An unusual New Year's scenario for high school students. Funny New Year's scenario with a modern twist for high school students

Scenario development for the New Year for high school students "Leapfrog for the New Year"

Description: High school students, like younger students, are also looking forward to the New Year. For them, it means not only school holidays, gifts and entertainment, but also the opportunity to touch the childhood that has not yet gone far. Scenario development "Leapfrog for the New Year" will help to entertain even adult students. It is possible to show this performance at New Year's events for the middle level (where the artists are high school students), and for high school students (where the artists are the same age). The production of "Leapfrog for the New Year" was a success at the New Year's Light for 8th and 9th grades, the artists were eighth graders. Teachers of Russian literature and music workers were involved in the work on the script and production.
Scenario development may be of interest to teachers of additional education, teachers-organizers, class teachers, music workers.
Danilchenko Oksana Anatolyevna, head of the department for core activities, State Educational Institution "Slutsk Ecological and Biological Center of Students", Slutsk, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus.
Target: involvement of students in the tradition of celebrating the New Year.
- create a festive mood;
- create conditions for self-realization of the individual;
- create conditions for artistic creativity of students.
Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Baba, Grandfather, Ryaba Hen, Mother, Little Red Riding Hood, five Robbers, five Butterflies-hedgehogs, Mouse, Voice-over.
1. It is desirable that male roles be played by females, and female roles by males.
2. To involve musical workers in the production.


It sounds polka. A guy dressed as a Snow Maiden runs out. Dancing.

Snow Maiden:
Hello! Why are you laughing so much? Did you recognize me? Yes, it's me, Forest beauty. I wish you a Happy New Year. Dancing and running off the stage. The light goes out. Then it ignites.
Mother and Little Red Riding Hood appear on the stage.
My daughter, you hear me
Take the pie to your grandmother.
To my grandmother, to my grandmother.
Don't forget about grandpa.

Red Riding Hood (preening):
Leave me alone, don’t you see that I sharpened my skis for a date.
Well, shame on you
You answer rudely
You don't respect your mother
All just for a walk.
Red Riding Hood:
We do not care,
We do not care
We are not afraid of either the wolf or the owl...
Anyway. So be it. I'll take the pies.
That's good. That is great. Just watch, Little Red Riding Hood, be careful.
Red Riding Hood (takes a basket and sings while dancing):
If long, long, long
If for a long time on the track,
If you drive along the path for a long time, stomp and run ....
Leaves the stage. Darkness. Sinister sounds.
According to the reports of the ROVD.
A band of robbers appeared in the forest.
Robberies and attacks increased.
Comrades! Be careful!
Robbers emerge from the darkness.

They say we are byaki-buki,
How does the earth carry us?
Give me some cards
Fortune on the king.
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
Fortune telling on the king
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
The robbers are dancing.
Hear the voice of Little Red Riding Hood.
Red Riding Hood:
If it's long, long, long
If for a long time on the track,
If long on the path
Stomp, ride and run
That, perhaps, then, of course,
That's probably right, right
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible
You can come to Africa!
Ah, the rivers in Africa are so wide!
Ah, in Africa, the mountains are so high!
Ah, crocodiles, hippos,
Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,
Ah, and the green parrot!
Ah, and the green parrot!
The atamansha orders the robbers to hide.
Little Red Riding Hood appears on stage. The robbers surround her.

Oh what a pretty girl! Shall we take it for ourselves?
Let's take it!
The robbers grab the girl and carry her away. Little Red Riding Hood screams. The Snow Maiden appears.
Snow Maiden:
And where is our grandfather and grandmother?
A tall fat woman and a little grandfather come out.

Do you remember how I used to go mowing?
Do I remember how you went to mowing!
I remember your thick girlish braid!
I remember your head was not bald!
Hugging together:
Even if it was only a dream, it is dear to me.
Where is our granddaughter? Let's go meet her.
They leave dancing the waltz.
Snow Maiden:
And they had a Ryaba Hen. And a neighbor's rooster got into the habit of visiting her, and this is what came of it all ...
A chicken runs out onto the stage, clucking and flapping its wings. Behind her importantly comes a rooster. The chicken flirts with him.

You wake me up at dawn
You will go out without shoes.
Will you never forget me?
You will never see me!
The rooster turns around and leaves. The hen is crying.
Voice behind the scene:
The bird cried, grieved, and a day later she laid an egg.
The hen takes the egg, begins to rock.

Dark glade
The night is bright as the day
Sleep, my testicle, sleep as I slept.
The chicken falls asleep.
Snow Maiden:
And here is our hooligan Mouse.
And I'm a little bastard
And I'm a little bitch.
And I ate grebes
And I strive for mischief.
And I'm such a bully, I love shame and disgrace,
And I'm a little nasty, and I'm a little rubbish.
What would be wrong for me to do?
Well, what would be wrong with that?
Ay! egg!

Sneaks up and breaks the egg. The chicken jumps up and starts crying.
Again misfortune, again trouble.
No, never return my eggs.
Oh mouse, mouse! Oh demon of evil!
She broke the testicle and took away happiness.
The hen, sobbing, runs away.
Snow Maiden:
And here are the Grandmothers-hedgehogs!
Grandmothers-hedgehogs run out.

Stretch the bellows.
Hey, let's play
Sing ditties, grandmother-hedgehog
Sing don't talk!
1st Grandmother - hedgehog:
I flew on a broom
The devil got attached to me.
The man thought, what the hell!
Chorus all together:
Stretch the bellows.
Hey, let's play
Sing ditties, Granny-Hedgehog
Sing don't talk!
2nd grandmother-hedgehog:
I walked through the woods, walked home,
The devil is following me again
Spit on his baldness
And sent to the devil!
Chorus all together:
Stretch the bellows.
Hey, let's play
Sing ditties, Granny-Hedgehog
Sing don't talk!
Grandfather and Baba come out. Grandfather stops them singing.
Beauties, young women! Have you seen our granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood, here?
The healthiest Baba Yaga comes out, goes up to her grandfather, hugs him, and he hugs her.
Baba Yaga:
Come with me. I'll show you the devil, and the goblin, and Little Red Riding Hood
Baba tries to stop Grandfather, but Baba Yaga pushes her away.
Grandmothers-hedgehogs run away with a song, and Baba, crying, trudges after.
Snow Maiden:
The New Year is coming soon, but my Santa Claus is still gone and gone. But wait, I hear his voice.
Santa Claus enters the stage.

Santa Claus (referring to the audience):
Well, dear guests, are you ready to celebrate the New Year? Ready? Well done!
Is everything all right in our fairy forest, Snow Maiden?
Snow Maiden:
No, Santa Claus, we cannot celebrate the New Year. Trouble is in trouble in our forest! The robbers stole Little Red Riding Hood, they took Grandfather away from Baba, they broke the Hen's egg ...
A whistle is heard.
(Appearing on the stage, the actors remain on it)
Santa Claus:
Well, wait, Snow Maiden, let's hide, let's see ...
Robbers come out, lead Little Red Riding Hood with their hands tied.
Let there be no stake and no yard,
But they don't pay taxes to the king
Knife and ax workers,
Romance from the high road.

We walk along the edge of our native land.
We are looking for passers-by from night to morning,
Alien boots rubbed their feet
Knife and ax workers,
Romantics from the high road.
We do not want to live, oh, differently
We do not want to live, oh, differently,
We walk, we walk along the edge, we walk along the edge
We walk along the edge of our native land.
We walk, we walk along the edge, we walk along the edge
We are walking on the edge.
The tongues of the fire lick our heels,
Why do they dislike so many ugly people
Knife and ax workers
Romantics from the high road.
We do not want to live, oh, differently
We do not want to live, uh, differently,
We walk, we walk along the edge, we walk along the edge
We walk along the edge of our native land.
We walk, we walk along the edge, we walk along the edge
We walk along the edge of our native land.
Santa Claus:
Well, let go of Little Red Riding Hood, otherwise I will freeze you!
On, on, take it, girl, just don't freeze!
Santa Claus:
Promise that you will never bring evil!
We promise, we promise.
Baba comes out and weeps bitterly.
Oh, woe, woe to me. The bad guys have been taken away! But such a good old man was!
Santa Claus:
Grandmothers-hedgehogs! Well, fly here!
Grandma-hedgehogs run out.
Yes, we joked, we do not need it. Take your old man!
Santa Claus:
That's better!
Ryaba Hen appears.
Again misfortune...
Evil Mouse broke our testicle.
Grandfather and Baba begin to sob.
Santa Claus:
Do not cry Baba, do not cry Grandfather, the Hen will lay you not a simple, but a golden egg.
He takes out a golden egg and gives it to the hen.
Everyone joins hands and sings:
No need to be sad, your whole life is ahead of you.
All life ahead, hope and wait!
Santa Claus:
Happy new year friends!
With new happiness!
The artists make a general bow and leave the stage.

