way, so nothing human is alien to him. Many employees tremble to the chief, afraid to say or do something wrong and imagine themselves in a disadvantage. And completely in vain. The one who communicates with his boss in a friendly and relaxed tone has an invaluable service. In the end, why not wish the chief of good weekends? Or do not congratulate him happy birthday? Or not ask the Council? Believe me, Praise does not leave indifferent not only you - the chef will also please if the subordinates recognize its achievements: a successful business project, well-organized training courses of personnel or new computers in the department. And you should not be covered by nervous stains and rushing your eyes to the floor, if the boss asked how your work is moving. Do not turn your story in a crowded Sagu, but in short and essentially describe what you are doing now. Hasha in the eighth: Be always insured by no one insured at the ready meeting with the authorities. They can occur anywhere - in the corridor, in the elevator, in the dining room. Specialists advise you to always keep ready-made clear idea that you want to convey to the chef. On the way from the first to the thirteenth floor, it is enough time to say everything you think important. For example: "I am Vasya Pupkin, a web designer, and I have a wonderful idea how to make our online page brighter and memorable." Such proposals should be memorable by heart, so that at the right moment is not confused. In general conferences, it also costs prepared. Weighted and thoughtful idea has a more favorable impression than spontaneous "illnesses". In general, it is also extremely useful to show the initiative, when it concerns your field of activity. One of important factors Professional success Head of the Center for Career Inga Frayientein calls the ability to create a network of contacts: to participate in business negotiations where the topic close to you is discussed, not to give up membership in various committees and commissions, to work on creating and implementing new projects. Why will you be in mind , all the better. The more often the topic you do, will associate with you, the more chances to rise to a new step in your career, considers psychologist Freientein. This, however, does not mean that you should constantly be in the center of attention, not giving to speak out to the rest of the colleagues. Let me show activity and others. Hasha Ninth: Take care of your reputation to your success, the maximum of three colleagues will learn. About your misses - almost everything. This pattern discovered American Jerry Wilson, the author of the book "151 Quick Idea: How to Inspire Personnel to work." Gossip and peres have a huge power, and the "sarafined radio" people sometimes trust more than indisputable numbers and facts. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain even and friendly relationships with employees. The loads do not happen much, and employees have positively tuned towards you. "On others, it makes a very favorable impression, if you refer to the testimony of your colleagues as evidence of your success. This proves not only your professional qualities, but also social competence," says Inga Frayentein. In the current hard world. business relationship Without a self-escape can not do. This is one of the main conditions for the career success. However, self-setting has another undeniable advantage - it helps to know himself better and improve self-esteem.

You already have a job, you have passed all these flour interviews and successfully occupy one position. But if you are a person with ambitions and prospects, then sooner or later you want to grow. But in order to competently do, you need to stick to some of the uncomplicated, but sometimes very necessary things.

1. be friends with the right people

Here the conversation is not about dragging you through the right place, no. You have to be friends with those people, whose work or the position you claim or in the future you will claim. They can disclose the secret for which others pay huge money on endless seminars "Business youth." They can tell how to achieve certain things. In the end, they themselves want to increase or shift the location and will be able to recommend you as a person who is sincerely interested in all the nuances of the work and asks for everyone.

2. Concentrate on positive things

Actually does not happen happy work or happy people In the works, they simply, they are kaifuve from good moments and clog on bad days. No work occurs without the daily performance of useless and boring things. Most often getting to good means push bad, and people who do it with a smile on his face, ultimately win simply because the attitude is everything. If there are no positive things about your work in mind, try to reckon that it was cool, except that you touched someone for the ass on the corporate. No matter, you are happy or saddened - the volume of your work will not change.

3. Do not hurry with increasing

Not always a career ladder leads upwards in a straight line. There are times and cases when you need to stand on the same floor, go to another staircase, and maybe even take a step back when it is really necessary. Do not hurry and decide for yourself that you really want to do, be honest with you. After all, if you are not competent enough for a certain position and somehow flew to it ahead of time, then, most likely, you will be bad to cope with our duties. The consequences of this can be very deplorable, up to the fact that you will be returned to your previous position, but after that it will get back to get back as hard. Therefore, calm down, sit and think about what skills you need to improve, what are you still not sink enough, and after that try to make the next step up.

4. Find a mentor

At least in one to all of us a famous book and they say not to create a cumier, but you can create a certain image to which it would have sought. Choose a steep person who achieved what you would like, and look, how he behaved on initial stages And what did it. He does not need to imitate, because you have my own head on my shoulders, but not to make it mistakes - it will be great.

