Interdepartmental plan for individual preventive work. Interdepartmental work plan. "For a healthy lifestyle!"

Interdepartmental comprehensive Plan According to individual preventive work (Hereinafter IPR) in respect of a minor __________________________________, __________ born in a learning class _______ _______ Nov. School of _______________, residing at: _______________________________________________________ in a socially dangerous situation with ______________________ years.

Problem minor, which is in a socially dangerous position:

    __________________________ Not formed a model of behavior in relation to the opposite sex

Tasks, aimed at solving problems in a minor, which is in a socio-dangerous position (for the period of IDR);

    To withdraw a minor learning from a critical situation with psychological methods and techniques

    Contribute to the formation of behavior from _____________________ in society.

Measures for the implementation of each task designated to address problems at ________________, in a socially dangerous situation:

Trainings, conversations, art therapy "Draw Plasticine".

Methodology Diagnostics of the level of the subjective feeling of loneliness D.Rasela and M. Roerguson,

t.eats Frustration Tolerance Rosenzweig,

t.eats anxiety Tamml-Dorki-Amenb, diagnostics " Personal growth Schoolchildren. "

Pedagogue -Psychologist school, deputy. Director of BP

Until 02/28/2016

Development of life decision technology, behavior rules in society

CL. Watch: "I am learning to build relationships," "Me and my health", "Who can I contact for help", etc.

Classroom teacher

Weekly (for the entire period)

Consulting assistance to a psychiatrist doctor

Children's doctor psychiatrist


(during the entire period)

Attracting to career employment

"Open Days"

Classroom teacher

Consulting assistance to teacher psychologist

« Training "I want to be successful" O. Chukhaev», Conversation "Stress in a person's life. Methods of dealing with stress ", conversation"My face ", training" How to say no! ", Training" I successful man" etc

Pedagogue -Psychologist

2 times a month (during the entire period)

Assistance in successful exams

Consultations on subjects

Pedaggers Subjects

during the whole period

(from 1.02.2016 - 1.06.2016)

Providing information assistance to a teenager

Prevention of socio-negative phenomena in the teenage medium "

Specialist one

1 time in 2 months

(during the entire period)


Interdepartmental comprehensive plan for the individual preventive work (hereinafter IRP) for the family _______________________, residing at: _______________________________________________ which is in a socially dangerous situation s22.01.2016 -22.07.2016gg.

The list of problems in the family in a socially dangerous position:

    Lack of mutual understanding between family members

    Excessive custody of the guardian ____________________ regarding ward granddaughter __________________________.

Tasks aimed at solving each of the problems in the family in a socially dangerous position (for the period of IPR):

    To find out the causes of the lack of mutual understanding between family members and develop ways to eliminate identified problems

Events to implement each designated task aimed at solving problems in the family ____________________________, which is in a socially dangerous position:

1. The act of primary inspection of conditions family life,

in a socially dangerous position.

2. Diagnostic interview with family history.

Pedagogue -Psychologist school, deputy. Director for BP, Social Teacher, Class Manager

Until 01/28/2016

Studying the psychological climate, the nearest environment in the classroom and family

1. Meeting of the assessment of the psychological atmosphere in the team (author Yu. L. Neimer)

2. Diagnosis of socio-psychological climate in the family

Pedagogue -Psychologist

Until 20.02.2016

Provision psychological assistance specialist

Individual conversations, classes

Children's doctor psychiatrist


(during the entire period)

Conducting a school psychologist

1. Conversations "What is Suicide and how to deal with him"

2. Test - Questionnaire of Children's Parental Relations

3. Conversation"On the measures of encouraging and punishment in the family"

4. Conversation "Ways to solve conflicts with parents"

5. Stress in human life. Methods of dealing with stress

Pedagogue - psychologist

1 time per month (during the entire period)


Head teacher: _________________

Deputy Director for BP ________________

Pedagogue-psychologist school ______________

Classroom teacher ___________

Social teacher ____________________

MOU SS № 1 R.P.Novospasskoe


Head teacher:



Agreed _________________________________________________________________________



of interagency cooperation plan with the area of \u200b\u200bprevention agencies in the prevention of delinquency, neglect of minors and protection of their rights

for 2016 - 2017 academic year

Kind of activity


Dates of carrying


Creating a data bank "Risk Group", families in a comprehensive position


Social teacher

Drawing up social support


Social teacher

Refresh Stand Legal Knowledge and Safety Corner road


Social teacher

Participation in the action "Help to gather to school"

June August

CL. Officers, UMTISR

Work on the prevention of road traffic injuries


Cool leader Inspector traffic police

Conducting the Decade of Road Safety

Social teacher

Inspector traffic police

Individual conversations with parents and children from disadvantaged families on education and education issues


Social teacher

Deputy. Director of BP

Inspector PDN
Psychologist teacher

Acquaintance of students with the Charter of the school, their responsibilities and rights.