Scenario New Year's Eve for high school students

The Queen sits at the table and writes. The teacher-professor dictates to her.
QUEEN: I hate to write! All fingers in ink! Okay, dictate!
PROFESSOR: The grass is green,
The sun is shining
Swallow with spring
In the canopy flies to us
The QUEEN writes: “It flies to us in the canopy” ... Well, that's enough!
Now tell me something interesting!
PROFESSOR: Anything interesting? About what?
QUEEN: Well, I don't know, something New Year's... Because today is New Year's Eve.
PROFESSOR: Good! A year, Your Majesty, consists of 12 months.
QUEEN: Really?
PROFESSOR: Yes! December, January, February are the winter months. March, April, May - spring. June, July, August - summer and September, October, November - autumn. And it never happens that February comes before January, and September before August.
QUEEN: And if I wanted April to come now?
PROFESSOR: It's impossible, Your Majesty!
QUEEN: And if I make a law and put a great seal?
PROFESSOR: It won't help! Yes, and it is unlikely that Your Majesty needs it!
After all, every month brings its gifts and fun! December, January and February - ice skating, Christmas tree. In March, the snow begins to melt, in April the first snowdrops appear.
QUEEN: And I want it to be April already! I really love snowdrops! I have never seen them!
PROFESSOR: There is very little left until April! Only 90 days!
QUEEN: 90 days? But I don't want to wait!
PROFESSOR: Your Majesty! But the laws of nature...
QUEEN: I will issue a new law of nature!... (thinks, then speaks decisively). Sit down and write: “The grass is green, the sun is shining, and spring flowers have blossomed in our Royal Forest. Therefore, I command you to deliver a full basket of snowdrops to the Palace by the New Year. Whoever fulfills my will, I will reward royally. I will give as much gold as will fit in his basket and let him participate in our New Year's skating." Have you written?
PROFESSOR: Yes! But Your Majesty, that's impossible!
QUEEN: Give me a pen, I'll sign it! (signs)
Put a stamp! And make sure everyone in town knows my decree!

Stepmother and her Daughter are on stage.)
DAUGHTER: And what, will this basket contain a lot of gold? (shows a small basket). Enough for a coat?
STEPMOM: Why is there a fur coat, enough for a full dowry!
DAUGHTER: And this one? (takes a bigger basket)
STEPMOM: And there is nothing to say about this one! You will dress in gold, you will put on shoes in gold, you will eat and drink on gold!
DAUGHTER: Then I'll take this basket! One problem - you can't find snowdrops!
It can be seen that the Queen wanted to laugh at us!
STEPMOM: Young, so she comes up with all sorts of things!
DAUGHTER: What if someone goes into the forest and picks snowdrops! Maybe they grow under the snow on the sly! And then he will receive a whole basket of gold! I'll put on my fur coat and try to look!

STEPMOM: What are you, daughter! I won't let you in the door!
Look what a blizzard broke out! Freeze in the forest!
DAUGHTER: Then you go, and I'll take the flowers to the Palace!
STEPMOM: Why don't you feel sorry for your own mother?
DAUGHTER: Sorry! I feel sorry for you, mother, and I feel sorry for the gold, and most of all I feel sorry for myself! So you will sit in the kitchen by the stove because of you! And others will ride with the Queen in silver sledges and rake gold with a shovel!
(He covers his face with his hands, cries.)
STEPMOM: Well, don't cry, daughter! Eat a hot pie!
DAUGHTER: I don't want a pie, I want snowdrops! If you don’t want to go yourself and don’t let me in, let my sister go! She's coming back from the forest!
STEPMOM: But you're right! Why shouldn't she go? The forest is not far, it won't take long to run away!
DAUGHTER: So let it go!
(Nastenka enters.)
STEPMOM: Wait to undress! You need to run somewhere else!
NASTENKA: Where is it? Long away?
STEPMOM: Not so close, but not far either!
DAUGHTER: Into the woods!
NASTENKA: To the forest? I brought a lot of sickness.
DAUGHTER: Yes, not for brushwood, but for snowdrops!
NASTENKA: Are you kidding, sister?
DAUGHTER: What jokes? Haven't you heard of the ordinance?
DAUGHTER: They say it all over the city! To the one who collects snowdrops, the Queen will give a whole basket of gold!
NASTENKA: Yes, what kind of snowdrops are now - winter, after all ...
STEPMOM: In the spring, snowdrops are not paid in gold, but in copper!
Maybe they grow under the snow! Come on down and have a look!
NASTENKA: Where are you going now? It's getting dark already...
Maybe go tomorrow morning?
Daughter: I also thought of it! In the morning! After all, flowers are needed for the holiday!
NASTENKA: Don't you feel sorry for me at all?
DAUGHTER: There you go! Pity! Take off your scarf, I'll go into the forest myself!
STEPMOM: Where are you going? Who will let you? And you have a basket in your hands and go! And don't come back without snowdrops!
(Daughter gives a large basket to Nastenka.)
DAUGHTER: Here's a basket for you!
STEPMOM: Give her a little one! This one is completely new! Lose more in the forest!
(Nastenka takes a small basket and goes.

Nastenka wandered for a long time, she froze! Suddenly he looks, a fire, and near the fire Twelve people are warming themselves. All of different ages, from teenage children to old people with beards. Nastenka went to the fire, maybe they will let her get warm? ...

JANUARY: Burn, burn bright! To not go out!
(Nastenka appears. Approaches the fire.)
NASTENKA: Good evening!
JANUARY: Good evening to you too!
NASTENKA: Let me warm myself by your fire.
JANUARY: It has never happened that anyone other than us at this fire was
APRIL: It's true! Yes, if someone came to the light, let him warm up!
NASTENKA: Thank you! (warms hands from fire)
JANUARY: What's your name, girl?
JANUARY: And what is it in your hands, Nastenka? Basket anyway? Did you come for the cones just before the New Year? And even in such a blizzard?
NASTENKA: I did not come of my own free will and not for cones!
JANUARY: (smiling) Isn't it for mushrooms?
NASTENKA: Not for mushrooms, but for flowers! My stepmother sent me for snowdrops!
JANUARY: Why did she need snowdrops in the middle of winter?
NASTENKA: She doesn't need flowers, but gold! Our Queen promised a whole basket of gold to whoever brings a basket of snowdrops to the Palace!
So they sent me to the forest!

JANUARY: Bad business, girl! No time for snowdrops! We have to wait until April!
NASTENKA: I myself know this, grandfather! Yes, I have nowhere to go!
Well, thanks for the warmth and hello! If you interfere, do not be angry ...
(Nastenka takes her basket and wants to go.)
APRIL: Wait, Nastenka, don't rush! (refers to January)
Brother January, give me your place for an hour!
JANUARY: Okay, I'll give in! I won't argue!

Do not crack frosts
In the reserved forest
By the pine, by the birch
Don't chew on the bark!
Well, now you take the staff, brother April!
APRIL: (takes staff and strikes the ground)

Run away, streams,
Spread out, puddles!
Get out, ants!
After the winter cold!

Bear sneaks
Through thick deadwood!
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop bloomed!

(Snowdrops should appear in the clearing .. Brothers-months part and we see flowers.)
APRIL: (turns to Nastenka) Why are you standing there, Nastenka? The Brothers gave us only one hour with you!
NASTENKA: How did this happen? Is it really for my sake that spring has come in the middle of winter? I can't believe my eyes!
APRIL: Believe it, don't believe it, but run to collect snowdrops as soon as possible!
Otherwise, winter will return, and your basket is empty!
(Nastenka goes, collects snowdrops in a basket, goes to the fire.)
JANUARY: Have you already got a full basket? Your hands are nimble!
NASTENKA: So they are apparently invisible there! I have never seen so many snowdrops! Thank you, hosts, for your kindness! (bows to January)
JANUARY: Do not bow to me, but to my brother - the month of April!
He asked for you, he brought flowers for you from under the snow!
NASTENKA: Thank you, April-month! I always rejoiced at you, but now I saw you in your face, I will never forget you!
APRIL: And so that you really don’t forget, here’s a ring for you as a keepsake!
If trouble happens, throw it on the ground and say:

You roll, roll, ringlet,
On the spring porch
In the summer canopy
In the autumn teremok,
Yes on the winter carpet
To the New Year's fire!

We will come to your rescue, all Twelve. Well, remember?
NASTENKA: I remember!

JANUARY: And now it's time for you to go home before I set my blizzard free!
NASTENKA: Farewell, Brother-months! (bows to everyone)
ALL MONTHS: Farewell, sister!
(Nastenka leaves.)
So, Nastenka returned home with a full basket of snowdrops.
DAUGHTER: I wanted to give her a big basket! And you regretted it!
How much gold will go into this basket?
STEPMOM: And who knew that she would return with snowdrops? This is an unheard-of thing! ... And where she only found them, I can’t imagine!
STEPMOM: Daughter, it's time for us to go to the Palace! Wrap yourself up warmly and let's go!