5. Do your job

Everyone is always pronounced: "reach heights", "do unusual things", "be nontrivial". But everyone forget about elementary things - come without delays and do their job.

In fact, every day to appear in the workplace and fulfill your duties are not characteristic of most people. Mostly success is boring. Most of them require every day to appear at work and, oddly enough, work.

6. Choose vacancies

Most likely, you go to the interview, before you find something normal. Do not rush. From year to year, changing work or position, you will come all with extensive experience, knowledge and connections. Compare this with anything - with a mosaic that is filled with elements, or athlete, which gradually increases its discharge. You need to fit what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what you need specifically. Yes, it will take time, and it will not be easy, but, as they say, find a job that you love is a privilege, not the right. Therefore, believing to it as such and never stop trying something new. Patience is not just the ability to wait. This is how you behave, while you are waiting.

7. Goodbye people and be a good person

They are often stupid or do some things not on purpose. Most of them do not make themselves plans from the evening of Sunday, how do you get to the next week. Many of them are buried in the sand deeper than the ostrich, they always seek ways to become effective on the pattern. They do not appreciate the help of other people properly. Do not be such a person - say, advise, take advice. You live in society, and stupid to neglece. If you have a complex employee or subordinate, sit down and discuss with it. You may find new horizons, and you will get experience that is probably useful in the future.

If you strive to quickly climb the career ladder, then for this you should develop a couple of habits. These habits will be useful both for ordinary employees and managers, managers, entrepreneurs and many others. They are extremely clear, simple and very effective. How to climb the career stairs?

So, the first habit. To understand yourself that the usual normalized working day is a rule for ordinary people. It does not concern you. It doesn't matter how much your business day begins, you need to be half an hour earlier at work and already engage in some things. Then you need to work all day to the maximum. When ordinary people Finish your work, for example, at five o'clock in the evening, then teach yourself to linger half an hour, and for an hour. Using himself to start working early, diligently work throughout the work day and leave work somewhat later, you thus increase your productivity by as much as 50-100 percent. Over time, your efforts will be noticed and not far than one hour when you will increase. As a result, you will be accepted among all our employees and you will be more provided with opportunities to increase.

The second habit. When you are sure that you are on top of your skill, then boldly go to the authorities and tell you that you would like to have more responsibility. Tell us that you love your work very much and want to make more efforts to flourish. Do not ask for increasing wages Or recognition, affect the topic only about your desire to get greater responsibility.

In addition to these habits, not the last place is set to work clearly in their working hours. This habit is not difficult to develop and besides that it will be useful in almost any business.

Decide for yourself your working time Defend only work, and nothing more. Be to work much earlier than the time and immediately proceed to your duties. If someone wants to chat with you, then politely answer that now it is not possible. It is now that you should engage in work and anything else. Answer your colleague that you do not mind talking after work, but not now.

Also a very important habit that can quickly achieve success is considered to be a habit of watching their image, appearance. You must certainly be developed the habit of dressing as a successful person looks like.
Remember, your image is very significant. He can not only help you, but also harm. To look like an active and competent person who can be trusted, you need to buy and explore the literature on the creation of the image, the correct selection of hairstyles, makeup, clothes, accessories.

In the process of your career, strive to develop another important and useful habit - the ability to work in a team. Your value will definitely increase if you first work successfully with other people, and later become the leader of your team.
As for customers, it is not to do without certain habits here. Take the rule to look at the company around others like clients, and lead yourself as a specialist in their service. All from whom your promotion is depends on, should be customers for you.

According to this, you have different clients. First, these are those people who acquire and use the item or the service of the company where you are working. Satisfaction of this type of customers is essentially an indispensable condition - yours. The authorities will always appreciate more than those workers who can best serve the company's client.

There is another type of customer, and within your company. These are your colleagues, your subordinates, and, of course, your bosses. In some ways, every of these people depend on you, and you and, in fact, your success also depends on them. The better and the more you serve this category of customers, then you will become more valuable for the company.

Do not forget about the habit of being benevolent. Refuse to swear, complaints or criticism. Do not take part in clarifying relationships with colleagues or spread woven. Imagine that all your words are recorded, and then hang on the company's advertisement board. Try to watch your tongue, so as not to do not purposely do something too much, and on the contrary, speak only in a positive spirit.

In modern business circles, the most successful will be the person who is pleasant in all respects competent in his field, and with which you can work pleasantly. Try to always look for in every person and the current situation only good, help people and take care of the well-being of your company. And all these habits will contribute to your careers in the best way.

