Energy saving at the enterprise is the time of an efficient approach to resources. Ways to save resources. What you can save your family budget on Message modern saving methods

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1. Ways and ways of saving raw materials, fuel and energy resources, their economic efficiency

Material resources are one of the main factors of production. They form the material composition of the manufactured products, and to one degree or another ensure the production process. In turn, the products meet the needs and requirements of society. Therefore, the welfare of society depends on how material resources are used, how efficient the production process is in terms of material consumption. The transition from an extensive to an intensive type of management inevitably poses the problem of rational and economical consumption of material resources for the economy of any state.

The main directions of the rational use of raw materials and fuel and energy resources include:

improving the structure of the fuel and fuel and energy balance;

more thorough and high-quality preparation of raw materials for their direct use at industrial enterprises;

correct organization of transportation and storage of raw materials and fuel; t - avoiding losses and quality deterioration;

complex use of raw materials;

chemicalization of production;

use of production waste;

secondary use of raw materials.

The various types of mineral and organic raw materials used in industry, as a rule, require appropriate training. For this purpose, various types of primary processing of raw materials are used, which have their own characteristics in each industry.

The main types of primary processing of raw materials include:

enrichment of raw materials (ore in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, coal in coke production);

preliminary cleaning and standardization of raw materials (cotton, wool in the textile industry);

canning (meat, fish, fruits, vegetables in the food industry);

drying, aging (wood in the woodworking industry).

Enrichment is a type of primary processing of raw materials, which consists in the selection of products suitable for further technically possible and economically feasible processing or use - Enrichment allows:

remove harmful impurities from it;

separate the minerals from each other.

As a result of raw material enrichment, two main products are obtained: concentrate and waste (tailings). Currently, more than 95% of mined non-ferrous and rare metals, most of iron ores, almost all phosphorites, asbestos and granite ores, more than 40% of coal is used for beneficiation.

The economic feasibility of enrichment is as follows:

the raw material base of the industry is expanding;

the subsequent processing of raw materials into a finished product becomes cheaper;

improving the quality of finished products;

reduced transportation costs for the transportation of raw materials from the place of extraction to the place of its processing;

the need for vehicles is reduced and the efficiency of their use is increased.

The dynamics of the efficiency of material consumption and the level of material consumption of products are formed under the influence of numerous factors, driving forces, causes of a particular process, which determine its nature.

Their classification is based on the grouping into external and internal (intra-production) factors, as well as the division into factors of a technical, technological, organizational and economic nature.

External factors include:

1. State regulation of resource conservation - state programming; tax system; pricing system; depreciation policy; financial and credit policy; standardization. A significant role in the implementation of the state resource-saving policy is played by programs for the technical development of industries and industries, the creation and implementation of low- and zero-waste technologies, etc. To implement them and stimulate enterprises to rational use of material resources, the state uses certain financial levers. An important place also belongs to the consolidation in the standards of the limit values \u200b\u200bof the material consumption of products.

Market conditions - supply and prices for material resources (play an important role in the formation of the production program of the enterprise); demand and prices for the company's products (predetermine the range of products); level< транспортно-заготовительных расходов (влияет на выбор поставщиков); конкуренция (оказывает влияние при принятии решений в области ассортимента, качества, ценовой политики и т.д.).

Scientific and technical development - is expressed in the emergence of new materials (rolled products with specified properties, "new structural materials, etc.); new technologies (waste-free, closed production cycle, etc.); new technology (with increased material utilization rates); new energy sources; new knowledge.

General economic factors - affect the strategy of the enterprise in the chain and, as a result, the process of using material resources. This is the economic situation in the country; state regulation of the economy as a whole; the state of the infrastructure of the national economy, etc.

Other factors - environmental (environmental pollution, depletion of mineral resources); natural and climatic (the influence of temperature, humidity on the consumption of material resources during the construction of buildings and structures, the consumption of fuel and energy resources; the need to protect against adverse environmental influences); political, etc.

Internal factors are nothing more than a reaction to the influence of external factors. However, it is the internal factors that determine the direct level of use of material resources at the enterprise.