(The stepmother and daughter dress, preen, leave.)
The Queen, the Professor, and the courtiers are on stage.)
ALL: Happy New Year, Your Majesty! With new happiness!
QUEEN: My happiness is always new, and the New Year has not yet come!
(General surprise.)
CHANCELLOR: Meanwhile, Your Majesty, today is the first of January!
QUEEN: You are wrong! (referring to the professor)
Professor, how many days are there in December?
PROFESSOR: Exactly 31 days, Your Majesty! And if the New Year has not come, then today is December 32! (to everyone) This is Her Majesty's adorable New Year's joke!
QUEEN: Still, December in my Kingdom will not end until they bring me a full basket of snowdrops!
PROFESSOR: As you wish, Your Majesty, but they won't bring you!
QUEEN: Let's see!
(Soldier enters.)
SOLDIER: Your Majesty, by royal decree, snowdrops have arrived at the palace!
CHANCELLER: Did you come yourself?
SOLDIER: No way! They were delivered by two persons without titles and ranks!
QUEEN: Call them here!
(The Stepmother and Daughter enter with a basket in their hands. They approach the Queen and hold out the basket to her. The Queen takes it, looks.)
QUEEN: So these are snowdrops?
STEPMOM: And what, Your Majesty! Fresh, forest, fresh from under the snowdrifts! You tore yourself!
QUEEN: Yes, very beautiful! (referring to everyone)
Well, if there are snowdrops in the Palace, then the New Year has come in my Kingdom! December is over! You can congratulate me!
ALL: Happy New Year, Your Majesty, with new happiness!
QUEEN: Happy New Year! Light up the tree! I want to dance!

Song "It's New Year"


Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you all to this fabulous hall!


Today is a special day, because very soon we will all celebrate an incredibly beautiful, magical and beloved holiday. Of course, it's New Year's Eve!


New 2017 will certainly bring warmth and harmony to every family.

Health is like the greatest treasure.

Good luck - to be lucky all year in everything.

Love - so that the heart is filled with tenderness and mercy.

A huge bundle of gifts and New Year's wishes!

We gathered here for a walk, it's time to start the holiday! Grade 9 students perform Staged song “Like thin ice”

Let's start the fun. To do this, you need to light the Christmas tree.

One of the high school students enters the stage with a canister and matches.

Senior student:

What is there to burn? This is us right now.


No, no, you misunderstood. We need the Christmas tree to shine with bright lights. And for this you need real magic.


Well, or at least a garland and a suitable power outlet. Let's call an electrician and a physics teacher, I think they can help us. Let's guys three or four electrician, electrician!


Do not forget that the New Year is a time of miracles, so we need fairy-tale characters. Guys, let's call Santa Claus!

The hosts with the guests present at the holiday begin to call Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga:

Hello my goats! I am cheerful, oh, that is, cheerful Santa Claus, I brought you gifts, we will light it together - celebrate a nasty holiday ..


Something tells me that you are not a grandfather. Look at you! Where are the good wizard's business, quickly speak. And then we will find control over you in an instant.

Baba Yaga:

No! I am that magician. Guys, do any of you believe that I'm real?

Some of the guys sitting in the hall will definitely shout in jest that they really believe in it.

Baba Yaga:

Come on stage as soon as possible, my yacht! I will give you a present. You will be alone, sitting among these goofs full!

Hands a schoolboy a bunch of mice and lizards. Such frightening toys can be bought at any souvenir or children's goods store.

Baba Yaga:

Something you, my dear, I see, are not satisfied? Ali did not like the gift. So I'll tell you how you can make a delicious soup out of these delights. By the way, it is not a shame to serve it on the festive table to guests. You take a large cauldron, add salt to taste, two packs of bay leaves, the same amount of black pepper ...


So, let's stop this circus.


That's it, and don't talk your teeth to us. Where is Grandpa doing? Nobody here believes you!

Baba Yaga:

And I have proof. Now my granddaughter will do. They call her Snow Maiden.

A kikimora in a green wig, dressed in a snow maiden costume, enters the hall.


What's with your granddaughter's hair? And she doesn’t look like a snow maiden somehow.

Baba Yaga:

It's all a damn subculture. My yacht turned into punks. It is she who is without a Mohawk now, otherwise she will come out, it used to be in an open field, and the birds, out of fear, all fly south ahead of time, and some generally fall upside down with their paws. The bear, and he did not touch her, but the hares with squirrels said that when he ran away, he crossed himself three times with his right paw.


Well, if you keep saying you're real, let's light the tree. Santa Claus can do it.

Baba Yaga:

One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree. Knocks with a staff, nothing happens.


Let me try. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn! Nothing comes out, probably the batteries are dead. Come on, crank it up, damn thing. One, two, three, Christmas tree burn!


Okay, stop this farce. Let's do it! We will call the guys from the audience for help and decide everything in a fair fight. If they defeat you, you will tell us where your grandfather and gifts went, and if you do, you will celebrate the New Year with us.

Two guys are invited from the hall, the presenters invite them to participate in a tug-of-war contest. Baba Yaga, along with Kikimora, of course, lose and fall funny on the floor.


It's all because of you, you old hag, I told you, tie a fly agaric stew three times a day, otherwise Koschei will seem like a handsome prince to you at such a pace.

Baba Yaga:

Good good. We'll tell you where your beloved wizard is. But we also have our own conditions.


What, I wonder - a VIP-class stupa and three million dried toads?


No. You will need to answer all of our questions correctly. Would you like to take part in the quiz? Then we will tell you how to save the holiday.

Baba Yaga and Kikimora take turns asking questions:

We had a dog with Kikimora, and so she was tied to a rope, the length of which was as much as eight meters. Once she managed to walk as much as three hundred meters. How did it happen? (The rope was not tied to anything but the dog).

What is heavier: a kilogram of coniferous needles that remain after you throw away a Christmas tree or a kilogram of lead? (Both have the same weight).

What is the main difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus? (The main difference is not in clothes and appearance, one is a Russian fairy-tale character, the other is American).

Two birch trees grow in a snow-covered field, each of them has seventeen cones. How many cones are on two birches? (Cones do not grow on birches).

Baba Yaga:

Well, you answered the questions, now you can give the wizard to you.

Both villains leave the stage and bring Santa Claus into the hall. Hands are tied with tinsel.

The leaders untie the old man.

Santa Claus:

Oh, you evil spirits of the forest. What did you think! Give back my staff immediately and return my sack! For the fact that you decided to ruin the holiday for the guys, I will freeze you. Ice cold, snow whirlwinds, rather here.

Santa Claus hits the floor with a staff and both villains freeze in place.


They played a cruel joke on you, grandfather. But today is not an ordinary day, but a magical one, maybe we will free them, but we will take a promise from them that they will not behave badly anymore. Do you agree, dear guests?

Santa Claus:

Well, well, granddaughter, be your way. It’s just that I’ve become old, I don’t have any memory at all, I bewitched them, but I don’t remember how to return everything back. Now... Melt, melt and don't freeze again. No, it doesn't work.


How can we be now? Maybe someone knows this spell, otherwise the chimes are about to start beating, and our uninvited guests have not yet thawed.

Santa Claus:

My granddaughter knows the spell, but she hasn't returned yet. Let's call her together.

Santa Claus:

Where have you been, granddaughter, so much has happened here?

Snow Maiden:

What happened to you again, grandfather?


Your grandfather was kidnapped by forest villains, we freed him with the guys, and now he froze them, but forgot how to unfreeze them.

Snow Maiden:

How to unfreeze two villains? It's simple. You need to touch them with a staff three times.

Santa Claus:

Ah, right, I keep forgetting how this spell works.

Approaches the villains and touches them with a staff. After that, Baba Yaga and Kikimora thaw and run away.

Santa Claus (threatening them with a staff):

See me! Well, granddaughter, the New Year is coming. We must congratulate everyone.

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year!
We wish you happiness with all your heart!
To live this year for you
Without sadness and worries.
So that you work with success,
And on a holiday - have fun,
And good luck in your business
And smiles on your lips.

Happy New Year to all of you!

Santa Claus:

Happy New Year! With new happiness! Happy holiday to you!

Congratulations on the best
An ancient holiday cheerful,
The most tender and melodious
Snow-white new year.

May they come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you!
Let him be the best
The happiest for everyone!

Let for you - good people,
Not afraid of worries
It will not just be new,
And happy new year!

Students of grades 5-6 perform a song

The months go round and round
Very fast one after the other.
Completed the year his turn,
You can sum it up.

Before meeting the new year
Let's remember the old kind word.
People were doing things
Life went on in its own way.