Copyright © 2013 Victor Smirnov

Who interfere with career Growth. But it is also necessary to perform concrete steps to quickly promote at work. Something you already know and do, and something will be in a novelty. In this article - simple advicethat will help you climb the career stairs. If these steps do not undertake, the path to the top can be delayed.

1. Hello listen to people

Try to participate in useless conversations as close as possible and do not be their initiator, but participate more in constructive conversations. Listen to you telling the interlocutor. Believe me when you are silent and think about what is said, then look smarter.

We must be able to listen carefully, try to do it objectively and understand that your interlocutor wants to convey to you and why. Learn to speak when it is really necessary. And at the time of the conversation, listen as if you tell an entertaining story.

2. Show participation

If your colleague has some insurmountable complexity, help him cope with her and sometimes offer your help. And if you do not know how to solve the task, help your employee find resources that will help in solutions, do not cook in our own juice. So you will seek the location of other people, as well as free to receive invaluable experience.

It also applies to informal corporate matters: holidays, birthdays, misfortunes of colleagues. Participate, help with the organization, are interested in people. Be an informal leader, but do not get carried away - there are cases when employees become good "social activists", but no more.

3. Read educational books

The expert can afford to be any please (remember Dr. House), but the head must be the best among equal, open person who can listen and understand the subordinate, to say in time "no", be able to work in multitasking mode and from various situations.

Also, a good help will be visited by trainings on the development of their leadership skills, especially good training with a practical program. It is necessary to attend at least 2-3 training per year, and do not wait for you to offer them.

4. Recognize your mistakes

Self needed knowledge And we get experience, unfortunately, through our own mistakes. When we work, each failure seems to us the end of our brilliant career. In fact, these are valuable lessons, which further make us carefully refer to the accepted solutions and tasks.

Many people and in ordinary life would not hurt to do this: die your own pride and importance, admit your mistakes, understand them, analyze and never repeat them.

Trying to protect yourself from decision-making and responsibility, workers often do not take any actions or perform work not in full. But there is a good psychological reception: "I have the right to make a mistake, even the great mistakes, what to talk about me." Do not be afraid to make mistakes, be afraid to repeat your mistakes. Act!

Never hide your own mistakes at work, even if you know that the punishment follows the slope. The secret always becomes clear. It will be worse if the error hosted by you will lead to negative consequences. Your reputation as an employee will be lost forever. Better inform your error to the manual and offer ways to correct it, if possible.

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5. Apply all efforts to perform work.

Try to perform the task as if you do it for yourself your loved one and this task depends a lot (within reasonable). Do more than you expect from you, take 110%.

Consider all the verge of tasks, upgrade, make something new. Perform it, perhaps late, but surprise others by your approach and the result obtained!

Remember, not everything depends on you, but your efforts are still obliged. This quality will appreciate others.

6. Motivate people

Speak people that they will be able to achieve more, and their mistakes and failures are temporary. Discuss with them in conversations of honesty, hard work, personal growthresponsibility. Donity to them the idea that money is not always the main thing, there are other values.

Believe me, although people in their most and do not want to listen to talk about high matter and can assume that everything is just because of money, but another can be heard in personal conversations. Try people forward, despite everything, and you will receive support.

7. Responsibility in everything

Take responsibility, carry her burden, do not give up. Yes, you can get tired, but relax and go on. People like people when there is a responsible person next to, and the responsible in everything: comes on time, it brings things to the end, it looks good, controls my emotions, does not give up those who relies on it.

Become a guarantor of reliability in the team. You will not notice how to rise above yourself - and by the career stairs.

The main thing is to answer your words and actions, be consistent. It will serve you a good service.

8. Find a mentor

For high-quality climb on the career stairs, find a mentor. It may be your head, head of the neighboring department or even your friend. Learn from him to point you to your mistakes and showed new horizons. Ask him questions about management technologies - he has much more experience than you.

You can also go even further and get experience from the head of your leader. You will absorb knowledge as a sponge, you can expand your professional outlook. Do not think that no one will tell you anything: it flatters everything when they are asked about work, what they do and how they came to this.

A difficult path, as it will have to constantly leave the comfort zone, to be able to make complex decisions and take responsibility for them when everyone will be silent around. The leader in our time becomes disciplined man, I am talkative, who knows how to listen, is initiative and responsible. At the same time, it can be both introvert and extrovert.

What is good the path of the head, so that you have to develop yourself as a person and at the same time climbing the career ladder. Remember that managers are not born, but become.


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