Cool leaders

Conducting individual advice for parents and children


Social teacher

Psychologist teacher

Conducting a meeting in the director of "Organization of preventive work with children of risk groups"



Conducting preventive conversations with students of secondary and high schools on the prevention of offenses and crimes

1 time in a quarter

Social teacher traffic police inspector inspector PDN

Conducting conversations with students of grades 8-11 on legal, psychological and medical themes With an invitation:

Inspector Idn.


Doctor narcologist


Inspectors to propaganda traffic police

Employee of the prosecutor's office

during a year

Social teacher

Spend class hours on "Law and You" for students in grades 5-7 with an invitation to staff the police department and prosecutor's office

during a year

Cool leaders

Participation in the collection of regional children's public organization "The young generation for the safety of motion"

as charged

Social teacher

Inspector traffic police

Holding classroom watches on road safety (1-6 class)

according to the class of class managers

Cool leaders of a mug of YUID

Conduct conversations, cool clock on promoting a healthy lifestyle. With the invitation of the Inspector PDN, the doctor.

1 time in a quarter

Social teacher

Cool leaders

Regularly conduct raids on disadvantaged families and students standing on the account with the preparation of acts of survey of living conditions

In Tech. Goda

Social teacher Inspector PDN


Attract "difficult" students to public work, to classes in associations additional education


Social teacher

Deputy. Director of BP

Cool leaders

Carry out control over the performance and attendance of school students


Social teacher

Parental meetings with representatives of the police, court, prosecutors dedicated to duties and responsibilities




Social teacher.

Cool leaders

Helping children from disadvantaged and low-income families in individual employment on vacation.


Social teacher

Deputy. Director of BP

Inspector PDN

Specialists of the CZN

Conducting days of legal knowledge with the participation of representatives of the ROVD, courts, traffic police, CPDN and ZP, ROO

1 time in a quarter

Social teacher

Deputy. Director of BP

ROVD, CPDN and SP, Court, Prosecutor's Office, ROO

Spend the days of legal conversations

1 time in a quarter

Social teacher


Conducting the survey, classroom hours, school activities for the prevention of drug addiction, tobacocuria, alcoholism

according to the plans of class managers

Social teacher-


Cool leaders

Conducting conversations, lectures:

Criminal, administrative responsibility of juvenile "

From drunkenness to a crime one step "

Misconduct, offense, crime "

Dangerous games





Social teacher

Deputy. Director of BP

Inspector PDN

Inspector traffic police

Conducting a final game of traffic rules for students elementary school


Deputy Address

Analysis of the work of the school on the prevention of offenses and crimes

May, December.

School administration, Inspectors of PDN, CPDN and ZP

Analysis of the work of the school to prevent road traffic injuries

May, December.

School administration, traffic police inspector

Analysis of the work of the school on the prevention of bad habits.

May, December.

School administration, Inspector PDN, CRH

I approve agreed by approving

head Physician Muses Deputy Chairman KDNISP Head of Department

Gornozavodskaya CRH Gornozavodsky Municipal District Education Administration

V.T. Roman ___________________ L.V. Shurov Gornozavodsky Municipal District

F.I. Popovich

Interdepartmental work plan

Management of education and MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CRH"

on the prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction and toxicization

for 2012 - 2013 academic year

p / P.









Development and adoption of an inter-agency plan for the joint activities of the Department of Education and Muses "Gornozavodskaya CRH" on the prevention of alcoholism, toxicizing, drug addiction among juvenile.

Until October 10, 2012

Department of Education,

MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CRH"


The organization and conduct of special preventive measures aimed at preventing the spread of psychoactive substances among minors inclined to use alcoholic beverages, toxic, psychotropic substances, narcotic drugs.