We are looking forward to the New Year
We believe in the best, as before,
Fear does not suit him,
God willing, he will be our friend.

We know that in his power
Bring us joy, happiness.
We can't live without luck.
Happy New Year to you, friends!

There are many wonderful holidays
Everyone comes in their turn.
But the best holiday in the world
The best holiday is New Year!

He comes on a snowy road
Having swirled snowflakes round dance.
The beauty of the mysterious and strict
Fills the heart of the New Year!

He gives us faith in a good case,
On the first day and in a new turn,
Helps to get better
To all the people of the world New Year!

Students of grades 5-6 perform a song

Louder laughter and more joyful hugs.
And flies from all earthly latitudes
Clock chime. We are all brothers to each other!
On the planet holiday - New Year!

Happy New Year to you, Happy New Year!
We wish you a lot
So that no clouds in fate, no bad weather
Couldn't spoil it for you.

We wish you New Year's miracles
And so that everything, like in a fairy tale, turns out,
So that only with and never so without
And something good happened on New Year's Eve.

Students of grades 7-8 perform a song


We wish you all to celebrate this holiday in the circle of truly close and beloved people. And most importantly, be happy!

This concludes our concert, and now the dancing.

Scenario New Year's Eve for high school students "New Year. en -2019"

new year potpourri

(The ensemble of the Russian song “Baba Mani”. Handkerchiefs are tied under the chin. They sing to the tune “There was a birch in the field.”)

Oh, there was a tree in the forest,

Oh, there was a green one in the forest.

Lyuli-lyuli, stood. (2 times)

Someone break that tree,

Break some green

Here the man went for a walk,

Break the Christmas tree for the kids

Lyuli-lyuli, break it. (2 times)

The tree is shining with lights

Leads round dances with us,

Lyuli-lyuli, with us. (2 times)

(Group "Advanced Mary". Handkerchiefs are tied like bandanas. They perform rap.)

Christmas tree sticks, green needles!

On a sunny meadow

The tree grew.

E-tree, tree. (2 times)

Once in a fierce cold

One man came

Saw very sharp

On the Christmas tree, whack and whack.

E-tree, tree. (2 times)

crazy teens

They danced until morning.

Gathered at the Christmas tree

Nice bro.

E-tree, tree. (2 times)

1. Hello, dear high school colleagues, our dear teachers and long-awaited guests! It is no coincidence that we started our holiday with songs about the Christmas tree, because this is the main attribute of the New Year.

2. The New Year is already knocking on the doors of all of us, on the pages of social networks, on billboards and shop windows of the streets.

3. Indeed, this holiday has long been considered the most long-awaited, most beloved, everyone is looking forward to it with impatience and hope for a miracle - naive and always young adults, not childishly serious kids, and, of course, we, high school students.

4. Everyone has the opportunity to make a cherished wish and believe that it will certainly come true in the new year!

5. New 2019 will certainly bring warmth and harmony to every family.

6. Health is like the greatest treasure.

7. Good luck - to be lucky all year in everything.

1. Love - so that the heart is filled with tenderness and mercy.

2. A huge bundle of gifts and New Year's wishes!

3. New Year is the favorite holiday, magical, mysterious, amazing, unique ...

4. He awakens in people the best feelings, love for everything beautiful, good.

5. It's time to invite Santa Claus to look at him. Have you grown old?

6. Santa Claus? I think we all need to call him and the Snow Maiden together - this seems to happen at all children's matinees?

6. So, let's get together: "Santa Claus, Snow Maiden!" (3 p.)

(includes Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden)

Santa Claus: Respect to you, dear high school students! Don't forget what to call me. And even all together, the Snow Maiden and I, as in childhood, were called! Well, well done, pleased the old man!

Snow Maiden: Yes, that's right, grandfather. Look, the guys have become quite adults, very soon they will go into an independent life, an adult. But, nevertheless, like little ones, they are waiting for Santa Claus, New Year 2019 and a new miracle.

Father Frost (1), Snow Maiden (2)

1. Happy New Year guys,

My congratulations!

Bright, sunny days

I wish you in the cold!

2. May good luck and joy

Will bring with him

On this winter holiday

coming year.

1. And I wish you

For everything to work out

So that twos and threes

You didn't happen

So that the parents

Putting signatures in the diary,

They exclaimed in admiration:

"You're a genius, old man!"

2. So that mom, having come from work, this very hour

I would immediately put you at the computer.

So that at McDonald's you

ate daily,

Well, with chips, just

They didn't break up.

1. So that your holidays

Six months lasted.

The remaining six

You wouldn't study at all.

2. So that these words

They sounded victorious for a long time.

Happy New Year guys!

Dreaming is not bad!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, there are so many people who want to have fun here! I wonder what they know about you, about the New Year's holiday?


Santa Claus.Well, I invite you to take part in the New Year's quiz!

(The Snow Maiden hands out numbers (20)

1. Gift collection of Santa Claus (Bag.)

2. Props that allow Santa Claus to fight off the wolves. (Staff.)

3. Cold in the ocean. (Iceberg.)

4. Under-roof lollipop. (Icicle.)

5. Sheepskin coat, which is triple for skaters. (Sheepskin coat.)

6. The object of artistic creativity of Santa Claus. (Window.)

7. Nickname of Santa Claus. (Red nose.)

8. What did winter salt in a birch tub? (Snowballs.)

9. How far are 3 white horses carried? (Into the ringing snow.)

10. Elochkina homeland. (Forest.)

11. What color do gingerbread and cones grow on a Christmas tree at home? (Pink and gold.)

12. The process ending with the fall of the Christmas tree. (Cutting.)

13. Ancient, but not aging dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance.)

14. Performer of songs for the Christmas tree. (Blizzard.)

15. A person running past the Christmas tree at a trot is gray in all respects. (Wolf.)

16. Elochkin snow heater. (Snowball.)

17. A Christmas decoration that hurts your household budget on more than just the day you buy it. (Electric garland.)

18. A peasant's anti-Christmas tool. (Axe.)

19. A gift under the tree that isthe main irritant of teachers in the classroom (Mobile.)

20. And, finally, the last and most important question: a person at school, on whose carpet it is better not to wipe your feet. (Director.)

Snow Maiden. Well done to those who answered the questions correctly. My congratulations! You have become participants in the New Year's win-win lottery, which we will hold a little later, do not lose your numbers! And those who did not give a single correct answer, I ask you not to be upset, because you will still have the opportunity to become winners of other contests.

Santa Claus:

Happy New Year! Happy New Year's dance!

In order to call luck into life, you need to stand in a friendly circle with us!

Come on, tree, come to life! Light up the lights! Invite everyone to the cheerful circle!

Snow Maiden. To make wishes come true

To make dreams come true

Near the Christmas tree

Dance together!

round dance

Santa Claus.You all already know that 2019 is the year of the yellow earthen pig. Heis expected to be bright, filled with an active and open desire to live, create, enjoy life.

Snow Maiden.Year of the Peaceful Pigis the year of new hobbies, implementation of ideas and ideas. Let the good Yellow Boar bring a lot of good things in his patch! Now we will check what you know about this animal.

A quiz is being held (Santa Claus treats everyone with sweets)

1. What are the names of the heroes of the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs"? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.)

2. Who pronounces the following words: “Oh, you are ugly, oh, you are a dirty, unwashed pig!” (Moydodyr.)

3. In which fairy tale do piglets sing: “You are a pig and I am a pig, we are all brothers of a pig”? ("Cat house".)

4. A kid with a pig character. (Pig.)

5. Halfback pig. (Fang.)

6. Pig bath. (Puddle.)

7. Brutal Piglet. (Boar.)

8. An event that increases piggy. (Farrow.)

9. The prominent part of the pig's face. (Piglet.)

10. One of the popular TV presenters of the evening program. (Piggy.)

So, the main character of the day in the upcoming New Year is a pig. Therefore, to appease her, you prepared cartoons about piglets in a new way. Let's see them. (8, 9, 10, 11)

Competition (certificates to do)

Leading. And now, while the jury is summing up the results of the competition, we invite you to participate in New Year's fun.

New Year's fun 1 "New Year's bells"

Leading. In Central America, as soon as the clock strikes midnight, all the sirens and bells begin to ring deafeningly. Before the final summing up, it is time to arrange a deafening New Year's bell ringing.

(The host goes to the 1st sector.)

You will play the part of the big bell, ringing preferably low, booming and slow: “Boo-um! Boo-u-um!". Rehearsing…

(The host goes to the 2nd sector.)

You have a middle bell part, your sound is higher and shorter: “Bim-bom! Beam-bom! Trying...

(The host goes to the 3rd sector.)

Your part is the part of a small bell, the sound is even higher and more frequent: “Bam! bam! bam! Bam! So…

(The host goes to the 4th sector.)