Technical factors manifest themselves at the design stage and have an impact on reducing the consumption of certain types of material resources per unit of production and improving the quality and technical characteristics of products. In this group, we include the factors associated with the improvement of the designs of the products already available in the range of the enterprise:

reducing the absolute and (or) specific weight of the product - the choice of a progressive type of machines; improvement of kinematic schemes of machines; increase in unit power, productivity, etc. machinery and equipment; selection of the most rational maherif_ligYa ^ 1; establishment of optimal safety margins; selection of the most rational type of blanks; determination of the optimal geometry of parts, replacement of complex configurations with simpler ones ;, the use of standardized parts and assemblies; improving the quality, reliability and durability of machines;

improving the quality of consumed materials - the use of high-strength grades of materials, low-alloy steels, economical rolled profiles, welded structures made of rolled stock, section cold-drawn metal, rolled steel made of evacuated steel, etc .;

replacement of expensive and scarce materials - replacement of rolled ferrous metals with aluminum, magnesium and other light alloys; replacement of non-ferrous and ferrous metals and alloys with plastics; replacement of non-ferrous metals and alloys with cermets; the use of wood plastics, fiberglass and other substitutes; use of secondary resources.

Technological factors act at the stage of manufacturing products, leading to a decrease in waste and loss of materials. These include:

introduction of new equipment with improved technical characteristics, modernization and reconstruction of the existing one aimed at increasing the utilization rates of materials, reducing waste and losses, etc .;

the introduction of advanced material-saving technologies - the use of precision casting methods (instead of manufacturing from rolled stock), hot stamping (instead of open-die forging), cold and hot heading (instead of chip removal), production of blanks and parts by powder metallurgy, etc .;

introduction of methods of hardening technology - surface hardening; progressive methods of coating (paint and varnish, metal, plastic, etc.);

improving the methods of manufacturing and processing parts - rational cutting of materials (the use of photo-optical marking, the use of multiple and dimensional materials and blanks); approximation of blanks to the shape and dimensions of finished parts; reduction of machining allowances;

increasing the level of mechanization and automation of production.

Many organizational and economic factors affect the level of consumption of material resources not directly, but through constructive, technological and innovative factors, that is, they can manifest themselves both in the design process and in the production process.

Organizational factors are aimed at improving the structure and organization of production in order to increase the efficiency of material consumption. These include:

improving the organization of production - increasing the level of specialization, cooperation and combination; complex use of raw materials; organization of collection, sorting and use of waste,

improving the system of rationing the consumption of material resources;

improving the accounting of the actual use of material resources;

improvement of the system of providing material resources - improving methods for calculating the need for material resources, stock rates, etc .; quality control of materials, completeness of supplies, etc.; elimination of losses during transportation; rational organization of storage facilities and elimination of losses of material resources during storage; ensuring the continuity of the production process;

improvement of quality control of blanks and products in order to prevent rejects;

structural shifts in product output;

composition, movement and qualifications of personnel.

Economic factors determine the creation of conditions

contributing to the rationalization of the process of using material resources at the enterprise. In fact, these are the conditions for the successful implementation of constructive, technological, innovative and organizational factors. Economic factors include:

a system of economic (moral and material) incentives for employees - incentives for designers and designers for the development of progressive models of machines, reducing their weight, improving quality and performance, using substitutes for scarce materials, etc .; stimulation of basic and auxiliary workers, maintenance and administrative personnel for saving materials and fuel and energy resources; stimulating workers to increase the use of waste and secondary resources;

a system of economic responsibility for the irrational use of material resources - increasing the material responsibility of performers for excessive consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, water, for disruption of the technological process, admission of defects in work, etc .;

the economic state of the enterprise - in conditions when enterprises independently manage the profits obtained, an important factor in increasing the efficiency of material consumption is the effectiveness of the enterprise. Successful production and economic activity allows the enterprise to pay enough attention and funds to the rational and economical use of material resources (R&D, purchase of new equipment, improvement of technologies, material incentives, etc.).

Actions aimed at increasing the efficiency of material consumption should be taken, first of all, in the primary production link - at the enterprise. A more economical and rational use of materials at specific enterprises will ultimately lead to the desired result at the level of the national economy.

An important condition for increasing the efficiency of using raw materials and materials, fuel and energy is the availability of an effective economic mechanism for resource conservation. The experience of economically developed countries shows that the greatest results in the field of rational and economical material consumption were achieved by those where resource-saving policy is one of the priorities of the state.

Of course, the transition to resource-saving reproduction requires a comprehensive rationalization of the use of resources (labor, material, financial, intellectual, information), the structural restructuring of production taking into account the real needs of the domestic and foreign markets, the introduction of scientific and technological progress, the latest management methods, analysis and forecast a combination of state-administrative and market methods of management, state and municipal support and regulation of resource conservation when using legally established incentives and sanctions.