Department of Education,

MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CRH",

with the attraction of PDN


Anonymous survey of students aged from 14 to 18 years (with 100% coverage) on the distribution and facts of drug trafficking

September October

Department of Education

educational institutions,

MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CRH"


Interdepartmental conference

"Correctional - rehabilitation methods of working with children in a difficult life situation."


Department of Education

MBOU TSPPMP "Consonance"


Competition Agitbrigad

"For a healthy lifestyle!"


Department of Education

Maou Doda "House of Children's Creativity"

general Education


Weekly accounting for children,passing classes B. general educational institutions No good reason to organize preventive work.


General education



Sales educational programs additional education for children, aimed at the prevention of alcohol, drug and substance abuse, the preservation of health and healthy lifestyles


Department of Education

educational institutions of additional education


Attracting children and adolescents in mugs, sections of various focus


Management of education, cultural institutions, sports


Conducting health days on the database of Dole. Sasha Chekalina, in general educational institutions.



general Education


Carrying out actions against drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking among young people, dedicated to

World HIV Fighting Day

infection and AIDS

World Day Fighting

drug addict

World Day without tobacco

World Children's Day


Department of Education,

educational institutions of the area

MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CRH"


Distribution among students educational institutions leaflets, memos, "combat sheets" with anti-drug, anti-alcohol content.

During the school year

Management of education, educational institutions of the district

MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CRH"


Conducting days of drug preventionand toxicizing educational institutions

During the school year

with the involvement of all subjects of prevention


The development of children's and youth volunteer movements in educational institutions to promote healthy lifestyles and prevention of anti-social behavior of students.

During a year

Department of Education,

educational institutions MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CRH"


Holding sports events, competitions, fun starts, coolhours, preventive conversations in educational institutions under the slogan"For a healthy lifestyle"

During the school year

Department of Education,

educational institutions;

MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CRH"


Organization of summer recreation and employment of minors, founded in a difficult life situation ("Risk group", SOP). Organization of the LDP, LTO, summer trips - alloys camp day and night stay based on DOOL them. Sasha Chekalina and others.

June August

Department of Education, MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CRH"


The implementation of public awareness through the newspaper "News", the site management site, sites of educational institutions on the work on the prevention of alcoholism,drug addiction and toxicizing among minors, counteracting drug trafficking, alcohol and alcohol-containing products

During a year

Education management

educational institutions

MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CBD"


Organization of coursework, conducting seminars for social teachers, class managers.

During a year

Department of Education


Speech with lectures on the subject of harm to alcoholism, drug addiction, toxicization and tobacco-class students for students of grades 6-8 and 9-11 classes of schools in Gornozavodsk and the Area (with a show of video materials according to the relevant subject)

during the school year


Speech by parental meetings With conversations for the prevention of narcological diseases, in the early detection of adolescents who use surfactants

1 time in the quarter

Psychiatrist doctor - Narcologist MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CRH"


Meetings with directors and pedagogical collective of educational institutions of the district for the prevention of alcoholism, drug abuse and identify underage drinkers and drugs

1 time in the quarter

Education management

MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CBR"


Carrying out individual preventive work (conversation) with families and children "at risk", located in the SOP, homeless, street children, children with behavioral disorders

during the school year

Psychiatrist doctor - Narcologist MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CRH"


Organization of individual work on preventing the use of surfactants with minors (personal appeals)

during the school year

MBOU TSPPMP "Consonance"


Program for the development of communicative skills and cohesion of the team "Five Steps to Success" for students 11 - 14 years old MBOU "SOSH №1" Gornosavodsk

During the school year

MBOU TSPPMP "Consonance"




Work of the psychological service "Phone Trust" (tel. Services 44939)

during the school year

MBOU TSPPMP "Consonance"


Report on the implementation of the Inter-Ministerial Plan for the prevention of alcohol, drug and substance abuse Department of Education and Drug Service MUZ "Gornozavodsk CRH" at the meeting KDNiZP.