You also got a batch of bells, the sound is the highest and most frequent: “La-la! La-la! La-la! La-la! Picture...

So, attention! The big bell begins to sound... The middle bell enters... The small bell connects... And ringing bells pour in...

Well done! What a wonderful bell ringing we got.

New Year's fun 2 " Snowball game"

2 teams of 5 people. Distribute 10 snowballs to everyone. You need to throw cotton "snowballs", trying to get into a large felt boot standing on the floor (each team has its own felt boot). Count, congratulate the winner.

Christmas fun 3

You know, in one of the tribes in Africa on New Year's Eve, when they meet, the tribesmen spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, it’s a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit on each other, but we’ll try to congratulate our friends in African style.

A pacifier competition is being held. The one who spit out the dummy the farthest wins.

Christmas fun 4

What is the Russian New Year without a snowman? Let's try to build a snowman!

4 pairs of participants are called. The ladies “sculpt” a snowman out of their gentleman, that is, they wrap it with toilet paper. When conducting this competition, it is important to remember that the main thing is not speed, but quality!

The winning couple will receive prizes.

Christmas fun 5

"Ice Sculpture"

Two teams of 5 people must draw an ice sculpture and give it a name. Time to prepare - while the music is playing.

Well now it's time

win-win New Year's lottery!

1. Portrait of the most beautiful person? (Mirror.)

2. A trifle, always needed.

Without it, there is no ruble (penny)

3. Things are always necessary, not out of fashion. (Shoe laces.)

4. And this item

Helps you remember things

Long gone years. (Empty.)

5. Somewhere among us there is a fellow,

For him, we have prepared the most delicious lollipop. (Chupa Chups.)

6. You are just a darling with us, Here's a cool one for you ... (clapperboard).

7. Means for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (The envelope.)

8. You will be strong, like a genie,

If you eat our vitamin. (Apple or carrot.)

9. The limit of your dreams

I am very happy to give.

Washing machine as a gift

Automatic machine. (Eraser.)

10. And here is the gift of Prometheus,

May your life be brighter

And a little warmer too. (Candle.)

11. They get you -

Lights from Bengal! (Sparklers)

12. Old antique hanger. (Nail.)

13. Not a luxury, but a means of transportation. (Toy car.)

14. So that you straighten your hair more often,

We will give you a model comb! (Fork.)

15. You are lucky: from these hands

You got a laptop! (Notepad, preferably labeled Notebook.)

16. Cool surprise here for you,

Get the symbol of the year as a prize! (Souvenir toy.)

17. And your gift is just a miracle,

I will tell you without further ado.

Keep from me for a keepsake

Raincoat set! (Packing garbage bags.)

18. There is no better gift in the world,

Than branded shampoo in a briquette! (Soap.)

19. And you for your table

Bohemian glass set! (Disposable cups.)

20. So that the New Year leads the way,

We give you confetti!

3. The final part


How fast the time has flown

Minutes, half an hour, hours...

We managed to have some fun

We managed to give you prizes!


And ahead of a fun holiday

Magical 2019!

Perhaps there is no more beautiful moment

When the New Year is coming!


Happy New Year of the Pig to you -

It's so nice to congratulate you!

And we sincerely wish you

Learn to never forget!


More often, it's easier to smile

And live in peace with dad, mom.

Cheerful, fun to laugh,

Really be friends!

Happy New Year!

(Firecracker salute)


And now we invite everyone to the New Year's disco.

The scenario of the New Year's performance for high school students "Winter's Tale"
Santa Claus
Santa Claus
Snow Maiden
The hall is decorated for New Year's Eve: garlands, a Christmas tree, snowflakes, etc.
Two presenters appear on the stage in clothes corresponding to this holiday:
Evening Dress.
Hello dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.
Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. But we love it
season. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it “coniferous”
joyful mood of happiness, change, hope, which this whole
favorite holiday.
It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished
wishes, the most incredible miracles are possible.
Today the "Order Table" will work all evening, where you can congratulate your
classmates, teachers and just friends Happy New Year.” We are waiting for applications.
The light goes out. Suddenly, strange laughter is heard into the microphone:
Voice of Baba Yaga.
Well, did you want to celebrate the holiday, guys? And the holiday won't work. This is our
celebration. We've been waiting for it for so long. And now we are not going to give it to you. Why have they quieted down
doves. Didn't they recognize me? And this is me, your beloved ButterflyYaga. Okay,
I will show myself not to suffer.
The light turns on. Baba Yaga enters the assembly hall and sings a song. Melody
arbitrary, more is said than sung. Performed with an old woman's accent.
Oh, whose is this? Behind the hills along the stream
Goes, jumps, from chock to chock,

Oh, chia is chia, in a braid there is a scarlet ribbon,
And not a princess, and not a snow maiden,
Oh, this Butterfly, Baba Yagurochka.

Oh, chia is chia, she is the best,
She herself is all white, well, like a chicken,
Oh, this Butterfly, Baba Yagurochka.
Throughout the song, he approaches the audience, dances on the last words
rises to the stage.
Baba Yaga.
Good evening dear boys and girls! Well, are we celebrating? Well, celebrate
celebrate, just don't bother us. Today we have a big meeting of "kind
wizards” (laughs). And you have nothing to do with him.
Listen, Yagurochka, in my opinion, it was you who interfered with us, not we.
Baba Yaga.
Well hello to you. We prevented them. No, you heard it. Hey, evil spirit, come here,
fly down, run up and get on stage. Let's celebrate.
Serpent Gorynych, Goblin, Kikimora enter the hall to cheerful music. While they go
laughing, dancing. They rise to the stage.
Baba Yaga.
Well hello my dears. How glad I am to see you. You already heard that we are now
we will celebrate the holiday. They say that this is a holiday of goodness and light. No you
heard that.
The evil spirit laughs.
Yagurochka, what's the actual problem? Let me burn them all together now
with its blue flame, and there is no problem.
Baba Yaga.
Well, uncouth bastard. A new century has already come, and he will “burn”, “sleep”. It's time to go
move. Come up with something new. And I don't want any fire at all. Tired. I
I want one thing: that the new millennium belongs to us! And point. Why only people
all? Therefore, dear, vacate the premises.
Kikimora and Goblin (laugh).
Dadada, vacate the premises!
Well, no, dear evil spirit. Let's hold your scheduled meeting in
another place. For example, in the Koshcheev castle. By the way, where is this walking museum piece?
Something he is not visible among you.
None of your business. Not yet evening.
I propose to hold a small New Year's competition program. Whoever wins is the one

rules the ball. Deal? And so that our guests do not get bored, we organize our evening
so that there were dances, competitions, and much more interesting things. Do you agree?
Evil spirits (after conferring).
And you will not deceive?
We won't cheat. Only you can cheat.
Nonono! No need!
Well, go down to the hall and have fun with the guests, and when the competitive
program, we will invite you immediately. In the meantime, dear friends, welcome to the first
dance block.
The first dance block (10 minutes 2 songs). Leaders take the stage.
The year begins with a blue twilight,
An old Christmas tree tale
flickering and shining candles,
Hidden hope: of course, he will be good.
And prickly frost, and a scattering of stellar paths.
And the snow is still flying, showering powders.
And over every tree in the forest a star lit up.
The year begins - well, of course, it will be good,
And with happiness will make friends with you forever!
More than once today and in the coming days, words of congratulations from friends will sound,
acquaintances, even passers-by, to all people from TV screens.
We wish you only one thing: let all these wishes and congratulations for the new year
improve your mood and instill in your hearts hope, warmth and faith that this
the coming year of the Snake will indeed be a good one. We really miss Santa Claus
- let's remember a little childhood and call him to us. We'll just do it
organized. This part of the hall will stomp your feet. (Grade 11)
This part of the hall will clap their hands (grade 8), and this part of the hall gets the most
difficult: laugh (grade 9). I think such a stunning greeting is impossible not to
hear, and our Santa Claus will appear here any minute.
Evil spirits are on the scene.
We didn't agree on that. The fact that this forest robber will appear here now, we
not at all satisfied.
Rogue? They made me laugh. The robber is your friend - Soloveychiksoloveychik. By the way its
also no. Do they have problems with Koshchei?
Your Grandfather brought such a cold in the forest, piled up snowdrifts - you can’t get through, you can’t drive. Does he know that