2. Methodology for determining the standards of payment for permissible emissions (discharges) of pollutants into the environment and the standards of payment for exceeding them

Payment for the use of natural resources is established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection" in 1991 (Article 20.)

The fee is charged for emissions and discharges of pollutants, waste disposal and other types of pollution. Payment for environmental pollution refers to mandatory payments. The payers of this fee are enterprises, institutions, organizations, legal entities and individuals carrying out any types of activities on the territory of the Russian Federation related to the use of natural resources.

The procedure for calculating and applying payment standards is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and is carried out in accordance with the "Instructional and methodological guidelines for the collection of payments for environmental pollution".

To calculate the amount of payments, it is necessary to know the amount of waste sent to landfill, emissions into the atmosphere and water bodies, and the basic standards of payment. The maximum permissible quantities (limits) of pollutants and waste are established in permits issued by the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the Russian Federation.

If the actual volumes at the end of the year exceed the established limits, then the payment for the excess volumes will be charged 5 times. If there is no permission, i.e. no limits have been set, the 5-fold coefficient is applied to the entire actual volume of pollutants and waste. The current regulations provide for the payment of several types of environmental payments.

These include:

Payment for emissions of pollutants (including from stationary and mobile sources);

Payment for discharges of pollutants into water bodies;

Waste disposal fee;

Payment for other types of harmful effects on the environment.

The determination of the specific amounts of these payments depends on the volume of emission (discharge) of the pollutant and the volume of waste disposed (hereinafter referred to as pollution). It should be borne in mind that the basic rates of payment and specific rates of payment established on their basis in the regions are determined not only by the types of pollutants, but also depending on whether the pollution has occurred within the established standards or with their excess. Two types of basic payment standards have been established for each type of pollutant (waste), taking into account the degree of harmful impact and danger to the environment and public health:

a) for emissions, discharges of pollutants, waste disposal, other types of harmful effects within the limits of permissible standards;

b) for emissions, discharges of pollutants, waste disposal, other types of harmful effects within the established limits (temporarily agreed standards).

raw fuel processing emissions

3. Calculation of environmental payments

The amount of environmental payments is determined as the sum of payments for pollution: within the established standards for emissions, discharges of pollutants, as well as for excess environmental pollution. At the same time, coefficients have been set for the basic rates of payment for individual economic regions and river basins. They take into account various environmental factors and the importance of the territories.

Payments for air emissions

The basic standards of payment for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources have been established. The fee depends on the amount of harmful substances emitted. In this regard, rates of payment for emissions exceeding the maximum permissible standard and not exceeding the temporarily agreed emissions, that is, being within the established limits, have been introduced.

The fee for air pollution from stationary emission sources consists of:

* fees for permissible air emissions,

* fees for emissions within the limit and

* fees (penalties) for emissions exceeding the limits.

Payment for the disposal of production and consumption waste

Waste disposal fee consists of:

* fees for waste disposal within the established limits,

* fees for excess waste disposal subject to the conditions of placement and

* fees (sanctions) for unauthorized waste disposal.

To find out how much to pay for the disposal of waste, it is also necessary to determine a differentiated rate for each type of waste within the established limits. It is calculated on the basis of the basic rates of payment for waste disposal, taking into account the reduction factors and the coefficient established for the soil of a particular economic region of the Russian Federation. Then the differentiated rate of payment for each type of waste is multiplied by the amount of actually disposed waste.

Paying for emissions from mobile sources

Payments for air pollution from mobile sources are calculated based on the rates of charges for emissions of pollutants when burning 1 ton (thousand cubic meters) of various types of fuel. The basic rates of payment for permissible emissions of Pln l bases when burning a unit of fuel of the l-th type have been established.

Differentiated rates of pollution charges are calculated as the product of the basic rates of payment by the coefficients of the ecological situation and significance for the atmosphere of the region under consideration. At present, the basic standards of payment for air pollution from mobile sources have been established when using the following types of fuel:

1) Unleaded gasoline, in rubles / t.

2) Diesel fuel, in rubles / t.

3) Kerosene, in rubles / t.

4) Compressed natural gas, in rubles / thousand m3.

5) Liquefied gas, in rubles / t.

If there is no data on the amount of fuel consumed, the payment is determined at the rates established per 1 ton of fuel burned. If there is no such data, but there is reliable information on the emissions of pollutants, then the calculations are made based on the rates for stationary sources. In the absence of data on both the amount of fuel consumed and the mass of emissions, the fee is determined at the rates of the annual payment for emissions per vehicle.