September 2013

Department of Education, MBUZ "Gornozavodskaya CRH"

Complex interdepartmental plan for individual preventive work on the family
living ____________________,
in a socially dangerous position for the period
from 12/16/2014 to 12/16/2015

P / p Content of work Responsible time execution
1 Study of the state of affairs in the family. A visit to the family to explore the living conditions of juvenile. Social teacher MKOU SOSH № ___,
Cool leaders,
Specialist Czcuso "Center social assistance Families and children on ___________ "
Inspector OND OMVD of Russia per month
2 Implementation of the FZ of the Russian Federation "On Education in Russian Federation»,
Control over visiting classes at school and homework.
Daily accounting visits to students. Deputy Director MKOU SOSH on UVA,
Cool leaders
social teacher
3 Preventive conversations from _______________ On the need to strengthen the control over the current time of children, about the responsibility for the education and training of children. Cool leaders,
social teacher,
Specialist Clamp "Center for Social Assistance Family and Children on ____________"
Inspector of ODN OMVD of Russia at times in a quarter, or as needed
4 Individual work with students to assist in learning. Teacher subject
Cool leaders daily
5 Assistance in the organization of leisure.
Attracting into sports sections in ODO.
Attracting minor students to participate in class and general school events. Teachers of Physical Culture MKOU SOSH No. ______,
Cool leaders
September, October, 2014 during the school year

6 control over the hour of teenagers. Conversations with students, __________________ Class leaders,
Social teacher January - June, September - December 2015
7 Attracting for preventive conversations of services of services and departments of the prevention system.
A visit to the family. Specialist Concurrent "Center for Social Assistance of the Family and Children on _________"
Inspector OND OMVD of Russia once a month,

Of necessity
8 Ensuring juvenile children with free health trips in the sanatorium and children's wellness camps Irkutsk region. Complex Center for Social Social Services June - August
9 Provision of social, psychological and material assistance. Umbroid on ________________ January - December 2015.
10 Medical care.
Control over the timely appeal to the children's clinic for medical examination. OGBUZ "____________ District Hospital" as needed.
January - December 2015
11 Providing coding services __________________ from alcohol addiction. OGBUZ "___________ District Hospital"
Oppzo "Center for Social Assistance of the Family and Children on _________________" February - March
Director of MKOU SOSH N: ____________________________
Chairman of the CDN and ZP administration: __________________________________
OGBUZ "__________ District Hospital"
Oppsis "Center for Social Assistance of the Family and Children on _________________"
Umbroid at ___________________
ONS OMVD of Russia on ______________________
Complex Center for Social Services of the Population ________________________

Individual Preventive Work Plan with Family
Kozlova Gilina Viktorovna
Residential R.P. Yurts, ul. Youth, 13-3.

P / p- modeling of work Responsible time execution
1 Study of the state of affairs in the family. A visit to the family to explore the living conditions of juvenile. Social teacher MKOU SOSH №17 R.P. Yurts Shischey E.G.,
Cool leader Glushkova E.I.,
Specialist Tzuscho "Center for Social Assistance of the Family and Children in Taiš district" Pastukhova T.OO,
Inspector OND OMVD of Russia in Taishetsky district times a quarter, if necessary
2 daily attendance accounting underage Deputy Director MKOU School №17 RP Yurts on the UGR Kochergin I.G.,
Cool leader Glushkova E.I.,
Social teacher MKOU SOSH №17 R.P. Yurts Shischee E.G. Daily
3 Preventive conversations with Galina Viktorovna about the need to enhance control over the current time of children, responsibility for the education and training of children. Cool leader Glushkova E.I.,
Social teacher Shumsky EG,
Specialist Claus "Center for Social Assistance of Family and Children for Taiški district" Pastukhova T.O.
Inspector of the OND OMVD of Russia in Tayshetsky district times in a quarter, or as needed
4 Assistance in leisure organization.
Attracting a minor in ODO, to participate in school events. Classy leader Glushkova E.I., Pedagogues of ODO
During the school year

5 Attracting for prophylactic conversations of services and departments of the prevention system.
A visit to the family. Specialist Tzuscho "Center for Social Assistance of the Family and Children in Taiš district" Pastukhova T.OO,
Inspector OND OMVD of Russia in Tayshetsky district once a month,
During preventive raids,
Of necessity
6 Providing minor free wellness jacks in the sanatorium and children's health camps of the Irkutsk region. Integrated Center for Social Services of the Population of Taishet and Taucher District June - August
7 Provision of social, psychological and material assistance. Umbroid in Taiš district January - December 2016.
8 Provision of medical care.
Control over the timely appeal to the children's clinic for medical examination. OGBUZ "Taucher District Hospital" as needed.

Applied files


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