women live in the forest. We that, specifically, to get here, we had to sled
get? In general, he does not need mulberry.
No, friends. Without Santa Claus there can be no New Year. So you have to put up with
with this. In the meantime, the first competition. Well, Yaga, take your wards, we will fight in
first competition?
And I invite everyone to stand by the Christmas tree. So, we are playing the simplest New Year's game -
"New Year's terms". Passing the ball in turn, you will name the words that
related to the New Year. Who can not say the word leaves the circle. The chain is not
must be interrupted, that is, there is no time to think for this, too, a punishment, you will have to leave
a circle. Are the rules clear?
Competition No. 1 Game "New Year's terms"
Christmas tree, balls, snow, etc.
Leaders come out.
Now let's call Santa Claus. Remember how we will do it? We stomp
clap, laugh. So, we started.
Spectators perform actions. Soundtrack from the film "Ivan Vasilievich changes
profession "(" A fairy tale suddenly ... in silence ... "). Santa Claus and Santa Claus enter. Everything
applaud. Father Frost and Santa rise to the stage.
Santa Claus.
Hello dear friends! I'm glad I finally got to your paradise
and my American colleague came to congratulate you with me.
Happy New Year to you! Year of the Snake!
The face of generations is changing
And everyone has their share.
Twelve animal creations
They consider us the run of being.
We are ready to bow with faith,
Any living animal
So that we have earthly happiness
According to the lunar calendar.
May next year we be wise, fair and cheerful, there will be more good
words and good health with a margin. And now my American will say a few words
Santa Claus.
Dear friends! You are very little different from us. Every year you wish a friend
friend of the same thing and - what is most surprising - believe that this is a must
will happen. And when the year goes by the same way as the previous one, without much accomplishments, you
With the same optimism in the new year, wish each other again the same and more.
This amazes us. You are incorrigible in your optimism, and this quality cannot but
to excite. Happy New Year to you and really health to you, wealth: mental and
material, and the fulfillment of all your desires in the new year.

All evil spirits enter the scene.
Baba Yaga.
No, well, look at them. Are we here to listen to all this nonsense?
Yes. We have no other business. Let's get your contests here. We need power, but they
sentimentality play.
Will have to wait. We have another musical break.
Dance break - the best songs of the outgoing year. (1 song)
Host (during the dance program).
Dear friends! I think you feel great at our New Year's Eve.
dance floor. Imagine that now millions of people are dancing with you,
embraced by the pre-New Year atmosphere, the whole world is absorbed in pleasant chores,
filled with music and colorful lights.
1 song
After a dance break, Leshy and Kikimora appear on the stage.
So, I saw you flirt with a man-cub.
And what not? We're on holiday!
It compromises us, don't you understand. Look, princess! I'm dad
I'll tell you, he quickly beats your cupids on the side.
Kikimora (offended).
Well, talk. I will still dance with them.
They sing to the tune from The Bremen Town Musicians.
Ah, Kikimora, well, you are stupid!
Why are you headless!
Stop giggling - I'm not kidding at all!
I will do what I want!
The whole school is moaning from you.
Throw you, my dear, your ugliness,
Or else I'll yell at you!
I will do what I want!
Here, my dear, what do cupids mean!
So that I do not see troubadours in the forest,

Otherwise, I will personally drown everyone!
I will run away from the forest!
Stop arguing. Here Baba Yaga will appear, she will arrange a beating for you. Shout in your place
Kikimora joins the evil spirits. Leaders appear on the stage.
Santa Claus! Where did you lose your granddaughter?
Santa Claus (climbing the stage): Yes, I didn’t lose her - this is an honest company
took care. Thanks to them, she remained outside the Old Year. And to save her, me,
Unfortunately, my magic power is not enough. We still need noble hearts. So I
I appeal to you, dear friends. Help, Snow Maiden. What is a holiday without
The applicant is located, and he is called to the stage. Immediately Baba Yaga enters the stage and
Zmey Gorynych.
Baba Yaga.
There is a very simple way to free your beauty. Hand over the reins to us
New Millennium and take your Snow Maiden. We don't need her for nothing. Alone from her
Santa Claus.
No, dear. Everything will be fair. What condition did you set? If we
we complete your tasks, then you give a hint on how to free the Snow Maiden. Do you remember?
Baba Yaga.
I do remember.
Santa Claus.
Everything is very simple. And you don't have to be smart. Give me your assignments.
Baba Yaga.
So, the first task: Who is the most charming and attractive?
Answer. (You, Yagurochka, are the most charming and attractive.)
Baba Yaga (breaking up).
Right. Well, I always knew that, so it's not an assignment. I was just joking. And here
now the first task. (confer)
Competition No. 2: Three teams of 6 people are called. As long as the music is playing, you are having fun
dance, as soon as the music stops, the members of each team must form
the letter that I will name. Music!
Competition number 3: Blindfold get up from a chair. Following the leader's commands (4 steps
forward, 4 to the right, 4 to the left, etc.), return to the chair and sit on it.

Baba Yaga. (to the winner of the contest)
OK. If you place these signs of the zodiac correctly one after another, a song will sound, and that's it.
those present will correctly stand up to their sign, then the door from the Old Year will open, and
you can take the girl.
The guy arranges the signs of the zodiac. ARIES, TAURUS, GEMINI, CANCER, LEO, VIRGO,
The phonogram of the opening of a creaking door is heard. The guy comes backstage and
takes the Snow Maiden out of there.
Snow Maiden.
Hello dear friends!
The evil spirit mimics her words and whispers about something on the sidelines.
Snow Maiden.
Again blizzards and frosts,
Again a snow storm.
Only if you freeze
Kohl such a rigmarole!
In big cities and villages
The lights on the trees are burning
In every hall, in every school
The holiday pleases the children.
What a holiday, people?
It's called the New Year!
Santa Claus.
Make your deepest wish.
With youthful joy in your eyes
The New Year is on the threshold.
In the blue flying snowfall
With a free wind far and wide.
Dear friends, let's have fun. After all, today we celebrate the best holiday on
earth. The holiday with which we pin all our hopes...
Santa Claus (rising on stage).
Our happiness and good luck.
Snow Maiden.
In it we see the meaning of our life and believe in it to the depths of our souls.
Happy New Year! Music!
Santa Claus.
Dear friends! Let's spend the Old Year with a cheerful dance.
Competition No. 4 "Snake" Calls two participants to the stage.

Santa Claus.
Dear friends! You must each make your own snake. And after the end of the music we
let's see who will have it longer, he will receive our first New Year's prize.
Phonogram. Participants descend into the hall and make up two snakes to the music. After
which in each snake they ask evil spirits to count the number of people and hand them
prize for the winner.
The dance program continues (20 minutes). During it, Santa Claus, Santa
Klaus, the Snow Maiden and evil spirits are photographed with the guests. Then on stage again
leaders appear.
Leading. Competition No. 5 "Changeling"
Dear friends, and now we offer you a small contest. We will read to you
titles of literary works: novels, fairy tales. Only one "but" ... This is a competition
"turnovers". For example: Blue scarf (Little Red Riding Hood). Got the principle? That,
whoever comes up with the answer first - comes to our stage. So, we started.
Square (Kolobok).
Mouse in sandals (Puss in Boots).
Garbage Continent (Treasure Island).
Nailed down by the calm (Gone with the wind).
Happiness from stupidity (Woe from Wit).
Homebody Mouse (Traveler Frog).
Dog kennel (Cat's house).
Sun Prince (Snow Queen).
Here are our winners. Now we will raffle off a prize among them. I give each of you one
paper sheet. Whoever throws the piece of paper the farthest wins a prize.
Note to the facilitator: the larger the arm swing, the closer the leaf will fall.
Then the holiday goes as follows: a disco alternates with competitions and
Musical break (2 songs)
Competition No. 6 "From the Snow Maiden"
Competition: "Take a prize."
A package with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair are the participants of the competition. Santa Claus reads
poem "One, two, three." Those who attempted to grab the prize out of time are eliminated from

I will tell you a story
Half a dozen times.
I'll just say the word "three"
Get your prize now!
Once we caught a pike
Gutted, but inside
Small fish counted

And not one, but two.
Dreaming boy hardened
Become an Olympic champion
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, seven.
When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, another, or better Five!
Recently train on vocals
I had to wait three hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends,
Who had the opportunity to take?
Musical break (1 song)
Competition No. 7 "
live Christmas tree

The dancers form their own dance mini-circles, and in each circle they choose
"herringbone". Santa Claus must go through all the circles and choose the most beautiful,
elegant and dancing Christmas tree.

Musical break (1 song)
Performance with guests "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Competition No. 8
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden: And now you will see a real performance with a very
talented actors in the lead roles. But for this I need your help.
Need 10 helpers. Come here. So well done, great. Here you will be
our actors. Now you yourself and everyone who is here will make sure what you are
wonderful artists.
Roles are assigned (or simply assigned and remembered or given
cards): Christmas tree, blizzard, frost, snowball, bunny, wolf, snake, horse, firewood,
little man.
Santa Claus: The plot of our production is very simple. You probably already guessed
that this is my favorite song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Our artists need
get into the image of your heroes and portray all their actions as best as possible. Best
the actor will receive a prize. So, artists, are you ready? Viewers, please applause.
Artists, take a bow. Started! Next, the words of the song are recited, and the actors
represent all events. The last verse everyone sings loudly and clap their hands.
: "Turnip" in a new way.
Competition No. 9

Allow me to introduce the artists (represents the artists, they must with the expression
say your line).
Turnip (pleased). Here I am.
Grandfather (sick). Oh, how my back grabbed.