When drawing up the calculation of payments for emissions of pollutants into the air from mobile sources, users of natural resources must select the fuel consumption (liters) per year based on accounting data. Liters must be converted into tons, since the rate of payment established in the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the standards of payment for emissions of pollutants into the air from stationary and mobile sources, discharges of pollutants into surface and underground water bodies, disposal of production and consumption waste" is determined per unit of measurement in tons.

Responsibility for non-payment of environmental payments

RF Law "On Environmental Protection" (No. 7-FZ - 2002)

Art. 3. Basic principles of environmental protection

Economic and other activities ... of legal entities and individuals that have an impact on the environment should be carried out on the basis of the following principles: ... payment for the use of natural resources and compensation for environmental damage; ...

Art. 14. Methods of economic regulation in the field of environmental protection

The methods of economic regulation in the field of environmental protection include: ... setting fees for negative impact on the environment;

Art. 16. Payment for negative impact on the environment

1. The negative impact on the environment is paid. Forms of payment for negative impact on the environment are determined by federal laws.

2. The types of negative impact on the environment include:

emissions of pollutants and other substances into the atmospheric air;

Disposal of production and consumption waste; - environmental pollution with noise, heat, electromagnetic, ionizing and other types of physical influences; ...

3. The procedure for calculating and collecting payments for negative environmental impact is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Government Decree No. 632 of August 28, 1992 (as amended on December 10, 2002) "On approval of the Procedure for determining the payment and its maximum size for environmental pollution, waste disposal, and other types of harmful effects." In accordance with the Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2002 No. 284-O, this Resolution ... remains in force and is subject to application by courts, other bodies and officials, as not contradicting the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

This procedure applies to enterprises, institutions, organizations, foreign legal entities and individuals carrying out any types of activities on the territory of the Russian Federation related to nature management (hereinafter referred to as nature users), and provides for the collection of fees for the following types of harmful effects on the environment:

Discharge of pollutants into surface and underground water bodies;

Waste disposal

Other types of harmful effects (noise, vibration, electromagnetic, radiation effects, etc.)

Paying for environmental pollution does not exempt nature users from taking measures for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, as well as full compensation for damage caused to the environment, health and property of citizens, the national economy by environmental pollution, with current legislation.

"Instructional and methodological guidelines for the collection of fees for environmental pollution" (as amended by the Order of the State Committee for Ecology of the Russian Federation of 15.02.2000 N 77)

1. General Provisions:

1.3. The payment for environmental pollution (hereinafter referred to as the pollution fee) is charged from enterprises, institutions, organizations and other legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership on which they are based, including joint ventures with the participation of foreign legal entities and citizens , who have been granted the right to conduct production and economic activities on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as nature users)

1.4. Pollution charges are levied on users of natural resources carrying out the following types of impact on the environment:

Emission of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary and mobile sources;

Discharge of pollutants into surface and underground water bodies, as well as any underground placement of pollutants;

Waste disposal.

2. Principles for determining the basic standards of payment for environmental pollution

2.2. Pollution charge is a form of compensation for economic damage from emissions and discharges of pollutants into the natural environment of the Russian Federation, which reimburses the costs of compensating for the impact of emissions and discharges of pollutants and stimulating the reduction or maintenance of emissions and discharges within the limits of standards, as well as design costs and construction of nature conservation facilities.

2.8. Two types of basic board standards are established:

For emissions, discharges of pollutants, other types of harmful effects within the limits of permissible standards;

For emissions, discharges of pollutants, waste disposal, other types of harmful effects within the established limits (temporarily agreed standards).

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From year to year we exchange our time and energy for money. And they quickly and with enviable regularity leave our wallet, forgetting even to “say goodbye”. The reason for this is not entirely and not always a reasonable attitude towards spending them. Very often we overpay for unnecessary purchases and loans, receive less benefit where we could easily get it in the form of a return of part of the funds to the family budget, pay exorbitant utility bills without trying to minimize costs and refusing to use water-saving devices, economical household appliances , energy efficient lamps.

But it is sometimes not at all difficult to streamline your financial life and save at least part of the money spent, which flows freely from the family budget. Take this simple example. How much do you think you can save a year by brushing your teeth? Let's make simple calculations. When brushing our teeth with constantly pouring water (this procedure takes an average of 3 minutes), we pour about 25 liters of water into the pipe. Provided that we brush our teeth twice a day, 18,250 liters (50 liters x 365 days) are consumed per year, which is 18.25 cubic meters (1 cubic meter \u003d 1000 liters of water).