Grandmother (grouchy). Always interrupted from work.
Granddaughter (model). I'm ready.
Bug (bandit). Stop! I will shoot!
Cat (lazy). A little, just me!
Mouse (laughing). Hahaha!
I will read a fairy tale, as soon as you hear your name, immediately say yours
replica and participate in the fairy tale. All clear?
Musical break (1 song)
Competition No. 10 "Musical Chair"
Santa Claus with girls (6 people)
Snow Maiden with young people (6 people)
Musical break (1 song)
Competition No. 11 “Mask, mask, I know you!
It’s not for nothing that you are all wearing masks today, and during our evening you probably already guessed who
hiding behind a mask. Now I will show the photo, and whoever finds this person will receive
prize from Santa Claus. Started...
At the end, all the artists take the stage.
Santa Claus.
Every song has a chorus, every encounter has an ending.
Santa Claus.
And now it's time for us to say goodbye
But the year will pass and the new holiday
A cheerful one will come into our house again.
Snow Maiden.
Dear friends! Thank you for being with us all this time. Happy New
Year. Peace, hopes, great ideas and great paths.
Hours go by, days go by
Such is the law of nature.
We hasten to congratulate you, friends,
Now we are Happy New Year.
Evil spirits, one of you can also turn to our guests, say something,
Baba Yaga.
Serpent, you are the smartest. You fly around the world, you know everything. Speak. Just don't hit me in the face
Snow Maiden.
Not a face in the dirt, but a face in the dirt.
Baba Yaga.
Don't study science.
Serpent (addressing the audience).
Dear comrades! Friends! Ladies and Gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! Workers and collective farmers!

Signors, senoritas and signorinas! Boys and girls! Workers of fields and farms! soldiers,
sailors and foremen! Corporal! Postilions and porters! Swiss and Swiss!
Penzyaks and penzyachki! Pashkovites and Pashkovites! Archbishops and Popes! Mothers and sisters!
Retirees and students! My good citizens! I have nothing to tell you!
Santa Claus.
Well, what kind of disgrace is this, Yagurochka? I will never let you party again.
Baba Yaga.
And we will not ask, we will come ourselves. Well, well, well. We want to give you
guys, one piece of advice:
If you came to the Christmas tree
Claim your gift right away.
And see that no candy
Santa Claus did not heal,
And don't hesitate to look back
Bring home leftovers.
How dad and mom jump -
All gifts will be taken!
Santa Claus.
No, well, you can't really say Happy New Year to people.
Competition No. 12 "Lottery ticket"
No. 1. On a ticket, you accidentally got Georgian tea. (Tea).
No. 2. To keep your face and your hands clean,
On the ticket you got a piece of fragrant soap. (Soap).
No. 3. Dimensionless vessel for various volumes of liquid. (Ball).
No. 4. So that your teeth do not hurt,
Clean them at least once a week. (Toothbrush).
No. 5. We wanted to win a flashlight,
And I just got a ball. (Ball)
No. 6. Must be happy in abundance.
From the lottery you are now:
You have a wonderful postcard.
Got it as a souvenir from us. (Postcard).
No. 7. You will receive a balloon,
Fly into space to the stars. (Ball).
No. 8. A rather rare surprise for you -

Two paper napkins. (Two paper napkins).
No. 9. Get it - hurry up:
You have a notebook: write poetry. (Notebook).
No. 10. You look great:
Both clothing and hair.
And the reward is not in vain
You win - a comb. (Comb).
No. 11. About all the news in the world
Read in the newspaper. (Newspaper with a crossword).
No. 12. You got the candy,
Come visit us. (Candy).
No. 13. "Hurrah!" - shout to the whole world,
You have a souvenir machine. (Machine).
No. 14. No typewriter -
We offer this item. (Pen).
No. 15. In life, you have to hope for the best,
Glue you take, if something does not stick. (Glue).
No. 16. To write beautifully to you,
Hurry up to get a pen. (Pen).
No. 17. This piece will correct the mistake,
This eraser is called a rubber band. (Eraser).
No. 18. This is not a cup, this is not a watering can.
This is the line everyone needs. (Ruler).
No. 19. Always sharpen the pencil
And get a sharpener. (Sharpener).
No. 20. Japanese camera. (Mirror).
No. 21. Preparation for the development of the jaws. (Gum).
No. 22. This item will come in handy
On the "five" to study. (Pen).
OK. CONGRATULATIONS! (the evil is gone)
Snow Maiden.
Another thing.
Santa Claus.

I look at you and rejoice. You know how to have fun. And the evil spirit you have is wonderful. Not
what is ours: vampires and halloweens.
Snow Maiden: Happy New Year, with new happiness!
We should meet more often!
Santa Claus Gentlemen need a tailcoat,
Ladies are good and so!
Snow Maiden: Only a plus in hair bows,
And diamonds around my neck!
Santa Claus: We wish everyone bright fairy tales,
Carnival bright masks!
Snow Maiden of Gold and Silver,
Good luck and good!
Santa Claus: It's time to go on a long journey!
It was a pleasure to have you!
But there are other tasks!
Father Frost and Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! Goodbye!

Scenario New Year's Eve for high school students Year 10 students are traditionally responsible for holding New Year's Eve at our school. The peculiarity of the organization and conduct of this New Year's Eve was the number of students in the class. Since there are only 5 people in the class, the idea of ​​traveling around the world, in my opinion, was the most successful. Students in grades 8, 9 and 11 were given the task to represent the countries of the world, and my artists received 2, and some even 3 roles. Despite all the difficulties of preparation, the New Year's holiday turned out to be noisy and cheerful. Sounds like magic music Leading. One day the day and the hour come Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival, And the miracle happens again And this is a miracle - the New Year! Leading. There are many wonderful holidays. Everyone comes in their turn. But the best holiday in the world The best holiday is the New Year. He comes on a snowy road Having swirled snowflakes round dance. The beauty of the mysterious and strict Fills the heart of the New Year. Leading. He gives us faith in a good case, On the first day and in a new turn, Helps to get better To all people in the world New Year Louder laughter and more joyful hugs. And flies from all earthly latitudes The fight of the clock, We are all brothers to each other. On the planet holiday - New Year. ******* Leading. Good evening, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration. Leading. Dear guests, we have gathered today to celebrate the New Year together, and in order to remember this meeting for a long time, we will meet it in an unusual way. Leading. Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it. Leading. It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe? I am sure that you can be convinced of this if you become a participant in our New Year's holiday. Leading. And today we have a unique opportunity to travel to different countries of the world and find out what traditions of celebrating the New Year exist at different latitudes of the globe. Leading. Well, you and I have to go on a journey around the New Year's planet and celebrate the New Year together with other peoples! ******** Leading. I'm glad to see you today Lots of friendly guys here. Hello Nastya, Misha, Sasha, Serezha, Grisha, Masha... In a word, do not count everyone. Well, who is here for the first time - Let's meet now. Stop, don't move away Friendly all of you tell me What is your name. The children are screaming their names. Bad, repeat again Friendly all of you tell me What is your name. One, two, three - say your name! The children are screaming their names. Thank you, now I know all of you, and my name is... Gypsies enter to gypsy music, make a circle near the Christmas tree Gypsy. We are gypsies, cheerful people, We roam the world in wagons, Let's make a fire in a clean field, We will sing and dance our songs. A gypsy star beckons us, We can't sit still Even at night the guitar rings And in a dream we will dream of a road. Gypsy. To whom to tell fortunes, to predict fate. Hey, beauty, gild the pen, I'll tell the whole truth ... (Guessing) You are a good person - smart and beautiful. You just got sad, everything is not nice for you, you want something unusual ... I know the cure for any sadness, sadness! Gypsy. Which? Gypsy. Road! Gypsy. And really, why don't you go on the road with us? We have a new chaise, frisky horses, we will go all over the world and see how the New Year is celebrated in different countries. Gypsy. First we will go to our gypsy homeland. After all, we gypsies come from India, a beautiful, mysterious country. From there, from India, our ability to sing, dance, guess. Let's hit the road! Sounds like Indian music Speech about India Sounds like Indian music Gypsy. What an interesting country: there are palm trees, and elephants, and people are so cheerful, smart. Gypsy. Oh, something made me sick from the heat and noise. Let's go further! Gypsy. And I know a quiet, calm country with strict rules and centuries-old traditions. Gypsy. And what is this country? Gypsy. This is Scotland! Scottish music sounds Speech about Scotland Scottish music sounds Gypsy. Where are we going next, gypsies? Gypsy. And I know a riddle about one country. The capital of which European state was called Serdika, since it was located almost in the center! (Bulgaria) Bulgarian music sounds Speech about Bulgaria Bulgarian music sounds
Terrible music sounds
Gypsy. Bulgaria is also a country of scary tales and ghosts. Don't believe? Gypsy. Oh wow, where did we get to? Gypsy. We have entered the domain of the Nightmare Wolf. He is very dangerous! Wolf. What? Who is dangerous - me? Yes, I am the kindest and most cheerful wolf in the world! Let's play something like football, shall we? Gypsy. Can you play football without a ball? Wolf. Yes, uh... Gypsy. Yes, it's very simple. Now we will split into two teams. You will be the captain in one, and I will be the captain in the other. (The hall is conditionally divided into two teams.) Gypsy. And who will I be? Gypsy. And you will be the judge. Gypsy. So, attention! As soon as I raise my right hand up, the Wolf team shouts in chorus: “Goal!” When I raise my left hand, the other team shouts "Pass!". See, don't get confused. And if I raise two hands up, then both teams shout “Hurrah” and clap their hands. So... let's start! Sounds like a football match The gypsy raises her right, then her left hand. The game ends with both hands raised. Gypsy. Draw! Both teams are awarded the title of champion. Wolf. It turns out that playing without the ball is more interesting! I'll go play with someone else! Gypsy. And our journey around the world continues. Forward! To Europe! To a wonderful country where they love songs, dances, the sun! You can hear the sound of breaking glass and dishes, the crackle of fireworks Gypsy. What's happening? It must be an earthquake. Gypsy. Do not worry! Nothing bad is happening. It's just the Italians celebrating the New Year. Italian music sounds Speech about Italy Italian music sounds Gypsy. Can I now order a route for further travel? Gypsy. And where are we going? Gypsy. To the homeland of the main Santa Claus in Finland, more precisely in the historical region of Finland - Lapland! Finnish music sounds Speech about Finland Finnish music sounds Gypsy. What a fabulous country Lapland is the birthplace of the main Santa Claus! Gypsy. Do you love fairy tales? Then I propose to go to Iran - to the homeland of Scheherazade and the fairy tales "Thousand and One Nights"! Iranian music sounds Speech about Iran Iranian music sounds Sounds like fabulous music
Gypsy. It seems that we are in some kind of fairy-tale land. Gypsy. Yes indeed. This is the land of the Unpredictable Dwarfs. Gypsy. How so? Gypsy. The gnomes here are unpredictable and they always confuse everything. Until we unravel them, we can't get out of here. Gnomes. Don't get out! Don't get out! (together) Dwarf. Let's play an interesting confusion game. Dwarf. To our questions, you must answer “Yes!” in unison! or not!" Dwarf. Santa Claus is known to everyone, right? (Yes) Dwarf. He comes at seven sharp, right? (No) Dwarf. Santa Claus is a good old man, right? (Yes) Dwarf. He wears a hat and galoshes, right? (No) Dwarf. Santa Claus is coming soon, right? (Yes) Dwarf. He will bring gifts, right? (Yes) Dwarf. The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right? (Yes) Dwarf. It was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right? (No) Dwarf. What grows on the tree? Cones, right? (Yes) Dwarf. Tomatoes and gingerbread, right? (No) Dwarf. The view is beautiful near our Christmas tree, right? (Yes) Dwarf. There are red needles everywhere, right? (No) Dwarf. Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right? (No) Dwarf. He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right? (Yes) Gypsy. You failed to confuse us! Show me the way now! A piercing whistle is heard Gypsy. What's this? Gypsy. We ended up in Hungary, where on New Year's Eve the inhabitants whistle away evil spirits from their homes. Hungarian music sounds Speech about Hungary Hungarian music sounds Gypsy. Is it time for us to go home? Gypsy. No. We haven't been to Japan yet. But it is the Japanese who are the first on the planet to celebrate the New Year. Gypsy. We are going to Japan - the Land of the Rising Sun. To gypsy music they make a circle near the Christmas tree Gypsy. This is the country! Not a country, but a solid exotic! Everything is so amazing and amazing! Japanese music sounds Speech about Japan Japanese music sounds Gypsy. We had a nice stay in Japan, and now it's time to go home - to Russia! Gypsy. What an interesting and wonderful journey. But nothing can be done, we must return! Being a guest is good, but being at home is better! Gypsy music sounds Gypsy. Russia also has a lot of New Year traditions and entertainment! Gypsy. In the New Year in Russia, they always waited for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. The sound of bells is heard Gypsy. Someone rides and rings bells? Isn't Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden? Let's call them together. Everyone calls Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden Sounds like magic music Santa Claus. Hello dear friends! Happy New Year to all of you! I flew on the wings of the wind Many thousands of kilometers. Over frozen seas Over the fields, over the forests, I was in a hurry, guys to you, To my little friends. Let's sing and have fun Whirling in joyful dance Because at the gate The New Year is upon us. Snow Maiden. Hello guys Grandpa and I traveled around the world The sliding roads of winter. There are no happier children in the world than ours, Today we made sure of it! Santa Claus. I was driving past with the Snow Maiden, I heard your voices and decided to come in, congratulate you on the holiday and have fun. You are good, have fun! And each of you, probably, has his own cherished desire? Think of it, and I will now knock with a staff, and in the New Year it will certainly come true. (After a short pause, he taps his staff.) Snow Maiden. Santa Claus! Look what an elegant Christmas tree is! Make her even prettier! Santa Claus. To do this, you need to say the magic words together: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!” Sounds like magic music , all in unison say the words, Christmas tree lit up with colorful lights Leading. Santa Claus, and Santa Claus! Where are you from? Santa Claus. Oh, and you asked me a difficult question. I don't know it myself, and no one knows. Some people think that I was born in northern Finland, in Lapland. Others claim that I am Russian, from the city of Veliky Ustyug, in the Vologda region. Leading. And you, Snow Maiden, also know nothing about your homeland? Snow Maiden. How so - I do not know! I know very well. I'm from Russia. Because in many countries people believe in Santa Claus, they just call him differently - Santa Claus, Per Noel, Northern Santa. But his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, that is, me, is known only in Russia. Santa Claus. In Russia, only during the reign of Emperor Peter 1, a tradition appeared to celebrate the New Year - January 1. Peter 1 ordered to put a Christmas tree in the houses, decorate it with gingerbread, apples, multi-colored ribbons and beads. On this day in Russia, merry games and round dances were arranged in cities and villages. Snow Maiden. According to popular belief, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it. So let's have fun together, let's play, so that the coming year is kind and joyful. Several mobile competitions are held "Snowball game". Teams of girls and boys line up opposite each other, 5-6 people each. Each team receives "Snowballs" - wads of white paper, 2 snowballs for each team member. The task is to throw snowballs into your basket (bucket), placed 2-3 meters from the team. The game "Burst the ball". Two young men are invited to the stage. They stand with their right shoulders to each other and lay both hands behind their backs. A balloon of the same size is tied to their left feet. The task of the participant is to burst the opponent's ball, while maintaining his own. Hand pushing is prohibited. Pantomime game. In this game, it is proposed to first memorize the text: Santa Claus is coming, coming to us, Santa Claus is coming to us. And we know that Santa Claus Brings us gifts. After the text has been repeated, it is proposed to replace words with movements and gestures. The first words that are replaced are the word "we". Instead of these words, everyone points to themselves. With each new performance, there are fewer words, and more gestures. Instead of the words "Santa Claus", everyone points to the door, the word "goes" is replaced by walking on the spot, the word "know" - touch the forehead with the index finger, the word "gifts" - gesture depicting a large bag. At the last performance, all words disappear, except for prepositions and the verb "will bring." Sounds like magic music Santa Claus. Well, well done! Have a merry New Year! Snow Maiden. Now it's time to say goodbye. It is a pity that the holiday ended so quickly. Santa Claus. But, we hope that you will manage to keep the mood of fun, joy, expectation of something unusual for the whole year. We do not say goodbye to you, we say: "See you again!" (together) Leading. Everything happens in life Happiness happens, trouble happens ... All is well that ends well. We must always believe in the good. The old year is gone forever. He brought us a lot of new things. Run away to last year. To make the future closer. New Year is coming to a close With new, cheerful speeches. The old year is leaving just in time, And he warmly says goodbye to us. The song "The Last Hour of December" is performed (+ Chimes) Blue evening, winter wind Lanterns dissolved in stardust The arrow will freeze after completing the turn. And the new year will come Ringing at midnight fill the world May the old year forgive us and understand everything Stays with us until January This hour, the last hour The last hour of December, freeze for a moment Let love and peace fly over the seas And all our hopes May it come true one day In the last hour of December In the last hour of December (The musical arrangement of the holiday can be obtained by writing a letter to:


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