To visualize the daily water consumption more clearly, you can draw the following analogy. If you were a resident of a village in which there is no other way to provide yourself with water, other than to bring it from a well in buckets, even if you spent 20 liters, you would have to make the way to the well (there and back), pull it out of it manually and bring it home 2 buckets of water. And if, for example, the monthly water consumption is 20 cubic meters, you would have to go to the well 1000 times. The figure is impressive.

Residents of city apartments, of course, do not need to perform such feats. But to try at least once, many of us would not hurt. Probably, after such a practical experience, the process of realizing the need to save water would have accelerated significantly.

With housing and communal services tariffs in our region (135.87 rubles per cubic meter of hot water and 27.41 rubles per cubic meter of cold water), provided that the water from both taps is consumed in the same volume, you can save 1,485.8 rubles per year (9 , 1 m³ x 135.87 rubles + 9.1 m³ x 27.41 rubles). And if a family, say, consists of 4 people, this is almost 6,000 rubles a year.

The amount is impressive. And this money can be spent on something useful and enjoyable for the whole family. It is enough to perform one simple action: when you brush your teeth, you need to turn on the water only at the beginning and at the end of the morning hygiene procedure. Better yet, rinse your mouth with water from a glass. This amount is quite enough. And this is just one of the most basic ways to save water.

  • The habit of basking in the bathroom instead of a shower leads to a consumption of 140-160 liters of water instead of 30-50 liters, respectively.
  • 10-16 liters flow from an open tap per minute. 25 liters of water is drained into the pipe in 5 minutes when scrubbing in the shower or while shaving. Daily use of such procedures wastes more than 9000 liters of water per year. With a water tariff in my region, you get about 250 rubles. And that's just for cold water.
  • Up to 144 liters per day can flow out of a faulty current tap, and up to 5000 liters per month.
  • From a dripping tap, up to 24 liters per day flows into the pipe, and more than 700 liters per month.
  • One flush of the toilet bowl consumes up to 9 liters.
  • With a leaking toilet cistern, more than 250 liters are wasted per day, and up to 8000 liters per month.

How to reduce water consumption with modern faucets and water-saving attachments?

There are many ways to save water (we have already written about some of them), and constantly growing tariffs for housing and communal services encourage us to look for new effective opportunities. It was this circumstance that forced our family, along with using the simplest ways of saving, to start looking for new solutions to this problem.

An additional impetus was the fact that our family moved to a permanent place of residence in another city, to a new spacious apartment. The joy of the move was somewhat overshadowed by the numbers in the first utility bill received. And naturally there was a desire to somehow reduce them. Above all, the focus has been on saving water. In addition, based on personal experience, the consumption of this resource is most easily optimized through reasonable consumption.

This time, our efforts were focused on technical issues, namely the possibilities of using modern economical household appliances and special devices, which, according to experts, can reduce water consumption by 50-70%. But, before putting into practice the plan to re-equip my house, I had to work hard, studying the technical characteristics of various devices and the possibility of using them in the conditions of my apartment.

Which mixer should you choose?

There are various types of faucets on the market that help to save from 30 to 50% of water. In any case, this is evidenced by the reviews of their owners and the calculations of experts. Of course, in order to implement this method of reducing water consumption, certain costs are required, which, as a rule, pay off quickly. Although some models (for example, sensor mixers, mixers with sensors) cannot be called budgetary.

Mixer with one lever

It is more expedient to install a conventional mixer with one lever in the kitchen and in the bath instead of the outdated model with two levers (hot and cold water mixes in such taps more slowly, which leads to higher consumption). Trying to set the optimum temperature, you have to turn the taps for about a minute. During this time, up to 8 liters of water are drained into the sewer. If the mixer has one lever, the temperature regulation is faster. And it is much more convenient to do it.

Mixer with aerator

Without delving into the technical aspect of the issue, we can say that thanks to the aerator, modern mixer models are able to create a water flow with good pressure at a relatively low water flow rate - 5-8 liters per minute (at a water consumption rate under normal conditions of 13-15 liters per minute) ... Many modern mixer models are equipped with such a device. And this makes the choice much easier.

Technical household innovations are not only convenient, attractive and reliable, but also allow us not to spend too much. Such models are constantly appearing on the market. There are plenty to choose from. You can find your way around in time, get acquainted with new products, find out a lot of useful information about smart devices that allow you to reduce utility costs, choose something suitable for yourself from a variety of ergonomic devices with different designs and functionality, you can find out on specialized resources.

By the way, we'll talk about that another time. I hope you find the information useful. Until then ...

Economics has the status of a scientific discipline, where many methods of scientific and practical research are combined.

Scientific abstraction method or associative methods

Like any scientific discipline, for example, mathematics, in economics there are a number of generally accepted scientific abstractions, axioms, theorems that are accepted without proof for the purposes of scientific research.

The option closest to everyday life is the theoretical justification (assumption) that each economic agent - a business, a household, or an individual consumer - is a rationally acting subject. Those. it is assumed that the entrepreneur always strives to increase profits (which was well described in the work of K. Marx "Capital"), and that, for example, a buyer or trader in the stock market seeks to make a rational decision from all options.

Despite the fact that practice also proves some irrationality of behavior (“lemmings effect” or crowd), nevertheless, scientific abstraction in economics helps to create a set of universal models for analyzing the behavior of economic agents in a particular economic system.

Integration and Differentiation Method (or Induction and Deduction Method)

This method is based on the study of a general phenomenon on the basis of a particular event, or vice versa, the study of a particular phenomenon on the basis of a larger one. This allows you to study economic systems, for example, the behavior of an individual as a consumer in the market, based on the analysis of the behavior of a group or segment of consumers (analysis of a reference group).

Similarly, if you apply such methods to the financial market, then judging by how the general stock exchange index behaves, you can draw certain conclusions about how the economy of the entire country functions. Or, on the contrary, according to how the exchange rate of a particular country behaves, it is possible by deduction to predict and analyze the work of a particular business - for example, to study the dynamics of the balance of payments of export-import companies.

Method of historical research and analogies

In economics, as in science, the method of comparing past events with present is used very often. For example, all economic crises, starting with the history of tulip mania, have a certain development algorithm that repeats in historical retrospective. This is a good scientific basis for research, the result of which can be the ability to predict the onset of new crises and their main parameters.

Methods of statistical processing of information

Economics, as a science, deals with a huge amount of data, which include factors in the development of large and small economic systems - from the study of the dynamics of consumer preferences and the size of lending to individual households and ending with studies of the parameters of the budget of a particular country.

Collection, analysis and preparation of ready-made solutions used in economics is based on statistical processing of information using special econometric models. They allow you to systematize the amount of information, filter random events and give the researcher a probabilistic outcome of events.

From a purely practical point of view, for example, in the financial market, a trader or investor is also studying the statistics of the number of exits of the price level of an asset (stock, bond or currency) above (below) a certain level.

Modeling processes in the economy

Modeling in economics occurs in the same way as it is used in theoretical physics or mechanics, when a model of a certain complexity is created to study a process, sometimes in the form of a set of mathematical functions.

In economics, a large arsenal of such mathematical models is used, ranging from a Monte Carlo-type model to complex systems of hundreds of equations. Such modeling is often used not only in macroeconomics, but also in purely practical areas, for example, in insurance, where there are special models for analyzing the occurrence of certain insured events.

Graphical analysis methods

Since economics, as a science, deals with processes taking place in a certain space and time, then naturally the question arises of the analogy of these events with cyclical or wave events. Any economic system, be it the country's economy as a whole, the business of an individual enterprise or the price of a share on the stock market, develops in a certain cyclical sequence. So the share price cannot grow indefinitely, as the economy of any country experiences growth and decline phases (crises). Accordingly, for such a cyclic (wave) analysis, graph-analytical methods are used.

As the world's population continues to increase and natural resources are depleted, in the near future, humanity may face challenges related to the production of energy, food and clean water. But the advances in science and the emergence of new technologies, on the one hand, simple, on the other, amazing, provide new opportunities and sources of resources.

Of all African countries, Ethiopia is particularly affected by water scarcity. Women with children from villages have to travel long distances to get drinking water, which in most cases is very muddy and contaminated with waste from livestock and other animals. The Warka unit is an innovative solution developed by two Italian engineers based on the simple principle of collecting water from the air by condensation.

The structure, 9 meters high and weighing 60 kg, consists of a cage made of bamboo and special polymeric materials, and collects water droplets. The unit can be assembled and installed by 4 people in a couple of hours. The structure is able to collect up to 100 liters of water per day without effort. From the Ethiopian language, “warka” means a wild fig tree that grows in the country and is a symbol of fertility and generosity. In 2015, there are plans to install similar catchment towers in several villages across the country. Surprisingly, a simple, cheap and elegant design can solve a major problem.

9. Energy Tower

The “Energy Tower” is based on the principle opposite to the operation of a cyclonic aerothermal power plant. Instead of heating the air at the surface of the earth and lifting it up, the air cools at the top and sinks down. To achieve this result, scientists spray water, creating a rain effect. The air is cooled by the evaporation of water. Since cold air is heavier than warm air, it quickly sinks downward, launching turbines at the base of the tower, which generate electricity.

Strategically, such a tower should be up to 1,000 m in height, which is 3 times higher than the Empire State Building and 20% higher than the tallest structures in the world. But it is relatively cheap despite its size and will work effectively in hot climates near a water source. In addition to generating electricity, the tower will be able to save 50% on the cost of desalting water from the sewage system of cities that are near the tower. Up to 160,000 tonnes of fish can be raised in the seawater pools next to the tower, and the cold and humid air could partially affect the region's climate, which will be conducive to agricultural development. However, over time, salts and other sedimentary substances will hinder the operation of the turbines.

The energy consumption of traditional home refrigerators, even the most economical models, is up to 8% of the electricity bill. Since the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe refrigerator in 1748 and the first prototypes in the 1920s, its technology hasn't changed much in recent times. Outwardly, they are radically different, but they still work on chemicals that are harmful to health.

However, in 2010 at the Electrolux Desin Lab competition, Russian engineer Yuri Dmitriev presented the idea of \u200b\u200bthe refrigerator of the future. Instead of the usual body, the food is stored in a special biopolymer gel that absorbs heat from the food and generates light. There is no motor in the refrigerator, 90% of the volume is completely used for storing food. The refrigerator is available in a variety of shapes and sizes, as there are no doors or shelves. It will be possible to place the refrigerator even on the ceiling if desired. So far, the idea has not been implemented, since there are no technologies yet that can ensure the operation of such a refrigerator, but it shows what refrigerators can become in 2050.

More than 50 million landmines remain in the ground in countries such as Angola, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Mozambique - the epicenter of military conflicts. People still lose their arms and legs due to hidden danger. To neutralize one mine, it is necessary to spend up to $ 1,200, and since there are about 20 million of them in Angola, it is necessary to spend $ 24 billion on demining.

Massoud Hassani, a former Afghan engineer and refugee, has designed a low-budget device. The weight of the structure is 70 kg. It is a device heavy enough to activate a land mine, but light enough to be moved by the wind. Outwardly, the structure, made of bamboo and biodegradable plastic, resembles a dandelion, and moves like a tumbleweed. In one trip, the device can neutralize 3-4 mines, until complete self-destruction. The cost of the construction is $ 40.

Mine Kafon is designed with built-in GPS to locate the device and its route, which is necessary to create a map of mine-free areas. Nevertheless, the project is still under development and has some drawbacks, among which, for example: the inability to defuse every mine that comes along the way; the surface should be relatively flat - without depressions, hills and vegetation. Hassani is aware of these shortcomings and says that future generations of the device will be equipped with an electric motor and a metal detector to keep out a single mine.

An airgel is a solid material made from a silica gel by removing all of the liquid, but the molecular structure itself remains intact. It is composed of 99.98% air, making it extremely lightweight but fragile. The material is capable of supporting 4,000 times its own weight, but can easily break if slightly bent.

Today it is used in space engineering and research, to collect cometary dust, and as an insulating material. Scientists are trying to improve the strength and resistance of the airgel to various types of external influences in order to expand its practical applications. Airgel, also called “frozen smoke,” can help save heat costs. Since the material consists almost entirely of air, and this is the best insulator, it will help conserve heat inside the room.

It takes a lot of time to prepare a good meal, and traditional foods are high in fat and empty calories and are not very healthy. A group of American enthusiasts tackled the problem of replacing solid food with a mixture of minerals and nutrients necessary for the body. The resulting product with a science fiction name, Soylent, is the equivalent of a balanced diet. Hundreds of people during the experiment lived for several months using it, and felt better than usual. The product is very cheap to prepare, easy to store and especially suitable for busy people. In 2014, a serving of the drink cost $ 3. Such a product can solve the problem of hunger in the world.

Scientists are now working to endow plants with jellyfish and firefly genes that will give them the ability to glow in the dark. The goal of the experiment, despite its strangeness and romance, is to replace street lights in cities and thereby save energy resources. Researchers at the State University of New York are trying to fuse the genes of bioluminescent bacteria and plants so that the cells of the latter can accumulate sunlight. The experiment turned out to be successful, and the scientists obtained a house plant that glows in the dark. By this principle, you can grow trees that will illuminate the streets instead of lanterns.

3. Wave reactor

Nuclear energy is the most effective solution to the energy problem of mankind and the problem of the greenhouse effect. Despite the disasters (Chernobyl 1986 and Fukushima 2011), it is the safest and most environmentally friendly technology. But as long as this technology uses fossil resources, namely uranium-235, there is a problem with their depletion.

Depleted uranium-238 is a byproduct of nuclear fission and is considered a waste that is accumulated or used in the military industry. TerraPower has developed a new type of nuclear reactor that uses depleted uranium, which makes up 99% of all waste from conventional reactors. Today, there are 825,000 tons of this fuel in the United States. This amount is enough to supply America with electricity for 700 years. Despite some open questions related to the operation of the wave reactor and its development, Bill Gates is already interested in the project.

A solar cooker is a cheap and environmentally friendly device that can concentrate the sun's rays using a mirror or metal surface. Compared to conventional stoves, cooking time on solar cookers is only 10-15% longer, but without fuel consumption. In developing countries, where people do not have the opportunity to get full comfort from civilization, such stoves are simply priceless. They eliminate the problem of timber supply, especially in areas with poor forest resources, especially in deserts. The weight of the solar cooker is very small, even a child can lift it.

The main problem with new energy sources such as wind turbines and solar panels is that they require a significant amount of land to install. In addition, such attitudes spoil the landscape. A couple of wind turbines in a field against the background of snow-capped peaks look pretty, but hundreds and thousands of turbines together is not a very pleasant sight. The way out of the situation can be installations floating on the surface of the water far from the coast. In 2014, at the Land Art Generation Initiative (LAGI) competition, artist Felix Chong presented vibrating platforms that are placed on the surface of the sea and accumulate wind energy using special sails. In addition, they are able to store the energy of the ebb and flow with the help of the underwater part of the structure.

Lean attitude to light

Energy saving lamps are an excellent replacement for halogen and incandescent lamps. Is it worth talking about energy savings? Light bulbs are available with warm and cold light.

Windows without curtains and natural light in the bathroom

Sunlight is a powerful source of energy for light and heat during the day. Even in winter, the sun heats up the room, replacing the energy used for heating.

Don't waste water on watering your garden

The best time for watering is in the cool morning and evening hours. During the day, the water quickly evaporates in the sun.

Use old tea and coffee cans

You can grow flowers in these vintage jars. Firstly, this is economy, and secondly, an interesting design that differs from traditional planters and pots.

Shower instead of bath

Showering saves up to 50% water. Whereas a full bath is a clear abuse of water resources. However, we must pay tribute to people who like to "boil" in the bath.

Reuse of tin and glass cans

They can be used in the bathroom, in the kitchen for spices, and even in the study or workshop for all sorts of things.

Bamboo floor

Perhaps the most sustainable natural flooring available. In addition, rare wood species can be compared in beauty. It's superfluous to talk about exoticism.

"Healthy" paint

Even if there is wallpaper on the interior walls, you still have to paint: these are doors, and various surfaces, etc. Natural ecological paints, unlike conventional paints, do not contain solvents, heavy metal salts and volatile organic compounds.

Home temperature control

In summer, attach blinds on the sunny side of windows to avoid overheating, and use an air conditioner or fan to cool.

Do not load the refrigerator with food

In this household appliance, it is also important to maintain temperature balance. It will be broken if you condense it with products.

Unplug unused household appliances from the outlet

Even experts advise turning off the router at night. And it's not just about saving energy, it's also about your health. Obviously, electromagnetic waves are acting, as with a working phone.

No leaks in the bathroom and kitchen

Needless to say, a dripping tap loses up to 10 liters of water per day. Pipes and other communications are also involved in saving water resources.

Environmentally friendly detergents

By replacing ordinary household chemicals with ecological and organic products, you are already saving your health and the environment.

Don't waste precious paper

Replace paper utility bills with electronic ones. Paper is worth its weight in gold, and besides, you shouldn't litter the house.

Do not smoke in rooms

Cigarette smoke eats into walls, things and is harmful to health. Stopping smoking in your home will keep the air clean. Think about the cost of airing and then heating your home.


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